• Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.
  • Interrogation: You will be deceived: Screen zum Spiel Interrogation: You will be deceived.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.12.2019
Zum Shop
Preis Update 20.01.25

Über das Spiel

  • Erforsche komplexe Dialog-Puzzle mit steigendem Schwierigkeitsgrad, um einer furchteinflößenden Verschwörung auf den Grund zu gehen
  • Stelle deine Management-Fähigkeiten unter Beweis, indem du deine Fälle, dein Team, das Budget und das Verhältnis der Polizei zur Öffentlichkeit koordinierst
  • Erreiche eines von mehreren weltbewegenden Enden – wohin werden dich deine Entscheidungen führen?
  • Begegne über 35 komplexen und realistischen Charakteren
  • Tauche in stimmungsvolle Musik und die ausdrucksstarke Noir-Ästhetik ein, deren Grafik auf Material von echten Schauspielern basiert

Auf der Jagd nach der terroristischen Vereinigung namens The Liberation Front musst du dein Team koordinieren um Informationen zu sammeln, dein begrenztes Budget verwalten, sowie dich um Journalisten kümmern, die euch auf der Suche nach einer heißen Story dicht auf den Fersen sind. Aber das ist längst nicht alles.Deine Hauptaufgabe als Chefermittler ist das Verhören von Verdächtigen. Ihren Hintergrund – und dadurch ihre Motive – zu verstehen ist unabdingbar, um sich für die richtige Verhörmethode zu entscheiden. Ob Einschüchterung, Täuschung oder Empathie: Es gibt keine allgemeingültige Lösung – aber die Zeit verrinnt gnadenlos.
Während du die Schlinge um die wahren Schuldigen immer weiter zuziehst und deine Verdächtigen immer widerwilliger werden, gestalten sich die Verhöre zunehmend schwieriger. Enthülle die Wahrheit durch komplexe Gespräche, psychologische Manipulation und andere Verhörtechniken.

Die Liberation Front wird nicht einfach zu zerschlagen sein.

Das Ziel des Spiels
Interrogation: You will be deceived ist ein narrativ-immersives Dialog-Puzzle-Spiel, das herkömmliche Vorstellungen von hochrelevanten aktuellen Themen wie Terrorismus, Polizeigewalt und die ungleiche Machtverteilung zwischen Bürgern, Großkonzernen und dem Staat auf den Prüfstand stellt. Das Spiel tritt mit dem Versuch, wichtige moralische, ideologische und praktische Fragen bei Spielern aufzuwerfen, in die Fußstapfen von Spielen wie „This War of Mine“, „Papers, Please“, „This is the Police“ und „Orwell“.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2.0GHz
  • GFX:
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or newer
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2.0GHz
  • GFX:
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or newer
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

51 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 02:15
es erinnert mich bischen an die serie criminal minds und das habe ich mir immer sehr gewünscht ^^ du musst in die Köpfe der verdächtigen gelangen du musst eben profiling anweden wer allerdings ein guter profiler ist wie ich für den ist es ein bischen zu einfach
481 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.19 16:30
Interessantes Spiel mit großer Leselast, manchmal steht es sich leider etwas selbst im Wege, sodass man in Loops verfällt, bis man die eine richtige Antwort findet. Dennoch ist es unterhaltsam und empfehlenswert, man hat viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten und muss aufmerksam kombinieren.
217 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.19 14:07
I really really love this game. The dialogue is written in such a realistic and human way that I want to get to know everyone I meet. And it makes you think about your own thoughts and biases... I love it so much. You can tell how much thought and care the developers put into it. Definitely recommend this if you like games that make you think (for more than one reason)
1017 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 19:20
Allow me to preface this recommendation by saying that I played the game purely as a visual novel using the built-in story mode. I suck as a detective, cannot remember written text too well and much prefer a good story than a brain-teaser and replaying the same stuff again and again. That being said, the game still enabled some amount of interaction, branching dialogues and decision-making, even if most of it was probably inconsequential. Still, I had a really fun time with the 3 hours I spent engulfed in the game's quite topical story and characters. I am certain the ending might have been quite different (even in story mode) if I acted differently, but I tend to play myself in games like these anyway and have no desire to role-play someone else. I am happy with the ending, happy with my time spent with the game and do recommend it for like-minded very casual players.
708 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 09:18
Unique concept gameplay wise that lives up to its own hype thats largely a triumph of strong writing. Also if you're an ideological scholar or some kind i.e. communism, vs libertarianism etc you'll further enjoy things :)
52 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 17:55
I liked it. The characters were awesome, and the Noir style really helped the atmosphere. VERY IMMERSIVE!

The times that I was under time limit really made me feel the pressure in interrogating the suspects, that I actually ended up beating up one or two witnesses just to scare them enough into confessing. Not a proud moment, It was also interesting how I also had to handle a budget, task force, different personalities, bureaucracy, the press, and even had to undergo a particularly scary Internal Affairs investigation.

It really made me question my principles and views and helped me understand different ideologies. I wondered about those moments that my character could only reply in creepy metaphors.
352 Produkte im Account
131 Reviews
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 07:46
will still give at a recommended, however go into it as a puzzle game than a deduction one, you are not really doing much deducing more like you are trying to read what is the best path towards the goal you want to achieve. The endings however, I feel, fell flat especially compared to how intense the main game is, so take all of this with a grain of salt. Overall a really smart and heavy game but the execution could have landed more smoothly.
1267 Produkte im Account
211 Reviews
68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 23:43
Great fun. I naturally beat the sheet out of the first few I interrogated and got thrown out of the force.
40 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 10:07
Who dun'it? I don't know.
Play the game and ask them yourself.
29 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 06:29
176 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 03:30
I tried every possible solution I could find as well as some that I thought of on my own, but I couldn't solve the issue of all the animations playing at 4x speed. The game is basically unplayable for me like this, which is really upsetting because I desperately wanted to play it.
867 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 12:45

Blind Chess with Unsatisfying Random Events

In 2017, I worked on a murder mystery adventure game project myself, which was similar in vein to this game; the core focus was on interrogation, psychological tells, and a dual personality-based list of dialogue choices that influence your rep with the suspects.

Sadly, it was never meant to be a full-fledged project, but if it were to be one, I'd've aimed for something that Interrogation is. It's a truly unique experience, of which I'm glad these devs took the opportunity to make a game around on.

What I absolutely love about this game is its gritty nature. Interrogations are no joke, and nailing it well comes down to how much interactivity the game allows you to have, along with their intended consequences. Interrogation does it flawlessly, and it's largely because the core design pillars remain consistent and strong.

Get on a suspect's bad side? They refuse to open up to you. Rough 'em up a little? They might spill the beans, but the public learns about the police brutality. It's stuff like this that, if my project would've allowed the time for it, I would've designed. This is perfectly in line with the art style of the game, which makes complete sense for the vision the devs had.

There is a lot of reading but that said, most pieces of text are relevant to your gameplay and narrative. They help to tie some stories together, help you understand your prospects better, or generally give you an idea of what the world outside of your player character's life is like.

I also really like the micromanage-y bits and bobs they gave us to do. Being interviewed by journalists, dealing with smaller off-camera scenarios, allocating budget, sending agents to missions that have some impact to your secondary gameplay loop – all of it was quite enjoyable.

But none of that saves the game from the absolutely horrendous design choice to pressure the player into finding results fast.

Sure, I can understand it's applicable to the time-sensitive sections, like finding out where a bomb is. That said, why are there so many similar situations?

Right off the bat, I'm dealing with a bomb investigation and I must get an answer... in 6 minutes!? I must find the location of the Rabbit's Foot before it moves after... 4 minutes!?

In the dev's defence, the game's timer doesn't work in the usual tick-tock fashion. It's akin to playing chess; a dialogue choice represents a move you can make. Choosing a choice deducts 5 seconds from the timer.

So if it's a 6-minute case, you'll need to solve it within 72 moves (in other words, you can choose 72 dialogue choices). Even so, you'll find that it's not enough, given there are so many dialogue choices for a single character alone. Additionally, repeating old choices will also cost you time.

All of this breaks any sense of immersion you have, changing the entire well-paced gameplay into a blitz race of finding the most optimal choices... which is the opposite of being given a sense of control in the interrogations.

No longer am I choosing dialogues of my own volition; it's all about getting on the suspects' good sides. And if I don't? Restart. I must find the best way out but I'm on a 'chess-timer' simultaneously? They're mutually exclusive in this case. Why? Because the dialogues are of subjective nature; you never know what impact they might have unless you play them.

You're essentially playing chess without ever knowing which one's the bishop and which one's the knight at first. Not unless you've failed 3, maybe 5, maybe 7 times before you realise the pattern.

What's worse is when you're getting far into the game, you have a red target painted at the base of your skull... meaning, you will get the 'Game Over' chestnut simply because RNG decided it for you.

How did I get to that point? What can I do to prevent that? None of these bits are communicated at all. Poor me – all I ever wanted during gameplay was to take my team out for a nice li'l dinner, and BAM! I'm dead.

Currently, I'm at a dead end; Interrogation #8, closing in on the Liberation Front... yet that's where the game ends for me. Because the game decided that's when it'd be funny to watch my head get popped. It's a tasteless mechanic that shouldn't be in the game, in my opinion.

I Alt+F4'd at least thrice because of these negative experiences.

Interrogation a lovely game; it achieved a vision that I had but I couldn't. It's the only game in the market that's purely about interrogation. Hats off to the devs. That said, I don't understand why you'd ruin that experience with frustrating timer-based mechanics. We're not detectives, we're only faking being detectives.

Right now, it's a disappointing 50-50 for me, leaning more towards the 'let's hope there's a better game than this'. So it equally pains me to tell you to get the game on sale.
228 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 21:16
It's an interesting story but I expected more interaction with the player's choices and more variety in ways you can find information. Less of a mystery and more of a management game than I thought it would be.
681 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 13:24
I liked the general feel of the game, I liked managing the squad of my detectives, trying to crack the case... but where the game falls short the most is, ironically, the interrogation part. To me it just felt like throwing stuff at a wall and seeing what sticks. And doing that under pressure.

Ultimately, I got assassinated, and to me that's my canon ending. RIP, my game self.
437 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 20:31
Very well written story, amazing deep content and optional nerdy stuff for the people that take an interest in these subjects (not gonna give spoilers).

Fully recommend!
94 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 02:47



???? Easy
???? Normal
☑️ Significant usage of the brain
???? Hard
???? Dark Souls


???? Your Mom probably would enjoy this
???? Kids
???? Everyone
☑️ Everyone except kids
???? Casual players
???? Pro players


???? Graphics dont matter in this game
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Cute
☑️ Decent
???? Good
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece


???? Bad
☑️ Not special
???? Okay
???? Good
???? Beautiful


☑️ No voice acting
???? Hahaha
???? Bad
???? Acceptable
???? Good
???? Perfect


???? This game has no story
???? It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
???? Epic story
☑️ You choose your fate


???? Free
???? Complete waste of money
???? Underpriced
???? Perfect Price
☑️ Should be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? EA Game


☑️ You can run it on a microwave
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer


???? 0 - 5 hours
☑️ 5 - 15 hours
???? 15-50 hours
???? 50+ hours
???? No ending


???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
☑️ Likable
???? Very entertaining
???? Ride of your life


???? Bad
???? Could be better
☑️ Accetable
???? Good
???? Realistic


???? It's a one-time experience
☑️ If you wish to see the other endings
???? For achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable


???? No
☑️ Wait for sale
???? Yes
???? Absolutely
1788 Produkte im Account
160 Reviews
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 00:37
I can't really harp on too much about Interrogation as it is a visual novel with a novel premise. In a nut-shell, you play a detective charged with interrogating suspects linked toward an ongoing terrorist plot. It is a hard sell, because even though there are multiple strategies to getting information out of someone, it is only a matter of a process of elimination, Additionally, the resource management between assignments is pretty shallow. That being said, the writing is good and engaging enough to prevent the overall experience becoming stale.

I would have loved to have seen a bit more innovation from this one, particularly branching story paths and consequence to choice. But overall, you can't complain too much for the price of $18.50 AUD, especially if you score it on sale. Give it a go if the premise interests you.
95 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 21:39
This detective-noir visual novel is rather short but great fun. The story is rich and immersive. The characters are mostly unique. The art is beautiful.
11 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 20:00
Wow! The quality of this game for the price almost feels like theft. This game is so wonderfully immersive, I love the atmosphere and the pressure during interrogations. The morality and choices mattering is truly the icing on the cake, making the game just that much more immersive. Easy controls for casual game-play, helpful tutorial, very user-friendly game; the rest is on you, the player. ;) This game really makes you use logic and strategy, and also makes you view suspects in an incredibly real-world way, teaching the player that everything is not what it seems; do not judge a book by its cover. If you're a true crime lover, and you've always wondered what it's like to interrogate suspects, this is the game for you.
99 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 18:46
The game is about following the correct sequence of questions. There is little to no feedback when you have the wrong order. So the interrogation will go on forever or until the timer runs out (for the timed ones). And then you have to start over, and over. It's a guessing game. Not as good as I expected.
349 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 12:58
One of the best detective games out there. Story is well-written and characters have actual traits and real reactions. Stories you will go through are also something that real department has to take care of.
Soundtrack by Dexi Antoniu is really good part of the gameplay. I appreciate gameplay thats involved, because you are fully focused on story and dialogues, and not being interruoted by loooking and the action via third person ( L.A Noire..).
Noneless graphics are amazing, and beatiful at some parts.
I really love this game 8.5/10
68 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 23:31
Very little replay value, as you already know who is guilty in each case and just need to press a few more buttons in the other difficulty settings. Good for a one-time play-through.
1087 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
1047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 04:50

Interrogation: You will be deceived

Interrogation: You Will Be Deceived, is an amazing Visual Noir Novel with a compelling cast of characters that complement the rich story-driven detective-noir experience really well.

Playing as a lead detective trying to solve small-time crimes, gathering evidence, interrogating suspects and putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, it seems like just another day at the job.

Until the Liberation Front happens…

Multiple bomb explosions rock the city. The local PD scramble to piece together what just happened.

The initial assessment finds that the terror group, Liberation Front, is behind this.

Leading a group of DP’s top investigators, you now have to figure out the motive behind the attack and work your way through grueling interrogations of the suspects to figure out who is responsible.

Interrogation: You Will Be Deceived brings an interesting and intense twist to the Visual Novel genre.

The increasingly difficult conversational puzzles that were necessary to uncover the terrifying conspiracy felt surreal and kept me on the edge of my seat for the duration of my playthrough.

The intense story consists of multiple well-written characters, some of whom play an active role throughout the game and others a passive role. The character progression is great.

Each character feels as if he/she has a purpose along with their own individual motivations.

Even the suspects play an important part in highlighting each scenario. Each suspect has highs and lows, which adds a certain flair to each interaction.

The main feature that the game highlights is its skill in interrogation. Each interrogation feels surreal and intense. The dialogues are well written, with each interrogation starting anywhere from small talk to straight-out accusations. Depending on the suspect and the scenario, either option can play out well or go sideways really quickly.

The majority of the scenarios seem to benefit from starting slowly, with small talk and minor questions, and escalating from there.

The interrogations were well written for every suspect and witness. Your choice of either small talk, questions or straight accusation options prompt different reactions and answers.

During each interrogation there will be two meters continuously running in the background.

1. Heart rate monitor.
2. Breathing monitor.

As the interrogations intensify, the suspects will start showing tell-tale signs with their ever-increasing heart rate and heavy breathing.

There’s a SFW torture scenario if you choose it, with three different types of torture.

One aspect that I found unnecessary was the budget management; the fact that a detective is having budget issues and has to manage his team’s budget on his own was distracting.

Expressive Noir Art; this game brings an interesting art style to the table with its real actor footage and atmospheric music.
Certainly not for everyone, those who can pay attention to dialogue and who have a keen eye for detail will find it rewarding.


+ Rich Story
+ Immersive
+ Unique art style
+ Great sound effects
+ Great conversational puzzles
+ Quite a few unique characters
+ Each chosen dialogue prompts appropriate reactions and answers
+ SFW Torture scenes


- Distracting budget management feature

Challenging Detective-Noir experience; brainstorm your way through the investigation to uncover the conspiracy.


Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!

76 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 02:54
Nice short game, in my opinion a little short for $13 but still, it's good with pretty good mechanics
69 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 14:06
Very frustrating game. Looks very promising at first but it rapidly evolves into something you won't be able to play with. 'Why did I fail this time?' I don't know 'Why did it work now' Who knows. The look and feel is really nice but something doesn't work in the core mechanic of the game unfortunately.
64 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 05:19
This game has a really cool concept. I appreciate the art style and the unique gameplay. The use of the fear/trust meters is super unique and the way you 'managed' your team was cool... but felt like almost an afterthought and seemed unfinished. I wanted to recommend this game at first but after finishing it there are a few major issues that make it more frustrating than fun. The most tedious part is the very last interrogation, the logic behind it makes no sense. I thought I understood but spent hours trying to complete the level until I accepted I wasn't going to get it and looked at a walkthrough. It seems that there is some sort of convoluted logic behind the ending interrogation but it was really confusing and I ended up (essentially) button smashing answers until I gave up. It would've greatly benefited from more of a straightforward logic and a tutorial. It also appeared that some levels needed to be restarted if you didn't hit the right combination of questions and answers because there was no way to get to the solution without starting from the beginning. Overall it is definitely impressive in what they were going for but it made me too frustrated.
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
852 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 07:08
An intellectual game.
22 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 00:39
Such a fun game with a TON of really well-written dialogue. Kudos to the devs!!
361 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
932 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 14:43
This game was interesting until Episode 8. I've tried multiple guides, every combination of answers, and still end up losing. It appears my game is in a softlock state, as the questions I am being asked in this chapter to not reflect my playthrough (assuming certain people were guilty when I came to the conclusion they were not guilty). For now, it seems my only option is to play through the entirety of the game to get to this point and HOPE it doesn't softlock again. Because of this, I wouldn't recommend this game, not in the slightest. The game's story isn't interesting enough and the game's difficulty not at all rewarding to justify this completely game-breaking chapter, especially this close to the ending.
95 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 21:48
Just plain boring. Instead of letting you actually react on what a person is saying, the game makes you return to a previous branch of questions and only then use the information you've just revealed. The very nature of conversation is missed, even though the major focus of the game is to deliver the conversational flow as closest to real life as possible. Abandoned half-way through, disappointed.
274 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 00:41
Pretty fun game. Worth time to dive into.

[spoiler] I just feel that people here are way to honest about their thoughts. As long as you open their might by some kind, they would tell you everything, which is not the case in our everyday lives. [/spoiler]

And achievements are so hard to unlock! Wanna get the bad ones done but kept getting fired. :[
438 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 07:00
sadly a solid thumbs down from us - getting killed time and again because of opaquely low PR scores is a show stopper. Also questioning trees come across as arbitrary making the game an exercise in random questioning in later stages. We got to chapter 9 and could not continue as we were. We are not going to replay several chapters to improve our PR score, our time is precious and there is a library with 400+ titles on Steam awaiting to be downloaded. The developers should have valued gamers` time more
207 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 05:28
I'll start with two general statements: 1. this game's style, premise and gameplay are exactly the kind of games I play video games for. 2. I unfortunately couldn't get myself to finish this game (at least yet).
This game is definitely not bad. It's fun. The writing is surprisingly good for an indie game, and it is very atmospheric. But it lacks the gripping force that makes you thinking and guessing and keep playing, that is just too important for me when it comes to mystery and detective games (and fiction in general).
Do I think this game is good? Yes. If you like detective stuff you might like it. But at the same time, it's also somewhat disappointing, since it's not as good as my (admittedly very high) expectations were.
53 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 20:52
Good story, challenging, nice artwork. For me personally it was 10/10.
Don't see point in difficulty levels other than challenge mode.
178 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 18:02
A very neatly made little game, with a solid story and fine gameplay. Both of those combined let me get a very immersing and rewarding 7 hours of playing. And the difficulty was just right!
727 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 11:58
Okay so first, let me be clear. I ABSOLUTELY love nearly every aspect of this game! However, due to strenuous replays and a little bit of lack of guidance, the tediousness has far outweighed my enjoyment which is saying a lot as I've really enjoyed everything else. This review is spoiler free aside from game mechanic discussions (fail conditions)
Story - The story is truly engaging. Nothing's worse than a visual novel with a bad story. Interrogation gives you the sense of every character whether you've met them briefly or if they're your go to partner on the task force.
Visuals - I love the art style with a true noir tone. The rough animations and facial expressions really help sell the atmosphere. I felt more like I was interacting with people and not characters if that makes sense.
Music - Music fits, however I did really enjoy putting on a noir playlist to this. Sorry! I do wish there was some ambient music while you're reading briefings/reports. That was the reason I looked to putting on my own playlist. But the music provided (when it is) compliments the game nicely.

Ohhhh boy. I understand this could be 100% user error, but I feel like there's a lot here that could be ironed out to make the game more approachable. Let me also preface this by saying, if you give me an option to play as a rogue cop, I'm gonna play as a rogue cop.

Design of play - It might just be my life choices (isn't it always?) but when I try to play as a rogue cop and resort to torture and whatnot. More often than not, it seems to not be the best answer. I mean you could argue duh, but when you're 7 episodes in and have invested in being bad cop, it's disappointing to know you'll rarely resort to it. There's many scenarios where if I didn't pick every exact correct response, I'd fail the interrogation and roughing up the suspects doesn't yield any results.

Lack of guidance. There's not really a clear explanation how any of the PR/Media/Authority parts work. Like it's explained in very literal terms like the media is friendlier with you, but it doesn't really suggest HOW you affect these. I would've thought it'd be obvious, but it doesn't seem so.

I found myself getting assassinated and I didn't know why. The papers suggest retaliation or just bad luck, but the game doesn't explain it. Instead it just has you rewind to the end of your past completed missions. I've found myself locked in a no win scenario. After a case, the game lets you make the PR report first (makes sense) but then makes you go through story, media interviews, more story and then assassinated. Replaying all of that for trial an error in your PR report only to get assassinated over and over is irritating. The only way to remedy this is to replay previous episodes. I'll be honest. I've been playing fast and loose for awhile so I've pretty much taken to replaying the majority of the game again only to get fired/assassinated. Comically I'm not a great cop I know, but really replaying the entire game when the mechanics aren't quite explained as far as impact goes or causality is a lot.

Really it's possible you'll REALLY enjoy this game, but it's also possible you'll find yourself in an endless loop of getting yelled at/murdered.
321 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 15:48
There is only ever one way to solve each interrogation and it's usually a complete guessing game as to whole you get there. Basic premise of the game sounds fun and it is for the first interrogation, and then it slowly dawns on you after a few failures that the game actual is a visual novel with some very poor strategy elements mixed in.
508 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 00:08
Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!

‘Interrogation: You will be deceived’ lets us take on a role of a cop who’s been put in charge of a special unit to handle an investigation into a new terrorist group in the city. As we follow the trail, we are expected to interrogate various people who may or may not be involved with this group. At the same time we have to manage the morale of the team, engage with the press, and keep authorities satisfied enough so that they do not fire you.

The game does a very good job at portraying this terrorist organization and making it believable. The devs have done a lot of research on this topic. The game also shows very believably the bureaucracy and red tape that police has to deal with when handling its day to day activities, being torn between the desires of the people, the press, and the authorities, all of which expect different things from the police. Our decisions of course are important and have varying degree of impact on how things shape up and on the ending.

The gameplay is mainly divided into two aspects: the interrogations and the behind-the-scenes management of your campaign.

The interrogations have us question people, usually by alternating 2-3 people connected to the present case so that we can extract information from them and to determine if someone is lying. There are many dialogue options and they affect the disposition of the person we're interrogating - how trusting they are towards us and also their level of fear. They can be made to confess by either building trust with them or scaring the crap out of them, or sometimes both.

The management of the campaign is also quite immersive. Firstly we get to assign our team to specific tasks. Each team member is suited differently to each task and has a different success percentage. The morale of the teammates also factors into this. We also need to regularly engage with the press by publishing appropriately-worded press releases and also answer questions to the reporters directly. These have a big effect on how the citizens and authorities view us and our competence with the task at hand.

The visual style is quite unique and gives a nice noir vibe. The music builds tension pretty well during the interrogations. There is no voice acting, so all the dialogues we have to read, so if you don't like that, this game is not for you.

In general, this is a pretty immersive game with a unique gameplay idea that develops its world and every single character very well and up to a fine detail. It's not for everyone, because it doesn't have the flashy action to entice us with. It require patience and a calculated approach. Moreover, it has a lot political themes too. It's well-suited for those who like management-style mechanics and enjoy stories about police, detectives, and terrorist organizations.

For a more in-depth review, check here: https://saveorquit.com/2020/03/08/review-interrogation-you-will-be-deceived/
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 11:08
Can't wait to see it through the end! But so far it has impressed me greatly!
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 11:07
Part dialogue, part puzzle, noir and gritty, great story!
798 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.19 12:21
It's a well executed game and an enjoyable one. It kinda becomes the grumpy Uncle at thanksgiving complaining about politics towards the end though which just feels weird. It's a deeply political game, but it feels very weirdly done.
764 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.19 01:16
So far Interrogation has been a solid VN.

The gameplay can be a bit frustrating and trial and error. There's no real way to figure out ahead of time how to solve an interrogation. It's more of a puzzle that you'll work out through multiple attempts. It's not the worst, but it's also not the best. That said, the writing is good, and the interrogations flow well and keep my interest.

I've been fairly impressed so far with the level of political discourse in this game. It's interesting, nuanced, and brings up different ideologies and encourages the player to 'get into their mindset' to best connect with those you are interrogating. I particularly had fun with the dialogue with the professor you can have. She challenges you to come up with your own 'best arguments' for convincing proponents of these ideologies of flaws. Very fun! The personification of these ideologies is a bit shallow (alt-right person would never say the world is run by feminazis and betas, for instance), but all in all it's an adult and intelligent take on things.

I think one thing the game misses out on is it goes for a large quantity of people you interrogate. They kind of blur together a bit. I think less suspects but more quality would have been a better choice. Phoenix Wright's great strength is that it re-uses characters over time, which really engages players thoughout the story. Still, I've not finished yet, so perhaps we'll still see some return characters.
900 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.19 11:07
I play hundreds of games and never write reviews, but I really enjoyed Interrogation. Not a long game, but a satisfying one - definitely play the challenging difficulty rather than VN only, it gave the game a nice sense of tension.

The gameplay is a mix of Planescape Torment or Disco Elysium's conversation led systems combined with a light management sim and some puzzle solving. And the decision on how hardline or empathetic to be and how to develop your character helps you feel invested in the outcome, although the story is interesting enough to do that on its own. Overall, a bug thumbs up from me!
31 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.19 08:40
It's a good game, I've enjoyed it so far... that being said, as a liberty minded fellow I resent how certain groups are portrayed in the game.
But yeah, I can overlook that. It's fun enough to recommend it, if you like dialogue heavy games.
It's not perfect though, I've noticed a few typos and such. But that'll probably get fixed later I imagine
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.19 14:03
Unique mix of different genres. It is part visual novel, part choose your own adventure, part puzzle game, part management and above all a temporary tale about ethics.
I'll still have to see it through to the end but I was very positively surprised how this game wraps all those different topics into one coherent interactive story.
77 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.19 03:42
This game is amazing. For any fans of Ace Attorney or Dangan Ronpa, this is a deeper mystery game with a lot of food for thought. I highly recommend it - it's a really good length too. I managed to get through the whole game in around 8 hours.
Logo for Interrogation: You will be deceived
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
85.48% 159 27
Release:05.12.2019 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Critique Gaming Vertrieb: Assemble Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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