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Über das Spiel

Du bist ein Jäger, die letzte Verteidigungslinie zwischen unserer Welt und den wilden Bestien da draußen. Durch Erkundigungen deiner Umgebung, Lesen und Deuten der Hinweise erfährst du mehr darüber, mit wem du es zu tun hast und wie du es tötest. Nutze deinen Verstand, deine Erfahrung und dein Arsenal an Werkzeugen zur Monsterjagd, um die Welt von Ghulen, Geistern, Dämonen und allem, was sich im Dunkel der Nacht herumtreibt, zu befreien - wenn die Kohle stimmt, versteht sich.
Die Geschichte
Seit fast zehn Jahren folgst du einer blutigen Spur durch das ländliche Australien, auf der Suche nach der Bestie, die dir deine Familie genommen hat. Deine Jagd führt dich in das kleine Städtchen Windsor Heights. Seit der Wiedereröffnung von Ravenhall Manor verschwinden immer wieder Bewohner des Städtchens, und in der gesamten Umgebung spricht man von seltsamen Beobachtungen. Von Geisterfrauen, die Menschen in den Nebel lockt, bis hin zu Spinnen so groß wie Wölfe - Australien ist ein gefährlicher Ort.
Mit allen Wassern gewaschen
Beginne deine Reise mit einer flackernden Taschenlampe, einer rostigen Waffe und jeder Menge Mumm in den Knochen. Schließe deine Aufträge ab, um deine Fähigkeiten weiterzuentwickeln und mehr über die Monster zu erfahren, die Nachts umhergehen. Entwickele deinen Charakter und vergrößere dein Arsenal durch ein detailliertes RPG- und Auftragssystem. Werde zum Elitejäger und Rächer.
Wähle deine Aufträge
In den Straßen schleichen alle möglichen Kreaturen herum, von Geistern und Höllenhunden bis hin zu Riesenspinnen und Dämonen. In welcher Reihenfolge du deine Aufträge erledigst, bleibt dir überlassen, aber mit jedem Monster, das du erledigst, kommst du der finsteren Wahrheit einen Schritt näher.
Jagen oder gejagt werden
Wie du die Stadt säuberst, ist deine Sache. Du kannst mit Waffengewalt losziehen und dein Gewehr für dich sprechen lassen, oder du kannst deine Ziele auskundschaften und dein Vorgehen sorgfältig planen, um ihre Schwächen gegen sie auszunutzen.
Studiere deine Beute
Als Jäger ist Wissen eine deiner mächtigsten Waffen Wenn du deine Umgebung zu lesen weißt und die Schwächen der Kreaturen kennst, die du jagst, wird es dir ein wenig leichter fallen, sie zu vernichten. Das Cryptonomicon ist dein Jäger-Ratgeber. Dort werden sämtliche Kreaturen, die du erlegst, und alle Hinweise, die du sammelst, abgelegt.
Nutze deine Werkzeuge
Von Schrotflinten und Fallen bis hin zu Silbernitrat-Kugeln und hochtechnischen Apparaturen - in deinem Arsenal sind viele Werkzeuge, die dir dabei helfen, den Kampf gegen die Dunkelheit aufzunehmen. Überlege dir, was du mitnehmen, und wann du es einsetzen willst - das könnte den Unterschied zwischen Sieg und furchtbarer Niederlage machen.
- CPU: Intel Core i5 2.4ghz (or equivelant AMD)
- GFX: Mid Range Graphics Card
- Software: Windows Vista SP2 or higher
- HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 9.0
- MISC: Aspect Ratio 16:9 and wider
- LANG: Englisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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1979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 14:36
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 18:32
977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 05:16
Lots of guns to choose from each with their own unique play style.
Upgrade gear with older tools becoming useless forces progression into more difficult missions
Clue finding, creature eliminating then final boss
Excellent music and sounds from multiple sources to absorb you into the atmosphere
2-3 types of boss ghosts of each type
Random generated maps keep things fresh
Skill tree to fit ones play style
Starting gear/skills for play style/difficulty starts
NPC to chat too is always fun. Mostly for shop use and story progression.
3 different biomes that change approach and difficulty
Plenty of unique creatures that can and WILL mess you up if you dont have the right gun or ammo type prepped for battle
Traps, throwables, armour, guns, tools attachments and more to offer.
Strategic planning in dealing with strengths and weaknesses
Overall when I beat this game I have to give it a solid 9/10. Not a masterpiece or game of the year. But a fine quality game that will give you several hours of playtime. Well worth price point.
Would love to see a sequel with a full team behind it expanding and introduce more content like you would ever see.
Maybe allowing for modders to take the game and expand from those who also enjoy this game.
If there was one thing bad I had to say about the game. Would be that I didnt hear about this game back in 2018 or release in 2021. If it wasnt for Insym on Youtube/Twitch from showing off the game it would have never made it to me.
2107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 01:33
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156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 05:12
I was having fun being a paranormal detective and piecing together the clues, and the first haunted house was interesting and creepy, but after that the game just felt kind of empty and way too hard for a casual gamer like me to keep going and the story just wasn't there to draw me in further.
Maybe one day they will revise this with some better mechanics as I think the concept really did have potential.
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63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 09:15
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2700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 16:46
Absolutely stay away from this game or get it when its REALLY cheap
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1656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 08:05
1634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 15:49
The game is a solid 8 for game-play and story, but incredibly short. I took my time and experimented with all the little tools they give in game and ended around 27 hours in. This game is criminally underrated and the people who made it need to come back to this project and make more chapters and expand on the game as a whole. This feels like an untapped style and I can think of five things that would make this game skyrocket to the top of any must have list.
With a little tweaking, this game could become the Australian version of Supernatural. This first entry lays a foundation for incredible replay-ability but it feels like they didn't bother to finish building the house.
I read that this game was abandoned by its developers. This is sad and I hope someone can get a hold of them and tell them they need to come back and finish this game or at least sell the rights to someone who will continue with this type of game and story.
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1649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 05:25
Devs, please come back, you have something really cool here, don't let it stay dead.
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856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 06:50
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2348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 16:17
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 04:50
1682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 07:01
Honestly, I have not played a game like this before,
The artwork and sound, I think they are pretty good 8/10.
The gameplay is what is so special here. I dare to give it a 9/10 BUT it needs MORE.
I think the idea and base game is there, but it needs MORE of what it has for example MORE maps and bosses.
A better history/lore would not hurt too.
Overall I give it a 7/10. Good game.
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811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 01:54
The core gameplay loop is choosing a mission difficulty, exploring for spectral evidence while fighting off 'cryptids' which serve as standard enemies, until all evidence has been gathered, then summoning and fighting a boss. The loop surrounds a mystery-styled narrative about a man who wakes up with a massive tattoo, no memories, constant nightmares, and the sudden inability to die. What sounds like a solid game has problems at every level.
Visuals and Sound
The visuals of the game are mixed. Not amazing, but not distracting - usually. Some enemies (ghouls come to mind) have hilariously bad animations, and many of the bosses have wibbly-wobbly effects on the camera and are little more than shaped clouds or shadows. The game also has very poor indicators of attacks and hitboxes, so you have to learn attacks based on pure experience of trial and error. The sound is better, but suffers in quality control much like the visuals. Some enemies have solid, creepy sounds, but parts of the sound are off-putting in entirely the wrong way.
UI and controls.
The controls are iffy, but can be remapped freely, so no points for or against. The UI has an unmistakably amateur feel to it, with default fonts in the title screen being the most obvious case of amateurism.
The story in this RPG is absolute garbage. Characters have very few lines, and are all very boring and predictable. Every mystery is solved with a new character or object that has not been mentioned until its relevance and is just as quickly forgotten. The game also completely ignores many questions I had; (Or they never occurred to the devs) such as why this city has an unending barrage of spectral activity, why nobody else is worried about the hundreds to thousands of deceased (or the giant tentacles that are everywhere), or how I can buy 200 bullets that burst into UV light for two dollars. The answer to our immortality and nightmares is that a demon did it, and killed 12 other people in the process, about the same number of bodies as in any mission, so I guess the demon was lazy.
The Investigations
Investigating the phantoms is another mixed part of the game. The good comes in the form of most of the tools you are given - I particularly liked the geiger counter, the heat sensor, and the dead man's map, which formed the basis of the majority of the fun I had with the game. There were only a couple of investigation tools I found frustrating or useless, and there was a big enough variety that those tools were never an issue. Actually figuring out what ghast is haunting the location is, on the other hand, exceptionally dumb and lazy. You slot in the evidence into colored slots, then a symbol, bloodstain, chemical blueprint, body part, or structural damage pops up, you match it to an exact 1:1 image copy in your book of spooky things and where to find them, and after a second or two of off-screen page turning, the game poops out a boss type completely unrelated to the actual evidence you found. Does dark matter indicate a specific boss? No, it can come up for any boss, as can every evidence - it's completely random. Also, why does worm infested apples always indicate a ghost and not that some kid dropped an apple in the forest. Higher rank levels also have 'spectral interference' which soft-restricts your equipment by making some of it perform worse, which I feel neutral about, but I imagine it would be frustrating to some players.
Oh boy, this is the stinker. Standard enemies vary from completely trivial to walking past a door and it lops off a chunk of your health at no fault of your own. Getting hit by almost anything knocks you flat, which takes an agonizingly long time to recover from, by which time some enemies are ready to hit you again. This is where the horrendous dodge mechanic comes into all of its terrible glory. Dodging requires you to dodge away from attacks, as it will not protect you from all attacks, which would be fine, expect there are attacks that cannot be dodged if caught in a bad spot, which would also be fine, expect your enemies are ghosts who don't give a damn about wall or obstacles, so if they teleport/phase through a wall behind you, you might just take one or more hits that are literally unavoidable. The guns in the game range from completely useless to mildly infuriating. The only guns worth anything are a rapid fire smg/ar for taking out spiders and centipedes, and a high power revolver for taking out everything else. Enemies are all weak to either fire, silver, or UV ammo, and you can only hold 2 types of ammo at any point, so you will always have some enemies that are bullet sponges no matter what you run. The combat in this game is bad, no way around it.
There are only 7 bosses, Two types of tier 1, Two types of tier 2, and Three types of tier 3. I liked exactly one of them, who also happens to be the only boss without an item requirement to fight them. All 6 other bosses require exact equipment to fight, and not having that equipment makes them do double damage, be nearly invisible, or slow you to a 1/3 movement speed. If you have a strong revolver and their specific counter item, every boss in the game can just be tanked and shot down in 20-40 seconds, longer at the very start. Overall, very meh in what should be the highlights of the game.
Money is made from missions, and buys you better stuff. Late game has nothing left for you to buy, but otherwise the money works fine. I didn't have to grind much as I used almost no traps or baits, which are just very expensive ammo that should be avoided. XP is gained from missions, and is used to level up the lamest skill tree I've seen. Why do I need to spend a skill point to be able to throw things? I'm a human, throwing things is one of our species greatest strengths. The story progresses by gathering a specific amount of clues from a certain difficulty or killing a certain tier of boss. There is exactly one side quest that involves giving 1000$ to the merchant, waiting several missions, and getting a 1500$ gun in return.
I have finished this game in its entirety (apart from one achievement that is just kill 40 innocent birds) in 13.5 hours, and some of that was spent afk, so I would say that game has a max value time of 10-15 hours based on skill level and prior game experience. The game has no replay value apart from a mildly harder difficulty that just slows down progression. It's not worth 20$, and I'd hesitate to buy it for 5. If it ever goes on 90% sale, it's probably worth 2$. All in all, a massive disappointment.
1219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 20:02
Really, it close to Winchester brothers field. We are play as hunter for supernatural creatures. In our arsenal many tools and weapons to kill monsters. Even spare items the main character keeps in his car's trunk.
We have to travel around the city and cleaning forests, houses and dumps from poltergeists, demons, and some kind of hell's things.
Phasmophobia for forever alone gamers)
I recommend this game, but on sale 66% and for a couple of hours. Then all starts to be repetitive, and the gameplay becomes monotonous. I would have given it a neutral rating if it were possible.
To many bugs. HellSign 2077.
The Story is just for a tick. You're an amnesia guy which have to kill few enemies. Point.
And be ready to die time after time. Difficult in this game is high. Who knows what will end earlier — your temper or game.
573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 02:19
Personally, I find the game's difficulty a bit too hard. I like easy. I find difficult games too stressful, but if you have a good run a stage can be short so it's like Super Meat Boy where you don't mind dying over and over because you can just get right back in the game. Then you also need to grind random stages to earn equipment you need. Personally I am so-so about this. I cannot help but feel this artificially inflates game time, but this aspect allows for a decent pacing where you earn a few things at a time.
491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 16:54
I enjoyed my time in Hellsign, its probably not going to get replayed, but the gameplay loop is solid, investigating scenes for clues to the big evil that dwells in the area. Whilst also having the infestation of other critters in the proximity, a nice little progression system too with upgrading gear and thankfully doesn't overstay its welcome, clocking in at 8 hours for myself, I hit the end suddenly which is the only weak spot for me. So I expect most people to get 7-10 hours out of the game, which for its price point is fine.
Whilst it doesn't innovate in any particular area, its greater than the sum of its parts and I applaud the developers.
1236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 18:17
Upgrade equipment accordingly. I suggest peashooters H4L SMG 21C & Micro SP-3. The latter is a sidearm which performs better than the primary, OP when skillpoints are allocated to sidearms, and costs ~$4500.
Read the Cryptid-nomicon journal thing. You can tell by the achievements way too many people started the game, but quit before beating the Supernaturals. They even threw in a highlighter for you.
DON'T BOTHER WITH BLACKJACK AFTER REPUTATION 10... by then, minimum bet is $50 each, so if it's your loss, there goes a hundred of your dosh. <3 Cards lean toward AI win, so not very worth it.
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154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 05:54
In short, the game seems like it has great potential, but after a few hours I felt like I've seen everything the game has to offer, and it already felt like a grind to get to the next stage of the game.
Graphics are great. Setting is awesome.
Characters you meet are pretty bland and boring, and the dialogue was awful if you ask me.
Every mission has the same map layout. Meaning that if it's a house it'll always be the same house you explore. For me this very much killed the replay ability of the game, which ironically is very important for this kind of game.
I bought this game for 50% off, and in it's current state I just can't justify it.
I encourage you to check out Bruh's review for a more in depth one.
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463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 09:20
But the actual content of the game isn't that good. Few locations, only two real types of jobs, one of them becomes completely obsoleted the moment you get access to Tier 2 Hunting jobs. Or Echrii. So that leaves a single type of job that's actually played for most of it across 3 maps with very little real variation between them.
There's dialogue in the game but it's not very good. One of the characters has an event that seems like it'll be repeatable but it's really not. In fact you have the opportunity to ask them questions...except there are no questions to ask. So there's an NPC that you can interact with, but you can't actually interact with them.
Really the only good part of this game is the combat. The skills are kind of just thrown in there, it doesn't really feel like the game would really change if you had to just pay money for the skills instead of leveling up.
Oh and the blackjack was honestly some of the most fun I actually had, starting with 60 bucks and getting up to the thousands to buy something while just cackling with a friend was a blast. I have to say as well, while 'deciphering' was rather easy, it felt rather nice to learn things about the bosses to better combat them.
So, in conclusion. Did I have fun with this game? Yes! But can I recommend it to others? No, I don't think I can. Not for the amount of content in it and the quality of anything that isn't the combat and weapons.
Also, what's with the special weapons and equipment? They don't really seem to have a purpose beyond 'lmao this will be cool.' Crafting is pointless.
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62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 21:34
I took a chance on HellSign when it was in Early Access, and, sadly, its release version did not turn out as I hoped it would. Still, with a bit more content and some polish this could become a great little indie title. As it stands now, the devs seem to have abandoned HellSign and much needed patches are nowhere to be seen. Do not buy.
857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 20:18
Visuals on mission are great and atmoshperic, alongside cool creepy sounds (the background noises when using sound amplifier are amazing and are real pants shitting hazard).
The preparation part is great too, if you are not using equipment proper to detected threats you will be raped almost instantly. When everything is going like planned its extremely satisfying.
The clue finding parts is also done very well. Using equipment to scan enviroment is fun and rewarding.
Overall its very good game, with noticable effort and love put into it.
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110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 10:34
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915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 11:06
There havent been any updates for about 5 months.
Story is incomplete.
The new features for searching are so backwards Im left wondering how the devs thought it was a good idea when they already had something that really didnt need changing.
This game had the potential to be something unique and intersting but was abandoned and left worse than what it was at the start, its more of a chore to play than actually fun.
I hope someone grabs the idea this game has and actually makes something good with it
1370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 09:04
Hunting monsters is great, learning about them and using specific tools, gear and ammo types for each big hunt is what I wished something like the Witcher could have been, and this is the only game I know that demands you learn in order to fight. Preparing for a fight by collecting clues and deducing what the monster is, before choosing where the monster spawns by 'invoking' it and setting up traps is great. The scary aspect of it is also fairly alright.
Not as terrifying as something like Amnesia and Outlast, but it isn't supposed to be since you're required to kill the things that are trying to scare and kill you.
However. And this is a big however, and under normal circumstances would have been a negative review.. the game is chopped together. It's fairly short and still has bugs. Not bad enough for an immediately bad review, but there could clearly have been more work done. The devs did run out of money working on this, so hopefully they come back and expand on the game.
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1145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 09:35
and a majority of the skilltree and features related to the endgame that were teased where cut completely.
It's got solid combat but that's it. And after a couple of hours the games over.
Maybe for 5 bucks, but definitely not worth 20.
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569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 21:01
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1433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 20:33
It is a real shame. The game had real potential in a niche genre not many developers are working on. I'd say maybe the developers will get their act together, but from the forums I've read it is a dead game. I supported this from early access and avoided playing it for a long time until all the features were added. Now I'm left with an agonizing icon for a game I really want to work out. Tempted to remove even that.
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275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 00:06
622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 14:39
+ Great balance of Jump scare horror / Suspense & Gameplay.
+ Very well written.
+ Ghost book is awesome, good game design here.
+ More guns to unlock in this than the Recent CoD games..
+ Decent amount of Ghosts to hunt, all different and require different ways to kill.
+ For the price a really solid game made by a small company.
+ Great theme.
- 3 Maps is a little lackluster.
- Difficulty makes game more frustrating than needs to be, and with only 3 maps forces you to play them a bit too much.
- Game kinda boils down to Ammo type A/B/C And shoot. If You've got the wrong ammo for a Ghost, your 100% dead, And there's no way to change once combat is triggered, Which mean if you open a door and there's something in there, if you've got the wrong Ammo on, then you'll be joining them in the afterlife momentarily.
- Shame the Dev's are finished with this, still had a-lot of room to grow..
- Alot of re-used assets, in-fact some rooms will have the same picture on the wall 4 times in a row. Only really 3 room layouts, Feels like i'm hunting in a Chinese built hotel.
782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 20:08
To me, this game is as if Darkwood and Phasmophobia put their brains together to create HellSign. HellSign, for the most part, is pure supernatural-hunting fun. There's a bit of difficulty combating the supernatural, so it may take you a little bit to learn how each different enemy operates. Being prepared is what this game is all about.
Now, while the supernatural-hunting gameplay itself is incredibly solid and fun, I'm not so much a fan of the lackluster appearance of the menus and point-click adventuring to the NPCs. I'd have also appreciated going back over the text of the speech of the characters and dialogue options since I have a grammar pet peeve because it was as if the writing was done by a teenager taking their first high school English course.
But honestly, I can entirely forgive the menus and dialogue portion of the game. Why? Because the actual gameplay of supernatural-hunting in the levels is simply AWESOME. It's never going to get dull for me because not only is fighting the cryptids fun and challenging, the various boss fights in the game are EPIC. When I summoned my first phantom, a Skolex, and attempted to fight it yet died, the entire time I did so, it was just epic. Fitting music accompanied me during the fight and the Skolex rained destructive hell upon me as I did my best to dodge its attacks. Boss fights are just awesome in this game in my opinion.
If you like supernatural stuff and hunting said stuff, buy this game. It's worth it.
1643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 04:46
The investigation part is indepth and makes you feel like a real investigator and hunter of the paranormal as you set up EMP-traps, UV spotlights and such to absolutely destroy the paranormals. Though, be careful as they are faster and stronger than you and most importantly, don't panic or you're dead as I have panicked and died many times. Story is a bit short though, due to the devs losing funds. But it's awesome non-the-less.
The music always a bop for me, especially the combat music when you fight a haunt.
I've even started taking a lot of inspiration from this game and starting to put a lot of it into my Dungeons&Dragons game LOL.
It really sucks that it's not making enough money to sustain the devs and so they have to slow down on a lot of it and move on. Why don't you buy the game to help support them? I promise you won't regret it if you prefer to shoot the demons instead of running from them in horror games!
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6989 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 00:45
So Hellsign is a very unique game where you search for things to help tell what enemies are around and what ghost you're hunting, and you use that info to select certain pieces of equipment that'll give you an edge. You have a variety of guns, ammo, tools, and traps at your disposal, and you'll need to use most of it to find all the signs (the things you're looking for) quickly. The gameplay is solid, the story is fairly interesting, and the atmosphere is really quite nice. The game just has one very major issue... it's repetitive. Back when there was only the haunted house it got repetitive fairly quick after you beat all the ghosts, and even now with three different maps and four more ghosts, as well as a few new enemies, it still just plain gets repetitive, because while the core gameplay loop has been rock solid for a while, you can only do that same thing so many times before it gets boring. Now previously I would have recommended this in spite of that main issue as the game is pretty fun for a while, and was being developed, I'm pretty sure a previous roadmap even had more chapters, more enemy variety, and even multiplayer (which would be greatly appreciated, as this game has long felt like one that should have multiplayer), though now the devs said they won't have any more major post-launch releases. It's really a great shame, this game is so unique and has so, so much potential, but I guess it being unprofitable has made it just not be good for the devs to work on.
EDIT: post-endgame content, not post-launch content.
tl,dr: great game, but gets repetitive, and the devs aren't gonna give major updates apparently. Get it on sale, but otherwise I don't think it's worth it, sadly.
1515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 01:35
1607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 17:45
It's honestly a pretty good action RPG with something new going into it along with the care to execute it right but not too complex to the point where it's exhausting. It tells a decent story with a interesting premise but I haven't finished it yet so I can't give a verdict on that end but please, you're missing out if you're not playing it especially if you love the paranormal.
Just be careful, there's spiders, big ones.
652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 03:48
969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 20:18
TL;DR - The game is great, people misread and got upset
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1147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 16:03
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868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 09:37
Sad to see as the concept showed so much potential.
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114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 06:34
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1155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 16:46
But, it won't, game is abandoned forever now, the 1.0 version that is about come this year, is the version we have now, unfinished, so please don't buy it, don't support them.
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1083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 16:47
Edit: They say this is a passion project but in their release statement they say the game was not profitable anymore in EA, in fricking EA, if this really was a passion project they would not think about being profitable in EA.
2nd Edit: Just tried it again and Oh my god they have ruined this game. It is not fun anymore, the amazing gameplay is gone, they have butchered the investigation system... stay away
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396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 01:27
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977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 08:00
Here is a quick-ish TL;DR : Hellsign is a great Early Access game, with emphasis on the Early Access as it is an incomplete game. The early-game is incredibly fun due to the limited resources the hunter has to work with, the biggest limiting factor being cash. However, the game breaks after the first or second poltergeist is defeated due to the influx of cash, therefore allowing the hunter to afford any resource, eliminating a huge portion of Hellsign's difficulty. Aside from early and late-game, the story is incomplete and will not receive any further updates. This is the game-state currently and in its expected future release next year. I would not recommend this game unless at a considerable discount. Do some research before deciding to purchase this game as you are willingly purchasing an incomplete game.
All in all, Hellsign isn't a horrible game in most aspects. Atmosphere is great, game-play is fun at times, sound design is superb, and the experience is unique compared to games I've played before. The idea of being a ghost hunter is truly alluring, looking for clues and fighting off the supernatural is so enjoyable and thrilling. When I first began to play Hellsign, the missions were incredibly dreary and difficult. Cash is a limited resource in the beginning portions of the game, which makes purchasing decisions difficult. Purchasing better detection tools would take priority over gun upgrades due to signs (clues found during missions) resulting in a bigger cash reward after a mission (since you can pawn off signs for some extra cash). Guns not being a priority made the game feel incredibly difficult in early missions since encounters with cryptids (Hellsign's basic monsters) were challenging even deadly if traps weren't placed beforehand. This is where Hellsign is at its best. This experience mostly holds all the way up to the clearing of your first or second poltergeist (Hellsign's bosses). After this point in the game, you either play just for the sake of playing, make a new character to start over, or you stop playing Hellsign in its entirety. The amount of cash for beating a poltergeist is staggering compared to the measly $2,000-ish for completing the same mission without beating the poltergeist. The game rewards the player $33,000 for beating a poltergeist. For the sake of comparing this reward to purchases you'll be making, the higher-tier guns cost around $4,000. The game breaks at this point, as the one variable making this game difficult is rendered meaningless. Beating a poltergeist should feel incredibly rewarding as beating my first was impossibly difficult and required lots of grinding and deaths, but Hellsign presents no further hurdles afterwards due to the enormous amount of cash you have at your disposal. Your cash is spent on buying up what guns you didn't have and just filling in holes in your gear. Afterwards, you are prepared for everything and anything. There isn't a challenge anymore, no goal to work towards. Arguably, you can continue to play, as I no doubt intend to at some point, but there isn't any true reason to play anymore aside from just the desire to play the game. This isn't even touching the Early Access story, which has been stated by the developers to also be the finished product. The story itself wasn't egregious in any manner, but the current state of the story is definitely incomplete.
So, the late-game is horrible and is unlikely to change. Story is incomplete and will not receive any updates in the future. Hellsign is in a poor state, even though there are promising aspects about this game, and I had also been expecting better things in its future, which will never be due to development having stopped. Hellsign is a recent purchase of mine, so I am not privy to talk in length about the development of the game over its life in Early Access. I do believe, however, that it is sad that the game's development must come to an end and Hellsign will be stuck in its current state upon release. I am hopeful that things will change in the near future, but I doubt anything significant will occur to bring this game to a state where I would recommend Hellsign to a friend. One promised aspect of this game that I was really looking forward to, for instance, was multiplayer. Playing this game with another friend would elevate this game, assuming everything were to be properly balanced. Perhaps if the developers sneak in multiplayer into Hellsign's full release, I would recommend this game regardless of its flaws. But more realistically I would propably only recommend Hellsign at that point if the game were at a discount given the current amount of content.
Overall, I'm not too horribly upset about my purchase. Hellsign in Early Access was incredibly fun, challenging, and a unique experience for me. There are plenty of game mechanics that I found enjoyable that weren't addressed in this review, such as monster weaknesses that you could exploit with proper gear, but the game is incomplete in its state and will not be anything more than what it currently is. If the developers do intend to update anything between now and the full release that changes anything I have addressed here, I will take the time to change my review to properly reflect the game, but I doubt there will be anything significant due to their clearly stated goals towards their full release. That said, I do look forward to whatever the developers create in the future, as I have enjoyed Hellsign and was truly excited about its future, but I will also have to be more stringent in my support, perhaps limiting myself to only a finalized product.
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173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 22:51
This game is not in a state that common sense would accept as being called 'finished'.
No significant amount of development happened in the last two years and that very little amount can't possibly be the result of working on this game as a day job like they claimed. This was misleading us about what we could expect.
This is by far not my first early access game but it's the first one for which I'm asking a refund.
1344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 19:26
While a little light on content at the moment, HellSign has 100% nailed its atmosphere and is well on its way to a complete and complex set of core mechanics.
3086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 04:09
Hellsign is a single player top down shooter where you investigate scenes of paranormal activity. early on you're only gathering signs of paranormal activity for money so that you can better equip yourself for more dangerous encounters with the supernatural in the future. During your investigations and attempted to look for clues you will encounter various cryptids such as giant arachnids, specters, ghouls, etc and you will have to dispatch them before they can kill you. killing them wont be easy at first as you deploy various traps and to help you deal with these creatures, but eventually with enough money you'll be able to equip better gear and weapons to protect yourself. Eventually you'll move on from simply Scouting for Paranormal activity to Hunting as you hunt 1 of 3 different boss types; Banshees, Kelpies, and Shadows. These super natural beasts are no joke and can tear you apart in an instant if you're not properly prepared. No boss is exactly alike and you'll have to refer to your notes to compare notes with the clues you find to better prepare for your confrontation with the poltergeists.
It's a pretty fun game with a fine difficulty curve that can be dominated with enough effort. One thing that i love about the game though is that even when you achieve top-tier equipment and stats the random encounters with the cryptids and the bosses themselves can still provide quite the challenge. with three different character classes with different starting equipment and stats you have a few different ways to challenge yourself in new play-throughs, giving the game some decent replay value which is good because unfortunately at this moment, the game's story is a bit short since it's still early access.
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55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 20:33
First of all, I wanna say that the base game's ideas and gameplay are awesome or good! It's very atmospheric and unusual! We played it a lot together via Family share on my soulmate's PC.
The hero is fighting paranatural entities. The combat system is hard and cool. There is some story, though it's unfinished, that is not bad though not something extraordinary. The game has different progression systems. The gadgets that help you to find the clues and it's playing..ahm.. played like a detective. All in all - the basement of the game is enjoyable and nice. It was, at least, and one of the factors that made it that way was changed.
I'm talking about the gadget system. It was simplified for whatever reason and it's very uninspiring, boring, and clunky. The game had lost this detective feeling after the changes. What was the point to change that worked well and was accepted as an awesome feature by so many people? Dunno.
But my main reason to make this review negative are the devs, false promises, and infinite EA. I bought the game on the launch day and supported devs here on Steam and on Social Media where I could. There were a roadmap and promises about upcoming content and some vague timelines. And here we go, 2 years later - dropped roadmap, 1 new zone, the changed gadget system to the worse, bug fixes and blogs about blogs, announcements about announcements, etc.
In the first several months after the EA launch, devs at least tried to keep to their initial promises and roadmap talking about the future.
Then they went silent and rarely published some blogs about how hard to develop the game with the small team and that their plans changed because... because they expected something different. Like what? You sold the product and expected it to be finished by some miracle or garden gnome or whatever? It's obvious that the game is just some pet project for the 2 men that have no plans to finish it. And last year communication proving that a lot. Now they are typical offended poor indie devs that have so many difficulties and that everyone around should do something with it except them. Wolcen devs and game just in smaller proportions though much worse since it's not finished and will not be ever.
Plan ahead what you will do in case of good sales, bad sales, unexpected difficulties, new content, etc. Take a responsibility for your project and actions! And not shift it to the customers that already supported you. Hire more people, find a publisher or sponsor. Do something! But you are just writing these blah-blah posts and comments and making the game with the amazing foundation worse and worse. Pathetic.
910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 00:13
Despite some drops in frames at times, the game is well optimized and its atmosphere is very gloomy, in addition it has a good gameplay that will hold for long time those who enjoy the genre.
I believe it would be interesting if a small window was added in some corner of the screen that shows the vision of a camera attached to a character's head to give an even more frightening feeling.
Without further ado, the game is great!
Ótimo jogo que mistura elementos de RPG com Survival Horror.
Apesar de algumas quedas de frames em alguns momentos, o jogo está bem otimizado e sua atmosfera é bem sombria, além disso possui uma jogabilidade boa que irá prender por muito tempo àqueles que curtem o gênero.
Acredito que seria interessante se fosse adicionado uma pequena janela em algum canto da tela que mostre a visão de uma câmera acoplada a cabeça do personagem para dar uma sensação ainda mais assustadora.
Sem mais delongas, o jogo é ótimo!
2200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 06:58
-great investigator/hunter combo
-immersive horror/gore atmosphere
-small, but diverse, skill tree
-strategic battles not run&gun
-creative paranormal/creature combo
-challenging and promotes improvising constantly
-wide selection of traps to use on specific enemies
-decent variety of equipment to choose from
-can play blackjack in Bar during downtime
-slowly, but surely, is being improved/polished by devs
-death is constant, and an integral part of game (pro/con depending on buyer)
-repetitive, repetitive, repetitive
-poor story line
-difficulty gaps (escalates quickly without better gear)
-lack of contract variety, and on the verge of being identical
-earning money is a grind, and once earned becomes useless
Overall: 6/10 and is worth the low purchase price, even as an EA title
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658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 18:35
I played it when first came out in 2018 and it was a better game than it is now. Finding clues/evidences is confusing now, i think the fighting is also worse and the bugs can turn into you mid air so if you dodge to early you get hit anyway.
774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 23:34
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 17:16
Start with the bad. Some of the updates make some equipment less valid, hardly use my EMF because of how often there is interference. Kind of use the audio device. Mostly use the blacklight, although spirit orbs make it super annoying to use. This wouldn't be a bad feature if the thermal device discharged slower and recharging it was explained better. Hunting on the forest map is terrible and takes forever. Dodging is finicky, and the large spider attacks too fast. I could get knocked over, get up and then just get knocked over again - draining my HP and patience. The camera angle and map conflict, so even though I am shooting at an enemy it doesn't do damage - very frustrating.
The good. Good horror aspects, definitely catches me off guard and scares me at times. The monsters have the same effect, and learning their weakness makes it more fun (minus the large spider, that thing sucks). The plot and aussie vernacular are fun and great. The progression system is good. Gameplay overall is pretty good and only eneds minor tweaks.
Suggestions. Add a minimap that you can open as you travel the level, it is really annoying to lose track of space and would ease back tracking and better integrate trap immersion. Make the animation for reloading actually look like a clip is coming out and then back in - not a big detail but a nice add to immersion. Make the EMF reader and audio reader more valid again, the blacklight is the primary detective device - which makes avoiding spirit orbs annoying and makes little sense.
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 23:43
There's a lot of potential there, and I hope the game can fulfill it.
100% worth the money and time. Try the game out and support the devs if you're interested.
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 03:56
As of August 2020 the game is still being actively developed, so if you're interested you should buy a copy and support the developers.
1752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 02:01
It's also seems to have multiple issues, mostly minor stuff from what I've seen.
Here's a few in case the devs read this:
- With the thermal scanner the temperature will not be displayed, but if you click on each item in the heat rang you'll get a clue.
- On two occasions when I was looking for a clue I got attacked and it seems to broke the clue acquisition as I did not see the pop-up giving me the clue and interacting with it the emplacement again did not give me the clue and I was one clue short after looking every where I could think of. Could be similar issues with the other gadgets as sometime going through the whole map with each devices while yield no hits at all, not even a hint.
- More often then not there seems to be no key available for locked doors. To a point that at the start of an investigation if a clue seems to be in a locked room I wouldn't even bother and get out right away to avoid the frustration of that situation.
I have a few annoyance also:
- Hip fire which is the default fire mode is literally useless. As far as I know there is no use for it what so ever. In hip fire mode my average accuracy is less then 10% I often unloaded a full mag with not hit. While in aim mode if you aim at something you also never if ever miss.
- You can't run when using a gadget, you have to roll to holster the gadget before you can start running. WHY? It's also very annoying when you are looking for the last few clues and you cleared the whole house. Just give a one or two second delay after the player stop running before he gets back to reading, with no reading while running.
All that being said that game has potential and I had fun with it even with the little content is has in at the moment. But if you are looking for a polished game, I would wait as this game is no where near finished.
Keep up the good work!
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741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 13:06
1. the house look the same in 1-5 skull . It's boring
2. Exp and is hard to get . I need to play same mission over and over before ready to go harder mission.
3.Item should be complicate than this .
4.Accesories state do nothing bcs it increase a little bit .
P.S. this is far more the day that game release first 3 hour is fun and exciting but now Im stucking farming in 5 skull mission .
546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 05:45
984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 14:14
HellSign is a supernatural investigation Rogue-like shooter with a steady pace, ominous atmosphere, and great game play mechanics. Take on the role of a Investigative scout turned hardened Poltergeist hunter when they are thrown into a world of thaumaturgy (Paranormal Magic) and nightmares. You are thrown into the underground world of ghost hunters, hardened criminals, and fanatics of the Occult, where the threat is real, and the money is good. If you can survive!
HellSign is a wonderful breath of fresh air when it comes to both game play and story, and introduces a well devised and thought out way of ghost hunting. There is a strategic approach to every major event, which i absolutely appreciate. The difficulty is rather intense, but more than makes up for the rewarding feeling you get when you overcome the challenges.
I wasn't sure what i'd stumbled upon when I landed on this game's page, but i was pleased to discover that i am really enjoying this magnificent piece of art, and hope for the continued development of this game.
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182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 15:55
Environments are all to similar.
The EMF and Microphone on occasion bug out, and the deciphering is stupidly confusing.
The controls are sloppy too, considering its isometric, you press up, your character should walk down the hallway, not into the walls, or into doorframes, where he gets stuck.
The animations are nice though, good sounds and the darklight usage is excellent.
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191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 14:00
great concept, bad implementation. rng was a mistake. also theres only one house in the entire game so be ready to keep revisiting it. its boring AF
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51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 12:33
If they start adding content/fixes and so on, I will change the review but I don't think they deserve a very positive score given their current output. If you're interested in playing as a paranormal investigator, take a look at Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil until this development team starts pumping out updates again.
1062 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 15:47
Like Ghostbuster? Check
Like the SWAT mood u can get by Kicking doors and entering other dimensions/being eat by Door Mimic? Check!
(Yes, we have door mimics. You like it? You grab it!)
Apart of the funny intro, guys, get this game if you like investigation and strategy to kill demons, critters, australian huge fking critters...
Devs are small, but working hard, and they are working good.
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.20 05:11
It strongly needs more places to explore than just the same single house repeated over and over. More events, more variety in their placement, the entire second half of the skilltree to fill out, and a lot more content in general.
For now, i'm rating it positive for the enjoyment of whats there, the potential, and the fact that the developers sound like they're about to crest a hill in terms of content generation. I'll assess it again in six months and see if they kept their promises. But if the current rate of development remains unchanged, this review will eventually turn negative
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.20 17:47
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.19 13:34
Just when you think you encountered every variant of cryptid they throw a new one out of the blue at you and you panic until you shoot it enough that it stops moving. The spooks are actually well done and the dodging isn't too difficult to time, its mostly audio and muscle memory. There are different play styles from the tank who likes to charge head first into the enemy. To someone who is a bit more sneaky and prefers to lay traps and bait enemies into fiery deaths. The investigation portion of the game is slightly mind numbing after a while but you get quick at it once you know what you're looking for.
My only gripes with the game is that when you buy new armor and/or accessories they don't actually change your player model. Would be sweet to see your dude walking around in a bad ass leather jacket or riot armor helmet (style points yo.) That and the pre-recorded screams you get while using your parabolic mic, which could be excused due to the lack of people on the team but still.
All in all its a really solid experience, a good 8/10 from me.
1249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.19 05:03
It's currently very playable, enjoyable, wonderful.
The developers have a great sense of humor, stay active, and communicate.
Its difficult, but if you die, you just wake up in the safe house again and can immediately go try again. You keep 1/3rd of the rewards you'd gathered on the mission you were on, and aren't set back at all.
Even if you struggle with it, you can grind forwards a bit at a time. You're never utterly stuck.
The mechanics are solid. The core game loop is fun. My complaint is some of the enemies are very very small, and very very fast. But this is PURPOSEFUL. Their entries in the book describes all these things as problems, says use fire- use grenades- use bait to group them up- the game tells you how to defeat them and if you don't listen it's merciless.
I just hope they have plans to integrate multiplayer for maximum scooby doo bullshit with friends. Maybe for a sequel if the engine doesn't support it.
3486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.19 17:31
If you answered yes to any of these then this is the game for you.
On a more serious note though in the games current state it's a very solid game and I would recommend it if you enjoy some light investigations and some decent combat mixed with a great sound design. Story is interesting enough to keep you going and wanting some more. A good solid learning curve that will make you feel like your actually getting better at being a spooky investigator. Really interesting interactions with the world. For example a giant sphere that transports you to a random part of the house or ghost vans. Or asshole chairs along with bleeding clocks. Its good stuff man. But the game definitely has its draw backs. The level design is nothing unique and pretty bare bones as the game uses a randomly generated tile set of sorts. Not that it's bad but it is a lot of going through the same looking building with some impossible space things going on. There is a certain learning curve and can be some heavy grinding if you choose to play like that. An enemy that I personally dont really think should be in the game. (Nephilim) hopefully unfinished character design and animations.
All in all it's got some ways to go but at the moment I'd say it's a solid 7.5/10 and would heavily recommend it in the games current state.
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82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.19 03:59
580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.19 02:55
An interesting and unique action-RPG, HellSign puts you into the role of a paranormal investigator in a world full of horrors. Each contract that you take earns you money that you can spend to purchase new equipment and experience that allows you to learn new skills as your career evolves from simply being an investigative scout to a full-fledged hunter of the supernatural.
Switch On Your EMF Meter And Get To Work
The first step of your career is to create your character. You’ll name them and choose a portrait, though you can currently only play as a male and even then there are only four portraits to choose from. Selecting your class is slightly more exciting as there are nine of them available and these range from detective to mercenary to ninja. Although each of these classes shares the same four skill trees, your choice determines which skills you start the game with as well as your equipment loadout. These offered customization choices immediately and I was impressed by the number of classes considering the stage of Early Access that the game is in.
Once your character has been created, your first task is to scout a house for a pair of hunters that have hired you. As a scout, it is your job to enter and explore the location, gather evidence of supernatural activity (collectively referred to as signs), and identify which type of entity is haunting the area. Upon completion, you pass the information off to the hunters and head off into the world, keeping the signs that you found to sell or use in crafting as you wish. This completes your tutorial mission.
At this point, you are introduced to a map that includes your safe house, a bar, and “Guns n Baits,” an arms dealer. Your safe house is where the majority of your organizational work is carried out between contracts; crafting, choosing your equipment, and researching your foes. The bar is where the social side of the game takes place and it is the primary location that you use to speak with other characters and move forward on the main storyline. Finally, “Guns n Baits” is the location that you visit not only to acquire the tools that you need to investigate, such as EMF meters, microphones, and flashlights, but firearms, traps, and armor as well. Once you’ve made the necessary preparations, the map is where you’ll acquire the vast majority of your contracts.
I Ain’t Afraid Of No Ghosts
The initial contracts that are available to you will most likely not push you to your limits. Scouting contracts and Forensics contracts are the only two available at your reputation level and the latter legitimately posed no threat to you whatsoever, they are the very definition of low-risk, low-reward. Scouting contracts offer at least a minor challenge as you will begin to see the dangers that haunt these places and both your investigative gear and your weaponry will certainly begin to see significant use.
Once you improve your reputation by getting a few of the story-based contracts under your belt, the game really picks up. Sweeping contracts are a departure from the earlier types as they do not require you to investigate or identify a greater supernatural entity within, they are simply extermination missions where you move from one room to the next clearing the area of any and all hostile entities within. These are followed by an additional higher-difficulty variant of the Scouting contracts from earlier and it quickly becomes very clear that these are meant for the true professionals as it became far more common that I would only complete a few of the tasks related to the contract before I made my escape in an act of self-preservation. Each new tier of difficulty offers new enemies and challenges and you’ll find yourself desperately scraping together funds so that you can buy more advanced forms of equipment to keep up.
What Is Solid?
When I first started playing HellSign, I was immediately impressed by the level of RPG elements that were present. The skill trees have a great deal of versatility to them and your investigator has the potential to be very different from someone else’s. The equipment was interesting and as each type of equipment had a superior variant made available, I always found myself excited to get my hands on them, particularly early on when a new weapon could offer twice the damage output that the currently equipped one was dishing out or an investigative tool could resist the interference that made those of inferior quality useless. The balance between maintaining the atmosphere of a horror game while adding in RPG elements and action-based gunplay is a very thin one to walk, but HellSign manages to do so magnificently.
The overall design of the game was also something that I enjoyed. Contracts that you take do not need to be completed to profit from them, there are even times when taking a contract to quickly pop into the location, grab the first sign that you can find, and escape is very profitable and can help you get enough funding to acquire the gear that could allow you to perform more adequately on them. You’ll constantly find yourself wondering if you should attempt to explore a little more for more profit or call it a day and escape with what you’ve acquired. Each successful task also gave me that “one more contract” feeling that I would not have expected to find in a horror-based game, and the “grind” is already enjoyable and has me excited to watch as additional features are developed.
The graphics are not mind-blowing by any means but they do the part and facilitate the atmosphere well enough that I enjoy them and never felt that they needed to be improved any further to maintain the experience. The audio, on the other hand, is fantastic and the music and sound in the game not only aided in maintaining the atmosphere but genuinely added to the overall enjoyment of the game.
What Can Be Improved?
Although what is already in the game is surprisingly fun, it takes only a few moments of playing to realize that it is still deep in Early Access. Each contract is for a procedurally generated location and each of these locations uses the same collection of assets; the layouts and contents of each house may change but the aesthetic of the houses themselves never do. I would like to see the number of environment assets available drastically increased as well as additional floors in some locations to make each feel very different from the next.
As for the grind, I have very few complaints or suggestions to improve the equipment but where the real issue here comes in is the character development; the skill trees are incomplete. At the time of this review, not only some but most of the skills on it are locked. This was particularly unfortunate in my playthrough as I chose the ninja class and I was unable to upgrade any of my starting moves to the next tier. This certainly doesn’t make the game in its current state unplayable, but it does significantly restrict the options to build your character as you end up being more of a jack-of-all-trades, master of none.
HellSign is already an incredibly entertaining game even with it having quite a distance to go before it reaches its true potential. There’s no question in my mind that it will be a true gem of a game if Ballistic Interactive stays devoted and is willing to put everything they have into getting it there. As of now, I would recommend it to those who want to support the developer and to those who might have been at least somewhat convinced of how fun it already is by this review and others like it. After having put a number of hours into the game, I am now a fan of HellSign that is very excited about its future development but I would recommend letting it get a few more updates if you’re looking for a full game that won’t tease you with future possibilities.
Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!
614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.19 02:00
It has its fair share of bugs and hangups that you will notice
But to me and my experience with this game i feel like its quirky in the right way that makes it enjoyable.
with only 6.2 hours at the time of writing i plan to go much further in this game.
the progression is smooth and it really does feel like you're progressing from a rookie scout to a veteran ghost hunter
i died many times to new enemies id never seen before each new encounter gets your mind racing wondering how to defeat this new monster that appeared before you. more often than not dying to monsters you have no idea how to fight. but i feel like that goes a long way to the progression and the triumph of defeating something that previously had you running for your life.
overall, i like this game. 7/10 ill probably edit this review as i progress further
oh and if you get stuck on the tutorial just start over it apparently bugs out from time to time
1237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.19 22:33
all you guys need is controller support, this game is great!
i actually can run this game pretty well with a controller, and i can post the full bindings. Honestly i think all you really need is a gadget wheel. My right thumbstick moves the cursor around the screen, and my left thumbstick moves me. primary and secondary guns are assigned to R1 and L1, clicking the right thumbstick makes me dodge, and left trigger toggles precision/hip fire, while the right trigger clicks to shoot, open doors, ect.
I think your game is awesome, and controller support could be done i think with just a gadget wheel.
Ballistic Interactive
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