• Highrisers: Screen zum Spiel Highrisers.
  • Highrisers: Screen zum Spiel Highrisers.
  • Highrisers: Screen zum Spiel Highrisers.
  • Highrisers: Screen zum Spiel Highrisers.
  • Highrisers: Screen zum Spiel Highrisers.
  • Highrisers: Screen zum Spiel Highrisers.
  • Highrisers: Screen zum Spiel Highrisers.
  • Highrisers: Screen zum Spiel Highrisers.
  • Highrisers: Screen zum Spiel Highrisers.
  • Highrisers: Screen zum Spiel Highrisers.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.01.2021
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Preis Update 16.05.24

Über das Spiel

Highrisers - Ein urbanes Survival RPG.
Ein Pixel-Art Survival Retro-Game. Prozedural generierte Wolkenkratzer mit scheinbar unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten warten auf dich erkundet und geplündert zu werden.

Die Menschheit wurde von einer mysteriösen Prionenkrankheit heimgesucht, die die Infizierten in einem ewigen Traum gefangen hält. Unfähig wieder aufzuwachen, verwandeln sie sich in die mysteriösen Dreamer: schlafwandelnde, zombieähnliche Kreaturen, die das Licht meiden.
Die Dreamer haben sich die schwach beleuchteten Straßenschluchten der Städte, allen voran die unteren Stockwerke der Hochhäuser als Lebensraum erschlossen, um sich vor der Sonne zu verstecken und kommen nur nachts raus, um diejenigen zu holen, die sich noch wehren.
Vier Überlebende sitzen auf einem Wolkenkratzer, irgendwo in einer verlassenen Metropole fest. Um zu überleben müssen sie erfinderisch sein und zusammenarbeiten.

Ohne den Komfort einer funktionierenden Gesellschaft werden Städte sehr schnell zu einer rauen und feindseligen Umgebung. Um zu überleben und einen Ausweg zu finden, muss das Team jeden Winkel und jede Ritze der Gebäude durchsuchen und alles plündern, was es in die Hände bekommen kann.
Erkunde Gebäude nach Ersatzteilen, Werkzeugen und Lebensmitteln und bereite dich auf den nächtlichen Ansturm der Dreamer vor.

Von einfachen Knüppeln über Armbrüste bis hin zu improvisierten Schusswaffen und Sprengstoffen: Mit den richtigen Materialien, Werkzeugen und einer gehörigen Portion Einfallsreichtum können die Überlebenden ein Arsenal zusammenstellen, das sich sehen lassen kann.
Sei erfinderisch und nutze alles was du findest, um Waffen, Barrikaden, Werkbänke, Werkzeuge, Maschinen, Medizin, Lebensmittel und vieles mehr herzustellen.

Viele der high-end Erfindungen erfordern zusätzliche Fähigkeiten, die in den Talentbäumen freigeschaltet werden müssen. Obwohl es eine ganze Menge nützlichen Wissens zu erwerben gibt, haben die Überlebenden nicht die Zeit, alles zu erlernen.
Mit der richtigen Kombination der Fähigkeiten kannst du vielleicht eine weitere Nacht überleben.

Glücklicherweise können die Überlebenden ihre Ressourcen, ihre Fähigkeiten und ihr Wissen zusammenlegen. Wenn sie zusammenarbeiten und ihre Fähigkeiten kombinieren, erhöhen sie ihre Überlebenschancen enorm. Ein alter, abgestürzter Hubschrauber auf dem Dach ist ihre einzige Chance zu fliehen. Obwohl er nie wieder die volle Flugfähigkeit erreichen wird, können sie ihn nutzen, um von Dach zu Dach zu springen, um so langsam aus der Stadt zu kommen.

  • Individuelle Talentbäume, die neue Crafting-Rezepte, Talente, Erfindungen und mächtige Interaktionen zwischen den vier Charakteren freischalten
  • Eine schier endlose Menge an Crafting-Rezepten, Ersatzteilen, Waffen und Barrikaden – deinem Einfallsreichtum sind keine Grenzen gesetzt
  • Unzählige prozedural generierte Ebenen schaffen unendlich viele verschiedene Wolkenkratzer, die mit unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen aufwarten
  • Modifiziere und verbessere den HC-27 Hubschrauber, um zu entkommen, mehr Güter zu transportieren und längere Strecken zu fliegen
  • Konfrontiere die Dreamer: Die mutierten Menschen, die in der Finsternis leben, werden versuchen, dich zu holen. Du musst sie bekämpfen, anlocken, bewegungsunfähig machen, dich vor ihnen verstecken, sie abschrecken und sie hinhalten, bis der Sonnenaufgang dich -für einen weiteren Tag - erlöst
  • Plane sorgfältig voraus, um die Nacht zu überleben. Spezielle Ebenen, die in den Gebäuden zu finden sind, ermöglichen zusätzliche wertvolle Beute oder erlauben besondere Interaktionen


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

116 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 17:15
Vorab: Das Spiel hat einen kräftigen Schwierigkeitsgrad. Wer sich also gerne wie bei Darkest Dungeon, Dark Souls oder Super Meat Boy malträtieren lässt, der ist hier genau richtig aufgehoben :D

Meine Review bezieht sich auf die Version 1.0.2, wo schon einige der Anfangsbugs gefixed wurde, die zum Teil sehr frustrierend waren (Savegame Corruption)

Ich hab das Spiel vor einigen Jahren bei Kickstarter gesehen und unterstützt, weil mir der Look und das Setting gut gefallen hatten. Aber man... ich hab nicht mit diesem Schwierigkeitsgrad gerechnet!

Man beginnt mit seinem abgestürzten Hubschrauber ganz oben auf dem Dach eines Hochhauses und muss nach unten um Ersatzteile für den Hubschrauber (und Nahrung und Medikamente und und und...) suchen.
Dabei steuert man 4 Charaktere mehr oder weniger gleichzeitig, was durchaus hektisch, bis überfordernd sein kann, gerade am Anfang.

Hat man das Tutorial vor einem richtigen Spiel gespielt, dann wird man, nicht wie ich die ersten 3 Stunden planlos in der Gegend rumrennen und sich wundern, was man überhaupt machen soll, sondern, tagsüber Materialen besorgen, sich überlegen was man als nächstes Bauen will/muss, um in der Nacht gegen die heranrückenden Zombiehorden zu bestehen. Dabei braucht man nicht nur etwas Planung, sondern auch etwas Glück bei den Gegenständen die man findet.

Knackiger Schwierigkeitsgrad und knifflige Steuerung und trotzdem würde ich es empfehlen? Ja! Weil es auch einfach ein Erfolgserlebnis ist wenn man die nächste Nacht überlebt hat! Wenn man tagsüber die Resourcen gesammelt hat die man braucht, das nächste Bollwerk aufbaut und mit dem geliebten Flammenwerfer bestückt. Und wenn man dann endlich den Heli repariert hat und zum nächsten Hochhaus fliegt, dann hat man ein ähnliches Glücksgefühl wie, als wenn man bei DS den nächsten Boss besiegt und überlebt hat!
1692 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 10:34
constant crashed. And no update since over 100 Days.

Never buy a game wish is broken, but write the dev and publisher what you think about such a habbit

here are the updates:

15 November 2021 Mon 12:48 Patch 1.0.5.f
25 October 2021 Mon 14:02 No title
28 September 2021 Tue 10:42 Hotfix 1.0.5.d
16 September 2021 Thu 08:22 Hotfix 1.0.5.c
15 September 2021 Wed 09:31 Hotfix 1.0.5.b
14 September 2021 Tue 07:13 Hotfix 1.0.5.a
11 September 2021 Sat 16:39 No title
18 August 2021 Wed 10:38 Highrisers - Patch 1.0.4.c hass been released!
11 August 2021 Wed 13:14 Highrisers - Patch 1.0.4.b released
30 July 2021 Fri 09:52 No title
28 July 2021 Wed 10:37 Highrisers Hotfix (version 1.0.4) available!
24 July 2021 Sat 20:49 Hotfix for 1.0.3
24 July 2021 Sat 14:22 No title
21 July 2021 Wed 14:10 Highrisers | Patch (version 1.0.2) has been released
19 July 2021 Mon 17:44 No title
18 July 2021 Sun 13:37 No title
16 July 2021 Fri 22:46 No title
16 July 2021 Fri 16:56 No title
16 July 2021 Fri 15:57 Patch 1.0.1 - notes
16 July 2021 Fri 15:20 First Highrisers Hotfix (version 1.0.1) available!
15 July 2021 Thu 16:02 No title
15 July 2021 Thu 15:27 No title
15 July 2021 Thu 11:56 Our Urban Survival RPG Highrisers Out Now!

Like you see, they had so much work, an update frequently every day, and at the end, they stoped gave up and gave us a broken game.

First of all, if you were in any other industry and you made unusable software and shut it down, you would be sued for damages, because I paid for a working product, and with such negligence, the developers would not only deserve to go bankrupt, they would liable with your private assets and because of self-inflicted ignorance, no personal bankruptcy should be carried out. You would have to work until the whole debt was paid off, plus a bonus for anyone who had to deal with such a mess and wasted time!
636 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 15:30
Ok, where to start . I have a Love/Hate relationship to this game . To me it is a very fun and addictive game , if you like micromanagment and scavanging, obtaining and transporting crafting materials back and forth .

It took me at least 12 hours to first get off from the starting building . The game seems hard or overwelming at first , but after a while you know what you doing , know where to find the stuff you need and getting faster at identifing the materials on the ground . It even seems to get easy if you get familiar with the mechanics , whom you will gaining while playing and not by the not very in dept tutorial , but thats not bad because you try and learn every run and thats the fun to me .

What kills this game for me are two gamebreaking bugs .
The first and fatal is : The game crashes after i left building two , corrupts the save file and you can start a new game again . I also had that crash randomly while playing otherwise , but rarley . I never got to building 3 because of that so i never experienced mid or late game .
The second is : Never repair an unfinished build barricade . If you do , you never can interact with it again and you ar screwed if it was your main big barricade and you don´t have enough materials to raise a new one .

I hope this bugs get fixed . I will never understand why they dont get you 3 autosaves to save the game at the start of a day or at least by arriving on a new skyscraper, so the chances of losing your progress are a little smaller . I wrote this review on 13/01/2022 , and i don´t know if the defs still are working on the bugfixing , if they do and fix this two major issues i will give this game a big thumbs up , but until then i can not recommend this game .
1166 Produkte im Account
134 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 20:57
High rise offers very little.

The concept overall is: Scavenge, with a time limit to repair a chopper.
Rinse, repeat.
359 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
8592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 07:09
Have played this a fair amount and it is a great game.
The characters are likeable ad have personality even though they do not do much.
Simple to learn, difficult to master. Fun game will get you to come back again and again.
Interesting mechanics.
Lots of crafting and RPG style progression.
The Devs are quick to respond with patches.
Music whilst simple goes great with the theme.

There is not always the stuff you need spawned because it is generated randomly.
Bugs and crashes. Have had a great progress wiped out from crashes.
There is no quick save to prevent this from happening.
There is also only 1 save slot which when patch 1.0.5.a came on, glictched so everyone went back to level 0 and were stuck so all progress was lost.

Suggestions for devs:
Make a way to build a research table coz when one does not spawn, it is not possible to advance after a certain point.
a 2nd save slot?

Would I suggest this for a friend?
Yes definately!
It is currently a good game, but a few tweaks from the devs and it could be a great game!
1694 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 15:17
+ Nice concept, real time play creates a sense of tension and forces rapid fire decision making
- Fairly unstable (save ending crashes and random errors needing frequent restart), seems unfinished
2891 Produkte im Account
651 Reviews
632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 01:30

A mysterious disease has crippled the world once again, but this time around, it is impossible to walk in the streets as they are crowded by Dreamers (Zombies). If you live in regional areas or in the suburbs on the outskirts of a city full of skyscrapers, you pretty much have to kiss your butt goodbye. On the other hand, if you live in a city of high-rise buildings, own a helicopter which you can fly or know someone who can, you might have a chance to survive by moving from one building to the next and scavenging anything you can get your hands on. This is exactly what a group of four survivors managed to do. However, on their last flight, the helicopter malfunctioned, and they were just able to crash land on the top of a 36 floors building. If they want to survive another day, they have to find food, craft weapons, defences and items to repair their chopper. It’s a tough life in HighRisers!

HighRisers is a pixelated survival/strategy game developed by Solar Powered Games and published by Assemble Entertainment on the 15th of July 2021 on the Steam platform.

I personally love the concept of playing a survivor game that takes place in a high-rise. I think it Is innovative and, in the world we live in right now, one of the best ways to have a large number of people that co-habit on a specific surface together is to have them in high rises, which we have been doing for several decades in our largest cities.

In HighRisers, you’ll be in control of a party of four people, of which are two men and two women, and your main goal is to survive as long as you can, repair the chopper and escape. Mo is an astute builder who can efficiently build, repair, and dismantle any construction, while Ike is the man for all mechanical issues. Jess is tech-savvy, and Ann is the scientist of the group. Now, all these characters can perform any tasks in this game, which I like, but it would take Ann more time to build or dismantle a structure than Mo, for example.

Each time you start a new game, which I have done several times due to specific game issues, which I will cover below, the 36-floor building will randomly generate itself. What I mean this is that each time you start a new game, all the floors will be laid out differently, which is super fun and gives the game more replayability. Essentially, you have to scavenge each floor that is free of Dreamers and gather foods and items you need to repair your helicopter or craft weapons, as well as all different types of goods. Bear in mind that everything you do is in real-time as there is no pause button in this game. I don’t mind a lot of micromanaging, but if you don’t like it, it will be a challenging game for you.

You can select any of the four characters with the 1 to 4 keyboard keys, or click on their avatar which is located on the left side of your screen. With your middle mouse button, you can scroll up and down the building. Click on the item and the selected character will go and pick it up. Don’t forget that each individual can only pick up 8 different types of items to add to their inventories at the start of the game. However, it seems that they can pick up has many of these 8 different items as they want. Yes, it will fill an inventory square, but they can pick up as many cans of foods as they want, which is a bit odd. Picking up items is straightforward, but dismantling structures such as bars, chairs, blenders etc. and will take time. When dissembling a table, for example, you’ll get wood and screws etc.

So essentially, during the day, you scavenge the building to find items that you can use to repair the chopper, craft weapons at the workbench as well as other goods at the lab table, build barricades, etc. But when the night comes, the Dreamers will start to move up the floors and attack the survivors on sight. And by the way, it is an automatic combat system, and you have nothing to do. Make sure you have adequate defences and weapons to survive the night. If you do, you’ll receive a skill point that you can use to upgrade your character skills. Each character has 21 upgradeable skills. 1 point per night is a bit slim, and I suppose you’ll need to survive 84 nights to upgrade all your character’s skills.

The major issue is that the game keeps crashing, left, right and centre. One out of three times that you build a barricade, the game crashes. Same with some items you craft at the lab table. It crashes when the dreamers attack a barricade or when you load a saved game, and you also get random crashes. I know the Devs are working hard on updates, but these issues were supposed to be rectified in the previous updates. Well, I am running version 1.0.4.c, and I am still having the same issues. On top of that, there is no autosaving. You can only save the game if you decide to quit.

I spent 10+ hours on this game because I am genuinely interested in it and want to discover more about it. But right now, I can’t pass the 4th night. Not because I don’t survive but because the game keeps crashing. This is the perfect example of why Steam should have an informational option (like we have on the curator pages) as well as not recommended and recommended for individual reviews.

The graphics are good, and I like the concept. There are stacks of objects to scavenge, and it seems that you can craft a lot of stuff too. No autosaving and constant crashing! I have faith in you, devs, and I look forward to seeing these significant issues resolved asap so we can all discover and have fun playing HighRisers.

+ Great pixel artworks
+ Fun concept and easy to play
+ Plenty of objects to scavenge and discover
+ Each new game is randomly generated (items/furniture on each floor)
+ Each character has 21 skills to unlock

- No tutorial
- No autosaving
- Constantly crashes
- No achievements or trading cards

Find anything of use in a high rise to survive; craft weapons and defences, and repair your chopper to escape the never-ending waves of Dreamers!


Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!


1080 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 04:29


- You can almost pickup everything you see
- You can turn a floor into anything you want like a farm for food.
- There are a decent amount of crafting recipe

- Its great that there is voice acting but it can get annoying when the characters keeps saying the same line every time you click on an object and not all the voice acting are good.
- Tutorial does not teach you anything advance and it is almost useless
- The game can be buggy sometimes e.g. you could hear two music overlapping, some items you can't click, items having code names or missing file name that the Dev forgot to change or name and it crashes (Only had one in my experience but it was enough for me to give up).
- You only get 1 skill point a day to use amongst 4 characters so unlocking interesting recipe will take forever while monsters usually comes up after 2-3 days
- There is lack of important information on the tool tip on furniture and other breakable objects, it doesn't give you information on what kind of materials you will be receiving so you have to look at everything you break down and predict to determine what you might get (I spent ages looking for aluminium)
- You will spend most of your time dissembling stuff and that is pretty much the game if you focus on fixing the helicopter without building any defences or weapon to fight the monsters, you will just stare at them fiddling with their hands while the circle timer ticks down.
112 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 14:15
Gotta say, I love this game.

Bought it on day one, and it did have a couple of issues, but a lot has happend since. The developer is super responsive, which made me stick with it, and I'm glad I did!

There are still some QoL features I'd like to see added, but judging by my experience with the developer so far, I'm sure I'll see them sooner rather than later.

Keep it up!
118 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
6788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 01:46
This is a maybe for me, not an actual yes. Yet. The core concept is amazing, the art style is great, and there is real ingenuity here. People complain it needs more tutorial and I disagree. However, it needs pause, the ability to queue orders, and more depth and sense in the skill system.

I really want this game to be good. It's such an interesting concept, and fun when it's parts come together. I've played 95 hours in it not just because my ADHD has me randomly focused on it right now. It is genuinely engaging. It needs a few things and once it has them this simple title could be one of my all time favs.

A somewhat fresh concept in survival-crafting is what drew my attention. You land a half dead helicopter on the roof of a highrise. Explore it and use the materials in it to survive and get the heli flying again. Zombies come up the building after you each night and food is limited, the two main factors limiting your stay. You have to hurry and get that thing running before you are overwhelmed or starve. Get the heli running with duct tape and bubble gum and limp it as far as it will go until you land on another building and the loop begins again. Each time you are better prepared with the skills and materials you brought with you.

The four characters have interesting skill concepts that interact with each other. Some builds require the skills of two characters, making you plan out your level ups. However, skills don't really pay off with much usefulness until the second level. The abilities or recipes you get seem sort of slapdash as well. Some abilities might not give you any recipes, while others give you over a dozen. Some early abilities give you recipes you won't be able to make until later in the game.

The building is procedurally generated which is great.... unless you land on a building that has no fuel in the early game. Food is scarce, but you can stretch it by growing.... as long as the building has water. You will learn to restart until you have those two things at least, but that doesn't help you if you get screwed on the second building. In my experience it will be about the third building before you have the skills necessary to take the fight to the dreamers. You might have to restart before then but it is REALLY satisfying once you can start mowing them down and taking what you want.

The most annoying thing at the moment is the obvious need, but lack of a pause and an order queue system. In the message boards, the developer has said they wanted the lack of such to be part of the difficulty of the game. In my opinion, this is the wrong way to do difficulty. Difficulty should come from gameplay, not making the game difficult to play. For Highrisers, what I mean is the user should be able to efficiently and easily command the characters. You have 4 characters which you directly control 100% of the time in a survival situation. You need a sense of urgency yes, but you also need efficiency. You will almost always have some characters standing around while you mess with inventory or concentrate on one character. The ability to pause and queue orders doesn't make the game easier to beat, and if it does there are ways to rebalance. Good news though: The developer seems to have decided it will be on the to do list due to enough mention by the player base.

Overall, this is a promising concept. I hope that as updates come, more depth and control get added to the game. I don't believe it needs more tutorial. Factorio, Rimworld, these games don't have much in the way of tutorial. Learning through trial and error is greatly satisfying in those moments where you realize something new. A pause and queue system, and more depth and sense in the skill tree would top off this wonderful game.
79 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 04:50
doesnt feel very balanced. basically skyhill but overly complicated inventory (lack of) system
158 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 14:19
Interesting and fun mechanics. Very promising...

But, i don't know if it is only me, this is way too difficult. I can't even play for one hour.
Give me an option to make the enemies super weak.
And not enough food.
Too stressed to take my time exploring, otherwise everyone will starve.

I prefer simulation without too much stress.
1945 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 19:44
Good idea for a game but really bad execution. You have to control 4 separate characters with four separate inventories. Half the time you just end up dropping/shuttling items around so one character can build/fix some stuff. End result is messy, rushed and very tedious. A lot of people complain about the UI, lack of pause, pacing, icons being too similar. Problem is not that the game has issues - the entire execution of the original idea is pure shite. Problem is that the game is as much fun as trying to run the entire fast food joint solo. You constantly run from one station to another, take the order, try not to get burnt with deep fryer, have the burgers just right and get it all done in a time frame that will ensure that customers won't try punching you in the face.
TLDR: Honestly, 95% of jobs I've had in my life were more enjoyable than playing this game...
437 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 15:34
A Survival, Crafting, Strategy game... sounds interessting. Thats why i backed it back in Dez.2016 with the estimated Delivery time of Sep. 2017. Well... July 2021 and we finally got the game. After all this time i hoped that there aren t that many bugs, errors, crashes etc... So i played the tutorial, saved and took a break. A little bit later i tried to load the save again.. and oh nice... instant error and crash. Doesn t even matter if i go for a new game and save etc. every time i load it just crashes. not gona lie but i m rly pissed about that. Waiting for years and the release was postponed for god knows how many times... and still doesn t work.
444 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 07:03
Is this 1.0? Well i would say no. The actual state of the game feel like a beta, still filled with bug and erronous gameplay mechanics. In 5 hours of gameplay i was forced to relaunch multiple time the game because of various bug like sound spam, can't equip weapons anymore, couldn't progress in the tutoriel. I got multiple crash, two in game and 1 trying to launch my save of day 5, i guess my save is lost and i didn't try anymore after trying to launch it 3 time in a row. I'm done with this game until major update. Even before looking for the gameplay of this game you should wait...
783 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 00:41
TD;LR: Time critical to gameplay, yet each person in the whole party needs to be micromanaged for literally everything excessively, including picking up components and eating, with only one controllable at a time leading to time wasted on the other three members.

A really promising and interesting concept that has been poorly executed mechanically. The premise of the game is to scavenge what you can during the day to repair your helicopter, fending off the dreamers during the night and when it becomes too heavy, move to a new high rise.

The issues here is time is critically important however there is no active pause to issue commands to the four party members. This means, unless a member is performing a longer timed task, 3 out of 4 party members are often idle as you can only control and issue commands to one person at a time. This leads to a massive waste in action economy of the party, burning time needlessly.

A secondary issue is the inventory micromanagement of clicking individual items per party member to pick up, then having to manually consolidate each item between the party members to avoid doubling up the same item and wasting carry slots. This, without active pause or any AI automation, eats in to time needlessly.

To address this I would suggest adding an active pause, to allow the issuing of commands per party member and a semi autonomous scavenging option that means once something is broken down, all the relevant components they have space for are collected and finally a centralized inventory between the party or a container at the top of the high rise to centralize resources needed which will be sourced from for projects and which are then left if not carried on to the helicopter.
1328 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 15:17
I've played some games where they were hardcore and required a complicated and underexplained UI... NEO Scavenger, UnReal World, Dwarf Fortress - just to name a few. These titles can frustrate and intimidate because of the lack of explanation on how things work or function, and sometimes trial and error is required to get your bearings. However there is one important factor about these titles I mention: they're all turn based. They all allow you an infinite amount of time to stare and digest at the UI, to figure out your next move, because there's no pressure.

Enter: Highrisers. A game where the entire focus is to collect, store and manipulate items in the world and your inventory, be it to eat food or craft items, this game's strongest focus is inventory. And, by far, this games weakest point is its inventory. You're under time pressure in Highrisers, so unlike the trio of examples I provide above, you can't sit on your laurels trying to figure things out, or you lose the game. It's that simple. And when you're trying to find who of the four characters has the screws, where on the floor you left the rebar, and scoping out the ten-pixel high can of food to feed someone... you become enamored in just how much you hate the game. You panic to make decisions and quickly give up, because, the inventory management is the biggest requirement of the game and the worst implementation you could imagine. The game wants to be hardcore, but it's not doing it in the Dark Soul's manner: something forgivable yet predictable. It's being hardcore in that the game works against you, because there are so many items, and absolutely no feasible way in game to track, store and manipulate that inventory.

Let's also not look past the fact that your character has a one-liner every time you tell them to do something. That is pretty annoying when you pick up a dozen cloth items from the floor...

I cannot even explain how combat works, or if it even does, because I could not get past the game crashing on me when I manipulated the Lab workstation. The lack of a tutorial (though there was a recent developer note stating that the tutorial exists, it's just having difficulty being presented on new playthroughs?) didn't help on my attempts to play, but the sheer chaos of inventory management made this game a no-brainer. If crafting were a secondary focus of the game, you could look past it, since fiddling with the tiny environmental objects and trying to find your stack of hoses wouldn't be an issue: waste thirty seconds in a blue moon, okay, sure. But crafting is the primary focus of this game, literally, the entire game, and the execution of inventory and its management are so poor that you should strongly avoid unless you're a masochist for poor game design or really, really curious.
102 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 11:14
I really wanted to like this game, and it has some potential, but I had to request a refund. It has the makings of a good game, but it's not there yet. The complete lack of information given on how to do anything (no tutorial that I saw), coupled with the constant juggling of resources and character switching, back n forth, really made it hard to get anything done. Then it started crashing on me... so before the brief time limit was up, I decided it wasn't worth the risk at the moment in it's present form. The music got obnoxious after a while, too... I get going for the retro arcade style, but it's not really fitting with the mood, IMO.
I may try it again in 6m-a year... maybe.
1674 Produkte im Account
179 Reviews
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 13:46

Follow my Curator Page if you're into Strategy Games!

Highrisers is a survival strategy game.

Four survivors are on a skyscraper, trying to survive and getting the helicopter on top of the building to work again. On your way, you need to search for all sorts of useful things. You will find a lot, craft a lot, kill, get killed, or starve to death. One of these will happen eventually.


A survivor can starve to death if you don't eat. There is a lot of food distributed in the skyscraper but getting there can be dangerous because monsters/zombies are lurking around. In the beginning, they are at the bottom of the building but every night, more will appear and climbing up the stairs. Sooner or later you'll need to fight them and this is not as easy as it is in other games. First, you need to craft weapons and second, a weapon is not enough most of the time. If you attack a monster with a weapon, you'll probably just attract more monsters. Even if they can't reach you immediately, you'll probably die either way. With a modified baseball bat, you can't even kill one zombie. You need either better weapons, attack with more survivors at the same time, or build defenses to keep distance between you and the monster.

Level up

After every night, your survivors will get a new skill point which you can spend in their skill tree. Every survivor is an individual which means, they have different skills to get. A skill tree has over 20 different active and passive skills.


There are countless different parts, materials, and objects giving you the possibility to craft infinite different things and I really mean it. You can click on everything. There are 36 different floors and every single one of them has objects or materials in them. You can decide to disassemble everything.


There is basically no tutorial. A short window explaining the controls but that's it. You have to find out the rest by yourself.

The Good

  • Endless possibilities. You can click on everything, disassemble everything, craft countless things... In Highrisers, there are no limits.
  • Cheats. I don't know if that's because my game version is 0.9.7 and if there will be a 1.0 patch (The game is released already but there is no patch yet) but in the settings, you can activate different cheats. This is a nice addition and I hope they don't disable this feature (because it looks like it was just made for testing the game).
  • Monsters are a threat. Unlike in some other survival games, even one monster can kill you. You need to prepare and be careful.
  • Day/Night rhythm gives a lot to the overall atmosphere.

The Bad

  • It's confusing overall because there are hundreds of different materials. Many of them you can't make out without hovering over them (which is very time-consuming and annoying) especially when in a bulk or on a shelf. Searching for the one thing you need to craft or repair something is just a pain in the ass because of this. It feels like a feature is missing which makes this way more comfortable because right now, it isn't. There are also big black borders to the left and right of the screen which makes everything even smaller.One solution would be to open a new window when clicking on a bulk or shelf which shows all available items and you can drag&drop them.
  • There is no real tutorial.
  • Saving a game does not work. You can't save your progress and a run is pretty long.
  • The graphic settings are literally non-existent which is okay because of the retro look but having only two options for resolution is not enough. The max available resolution is 1536x864 which seems very weird.
  • Some objects/things don't have a description (low_key_2, etc.) or aren't translated yet (German).


Highrisers offers a lot for its price. It's a good survival game with nice retro looks and a very great atmosphere. Crafting has almost no limits, you can click on every object which is amazing. The downside to that is that it gets very confusing. Maybe this is the price to pay for having so many possibilities or maybe that's just me. Either way, the biggest problem is that you can't save the game right now (which hopefully gets patched today or tomorrow).

If you're into survival games, I definitely recommend buying Highrisers.

If you like my review and strategy games, please consider following my curator page on Steam!
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils negativ
38.18% 21 34
Release:28.01.2021 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Solar Powered Games Vertrieb: Assemble Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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