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  • Hundred Days: Screen zum Spiel Hundred Days.
  • Hundred Days: Screen zum Spiel Hundred Days.
  • Hundred Days: Screen zum Spiel Hundred Days.
  • Hundred Days: Screen zum Spiel Hundred Days.
  • Hundred Days: Screen zum Spiel Hundred Days.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 13.05.2021
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Preis Update 21.01.25

Über das Spiel

In Hundred Days haben Sie die absolute Kontrolle über ein neues Weingut, wo Sie die Reben auswählen müssen, die Sie pflanzen werden, wie Sie es tun werden und wann Sie sie ernten werden. Sie müssen einen kompletten Weinherstellungsprozess verfolgen und die Entscheidungen treffen, die am besten zu der Art von Wein passen, die Sie produzieren möchten oder die der Markt verlangt. Sie müssen auch den Wein verkaufen, der Ihr Weingut verlässt, damit Sie Ihr Unternehmen ausbauen können.

Wie im wirklichen Leben, kann jede Wahl, die Sie sowohl im Weinberg als auch im Verkauf treffen, die Qualität und Quantität des Weins beeinflussen, den Sie produzieren. Ein hochwertiger Wein wird den Ruf Ihres Unternehmens auf der ganzen Welt verbessern, so dass er zu einem höheren Preis verkauft wird und Sie schneller wachsen können.

  • Sie haben die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Arten von Reben anzubauen.
  • Analysieren Sie den Boden und wählen Sie die Rebsorte, die am besten zu den Eigenschaften Ihres Terrains passt.
  • Organisiert die Arbeit im Weinberg, vom Schnitt bis zur Splitterveredelung.
  • Überprüfen Sie den Reifegrad Ihrer Trauben und entscheiden Sie, wann Sie sie ernten.
  • Verfolgen Sie die Prozesse der Weinherstellung und verbessern Sie die Eigenschaften Ihres Weins.
  • Ausgewählt werden Weinhefen und Bakterien, die im Gärprozess verwendet werden.
  • Verfolgen Sie die Prozesse der Weinherstellung und verbessern Sie die Eigenschaften Ihres Weins.
  • Ausgewählt werden Weinhefen und Bakterien, die im Gärprozess verwendet werden.
  • Entscheiden Sie, wie und welcher Ihrer Weine gelagert wird.
  • Gestalten Sie Ihre Flaschen individuell und wählen Sie ihre Form, Farbe und andere ästhetische Eigenschaften.
  • Erstellen Sie Ihr Vertriebsnetz und passen Sie Ihr Produkt an die Bedürfnisse des Verbrauchers an.
  • Verwalten Sie Marketing- und Sozialaktivitäten, um die Reputation Ihres Unternehmens zu verbessern.


  • CPU: Intel Core i3, 2.5GHz or AMD Athlon equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 700 series or AMD Radeon equivalent
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or Higher (64bit)
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Any
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

39 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 09:46
Enjoyed every minute of it! Just beat every challenge of the new Napa Valley DLC, which not only brought a new valles, but also new wines and you guessed it... new challenges!
137 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 12:41

Ich würde dieses Spiel allen Empfehlen die Wirtschaftssimulationen mögen.

Ich finde das forschen und kaufen einiger Sachen ein wenig umständlich, aber
gewöhnt sich dran.

Im Großen und ganzen ist das ein gutes Spiel
93 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1039 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 14:43
Ich verstehe nicht was ich tue, aber es macht absolut süchtig.
Die Grafik ist ganz okay, die Kampagne mit den Dialogen ist nicht wirklich mein Typ. Wenn man sich jedoch erstmal durch die Texte geklickt hat, dann wartet auf einen ein komplexer Weinanbausimulator. Unheimlich viele Werte spielen miteinander. Es ist angenehm in Runden aufgebaut und man muss schon ziemlich knobeln um einen guten Wein zu produzieren.
Wer ist die Zielgruppe? Kann ich schwer sagen, aber ich bin es auf jeden Fall.
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 19:46
Ich finde dass das Spiel sehr gelungen ist. Die Story ist einfach gehalten so das du über die nötige Kenntnisse als neuer Winzer deine erste Weine herstellen kannst. Danach bist du auf dich selber gestellt um herauszufinden wie du guten Wein produzieren musst.
Ich bin überzeugt wer Herausforderungen liebt, hat hier eine langzeit Aufgabe vor sich. Kein Action Spiel / gemütliches denk spiel und kann süchtig machen (nur noch eine Runde, 2 stunden wieder vorbei. Wer es spiel weis was ich meine).

Liebes Entwicklerteam es wäre noch schön wenn das Notizbuch noch mehr Informationen hätte über die verschieden Technologien und die Einflüsse im Wein Herstellungsprozess. Danke!!
0 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1081 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 17:43
Kurz und knapp: Ein gelungenes Spiel, mit viel Potential, schönem Stil und angenehmer Musik.
Wenn man sich auf das Spiel einlässt, nicht gleich frustriert aufhört und herausfinden möchte wie es funktioniert ist es wirklich perfekt und kann einen für viele Stunden fesseln.
0 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 16:59
I certainly don't regret buying it after playing the demo during steam festival.

There's room for improvement (some stuff here and there, mainly informational things or minor QoL) but all in all, it's very relaxing to play, experiment around and discover new things or options to do something.

Devs already promised to look into some balancing issues (which are absolutely no dealbreaker currently) and their support is FAST!

Buy now, enjoy, look forward to the game getting even better.
188 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 11:07
I dont get the hate for this game. You should finish the story first (yes its a lot to ready but you can skip if you want. The important steps are highlighted) after the story is done you understand most of it and the dept is really nice! I enjoy it with a nice glass of Whitewine!
173 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 08:28
Dieses Spiel übertrifft meine schon hohen Erwartungen! Simpel aber trotzdem mit der nötigen Spieltiefe, damit es nicht einfach wird.

Ich habe jetzt schon zwei lange Tage hinter mir, bin noch bei weitem nicht am Ende angelangt. Hoffentlich gibt es noch weitere Entwicklungen in einigen Bereichen, dann sehe ich eine gute Zukunft.

31 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 18:30
Schöne Simulation bei der man durch viele unterschiedliche Fertigungsschritte seinen Wein perfektionieren kann. Auch sein Weingut kann man weiter ausbauen und aufrüsten. Dazu gibt es verschiedene Modi: Story Modus (recht kurz), Endlos Modus und Herausforderungs Modus (mit aktuell 5 Szenarios).
175 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.22 21:26
you learn about process of wine and why you do it.. i guess many can feel that is boring if you not have interest in wine or learning. Else the game is kind of repeating itself all the time.
But nice littel game to kill some time, and you might drink wine and even watch a movie while you play it.. kind of a nice multi tasking game
230 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.22 20:48
Very nice artstyle and great simulation and management gameplay, although I wish they had done more with the story, which I thought was interesting and had genuine potential instead of it being basically just a glorified tutorial, and that the marketing side of gameplay had more to it, I barely used it because I thought it wasn't particularly interesting and the rewards were not really worth it
657 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 01:27
A relaxed and soothing puzzler/management-sim with enticing depth for those who are looking for it.

Visuals: 4/5
  • Simple but very pleasant. Vibrant colours and clear lines.
  • Cards are very easy to read and understand.
  • Menus are easy to navigate and understand.

Sound: 4/5
  • A very basic soundscape, but incredibly soothing.
  • Farming/winery noises are clear and pleasant. Credit to the devs and participating wineries for nailing this.
  • The soundtrack is almost forgettable in how well in fades into the background, wrapping you in an undeniable relaxed feeling.

Gameplay: 4/5
  • Tasks/actions each have a specific shape (i.e. Tetris shapes) and number of turns required. You arrange these shapes on the board then end your turn to progress a day. It’s simple and intuitive.
  • You unlock more tiles for your board, better equipment and more options/abilities with the money you earn. Be careful to always keep some in reserve to pay for bottling and maintenance.
  • Upgrades are expensive and it is possible to expand in a way that drowns you in expenses. The importance of grid space is understated. Likewise, install tech that requires maintenance slowly – those daily costs can catch an eager player off-guard. Automation upgrades come after a few hours of manual management which could be a tedious point for some players.
  • A simple yet addictive gameplay loop that has a very strong sense of “just one more turn”, fifty turns later.
  • Trying to achieve the highest scoring wine for each type of grape, despite variables such as the weather and fouling, is engrossing and helps exacerbate the “just one more turn” urge.
  • Once you’ve moved beyond your first two grape types (and the story), then the game opens up and it’s entirely up to you how much or how little you put into it. This is both enjoyable as an experience for a few hours or for the long haul.
  • I encountered no bugs or crashes during my time.

Plot: 3/5
  • Simple and short. Quite fun and surprisingly informative for those coming at this with zero knowledge.
  • Characters are enjoyable, if shallow. Don’t expect a majorly engaging story – its purpose is to act as an extended tutorial and set the scene. In this, it is effective.
  • I found the dialogue itself to be very enjoyable. Even if some of the jokes were lame, they still got a smile out of me :p

Control: 4/5
  • Used mouse & keyboard. Can easily use just the mouse if you need.
  • Simple and effective. You’re given what you need and that’s that.
  • Very responsive.

Achievements: 4/5
  • Connected to progress. As you hit milestones, an achievement will pop. Quite fair.
  • They encourage you to try all of the features of the game. If you’re a hunter, then you will get to know this game inside and out.

Summary: 4/5
  • Turn based Tetris-esque puzzler/management-sim with a winemaking flavour.
  • Easy to take at your own pace. Very smooth pacing while learning the mechanics, then opens up allowing you to tackle the rest of the content as you please.
  • Progressing through the tech tree too fast has a hidden pitfall in the form of upkeep. As you can see with other reviewers, this has lowered their enjoyment of the game (so be cautious and don’t be afraid to look up CLG Rampage’s guide “How to survive the early game”).
465 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 20:40
Ugh! The theme and subject matter are intriguing, and there's a lot to learn about viniculture here.

But the core gameplay loop is awful. The player is asked to repeat the same minimalist Tetris puzzle, whose actions don't change, the narrow tech tree is step-locked, and so progression offers no interesting choices.

The most unforgivable sin of Hundred Days: The Grind. Hundred Days's Grind is absolutely merciless. You will repeat the same mindless task for hours just to unlock one new puzzle piece (say, a barrel to age wine in). To afford the buy the puzzle piece, you will grind some more. Then more. And more. You have to save up for hours to buy a Shop so you earn the mercy of clicking 10% less! If I didn't know better, I'd say this was an exploitative F2P game; they just patched out the Energy bar and slapped a $25 premium game tag on it.

The game clearly has some love behind it; the visuals are pleasant and the subject knowledge of wine is impressive: I definitely learned something. But it just takes too damn long to do so.

180 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 14:57
Great game for wine and game lovers.
There is so much potential in this game, I really hope the developers can keep updating this game.
I enjoyed the story mode, but it ended so sudden and hopefully the story will continue at some point.

479 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 05:09
A really fun idea but not well balanced or polished.

8 hours playing and barely unlocked any of the tech tree. Upgrades are punishingly expensive, it's difficult to gain fame because you're given randomized quests you can't really fulfill, and it's often hard to figure out exactly what certain actions will have on the wine. Also, certain tasks are very repetitive and upgrading to automate them is too expensive. Tried some guides to see if I was doing it wrong and that didn't really make the experience much better.
186 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 23:09
I really wanted to like this game, but it's more tedious than fun. The gameplay mechanics feel too random and unintuitive, and the upgrades are far more expensive than they need to be. A few simple UI tweaks and better early-game balancing would have made this game a lot more fun I think.
1033 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
4413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 22:36
I don't like wine, but I love this game.

I'll preface this with the fact I know very little about wine, but did once accidentally attend a wine tasting because it was disguised as a lecture on soil chemistry in vineyards. From what I can remember of the lecture, the game seems pretty accurate (though I'm sure one could argue the finer points).

Story mode is interesting and it's nice to have new features explained organically rather than just following tooltips. Aside from story mode, the game contains 5 challenge modes (not counting the DLC which I also recommend), and a freeplay mode.

The game is challenging but fun. I'm still struggling to complete the final challenge mode. But it's also quite restful and charming. You can name the ducks. There's a yeast lab to create new yeasts, and a grape lab to create new custom grapes to play around with.

I think my only complaint is that some of the finer details of the game mechanics are really opaque. Does a different cap for your bottles make a difference? Does using fancy shaped bottles make it sell better? I still don't know. But it's not a big enough deal that it worries me.
288 Produkte im Account
113 Reviews
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 04:36
Pro: Very relaxing game, and it teaches me knowledge about making wines.

Con: The in-game price to upgrade technology is too high that it takes forever. The problem with the prolonged process to buy technology is that it will gradually cause players to lose interests. For example, I feel repetitive and tired after unlocking both Barbera and Chardonnay in story mode. I think other grape would be almost the same process. I don't see enough creativity in later game.

Improvement: I wish there could be a button to blacklist the buyers who pays little. It just wastes my time to scroll down the buyer's list. The game currency needs to be balanced better.
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 16:39
At first, this is a fun “one-more-turn” game. The puzzle placing mechanic is awesome. I got addicted to it by the first half an hour. The story was also nice. The end was resolved a little quick, but I didn’t have much problem with it. The problem is in the endless mode. When the game progresses into the 2030s-ish era, it becomes so grindy. The progression system here isn’t good enough, as it asks us to pay large amount of cash into discovering technologies, and then buy the discovered tech again. Early game can be frustrating too. I stuck with 2 kinds of grapes in the first 10 years, with so tiny income compared to how hefty the in-game stuff price is. The game could do with a rework in the financial aspect, and it would be awesome.
30 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 07:32
Coming from someone who loves wine, is getting a degree in enology, works at a winery, and taking sommelier classes, this is a great game. There is so much to wine making that makes it an art and a science, so I really hope the developers keep updating the game, and give us more options in the wine making process. I love the little details too! 10/10 I hope they continue to amaze me with further updates.

Even if you don't know anything about wine, this is such a good entry into it and, all in all, a great game.
161 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 08:06
I don't consider myself a wine drinker; I prefer wines made from fruits that aren't grapes. But I do love a good management sim, and Hundred Days is a nice one. Besides the usual revenue-and-expense gameplay, your actions and your attention are played out on a tetris-like board. New business with not a lot of capabilities = small board. There is also a very nice tech tree that requires massive investment of money before you can a year or two later reap the rewards of upgrades now. The challenges are tough but fair, and there is a silly grape-customization tool, and now also a new California map and new grapes and things. Give it a shot.
203 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 00:05
So I really like it. It's kinda Zen and once you have the shop you dont need to click x times to sell your stuff to the same dudes anyway. Which is nice as i can start doin more tetris. That's also the time i realized the biggest problem the game currently have.
You cant change the fucking soil of your lands. Like wtf. Apparantly if you get shit and doesnt realize fast enough you are forced to restart and restart until you have an accaptable start. Whih is stupid. Make it possible by planting other stuff for a time or import new soil or whatever. Right now i can only start planting the same grape 4th time over because the rest wont give me money anyway.

Until that is changed i guess i wont continue playing. It shouldnt be a game mechanicc to reload the game until you have a chance. Bt otherwise very nice and zen
143 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 15:34
This game has a lot of potential but in its current state the game's UI and UX are frustrating at best.
240 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 07:32
I went in with only a little idea what this game was about, and there are things to like about it: the art for one. But generally this game wasn't for me.

I was hoping for something a bit more paced and immersive, something that captured the time and care that goes into a good bottle of wine. this was a bit too click, end turn for me. You can blink and 3 years have gone by ...

conceptually, game-play seems quite similar to Game Dev Tycoon and its ilk. In fairness to the developers, I don't know how you could make the kind of wine making game I was hoping for. Perhaps this is the best it could be.

For me, this game is also pretty steep in its price point. I can really only recommend this game on a pretty substantial discount ... 75%+
875 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 12:45
Not quite what I expected. Not a lot of management, but a lot of (poorly written) dialogue and kinda boring gameplay. I wish I could give it a neutral rating, as it's not a bad game, just not the experience I was looking for.
392 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 02:08
Very in depth game, learned a lot about making wine and really enjoy trying to get as high of a rating as I can. Also the discord server is great
239 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 21:34
Similar to at least one of the people who wrote a review before me, I can rate this both as a player and as somebody who owns a winery in real life and about to obtain a degree in oenology and viticulture. I cannot say that Italian wine specifically is my strong suit, but we share a lot of similar problems where I come from

As a player:
The game is enjoyable but definitely not intuitive. I did not realise you can do research until after the story was already done and finished, and I feel like that is definitely something that should be touched on in the tutorial.

The board representing time is actually somewhat accurate, it's often really, really hard to manage time in an efficient manner in a business like this.

As a winemaker:
Seriously, a lot of time you spend in the cellar is making sure it's as immaculate as possible and thus cleaning takes up a lot of your time. I would actually say the game allows you too much in this regard as not washing your equipment for a season is a surefire way of making absolutely atrocious wine the year after. Of course, you have to balance enjoyability and accuracy, and I think this game hit the nail on the head as far as that goes.
Tipicity is an attribute to your wine that the game doesn't really explore well either. Simply put, it's how well the wine you make measures up to what is expected of wine made from the grapes grown in that region, as the region influences the final product a lot more than people realise, both as far as nature and cultural practices are concerned.
There is something that rubbed me the wrong way when they describe aging. I distinctly remember the game mentioning larger barrels change the aromatic profile of your wine more, which is blatantly false. Smaller barrels have a higher surface to volume ratio and thus have a higher compound exchange rate.
I never really considered the characters in the game being rude to you. The one who teaches you is expecting you to abandon the winery as soon as possible and thus feels it a waste to spend the time and resources teaching you. The rest were frankly far more polite than expected, considering you're getting land they've been waiting decades to obtain. As FatherKraken mentioned, land is in low supply but very high demand in regions where the grapevine is grown and it is truly a pain to expand.

Summary and final thoughts:
The game truly strides the line between enjoyable and accurate as well as I could hope. I feel it confers enough knowledge to a fledgling winer that they would be able to care for a vineyard and wine cellar to a reasonable degree. Definitely a worthy game if you want to learn something about how wine is produces, less so if you're expecting an engaging story. If you have little or no interest in wine, seriously do not bother.
265 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 21:03
A fun and relaxing game, especially if you enjoy wine.
6 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 15:16
I had really high hopes for this game going in, but after about 2 and a half hours, I can say it's just not for me. The major selling points of this game for me were the art style and the level of detail that it goes into to teach you about growing grapes and making wine. I really like that this game genuinely tries to educate you, but it feels like just that. Like I'm in a classroom taking noes. The game gives you way too much all at once and barely explains the core mechanics. I was confused for a majority of the game. Also, the story mode is poorly written, and the art style during the story mode is corporate and a little offputting compared to the rest of the game. The story mode only takes you about a fourth of the way through the game and you have literally no input in the story. Things just kind of happen without any input from the player.
96 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 07:20
- Pretty addictive gameplay loop
- Just enough attention to detail so you don't feel like drowning in information
- Good value for money

The cons for this game are a bit difficult to sum up. First for some background; I am currently doing my masters in Viticulture in South Africa which means I do have a decent knowledge of winemaking but might lack some context to the Italian winemaking scene which this game is based off of. While the game does a good job of giving surface level info of all the processes and nuances associated with winemaking, it doesn't feel detailed enough so that I would consider it an educational tool per-say. Like more detailed explanations of the grape or wine properties, reasons as to why certain soil or management decision are important. The story-mode/tutorial of the game keeps mentioning textbooks and notes the character has but I'd love to see those notes or reccomendations instead of having to figure out the ideal wine properties for myself. There are some features that I would have liked to have but might potentially break the balance of the game or interfere with the gameplay-loop. I would have like a feature to do a proper grape analyses before harvesting to see the exact amount of sugar and acidity instead of just levels/or ratios. I would have also like double the ammount of time per season just so I don't blast through multiple vintages in say 30 minutes. Also being limited to yeasts based on research seems weird since in reality you usually just get it off of a catalogue. But then again It seems the devs did have to strike a balance between retaining the game aspect while retaining some bit of realism.

Ultimately pretty fun game ideally for people that allready know a good bit about wine-making but don't want to play a hardcore simulator
106 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 22:28
After three hours ii still don't know how to play. The game lacks a proper tutorial.
328 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 19:04
Cute, easy to follow, rather simplified but acceptable level of detail. Definitely something fun to pass time, and hopefully it'll get more people interested in the details of wines
77 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 23:45
I wish there was a neutral option. This game has many positive traits and isn't horrible by any means.

There are a lot of variables that seem to be hidden or not explained concisely. I'm all for having a sense of randomness in a game, but at the same time the stakes of the game need to be balanced to make it enjoyable. I do not feel that this game is well balanced in that regard.

It is a game that is slow to develop, but easy to mess up and even simple mistakes, or random variables, tend to compound. This is coupled with an autosave system that only keeps one save at a time, so unless you strategically manually save you're out of luck and you are starting from the absolute beginning.

That cycle makes this game less peaceful than I would personally like. If the autosave was tweaked to have multiple slots, the experience would be better imo and you could explore the variables of the game with more safety. As it stands now, you are punished for experimenting, at least in the beginning stages of the game.

There are mechanics in the game where essentially 2+2 doesn't equal 4 each time, but it's out of one's control and coupled with the slight grind of the game, it's just unpleasant at times.

I have not unlocked much of the game because of this fact and it is a bit frustrating to be doing things as right as you can, get messed up by some random variable, and have to start all over again. You're simultaneously boxed in to doing the same things repeatedly, but also if you don't try new things you'll eventually spiral into losing. That's what my experience has felt like with this game.

Overall the game isn't bad. It is a fairly chill experience and you can kind of veg out while playing. It would be nice though if it were a little more forgiving. I do not feel that this is a game that has the same replay value as say Stardew Valley, or other similar games, and it is more punishing for no real reason.
135 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
1160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 20:42
as real as it can get online
120 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 00:29
Do not under any circumstances waste your money on this game. For the 25$ wait and get it on a sale. Essentially the developer REALLY loves wine. If you are remotely interested in a 5 hour long journey with forced dialog that is unskippable teaching you the proper way to cultivate your vines. BUY THIS!!! Also what made me pull the trigger on this wildly overpriced crap was the free DLC that just came out. Yeah. You apparently just make grapes. Thats it. AVOID.

However for the rest of you read on. I am a big fan of simulator/tycoon games. I have been staring at this one for awhile. Yet it was too expensive. I mean the art is very minimalist and at its core it is a tetris/jenga game. You have odd shapes of tasks you have to fit into a square box. Then there is a story. The story is not very compelling. You know the type. A LONG LOST RELATIVE HAS GIVEN ME A VINEYARD FOR NO REASON.

Now the story is not remotely attached to your gameplay. The story lasts about 5 hours. Now here is the strange part. Most stories in other games are tied to game progress. Not here though. The game ended and rolled end credits. I still was running on the first patch of dirt. I recently expanded to the second wine section. Then boom. Game over your doing amazing. No. I kept playing for the next 4 hours. I felt there must be more. Well there are tools. There is equipment that is expensive as shit. The most frustrating thing is that you have to manipulate sliders to determine the quality of the wine. I actually wrote down my numbers so I could replicate. Nope no matter what you pick you get WILDLY different results. So I ended up going bankrupt. Then game over. Yeah 9 hours in and I never even made real progress. AVOID.
453 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 05:57
This game is beautiful and informative, and extremely dedicated to winemaking and all of its complexity

Unfortunately, it's just not fun. The gameplay is unique, but not really interesting, and there's no real challenge. It feels like there was a lot of focus on getting all the details right, and then gameplay was just an afterthought
142 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 13:11
its just tetris but really complicated.
but gameplay is pretty original, its just not really for me.

one thing id like changed is the ability to name your character and especially select gender.
(my name is Emma and it freaked me out a little because i thought it took names from steam profiles. then i remembered my name is Em on my profile because thats what i go by.)

it feels like a very old lady game, a game where you play as a woman making wine and playing tetris with it. and having long.. boring conversations with the locals. but by all means if you like that go ahead.
411 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 05:13
Simulation games – and especially tycoon games - usually come with one big caveat: they can’t reproduce the details or the grit of what they’re attempting to reproduce. All they can really do is give you a visual representation for the passage of time, and essentially present turns lost or points left unspent as failures in scheduling or task management. You start a cycle of larger, tentpole projects within the game, complete a series of conditions, release the finished product and then wait for the consequences. In Hundred Days, Broken Arms Games finds a new candidate for a game mechanic acting as surrogate for managerial decisions – Tetris.

As strange as it might seem, you’ll chiefly spend your time in your winery arranging pieces geometrically within a limited board, effectively symbolizing your ability to multitask or delegate. Each piece represents a specific step in the winemaking process, all of them painstakingly sourced from the actual occupation and replete with triggers and conditional effects to attain, values to tweak and optimal settings to reach. In a very weird way, balancing a Nebbiolo’s sweetness and tannins is an act of precise minmaxing if you have access to the best versions of your tools, whereas your first Chardonnay’s likely to come across as drinkable no matter if you haphazardly arrange your pieces, mash the Next button and keyboard-smash your way to naming your first bottle and putting together your first official wine-tasting session. More complex operations are securely gated behind Tech tree expenditures and later purchases, which is perhaps one of the bigger problems of the title. I can understand that this represents your not only learning certain skills but also investing in their required hardware, but it makes seemingly easy unlocks deceptively expensive, which can bork your budget if you’re not careful. Similarly, visits to your actual Winery, your Tool Shed or Warehouse all come with an upfront cost that exponentially increases the more you invest in them and upgrade your resources. That makes the routine concept of peeking into side-menus for a refresher a costly operation, and you’ll very much want to keep track of what goes where and what is used for which operation. All of your hardware and tools decay over time, and the Repair card and tetrimino don’t always spawn as expected, past a certain threshold. The game seems to expect you to freely peek into your buildings to click on your rustbucket and forcefully draw the Repair card, but this involves sapping on your budget in an increasingly severe manner and skipping most of a season as your rigs get pampered. If you haven’t developed the practice of expanding your playspace whenever possible, it’ll come back to bite you in your oenological heinie.

On the flipside, the game never enters Panic Mode. Urgent budgetary or temporal situations don’t result in music ramping up or the scenery changing, and your overdraft protection seems rather generous, at about three thousand Euros prior to the game declaring you bankrupt. If you keep moving and keep a steady stream of wine releases going, you’ll never bump into this lower limit. You might not release quality wines consistently and there are times where profit is obviously going to win over the artistry of it all, but it’s rather obvious that a string of cheap BYOB-worthy red ones serves to line the pocketbook and prepare your finances for that one seriously drinkable objet d’art you’d maybe like to work on. Add to this a decidedly chill soundtrack and a visual language that feels ripped from the golden years of Clipart vector art, and you’re left with a deeply relaxing and unabashedly casual experience that’s looking to make you process its offered challenge differently. Leave your twitch reflexes in your other blazer, Hundred Days wants you to stroke your chin and spend long, long minutes wondering if adding endogenic enzymes to your Barolo for the tiny down-tick in Acidity it gives you and the slightly bigger uptick in Body you’re left to manage in the last few stages of the fermentation process. You realize that wine’s like coffee, in a sense: everyone says they like a rich, dark roast, just like everyone loves to swirl a supposedly full-bodied wine they’ll only daintily sip at. Sometimes, you’re better off polishing a series of supermarket-worthy Vinho Verde bottles with fancy-pants label design, or knocking back that exact set of Cuvée F;AFKEAFDASDF 2026 you know’s going to go well with the neophyte bloggers.

So crack one open – or better yet, splurge on some fancy foreign potato chips from that local Turkish supermarket you’ve never actually stopped in but always glanced at before, pair that with something slightly heady and that doesn’t let too much light through, and try this out for yourself.
Oh, and don’t drink and play too much, obviously – you don’t want to look back on last evening’s worth of simulated years and see all the dumb, unfiltered crap you can entirely use as a set of valid names for a tri-annual product. Maison “Oh, sh!t, I fuck3d it up, how do I cancel?!” 2023 apparently pairs really well with red meats and sauces.
42 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 15:58
This game is one of the best games I have purchased on steam. The amount of detail put into this game is second to none. I am so impressed with the weekly updates to the game 10/10 would purchase.
149 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
1598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 17:54
Interesting concept. The game has alot of variety and nice gamemodes.
117 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 13:08
I really enjoy Hundred Days, I liked the story mode even if I felt it ended a bit abruptly, but the story was good, the characters are interesting, I've only started on the challenges but they're cool.

Learning about the process behind making wine has been very interesting, and it clearly not in any way an easy job, and I have a lot of respect for the people that do this as a living, not just a video game - it's challenging enough digitally!

What I've also really been enjoying is the endless mode, and the fact that the game devs keep updating on a regular basis(Every Friday there's more bug fixes, and some new stuff), and I'm really looking forward to seeing where this game goes, because it's already been worth every penny I've spent on it, and it seems to only be getting better.
320 Produkte im Account
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1180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 13:15
I get that the real process of making wine is complicated and there is a certain way to do things, however any game that you *must* look up a guide (especially one that is small and has few guides online), aren't that fun. There's no real sense that *you* are playing the game. It's more like a just following a formula. Which would be fine if there was some sort of in game guidance.
I'm all for experimenting and figuring things out, but this game actively punishes you for doing that.

Perhaps if the finance system was changed a bit, or was more transparent (I couldn't find a way to see how much a monthly payment on a loan would be before getting it), then it would be more fun.

Get good, yeah yeah yeah, it's a game about wine. Not worth it imo.
563 Produkte im Account
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517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 06:41
This game has some fun ideas but goes out of it's way to be tedious. You spend considerably more time cleaning equipment and doing maintenance than experimenting with different grapes and wine-making techniques.

The gating behind the tech-tree and upgrade levels of various buildings is also a bit out of whack, leading to less of an economic simulator and more of a waiting game.

I have enjoyed playing a little bit of it, but it is deeply flawed and I can't recommend it.

It is roughly on the same level as 2017's Terroir, which is itself was enjoyable and deeply flawed, but this perhaps has more opportunity to become fun and interesting from its base than Terroir had.

A good winemaking simulator could be an amazing game, but we're not there yet.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
76.61% 262 80
Release:13.05.2021 Genre: Simulation Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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