

2051. The world has become consumed by the ever rising tide of the global population flood. Fertile land has been reclaimed by rising oceans and expanding deserts, resulting in famine and poverty on an unprecedented scale. Water is now mankind's most precious resource, and conflict erupts wherever it flows.
Only one bubble of the old capitalist world survives. The Queen of the World is the largest ship ever to grace the oceans, a colossal city at sea where the wealthy elite live in exile from the chaos which surrounds them. Onboard this stateless paradise the Five Founding Fathers set about pursuing their Cornucopian research unimpeded.
The contempt of the outside world is offset by NanoCell Corporation, one of the five, who promise to develop nano-technology to purify sea water at the molecular level and make the deserts bloom with the food of the world. But as they move closer to their goal, the bitterness of fanatical Malthusians grows.
The so called 'Neo Malthusians' timed their attack perfectly. 9.8 billion watched as they recast hope as hatred, following a prophecy to commit global genocide; drowning the planet with blood as they slash the worlds population to a mere half billion 'righteous souls'. A prophecy they will soon find themselves in a position to fulfill."> Features


2051. The world has become consumed by the ever rising tide of the global population flood. Fertile land has been reclaimed by rising oceans and expanding deserts, resulting in famine and poverty on an unprecedented scale. Water is now mankind's most precious resource, and conflict erupts wherever it flows.
Only one bubble of the old capitalist world survives. The Queen of the World is the largest ship ever to grace the oceans, a colossal city at sea where the wealthy elite live in exile from the chaos which surrounds them. Onboard this stateless paradise the Five Founding Fathers set about pursuing their Cornucopian research unimpeded.
The contempt of the outside world is offset by NanoCell Corporation, one of the five, who promise to develop nano-technology to purify sea water at the molecular level and make the deserts bloom with the food of the world. But as they move closer to their goal, the bitterness of fanatical Malthusians grows.
The so called 'Neo Malthusians' timed their attack perfectly. 9.8 billion watched as they recast hope as hatred, following a prophecy to commit global genocide; drowning the planet with blood as they slash the worlds population to a mere half billion 'righteous souls'. A prophecy they will soon find themselves in a position to fulfill."> Features


2051. The world has become consumed by the ever rising tide of the global population flood. Fertile land has been reclaimed by rising oceans and expanding deserts, resulting in famine and poverty on an unprecedented scale. Water is now mankind's most precious resource, and conflict erupts wherever it flows.
Only one bubble of the old capitalist world survives. The Queen of the World is the largest ship ever to grace the oceans, a colossal city at sea where the wealthy elite live in exile from the chaos which surrounds them. Onboard this stateless paradise the Five Founding Fathers set about pursuing their Cornucopian research unimpeded.
The contempt of the outside world is offset by NanoCell Corporation, one of the five, who promise to develop nano-technology to purify sea water at the molecular level and make the deserts bloom with the food of the world. But as they move closer to their goal, the bitterness of fanatical Malthusians grows.
The so called 'Neo Malthusians' timed their attack perfectly. 9.8 billion watched as they recast hope as hatred, following a prophecy to commit global genocide; drowning the planet with blood as they slash the worlds population to a mere half billion 'righteous souls'. A prophecy they will soon find themselves in a position to fulfill.">


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 09.05.2020
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Preis Update 12.06.20

Über das Spiel

Hydrophobia: Prophecy is the ultimate version of this jaw-dropping action-adventure set onboard a floating city, where terrorists take control and heroine Kate has to overcome her haunting childhood memories to fight back using all her skills and expertise as a systems engineer.


  • Fast-paced action and breathtaking visuals; engage mind blowing "flow combat" unique floating cover where emergent gameplay results in a never-the-same-experience.
  • Unleash floating oil fires, electricity and the power of the water to wipe out your enemy as you discover the terrifying truth of the Malthusian prophecy.
  • Campaign includes puzzles, platforming and combat with Hydro-kinetic powers to ultimately control the water and culminates in a unique stand off battle where the player has to unleash the awesome power of tempest against her Malthusian nemesis.
  • Over 200 collectables, 12 achievements and as an added bonus, players can unlock an epic Challenge Room.


2051. The world has become consumed by the ever rising tide of the global population flood. Fertile land has been reclaimed by rising oceans and expanding deserts, resulting in famine and poverty on an unprecedented scale. Water is now mankind's most precious resource, and conflict erupts wherever it flows.
Only one bubble of the old capitalist world survives. The Queen of the World is the largest ship ever to grace the oceans, a colossal city at sea where the wealthy elite live in exile from the chaos which surrounds them. Onboard this stateless paradise the Five Founding Fathers set about pursuing their Cornucopian research unimpeded.
The contempt of the outside world is offset by NanoCell Corporation, one of the five, who promise to develop nano-technology to purify sea water at the molecular level and make the deserts bloom with the food of the world. But as they move closer to their goal, the bitterness of fanatical Malthusians grows.
The so called 'Neo Malthusians' timed their attack perfectly. 9.8 billion watched as they recast hope as hatred, following a prophecy to commit global genocide; drowning the planet with blood as they slash the worlds population to a mere half billion 'righteous souls'. A prophecy they will soon find themselves in a position to fulfill.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

120 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.15 09:43
Eigentlich ein schönes Spiel – wenn da nicht -
die schlechte KI wäre und der Endgegner.

Außerdem stürzt das Spiel (bei mir) ab dem dritten Akt regelmäßig ab!
615 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.15 19:05
Definitiv keine Empfehlung.
generischer Third Person Shooter, zwar ein cooles Szenario aber selbst die angepriesenen Wasser und Physikeffekte funktionieren nicht wirklich
1135 Produkte im Account
466 Reviews
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.15 01:52

Leider viel zu kurz

Tja Hyrophobia ist leider ein viel zu kurzes Spiel aber dennoch ist es großartig.

Man muss viel klettern, es gibt nen paar Rätsel und Suchecken. Nach einer kurzen Zeit kommt dann auch die Waffe mit ins Spiel. Bei dieser schaltet man nach und nach verschiedene Munitionstypen frei, wo manche richtig cool rocken können. Auch die Tauchpassagen, die öfters mal kommen und teilweise auch mit kämpfen verbunden sind, sind gut gemacht und machen wirklich Spaß.

Die Story ist halt leider wie der Rest des Spiels zu kurz aber dennoch schön gestaltet. Die Umwelt des Spieles ist gut gewählt und man sieht sowas nicht alle Tage. Auch die Dialoge, die man meistens mit seinem Kumpel übers Headset führt, sind oft lustig gehalten und auch sehr schön gesprochen. Überall lassen sich Dokumente und Objekte finden, die ein wenig über die Welt erzählen. Auch kann man sehr gut nachlesen, was als letztes passiert ist, da der Hauptcharakter gerne Protokolle führt :)

Die Grafik ist wie ich finde sehr schön und gut dargestellt. Wirklich erstaunlich wieviel Mühe man sich für so ein kurzes Spiel gemacht hat.

Ein sehr gutes aber leider auch viel zu kurzes Spiel. Ich hoffe auf einen zweiten Teil oder eine Fortsetzung in irgendeinem Sinne. Auch wenn es kurz ist, ist dafür die Grafik,Story und das Gameplay sehr gut gelungen und daher kann man das Spiel trotz der Spieldauer ohne Gewissensbisse empfehlen.

Hat dir das Review weitergeholfen? Dann folge mir doch in meiner Steamgruppe, wo ich meine Reviews als Kurator verfasse.
91 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.14 15:21
Eher schwacher Titel, aber die Geschichte hat interessante Punkte und das Spiel ist visuell recht ansprechend. Vorwarnung: Das Ende kommt etwas plötzlich und ist eher unbefriedigend. Trotzdem empfehle ich das Spiel Leuten, die Wert auf Geschichte und Dialoge legen (und grad nichts besseres zu spielen haben).
341 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.14 15:39
Ein interessantes Setting, tolle Effekte und ein vielversprechendes Gameplay sowie, und das ist muss man einfach eingestehen: Das wohl beste Wasser, welches ich bislang in einem Spiel gesehen habe.

Aber das Spiel hat leider auch gravierende Probleme: Da wären zwei Figuren die an Seichtigkeit nicht zu überbieten sind, wobei mich das noch nicht einmal so gestört hätte, eine unglaubliche Wiederholung von Aufgaben, man macht eigentlich immer und immer wieder das Gleiche... suche einen Gegenstand, löse den Code, gehe weiter..., ein Gunplay welches ebenfalls grauenhaft ist und bei welchem ich erst nach ca. 2/3 des Spiels erkannte, dass es verschiedene Munitionsarten gibt, gleiches gilt für die Deckungsfunktion, eine Story die komplett verwirrend und auch nicht so ganz schlüssig ist...ein absolut dämlicher und unnötiger Bosskampf, bei dem auch irgendwie einige Logiklücken auftreten...

Hydrophobia: Prophecy ist kein schlechtes Spiel. Aber es könnte so viel mehr sein ! Es sind eindeutig viele gute Ansätze vorhanden und das Setting und die Idee sich in einem sinkenden riesigen Schiff vorwärtskämpfen zu müssen um nicht zu ertrinken ist ebenfalls ziemlich gut. Aber selbst wenn man sich Zeit lässt hat man es in 3h durchgespielt... es gibt dann zwar noch einen Herausforderungsmodus aber in dem geht es vor allem um Kämpfe, dam meiner Meinung nach, schlechtesten Element des Spiels.
Es ist schwer zu sagen ob ich es nun weiterempfehle oder nicht... wer sich nicht vom Setting angesprochen fühlt sollte die Finger davon lassen und auch viel Geld sollte aufgrund des geringen Umfangs nicht investiert werden.
Das Spiel hat zwar einen gewissen Charme und ist ein nettes Schmankerl für Zwischendurch mutet aber in vielen Aspekten irgendwie eher wie eine Tech bzw. Enginedemo als ein Spiel an.... denn die Technik ist die wohl größte Stärke des Spiels.
Wer aber gerne mal tauchen gehen und eine schwimmende Stadt (Schiff?) der Superlative retten will, welche von Terroristen angegriffen wird, kann aber auch getrost einen Blick wagen, denn eine Katastrophe erwartet einen nicht.
922 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.14 09:51
Hier spielt man als Technikerin, welche auf einem gigantischen Schiff arbeitet. In der Zukunft wird Wasser Mangelware und die Reichen und Schönen haben sich auf einem der letzten großen Reservate ein Schiff gebaut. Dieses wird Ziel, wie sollte es anders sein, eines Terrosristischen Angriffs und wir sind mitten drin. Unschuldig aber sehr wehrhaft!
Wir kämpfen uns getrieben und geleitet von einem Technikerfreund am Headset durch das explodierende Schiff und retten was geht. Dabei laufen uns immer wieder Terroristen über den Weg die wir gekonnt erschießen dürfen. Das Wasser ist bald ein sehr wichtiges Element und es gibt kaum einen Moment, wo wir nicht Hüfthoch in selbigen stehen.
Durch einen chemischen Unfall entdecken wir, das wir sogar das Wqasser kontrollieren können. Das fand ich toll, Feinde mit Wellen ausschalten hat was. Aber ansonsten ist es doch recht kurz geraten. Sogar ich habe es in drei Stunden durch geschafft. Aber die Grafik ist gut, die Geschichte ab und an hektisch, aber es geht. Empfehle es, da es kurzweil hat und schön aussieht.
738 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 05:44
Takes about 4 hours to compete. It's short and sweet. Unfortunately, Hydrophobia wasnt as popular as the devs needed it to be and they shut down after the re-release. Too bad, seems like they were setting up for a sequel which would have had potential
381 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 12:14
Awesome game, decent graphics, gameplay & story, the water dynamics is brilliant.

489 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 11:18
Great game, even better over 10 years later.
978 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 03:55
Not a bad game, a bit short though however it offered an interesting take with using water in a game. S
For £4 its worth a buy, it took me 5 hours to complete. A bit short and sadly didn't receive a sequel
190 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 21:05
Best water simulation ever.
726 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 06:47
Actually a pretty decent game with some minor flaws. Most major workaround that should be done is to run the game with Vsync locked at 60fps, otherwise the engine would run too fast and you'd get bugs and anomalies.

My favourite mechanic was the water powers and the impressive water physics of the game. While the water physics and the gameplay around it is prevalent throughout the entirety of the experience, the water power only show up during the last 15 minutes of the campaign and you barely get to play around with it until you go through the challenge room.

Great tech and ideas overshadowed by a by-the-numbers campaign and some poor pacing, but the different ammunition for your gun, especially the environmental ones made doing combos and getting a higher score fun. I don't think there are many game where you can lure an enemy into a trap by electrocuting, then drowning them in a body of water.
242 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 19:31
its not the worst game ive played but its very weak. its a shame, bc its very technologically impressive and still looks passable a decade after release. the gameplay is mediocre tho and the acting and what ive experienced of the story is low quality at best.
1271 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 06:36
oh my god i remember being 20 buying and playing this at my Grandmahs, i loved it so much, but the game bombed and the company immediately died. i still feel the disappointment, cant believe that was 11 years ago, im 31 and still feel the sting.
3382 Produkte im Account
239 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 13:00
Short and sweet. You better like swimming.
692 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 19:03
approximate amount of time to 100%: 5-10 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1

Multiplayer achievements: No.
Missable achievements: Yes (chapter select available though)
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No.
Time-gated achievements: No.
RNG-achievements: No.
Does difficulty affect achievements: No. Recommend Easy mode.
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No,

Getting to 100% in what is basically a water physics tech-demo was.. interesting. The story is a bit cliche' but not horrible.
The game's really short, and easy except some challenginng medals, But ultimately do-able.
You do have a medal/object tracker in the map menu but it's better to follow a guide
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 17:01
I do have to say, this engine running the water is VERY impressive. If you want to buy this to experience excellent water physics, then do it. I LOVE the atmosphere. Beyond that, I have MAJOR issues with not just the story, characters, but also the bugs the game has.

Using the keyboard if you click the CTRL button, which in this game is the crouch key, makes spinning lights respond to your key-press.
Using a controller if you are walking through water which is about ankle high, Kate will start lunging forward very fast, very disorienting.
It seems like every single second of just walking is some obstacle in Kate's way which makes her moan that same moan every second. It's so ungodly annoying.

The premise of the story is actually interesting. Nano-cell research vs people who are against it and want to be natural, cleansing the world. It's kinda been done a million times before, but its very 2010's. I like it. The execution of the story however, sucks.
On first startup I had absolutely no idea I was on a ship, nobody made any indication we are on a ship. They started talking some Great Flood... but why do ships have to worry about floods?! You see what I mean?
324 Produkte im Account
134 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 14:56
by god this game is bad. There are some interesting aspects, the water still even now looks good, and I like the idea of the world it's set in. Outside of that it's difficult to find any reason to recommend this game. It's also borderline unfinishable due to a glitch right before the finale (turn the settings down and your fps cap as low as it can go).
1686 Produkte im Account
272 Reviews
606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 17:54
Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go 'til we're gone

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Rose. You have to live. I want you to start a family, have babies, become a granny. No Waters of the universe can kill you.
Also, I love Kate from hydrophobia Prophecy.
I am drowning, LubuduLubuduLubuduLubuduLubuduLubuduLubuduLubuduLubudu (*Bubbles coming out of nose*)
243 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 22:15
Good game for the money. A bit old, but it plays well. Some annoying play items, but overall enjoyable.
642 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 11:16
Not terrible, not really great either BUT serverely lacking in Q&A, especially in testing. Incomplete.

I wanted to like this game as I was streaming it but every time I complimented it the game seemed to go out of it's way to make something go wrong.

What finally broke the camel's back was a checkpoint towards the end of Act 3 that spawns you back into an electrified field and kills you instantly, forcing you to redo the entire chapter.

This game had potential with it's water physics but it is wasted here.
Do not buy.
667 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 03:02
The water flow mechanic could seem interesting at first, but at its core, is a messy, clunky, poorly designed action/adventure. Probably, not worth any money nor your time.
513 Produkte im Account
268 Reviews
795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 12:53
A really short but still fun adventure game. I enjoyed the water physics quite a lot. It’s a little bit disappointing that you learn to control the water very late in the game. It is also a little bit buggy at times and the controls feel a little bit wonky.
289 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 08:38
Clunky as hell
337 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 11:01
This game is garbage. Dont buy dont waste your time . And if you decide to buy watch out from fire That shit hurts big time.
211 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 21:28
Somewhat unique game with the swimming aspect. Recommended fun (for the most part). A little disappointed in Act 3 near the end of the game.
1406 Produkte im Account
991 Reviews
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 20:14
It's a bit rough and buggy at times but otherwise it's an enjoyable little action platformer. It's cheap and has a decent short story mode.
1921 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 13:49
The engine renders everything in such a way that every frame looks out of focus (srsly, WTF?), character models and animations look just plain ugly, the controls feel wonky and the fight scenes are unsalvageable thanks to the controls.

Add TERRIBLE writing and you get a very generic, shoddy and unenjoyable third-person action-adventure with stealth elements.
381 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 00:50
Barely made it to the thumbs up vote. The game really could have used a few more months of polishing... it feels like they ran of time and were forced to ship before they could really dial in the gameplay systems (and added small details, like, you know... enemies actually reacting to getting shot). BUT, the water is the saving grace here. Again, it could have used some more polish time, but I've never played a game quite like this one where you can flood rooms and alter water levels in (somewhat) unscripted fashion. It's a cool experiment in level design and environment navigation, and I hope someone out there has the opportunity to continue exploring this concept in the age of the RTX 3080. Plus it runs at 4k flawlessly on my 1080, so the older visuals look super sharp. The lighting has held up fairly well to the test of time thus far.
342 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 20:24
Quite short (3.4 hours to finish although there were some challenges but I didn't feel like looking at those). Game felt a bit clunky, which made underwater combat a pain. Level design is quite repetitive with amble corridors to go through. There were a few puzzles which was a good addition. End boss was a bit.. then the game ended. Very non-climatic.

Just a general, mediocre game. Not necessarily bad but doesn't really have much going for it. I think the water stuff was kind of cool, flooding areas etc, waves, things getting pushed around and so on. That was well done and makes it stand out a little.
237 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 20:46
5 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 05:49
292 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 14:02
The game crashed a few minutes into playing (twice). Locked my computer up to the point of a hard reset
551 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 19:01
Nice game to rush through in 2 hours. The gameplay is like Tomb Raider Legend (climbing, shooting, environmental puzzles), except in a flooded facility.
753 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 21:02
I really enjoyed this game and the idea of it. I agree that it feels like a game that should be longer, but it is basically the first episode of a series that was never finished so that makes sense. Metal Jesus Rocks discusses the game a bit in their SURVIVAL HORROR Games - Hidden Gems video.
449 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 11:16
they've done a great job fixing the game and supporting high res. Plays a lot like early Crystal Dynamics tomb raiders.

story is nothing to write home about and the voice acting is sub par, but the gameplay is solid and the water graphics/physics are pretty cool. It's well worth it's price tag.
965 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 19:34
Got the game in a sale, even then I would say its an average at best. Combat mechanics are horrible, I constantly died as my cursor was on the target but I kept hitting the cover next to me. Getting the powers like 10 minutes before the end of the game was kind of lame. Other than that the biggest problem I had was it was too short. I feel like they were aiming for a sequel but on its own this game is too short. There is no real character development and the concept of the floating city and religious terrorists was intriguing it didn't have the time to really develop and for that I can't recommend this game.
612 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 07:47
I can't recommend this game I want to but it left a bitter taste in my mouth. It's very clear it was intended to be the start of a series for one and it shows. It's gameplay is average a lot of annoying tropes to get to the next room, and the combat is meh. You get a bunch of ammo type for your one gun but the unlimited sonic bullets you get 1st never stop being the best ammo. A quick charge and you knock down the target for a bit a follow-up shot their done or in most of the game just leave them to drown. You have many environmental kills to play with. Overall the game is playable but boring and repetitive. Late in the game you get hydrokinesis and then it starts to be more interesting but you don't get to play with it enough to really justify it. It's mainly just make a water column smash enemies into the ceiling or let them drop. The last and only boss you use it to throw explosive barrels. This isn't a bad game it's just lacking in story, feel, and gameplay. You could likely get though the story in less then 4 hours. The main draw to the game is the water as it looks incredible. Yet that's what it feels like everything went into and why so much is missing. Overall an average shooter with good ideas but never fully made them work.
21 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 15:02
An awesome, yet under-rated game for the PC. The gameplay is somewhat simple, but there is nothing really out there with the same water effects, gameplay and storyline. AND WATER-FEARING HEROINE WITH A COOL IRISH ACCENT!!!
544 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 15:40
Many awesome games like Super Mario 64 and Half-Life 2 have puzzles with rising water in them. However, as the water rises it does not interact with its surroundings and if it is affected by player action, that effect is usually small and contained...

Hydrophobia does the impossible and delivers dynamic water that rises, splashes against walls and has waves that interact with all ireggularities of the ship. The water still looks computer made and it is far from realistic, but it is far ahead of other games and thus delivers a unique experience. Most game developers feel that realistic dynamic water is not worth it and stick with static or animated water. This will probably remain for years the one unique game with fluid mechanics.

Fluid mechanics aside, the rest of the game is a pretty average action/puzzler title. The underwater combat with six degrees of freedom was great, but didn't Descent prove that people just want 3D graphics and not full 3D environments?

One of the nitpicks I have is that one of the puzzles is a rip-off from Half Life 2 (but less interesting in this game) and even though it is a worse puzzle they even put the same problem in TWICE.

Controls with gunplay, coverplay and getting on and off ladders is descent but not as smooth as we are used to from better games...

The game is also short and the one boss fight is very frustrating, partially because of bad controls but also incorrect instructions. They do not update the on screen instructions if you redefine the keys so the game told me to press the wrong key in the final battle.

So the final line is: It is all about the water... and since this game is cheap, especially on Steam sales it is so worth it.
961 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 01:37
It's good if you know what you're getting. This was a tech demo for 2 game engine utilities. The original version of the game was bad and rushed. There was a second version that improved some things, and then the final version here. The company went bankrupt and this was also meant to be an episodic experience.

With that being said, don't expect some big fancy ground breaking game. Its a short game (at about 3 or 4 hours, no idea why some people think its only 1 hour). The water does indeed take a back seat to things but is still an interesting feature. Combat is a bit one dimensional and the boss fight is the most tedious thing in the world. For $5 its not bad. This used to go on sale for pennies but since the dev is dead I guess it doesn't anymore.
138 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 13:57
Took only about 3 hours to complete this game. The graphics are dated, the dialogue is stilted and poorly mixed, and the combat is weird. However, after playing Twin Sector RIGHT after this, i can reassure that this is at least kinda fun. Unfortunately, unlike the unambiguously terrible Twin Sector, Hydrophobia is no longer available for purchase. Ahh well.
344 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.20 19:00
Well its a game.... You get water powers for a quarter of one level and for the last boss. it is pretty dated now so take it as such. Might be worth like few € but not more. The story hints at a much larger world with some semi interesting lore but you never get to see it as the game just ends. No resolution to anything, It just ends. Oh and also all levels are in corridors so no world building there but its not really at all 9/10. 6 /10 tops. If you have 2 h to play something and you want to complete a game then this is an easy one to beat even on the hardest difficulty.
101 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.20 07:46
I generally like the game. It's not amazing, but it's a fresh IP that is well put together and breaks most formulas. So yeah, pick it up and enjoy it.
Logo for Hydrophobia: Prophecy
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
61.11% 910 579
Release:09.05.2020 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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