• Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.
  • Helldorado: Screen zum Spiel Helldorado.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.04.2009
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Preis Update 24.06.24

Über das Spiel

1883, SANTA FE. Schockierende Entführungen erschüttern den Frieden der Stadt. Versammeln Sie Ihre Männer und reiten Sie durch eine Reihe faszinierender Missionen, um die heimtückischen Verbecher, in dieser Geschichte von Erpressung und Rache, zu stoppen. Überfallen Sie eine Zug, schlagen Sie sich durch Saloonkämpfe, Gefängnisausbrüche und Schießereien! Die Bühne ist frei für dieses Wild West Adventure. Werden Sie überleben, um diese Geschichte zu erzählen?

  • Wild West: Erleben Sie echte Wild West Schauplätze auf dem PC, von stürmisch, regnerischen Banküberfällen zu blutigen Sonneuntergängen und dem wunderschönen, alten New Orleans und viele mehr
  • Kluge Gegner: 60 verschiedene Gegner mit taktischen Handlungen, die von einem hochentwickelten AI System gesteuert werden
  • Multi-Charakter Spiel: Spielen Sie als 6 verschiedene Charaktere mit unterschiedlichen speziellen Fähigkeiten und Waffen
  • Film Modus: Nehmen Sie Ihre heldenhaften Taten auf Video auf!
  • Historische Waffen und Ausrüstungen: 6 Schuss-Pistole, Schrotflinte, Gewehr, Pfeil und Bogen, Derringer, Messer, Tomahawk und andere Waffen aus dem 1880er Waffenlager
  • Technologie: Nahtloser Übergang zwischen taktischer und action Sicht, Bloom und HDR Rendering, PhysXageia Technologie


  • CPU: 2.0 GHz
  • GFX: 128 MB Grafikspeicher
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Software: Windows Vista/XP/2000
  • HD: 4 GB frei
  • DX: DirectX 9.0 kompatibel
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

96 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
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116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.19 15:59
Geht noch
104 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
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1140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.19 20:03
Als erstes: Das hier ist kein komplett schlechtes Spiel und ich hatte meinen Spaß dabei es durchzuspielen, aber das Spiel hat zu viele Macken um eine positive Bewertung zu geben.

Helldorado ist eine Stand Alone zu Desperados 2 Coopers Revenge und führt die Story des Hauptspiels fort allerdings fühlt sich die Story hier besser an die Charaktere haben einfach mehr Leben, der Stil der Cutszenes ist eigen passt aber durchaus zu dem Westernszenario. Das Spielgefühl ist im Vergleich zum Hauptspiel runder hat aber immernoch seine Ecken und Kanten, und Bugs und Probleme die ich damals im Hauptspiel hatte sind hier nach wie vorhanden( ich hatte beispielsweise immer mal wieder flimmerende Texturen und ob und an stürzte das Spiel auch mal komplett ab, zusätzlich hatte ich während dem Durchspielen zwei Mal den Fall das Speicherstände nicht mehr ladbar waren). Wer darüber hinweg sehen kann bekommt immer noch ein relativ gutes Spiel.
57 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.16 22:07
gute spielidee schlechte umsetztung
330 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.11 21:42
Super Spiel,wie damals Desperados (:
923 Produkte im Account
346 Reviews
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20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 04:24
Before I say anything, I love oldschool games.

However, this one suffers badly from basic core mechanics and the asking price doesn't help on this decision.
617 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 07:19
Helldorado is what Desperados 2 should have been.

It improves the visuals and fixes alot of gameplay issues from the second game. (Re-balanced Combat, punching from a crouched/prone position works now and animation errors/too slow animations were fixed.)
387 Produkte im Account
222 Reviews
707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 02:09
Helldorado is another great game (sadly the last one, chronologically speaking) of the magnificent Desperados series. I found it as the easiest one of the bunch and it's way better than the infamous 2nd game, although it's too short. The combos are a nice addition, but they're not 100% essential; if they were in the previous game, it would've made the whole thing better.

For any RTS/Western fans, I absolutely recommend Helldorado: buy it on discount.
239 Produkte im Account
157 Reviews
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827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 13:20
Even though the title is different but this game is actually a sequel for Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge. The game took place right after Desperados 2's ending where Doc McCoy was poisoned and fall unconscious.
Helldorado still use the same assets and mechanics from previous Desperados 2, with lot of improvement and new features.

+ Combo system, it's a nice feature.
+ Film mode for quick action. This is an awesome feature.
+ Better UI and better mini map, now you can see clearly where's the objectives. And also, now the mini map will rotate while aiming in the third person view.
+ They bring back the old highlight mechanic. Now, everyone will be highlighted. In Desperados 2, we can't see enemies behind a wall on inside the house.

The reason why I still not recommend this game:
- They remove those nice music from desperados 2, music in this game are boring.
- This game still has major bugs. From I can't pick up the body to missing medal. I myself missing the gold medal for mission IV.1, I try to retry the mission, but nothing seems to work.
- Pablo Sanchez still nerfed. He still can't carry 2 person at the same time.
- Kate O'Hara still have the weakest gun.
- Using the same shooting mechanics in both mode (isometric and third person view). In third person view there's no difference between shooting the head and the body.
On the hardest difficulty, sometimes we'll need more than 1 headshot to kill an enemy
- John Cooper still running like a sexy girl
- Doc McCoy still likes to growling like a dog
3637 Produkte im Account
324 Reviews
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111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 01:01
So, Helldorado... You can call it Desperados 2.5 because, well, that's what it is. Comes with a pretty funny story, though. See, at some point Spellbound Entertainment ended up being so obsessed with making Commandos clones that one of them (Chicago 1930) failed pretty hard. Why? Well, for many reasons, I guess. It didn't get enough press, it was far from being the best game from Spellbound (even though it sure had a certain charm and came with a bunch of fresh ideas, it was still the worst in my opinion), while there were already too many of such games on market. As funny as it sounds nowadays (the entire sub-genre pretty much died with Spellbound, until Mimimi picked it up and gave it a new life in their Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shōgun), Spellbound alone used to produce a new game of that kind every bloody year, while there were also PYRO, who started the entire thing and some other minor games. Like KOREA: Forgotten Conflict. It was like with all those games from Ubisoft nowadays. At some point people were like “Seriously? Another one of those? Seriously?”. It was also somewhat buggy, so... yeah. It failed. And when it did, Spellbound started to fire people.

Unfortunately, with a brand new team behind Desperados 2, they also lost the only thing that used to make their games so cool. I mean, seriously. The original Desperados team? The guys knew what they were doin'. They loved Commandos and they wanted to improve it and explore the new horizons. Like, personally, I really wanted Vampire Hunter game to happen. All that while Desperados 2 team just... blew it. They've ruined pretty much everything that the original Desperados did right, while the new game turned out so cheap and ugly that it felt unfinished. So, naturally, even though Spellbound already worked on the expansion and almost finished it, ATARI said “Nope, we don't need any more of that! Thank you very much.” What did Spellbound do? Well, they tried to save the project. The best they can. They eventually found the publisher and released the expansion as a stand-alone game called Helldorado. Because why the hell not.

So, that's pretty much the story here. It's called Helldorado, but all in all, it's an expansion to Desperados 2. Or Desperados 2.5, call it any way you want. But enough about that. Already wasted quite a lot of time on that, so... let's look at the game itself, shall we? Well, we shall, but... the funniest thing is – there isn't much to talk about here. I mean, what do you expect? The game started as a bloody expansion and, well, it feels that way too. For both good and bad (mostly bad, though, mostly bad...) it's still Desperados 2. Can't say nothing's changed, though. Quite the opposite. The character models were heavily improved and are now highlighted in the way similar to the first game (which is a good thing since it makes them easier to see and control), the goals are way better explained now and even have marks on the ground to make things easier for you, while the new “combo” system that allows you to give the same task for all the characters who can perform it is pretty cool and useful. Just select all the guys and send them to kick the heck out of the bandits. Then just sit back and enjoy the brawl. Like I said, useful.

Aside from that, though, what we have here is pretty much the same Desperados 2... thing. The story picks up right when Desperados 2 ended (yes, it begins with that weird scene about the Doc), but it's still cheesy as heck and absolutely terribly written, while gameplay still feels cheap and rough. Heck, they even forgot to put one of the important libraries on disc! Not really a problem with the Steam version (you may still need to install the legacy PhysX drivers, though), but I still remember the day when I tried to launch the game from disc for the very first time. I mean, come on! How many games miss the important libraries on physical media? Did you even test the bloody thing, Spellbound?

Sure, the game is totally playable in its current state, but, like with the original Desperados 2, you'll hardly want to waste your time on it. You like the genre and already finished everything else from PYRO, Spellbound and Mimimi? Then, and only then, you may consider wasting your time on this game. Otherwise, pick up anything else (literally, anything, even Chicago 1930) and it'll be much better than this. Dixi.
1419 Produkte im Account
1043 Reviews
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 20:24
A classic of the a real-time tactics genre.
716 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.19 08:55
Commandos 2 disguised as a Western theme. Looking forward to the Desperados 3.
28 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.17 01:41
I 'd recommend it ONLY if you 're a fan of the Desperados series.

If you 're not into this style of gameplay then don't play it, it'll be a too tiring experience for you.

The only thing more difficult than the other 2 Desperados games is that there are too many stages where you can't shoot enemies, so you have to only punch them. However the 1st person shooting style really breaks the game, it becomes far too easy on the other stages.

Oh, and be PATIENT!
40 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.17 19:32
It feels almost criminal to have to not recommend a game in the Desperados series, but this game suffers from far too many flaws:

-The difficulty curve is non-existent, and quite often no strategy can help you, which means many levels consist of you using trial and error (and more often than not, failing). The game is far too difficult, and it's not fun to die over and over again to the same enemy.

-The story is fairly hard to follow and not very convincing.

-As in Desperados 2, the 'top-down' mode doesn't offer a great deal other than moving your characters around the map.

Unfortunately, this is a series that started off great, but each successive installment was worse than the last, and Helldorado was not really a fun experience. Definitely not in a hurry to come back to playing this one, though I love the original Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive.
123 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.14 12:02
The first game was a jewel, sadly it doesn't run well on recent operating systems. This sequel is an outrage, with poor story, terrible level design, abysmal AI, uninteresting gameplay, and shallow graphics.
375 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.14 14:46
Love this game! If you liked the first one in the series (Desperados) you will like this one too. It's not an easy game, sure, but it's rewarding, especially when you're not just shooting, but trying to outsmart the enemies. I recommend it to every strategy fan who have patience.
2414 Produkte im Account
169 Reviews
818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.12 09:11
A solid tactical strategy game in the spirit of Fallout Tactics or Jagged Alliance 2. Helldorado offers depth and rewards the patient player willing to invest the time to create the perfect group combat strategy. While the graphics are decidedly average and the Steam Overlay does not work, the addition of a first person action view, in addition to the overhead zoomable tactical view give the player a variety of choice when planning the attack. This game is worth the bargain price for players who don't mind a high learning curve and are patient enough to carefully strategize.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
65.62% 42 22
Release:30.04.2009 Genre: Echtzeit-Taktik Entwickler: Spellbound Vertrieb: THQ Nordic Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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