• In Between: Screen zum Spiel In Between.
  • In Between: Screen zum Spiel In Between.
  • In Between: Screen zum Spiel In Between.
  • In Between: Screen zum Spiel In Between.
  • In Between: Screen zum Spiel In Between.
  • In Between: Screen zum Spiel In Between.
  • In Between: Screenshots August 15
  • In Between: Screenshots August 15
  • In Between: Screenshots August 15
  • In Between: Screen zum Spiel In Between.
  • In Between: Screen zum Spiel In Between.
  • In Between: Screen zum Spiel In Between.
  • In Between: Screen zum Spiel In Between.
  • In Between: Screen zum Spiel In Between.
  • In Between: Screen zum Spiel In Between.
  • In Between: Screenshots August 15
  • In Between: Screenshots August 15
  • In Between: Screenshots August 15


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 21.08.2015
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Preis Update 06.01.25

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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

174 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.19 18:28
Sehr schöner Stil und auch eine Interessante Thematik. Auch sind die Rätsel interessant.
Aber manchmal scheitert es an einer kleinen Ecke, das Spiel verzeiht keine Fehler. Leider.
Es macht keinen Spaß das Level dreimal zu wiederholen weil man am Schluss ein Frame zu langsam war.
Leider ruiniert das den Spielfluss.
410 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.19 19:18
Artstyle und der Erzähler sind klasse, leider ist das Gameplay sehr buggy, verwirrend und es macht einfach wenig Spaß.
1649 Produkte im Account
1250 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.19 22:36
Sehr gute (360) Controller Unterstützung.
Nettes Konzept
Selbst wenn man die Lösung weiß muss man immer noch sehr exakt manövrieren.
Find ich schade, weil es das Spiel für mich als Grobmotoriker extrem schwierig (Try/Error) macht.
Wer's mag.
67 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.15 21:01
earlier this year my grandfather died, now my grandmother dies and even though people helped me a lot with dealing with that this game was also really helpfull. that is quite something for a game to do.

now to the somewhat objective points:
-i did not know a lot of platformers and it turns out i like such puzzlesc mechanics
-the mechanics are very well combined with the story which helped me identify with the protagonist, because i am somewhat going through that struggle
-i liked the story and the narrator as well as the artstyle
-in some instances the execution of the puzzlesolving is really hard though i guess that is deliberate. some people might dislike that.
-figuring out the solution to the puzzles mostly felt a bit too easy for me though.

all in all i really think this game is amazing.
231 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.15 18:53
Sry for my bad english ^^
This is an Awesome game - nice backround story with overflowing emotions.
It is pretty tough in the end game even with a good control over your character and the world. You probably won't play this game as long as multiplayer games, but it is worth the money - i even would have paid more than the 12€. Also it has a nice atmosphere with its relaxed music. Overall - i love this game ^^.

p.s. You can spend lots of hours if you want all Achievements ;)
1324 Produkte im Account
162 Reviews
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.15 09:21
Was ist In Between? Ein fast schon künstlerischer Puzzler der etwas an Adventures of Shuggy ( an die Drehmechanik der Welt ) erinnert. Die Story des Puzzlers ist wirklich ungewöhnlich, da es hierbei um den Tod bzw. das Sterben geht welcher wirklich gut mit Rückblicken und der wirklich tollen Stimme des Erzählers versinnbildlicht wird. Die Level hingegen bieten gute und von Level zu Level auch schwierige Aufgaben die mit Hilfe der Drehmechnik gemeistert werden müssen. Später kommt dann noch die Dunkelheit dazu welche ich als gute Idee sehe das Gameplay mit der Story zu verbinden. In Beetween ist wirklich schon fast Kunst und sollte somit auch leute ansprechen die nicht auf solche Puzzelspiele stehen. Ganz klarer Daumen nach oben.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.15 17:46
Really good game! One of the most addicting I have played in the last years. It is really fun and it additionally has a great and interesting story behind it. I agree with everyone else, this game is 100%addictive and recommendable!!!!
1262 Produkte im Account
125 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 17:37
I'm a bit sad to give this a downvote. But I remember not enjoying myself and quickly dropping the game. Something about the slightly awkward controls & not so fun puzzles let me quickly lose interest and I rather wanted to play a game that I fully enjoy rather than something I only partly liked. I'm happy for whoever this game works, but for me it didn't. :/ Also, unsure about the 12€ price tag.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 18:27
I expected to face interesting challenges. Pressing buttons quickly in a certain order to control the character in an obvious but tedious way is maybe a good exercise for fine motor skill, but not for me. Deinstalled.
1960 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 16:53
In Between is a 2D platform game with great puzzles mechanics.
It have a good touching story that combines with a wonderful voice acting and soundtrack.
The art of the game is entirely by hand, which is awesome.
107 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 02:50
First off: if you are not feeling mentally well, have depression, or are experiencing suicidal or self harm tendencies, I do not recommend playing this game.

The game is quite sad and is fundamentally about accepting death as an ok thing. If you are in a place for that, this game is quite a good exploration of it and has some really interesting mechanics that make the game worth your while..
617 Produkte im Account
249 Reviews
811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 01:55
Interesting puzzles tied to an emotional, sympathetic story.
226 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 16:26
Good premise and well done but needs annoyingly exact timing - makes this puzzle platformer more annoying than fun.
252 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 08:57
Not 'difficult' as the tags say. Just some of the very late levels have some things for which you need to build muscle memory, and then require you to start the bloody thing over, frequently waiting for lights and whatnot to be in the right spot, so that you have an unnecessarily long iteration time between attempts of the thing that's actually giving you trouble. That and some of the puzzles give you like ten seconds to work out a part, before some light leaves you or anger blob kills you. There are very good things about this game, but this stuff is frankly infuriating (unless you like that sort of thing, which I suppose some people do) and ruins an otherwise decent experience. I think the fact that when someone requested checkpoints and the developer responded that it's supposed to depress you and you should accept it, that was probably the last straw for me.

Edit: I've finished the game. I have to say, there's a lot of good here, but I just can't recommend it after my experience near the end of the game, especially the last level. Difficulty isn't about demanding pixel-perfect precision for one or two actions and then making a player redo five minutes of busy work before each attempt. And despite what the developer said, it's not depressing but infuriating. The design is simply flawed. Even the story execution is flawed. It's quite good, but is actively hindered by their integration with the levels themselves. The pacing becomes bizarre as a result.

I wish I could give this game a neutral ranking, to acknowledge the good in it, but if I have to pick thumbs up or thumbs down, the choice is clear to me.
524 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 23:05
vvvvvv meets braid. Grab it on discount.
38 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 23:02
Great story telling, compelling story line, and fun puzzles.
432 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 05:58
The mechanics, concepts, art, and music are all well done.

The puzzles themselves are challenging but, in the end, too unforgiving for me. You have to be PERFECT and if you aren't - you go back way too far for my peace of mind. It becomes infuriating over time.

If you like a challenge that requires you to be perfect, this might be for you. My younger self might have enjoyed this. For where I am now, life is too short to get so angry at a game.
710 Produkte im Account
145 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 22:42
A Nice puzzler platformer with some cool stuff going on, but some puzzles are too unforgiving of small variations in timing or dexterity, making it often frustrating, even after solving the puzzle.
431 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 04:52
stupidly hard, story isn't enough to keep me captivated
177 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 03:00
I like the concept and the story telling but ended up not being a fan of the controls and save system. If you touch any spike you instantly go back to the beginning.
305 Produkte im Account
162 Reviews
981 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 14:41
My playtime: 16.4h (based on steam, 100% achievement)
Grindy Achievement(s): No.
Optional Achievement(s): Yes (8 achievements).
Difficult Achievement(s): Yes (~2 achievements; the game is difficult).


In Between is a difficult platformer game with unique mechanics in each chapter. There are 9 mandatory and 3 optional levels in each chapter with 5+1 chapters in total.

- 5+1 chapters
- The story matches well with in-game mechanics
- Amazing looking cutscenes and animation
- Checkpoints

- One cutscene is boring and taking too long to finish
- Some levels might be too hard for some people
- No tracker for collectibles

Should you buy this game?

If you like challenging platformer game with beautiful storytelling, buy this game.


In-Depth Review


The graphics are surprisingly good for a platformer game, especially when the story is being told; you need to press either right or left arrow button and the character will keep on walking, changing his outfits and backgrounds as it fits. There are also some occasions when the character held something and changed age as the story told about something in the past or future - I like the transition. The particle effects that are included in the animations are also beautiful-looking.

However, sometimes the game annoys me because they made some obstacles in some levels to be darker in some areas, to the point that it's hard to see. It might be because the dev wants to make the game harder though.


The story is told by voice and you can activate the subtitle from the options. I like the voice dub; the sound is heavy and fits well with the story. The intonation is also great, to the point that it makes the story to be more appealing.

Although I already said how amazing the story is from the cutscenes, some stories are also told when you're doing the levels. I like the fact that the story tries to connect with the level. The story will be talking about depression when the level is going between light and dark, obstacles when an obstacle is introduced, and so on.

The game

There are 61 levels in total with 46 mandatory and 15 optional levels, separated into 6 chapters. The last chapter only has 1 level and there are cutscenes before and after each chapter. Most of the levels are difficult but the game offers checkpoints that can help you to finish the game.

I had trouble finishing some levels when I first played it though. I ended up watching some videos to finish the game.

The game uses both WASD and arrow key buttons. You also can change your keyboard setting to Dvorak or AZERTY. You'll use WASD to walk and arrow key buttons to change gravity. The main point of this game is to avoid obstacles (mostly by changing gravity) to head to the goal. There will be more obstacles introduced as you progress the game.

Although the main mechanic is mostly the same, each chapter (except the first and last one) will have unique mechanics. The second chapter will have darkness that will go to you unless you face it head-on, the third chapter will have a red ball that can go bigger and smaller at a specific interval, and so on. It's refreshing to have a new mechanic coming up and I enjoyed it very much.

Most of the mandatory levels aren't that difficult although I find that there is one level that requires you to have sick timing to finish. The optional levels are worse though. It's way harder than the mandatory levels and I'm not even sure if I can finish those levels without dying.

There are some collectibles in the game although they only serve for achievement purposes. The game also doesn't track it anywhere except from the steam achievement page.

I finished the game in ~7 hours and there's no reason to replay this game if you're not into achievement hunting. There is an achievement that requires you to beat the game without dying so most of my playtime is spent to train myself to achieve that. Somehow, I still got the achievement even though I died a few times though, so I assume the achievement is kinda broken.


It's a difficult platformer game where you have to dodge obstacles and shift your gravity to reach the goal. There are 61 levels in total, separated into 6 chapters with beautiful-looking cutscenes before and after each chapter.

501 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.19 09:05
It's the VVVVVV of Depression! Yeah!
1150 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.15 07:17
In Between is a story-driven puzzle platformer with gravity rotation mechanics that has the makings of a new classic. It looks similar to gravity puzzler The Bridge at first glance. But with the instant gravity flips of And Yet It Moves, several unique game mechanics and a mature and tightly interwoven story, the game is a fresh experience that is well worth playing.

The protagonist of the game is a young man whose life is suddenly shattered when he is diagnosed with lung cancer. We follow him as he learns to accept his fate, in a game where story is told in smooth transitions between playable cutscenes and puzzle chapters. The five main chapters of the game are inspired by the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

Each chapter introduces a new game element, themed after the stage it represents. The symbolism isn't necessarily clear-cut, like in the denial chapter, where darkness chases you from one or two sides of the screen, and can only be held off by facing it. This obstacle makes sense though, and is explained in the story segment leading up to it. Anger is more easily grasped, since it's represented by red pulsating, and sometimes moving, orbs that kill on touch. Bargaining has levels where you simultaneously control a mirrored shadow protagonist, and in depression you have to move through scarce sources of light to avoid the deadly darkness. The final chapter is more of a narrative device, and is one I choose not to describe to avoid spoiling the experience.

In addition to the five main chapters, there's also a tutorial, which is designed to make you comfortable with the gravity flip mechanics. Like the first four of the five main chapters, the tutorial contains 12 levels, of which nine are required to unlock the next chapter. The first nine levels in each chapter are for the most part easy enough to figure out for someone with a bit of experience with the genre, but getting the timing right can be tricky in some of the levels. None of the levels have checkpoints, so if you mess up and die, you will have to start over from the beginning of the level.

Getting through the game took me just over three hours, but solving the additional 15 harder levels doubled that, so the game should offer about six hours worth of gameplay in total. If you go after the hidden glimmers of hope or a no-death run, you can probably add several more hours on top of that. The game never gets as punishing as The Bridge or Closure, but if you've made it through Braid and LIMBO, you should be able to solve most of the levels of In Between without too much trouble.

This is a game well worth playing for the story alone. The subjects of grief and regret are topics I haven't seen explored in games often enough, and seldom as intimately as in this game. We get to witness the protagonist's struggles with accepting his imminent death, memories of his childhood and his troublesome relationship to his father, and having to leave a young daughter behind. Most of the story is told through playable cutscenes and in spoken thought leading in to levels, but some levels also have memory shards hidden as cracks in the wall that trigger when you walk past them.

The game is fully playable with my wired Xbox 360 controller, though I prefer to play it using the keyboard. It's controlled using both sticks on a gamepad or WASD and arrow keys with keyboard controls. There are no options for rebinding keys, but I found these defaults intuitive and easy to play with. I haven't experienced any technical issues with the Linux version, but the demo on Steam is available for Linux, so you can try it to see if it works well on your system.

NOTE: This review was originally posted on GamingOnLinux.
Logo for In Between
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
80.54% 149 36
Release:21.08.2015 Genre: Puzzlespiele Entwickler: gentlymad Vertrieb: Headup Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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