• Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.
  • Hellpoint: Screen zum Spiel Hellpoint.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.07.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 09.02.24

Über das Spiel

Hellpoint ist ein düsteres und anspruchsvolles Action-RPG, das in einem atmosphärisch außergewöhnlich dichten Scifi-Universum spielt, in dem die Grenzen zwischen Wissenschaft und Okkultismus verschwimmen.

Die Station Irid Novo, einst der glorreiche Gipfel der menschlichen Errungenschaften, liegt in Trümmern, wird von üblen interdimensionalen Entitäten überrannt und ist zum Spielball böswilliger kosmischer Götter geworden.

Du wurdest vom kryptischen Autor erschaffen, um Irid Novo zu erkunden und Licht in eine Reihe gottloser Ereignisse zu bringen, welche die sogenannte Verschmelzung zur Folge hatten.

  • Irid Novo ist ein komplexes, vielschichtiges Konstrukt voller Geheimverbindungen, Rätsel, Rätsel innerhalb von Rätseln – und all das wartet darauf, von dir entdeckt zu werden. Auf deiner Reise kannst du unterschiedliche Wege einschlagen, wobei dich bei jedem Schritt neues Grauen und schauerlicher Horror erwarten, je tiefer du in die finstersten Ecken vordringst.
  • Dutzende Nahkampf- und Distanzwaffen sowie Rüstungsteile ermöglichen dir deinen ganz eigenen Spielstil. Jede Waffe besitzt eine einzigartige Spezialfähigkeit, die du freischalten kannst, sobald du sie beherrschst.
  • Eine faszinierende Welt, die mit den Nachwirkungen einer gewaltigen Quantenkatastrophe kämpft, mit einer Story, die fest in der Tradition klassischer und moderner Science-Fiction-Filme verankert ist. Allein der Soundtrack sorgt für Gänsehaut!
  • Die Raumstation umkreist in Echtzeit ein ominöses Schwarzes Loch, das verschiedene dynamische Ereignisse auslöst, wie etwa modifizierte Gegnerwerte und -positionen oder das Auftauchen von Bossen und angreifenden Horden.
  • Bei Schwierigkeiten empfiehlt sich eine Koop-Session mit Freunden auf dem Sofa oder ein Online-Hilferuf. Die Beute wird geteilt und die Erfahrung des lokalen Spielers wird vollständig gespeichert.
  • Sollte die Herausforderung hingegen zu gering sein, kannst du andere Spieler zum Kampf herausfordern! Der PvP-Mehrspielermodus unterstützt bis zu 4 Spieler.


  • CPU: Anything with 4 cores/threads, 3+ Ghz
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 760 or better
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 20:42
Leider Funktioniert der Multiplayer nicht! Nach Tagelangen probieren geben wir es jetzt entgültig auf, sehr schade das es nach so vielen Jahren immer noch nicht Funktioniert.
241 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 18:26
Tolles Soulslike Game, fordernd, spannend und fesselnd.
252 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 19:38
Das Spiel erklärt sich nicht von selbst. Und Grafisch scheint es mir 8-10 Jahre zurück zu liegen. Die vielen guten Rezessionen sind mir nicht ganz verständlich. Man braucht auch einen Controller um dieses Spiel zu genießen. Mit Maus und Tastatur hat man schon Schwierigkeiten wenn man nur in die Optionen möchte.
Das Online Koop , es braucht auch einen Moment bis es offensichtlich wird, wie es funktioniert.
Ich habe es mit einem Freund gemeinsam ausprobiert. Erschreckend, das wir beide das gleiche Urteil über das Spiel treffen.

Mal zum Positiven. Es hat eine echt gruselige Atmosphäre. Darüber hinaus, naja...
Ehrlich gesagt, habe ich erwartet das beim kauf des Spiels, Spaß einstellt. Doch dieser blieb aus :(
84 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 19:59
bossgegner sind übertrieben schwer. absolut frustrierend. und immer wieder neu hinlaufen.
520 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 02:01
So ist das Game recht cool gemacht.... ich habe nur das Problem das Die GPU teils auf 0 Auslastung ist was dann ein komisches Ruckeln erzeugt.... egal was ich einstelle ist es da..... Neuer Treiber nicht´s.... andere Platte von HDD auf SSD auch nicht´s....man gewöhnt sich dran aber; naja ist nicht das GELBE VOM EI....
hoffe das wird gefixt ...
CPU: R7 2700X
Sapphire RX 590
32GB G.Sill DDR 4
257 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 23:02
Das Spiel spielt sich zwar wie ein Dark Souls in Kombination mit wie ich finde Dead Space Optik was definitive eine gute Sache ist ABER als ich es angespielt habe fühlte es sich für mich mega schwammig und unfertig an. Das Spiel, Gameplay usw ist alles wirklich gar nicht schlecht aber es fehlt wie ich finde der Feinschliff. Die Sahne auf der Torte! Boss Gegner sind meines empfinden nach sehr schlecht Balanciert und durch die kaum vorhandene Heilung noch frustrierender als in Dark Souls. Sie stecken viel zu viel für den Anfang ein und teilen viel zu viel aus! Dazu folgt dass das Treffer Feedback großteils gar nicht vorhanden ist, die Gegner glitschen und Porten sich durch die Gegend und oftmals schlägt man einfach durch sie hindurch und verursacht somit keinerlei Schaden. Das Heilungssystem empfinde ich persönlich als wirklich schlecht gemacht. man muss edliche male erst austeilen um neue Heilung zurück zu gewonnen. Das Reseten der Gegner oder Leveln seines Charakters gibt einem KEINE Heilung zurück was mega der FAIL ist meiner Meinung nach! Macht das ganze extrem frustrierend. Man muss sich erst sterben lassen um wieder die Maximale Anzahl an Heilungsmöglichkeiten zu besitzen. Zu alle dem folgt dass das Spiel leider schlecht Optimiert ist. Ich spiele mit ner GTX 1080 und habe in bestimmten Gebieten unter 40 FPS auf Full HD! Grafikeinstellungen machen keinerlei unterschied!

Ich würde mit dem Spiel noch dringend warten!
569 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
1978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 22:09
Mir macht Hellpoint immer mehr Spaß, je länger ich es spiele!
Es reiht sich für mich defintiv zu den Dark Souls Teilen und Bloodborne mit ein.
Guter Musik, guter Spielstil, gute Atmosphäre, ....
Geil ist auch der Streambot, mit dem die Zuschauer interagieren können <3 (Ich liebe und hasse ihn!!! :-D )
Auch die Möglichkeit mir die PS4-Controller-Symbole anzeigen zu lassen, find ich klasse.
Negativ finde ich, dass einigen Räume lieblos erstellt wurden und die Liebe zum Detail da fehlt.

Ingesamt hatte ich anfangs ne 3+ (C+) gegeben. Inzwischen defintiv Schulnote 2 (B) :-)
98 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
2182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 19:28
Finde das Spiel echt Gelungen. Bringt viele neue Eigenheiten mit sich die andere Souls-Games nicht haben. Die Atmosphäre ist sehr Beeindruckend für SyFy. Ich finde es einfach toll das immer mehr Spiele dieser art kommen von verschiedenen Herstellern.

Das einzige was etwas Verwirrt, ist die Weg Findung. Aber mit der Zeit kommt man sehr gut zurecht.

Ich denke das es für jeder man was ist der Souls-Games mag.

Man muss dem Spiel nur zeit geben und sich damit Auseinander setzten.
281 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 13:07
Einfach ein tolles Spiel! Ich habe sämtliche Dark Souls Teile, the Surge, Bloodborne und Co gespielt... Warum ich das Aufzähle?? Da Hellpoint mit zu den Top 3 von den oben genannten Spielen für mich gehört... Es ist einfach mega genial das Game :)

Ich habe zuerst gezögert ob ich mir das Spiel kaufen soll. Der Hauptgrund war das ich lieber mit Maus und Tastatur spiele.
Und ja es ist möglich dieses Spiel mit beidem zu spielen. Controller mag zwar immer etwas leichter sein aber so geht es auch.

Zum Spiel selbst... Es hat wirklich viel Charme. Ich finde es einfach Klasse von der Atmosphäre bis zu den Kämpfen und der mystischen Welt. Für mich nach Dark Souls 3 seit langer langer Zeit ein Titel der trotz seines Scifi-Settings sehr nah an das Feeling ran kommt das mir DS3 gegeben hat. Aber dieses Feeling gibt euch das Spiel auf seine eigene frische Art und Weise und das voll und ganz im positiven Sinne. Ich wurde in die Welt gezogen und bin total im Bann alles heraus zu finden, da manches nicht gleich ersichtlich ist.

Falls ihr euch nicht sicher seid, spielt die Demo.

Ich kann euch ganz klar sagen, wer nicht genug von Soulslike bekommt so wie ich.
Wenn du es liebst nach ein paar Niederlagen, den Sieg zu feiern.
Dann bist DU hier genau richtig aufgehoben!

Vielen Dank an die Entwickler und an alle die ich eventuell beim PvP oder im Team so treffen werde.
Das wird eine coole Zeit ;)
1829 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 11:15

Hellpoint – Horror Souls-like im Sci-Fi Gewand?

Es sind mal wieder einige Stunden, seit ich wieder diverse Souls-like-Titel begonnen habe. Parallel dazu, habe ich auch einige Stunden in Hellpoint verbracht und ausreichend Informationen gesammelt, um meine Review zu verfassen.

Die Story

Du wurdest erschaffen, erschaffen vom kryptischen Autor. Irid Novo, einst der glorreiche Gipfel menschlicher Machenschaften, liegt in Trümmern. Nun sollst du das Licht sein, welcher die Dunkelheit bannt und das Geheimnis lüftet. Darum wurdest du erschaffen…

Das Gameplay / Die Spielmechanik

Hellpoint entführt euch in ein düsteres Abenteuer, welches durch seine Vorgänger wie Dark Souls und Co, inspiriert wurde. Ganz in aller Souls-like-Manier können auch vermeidlich trivial Erscheinende Feinde schnell euren Tod bedeuten. Sterbt ihr, verliert ihr eure „Axionen“ (Das Equivalent zu Seelen beispielsweise) und habt die Chance, diese wieder aufzunehemen, an dem Ort, wo ihr gestorben seid. Mit verschiedensten Nah- und Fernkampfwaffen kämpft ihr euch durch eure Feinde. Eine Besonderheit, die Hellpoint für euch bereit hält ist das Springen. Anders als in seinen Vorgängern, hat Hellpoint diese Mechanik als Grundbestandteil aufgenommen, welche auch des Öfteren genutzt werden muss. Natürlich lassen sich auch Angriffe mit Springen kombinieren. Neben den Sprungangriffen habt ihr schnelle und starke Angriffe, welche sich mit Sturmangriffen und Ausweichen sehr schön kombinieren lassen und hier keine Wünsche offen lassen. Das Equivalent zur Magie bilden die Kubuse,Würfel, welcher mit „Programmen“ ausgestattet sind und Energie verbrauchen. Schusswaffen verbrauchen ebenfalls Energie. Der Omnikubus spiegelt hierbei eure Zauberein wieder und kann mit einigen nützlichen Tools versehen werden.

Im allgemeinen ist das Spiel vom Kampffluss recht schnell. Angriff und Ausweichen werden im hohen Tempo ausgeführt, während starke Angriffe doch sehr lange auf sich warten lassen. Auffällig bei Bewegungen, wie springen verlaufen recht unkontrolliert, sobald ihr euch in der Luft befindet, habt ihr kaum die Möglichkeit diesen zu korrigieren, falls man sich hier etwas verkalkuliert hat. Auch das Ausweichen erscheint überdimensioniert, so bewegt sich der Charakter unglaublich schnell in die gewünschte Richtung und legt dabei eine sehr große Reichweite zurück.

Was mich bei diesem Spiel aber wirklich stört, ist das Treffer-Feedback, welches augenscheinlich überhaupt nicht vorhanden ist. Werdet ihr von einem Feind verwundet, könnt ihr euch munter fortbewegen und weiter angreifen, als wäre nie etwas gewesen. Auch einige Gegner geraten nicht durch eure Hiebe ins wanken, was dem ganzen Spiel etwas an tiefe nimmt. Der sogenannte „Back-stab“ wurde hier durch erhöhten Schaden ersetzt.

Waffen, welche ihr zum Kampf nutzt erhalten nach und nach ebenfalls Erfahrung und können ab einem bestimmten Wert ihr wahres Potenzial ausschöpfen. So lassen sich für jede Waffe neue Fähigkeiten freischalten, wenn ihr diese nur lange genug gegen eure Feinde einsetzt. Natürlich könnt ihr aber eure Waffen und Rüstungen im laufe des Spiel, mithilfe von Materialien, verbessern und aufwerten. Zusätzlich könnt ihr Blaupausen finden und so auch Waffen und Rüstungen herstellen. Zusätzlich erhaltet ihr während eures Aufenthaltes „Verbesserungschips“, welche ebenfalls in eure Ausrüstung eingebaut werden können. Heilgegenstände können ebenfalls verbessert werden, wenn ihr dafür das richtige Material habt. Ähnlich wie es in Immortal Unchaind der Fall gewesen ist, gibt es verschiedene Heilgegenstände, welche euch über Dauer heilen oder direkt.

Um seine Lebensenergie wieder aufzufrischen und das eigene Level zu erhöhen, werdet ihr immer wieder auf Risse stoßen, welche gleichzusetzen mit Leuchtfeuern aus Dark Souls sind. Diese können durch einen „Riss-Synchronisator“ miteinander verbunden werden und euch als Teleporter dienen.

Wenn euch das Spiel vielleicht doch einmal etwas zu heikel wird, könnt ihr eure besten zu euch nach Haus holen und im Splitscreen das Spiel meistern. Sollte aber dies nicht möglich sein, könnt ihr aber dennoch Online miteinander das Spiel bewältigen. Hier wurde der Multiplayer aber Benutzerfreundlich eingerichtet, ihr könnt eure Freunde direkt einladen. Ebenfalls lassen sich durch „Handabdrücke“ auch Fremde Spieler einladen, welche euch unterstützen können.

Die Steuerung

Mein Favorit, wie immer, Xbox One Controller. Ist man mit dem Souls-like-Genre vertraut, wird man sich hier schnell einfinden können. Im gesamten ist die Steuerung übersichtlich, schnell erklärt aber hart zu meistern. Von der Tastatur habe ich persönlich die Finger gelassen, da ich es als sehr umständlich empfinde. Hier muss aber jeder für sich selbst entscheiden, welches Mittel besser ist.

Der Sound

Im großen und ganzen ist Hellpoint ein recht leises Spiel. Die Soundkulisse erinnert hier stark an Horrorfilmen, da man oft das schmatzen oder atmen der Kreaturen hört. Die Hintergrundmusik hat etwas Sci-Fi typisches, man hört das surren von Maschinen und Metall, gepaart mit einem durchdringenden hallen welches sich durch die gesamte Station zieht. Es kommt einem wirklich so vor, als wäre man allein. Hiebe und Treffer, sowie Schüsse hören sich etwas klobig an.

Die Grafik

Ich finde den Stil, den Hellpoint verfolgt gelungen. Alles wirkt sehr futuristisch durch seinen andauernden Metall-look. Hin und wieder stößt man auf Holotafeln an der Wand und einer Menge Lichtern, welche sich durch die gesamte Anlange ziehen. Trotzdem wirkt die Atmosphäre durchgehend düster. Dafür sorgt nicht nur die dunkel gehaltene Station selber, sondern auch das Weltall. In Kombination mit dem Sound des Spiels, entsteht hier eine echte Horror-Atmospähre.

Auch das Design der Waffen und Rüstungen, sowie der Feinde, sind auf das Ambiente abgestimmt. Einige Bosse hingegen sehen aber leider eher aus, als würden sie einem Fantasy-Rollenspiel entsprungen sein. Die Bewegung des Charakters und so manchen Gegners sehen unglaublich statisch aus, was dem Spiel aber nicht besonders schadet, dennoch zu bemerken ist.

Mein Fazit

Im Gesamten hat mir Hellpoint gut gefallen und mir auch echt Freude gemacht. Es brachte frischen Wind in das Genre, welches ich abgöttisch Liebe und setzte dem ganzen noch ein Sci-Fi-Hut auf.

Für erfahrene Spieler wird dieses Spiel aber recht einfach sein, was ich etwas schade finde, was ich aber für Neueinsteiger gutheißen kann. Gerade der Splitscreen finde ich besonders für sich sprechend und innovativ. Natürlich setzt dies dem Schwierigkeitsgrad weiter zu, dennoch macht es zu zweit immer eine Menge mehr Spaß, für die Meisten jedenfalls. Daher kann ich das Spiel gerade für Neueinsteiger empfehlen aber auch guten Gewissens Veteranen das Spiel nahelegen. Es lohnt sich einen Blick drauf zu werfen.

Wenn euch die Review gefallen/geholfen hat dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm und wenn ihr mir etwas zu dieser Review mitteilen wollt dann schreibt gerne in die Kommentare. Das Spiel wurde der GGC für Reviewzwecke zur Verfügung gestellt.
76 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 04:44
This is an in-progress review and might be subject to change.

At its core, Hellpoint is a copycat. The combat is reminiscent of Dark Souls, its dodging mechanic almost identical to Bloodborne. In ways, its lore is hidden, just like Soulsborne games, if not a little more direct in its delivery. Bonfires in this game are known as breaches, and serve the exact same purpose as their counterparts.

Orbiting around this core, however, are features and details that separate Hellpoint from its peers, make it a game of its own. Most people are quick to dismiss Hellpoint for its similarities to -- let's face it -- superior games, but those who give it time and attention will notice that it does tend to stand apart and establish its own identity.

So, why am I giving this game a thumbs down? Poor game design and bugs, much like everyone else who finds themselves ultimately not liking this game.

A fairly big bug that tends to get me killed more often than not is when the lock-on refuses to switch to enemies that are close to me. I've encountered this more times than I would have forgiven and, as of the time of this review, am dealing with it in a particularly frustrating boss fight.

Another example of poor game design is the stamina drain. When dealing with stronger enemies, it feels like it takes two hits to drain your entire bar and, if you happen to be stunned, a full five seconds or longer to recover and move again, but in that time, you can get stunlocked over and over until you're dead. This is the most debilitating issue. Decreasing the difficulty often doesn't help because, even if the damage is slightly lessened, the stamina drain and overlong stun-state will just kill you anyway because everything's hitboxes are strangely wide.

I want to like this game. I think the atmosphere and the setting are pretty great. The story is interesting as well, but it's hard to like a game whose design actively fights against you every encounter in which you find yourself. I'm not done with the game just yet, but if I can't find a way around issues that should have been fixed a while ago, I might have to drop the game for good.
669 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 09:35
More people really should play Hellpoint. It's not a perfect souls game, but what it has is pretty great. It's a really ambitious game so there are times where you can feel that something didn't work out the best, but it's never anything that really bogs it down. The platforming in the game is really fun, though some of it can be very precise if you're trying to 100% the game. The only real big issue I have with this game is the fact that there's some things that the game doesn't tell you that you can do, such as being able to choose the direction you want to jump off of a ladder and even the fact that there's secret walls that you have to press the interaction button to open up.
For someone that is really big into the souls series, you'll very likely find that the game is enjoyable. it isn't as polished as I would've hoped for, but it manages to do the souls formula really well. The unique aspects of the game that set it apart from other series, other than the most obvious one of its aesthetics, come through your little omnicube companion. The omnicube can do a multitude of really neat things, from being assistance in fights, being a good support tool, or if you just wanna jam out with the sweet tunes that the game provides you (make sure you find omnicube music program D for max enjoyment). The weapon system is pretty basic in terms of upgrades, but it has a unique mechanic through its weapon proficiency system. You can level up weapons through simply damaging enemies, and you can keep track of that progress by viewing a weapon in your equipment/inventory. As you pass certain points in its experience, you gain new passive abilities and even active abilities that you can cycle through to compliment your playstyle of choice.
Overall, Hellpoint is not perfect, but it is quite a good time, and you can find yourself spending hours just doing all of the optional things. There's not many choices for endings, and the true ending is a little convoluted to get, but it's definitely worth powering through to do it. Please give it a chance if you're interested.
218 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 11:47
Give this a try if you find it on a hard sale or in a bundle. It´s Dark Souls on AA level.

My only concerns are the level design and the UI. The levels look familiar with each other, they are dark and narrow at times making navigation harder and memorize some paths.
The UI on the other side...i finished the game and still haven´t figured it out how to use the special abilities of my weapons which you unlock the more you use them. I haven´t figured it out yet how to rotate my potions and the abilities of the Cube. Always had to change abilities through the menu.

That Cube´s usefulness btw is a bit limited as you won´t be needing more than two or three of its functions.

...but i enjoyed the ride.
71 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
2266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 06:18
Really great game, with lots of exploration, combat, loot and secrets.
49 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 20:52
i killed a man
1565 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 07:57
Hellpoint, like the B indie horror movies it follows, isn't a good game but it has a lot of heart. Combat is acceptable but janky, platforming is okay, graphics are okay but what it is good at is atmosphere and a sense of exploration.

It has some interesting ideas which aren't executed well.

For example, it starts you off in small tight dark corridors to evoke the horror movie vibe. However this means the introduction levels are too cramped small, narrow and disorientating. You're constantly having to fight the camera and lighting, getting ambushed or falling off the platforms. The best levels are those later on that are much bigger and allow you to see landmarks in the distances so you can properly plan your route and avoid enemies.

There is a 'timer' in the game for the station and when a certain amount of time passes, certain areas in the game will spawn more enemies and become 'challenge' arenas. In theory, this adds excitement to the game as 'safe' areas in the game become full of monsters and will drop special rewards if you defeat them all. In reality, because these areas are completely blocked off and it just stops you exploring and you have to wait for it to pass if you feel you are underleveled can't handle the monsters.

You can jump in this game and this allows platforming and vertical exploration. Unfortunately the jumping is imprecise and some platforms are very narrow. It's too easy to overshoot or accidentally fall off.

Half-baked ideas like this just make the game feel more annoying than fun.

I don't think this game is bad but the game I played before this was Prey and the game I'm playing now is Surge 2 which are much better games. I would recommend playing those games first rather than this one. This will appeal to a core niche audience who are looking for a sci-fi Soulslike with heart and are able to overlook the flaws.
136 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 18:35
I really enjoyed the combat system, it is better than Dark Souls. Simply because you can jump on command.

Also the co-op function is spectacular. Your friend can join you in split-screen mode with their own character,
using their own game data. Almost no games have such a luxury.

The weapons are interesting, but the crafting process and upgrade processes are complex and
overall not exciting.

Sadly, this game is very confusing as far as where to go and what to do when you get there.
Most of the levels are restricted by locked doors or otherwise impassable obstacles.
Every attempt at communicating with the user online sucks. Just a stupid gold hand
print that upon inspection shows you an assortment of symbols that could mean nothing at all.

There are very few NPCs to interact with, making it even less human, if that was possible.
The story itself is dark, and a little hard to follow due to a mixture of dates showing up
at random times due to a library level.

Visually this game is very dark all over, it gives off a spooky vibe. One level in particular
has a terrifying sound track if you give it some time and a dark room with headphones by yourself.

The graphics add to that spooky atmosphere and a thought that you are the last surviving human in
some kind of future apocalypse.

The bossfights are interesting, and the regular fights will tear you up if you have never played a Dark Souls

The jump puzzles are absolutely the worst, your character has butter on his feet for some reason. Because you will always slip and fall off a platform after jumping a 5+ foot gap in front of you.

Overall I enjoyed it in the beginning, called it future Dark Souls. But now I feel bored when loading Hellpoint due to being completely lost.
626 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
1825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 14:57
It’s nice to see another game that is a great representation of a souls-like genre, there are not that many of them. Hellpoint is a nice little package built by just 10 people and it has a lot to offer. A mysterious and intriguing story involving space, aliens and AI. Dark, creepy and industrial looking world that sure looks cool, but often has a lot of empty areas; not a whole lot of attention was put on small detail or decoration, although it is still well designed.

The game does not explain very well where to go or what to do, it is all up to you to explore and figure out. In terms of level design, it is all one giant labyrinth. All the different areas intertwined with backtracking, locked doors, secret rooms, just one giant puzzle. There will be a lot of confusion on where to go next, or constant revisiting of the same areas hoping you missed something. It is almost a good idea to keep a written record of it all.

Combat wise, it is your standard Dark Souls experience but there are some unique moves as well. Most of the weapons have different move sets and even abilities that you unlock upon leveling the weapon. You get to do a little bit of build crafting depending on what style of weapon you want to use, combined with armor, there are even some ranged options available. Unfortunately there is no respec feature so how you spend your souls (Axions) is final. When you learn more about which stats to invest in or want to change up your build mid game, you will simply not be able to do so without grinding for more and more Axions. A respec feature would definitely be welcome.

But overall, a very solid experience for any souls-like fan, worth checking out.
5444 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
3235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 20:35
Dead Space + Dark Souls = Dark Souls in Space .
1081 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
2385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 22:20
Great Souls-like with an interesting story and wonderful level design.
5377 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
1895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 09:05
-You can adjust difficulty with certain items.
-Weapon progression design.
-Player can leave a message (gold handprint) as a hint for secrets.
-Supports local split-screen or online coop.
-Some nice scenery.

-A lot of secrets to explore, but many of them don't really feel rewarding.

-Bad UI especially when you try to get rid of duplicated items.
-No option to discard unwanted items.
-No option to wait for a specific time.
-Lack of variety of enemies, some bosses are later on being recycled as minions.
422 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
1175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 14:04
This was a pleasant surprise, that came at the exact right time for me.
I just played (and reviewed) a soulslike that ended up being the quickest a soulslike (or perhaps, any game for that matter) made me feel it wasn't worth my time. So I'm going to do something different in this review, list the major things I felt were wrong with that other game, and how these DON'T apply to Hellpoint.

In order of least to most severe (for me) these points were:
4. The game was trying so hard to be Dark Souls that it didn’t have it’s own identity, and yet…
3. it managed to fail completely at creating the experience you hope for in a soulslike.
2. It was loaded with artificial difficulty, the bosses I fought were only difficult because of their large health pools, and because...
1. the combat was extremely sluggish and unresponsive.

Hellpoint, on the other hand, is incredibly unique aesthetically; it's scifi, but that kind of far future scifi where things are almost (but importantly, not quite) magic.
It also has a few unique mechanics, rather than naming them all I'll just mentioned my favourite; your healing items gradually restore as you deal melee damage. This is a small change that quite drastically changes the way you play in an interesting way, as the lower you get on healing items, the more you're actually encouraged to play aggressively (somewhat like the newer DOOM games). Yet despite managing to be unique, it absolutely nails the feeling you'd hope for in a soulslike, in fact I'd go beyond that and say it actually feels like closer to an actual soulsborne game than any other souslike I've played; sure the lore isn't as deep, and (as I'll get to in a minute) the environments are built different, but it absolutely nails the atmosphere and the feeling of the gameplay itself.

I also don't think there was any artificial difficulty in this game; it absolutely gets right that feeling a soulslike should have, where you might describe the combat is tough but fair, and that if you're struggling it's because you (or your character) need to improve. In other words it doesn't feel like the game is 'too hard', it feels like you haven't yet mastered it. Most of all though, I don't think anyone could describe the combat in Hellpoint as sluggish or unresponsive with a straight face, it is perfectly responsive and gloriously fast paced.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't say Hellpoint is perfect but any negatives I could list are basically nitpicks in the grand scheme of things, and pretty much all of them are a matter of personal preference. For example, my opinion on soulslike environments is that they should somewhat mirror the combat, you enter an area and it seems impossible to learn (in the same way a boss might seem impossibly to beat), but by the end of the game it's hard to even remember a time where these seemed that overwhelming.
Hellpoint however is just an outright maze from start to finish, I'm fairly confident if I jumped back into NG+ right now I'd still get lost in the majority of areas.

I also found the difficulty a bit weird, progressing through the actual levels was almost exactly the level of difficulty you'd expect, but then the majority of the bosses were quite easy for a soulslike. Then if you attempt to go for the true ending of the game, the true final boss amps up the difficulty to insane levels; I actually think I might literally have died more to that boss than all the other bosses in the game combined (and also once you start the battle, you're locked in to it, so no heading out to improve equipment or farm some levels).

There's a few other small things here and then, minor glitches and that sort of thing, but again I think these are all nitpicks. At the end of the day, I thoroughly enjoyed Hellpoint and can easily imagine myself playing through NG+ in the near future.
247 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 18:53
Firstly, I played this game with keyboard and mouse. Whilst the store page strongly recommends playing with a controller, it is still perfectly playable with K+M, but may require some keybinding changes.

Hellpoint reminded me very much of my experience with dark souls and certainly deserves the souls-like tag. It is a very good attempt at this genre due to its unique sci-fi atmosphere and solid action combat. It also incorporates puzzles, exploration and interesting NPC quest lines.

I recommend this game for anyone eager for another entry into this genre whilst they painfully wait for Elden Ring to be released or for those that went hollow in Dark Souls and want an easier experience :).

  • A considerable amount of weapon and armour variation with lots of weapons being unique. Plus, shooting down hollows with a rifle is always satisfying ;)
  • A few new and innovative mechanics for a souls-like. For example an in-game timer where at certain times, events occur that give you cool loot and additional content. As well, an interesting approach to weapon upgrades and healing items.
  • For an indie game, one of the best features was how the game looked. It had some stunning views and every area looked well-done.
  • Exploration in the game was fun. Whilst lots required parkour and led to gravity claiming my life again and again, it was fun to explore every little side area. Furthermore, the game's map design was well-connected with many area's linking up.

  • The game reused a lot of bosses as regular enemies. This made the 2nd half feel rather similar due to all enemies bar a couple being reused assets. Ideally it needed a few more enemy variations to make it more interesting.
  • The game was rather easy when it came to bosses. Most bosses I killed first time, or after 2 or 3 attempts. Besides the secret final boss and initial learning curve, I wouldn't consider the game to be to that difficult. Probably 80% of my deaths were due to the biggest boss of all. Gravity.
  • Whilst the game is perfectly playable in its current state, there are several bugs (listed below).

Whilst playing through Hellpoint I only came across a few bugs, but none I'd consider game breaking. Here is a list of the more notable ones:
  • A camera glitch that occurred a dozen times where it would zoom out and become rather disorientating. Was still playable and fixed itself eventually or after a reload.
  • After killing an optional boss, I fell of the map and gave gravity another death. When I returned to the arena the boss was still dead, but the platform afterwards that was meant to activate had not.
  • The end game boss appeared stuck in an animation (with audio bugs) for a considerable amount of time.

Overall, an impressive souls-like that I'm glad I've played. I look forward to playing the DLC that the dev team has announced.

286 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 05:48
I heard it was souls-like, so I waited for it to go on sale and then tried it out. Wow. The mechanics are unique and interesting, it plays and feels like a Dark Souls game, and the environment and designs remind me of the Bioshock, Hellraiser, and Dead Space series.

This may not be my favorite game of all time, but it certainly made it into my favorites to play long and revisit.
145 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 00:31
Game starts a bit clunky but after you start to get the first weapons it feels much better, it actually makes some things better than DS/Bloodborne (for example weapon upgrading and progression).

Its not a perfect game, there are some bugs around but for the price and the content and atmosphere this game is awesome; Its a very underrated game and Im glad I stumbled upon this by accident.
89 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 07:10
A solidly O-K game.
Not a great game, but not a bad game.
I enjoyed my time thoroughly and I'm glad I played it, but I don't expect to pick it up again later.

5.5 / 10
543 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 19:37
Co-op not work. it's bad, u know? fix it please.
BUT in general game is not bad с':
338 Produkte im Account
130 Reviews
2573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 10:09
An inspirational story about a hobo becoming an astronaut
294 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
1828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 17:35
The game is asbolutely phenomenal; if you like Souls-like games, space and in-game lore, then this space station is going to become your new home. I have no words to explain, you have to play it and experience it for yourself, it's really worth a playthrough of two!
131 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
5361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 05:40
A fantastic souls-like game with a platforming twist. The sci-fi setting is interesting, the enemies are inspired, and the game is visually stunning. If you give it a chance, the game will draw you in.

There is so much I could say about Hellpoint, but the long and short of it is I love this game. It has an interesting story while still maintaining the vagueness that souls-like games are renown for. There are a couple things that require you to look into on your own, but the devs and other hardcore players are very active in the Hellpoint Discord for any questions or issue you might have.

I have played this game alone and in local co-op, both of which work perfectly for me. Sure, the game has a bug here and there, but you can report them on the Discord which is helpful. It's an indie game so it happens, but the bugs I've experienced aren't game ending or soft locking.

There was a lot of love put into making this game and I can feel it every time I load up my save. I cherish every bit of new lore or information I learn about Hellpoint, and look forward to discovering much more as I continue playing.

And for the Twitch streamers out there, Twitch Integration is available and very fun. I would recommend familiarizing yourself with the game just a bit before turning it on, though.
106 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 01:01
Mark Zuckerberg gets digitally printed by the facebook overmind only to find out cambridge analytica and Putin has taken over the Metaverse! Collect data on the anti vaxxers and earn axioms a new crypto to upgrade your 3d printer and become the CEO you were meant to be.
893 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 15:40
Whilst I loved the aesthetic, my time with the game was rather janky and I felt no real desire to continue playing it for long. Which is a huge shame. It just wasn't that enjoyable for me.
296 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 23:49
this game gave me rickets
1846 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 06:45
Co-op is garbage and the devs haven't fixed it. Enemies desync and just slide around on the ground unhittable while pushing guest player around. Tested with multiple people, even with a fiber connection, so it's the game itself. To be honest, it would be excusable on release with a fix coming. Being out for this long though, it isn't.
334 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 02:10
Elden Ring Ukraine
560 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 09:26
Bargain bin dark souls. Just makes me wonder why I'm not just playing dark souls instead.
256 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 00:54
(+) Sci-fi Souls-like with a focus on exploration and secrets
(+) Art direction is unique and captivating
(+) Platforming is incorporated well

(-) Combat is clunky
(-) Bosses are easy and often just scaled up mobs
(-) Little enemy variation
(-) Jpeg blood spurts

(=) Direction is difficult to navigate
(=) Isn't polished

7/10, Recommended with Caveats.
703 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 17:00
In short, Hellpoint is a Souls-like set in space.

One of the strongest points of the game is the location. I've never seen anything like this in the genre so far.
The mechanics and gameplay loop should feel very similar if you ever played one of these games. Difficulty wise it is rather easy and the bosses are well-designed, combat never felt unfair. It has a couple of new gameplay elements like powered up bosses during a certain interval, although I'm not really sure how this is supposed to work.

On the negative side, I really hated the cryptic nature of the game especially at the start. Many key items are hidden behind secret walls, doors and without guides I do not think most players would find them. It gets better as you progress through the game though.
Enemy variety is a bit lacking but it is not a huge deal since the game is rather short.

Even with its negative aspects I can only recommend Hellpoint, but prepare for some jankyness.
63 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 12:00
I love souls like games. this one is great and I love the environment and the atmosphere.
279 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 15:34
This is a brilliant game. It scratches that souls-like itch very well while adding verticality its own personality. The highlight for me was the labyrinthine level design that left me feeling truly lost many times. With multiple paths available at any time and a beautiful world to explore I'd definitely recommend this to fans of difficult games.

In terms of difficulty it was very reasonable aside from a spike with an end boss that I was not a fan of. From what I read I did encounter the hardest version of this boss but it very much frustrated me having to fight someone in melee while being hammered by long ranged attacks that had the potential to one shot me at times.

While that end boss has left a minor sour taste in my mouth it pales compared to what the rest of the game has to offer in its immersive well designed world and reliable combat. Highly recommend.
2113 Produkte im Account
1962 Reviews
972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 16:40
This really is Indie-Souls in space!
The game is not perfect, it's clunky and not very impressive in terms of graphics fidelity but they more than make up for it with stellar art direction and level design.

The atmosphere is eerie, alien and creepy. From the very first moments you feel lost and it's up to you to travel through the massive space station on your own, with multiple possible paths, having only your thirst for finding out what happened there to push you forward.
There's no annoinyg cutscenes or npcs with quests. You interact with the story at your own pace by reading texts and conversations left by the former inhabitants of the station. It's up to you to make sense of it all. I love it!

To me this game perfectly captures the spirit of original Dark Souls, letting you loose in the intricatly built alien world and letting you make sense of it.
2596 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 21:24
Borrows heavily from Dark Souls (slow movement, easy to die, ...) but offers neither the interesting story nor the ingenious level design.
246 Produkte im Account
198 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.21 11:27
Hellpoint ends up being for Soulslike fans who are just dying for more experiences within the genre, but if that doesn’t describe you, then you’ll be disappointed. The sci-fi nature of the game and its story offering allows it to find its footing right before it ultimately falls apart from its uninspired gameplay. There’s a decent experience to be found during some late-game plot offerings, but that will require you to be invested past the first boss, which is asking a lot.
311 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 18:06
I get these futuristic Dark Souls 1 vibes.
772 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
2352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 19:01
Extremely buggy, sometimes frustrating in a wrong way, but still very good souls-like game.
2583 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 12:42
Bit bland areas, copied boss mobs, physics slightly off, though I enjoyed it, It was too easy for me with just default ceremonial dagger and the Sinew Reinforcement body passive slot thing(reduces energy cost of everything), just level up Health and wear default armor in the main room (ancient warrior set), and add some stat to stamina(i went to 73) then you 1 shot every boss just by doing a simple dodge and speed R1 spamming 7x double swings in their behind 1-2 times(since the ceremonial dagger does 2x more damage) makes all the bosses a joke, you can even add the reflex weapon enchant and swap it for triangle and use it to attack even faster, hardest mob was that ape behind some area that I only saw once, the one where you jump down and can go up a ledge to the left to jump back over. 6.8/10 overall, Feels a bit like a unity project however this is a new developer from russia I'm assuming and it is promising and they deserve support for future projects.
3716 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 20:33
This is an indie souls like with a dead space/The surge story.

The game is really cool and as a fan of soulslike games i really enjoyed it.

The good:
-Really fluid combat
-Great story and atmosphere
-Amazing exploration, you really need to dig hard in the maps to get all items/loot
-Decent graphics, expected for being an indie game and for it price range

The neutral:
-Game length, it took me around 13 hours to finish, and i didn't rushed
-Like dark souls 1 the game don't tell you what to do, so you can get stuck in some parts

The bad:
-Repetitive enemies, even some bosses are recycled enemies
-Not much loot and weapons variations, even armors, there isn't much

Overall, if you like souls like games and have played most of them, i do recommend it, if not i would first play something like Nioh, The surge or even Dark souls first.
52 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 02:21
I love exploring the various areas and the creepy atmosphere. The crafting system looks pretty fun but so far I have only used it a couple of times. I'm planning to play this a lot longer as there are many secret areas where you can get some good loot if you figure out how to get there. Boss fights are tough (I've only killed 2 so far), definitely takes multiple tries to get past them. Combat itself feels not quite as smooth as Dark Souls 3 was to me, but being able to jump and do dashing and jumping attacks makes it more diverse. There seems to be a lot of different weapons as well, I've been focused on melee thus far. Definitely recommend the game though, it's a lot of fun to play.
221 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 16:54
dark souls in space but with additional platforming elements. I like this game a lot so far, will give an update once I get further into it.
154 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
2226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 22:41
It feels like an awkward trope to bring up Dark Souls in a review for a souls-like game, but I can't help doing so.  Part of me wonders if the developers of games like this are honored or if they instead become mildly nauseated when seeing another review comparing their game to their source of inspiration instead of reviewing it for what it is, floating by itself in a vacuum.

Mostly without deviation, the behavioral pattern for a Soulsborne player holds true.

A process of frustration, then hesitant neutrality, then blooming interest, and then subsequent borderline obsession that carries a player from their first Souls game until their last.  The Moon Presence allowing, the hunt begins for the next game to strike that chord that makes them feel as if they are alone within an expansive yet interconnected alien world rife with cyclical death and rebirth.

You are here because you find yourself in a market that is oversaturated with the popular Dark Souls formula.  You are wondering if Hellpoint strikes that same chord.  It does.  To some extent.

When I remember this game, I remember the atmosphere and the artwork.  The environments.  A comparison framework is only so helpful here - Hellpoint has hints of inspiration from Dead Space, H.R. Giger, and the environmental feel of perhaps Doom 2016 and Quake in places.  But it's weird

The feel of Hellpoint is uniquely its own, hence my comment about comparisons.  You realize this once you open up your first breach that resembles an ethereal black hole.

It is a dreary and mechanized sort of world full of ambience.  The kind that you don't find in very many places in such varied and unconventional combinations.  I found myself downright intrigued and curious at most of the locations and art, and that does not happen often for me.

This would not be a positive review if not for the stroke of genius that is the Hellpoint environment and design.

Co-op play within Hellpoint is another high point.  I can't tell you how big my smile was when I realized that Hellpoint had done away with the archaic and overused souls-like feature whereby a) it takes special effort to get a player into your game through finite consumables and/or b) the player inside of your game is sent away when the player beats an area boss, never to return to that area.

Imagine that.  A team who finally discards one of the worst parts of souls gameplay to reward co-op enthusiasts with a more uninterrupted and hassle-free experience.  If nothing else, I give the developers credit for being progressive. My friends and I were able to share the experience of seamlessly traveling between areas, fighting bosses together, discovering Hellpoint's unique black hole event system, and getting the best loot while not having to waste much mental bandwidth from simply trying to meetup in the first place.  Absolutely brilliant.

On the other hand, the enemies are the weakest link in the formula.  Most of them have monotonous and uninspired movesets and as you progress further in the game, you discover that they are rehashed bosses.  Recycled assets with the same movesets.  Objects on your screen that become annoying obstacles overshadowing the fascinating and enjoyable exploration of the world.

The disappointment I had with this cannot be overstated, as I'm someone who believes that the enemies and the combat within games clearly inspired by the Souls series should be paramount.

The bosses were somewhat of a different story - most of them were memorable to me, because, with the exception of the Archon Knights, they were distinct and typically entertaining.  I can't help but feel they could have been better too, though. Faster, more deadly, with louder music on a grander scale. A nearly insurmountable challenge.

This game would have been damn near perfect for me if the boss fights, enemies, and combat were fine tuned and revised enough to match the best that this genre has to offer. For whatever reason, these types of games generally fall short of being monumental masterpieces, but I'd like to think that this is what reviews are for. The development team can reassess their strategy and level up their real life stats to produce something even more groundbreaking. Not every team can produce a Hollow Knight at first, and that's ok.

On the subject of player stats, the Hellpoint system took an interesting perspective by including two stats that I have not seen before in an RPG: cognition and foresight. Although the names are unique, they are simply black-box measurements that are associated with the damage scaling of certain weapon types and thresholds to utilize them.

Weapons which are, unfortunately, not very interesting - especially the strength based weapons. You will not find a large abundance of weapons in this game, which is not necessarily a bad thing assuming that each of the weapons is entertaining, unique, and intuitive. Instead you will likely find that you have a limited selection of weapons that do not meet the previous criteria. This is subjective of course, but I'm sure that you realize reviews are the opinions of the reviewer.

I've sermonized quite heavily about the shortcoming of Hellpoint, but it was important to warn you before you decide to purchase the game.

If you're going to play Hellpoint, now is the time to do so. Unlike a lot of other souls-like games which have entire wiki pages and walkthroughs devoted to them across the internet due to their age and popularity, the information surrounding the game is a bit sparse. Incomplete wiki pages and a handful of guides inspire in the player a sense of working with arcane knowledge in a world of intrigue and loneliness, which is exactly the aesthetic that this game presents.

You will stumble across many strange and unexplained mechanics and locations in Hellpoint, and the best things to do is absorb the experience for what it is - alone, or with a good friend.

For a short time I was quite enthralled with Hellpoint, but after my first playthrough and subsequent bout of achievement hunting, I do not have any desire to play again and I will be moving on to something else.
855 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 19:45
Another one of those 'wish there was a middle option for recommending instead of yes/no'.
Due to the physics headaches, it just tips into 'no' for me.

+ The setting is phenomenally good, cliver barker-esque, it's like the best bits of Dead Space 1/2, Doom 3 and Hellraiser. Some of the enemies are also excellent (most bosses are meh though) and could easily have graced one of those games/films.
+ The music score is dark, foreboding and reminiscent of sci-fi like blade runner.
+ The 'storm' idea for enemy buffs or blackhole for opening extra areas is also really neat and I hope other games borrow from this.

Sadly - that's where the plaudits end.

- The combat is poor, often repeated unfair stunlocked to death or you do the same to enemies. Jump heavy attacks are faster to pull off than a normal heavy attack and means for those weapons it becomes the best way of using heavier weapon. Locking and tracking is bad, randomly switching mid battle without target change or event better spinning you around and helping you fall off a nearby edge, even more so when you are dodging and it picks some really weird angle to roll off at.

Which brings me to the worst thing about Hellpoint.

- The amount of times you will die to falling between some tiny invisible gap as you walk around in the dark is incredibly frustrating.
Most of my deaths were from falling off things in the dark, or a tiny shoebox sized crevice which my robo knight slips into effortlessly and again its another corpse run.
That couples with being forced into some jumping platform sections, where your guy actually gets stuck on the textures or where suddenly the game gets a mind of its own on momentum physics and yeets you off in to yet another death after landing on a platform is way too frequent.

- The 'ghosts' of your self. Why bother. Ignore and wander on, not worth the currency 'axioms' to take it on, the AI is dumb as a rock anyway. Which does help with corpse running as you can just run past pretty much everything most of the time, if you don't get lost and fall down yet another hole in the ground in a dimly lit or practically pitch black area. It really should have held your axioms or given you a buff when you murder it, make it worth doing.

- the bonfire/rift system locations are poorly thought out for where they are and needed some better play testing. You are often traipsing around for 30+ minutes to find one and then you get 2 or 3 close together over zone lines and literally a 30-60 second run between them, this seems badly planned and only few of them made sense where they were. The short cut unlock system works like dark souls but often the unlock is way past after you need to revisit that area or even care.

Overall for a small development team I tip my hat, but as I paid £12 and most of the play through was sighing and frustration I can't recommend it. I would certainly try any sequel these guys create though because there's certainly great promise there.
1430 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
3011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 16:11
Very atmospheric and just a bit clunky souls-like game with a wide variety of enemies, several friendlies, and a whole lot of bosses. I only understood what was happening like 50% of the time but I guess figuring stuff out is part of the whole souls-like deal.
A huge plus for this game is the presence of local co-op!
274 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 22:03
My favorite souls-like, no joke. Fantastic dark sci-fi ambiance, great exploration, great co-op gameplay. Thoroughly recommended.
1532 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 00:53
It's a thumbs up from me. This game is by no means incredible. It's got a lot of jank to certain elements - the platforming is downright awful, but the game uses it a LOT, the camera can be rather clunky, certain enemies are really janky with behavior and movement, and the inventory system is really clunky - but the rest of the game is a relatively great Soulslike with a really stellar setting. The design of levels is just so good and the enemies are generally fun and exciting to encounter and defeat. The game doesn't offer a lot of guidance for much of it, but overall I think that's okay. There's loads to discover and boy have I enjoyed discovering it so far. If you're willing to work through some of the jankier parts, you'll find a very challenging and interesting game waiting for you to explore it.
171 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 21:38
Overall, the game had potential, but I feel like they just really dropped the ball in certain aspects of the game.
From placement of enemies and breaches to gameplay/world design, I feel like the game is close to good in most areas, but just ends up falling short on a lot of areas.

Some bosses are insanely easy, while some others (which you can access at the same general point in the game) are just massive damage sponges, or just one-shot you randomly.(Looking at you Uthos))
At the Transporter fight you basically have to equip the EVA armor because of the breach point, and every time you die, you get to deal with your Ghost 1 on 1 first. (Not a fun mechanic at all if you ask me, ends up being quite the annoyance sometimes.)
If you dodge attack some bosses, it just sucks you in front of them, even if you weren't after the dodge.

Some weapons also just don't do damage sometimes. When I wanted to use the Heater Spear, it ended up just going straight through enemies after a dodge attack, only to not do any damage. I guess it's just an issue with that weapon type, other ones seemed to work fine

Enemy/Breach placement is just straight up bad when having to run towards boss fights.
The way the world is laid out can get very confusing at times, At some points I got access to so many areas, while everything kind of blended together sometimes, so I just ended up becoming confused and lost.
166 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 18:01
IMHO if you want to keep the positive feelings about this game DO NOT fight the last boss of the true ending (called Sentient). This is the worst boss fight I have ever seen in videogames. Not only you have to keep attention to 3 things (3 enemies) that constantly attack at the same time throughout the whole bossfight, but the fight arena is dark, the background is dark, the boss is dark, the enemies are dark and so you do. The background is just space and the floor is transparent so it's really hard to orient yourself. There is constantly something going on in the background that makes really hard to concentrate on the bossfight. If you get hit you fall, and while you are on the ground you still can take damage which makes this fight 1-2 hit and you are dead. In the first 30 minutes of attempts to kill the boss I just didn't understand what was happening on the screen. Maybe on the paper this bossfight was cool, but not in reality.

Before this bossfight I was positive about the game, despite the minor bugs and small flaws in a lot of aspects of the game, because I know that the team that made this game is really small and for such a team, it's an amazing project. But on the Sentient I felt every flaw in the combat and controls and it was really painful.

IMHO this project lacks A LOT of testing, not just the bugs but overall gameplay. Guys, for such a team, you absolutely nailed it! You should be proud for sure! But... I still think that you could have done it A LOT better.

Would I recommend this game? Well, it's hard to tell honestly... But if somebody will say to me that a small team could not make a good souls-like game I would tell them about Hellpoint.
747 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 21:00
Good game, but the platforming is absolute garbage.
76 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 19:42
coop doesnt work if you got a CG-NAT router or ISP. So if u think its a cheap multiplayer game, just consider buying a new router first. Even at that point im not sure it even works. Talked with mods which leaves u with 5 minute cooldown on each comment when u try to find out what's wrong, and they are not very helpful at all.
390 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
2311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 15:01

Fine soulslike game

What I liked:
  • Entire game is playable in co op
  • Enjoyable gameplay
  • Dark Sci-fi setting
  • Level desing
  • Wepon mastery and their active abilities
  • Low price if you got the game from Humble Choise

What I didn't like:
  • You can clearly see that the game had a low budget
  • Game is VERY easy. The easiest soulslike that I ever played.
  • I completed my first playthrough in ~ 15h
  • Bugs
  • Boring and easy boss fights, Beat most of them on first try.

866 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 09:06
So continues the saga of trying to find a fun Souls-like game with uninterrupted co-op. This one stands out more than the others with a lot of promise but with little delivery. Once the charm of the atmosphere and Gigeresque aesthetic wears off, you're left with a mediocre experience. I wanted to love this game because it's one of the best attempts at what I'm looking for with a Souls game but this wasn't quite it. The game came out in 2020 but feels like a game I would have rented at a local video store 10 years ago because the cover was cool. It's not a bad game, per se, but it's also held back by the amount of jank.

5 Platforming Sections out of 10
431 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 04:16
Solid Soulslike with just enough jank to remind you its not actually dark souls, but without seriously impacting the enjoyment of the game. Combat is solid enough if a touch on the shallow end, exploration is good enough but hampered by the level design. There's a lot of backtracking and aimless wandering, levels don't flow very well and its easy to get lost and not in the fun way. That's really the only major gripe I have with the game. The reused boss enemies are disappointing but not a dealbreaker. Otherwise my only other complaint is the lack of direction. Maybe it's a me problem but I found the classic soulslike lack of explaining the plot combined with the confusing level design an issue, where I had no idea what I was doing, why I was doing anything or where to go to progress, which was fun for the first hour or so but got a bit tedious after a while and had to resort to online guides after a while.

Overall its one of the better soulslike to come out and I'd give it an overall score of 7/10. Solid but with room for improvement across the board, save for atmosphere, that was phenomenal.
77 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 16:29
Dark Souls in space but a bit clunky, sometimes it just kills the experience, but overall, i really enjoyed it.
A major flaw i encountered was the final boss battle, i died once battling him, and when i came back to the fight, he wouldnt attack for one bit and just spin around, so i ended up beating the final boss without suffering any dmg...
2845 Produkte im Account
212 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 07:11
A very barebones Souls clone, but as a result feels more like Dark Souls than any of the others. Perfectly captures the lonely, drifting isolation. Janky and odd, maybe a bit overpriced, but good.
1496 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 21:32
This isn't Dark Souls.
This is navigating platforms with bad jumping mechanics in badly lit mazes to get to bosses, which are then repeated as normal enemies.
There is a lot of dying falling down ledges, but little chellenge in fighing enemies until the final boss, who can stunlock you to death taking away all your health upgrades for the next try.
However, I find it impressive how each and every aspect of a soulslike got made worse. Good job!
649 Produkte im Account
189 Reviews
961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 15:11
This game is almost literally Dark Souls in Space, because it copies A LOT from the Souls series. Just like many other Souls-like games, HellPoint lacks the incredible level design and enemy variety of From's games, but it still does a lot of things right: first of all, the atmosphere is amazing! The space station has a Dead Space vibe all over it, and the lightning, sounds and music do an excellent job of giving you the creeps. The melee combat is okay as well, and some of the boss fights are very well designed. Exploration is also very rewarding, since there are tons of hidden area's and secrets to discover with great loot.

The game is far from perfect tho: the camera can be extremely frustrating during the boss fights when locked on, you'll be fighting the same enemies over and over again (including re-used bosses from earlier levels), there's A LOT of unnecessary backtracking and several game mechanics are rather poorly explained. Still, Hellpoint is definitely worth playing if you like Souls games, and I hope an improved sequel is on it's way.
275 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 02:07
probably my favorite jank souls like
1926 Produkte im Account
189 Reviews
1606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 19:39
quite fun to play with a friend and very similar to dark souls in a lot of aspects just a bit less polished :)
2174 Produkte im Account
593 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 07:49
This game is currently in the Humble Bundle for May 2021. If you are interested in the game and it's before June 1st, 2021, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

This is a souls-like game, at least that's the easiest way to describe Hellpoint, but it’s nowhere near the quality or level of most souls-like games. Souls-like games have a lot of competition and while Hellpoint has some good character models, it also lacks the atmosphere which drives the genre.

Hellpoint seems to use the same mechanics that so many games in the genre have, the slow methodical attacks, the high damage and danger from enemies, and a level system that feels like it was pulled from every game before it. It’s just a shame it never really reaches the same quality bar as those previous titles.

The biggest frustration is that fighting the boss was interesting, but there’s an enemy that feels significantly harder and more damaging than the first boss right outside of her arena, and if that’s the case, why isn’t he the boss.

Pick this one up if you’ve played every souls-like game. It’s not bad, but it’s going to come after Nioh, Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Bloodborne, The Surge, and probably twelve other titles I forgot to mention. This isn’t even pretending to be different like in the case of Blasphemous. Otherwise, you can probably find better entertainment.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my youtube channel:

205 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 18:51
My first experience with this game was watching Angry Joe playing on his twitch stream, and decided I needed to give it a shot. I honestly LOVE this game. The atmosphere, the sounds, the controls. I don't usually like Souls-type games but this one really hits different to me.
660 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
2007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 18:29
the only souls-like in which I laugh after dying because of fucked up ragdolls
119 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 14:30
Good for soul game fans, not me
1590 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
2502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 20:14
Hellpoint, game that just came across and didn't really have almost any expectations of. Knew it's souls like set in space and that it certainly was. You can expect weird NPCs, locked doors, secrets, boss fights, mobs lurking in the dark, getting a space suit or dying outside of space station and more.

Gameplay felt quite fluid and jumping mechanics are quite much used if you go out of the beaten path. It's much easier that your original Souls game and that's good things, as some of the routes are quite treacherous and look like where one shouldn't even try to go, but in the end there is path and there's a way to get those shiny loots from far away places. Combat was also quite familiar and felt responsive and fast enough to deal with. This time though mainly had melee weapon in main hand and blaster in the other. Blaster and the like use energy or what ever the blue bar is and you can recharge it by hitting enemies, which was pretty solid idea. On top of those things you have floating bot with different mods like in Nier Automata, but it doesn't really have damage mod, instead of different lights and the like, so those hidden paths are possible to find.

Locked doors and opening routes play big part along with those breaches which open like eye of universe before you giving sight on how to improve yourself with quite familiar stats. Think mostly the dark halls and futuristic space station gone to hell was pretty fine to look at, but some of it was pretty ugly to look at, especially own character which looks quite something you wouldn't most likely create in character creation tool, but at least can cover up that mug with armor. About armor and weapons, think armor variety is pretty low in game, but all builds/stats should have their respective set, though felt that game served you better by balancing the stats. Weapons have usually hidden abilities which come out after whacking enough enemies and then give out solid bonuses or charge hits, buffing weapon or character.

Variety in areas and enemies is solid enough though it's shame that most bosses are pretty much your average enemies after first encounter. They should have given them unique skins at least and something more over the normal mob. Though it makes sense that they would be similar looking in a sense. Areas change from mostly dark alleys and cities to brighter regions and each of the god bosses who are the most unique in this game tend to have their own theme going on. Be it more faithful buddha bois or meat curtain fellows with severed hands or daemons and undead looking mob.

Few of the pretty unique implements in game were based on Black Hole which you can see every now and then all around the place, especially at hub area. There are some locked black hole doors around with secrets, also blackhole hour is a thing and was wondering what the heck is going on when it first hit, as whole space station was vibrating and soon noticed how big ugly mutt was clanking it's big metal staff in midst of familiar mob, black hole open invasion possibility for daemons during it's hour and you get bit more aggressive and stronger enemies around it around several places challenging your progression along with arena fights with mobs that give rewards for completing them. Also there is dark mirror world with it's own enemies and bosses to encounter at few places.

Can recommend the game even though it's not great, but think it's good solid title with pretty solid stuff going for it. Getting that space suit fixed against radiations and not becoming breathless is a good thing, as if you go out of your way to find the true ending, you need everything you can, or more likely just right thing to beat a fight have never seen before.
163 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 16:09
Hellpoint is a uniquely crafted artistic pleasure to play.

I love the unique character models, unique weapon models, environments and atmosphere. It is a rather cool and refreshing game to play. menu's are simplistic and I absolutely love that (they are a tad small though). However, I love the simplicity of them. The textures, character models and, weapons have details yet also omit details giving it this unique art style that I really like.

Game mechanics are fantastic and well done for a strategic ARPG. Strategic as in you need to really time your movements to your opponent. Which makes the game have a feel mechanic wise to a dark souls style mechanic. This style of mechanic was around before the Demon and Dark Souls Era. However, Hidetaka Miyazaki perfected it and made it even more fluid. So just imagine how horribly janky the first iterations of this mechanic were. In this game we see the mechanic is better then Dark souls 1 & 2 but not as smooth as Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne.

What I love the absolute most is they added a bloody jump button mechanic that makes sense. one thing I have always disliked about the souls series is their jump mechanics. This game gets the jump mechanic , in my opinion, just right for this game.

With all this said I'm gonna keep jamming this game, I was super happy to see that the creators are CANADIAN WOOT WOOT! Keep up the good work!!!!!!
84 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 13:45
Glitchy as all hell.
Game revolves around stun locking, either you stun-locking enemies or bosses stun locking you.
Maybe with some serious updates I will revisit the game but it is very unlikely.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 07:43
This game is dark and difficult. Most of the time.. all of the time it shows no mercy. The platforming is out of control, you can feel the weight of space as you jump.. it's like skydiving. Enemies are well thought out and hell bent on murdering you. Story line and art scape is fucking killer.

I love Hellpoint, you will too
540 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
1699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 14:59
This game is great, but its so broken too.
I'd say the good outweighs the bad. You'll get annoyed and maybe put the game down for the day if you get somewhere and some bullcrap causes you to die. But you'll always come back.

This game is basically an example of a polished turd, but they'be managed to polish this turd SO MUCH that it's ascended beyond trud and become some unstable concoction of gold, that sometimes shows its turdy undertones.

An example of this... I'm playing through the game in co-op with my friend, I'm doing a heavy weapon tank/caster hybrid. He's doing an agile light sword/ranged combo. I love the game 10 times more than he does, so I play back through what we've done on a heavy caster/agile build...

We get to one point where we needed a key to progress in one direction, we played around in the area for like 3-4 hours. Call it for the night. Next day we walk past the same door, notice we can open it. Cool. So we finish the entire area and go on.

Then I hop on my alt, go through all the areas you dont need that key to progress through, try to open the door... I dont have the key... Why?
I look up where the key is... It's somewhere we've never been. The door just opened. I have absolutely no clue what to do on that character now. Obviously try to go to the area where we were supposed to go to. But I'll wait until we've done it first time on my main with my friend.

Jumping is like... Sometimes you'll keep going a little after you jump and fall off a ledge, sometimes you wont start up a sprint before you jump even though you press it and die (I think this is somewhat due to weight but it feels inconsistent sometimes) in co-op ladders dont spawn for me somtimes and we're just stuck. Enemies can hit you through walls if they know you're there.

Regardless, I honestly like this game more than darksouls. There's just something about the darksouls equation that I dont like. This game seems to go around that and fill that void that it left. Plus I enjoy the setting much more. I love lovecraftian, I love space, I love mystery. Feels SLIGHTLY warhammer 40k, without the giant chunky armor and enemies.

There's secrets everywhere, some require you to be in certain places at certain times of the day, some require you to just press use on a wall, some require you to have a black light, some require guessing random numbers 100000-999999.

But the best secrets require you to platform impossible jumps until you can finally reach a message someone left, only for it to just be this cheeky monkey: https://i.imgur.com/Q2KCRIY.png

I dont really know what all to say about this game, it's Space Fantasy Darksouls with lovecraftian vibes out the wazoo. And I like the systems better than darksouls, as someone whos not a darksouls fan.
206 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 11:08
Very underrated game. Yes, it's entirely a Souls rip-off, but it's well done, better than most.

The combat is great and not jank like I expected. Dodge attacks in particular feel very nice. A variety of builds give replayability to the game. The story is very hands-off, but is actually super interesting once you get far enough in the game to find out what's going on.

The biggest reason this game is great is the level design. The cold, dark halls of the spaceship combined with the alien creatures (many of which do not have set spawn locations) creates a fantastic and creepy mood to keep you on your toes. After the initial first two areas, the game opens up immensely, as you can go to the remaining 8 areas or so in almost any order. Each person will find their own unique progression route as they play through the game and have their own unique experience. Not all of these areas are required to beat the game, so you can plan your path through the game based on which areas you'd like to tackle, or completionists can spend time to explore all of them. And this game very much rewards exploring, as each level is filled to them brim with secrets. There are secret items, secret areas, secret quests, and secret endings. Beyond that, each individual level itself offers a variety of paths the player can take to reach their objectives or to reach new areas. Exploring the spaceship Irid Nova was truly a delight.

Downsides to the game are minimal, but there were frequent sound bugs and enemy sounds often seemed to be originating from a different direction than the enemy itself. Exploring the levels is a blast, but most of the bosses were simply too easy. The large majority of the bosses I was able to beat on the first or second try. If you're coming from Dark Souls 3/Bloodborne/Sekiro, you can pretty much expect that only 2-3 of the bosses will present a challenge.

However, the positives greatly outweight the negatives, as the game has created a rich and thematic world that is a blast to explore. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoyed the Soulsborne games.
1290 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 20:23
Fantastic game , im fan of Souls-like genre. Im playing it with my friend in co-op . When i started game i felt some rain under my chair , i looked down ,the hot dog started playing and doing somersaults, and there was milk on the parquet 3.2 % fat . One of my nipples believe me or not , touched my monitor in range of 30 cm , it was like giant tv antenna , i almost penetrated screen with it. The feeling in the game is equal to the biceps pump which is equal to sex.I threw myself with one hand and worked the reel and with the other hand I repertoire my double-barreled and flooded the keyboard with crepe.Now that I have explained the story, the fight, the movement, the mechanics and the atmosphere of the game, I can freely tell you to buy it. My lollipop tip is open red. I have to get back to the game. I love you all.
919 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
4040 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 20:13
It's like the 9th best Souls game, but sometimes you want to play more than 8 Souls games.
2200 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 19:58
If you want to buy it for co-op I recommend against it. One of the zones (Sohn District) introduces a lot of lag between the host and the client. Multiple seconds of lag. That makes that zone unplayable for the person that joined. I only wish we didn't explore as much so we could find that out before 2 hours passed to get our money back.
4299 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 03:55
108 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 20:00
Enjoyed this more than I expected, looked like a cheap soulsborne copy, but the setting, music, weapons and the minimalistic story made it and overall great game. I highly recommend it.
1088 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 03:27


Hellpoint is an in-depth souls-like RPG, set in a distant desolate future, onboard a derelict space station, lifeless, dark, and full of unholy mysteries. You will have to go through the dark unknown of this space station, figure out what has happened, and discover the purpose for which you were created.

Plot: Once a pinnacle of human achievement, this space station, named The Irid Novo, now lies fallen in ruins.
Overrun by cruel and lifeless beings, puppets of interdimensional malevolent cosmic Gods, death and destruction now plague the station.

You were once a lifeless clone, and now you have been put into service by the Author. Originally printed in The Irid Novo, now you must set out on a mission to find out how this catastrophe took place and put an end to it.

Gameplay: Hellpoint is an amazing Souls-like hack and slash RPG. The gameplay consists of traditional RPG movement and combat mechanics. A great combination of well-oiled movement and hack and slash combat, including gunplay.

Where the game shines is with its unique mixture of large dark open playable areas full of mysteries, and an army of ungodly beings.

Right from the get-go, you will be pushed into harms way without any weapons or armor, or indeed any clue of what the hell is going on.

Anxiously going through the hallways, you will be introduced to wall-mounted outlets that teach you one function or feature of the game at a time.

This is both slow and annoying; by the time you get to a point where all the tutorial outlets are mounted in a single general area, you will be forced into pushing every button to figure out what is going on with this game.

Since there is no escape menu, you will be forced to use the default key binding and settings with no chance of changing during gameplay.

As you are pushed out in the open without weapons, armor, and gear, you will have a hard time with survival and progression.
Dying is a part of this game. There can be an unholy creature hiding in the dark corner, and before you know it, you’re dead and sent back into a distant spawn point without any saving option nor check points.

However, as you get your hands on some decent gear, armor, and weapons the game gradually gets easier to handle.
The beginning is still brutally difficult to navigate. As there is no map, objectives, marker, or quest menu, you will struggle with both the navigation and objective-based tasks and puzzles. And it doesn’t help either that the game is based around a massive playable area that’s both dark and full of unholy creatures that can kill you with a few hits as you won’t have much to defend yourself with.

Game saves and progression: By far the most difficult part of Hellpoint is its re-spawn point system. As you progress, you will come across glowing objects called breaches.

As you interact with these breaches, a portal will open up that will allow you to interact with your player status and upgrades, teleportation, etc. Because of the way in which the game progresses and the re-spawn point system works, each breach is located far apart and as many times as you die, you will be sent back to your last interacted breach to restart that stage and you will have to kill the same enemies repeatedly with minor changes in their positioning.

On top of going through the same enemies repeatedly, as you die, you will have to confront a wraith in your last image with the same weapons you were carrying before you died, which makes things much more difficult and interesting.

World design: The world itself is beautifully made, with amazing attention to lighting and structural objects. Going around the large lifeless station drifting through the void of space felt surreal and empty.
The only thing that breaks an otherwise impressive immersive experience is how empty this game is; there is not much to interact with.

There are many creatures to go through but compared to each playable area they are few and far between.


+ Decent gameplay
+ Large playable area
+ Well-designed world
+ Interesting combat machines
+ Dark atmospheric environment
+ Interesting game concept
+ Wraith in your image as you die, turned out to be more difficult to deal with than most bosses
+ Well implemented audio scores


- Quite a few bugs
- Lighting issues in a few places
- No clear objective nor guidance
- By the time you get to a point where you can find all the wall-mounted tutorials, you will have punched all the buttons to
figure out how the game works, as you die repeatedly
- Interesting plot, needs to be refined and expressed in a more detailed manner
- Empty world compared to the large playable area
- No menu
- Can’t change key binds

In a world full of darkness, mysteries and unworldly creatures, you must figure out the purpose of your life. Prepare yourself for what awaits ahead.


Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!

384 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
9158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 09:08
Brilliant in some areas, bit lacking in others - understandably so though given it's an indie game...

Atmosphere, setting, level design are amazing.. Kind of like a mix between dead space and movie Event Horizon.. If you enjoyed Dark Souls 1 for those reasons, you'll probably like this, especially if you're a sci-fi fan

Where it lacks is the bosses which are a bit meh, combat (definitely passable but on the janky side, if you're coming from something like DS3, don't expect that kind of polish). Weapon/enemy design/variety were also a bit underwhelming and the game didn't feel well balanced to me for some reason. I was just pretty randomly investing stats and used random weapons (ie I used an agility spear on a strength build and it was the best weapon, kind of weird).

Anyways, I recommend it for true Souls vets. I think this captures the spirit of what Dark Souls 1 was about, and I hope there is a sequel. If you play Dark souls solely for difficult cool bosses, probably not the game for you.

102 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 02:04
Hellpoint has you awaken on a seemingly abandoned space station and you're tasked with pressing on and discovering where you are and what's going on. Along the way you will meet hellish creatures, discover weird clues and locations as well as take on cosmic beings full of evil intent. With each battle however, you will become stronger as you try to survive yet another encounter and unravel the mystery.

- Lush graphics in a dark, gritty and lonely way.
- Audio that is best experienced with a headset for the musical score which enhances the murky environment and the creepy noises which can help you pinpoint enemies to engage or flee from.
- Satisfying combat with a decent mix of weapons. The more you use a weapon, the faster you will unlock special traits which can aid you in combat. Weapons and armor can also be enhanced and refined for further damage and protection.
- The omnicube. Find it and seek out upgrades, its about the only companion you will have on this journey.
- So many freakin' secrets! Hidden doors, elevators, passage ways and power-ups! If you like poking around, you will have a ball just try not to get killed and by all that is holy, practice your jumping in light, medium and heavy armor .
- I will list multiplayer as a pro because the few times I managed to play, it was great fighting beside another player. Unfortunately it does give issues connecting now and again.

Hellpoint is an awesome game and one which I was pleasantly surprised with as spooky sci-fi games weren't really my cup of tea. I originally followed the game's development and tried The Thespian Feast Demo once it was available. I'm glad I did and if you're still undecided, take a look at Hellpoint: The Thespian Feast.

357 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 18:46
Halloween update killed this game and my psyche. This freaking clown sound is dramatic. Could you please at least disable it once the enemy is killed ? It would be much better to do not hear this fucking sound over and over through the whole zone, especially when you're trying to beat it 10th time.
251 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 20:29
Bough two copies, one as birthday gift. Can’t play multiplayer because connection errors. FAQs be like: “a couple of fixes, if not, lol bad luck dude”. Spent more time waiting for connection failed and workaround than playing. Won the worst gift of the year prize.

TL;DR gifted a unresponsive souls-clone for a coop run that we can’t play online.
56 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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2049 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 15:59
I bought this game mainly for COOP , but it never works. Please fix it
179 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 16:26
The best soulslike game that I've played for a long time.
- The sci-fi/horror setting is perfect
- Smooth gameplay mechanics with great character build variations
- The exploration is rewarding and the boss fights are fair
- Creative map design, though at first it might get a bit confusing (you can easily get lost)
- Great soundtrack
Hats off to the small dev team, well-done!
51 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 06:17
I don't have too much to say, but I can't recommend this game. It's not the story, it's not the graphics, it's not even really the gameplay I have problems with. It's the technical aspects and the performance. Projectiles that shouldn't be passing through walls, attacks that have hitboxes that linger long after the animation is done, phantoms that bug out with infinite stamina, constantly blocking and even shield bashing won't open them up..

And the performance. Oh my god what the hell. The game isn't ugly but it isn't so pretty that I shouldn't be able to maintain 60 FPS on my rig, yet there are tons of areas where it will plummet to 40, sometimes 30 FPS, for seemingly no reason, regardless of graphics settings. It is so poorly optimized and I feel ultimately ripped off seeing as this cost me over $40 CAD--that's right, close to half price of a AAA release but with this many problems.

If the developer fixed the game, I might be more positive, but seeing as I've found tons of posts about bad performance for months now with no fixes..hard to say I would recommend this, unless you can stomach random framerate drops. It may come off as spoiled but christ, why PC game if you can't have at least 60 FPS stable? Why would I not then be on a console or something? I mean that's the whole point of PC gaming, minimum 60 FPS and higher.

Bottom line: You guys (the developers) need to get your act together and fix your game. I tell you, if I knew this game ran on Unity? I'd have never bought it. Can't count the amount of times I've seen threads on games made with unity, talking about horrible performance. But I found out too late, and now I pay the price.
385 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 16:04
Never found a soulslike that you can play coop this well. You can complete the entire game start to finish together.
This alone makes this game unique.
If you like the Darksouls gameplay : This is very similar. Hard game and bossfights that feel rewarding once you beat them.

Overall this game was a solid 8/10 for me
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 17:27
So far it is packed full of secrets. The difficulty is moderate with the ability to crank it up in game if needed... or dumb it down if necessary. Very good game so far.
348 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 03:49
Yep so this is where the ship went in event horizon...

(if you get the reference you have earned my respect)
106 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 21:41
Dark Souls 1 bunged Bloodborne and Hellraiser and had a child, and boy oh boy is he a little keeper. Get it, get good, enjoy yourself :D
189 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 18:48
Lemme just say this game is actually incredible, love the atmosphere and setting,

dark souls in a sci-fi setting makes me very very moist
the combat feels great and the level design is really really good,
reminds me of dark souls 1 level design and that had probably the best level design ive ever seen in a game

so imma go ahead a say it (((((BUY THIS GAME))))))
5881 Produkte im Account
767 Reviews
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 23:38
Hellpoint is a very intriguing scifi RPG, playing in the aftermath of a huge cataclysm and in a space station which orbits around a black hole! You are send to investigate the station but be cautious, it's not a walk in the park.
The game offers a lot of gore from fighting with dangerous and horrific creatures. The game is also playable online together with 3 other players.
427 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 12:34
This is the best worst Souls Style game. It is highly ambitious with some neat ideas here and there. However it's execution leaves something to be desired. At the time of writing the online aspect is almost a joke with how many bugs there are. Solid middle of the road title.

Also coin can be used to unlock an achievement.
585 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
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1852 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 11:37


Hellpoint is one of those games trying to build on FromSoftware’s formula with a sci-fi setting and a few gameplay additions. It all sounds great on the game’s Store page. However, my enthusiasm for the game went down after a few hours, as the game became monotonous, and I started encountering multiple bugs and glitches that made my playthrough rather unpleasant.


At the start of the game, you are created as Spawn by The Author, who wants from you to save Irid Novo space station, which derelict itself near a supermassive black hole. The station is in the terrible state, as many of its inhabitants lost their minds, and powerful Cosmic Gods emerged with their twisted plans. Your goal is to gather as much data as possible, so you would find out what is going on.

I was interested in the game’s story at first, as Irid Novo seemed to be shrouded by several mysteries. The storytelling relies on you to find clues, whether it is from computer logs, hidden messages, or talking with NPCs. Your interaction with them can also change your overall story experience a bit. However, the main events get explained later anyway, and the conclusion itself is just not satisfying enough to justify my search for every bit of info about the station.


I finished Hellpoint in about 30 hours and explored every bit of the space station. The gameplay itself is very similar to FromSoftware’s games, and it adds a few interesting aspects, that unfortunately, sometimes do not work properly.

Let us start with your character. As it is custom, you level up your health, stamina, resistance, strength, equipment load, and such, to be able to equip various armour and to use weapons effectively. The main difference is that you upgrade Chips instead of weapons themselves. Those give additional damage and ability you can use. You can transmit those Chips between weapons, so you do not have to be afraid of upgrading weapons that might not be worth it. To get new equipment, you either need to find it or craft it by using resources you find throughout the levels. Those upgrades are available at stations. The game offers quite a lot of different weapons types, from light swords to heavy maces, as well as ranged weapons. And with varied armour, you can create various builds.
Your Omnicube drone has slots for various useful gadgets, such as flashlight, auto-heal, or even jukebox. You can change its functions at any time, as well as your equipment, in the inventory. However, the drone itself sometimes did not work for me at all, and I had to reload the game.

To give credit where it is due, Irid Novo is amazingly interconnected with various locations and vertical levels that have several secrets for you to find. Multiple paths allow you to travel to a new location from different areas. The exploration was the most enjoyable part for me, and I thrived for every new secret room and hidden item. Breaches represent checkpoints, where you can level-up, increase, or decrease the difficulty of enemies, and fast travel to previously visited locations. To fast travel, you need to synchronize the Breach with items you need to find first.

As for the combat, it uses a standard lock-on system with light and heavy attacks, kicks, and dodging, that all use your stamina, while ranged weapons require mana. Healing works a bit differently here, as you always have two healing flasks, and you restore them by attack enemies. You can upgrade them to get more, but you always respawn with two. There are also other consumables you use against radiation and other special effects.
However, combat has several problems. Firstly, most of the regular enemies are very easy to beat, and they usually get stunlocked, so there is no challenge in fighting them. Secondly, most of the bosses become regular enemies later on, and they are very overused, which becomes monotonous very quickly. Thirdly, the game sometimes does not register yours or enemies’ hits, or you get hit even though nothing touched you. Fourthly, some of the bosses are broken, as they did not attack me at all after respawning, like Interface, or got stuck in the walls, like Transporter. Speaking of bosses, the last boss of this game is one of the worst designed bosses I witnessed in the past years, both gameplay-wise and aesthetic-wise.

Hellpoint has a few unique ideas. Let’s start with the good ones first. The game features the Black Hole Clock, which shows its current time and the time for Hell Hour, which adds hoards of enemies into several locations. It also has Black Hole Hour that unlocks otherwise locked doors after you perform an environmental puzzle with Eye Towers. I enjoyed this aspect of the game, as the puzzle requires you to explore the whole map and find appropriate codes for the towers’ activation. Another element is the so-called Ghost. That is a clone of yourself that spawns in the location you died in. In my experience, its AI was broken, as it either spammed one attack, rolled around, or did not attack me at all. The last part is Underworld, which is a tedious mess with weird colour pattern and different enemies, who are used again in the later locations anyway. The layout of Underworld’s area is the mirrored image of the normal map, and it has new resources and loot.

The game also features online elements, such as sharing messages and playing in cooperation with others or fighting against them in duels. Unfortunately, I was not able to test the multiplayer much, as it did not work during the first days, and now it mostly does not connect me to other players anyway. The interesting thing is that you can travel and even teleport through the whole map without any restrictions.


There are several good-looking locations, as well as beautiful panoramas of Irid Novo. The game shines with its design of these locations and enemies. After all, that was the main reason I wanted to try this game. However, some of the textures are visibly outdated for 2020. What I detest about this game’s visuals were the aforementioned Underworld and final boss designs. Its colour patterns with a combination of black and glaring green, purple, and other colours are terrible to look at, and in the case of the final boss, even a bit confusing.

As for the audio, the game’s sounds are nothing extraordinary, and a bit annoying at times, as some are too loud or too quiet. Sometimes, there is no sound at all, like if you are running. The game also cut off music during boss fights multiple times. Speaking about the soundtrack, it is underwhelming and not memorable at all. The game also has a made-up language, which is quite cool. To put it simply, the game does not deliver the promised dark and atmospheric experience, as it is constantly interrupted by the aforementioned glitches.


The game was tested with an i5 8300H, GTX 1060 6GB, and 16GB RAM, running at high settings, mostly at 40-60 frames per second, at 1920x1080 resolution. No matter the graphical options I chose, I still had those frame drops. The game also occasionally froze for me in the inventory.


One step forward, two steps back. An amazing interconnected station with interesting enemies’ aesthetics does not save the game. All the bugs and glitches, as well as several substandard design decisions, are not worth the time and money now.

[url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37072886][quote]With your journey through the Hell, you should visit our curator group, Devils in the Details!
28 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 12:23
scratches that DS itch better than hollow knight. Some technical issues, but I assume they'll be patched up soon enough
603 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 00:31
Good souls game. Will not make people who don't like souls games like souls games. But people who like souls games will like this souls game. Souls Game
181 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 05:00
SOOO glad i finally have a deep action RPG with split screen i can play with my friends when they come over
244 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 04:09
I love the idea and the game feels true to a game a souls player can expect. However, shoddy/incohesive level design, game-breaking bugs (ex. disappearing projectiles, buggy hitboxes, invisible enemies, projectiles), and piss poor bosses hardly justify the $35 I paid for it. In it's current state, it's not worth any more than $15 max. It has so much potential and I hope the cons can be addressed and the game tightened up.

- Feel is familiar to a souls game with secrets and interesting lore.
- Cool setting
- Overall interesting art style

- The level design is HORRIBLE. Arisen Dominion is one of worst of them and I couldn't wait to get out of that level. It's also super out of place to the rest of the game. The developers shove in jump puzzles everytime they run out of ideas in a map, there are long empty passages with no added purpose other to exist. For example, when taking the tram to Port Issoudun, there's an enemy right when you spawn in so while you're loading in, you're getting attacked before you can even see anything. I spawned in dead and lost all my axioms. There's also a ghost spawn next to the rift so you can die over and over before you ever finish loading.
- $35 is WAAY too much for this game, especially in the state it's in.
- Buggy hitboxes. Watch an enemy 10 feet away swing their sword and blood fly out of your back.
- Invisible bullets, especially on the final boss, but you'll still feel the damage from them. Only reason I knew they existed was that the other player saw them.
- Weak enemy variety
- Poor boss design
- The hardest battle is fighting against the shitty level design.

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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
74.24% 1646 571
Release:30.07.2020 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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