• I Am Alive: Neues Bildmaterial zum Spiel
  • I Am Alive: Neues Bildmaterial zum Spiel
  • I Am Alive: Neues Bildmaterial zum Spiel
  • I Am Alive: Neues Bildmaterial zum Spiel
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem postapokalyptischen Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neues Bildmaterial zum Spiel
  • I Am Alive: Neues Bildmaterial zum Spiel
  • I Am Alive: Neues Bildmaterial zum Spiel
  • I Am Alive: Neues Bildmaterial zum Spiel
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem Action-Adventure
  • I Am Alive: Neuer Screenshot aus dem postapokalyptischen Action-Adventure


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 07.03.2012
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Preis Update 07.03.25

Über das Spiel

Chicago, Juni 2009. Willkommen in einer blühenden Metropole von 8,7 Millionen Menschen, einer der wichtigsten Wirtschafts- und Finanzzentren der Welt, berühmt für seine Kunst und Art Deco-Architektur.
Ein warmer Tag, blauer Himmel, 12:44 Mittags. Das stärkste Erdbeben seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen zerstört die komplette Stadt mit einer Stärke 10,3 auf der Richterskala und stellt das Leben jedes Einwohners auf den Kopf. Sie sind gefangen in einer Welt, in der jeder Überlebende eine tödliche Gefahr bedeuten kann. Ihre einzige Hoffnung ist es, die Aufmerksamkeit der Rettungstruppen zu erregen. Ihre primäre Sorge gilt jedoch der Rettung von Alice, Ihrer Freundin. Verloren in den Ruinen der einst mächtigen Metropole müssen Sie schwierige Entscheidungen treffen, um zu überleben: Retten, heilen, beschützen oder angreifen, betrügen und stehlen? Das Wichtigsten ist: Überleben! Wie werden Sie sich entscheiden?

Erscheint als digitaler Download: XBox 360 1200 MS Punkte | Playstation 3

Die tote Stadt Haventon, packend und verräterisch
Entdecken Sie die zerstörte, verfallende Stadt auf mehreren Ebenen mit unterschiedlichen atmosphärischen Bedingungen und klettern Sie in Sicherheit. Die Umgebungen erzählen die Geschichte einer untergegangenen Welt und was aus ihr und ihren Bewohnern wurde.

Unberechenbare Begegnungen
Die Überlebenden verhalten sich individuell und passen sich an Ihr Verhalten an. Einige sind freundlich und brauchen Hilfe, einige sind verängstigt und einige sind feindlich und werden versuchen, Sie als Gruppe zu überwältigen. Werden Sie Ihren Weg verlassen und Ihre wenigen, wertvollen Ressourcen opfern, um denen in Not zu helfen?

Auf Einschüchterung basierender Kampf
Der Kampf ist tödlich und Munition ist rar. Die Spieler müssen Täuschungsmanöver einsetzen, um mit ihren Gegnern fertigzuwerden. Feiglinge beugen sich schnell dem Lauf einer leeren Waffe, aber aggressivere Gegner werden es darauf ankommen lassen.

Ausdauer- und Ressourcen-Management
Jede Anstrengung kostet. Nutzen Sie Ihre Ausdauer geschickt, um versteckte Orte zu erreichen. Suchen Sie nach Ressourcen und Vorräten, die in der ganzen Stadt versteckt sind: Wasser, Nahrung, Benzin, Medizin, Werkzeuge, Kletterausrüstung, Waffen, Munition und alles, was Sie sonst noch aus der zerstörten Stadt bergen können und was sich als hilfreich erweisen könnte.

Verbessert für den PC
  • Mehr Möglichkeiten, Überleben zu erleben. Der neue Easy-Modus sorgt für unendlich viele Versuche und einen etwas sanfteren, nachsichtigeren Einstieg in I Am Alive. Im Replay-Modus können Sie jederzeit jeden Level wiederholen, um mehr Geheimnisse, alternative Wege und versteckte Ressourcen zu finden.
  • Erforschen Sie die dunkle, stimmungsvolle postapokalyptische Welt in höherer Auflösung und schärferer Grafik, mit vollständig anpassbaren Grafikeinstellungen.
  • Vollständig konfigurierbare Maus-, Tastatur- und Gamepad-Unterstützung, um genau so zu spielen, wie Sie es mögen.

  • Erforschen Sie die zerstörte Stadt. Finden Sie Ihren Weg in düsteren, mit giftigem Staub bedeckten und schuttbeladenen Straßen. Klettern Sie auf die Ruinen der letzten stehenden Wolkenkratzer, um die letzten unverseuchten Ressourcen zu finden. Achten Sie auf Überlebende - einige sind Ihnen freundlich gesinnt und brauchten Unterstützung, einige sind verängstigt, die meisten sind schlicht feindlich und benutzen Gruppentaktiken, um Sie zur Strecke zu bringen.
  • Einschüchterungsbasierter Kampf
  • Kämpfe sind tödlich und Munition ist knapp. Nutzen Sie Ablenkungen, um mit Gegnergruppen fertig zu werden, während Sie Ihre wertvollen paar Kugeln aufsparen, aber seien Sie auf der Hut vor den zähen Gegnern - sie könnten Sie durchschauen.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

320 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 13:40
It's already a little older and I do not like it. Tried now after years again and the entire thing feels unpolished. Climbing with Stamina, bluffing with pistol without bullet. Clumsy control scheme and mouse aiming. Meh.
560 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.18 20:49
Sehr empfehlenswert wer auf Endzeit Spiel steht!!! 10/10
Hab noch nie ein Spiel gezogt wo die muni noch knapper ist!!!
108 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.15 10:47
zuerst fesselt es, dann nervt es nur noch..

die Story hört sich gut an, es beginnt ganz nett und man lernt so das eine oder andere zur Steuerung... und dann ist es immer nur das selber, die selben Klettergeschichten (finde den Kletterhaken, damit Du in der Wand hängend dich ausruhen kannst) , die selben Kämpfe (drücke E wenn er nah genug dran ist, dann schieße mit der einen gerade gefundenen Patrone den mit der Knarre um, bedrohe ohne Munition den 3ten und stoße ihn irgendwo runter)... und am aller nervigsten: hat man einen Fehler gemacht und ist irgendwie doch durch gekommen zum nächsten Speicherpunkt, dann darfst Du den Kram von irgendwo vorne beginnen oder mit kaum Ausdauer und fehlendem Equip weiterspielen.

Sorry, aber das ist für mich dann auch für ein low-price game zu wenig

ps: und die Kamerasteuerung finde ich meist grausam
ps2: man merkt das Konsolenspiel
374 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.15 19:20
Ein kleines Meisterwerk das uns Ubisoft hier bietet.
Dieses Spiel hat eine sehr gute Atmosphäre, eine tolle Story die uns Erzählt wird und in die man sich auch sehr gut hinein versetzen kann.
Die Steuerung Funktioniert sehr Gut und hat mir keinerlei Schwierigkeiten bereitet.

Für dieses kleine Geld würde ich denk Spiel 10 von 10 Punkten geben und es jedem weiter Empfehlen !
1357 Produkte im Account
1447 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.14 00:46
Dieses Spiel hat eine sehr gute Atmosphäre, die sehr dicht ist. Man fühlt sich als Survivor. Schöne fesselnde Kletterphasen, die durch die Verringerung der Ausdauer hervorgehoben wird. Da es nicht wie Assassins Creed ist, wo man ewig rumklettern kann, ohne eine Pause zu machen. Leider gibt es allgemein zu wenige Dialoge mit Opfern oder Gegnern. Aber dafür sind die Dialoge mit dem Hauptcharakter sehr schön. Dennoch würde man gerne mehr über die Welt erfahren in der man sich gerade befindet. Grafik ist größtenteils ok, sie passt zum Setting. Genial ist auch der Soundtrack, wordurch man noch fester im Spiel drin ist. Story bisher ok, spiele erst seit 2 Stunden. Also bisher insgesamt ein gutes Spiel, weil es neue Dinge mit sich bringt und einen eine Welt zeigt die man nie erleben will. Da man sich selbst dabei erwischt das man Opfern nicht hilft, weil man selbst diesen Gegenstand (in dem Fall ein Medikit) braucht. Und dann ein schlechtes Gewissen bekommt. Weil man selbst überleben will und muss und dementsprechend handelt. Und sich dann die Frage stellt : Würde man den jenigen Helfen ? Wenn es in der realen Welt passieren würde und nur noch wenige Menschen leben. Wasser, Nahrung und Medizin sehr knapp sind. Und man diesen Gegenstand selbst zum Überleben brauch............?
1829 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.14 16:29
Nette Endzeit Story die wirklich recht gut gelungen ist. Das Spiel selbst ist nicht wirklich lang und der Umfang ist auch nicht wirklich groß, trotzdem überzeugt die kleine Perle dieses Genres und kann sich sehen lassen. Schwerpunkt des Spiels sind die gut umgesetzten wenn auch manchmal übertriebenen Klettereinlagen, Kampfgefechte gibt es doch eher selten und was mich persönlich etwas nervt ist das Zeitlimit, welches in tieferen Regionen der Stadt erscheint, hat man dann nicht genug Hilfsmittel dabei ist man schon so gut wie tot. Die Waffenauswahl fällt auch sehr mager aus, was aber in der kurzen Zeit nicht stört. Alles in allem überzeugt das Spiel doch sehr positiv und sollte bei Freunden des Endzeitgenres keinesfalls in der Sammlung fehlen.
104 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.14 08:59
Tolles Spiel! Aber es ist schwer... SEHR schwer! Munition ist sehr knapp, die Gegner sind stark und man stirbt sehr schnell.
Man kann sich mit Schmerzmittel Wasser und Medikits heilen aber die muss man erst mal finden.Man hat nur wenige Wiederholungen und wenn die verbaucht sind muss man die am letzten Kontrollpunkt anfangen.Das klettern ist auch nicht einfacher, da man nur begrenzte Ausdauer hat (sinkt der Ausdauerbalken fällt man).ACHTUNG! Wenn ihr kein Gamepad habt,Finger weg von diesem Spiel. Ohne Gamepad geht nix.Aber die Story hat mir positiv gefallen.Wenn jemand seit der Herausforderungen mögt könnt ihr das gerne mal spielen, das ist schwer genug :) 6/10
175 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 16:57
Cool Story, But Very limited loot and a lot of bugs.
144 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 03:14
The og of last of us lmao
145 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 21:20
great game
230 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 17:23
2023 Simulator 6/10
1194 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 16:31
Somewhat good game, but a garbage half arsed port, keyboard prompts do not work. you require a controller to play the game.
42 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 06:46
No complain about it, needs to plan strategy on good use of resources for the next course of action. A combination of puzzles and combat.
376 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 09:18
Seems like a classic Ubisoft game quickly ported for max profits. Controls are terrible, performance not optimized at all.

Just terrible.

This is a 1/10 experience.
328 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 19:45
Interesting combat; great atmosphere.
75 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 04:08
if you were following this game since the e3 trailer and are curious to see what the game turned into, that's the ONLY reason to play this. if not, don't watch the e3 2008 trailer, because that looked like it would've been a good game. unfortunately, those characters and ideas were scrapped for a fetch-quest laden, badly written, grey-scale foggy mess that is super ugly to look at and feels like shit to play 80% of the time. some cool ideas, but all are half baked (depleting stamina, pointing guns at people with no bullets). it essentially turns into a routine of climbing through a building, walking through dust, or taking down groups of enemies. the no bullet idea is cool, but becomes unbelievable when you start kicking dudes into firepits, the AI is painfully stupid. got bored after a few hours and have absolutely no desire to play it again. what a shame, talk about wasted potential
43 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 06:33
Never seen anything about until today. This is a very underrated game by far. If it were to fixed up and change some of how the combat works I could see this game becoming a triple A title. Other than a few bugs, texture issues, and combat issues this game is great I recommend it.
98 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 16:47
This must be the most truthful survival game. You really do not want to die in a world that feels so dangerous and lethal.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 19:53
Controls are bad. Interaction with environment is flaky, in an already challenging game. Don't waste your time of HD space.
1311 Produkte im Account
523 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 16:31
cute, but like all ubisoft games they just crash after some time.
98 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 02:13
crashes constantly. over all, its a great game that i loved playing on the ps3, and was excited when i saw it got a PC release. i am 3/4 of the way through playing it again, and it has probably crashed 15 times.
125 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 03:36
This game had a lot of potential to be really cool, but man, it was just such a mess.

The atmosphere of the game was good, it had a lot of great visuals, and the soundscape is equally oppressive, but man, I just did not like how it all came together.

The main draw to this game is its survival system, and the way you have to manage groups of enemies, because if you try to take on more than one at a time, you'll probably get your ass handed to you. You get a gun, but only maybe one bullet at a time, two if you're conservative with it - but you're not supposed to kill, you're just supposed to hold the enemies back by pointing your gun at them, and then escape without having to kill anyone. Sounds great in theory.

The problem is that it actually sucks ass. Most groups of enemies will try to bum-rush you anyway, and can only be stopped if you shoot one of them dead, which defeats the purpose of it entirely. And man, if you miss, or if they realise you don't have bullets, looks like it's back to the last checkpoint for you, because then you go into the melee combat, which is really just the worst. It's clunky, the controls don't function very well, and it's almost completely unfair. And yeah, that's kind of the point, you're supposed to avoid melee combat, blah blah blah, but damn dude, the controls and prompts to use stealth kills or to actually fight are so precise and unbalanced that when the game forces you into those combat situations - and it definitely forces you into them, more often than not - it immediately sucks out all of the fun.

And I swear, 9 times out of 10, enemies just will NOT back down when you try to do things peacefully. The game basically railroads you into combat each time, because the whole mechanic of threatening enemies to make them keep their distance - it doesn't work very well. As soon as you lower your weapon to run, they start hounding you again, and if you hold your gun at them for too long, they bum rush you anyway.

So right away, I was not on the game's side.

But I've stuck through frustrating games before, if the story was good, and so I looked up how the story plays out, just to see if it would have been worth sticking with it. Maybe that's a bit of a faux pas to look up the ending to the game, but I just wanted to know if it was worth it (sometimes it is!) and I gotta say...

I'm SO GLAD I stopped playing this at 3 hours in, because if I played through and got to that ending, I would have been so utterly disappointed and upset.

This might be one of the worst, most frustrating games I've ever played. And some games are frustrating in a good way - Dark Souls, Hollow Night, stuff that relies on your skill to overcome the obstacles.

But I Am Alive is frustrating in all the worst ways.

I do not recommend this game to anyone.
89 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
8041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 01:27
good game i liked it. Go slow and think about it i loved the game hats off to the builders of this but a fun game love the sliding down the buildings that was fun that all you need to do i won the game years ago but i always play again peace and cheers.
341 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 14:49
One of the most underrated 'survival-horror' games.
it's really more of a survival thriller than horror; it's somber, uncomfortable, and stressful.
Primarily an action management game, you manage stamina while climbing, you manage ammo while fighting, and before fighting you manage enemy density by dealing with the situation in a human way. Your enemies act like they actually want to survive, and will give up if you point a gun at them, you can even bluff your way out.
The story isn't the most memorable but the emotion behind it sticks with you, the aesthetic looks superficially bland but is in practice a very stark and noticeable artistic choice.
The game is creative and you will enjoy it if you can appreciate the intentional frustration and linearity of it.
247 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 02:31
I Am Alive | ★★★☆☆

I just wanted to review this just so my few friends could perhaps noticed this game and maybe give it a petty try. Yes, the game lives up to its bad review. Flat written plot, terrible environment modeling and texture work that it's looks like it was a PS2 game. Paired it with Ubisoft parkour that is somehow uniquely challenging because of its timed stamina features.

However, In a span of full 5 hrs of my play time. I've experienced a new interesting mechanics and a realistic approach to how an apocalypse supply would actually be. In the stretch of the game you will find a full of aggressive, desperate people that can be bluffed by a mere empty pistol.

There's no shootout whatsoever gonna happen throughout the game because of the scarce bullet and most of the time you would be in a situation, surrounded by 4 armed men and you need to think ahead before taking any action to utilize every single thing you all have.

It has a really great potential that could maybe reach a different kind of popularity if something like Remedy or Naughty Dog developed it while still having all its concept intact.
417 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 02:08
The Last of Us PC looking great
221 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 21:55
I remember getting this as a demo on my Xbox 360, I never got round to playing it via that device so I was glad to play it via Steam.
Honestly this game is alright, not brilliant but I think there's enough there to make a full game.
I can only hope there is a sequel in the works because honestly I like the story, mechanics and gameplay enough I see no reason why this cannot be a full game.
However, the controls need work, they are not good, it is not controller friendly and even on keyboard the controls are hard to master.
The story is also very short so I cannot suggest buying this game at full price.
Other then that its a solid game, would recommend.
2060 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 17:04


This is a game that i was thoroughly entertained with.
It's now that i HAPPILY ended the game.
Sometimes we just happen to end a game, then there are games WE decide to play-through,
this for me was like that.
The setting IS that of the post-apocalyptic.
Our protagonist is a friendly person making his effort to survive through that. Searching for his own lost wife & child.
Challenges are-a-plenty, one of those presented here is that of unbreathable atmosphere in select areas.

The reviews (even noticing by friends) are MIXED, so there isn't a consensus.
A few things to note.
-game is played in mostly 3rd person perspective, as you aim, you switch to FP view,
-it's a shooter,
-resources ARE scarce.
-stealth is definitely an option,
-it isn't just easy, you shall need to adapt, the elements are against you as are HUMAN NPC's
-a certain style is used it's close to TOTAL black & white (though it isn't),
-REALITY check, I had a few sound issues, disabling V-SYNC left me at 60 FPS, crashes,
I endured AS-MY-CHOICE led me to this. Finally I advise using SUBTITLES.

The immersion I found impressive, though the game is linear,
the AI responses were FUN if anything, if you point your weapon at an NPC in another game,
they don't HEARTILY-TRY to negotiate with you :))))), YOU may end up walking them in circles
with their hands raised if you wish :) THEN there's an edge.... ===>

I recommend as I thought this was an experience to be enjoyed,
finding i do partly agree with a few points in the negative reviews against the game by friends
like the state of the game. It's almost a 10 year old game at time of writing & a little love would do
it well.
102 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 20:41
Last of us vibe. The game is keeping you on your toes constantly. Must have and must play for survival fans.
220 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 07:30
I Am Alive is a very creative game with elements and ideas not seen in other games, it does a great job of making you worry about the resources you are using (bullets in particular). But the exploration can get somewhat tedious, and the cutscenes are a little too long and a little too frequent. Overall, I would recommend giving this game a shot if it is on sale, it is a pretty short experience.
340 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 20:32
Use a Controller
203 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 07:40
You keep expecting more interesting stuff to happen and then it doesnt and then the game's over
403 Produkte im Account
153 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 11:22
This game aint great.

I really liked what it wanted to do and what it wanted to be, but for an Ubisoft game its surprisingly cheap feeling, id expect this out of an indie studio, but it did come out in 2012 so ill just chalk it up to an inexperienced development team. This game was very goofy, trying to be serious, with a lot of good ideas that just didnt come together into a really great package with a mediocre setting and a slightly better but unfulfilling ending.

I dont recommend it, but I didnt particularly hate it either.
401 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 23:56
My love of post-apocalyptic games and some weird nostalgia made me buy this game. I remember playing the game on Xbox when I was a kid. I also remember that I've never finished the game and that I didn't know why. I know now.

The game checkpoints are too far apart from each other and the limited resets mechanic do not fit the game whatsoever. also, the inability of using your machete in melee fights is downright stupid. The bad guys seem to be capable of doing so. Why can't you be able to do the same?

It feels like a proof of concept that didn't work out as planned.
220 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 18:49
Old era style controls and gaming, not bad at all though. Makes you hate humans, but who already didn't? Try it, claim you too are alive... throw it on that wishlist and wait for it to be a dollar man, a dollar game you won't regret.
59 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 02:02
Why do I get an error every time I have tried to launch this game. I have gone though all of the troubleshooting without a change. What gives? How Can I solve this issue?
141 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 22:18
I first played this game on Xbox 360 many years ago & it was a decent game, On Steam however the control system is terrible, you have to use a combination of controller & Mouse if your wanting to use your weapon. How could they screw something so simple up, there's not even an option to change the controller layout so you can't even sprint without using the mouse for that also. Do not buy this game its borderline unplayable
382 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 21:04
A very charming game! Not perfect and doesn't feature a deep story. But all around, a lot of fun to play!
389 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 23:10
Lots of climbing and surviving in a post-apocalyptic town. This is not a sandbox, but rather a linear story.
A bit old, but definitely a well crafted game.
I'm not sure about replayability, but it's definitely worth at least one play through.

P.S. I've played it on Linux with Proton. The game never crashed for me, though I had a couple bugs during the play.
652 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 07:15
The game is cool with a lot of interesting ideas but it's such a broken mess so it's incredibly frustrating to play.
The controls are awful and feel very unresponsive.
There are tons of bugs and the game crashes CONSTANTLY.
It crashed 3 times for me in the last 1 hour of playing.

I would love to see this game recreated by another studio.
I guess in a way it already was recreated in the new Tomb Raider games.
394 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 00:17
It could be a very good game, there was great potential here.
Unfortunately it's unfinished and unpolished on many different aspects.
It shouldn't be released at this state!
535 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 06:00
If you want a short survival game this isn't to bad. For how short it is how old it is and the repetitive nature of game elements I would suggest getting it when it is 50-70% off.

The good : It's quite short and the climbing and encounter mechanics start to get to you near the end

The bad : Some of the encounter mechanics ensure if you make the wrong choice you die. Climbing can
sometimes be a pain especially when you character moves in a direction you didn't want to go

The ugly : After a while you are kind of over the washed out tones.
811 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 16:45
That was extremely painful experience. Disastrous looking, horrible playing, very buggy, pointless story, i should've never even start this garbage.
1898 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 13:09
It has a lot of great ideas. Replacing combat with bluffing about having bullet and ambushing people. Treating climbing areas as resource management puzzles. Really good stuff that other games should really try to build on.

It's just not very good though. Nothing about it is interesting enough to keep me playing past the first section. The story is bland, the visuals are nice but I'm not waiting breathlessly to see the next bit, the combat is kind of samey, and the climbing areas don't seem to vary much in important ways.
133 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 22:54
People say this game is dark, but on a 5% brightness setting it's still brighter than the sun. You keep doing the same things over and over: walk and climb, bluff some dudes, run from combat and bluff again.
On a darker setting and better ambiance it could be better, but it's a sore to the eye when you can't see because it's too bright and that affects even the combat and exploration.
383 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 19:56
I Am Alive presents a couple of interesting ideas like how you can resolve conflicts by bluffing with a gun that have no bullet and the little management of your survival by taking care of health and stamina. The story is pretty bland and the characters really weak but it's also pretty hard to create characters that the player will remember due to how short the game is in the first place. The climbing works but sometimes with the camera being so wonky and difficult it leads to some frustrating waste of stamina which is very limited during climbing leading you to spend sometimes precious resources or risk losing a retry token. That's right if you die you get to use a retry token which you get 3 at the beginning of each level and honestly that system is so useless. The camera might lock on things randomly through walls and if you are facing numerous enemies in a bundle and your goal is to shoot the one holding the gun it will possibly go all over the place. At the beginning of the game it's worst but if you do play the one way the game wants you to play you might as well reload already because during a conflict wasting that single bullet means you cannot win this fight anymore. Also the music going super intense when you are climbing and using stamina is so annoying putting tension over simply sprinting. I've attempted to finish this game twice in the past and now I've done it on my third try years later. Overall it's not really worth your time to be honest and even more for the price, it's very average and feels underdeveloped in many areas.
35 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 06:55
Holding homeless people up at gunpoint then murdering them with a hunting bow has never been so depressing.
302 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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1126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.19 05:13
tl;dr - only recommended for masochists

The story is flaccid, and the graphics are about appropriate for the games age. Nothing groundbreaking. Major issues I had were that it doesn't support Win10. Idk if it would of run right if I had Win7, but running it on my system (which is more than adequate otherwise) made it have camera slowdowns, and all sorts of MAJOR inconviences. The controls are obviously just a port of the console, though you can rebind them to some degree. My thing is that the controls + the lagging really makes you want to chuck the game out the window. Definitely managable, but super-frustrating. The gameplay has 3 major elements. Parkour/rockclimbing type stuff (which is genuinely pretty fun), resource scavenging/trading(ish) in a very small apocolyptic map, and engaging 'enemies'. I put enemies in quotes because anyone you encounter may be friendly or aggressive. All of the hostile engagements pretty much follow a trial and error quicktime event sort of pattern. I was hoping the game would have a more open ended way of trying to manage encounters, and to the games credit this is the only one I've really seen like this. But to be quite honest it DOES NOT scratch the CQC itch. Too simplistic despite ambitious efforts. The quicktime engagments are made worse because either the game is failing to function, or availibilty of using the actions is too niche.

For example: You have like one bullet, and there's 3 guys closing in on you. Lets say you kill one guy, and so you hold the last two at gun point. A major mechanic of the game is supposed to be that you can tell a bad guy to back up to basically a cliff edge or fire pit and the kick them in, insta-killing them and then usually the last guy surrenders. But half the time the fucking prompt wont work and so eventually he calls your bluff and charges you, and the hitboxes are shit. Id love to say the game is brutal but fair, but it's not. Your shots will miss because the enemy wasn't at the combat part of his script yet or the supernaturally know where you are or they will shoot at you with a seemingly endless supply of bullets, but when you go to scavange their corpse they have none.
Basically 'I Am Alive' tried to merge regular gameplay and a quicktime fight cutscene and it flounders sloppily. Or at least it feels like it.

If you want a good tactical shooter try the Rainbow 6 series (not siege tho)
If you want good parkour try Mirror's Edge
If you want an atmospheric resource scarce wasteland try Dead Space
If you want a good mix of apocalyptic parkour murder time: Dying Light
DONT get THIS game unless you the kinda guy/gal who falls in love with someone in chemotherapy. It offers things very few others do, but it's a labor of love and honestly the juice aint worth the squeeze in this case. (and I consider myself to have an abnormally large amount of patience and understanding regarding quality, so that's saying something)
171 Produkte im Account
164 Reviews
1707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.19 01:14
Despite what most reviews and people say, It's a really great game! I think it's really underrated. Gameplay is on point.
280 Produkte im Account
279 Reviews
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.19 11:16
One of the most challenging games ever. It's not really a good game, but a really great and fun challenge.

+ Extremely hard, will test your survival skills to the max.
+ For your mistakes you are punished permenantly (for the rest of the playthrough). If you use too many stamina items in one climbing section you won't be able to pass harder climbing section.
+ Really dark atmosphere.
+ Great color choices for graphics.
+ Extremely limited items. There are a lot of them but most of them makes tiny effect. On easy difficulty I was just right with items, I literraly never had even one spare item (ammo or stamina item), that's how scarse they are.
+ Combat is fantastic, I mean fighting itself sucks, but what's amazing is that if there are more than 1 enemy it's impossible to fight them with melee, you'll definitely die. You can use guns but ammo is so scarse that you'll really have to consider it hard if it's worth firing.
+ Extremely rewarding side quests.
+ Fantastic moral choices. To help more people or save more items for yourself.

+- Limited tries on harder difficulty settings. It makes the game even harder, but backtracking is really cheap strategy to make game harder.

- Really crappy checkpoint system, sometimes it checkpoints in worst possible places.
- Horrible saving system. If you quit the game you'll have to restart the whole chapter next time. Why can't the game load my last checkpoint?
- Game doesn't show when it checkpoints.
- Sometimes checkpoints don't save all your previously picked items. Sometimes after dying and reloading checkpoint last previously picked item is gone.
- Abysmal controls.
- Crappy camera and movement at edges.
- Crappy running system.
- Horrible ending.

This game did test my skills to it's max, I loved it.

121 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.19 20:29
The Game is... Good. I liked it. It has good mechanics, engaging story and is an ok length. It does feel like they had planned for it to be longer though, since the city is big and a lot of areas seems arbitrarly closed off. The story also ends on a sudden note, so... I wish it had been longer. It is still a fine game and it can be nerve-wracking to climb the higher buildings. Try it out!
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
61.54% 821 513
Release:07.03.2012 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Ubisoft Vertrieb: Ubisoft Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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