• I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.
  • I Saw Black Clouds: Screen zum Spiel I Saw Black Clouds.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.03.2021
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Preis Update 26.05.24

Über das Spiel

„I Saw Black Clouds“ ist ein interaktiver psychologischer Thriller mit übernatürlichen Elementen und einer sich verzweigenden Geschichte.

Nachdem sich Kristinas Freundin das Leben nimmt, kehrt Kristina auf der Suche nach Antworten in ihren Heimatort zurück. Die dunklen Geheimnisse um den Tod ihrer Freundin, auf die sie dabei stößt, bringen sie selbst und jene, die ihr nahestehen, in Gefahr. Sie erkennt, dass die Wahrheit viel komplexer ist, als sie je angenommen hätte.

Kristina hat ein Trauma erlebt und versucht, damit klarzukommen, was vorgefallen ist, und ihre unterdrückten Gefühle darüber aufzuarbeiten. Allerdings stellt sich heraus, dass sie in ihrer Vorstellung unterschiedliche Versionen des schicksalhaften Ereignisses konstruiert hat, sodass sie nun die Wahrheit herausfinden muss. Als sie für eine Beerdigung in ihren Heimatort zurückkehrt, trifft sie dort ihre beste Freundin Charlotte (Rachel Jackson) wieder, und damit beginnt für sie eine spannende Selbstfindungsreise.

Wie du mit den Charakteren im Spiel interagierst und welche Entscheidungen du triffst, bestimmt, was du alles erlebst, wie sich deine Reise gestaltet und welche Auflösung dich am Ende erwartet.

  • Ein interaktiver psychologischer Realfilm-Thriller, der in Großbritannien gedreht wurde.
  • Eine sich verzweigende Geschichte, die je nach deinen Entscheidungen und Aktionen dramatische Wendungen nimmt.
  • Echtzeit-Übersicht über den Beziehungsstatus, der im Spielverlauf Einfluss auf die Geschichte nimmt.
  • Echtzeit-Übersicht über die Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, die sich auf Basis deiner Entscheidungen entwickeln.
  • In den Hauptrollen Nicole O'Neill („Red Sparrow“, „Die Schöne und das Biest“) und Rachel Jackson („Outlander“).
  • Freispielbare Features wie etwa das Überspringen von Szenen oder die Persönlichkeitsbewertung.
  • Inklusive Streamer-Modus, in dem während Live-Streams Entscheidungen zwecks Zuschauerbeteiligung pausiert werden.


  • CPU: Core i3 / AMD A6 2.4Ghz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 5750. OpenGL 3.3
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 32-bit
  • HD: 14 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Core i5 / AMD A6 2.4Ghz
  • GFX: ATI Radeon M295X @ 2GB
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64-bit
  • HD: 14 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

359 Produkte im Account
185 Reviews
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 20:59
Ein ganz nett gemachtes Full Motion Video (gibt es auch Half Motion Videos ?) von der Qualität eines SchleFaz-Titels auf Tele 5. Die schauspielerische Qualität der Darsteller ist zweckmässig gut (nur die Hauptfigur leistet sehr gute Arbeit) und für 2-3maliges Durchspielen ist dieser Vollbewegungsvideofilm (?) ganz unterhaltsam. Unbedingt gemerkt haben sollte man sich die zuvor gegebenen Antworten, da dieses Bewegungsvideo (?) sonst leicht genauso ausfallen könnte, wie beim Durchspielen zuvor. Auf der technischen Seite waren auf meinem Pc-System keine Probleme zu erkennen. Nur der FSP (Full Sale Price) war mir deutlich zu hoch. Empfehlen kann ich dieses FMV daher nur zum HSP (Half Sale Price) oder darunter. Viel Spass beim Anschauen und Antworten.
161 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 20:22
Leichte Spoiler.
Wenn ich könnte würde ich das Spiel weder gut noch schlecht Bewerten. Der Anfang hat mir extrem gut gefallen und ich hatte die Hoffnung es würde eine Geschichte werden, bei dir wir als Protagonist das Leben unserer verstorbenen Freundin selbst noch einmal erleben und Hinweise sammeln, wie es zu ihrem Tod kommen konnte. Dann kam das unvermeidliche und man driftet ein bisschen ins Klischeehafte ab.
Nichtsdestotrotz bleibt der zweite Teil des Spiels spannend und erinnert stellenweise an einen Horrorfilm im Kino.

Ansonsten kein Gameplay. Nur die Geschichte und unsere Entscheidungen, die erfreulicherweise Einfluss auf die Story haben. Das Spiel hat einen eher düsteren Grundton. Jeder der etwas leichteres will, dem würde ich zu Five Dates raten.
Die Schauspieler machen ihre Arbeit solide.
Was mich ein wenig gestört hat, war das man die Figuren einfach nur oberflächlich kennenlernt. Zwischendurch nerven sie mich sogar richtig.
Das ist meiner Meinung nach auch ein großes Problem bei Spielen die wie ein Film agieren, aber eben keiner sind. Wie schafft man es die Dichte einer Erzählung mit den Elementen des Spiels zu verbinden.
330 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 03:35
Started out very promising. The camera work was very professional and the initial hook was compelling. I REALLY wanted to like this game and was very excited by what they started offering me. But it went down hill after the first hour or so. So many of the options were fake (Comfort or reassure a character, essentially the same thing being presented as two different options). The end was uninspired and drawn out in both endings, repeating an out of left field chain of events that undermine the world that was being built up and left much of the established points of suspense and fascination unexplored.

My genuine impression was that there was some passion for this project at first, but either it dried up or the creators were overwhelmed later on and just tried to wrap it up as quickly as possible. So for this reason, I'm saddened to say I cannot recommend this game.
258 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 05:20
Unfortunately I can't recommend this game.

The plot is somewhat weak to me and disjointed at times.

Technically the game works well no major glitches, however the break between decisions takes you a bit ouf the experience as the ambient sound stops and changes volume at times.

This is a pass for me.
273 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 14:52
Choice have less substance than a fart in a thunderstorm.
Avoid at all cost.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 13:03
I bought this when it was on sale after reading Heleanthia’s review on here.
This is my first FMV and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of interacting with a psychological thriller movie and being able to make choices along the way that totally changed the outcome the more that I played it.
There are about 600 video clips and so far I’ve played through the game twice and only seen 355 scenes… so lots of replayability.

What I liked most was that the narrative was quite deep and complex and made me think about what was going on; playing several times enables you to pick up more and more clues so you can piece together what’s actually happening. Decisions you make where you think they don’t matter or aren’t important, actually have quite a bit of relevance to where you go in the narrative and the things you discover.

I’m so sick of films these days that spoon feed you everything and don’t allow you to actually engage with the story or think for yourself. This was a clever storyline, yes, it’s dark and not particularly uplifting but it’s thought provoking and interesting.

Other elements that popped for me was the music which I thought was imaginative and original and I especially liked the song ‘Oh Baby’ which appears in the bar scenes.
There are some atmospheric locations especially Dominique’s house, Alexander’s Estate and the old mental asylum Kristina visits.

I also loved the fight scenes between Kristina and the gang members. I read that the actress who plays Kristina (Nicole O’Neill) was the stunt body double for Jennifer Lawrence in X-Men and it shows.

I SAW BLACK CLOUDS might not be for everyone because of the dark subject matter and complex storyline but If you like a good story which is cleverly constructed and makes you think, then I highly recommend I SAW BLACK CLOUDS.
565 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 04:32
Requested a refund.

That tells you about all you need to know about this game.

Honestly, it had potential. The acting was decent, and the filming was okay. But the choices didn't matter and it forced you to do things even though you picked the no option, the music cut off at weird moments, the story was a bit choppy, and you didn't really connect with any of the characters.

The concept had potential...just poor execution.
33 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 18:13
I've played it twice, and it the second time it was whole new movie with new premise. Different villains, people who were good turned bad, characters I'd never seen. I was kind of taken back by it. I'd definitely recommend this!
1560 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 11:10
This FMV game has relatively competent acting and neat locations. The scenes, plot elements individually make sense - all of them are fine.

Thumbs up for that.

Perhaps a minus the god awful day-for-night stuff...


Unfortunately the story is very incoherent. Actually there is no story to enjoy here. When you get to the ending you've seen at least three major plot lines that each would have made for a great story if the writers had committed to any of them.

They've chosen to do a meta-twist near the end that tries to tie unfinished plot lines together. It does not work. You can understand at an intellectual level what they were going for, but it's not a satisfying narrative experience.

Had they committed to one of the main plot lines. It would be a much more satisfying experience.

If three writers gave you three screenplays with three different plot lines and you went shooting each to do three games, and each production would have been stopped in the middle, and you went to invent some twist to tie everything together -> this game is what you would have gotten.

Maybe that's exactly what happened.

A solid 5/10
135 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 04:37
Holy smokes this game is fun! I love the immersion of fmv games like this. This game takes you to a lot of locations and introduces you to a bunch of odd characters. If you love horror movies and mysteries you should get a kick out of it. I think the people criticizing this game are just nit picking. For me it's a definite thumbs up.
173 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 10:18
I think this game can do everything without you. Your choices doesn't matter. So just relax and watch this bad acting and weak plot.
229 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 12:08
I like the FMV games by publisher Wales Interactive. The acting is not AAA quality, but in every game I see the love and effort that the developers and actors made. I Saw Blackclouds was actually one of the better games, in my humble opinion. I thought this actress was very believable and the story was exciting and a eerie. If you like fast paced action games or a deep story, stay away from this. If you like decision making, see what the outcome would be and have a warm heart for the FMV genre, then this game is a nice addition to your collection!
139 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 00:29
I've played it twice, and it the second time it was whole new movie with new premise. Different villains, people who were good turned bad, characters I'd never seen. I was kind of taken back by it. I'd definitely recommend this!
135 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 00:57
I put a thumbs up only because I'm a fan of the genre, but I personally wasn't too convinced by this game, I don't know why, but I didn't manage to hang on to the story or to the characters, and the framing and the camera movements didn't seem to very well done IMHO, not to mention the cuts that were too numerous and too badly placed.
1834 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 04:36
it contains more than 500 videos of good quality, the game is bugfree, the main actress (nicole O' neil) is beautiful and plays well.
Larry Rew ( alexander in the game) is good too.

We often read that the choices don't matter in this kind of games. Here depending of your choices the story is completely different. So different that it is difficult to find consistency. The same characters appears in different roles etc. The game is longer than the others because it has some replay value. After playing the first run you can skip the scenes you have already seen ( like in Late shift)

It is only my opinion ( and I know no one cares) but I found the story complicated and confusing. So I don't know if it is a good game but nevertheless I liked it.

I recommend it IF you like the genre. But don't blame me and don't hit me if you don't like it.

And Please, don't notice my typos and mistakes, remember that I have never been to school and that I only learned English by reading the adventures of the Katzenjammer Kids
1593 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 19:25
*Plot and story free spoiler reviews*

I thought this was their best story by far. If you love mysteries then I highly recommend this, I loved it. It is mature and although not frequent there are a couple of disturbing scenes.

It’s a pure pick dialogue type FMV not a ‘her story’ find data chunks type or a ‘contradiction’ interact with environment kind of game. Like the ‘late shift’ this has 2 main story branches each with different settings and characters. You can skip seen scenes after the first playthrough as well as turn off the timer on the dialogue choices (go into options before you play). There is no save in these games apart from auto save. My first playthrough was 1.5hrs.

It’s a 3rd party viewpoint but it’s like a movie so non 3D nausea - you don’t walk around behind the character. The game did a really good job of bringing you along and finding out what happened and what is going on through the main character interactions with everyone.

This actually seemed to have a budget with quite a few different people as well as areas you will see. I thought it was well acted and the story left me satisfied like any good book should do when you finish. This does depend a bit on which ending you get/choices you make, as there is more of an explanation regarding a storyline string which I didn’t get in my first playthrough. So, I’m glad I replayed it to 100% or I’d have missed out on a lot.

It’s not like a normal visual novel, this is more a ‘choices matter’ type FMV visual novel. As it may not seem it as on subsequent playthroughs some choices didn’t seem to make any difference to what I saw in the next scene but it does affect greatly what you see with the plotlines and ending so it’s more of a ‘big picture’ choice you are making.

You can hit ‘S’ at any time and it will bring up a data screen, how your choice affected the character. This helps greatly with further playthroughs and a pen and paper does help to write down the choices and what the consequence was. If you want to try and work things out yourself.

I wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it was, so it was a lovely pleasant experience that it was like that, as so often it’s the opposite with games.

Ginger’s Games Curator page
298 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 01:34
I've played a lot of FMV's and I have to say this is in the bottom third... The acting was great, mind you, and the story was decent. The part that really killed this for me, mostly, was that fact that most of the choices really didn't effect what happened. Often the game had a route it was going to take you no matter what option you selected. You say no, person demands you do it any way. You select no and the character says maybe then agrees... You say go left or straight and both go to the same location. If a choice doesn't matter, don't give me a choice, especially if the character is going to blatantly do the opposite. That definitely killed the immersion for me. I played twice just to see if it would get better with another play through, but it just reinforced the frustration with more than half the choices.
Another reason I am giving this game a negative review is because I am a mental health provider and this game should really have resources listed along with the warning about content. I'm glad there was a warning, but such strong themes and graphic content can be harmful. In the US: 1-800-273-8255 for the suicide crisis line and 1-800-656-4673 for the national sexual assault hotline. Also, there are ways to still make a game unsettling and scary without graphic depictions of suicide.
34 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 04:26
I'm not quite understanding the negative reviews. I thought this game was very entertaining! The acting was great, especially from Nicole O'Neil.

Although I was a bit confused at a twist in the game, everything worked out and was explained perfectly. If you didn't like the first playthrough or find yourself in need of more answers, play again and again. (There are 4 different endings) . A lot of thought and effort goes into FMV games (and games in general) and i don't think people realize that. Some of the harsh reviews were completely unnecessary. I was entertained and couldn't stop playing. It peaked my interest and then some. If you like psychological thriller games/movies, give this a shot.

Overall. The game had some minor mishaps (like choosing a decision to not go down the stairs , but since you have to follow the story, you go down anyway) but it was never anything to warrant a negative review. It was a very cool experience!

I have been following the fmv genre since the 90s. This one didn't disappoint!
49 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 17:30
interesting concept - would have liked to have more consequential choices. A lot of the choices seem to be arbitrary.
Lots of potential - like an interactive movie.
143 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 12:14
I would like to pay double price for watching this, if it is a movie.

I've tried 6 times and still didn't unlock the last ending, and you can't save or load while playing this game (or restart from some selections like Detroit: become Human) really makes this game somehow like a torment and make me felt that I'm wasting my time. At least give us some hint plz?

But honestly they have really good idea on making a nice story, and the translation to other language is cool too.

Unfortunately, as a game, I do consider it is a failure. I mean, if you guys make it as a movie and put it on Netflix or some other website I would definitely recommend it.
224 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 00:24
This is an FMV game similar in format to Late Shift. It's an interactive movie where you make choices. There is no free roam exploration of the environment like in games such as Contradiction - Spot the Liar, for example.

I can't understand why people don't like this game because I consider it a very cleverly put together psychological thriller. Unlike Late Shift, where the change in story is limited by changing stories, an entirely different playing out of the story can happen if you make the opposite choices to what you did on your first playthrough.

The acting is very good. Nicola O'Neill is brilliant in the lead role.

There are many sinister characters to encounter as the story progresses and there is the feeling of being unsure of who to trust and who not to. The best games have such characters in. People always say that characters have to be likeable. I disagree. As long as characters are interesting and the plot is carefully constructed to keep you wanting to learn more, then the story is a winner. And sinister characters ARE interesting. At the same time, likeable people can be dull in storytelling. So the two-dimensional thinking that likeable people are good to have in a story and unlikable people are not doesn't hold for me.

And the presence of the sinister characters creates a degree of tension - tension which is heightened in the scenes where Kristina is exploring places. I won't give anything away about that, suffice to say that I found it all very suspenseful. A great atmosphere is set up and sustained in this game, not wasted like you see in countless films.

The story, while not being quite as intriguing as in Contradiction - Spot the Liar, is nonetheless very intriguing indeed. It's obvious that things are not what they seem where the death of Emily is concerned. But, depending on which path of the story you're on, you're might not develop an idea of what's really happening until late on. That was my experience anyway.

One playthrough is not enough to learn the full story; it is necessary to play multiple times. But the game is gripping enough to attract people to do that, in my opinion.

Overall, this is a solid game, worth at least 8 out of 10. It's not as gripping as Contradiction - Spot the Liar, which is probably the best of the modern wave of FMV games. But it is a lot better than She Sees Red and The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker.

The bottom line - if you like Late Shift, Contradiction - Spot the Liar and The Shapeshifting Detective, then I recommend this game as another addition to your FMV game collection.
330 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 00:38
Why give the player choices if you are gonna railroad them this hard?
2423 Produkte im Account
309 Reviews
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 19:30

How much longer will I have to wear this mask?

A new FMV published by Wales Interactive who are very well known for their best interactive movie Late Shift. I saw Black Cloud cannot be compared to Late shift, however, it is not a bad FMV. The story will be fully understood if you play the game multiple times. The story about Kristina who lost her close friend, she doesn't know if it was a suicide or someone did it. She and her friend started to look for answers and visiting an abandoned hospital, but things didn't go as they expected.

I'm sad to say the acting is very mediocre, the only good actress is the main one. The filming is ok, the story is not bad when you understand it fully, but you could be confused when you play the first play-through only as it has four different endings. There are some cons of the game, the music sometimes cuts off and loops, especially in the bar scene, also, the transition between the scenes after the choices is not smooth.

In the beginning, I didn't like how the choices appear while the characters are still speaking, and it is a timed choice as well, but there is an option for streamers to pause the choices to give you time to listen then choose what you think it fits your scenario. I liked that whatever choice you choose, changes the main character's behavior and does change the course of the story. The relationship between the characters changes as well, they could trust you or not depends on your choices.

+FMV game.
+Interesting story.
+Choices and consequences.
+Choices are timed by default but there is an option to pause them.
+Behavior meter and characters relationships (Depends on your choices)
+Multiple endings.
+Good soundtracks.
+Steam achievements.

-The transition between the scenes is not smooth.
-In some scenes, the music cuts off and loop (The bar scene)
-No manual save.
-Mediocre acting

There are some jump scares that made me jump and even gasp, they did a good job with that. The game is not very long, it is quite short but the more you play it, the more you understand Kristina. I recommend it to FMV lovers.

Other reviews:
The Bunker Review
Late Shift Review
The Shapeshifting Detective
Dark Nights with Poe and Munro
The Complex Review

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257 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 12:30
To be honest here, this game is a prime example of psychological abuse that is propelled violently at the audience that experiences this. I went into this with an open mind and a open heart, and left with nothing but an empty bowl of promises and a migraine. My entire chat is angry at me. They say they want to get rid of all my gifted subs. They want to refund my bits. They want to destroy me. All because I played this game. All because I tried to support the amazing _________ who wrote this, _________. And the worst part is that he only got 2 frames in which he fell out a window. Wow.

But do I recommend Maybe. IDK.
1148 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 22:14
- bad direction.
- bad music direction.
- choices felt bit useless in some cases as you have to take the only option anyways.

didnt enjoyed it and done with it after 1st ending only.
769 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 04:20
I should start by saying I'm a huge fan of FMV games and have played a bunch. I did 4 playthroughs (two were speedruns) of this game, and nothing really changed. I got the same ending every time, which was frustrating. I'm left not knowing how my decisions mattered. A few times the game froze. You have to exit, then resume and it picks up at the last checkpoint. The lighting and makeup is awful, but the actors did a good job. The story was easy to follow, creepy and cool. I'm not sure why there are so many negative reviews about the story. It's typical horror/thriller movie stuff. It gives you the feeling you are watching a movie and not playing a video game. You'll want to pause choices, because it goes way too fast if you don't, and the answers pop up before the questions sometimes. This also gives your viewers a chance to help you choose if you're streaming. I love the fact that once you have seen a scene, you can skip it on future playthroughs. It's similar to games like Late Shift where you can just sit back, relax and enjoy it without having to worry about QTE nonsense. Overall I enjoyed it and would recommend it for fans of FMV games.
652 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 03:19
Pretty entertaining if you feel like watching a mildly interactive horror movie.

It's pretty hard to tell though if you're doing something right or wrong. I got one of the bad endings but I'm not really sure why.
163 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 11:20
About two years ago I discovered the FMV genre and have become a great fan of this type of game. Wales Interactive in particular have published some brilliant titles. I really liked “The Bunker”, dearly loved “Shapeshifting Detective” and “The Complex” and simply adored “Late Shift”. Those titles possessed fantastic actors, decors, often a very cinematic atmosphere, fantastic soundtracks and inventive story-telling rarely found in other games.

“I Saw Black Clouds” is the first title of Wales Interactive that receives a thumbs down from me. It is not all bad, on the contrary. All of the actors do a great job in my opinion. Especially the main character is played with emotional depth. Nicole O´Neill convincingly plays a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The horror elements of the story are really creepy (but I am a wuss anyways) with some great jump-scares. Ever thought “don’t open the door, don’t open the door” while watching a horror movie? Well, now you get to decide for yourself if you open that door and that makes for great immersion in the dreadfully dark story. The soundtrack is very good once more, there are literally hundreds of decisions to be made, four different endings with very different paths leading towards those endings and something around 570 scenes to discover. So far so good, but…

The good acting is nearly ruined by very bad transitions between scenes where you make decisions. Those transitions are hardly ever fluent and require the actors to stare unnaturally into nothingness. There’s almost always a hard cut on the visuals and even a short glitchy pause, a stutter in the audio (soundtrack and background noises as well) during the transitions. I believe that’s why some of the reviewers here perceive the acting as mediocre. I rather think the actors do their best under hopeless circumstances. Even in scenes without player decisions there are weird choices of the director, cuts that make no sense and sudden jumps in the narrative often left me clueless. The real bummer for me was an annoying plot-twist before the last chapter of the game that ridicules everything that was told before. Massive spoiler, do not read if you intend to play the game without prejudice: [spoiler] everything told until the last chapter was just a hypnosis-induced fantasy of the protagonist. [/spoiler]

As mentioned before there are plenty of decisions to be made, but a lot of the decisions you make have no direct consequence at all. You decide that it is not okay to be hypnotised e.g. but you are hypnotised anyways. Well, sometimes those decisions do alter the stats of how you play the character and sometimes have consequences later on. The stats of your character (introspection, honesty, tact, feeling of guilt, acceptance and more) might influence story progression and the ending so this might have been interesting. Yeah, here comes another great “but”: I cannot discern any logic in how your decisions are valued by the game. Right at the end of the game you receive a summary on how you did. On my second playthrough I played a kind person who sacrificed herself for her friends, reacted politely in every situation, but was told that I was a hard person who cared not for friends. On my third run I played as a mean selfless bitch, always antagonising friends in conversation, reacting aggressively whenever possible, knowingly leaving a friend to die even and the game told me I have a good heart and am always loyal to my friends?!?!?

So far I have played three times through “I Saw Black Clouds” with completely different roleplaying, seen over 400 scenes, but still only got one out of four possible endings. I have no clue what to do to get a different ending, but will try a fourth run to see if I this changes my opinion on the game. At least you can skip scenes you have already seen.
1696 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 11:50

I Saw Silver Linings

It doesn't show its hand until it will have tested the patience of many, but I think in the pantheon of modern FMV titles it's sufficiently interesting to recommend (with some caveats).

Consider me an avid indie FMV game dabbler. Over time I've realised that the real beauty of such interactive films, much like VR games, isn't that they continuously break new ground towards some singularity future entertainment form. It's that indie creator spirit that flows through their design and writing and all the quirks and eccentricities that come with that. I'm British, so I always love the underdog.

As I've reviewed multiple FMV and 'choose your own adventure' games, be it The Walking Dead, She Sees Red, Late Shift, etc, I've really taken to finding a potential readable message in the totality of the choices. One of the unique things about such games is your ability to enjoy the intertextual narratives told over multiple playthroughs and the totality of the choices. The actual narrative is told over multiple playthroughs rather than a single viewing. Rather nifty.

I saw Black Clouds (ISBC) has got my number. Without spoiling too much, ISBC opts for a more advanced form of The Complex's method of choices contributing to a character profile. The narrative very uniquely allows for a flexibility in diverging timelines and subtly splitting them in a way I've never seen before. This is a more mature approach to interactive films. Less about choices for merely choices' sake, but weaving them into the premise of the narrative itself. You could scoff at that and say the premise just justifies what would usually be bad practice in such a game (like cosmically shifting pieces on the board for dramatisation purposes), but I think that would be uncharitable. One set of subtle choices splits the game's events in a significant and impressive way that can be easily missed.

If anything drags the game down it's just some of the basics. Choices don't segue from scene to scene smoothly, resulting in a jagged cut of an audio-visual experience. It's something you get used to, but it really undermines the perceived quality of the overall product. Also, until the game won me back at the end it feels EXTREMELY slow. Scenes drag on without much front-end intrigue or hook. It's much better as an overall experience than it is a first playthrough.

Otherwise, it's very competently shot and acted whilst dialling up the seriousness of its premise and themes significantly compared to its contemporaries. Whilst this means it lacks some of the delightful quirkiness of other FMV games, ISBC takes advantage of its themes and tone to great effect. Nicole O'Neill is especially believable as the protagonist and acts her heart out. The aforementioned split in the game's events effectively doubles the scenes with a different cast and alters existing ones. It must have been a significant production undertaking. All impressive stuff.

Whilst ISBC pushes the binary choice mechanic into an interesting place (and remains a very mobile friendly solution), I do hope FMV games start to go in a more interesting direction. At Dead Of Night's blend of live-action and graphics to allow you to freely traverse around an environment whilst avoiding an AI character shows us how FMV games can be more mechanically experimental than the 'choose your own adventure' delivery. The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker's finicky (and Her Story's perfected) text entry also show an alternative.

Still, where some have seen black clouds I see silver linings. For all its technical hiccups, slow pace, and initial lack of hook, it takes binary choice FMV into just about as interesting a place as it will go. Whilst I hope for more experimental FMV games at some stage, ISBC is a worthy addition to the mobile-friendly binary choice genre. Just make sure you add an extra spoonful of patience for all its foibles.

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550 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
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21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 14:31
I love FMVs and wanna support them where I can, but, boy, this is a mess. As many have already written, whenever you need to choose an option the music and game sort of cuts, which is really annoying when wearing headphones. Since you have these options like every minute, the game becomes a choppy mess that destroys any immersion. Filming and Editing was both done rather poorly, especially compared to their earlier games. And I am really sorry, but I also did not like any of the casting choices I've seen so far. When this game turned into a pseudo horror movie, I decided to stop. There is just nothing redeeming about this game for me. Sorry.
1016 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
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117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 12:34
I think this was my third Wales Interactive FMV story game (Late Shift & The Bunker being the others), and it's easily the worst of the bunch. The jumbled story is all over the place and ultimately tries to explain away its shortcomings in a pretty annoying way. Janky and frequently jarring scene transitions and multiple non-decisions that can lead into game over (Go left or go right? Really?). Muddled character motives, unclear story progression and a disappointing overall experience.
39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 16:32
I almost done all the FMV Games but this is different.
I unlocked one of the ending and still confused maybe I should finish 4 endings.
Acting 7/10
Story 8/10
Price - 7/10

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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
65.06% 54 29
Release:30.03.2021 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Ghost Dog Films Vertrieb: Wales Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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