People in creepy costumes, carved pumpkin heads in the front yards... that can only mean one thing: It’s Halloween! And in Hero Zero, Humphreydale’s fiends are just begging to be scared straight. Your hero can participate in the big Halloween event from 28/10/2020 to 04/11/2020 and win great rewards by completing special tasks.
On top of that, at the Second Hand Shop, you’ll find a total of 15 matching scary items, including a weapon set and two frightening Halloween sidekicks, one with a special level 10 and one with a special level 30 skill, in the Second Hand Shop. And you can benefit from terribly good Donut Shop deals - including scarily delicious Creepy Boxes, which are not only full of donuts, but also each feature one part of the exclusive Scary Jester hero set.
While all this frightfully good fun is going on, don’t forget that there’s a Halloween villain haunting the city... so keep your eyes open! Have fun!
Happy Halloween,
Your Hero Zero Team