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Über das Spiel

Töte Dämonen, finde geheime Gegenstände, tob dich mit Strafe-Jumps aus und baller mit verd***t großen Knarren!
Schlüpfe in die Rolle von Hellgore mit der Stimme des talentierten Synchronsprechers Artie Widgery. Hellgore ist eine gemarterte Seele und ein extrem krasser Typ, der sich an den Kreaturen rächen will, die seine Leute abgeschlachtet haben.
Nutze ein Arsenal aus rostigen Metallen, verbranntem Fleisch und Knochen als Waffen, die nur einem einzigen Zweck dienen: ALLES ZU TÖTEN! Mach alles platt, während du den Soundtrack des großartigen David Levill genießt, mit den Gastkünstlern Federico Ágreda „Zardonic“ und Christian Fernando Perucchi.
Ein Spiel, das von Klassikern der 90er Jahre wie DOOM, Quake und Duke Nukem 3D inspiriert wurde. Dich erwartet Nonstop-Action ohne Pause. Alles, was du zu tun hast, ist schießen, töten, schnell sein und manchmal mit der Umgebung interagieren, indem du Türen öffnest, Knöpfe drückst und geheime Orte findest.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: MD Phenom II X4-945 / Intel Core 2 Quad 6600
- GFX: AMD R7 240 GB / Nvidia GT 730 2GB / Intel HD 530
- Software: Windows 7 and later
- HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD FX-8320 / Intel i5-2400
- GFX: AMD R9 290 4GB / Nvidia GTX 770 4GB
- Software: Windows 7 and later
- HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 20:41
Wannabe DOOM?
Kopfüber in die Hölle? Na sicher!
“Hellbound” ist ein schneller Ego-Shooter und eindeutig an DOOM angelehnt. Allerdings ist „Hellbound“ hier natürlich mit kleinerem Budget ganz schön abgespeckter und bietet z.B. keine Takedowns. Allerdings macht es auch eher auf 90er Jahre Retroshooter, was so etwas natürlich wieder entschuldigen lässt. Ansonsten gibt es nicht viel zu sagen: Viel Gemetzel, etwas wenig Waffen, Schlüssel sammeln und sonst einfach nur wild rumballern.
Allerdings war ich nach 2,5 Stunden schon mit dem Spiel durch und nur für die Geheimnisse würde ich keinen neuen Run starten. Hätte ich zwischendurch den Weg schneller gefunden und hätte nicht einmalig einen Gamebreakerbug gehabt, wäre ich wohl schon knapp vor zwei Stunden Spielzeit durchgekommen. Aber das Spiel hat dafür durchaus seine Momente.
Auch die Geschichte stammt wohl so ziemlich vom Original: Einzelner Soldat, der es auf einem anderen Planeten mit sehr vielen Dämonen aufnehmen muss. Ich verstehe das Spiel aber weniger als billige Kopie, sondern eher als eine Hommage oder den Versuch, ein retrolastigeres „DOOM“ zu erschaffen. Trotzdem würde ich die Neuauflagen hier doch klar vorziehen.
Die Grafik ist nicht schlecht, bewegt sich aber eher so im Mittelfeld. Es gibt zwar auch hier Blut und herumfliegende Körperteile, aber es ist nicht ganz so extrem bzw. fehlt einfach die Möglichkeit, die Gegner richtig zu zerlegen.
Der Hauptcharakter haut zwar ein paar klassische „Duke Nukem“ Voicelines raus, sonst gibt es da aber nicht viel. Die Musik ist natürlich Metal, der gut rüberkommt.
„Hellbound“ macht zwar auf 90er Jahre, hat mich aber eher an die frühen 2000er erinnert. Beim Spielen kam mir irgendwie sehr oft Painkiller in den Sinn, was allerdings nicht verkehrt ist. Ich glaube, wenn wir ca. 2008 ein DOOM bekommen hätten, dann wäre es wohl ähnlich wie „Hellbound“ ausgefallen. Ein solider und schneller Shooter, der allerdings auch schnell vorbei ist und nicht an das eigentliche Spiel, an dem es sich orientiert, heranreicht. Ich hab das Spiel für einen Euro geschossen und fand es unterhaltsam. Interessenten würde ich gerade aufgrund der kurzen Spielzeit aber den Kauf im Angebot empfehlen.
Ich habe übrigens auch „DOOM“ und viele weitere Spiele reviewt. Wenn dir das Review gefallen hat, dann schau doch mal in meiner Steamgruppe vorbei. Dieses Review habe ich dazu noch in der German Review Group veröffentlicht, in der sich viele gute deutsche Kuratoren tummeln.
Nicht Empfohlen
132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 18:19
This game has no heart.
It is all facade, the core of this game has never been improved upon since years. The core mechanics are dull and monotoneous,
AI behaves like 1hour behavioral tree tutorial in UE. It is just obviously extremly shallow.
Graphics are exact mimics of DOOM and are no pleasure to look at. The red in brown in grey whatever looks generic and uninspired.
The voice acting is ridiculous, I deny to acknowledge that there even is a protagonist at all. It is just an insult to the player.
Pff ... this game is absurd. The dev seem to love what they are doing, but they also seem to lack in other departments. I cannot understand what they did with this game, it feels like a 1 week dev jam project, that has been stretched artificially with whatever irrelevant changes they came up with in the years.I think this is a common trap for game devs, to loose themselves in irrelevant detail or feel they achieved more than they actually have, because things run and look like the real thing on the surface and they loose their grounding, the rationale and structured, kind of sensible attitude or whatever, cease to invest into breaking the boundaries but instead stay in their dev comfort zone and improve on nonsense or even maybe eventually start to only pretend to do this.
It blinks, it splashes, it cracks, it pounds and what else it does. But it also manages to be one of the dullest experiences of my entire life.
That the game is presented as 90s oldskool honestly makes me feel very very sad. I hope noone ever believes that this has anything to do with any 90s vibe or whatever. This is a frankengame only modern times can spit out.
This is really an insult to any and I mean ANY 90s fps ever made. Come up with one as bad as hells deepest horrors and I can guarantee you it has more soul than this pile of shit !
Duke Nukem made himself a joke with the latest installment, this game manages to be even more hilarious without bringing anything of relevance to the gaming community.
If made as a hobby and then without any projected coolness, just with the own attitude, it might be a game. But this thing is so shallow and inconsistent and absurd it is almost an attack on the gaming community.
Uninstalled and will never touch again. What a piece of shit !
Nicht Empfohlen
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 19:37
90er? Eher 2000er!
Ich habe nur ca. 4 Euro bezahlt und dafür war es okay, aber wirklich gut war es auch nicht. Hellbound will so sein, wie das erste Doom, dafür ist es aber dann doch zu modern, jedoch für das neue Doom (2016) ist es wieder zu altmodisch. Es spielt sich recht flott, aber egal ob altes oder neues Doom: die echten Doom-Teile sind halt besser. Das größte Problem ist der Umfang, denn der ist mehr als mangelhaft. Nach ca. etwas mehr als 2 Stunden hat man es durchgespielt. Es gibt nur eine handvoll Gegner, Waffen und Level. Das war es dann auch schon und mehr ist da auch nicht. Der Soundtrack und die Grafik sind okay, machen das Spiel jetzt aber auch nicht besser. Von der Technik her ist es auch nicht ganz sauber umgesetzt, so hatte ich zum Beispiel einen Absturz. Es ist nie eine gute Idee ein Spiel zu kopieren. Wenn ich Lust auf Doom habe, dann spiele ich halt Doom und nicht Hellbound. 5/10, weil zumindest die zwei Stunden spaßig waren, aber gefühlt sind vier Euro noch zu viel dafür gewesen.
542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 14:56
ist ein schnelles brutales Gemetzel, das sich an den guten alten 90er Jahre Ego-Shootern orientiert. Beim ersten Anzocken kam bei mir gleich das alte Gamingfeeling von früher auf. Das Spiel erinnerte mich an Quake 2 wegen dem geilen Metalsoundtrack, an Quake 3 weil alles so schnell von statten geht und etwas an Doom und Serious Sam. Es ist so eine Mischung aus den vier Games.
Grafisch sieht Hellbound gut bis sehr gut aus. Auch der Soundtrack ist hammermäßig gut. Steuerung ist sehr schnell und sehr präzise. Story ist quasi nicht vorhanden. Das Gameplay steht hier im Vordergrund und macht auch mega Spaß.
Es gibt eine Kampagne, die aus 8 Levels besteht und ca. 3 bis 4 Stunden Spielspaß garantiert. Abgeschlossen wird sie mit einem Bossfight. Dann gibts noch den Survival Modus mit 5 Arenas. Diese muss man aber erst freischalten, indem man die Kampagne durchspielt. Für die beiden Modi gibt es ein globales Rankingsystem.
Die Waffen sind toll, klingen auch wuchtig und sehen auch gut aus. Nur die Anzahl ist etwas begrenzt. Die Begrenzung findet sich auch in der Levelanzahl und der Gegnervielfalt wieder. Es ist alles super wie es ist, nur hätte ich mir etwas mehr davon gewünscht.
Es gibt 4 Schwierigkeitsstufen, wobei die letzte erst freigespielt werden muss. Das Spiel ist aber auch auf der ersten Stufe schwer, wenn man solche Games nicht gewohnt ist. Es gibt keine automatische Regeneration, wie man es von jetzigen Games gewöhnt ist. Man muss die Energie aufsammeln und wenn diese verbraucht ist, dann wars das. Man darf aber am letzten Checkpoint wieder einsteigen. Aber leider nicht mit voller Energie, sondern nur mit der Menge, die man beim erreichen des Checkpoints hatte. Das hat mich Anfangs etwas irritiert und für Frust gesorgt. Zusätzlich zu den Checkpoints kann man auch selbst Speichern.
Ansonsten gibts noch:
-stimmiges Leveldesign
-keinen Fallschaden
-einige coole Sprüche
-keine deutsche Vertonung
-fast keine Bugs
-keinen Nachladeknopf
Eine Sache hat mich dann doch genervt. Ältere Gamingveteranen werden das bestimmt kennen. Man muss bestimmte Schalter drücken oder Schlüssel finden um weiter zu kommen. Das hat mich bei den alten Games von früher schon genervt. Man killt alles weg was da ist, kommt aber nicht weiter, wenn man den Schlüssel nicht gefunden hat. Wenn man den Key dann endlich hat, findet man die Tür nicht zum Ausgang. Hier ist das teilweise auch so. Und das stört hier den guten schnellen Spielfluss.
Meine Wertung
Story:--------> 0/0
Obwohl das Vergnügen nur kurz andauert, finde ich die Preis/Leistung trotzdem gut. Das was man bekommt ist zwar nicht so viel, aber auf einem hochen Niveau. Da der Preis nicht so teuer ist, stimmt die Preis/Leistung trotzdem. Deshalb empfehle ich Hellbound an alle die das Spielgefühl von früher im neuen Grafikgewand nochmal erleben wollen weiter.
1493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 14:07
But ofc it's still not without flaws.
The good stuff: level design, good gunplay, fluid framerate, high movement speed, in general fun gameplay, gore, soundtrack, secrets, quicksaves, low price
Whats the main issue the game has: lack of content. There are only 8 maps, each has a lenght of maybe 20 minutes if you take your time. There are only 4 weapons if you exclude the melee weapon like you should. Also there aren't a lot of different enemy types in the game.
But for me that wasn't that big of a deal unlike for many others it seems. The price is quite low. I first played through the game normally, then I did a secret walkthrough, then a 300% walkthrough and finally a run of highest difficulty. And then there is also a basic survival mode with only a handful of maps, but at this point I really didn't felt like I wasted my money on this game also considering I picked it up during a sale for like 4 bucks. For this price this game is a no-brainer for me.
The other flaws this game have are pretty much all technical things. It's an indie game and you feel it.
It's really not free of bugs.
-The game crashs regularly. But for me it seems like most crashs happen when trying to load a save. So if you won't load a save often, this might not be a big issue. And don't worry, even if the game crashs when loading a save, it never happened to me that the save got corrupted.
-Quickloading often loads rather a automatic save instead of the latest quicksave
-There is a bug that prevents you from shooting with your current gun. This bug doesn't occur that often though and can be fixed by simply switching to another weapon and then switching back.
-Enemies get stuck sometimes at some objects, also in general AI isn't great in this game.
-After you finish the game for the first time, you can either play another new game (and this time you can choose Hellmare difficulty) or replay levels via chapter select. But for some reason devs couldn't implement saves for replaying levels via chapter select which sucks.
And then there are some minor flaws which are all due to being indie pretty much:
-game graphics aren't great
-music, protagonist and overall setting and style could feel like being copied from a Doom game, but more cheesy and cheap
Very decent indie old school fps in the style of doom hold back only by its lack of content and by some technical issues. But by being low price I can definitly recommend it to any fan of the genre.
Nicht Empfohlen
852 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 09:28
Hellbound mag auf den ersten Blick spaßig und sogar cool wirken, kann dieses Versprechen aber nicht einlösen. Tatsächlich hat das Spiel Probleme in allen Abteilungen. Ein bisschen wie Doom 2016 möchte es sein (ohne auch nur annähernd in dieser Liga zu spielen), gleichzeitig ein bisschen Retro mit offensichtlichen Anleihen bei Duke Nukem 3D, aber auch da wirkt man eher wie eine billige Kopie. Insgesamt nichts halbes und nichts ganzes.
Grafisch sieht manches zwar ganz nett aus, aber auch auf dem Feld kann man Hellbound letztlich keine guten Noten geben. Es wird nämlich schnell eintönig, und das im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Eine Handvoll verschiedener Gegner, die alle mehr oder weniger gleich aussehen, verlieren sich in riesigen (und ziemlich leeren) Räumen. Der Endgegner (es gibt tatsächlich nur einen Bosskampf) ist einfach nur hässlich. Die Waffen (die sich übrigens auch viel zu ähnlich sehen) machen auch keinen rechten Spaß.
Die Musik ist nervtötend, die Soundeffekte sind nicht der Rede wert. Das Voice-Acting möchte gerne cool sein, so wie bei Duke Nukem oder Serious Sam, schafft es aber zu keinem Zeitpunkt, dem Protagonisten (nicht mal sein Name ist bei mir hängengeblieben) so etwas wie eine Persönlichkeit zu verleihen.
Außerdem gibt es leider erhebliche technische Mängel. Das Spiel läuft nicht flüssig, obwohl ich die empfohlenen Systemanforderungen locker erfüllen kann. Phasenweise hakelt es sogar ganz gewaltig. Auch komplette Abstürze kommen häufiger vor. Die Gegner bleiben an Engpässen hängen und stauen sich bzw. verhalten sich überhaupt ziemlich unintelligent. Und ja, das Spiel ist im Vergleich verdammt kurz geraten (selbst ins seiner Gewichtsklasse wird da von anderen mehr geboten). Trotzdem habe ich mir beim Spielen mehr als einmal gewünscht, endlich durch zu sein. Das sagt eigentlich alles.
205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 02:26
Nicht Empfohlen
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 18:49
- Sehr kurz! Knapp 3 Stunden
- Gunplay ist ehr mähh... Gerade der Rocketluncher hat ein merkwürdiges Feedback.
- Leveldesign ist nicht besonders spannend
- Das Design im ganzen ist nicht so besonder.
- Zu wenig Gegenertypen
- Zu wenig Waffen
Kurz... mir hat es nicht gefallen und es hat auch nicht den Charm der 90er Jahre Shooter zurückgebracht.
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 22:16
Für rund 10 Euro bekommt man das was versprochen wird.
Ein Shooter im alten Stil der 90er Jahre der allerdings in der derzeitigen Unreal Engine ist.
Die Anleihen oder besser gesagt die Inspiration von Doom und Painkiller und Quake und Duke Nukem sind definitiv (Wie von den Programmierern her versprochen) im Spiel gegeben.
Ballern was das Zeug hält ... Gegner die im Level schon vorhanden sind plus spawnende Gegner ... Türen die mit zu findenden Schlüsseln zu öffnen sind ... Spielfigur im typischen 90er Macho-Man Stil ... fetziger Metal-Soundtrack ... Level-Roadmap-Design wie damals bei Doom.
Also alles wie erwartet.
Das Gameplay ist flüssig und die Optik sieht gut aus.
In FullHD mit allem auf maximalen Settings läuft es auf meiner Karte GTX1080 und dem Ryzen 3700er mit 16 GB Ram dauerhaft zwischen flüssigen 60 bis 70 FPS.
Auf dem jetzigen Stand gibt es von mir her nur einen Punkt der zu bemängeln wäre:
Wie oft schon im Forum angesprochen ist es so dass manchmal die Waffe nicht schießt obwohl man den Knopf drückt. Dieses Phänomen tritt beim mir ab Level 3 auf und zieht sich bisher bis Level 5 (an dem ich angelangt bin) durch das Gameplay. Es passiert meist wenn besonders viele Monster spawnen. Ein Gefühl als ob die Maustaste festhängt. Es hilft dann öfters hintereinander den Knopf zu bedienen. Aber das Spiel ist gerade mal zwei Tage da. Hier sollte man fair sein und den Programmierern ... neben dem Luft holen ... ein wenig Zeit geben zu patchen. Deswegen aber das Spiel niederzumachen finde ich mal wieder übereilt.
Die Aussage es sei überhaupt nicht wie Doom und Co. finde ich totalen Quatsch. Wenn die Meinung tatsächlich ernst gemeint ist empfehle ich Doom erneut anzuwerfen. Hier muss dann jeder zugeben dass er mit der Aussage Hellbound sei gar nicht so an einer Wahrnehmungsstörung leidet.
Was ich allerdings zugeben muss ist die Tatsache dass der Singleplayer nach 6 Missionen und einer Spielzeit von gerade mal 2 Stunden sehr sehr mau ausfällt. Man hat zwar 4 Missionen bei denen man Wellen von Gegnern bekämpfen muss aber das macht auf Dauer einfach keinen Spaß. Insofern ist der Preis des Spiels verglichen mit der Spielzeit schon arg hoch.
Dennoch kann ich nicht sagen das Hellbound ein schlechtes Spiel ist.
Von mir her daher ein Daumen hoch.
Nicht Empfohlen
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 21:43
Spielerischer Durchschnitt, technisch durchwachsen, quantitativ lächerlich
Hellbound schreibt sich auf die Fahne (und gefühlt in jeden zweiten Satz der Produktbeschreibung), dass es in der Tradition klassischer First-Person-Shooter aus den 90ern steht. Spielerisch und technisch stammt es jedoch eher mitten aus den 2000ern. Das wäre nicht weiter tragisch, wenn der Titel zumindest in einem Punkt richtig oldschool wäre: beim Umfang.
Weitergehen, weitergehen … es gibt hier nichts zu sehen! Weitergehen!
Spielerisch erinnert Hellbound weniger an die Klassiker der 90er wie Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake oder gar ein Turok, sondern viel eher an aktuellere Oldschool-Shooter wie Painkiller oder Hard Reset. Das Gunplay geht in Ordnung, das Level Design ist ganz ordentlich geworden, zumal man hier von echten Levels, sprich: Arealen reden kann und nicht von Schläuchen. Insgesamt erwartet einen aber nicht mehr als Durchschnittskost: Gegner abknallen, Schalter umlegen, Schlüssel finden, neu geöffnete Tür betreten. Dagegen spricht auch nichts – Hellbound will nichts anderes sein und verspricht auch nichts anderes.
Massiv getrübt wir das aber durch den in allen Belangen mageren Umfang. Die Kampagne besteht aus lumpigen 6 Level (plus einem Endboss-Areal), die sich zudem verdammt ähnlich sehen. 2 Stunden Spielzeit ist hier schon hochgegriffen. Obendrauf kommen vier »Survival Mode«-Arenen, wobei es sich um nichts anderes als einen Wave/Horde Mode handelt. Das macht den Braten dann auch nicht mehr fett. Sorry, aber »Oldschool« geht anders.
Hier hört das Umfangs-Problem aber nicht auf: Gerade einmal 4 (in Worten: vier) Schusswaffen stehen zur Wahl (Sturmgewehr, Shotgun, Minigun und Raketenwerfer), obendrauf kommt noch eine weitestgehend irrelevante »Mir-ist-die-Munition-ausgegangen«-Nahkampfwaffe. Damit ballert man 5 (in Worten: fünf) verschiedene Gegnertypen über den Haufen – zugegeben, den einzigen Boss des Spiels nicht mit eingerechnet.
Man hat das Gefühl, hier eine Shareware (das wäre tatsächlich oldschool) oder eine Early-Access-Version vor sich zu haben – oder einen Bug, der verhindert, dass die anderen drei Episoden im Hauptmenü auftauchen. Natürlich könnte man jetzt argumentieren »Hey, Skid… sei ma nich so. Kostet ja nur 12 Euro. Und es is ein kleines Team.«. Stimmt, aber auch dafür bekommt man besseres und mehr. Da zahl ich lieber 25 Euro und bekomme im Gegenzug ein vollständiges Spiel. Selbst die jetzt schon qualitativ bessere Early-Access-Version von Wrath: Aeon of Ruin bietet mehr Umfang – und beinhaltet derzeit gerade mal ein Viertel des geplanten Umfangs… der im Wesentlichen von einer einzigen Person produziert wird. Hier ist jeder Cent besser aufgehoben.
Hellbound setzt auf die Unreal Engine 4 … man könnte aber auch meinen, ein mittelmäßiges Unity-Spiel vor sich zu haben, denn sonderlich frisch sieht der Titel nicht aus. Natürlich wäre das voll in Ordnung, wenn man stattdessen einen gepflegten, stilvollen Retro-Look gewählt hätte – ganz im Sinne der Tagline »a 90s FPS 30 years later«, wie das ein Ion Fury oder Project Warlock auf großartige Weise getan haben. Hat man aber nicht. Hellbound macht eher den Eindruck, als wäre es aus dem Jahr 2010 gefallen und ist damit weder Fisch noch Fleisch. Es sieht nicht »oldschool« aus sondern einfach nur »old«. Obendrein hat man nie den Eindruck, egal welche Regler man auch hin- und herschiebt, dass das Bild je vernünftig scharf ist. Vielleicht soll das eine Art Pseudo-Retro-Look darstellen … man weiß es nicht …
Wirklich problematisch ist jedoch, dass bei einigen Spielern (inklusive mir) regelmäßig die Waffen versagen, als hätten sie Ladehemmungen. Bei manchem wird das Problem wohl dadurch gefixt, dass VSync deaktiviert und/oder eine Max-FPS eingestellt wird. Das Problem scheint also bei nicht-konstanten Framerates aufzutreten. Bei mir konnte dieses Ärgernis jedenfalls nicht behoben werden (trotz nicht wesentlich schwankenden FPS), wodurch die Schießereien (also der Kern der Spielerfahrung!) teilweise zur nervigen Qual wurden. Dafür kann man von meiner Spielzeit von 2 Stunden mindestens 30 Minuten für unverschuldete Tode (und damit zu wiederholende Spielabschnitte) sowie Rumprobiererei im Menü wieder abziehen. Sowas ist mir noch nicht untergekommen.
Sound und Musik gehen theoretisch in Ordnung. In der Praxis dudelt Letztere aber einfach völlig undynamisch vor sich hin. Egal ob gerade drei Dutzend Gegner auf uns zustürmen oder wir in leeren Gängen nach einem Schalter suchen – wir werden durchgehend mit schweren Metal-Riffs bombardiert. Fingerspitzengefühl: Fehlanzeige.
Spielmechanik/Gunplay sind ordentlich geworden und bieten das, was Hellbound verspricht. Die Optik ist weder besonders aktuell noch retro. Fans von Titeln wie Painkiller, Hard Reset und Co. könnten hier durchaus auf ihre Kosten kommen … wenn denn dieser unglaublich magere Umfang nicht wäre. Fünf Waffen? Fünf Gegnertypen? Und gerade mal 6 Kampagnen-Level mit einer Spielzeit von nicht mal zwei Stunden? Daran ist so gar nichts »oldschool«. So verkommt Hellbound zum eher belanglosen Häppchen. Klar kann man eine vergleichsweise niedrige Spielzeit verschmerzen, wenn dafür das Spielerlebnis dann auch wirklich hervorragend ist – ist es hier aber nicht. Lieber zu Painkiller oder dem 2016er Doom greifen. Beide haben qualitativ und quantitativ wesentlich mehr zu bieten und kosten (letzteres im Sale) auch nicht mehr. Wer’s richtig retro mag, guckt bei Ion Fury oder dem bereits erwähnten Wrath: Aeon of Ruin vorbei.
[QUOTE]Zu meiner Gruppen- und Kuratoren-Seite rund um Classic-, Retro- und Oldschool-Shooter
Skid's-< FPS Corner[/QUOTE]
167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 16:41
Für mich ne gute Mischung aus 90's und 2000er Shooter, durch das Level-Design und diese Arena-Kämpfe. Fühlt sich für mich mehr nach ner guten Mischung der besten Titel aus dieser Zeit an (Serious Sam, Painkiller, DOOM, Heretic, usw...).
Bisher auch so gut wie Bug frei ausser ein paar Dinge:
- FPS gecapt auf 60 (trotz ingame Einstellungen, NVIDIA Einstellungen und anderen Sachen nicht änderbar)
- Teilweise wirkt es etwas rucklig (1080Ti / 6x4,0Ghz / alle Treiber aktuell)
- Manchmal spinnen die Maustasten etwas: Man muss 3-4 mal klicken bis geschossen wird
Aber trotz dieser kleineren Fehler, für mich ne klare Kaufempfehlung wenn man auf Oldschool Ballerei mit Metal Musik steht. Schwierigkeitsgrad ist nicht sehr hoch, aber wohl etwas fordernder als CoD und so Grütze :D
211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.22 21:07
Nicht Empfohlen
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.22 02:48
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.22 14:05
506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.22 19:03
It is a great game from a small studio, it is fast paced, the weapons feel powerful, there is progress in the difficulty and in the damage done by the guns. I has its own aesthetics, secrets and it doesnt overstay its welcome. It is a good thing, even an fps can get repetitive. And the minimaps at the end of each episode truly remind me of THE doom. Those maps gave me a satisfaction.
I've finished it. All i have to add to the review is that this game doesn't get the apreciation it should, it is a good game. Also the savegames system is terrible.
Mi opinión en castellano:
Es buen juego, tiene una estética propia, me recuerda al Cazador De Aventuras, mucho no me gustaba, pero encaja en un fps bastante bien, la campaña está buena, la historia está bien aunque es medio genérica, no es una copia. Las armas se sienten re poderosas y la progresión está re buena. Le disparé a todo y no encontré ningún secreto activado por disparo, tuve algún bajón de cuadros por segundo y eso es medio imperdonable. Es corto y bien hecho. En definitiva es Re re re rerrecomendable. Es un muy buen juego de un estudio chico.
Nicht Empfohlen
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 14:33
- Starting gun is semi-auto, meaning you're gonna be click-click-clicking it for ages
- I run out of ammo all the time despite trying to conserve it
- Overly detailed yet boring and dull environments
- ...which use the same colors as enemies do so it's hard to keep track of who's where
- No indication of low health + weird damage system = I can't tell at a glance if I'm almost dead or okay
- Killing enemies is completely unsatisfying, it's like I'm shooting jelly until it decides to poof into blood
- When a melee enemy runs into you he immediately damages you first, then starts the melee animation (like, dude, original 1993 Doom legitimately did this better than you)
- Overall just simply not fun to play
I can see what the game is trying to do. It just doesn't do it well at all. I've played and modded Doom for decades and I loved some of the modern-day old-school shooters but this one is a hard pass. Like I said I've tried it multiple times (Old School difficulty) and never made it past level 2. It's so devoid of fun I just can't put myself through it anymore.
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215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 21:10
It doesn't help that on top of that, Hellbound is a buggy game. Random crashes and a glitchy reload system that sometimes respawns enemies are the lesser evil here. Not working triggers so that you can't continue your playthrough are much worse. Or whatever held me back from opening that final glass door in the Flying Souls level. I checked the level throughout, watched a guide and did some reloads - but the final door just wouldn't open for me. Well, I am not going to replay that level, the game is not interesting enough to invest more time anyway.
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319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 12:27
Guns are actually pretty ok, they all look like made from bones and flesh and are basically rifle, shotgun, somekind of plasma machinegun, rpg. Visually game looks like pretty much everything is bleached and performance drops were apparent. As for enemies there are few different types which also remind good lot DOOM's imps and cacodemons.
Overall think it was enjoyable, but not good game. Especially at this price point and how little it had to offer.
371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 12:47
Campaign is rather short took me around 5h to beat on old school difficulty. Story is there, you can see it's inspired by doom.
Had some technical problems where the game would crash randomly, not many times i think 3 or 4 times only, and the quick save system is atrocious, takes too long to save, and sometimes when you die after saving it loads a checkpoint instead of the latest savegame, so you need to manually load the quicksave you did, which on harder parts of the game turns into a chore, mostly in the endgame boss, because it takes you back to the start of the fight and you need to watch the cutscene again, so be warned, use load game instead of load last checkpoint if you manage to get a quicksave in the middle of a fight.
Otherwise the game is decent enough to get recommended, arsenal is pretty standard, you got your melee weapon, pistol, shotgun, rifle/minigun and rocket launcher, music fits the theme and maps are good enough with some key hunting, sometimes it gets confusing when you need to activate a lever and you dont see what it's supposed to do and need to wander around checking if a door opened, and some are timed, luckily those are within sight when you use the lever.
Grab on sale.
108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 09:16
471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 05:52
Sure Hellgore isn't much of a protagonist outside of the text screens for chapters and most of the enemies look like cheap asset flips, but its a good retro style fps.
It has good gameplay, the shotgun is great, level design is well done with some really hard to find secrets, decent visuals, and variety in location (even if they're all a bit similar with the game being set on hell). Make sure you turn down anti-aliasing or the game can look really blurry btw.
Really the only downsides for me were the cheap looking enemies, there being only one music used for all levels, only the shotgun has a good alt fire the rest suck, and the ending is non conclusive and kinda sucks. There is also really bad bug in this game where sometimes your gun just won't fire for a few seconds which can lead to cheap deaths.
One of the biggest complaints I see with this game is the short run time. If you play on second hardest like I did you can get anywhere from 4 to 5 hours, plus more if you achievement hunt or mess with survival. I don't think it's worth the full asking price but it definitely is on sale. (Theres a nice fps bundle on Humble Bundle with this game included atm).
From following this games development, it's clear it was a passion project and it's almost sad to see we will never get a sequel or expansion since the dev studio has shut down.
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80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 08:15
Despite the marketing's references to the 90's, the gameplay and level design closely resemble Serious Sam, a franchise which started in 2001. Any visual style that isn't completely stock is lifted from the Doom reboots of the 2010's/2020's. The writing in the game itself is somehow just as cringe as the marketing copy on the store page.
I wouldn't care about that if the game didn't suck. But it does.
Everything in the game is replacement-level at best, definition of Minimum Viable Product.
If you're like me and playing retro shooters because your PC is old and decrepit, look elsewhere. Despite looking less appealing than most actual games from the 90's, this game runs worse than DOOM 2016 on my PC on comparable (read: minimum) settings.
Also, the game does not consistently register mouse clicks. Often for whole seconds at a time. This is kind of a big problem, for obvious reasons. Forums indicate that I am not alone here.
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133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 02:19
- Guns feel meh
- Enemy variety is terrible
- Difficulty scaling is poor
- 7 levels and a boss (My playtime is a full clear on second hardest)
- AI is the most basic FPS AI you can call passable
- Loading saves will break the in-game timer
- Every fucking time you load a save it repeats the levels voice line
The sum of all the parts is just terribly average, with music and level design standing on top but that's not saying much. If you are unsure about this game don't buy it. If its on sale don't buy it. If you get it for a few bucks or in a bundle, don't play it.
305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 12:11
Is it edible? Yes. Is it good? No. Is it filling? Not really. Will it tide you over until you can get to Pizza Hut?
You bet your fat ass it will.
1944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 01:28
But what about the gameplay?
Hellbound's gameplay should be instantly recognizable to anyone who's ever played an FPS. Move, shoot everything, find keys to open doors and progress… that's the gameplay in a nutshell.
Now there is more to it, including alt-fire modes for the arsenal and a little melee combat, but the main bulk of Hellbound's play is shoot, shoot, shoot… and then shoot some more.
I love classic-style FPS' to death, so much so that I still play 90s gems like Quake II, Duke 3D, and Doom (in all of its forms) all of the time.
100%, old school.
159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 13:47
101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 22:48
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 11:35
1. Awesome retro feel FPS.
2. Perfectly cringey dialogue occasionally sprinkled throughout.
3. Great gunplay.
4, Hits the classic guns well: shotgun, rocket launcher, chain gun, etc.
5. Great soundtrack that fits the aesthetic.
1. Enemies are pretty samey to every DOOM game.
2. Campaign is very short, can beat in approx. 2 hours.
3. Later level design can be a little disorienting.
1. Game has a horde mode in it with leader boards, meh.
TLDR: I got this game for $5 on sale, it is 100% worth $5. I don't think the current full price of $15.00 is a smart purchase. If Saibot decided to make a full blown campaign with 20+ levels, I would absolutely buy it. Overall a great experience for the price. 4/5 stars.
193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 21:45
That say, the gunplay is fluid, the character move fast, enemies die fast and in satisfying ways, switch puzzles are simple enough to not break the flow. Music can be grating, but help setting the mood of running forward and killing everything without thinking too much. The doom inspiration is clear, from the intermission screen, to the enemies, to the overall theme of fighting demons in an hellscape. There's even a megasphere. There are still a few bugs, the game crashed on me a couple times, and I also got stuck on the side of an elevator platform.
So yes, there are tons of much better FPS, even at this price or in this genre. But ignoring that, I still had a good time in Hellbound.
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22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 14:30
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292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 15:42
Controls feel overly loose and janky, enemy AI is poor, weapons are as uncreative as the graphics. Overall, it's a boring experience. The final nail in the coffin is an ongoing bug that often ignores your mouse clicks when you fire, especially when the action starts to heat up. Often 3-4 mouse clicks are dumped before a weapon finally fires and is guaranteed to ruin your shots over and over again. Multiple mouses experiencing the same issue tells me it's absolutely the game.
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60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 23:31
Weapons are lame, the music is generic metal music which is nothing special at all. The script and voice acting is cringe at best, horrible at worst.
I really wanted to like this game, but it's so shallow for what you get. I know developers take time for their games, but there could have been so much more time put into it. The price of $15 for a game so short, it feels like a scam.
Refunded the game. 3/10
559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 16:23
Beating the drums of war
Hellbound is a retro FPS boasting to be “a 90s game made 30 years later”. To the game’s credit, it doesn’t ever mention which one specifically. That’s a good thing because title of the day definitely isn’t one from the first league. While the game does have a pinch of oldschool charm and a stellar soundtrack, overall this title is so undercooked that ever-present lava pools of hell won’t help. Despite the game pointing towards the 90s and Doom being an obvious influence, the gameplay of Hellbound rings more true with early 2000s especially Serious Sam and Painkiller. The game does nail certain gameplay elements, however at the same time more than a few nails are the ones to the coffin’s lid. Let’s take a closer look at the mixed bag of pointy utensils that is Hellbound.
Run and gun
Hellbound above all else drew its storytelling from the original Doom, meaning there is a text bar during every loading screen and otherwise you are there to kill everything that moves and search for occasional key. In this title hell is a planet and the protagonist is the sole member of aptly named race of Hellgores. Once natives of hell, Hellgores were driven extinct by a demon invasion. You are the only one of your kind, revived by a human expedition to hell. Conveniently, goals of humanity and the protagonist coalign – they both wish to even the score with demonic scourge via continuous application of bullets.
[url] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2535884763 [/url]
Alas, hear your character make a snarky remark, take up a gun into your obscenely muscled arms and off you go. Fluidity of movement in Hellbound is great. The protagonist is incredibly fast and there are multiple encounters that will require you to rely on agility in order to stay alive. Scenery in general is shaped as to indicate which way you can leap forward. Hellbound occasionally makes use of these patterns to trick the player into jumping head-first into lava. Unfortunately, the flow of the game is often broken up by the level design itself. You can get genuinely lost, as there are several instances where a switch opens either a timed or a distant pathway. Take note that Hellbound has multiple elevators and passages that are indistinctive wall fragments that just happen to move. It’s fine if there is a secret with a juicy buff waiting behind. However, sometimes it’s just a way forward. Breaking the flow of the action by having the player wander around at random is far from ideal.
In the name of the triple shotgun, amen
Hellbound equips the player with a very basic array of guns, tried and tested in countless other shooters. A repeater rifle, which is a glorified pistol, a shotgun, an oddly-looking equivalent of machinegun and a rocket launcher. There is melee too; but despite the ability to kill enemies with a single heavy attack, it’s not practical especially on higher difficulty levels. Technically speaking, each gun has an alternative mode, although in case of repeater and machine gun it’s plain aiming down the sights. Rocket launcher’s alternative fire turns the missile into a wet fart that drops out of the barrel on the ground as a grenade of sorts. Good old rocket outdoes it in every regard. Then there is a triple shotgun, which can fire all three barrels at once, turning most opponents into gibs with a single burst. If you start to notice a certain bias, this is entirely correct – triple shotgun is the only weapon that feels like it packs a proper punch for the job at hand. Rockets are fine too, albeit it is the last weapon that player comes across, best utilised to deal with large enemy groups. Given that Hellbound likes keeping combat close and personal, I would be quite surprised if the shotgun didn’t end up being your main weapon.
What I do is kill motherf*ckers
Demonic hordes of Hellbound are frankly underwhelming. To begin with, there are only three demon types present throughout the game. That means majority of the enemies in this title consist of revived Hellgores, wielding one of the weapons available to the player. Once the protagonist gets a hold of a new gun, a respective counterpart bolsters enemy ranks henceforth. When it comes to actual demons the bovine-skulled Valder is essentially Doom’s Imp, mostly placed somewhere unreachable as to harass the player from afar. Charging Karnal is by far the best utilised enemy in the game. It comes rushing down narrow corridors and is capable of tearing the player apart in 4 hits. Floating Pygon is probably the most original of his kin, although it tends to teleport very close to the player, exposing itself to damage.
Outlook on enemy design may be a matter of taste, however the AI is a beast of its own. To be blunt, the opposing forces are dumb as rocks. Hellbound consistently has the player hop around platforms protruding out of pools of lava. The very lava, the enemies may not enter as it deals heavy damage. Should any given arena happen to be adjacent to lava, back a few paces once the fight begins and witness as all the enemies merrily gather up and stare angrily at the player. The rule also applies to the enemy gunners, as they apparently need to get fairly close to the player first, only then will they pull the trigger. Even in a simple game such as Hellbound this is downright sloppy and there are numerous instances where silly AI can be abused this way.
[url] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2535884453 [/url]
Hellbound’s campaign took me about 4 hours to beat, although I was immediately tempted to try and beat map PAR times and search for secrets a little. The game’s longevity is slightly extended by the survival mode. The player is locked within arena with the simplest objective there is – last as long as you can. After several waves of warm-up, the timer starts ticking as the enemies begin spawning indefinitely and later become immortal. Demons’ nigh-invulnerability is truly odd as survival eventually descends into a NASCAR race of sorts. You just have to run in circles in such a manner that you gather health pickups at a steady pace, while avoiding most of enemy attacks and technically you can keep on running forever.
Hear ye, hear ye
There is a single element of this title that outclasses everything else – the game’s soundtrack. If you like your music heavy and electronic, Hellbound is a gourmet feast. While the soundtrack isn’t remotely intertwined into the gameplay with the perfection of 2016’s Doom, it’s no less pleasant to listen to. Admittedly, Hellbound’s OST isn’t capable of uplifting the game on its own, no less it is by far the game’s most memorable quality. To add a pinch of trivia on the matter, among OST contributors is Zardonic, an artist that yours truly is very fond of.
To summarise, Hellbound is a love letter to the retro shooters. Albeit, one written in a foreign language, which author self-taught specifically for the purpose of writing it. It is definitely a product of passion, however one with glaring mistakes. There are dime and dozen retro FPS these days, and when most of them try to take things in their own unique direction, Hellbound achieves flattering imitation at best. The game’s venerable inspirations even today are simply better than the title in question. In spite of all the above, Hellbound can be recommended. The game does come at a humble price and if shooting demons to the rhythm of metal sound like a recipe for a fun evening, this may be precisely your game. Should Hellbound’s shortcomings prove too much to stomach, at least do check out the soundtrack. If you like them heavy, you won’t be disappointed.
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 07:04
It's fast old skool shooting and it's very well optimized.
The main problem is... When you have not played Doom 2016, Painkiller, AMID EVIL, Dusk and some other shooters yet, it would be better to grab those first because this game is kind of short and the level design is quite repetitive.
So if you've played all the other shooters, maybe a buy on sale?
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 05:59
This game is basically Doom 2016 on a budget. I would not recommend buying this if you haven't played Amid Evil, Dusk and/or Ion Fury yet. But if you see this one on sale and you just have to have more old-school FPS games in your Steam library, then sure get it. It has bugs and glitches and the game is too short, but it could've been so much worse.
+ Secrets.
+ Endless mode.
+ Dismemberment.
+ Fast movement speed.
+ Decent metal soundtrack. If a bit generic.
+ Old School difficulty seems to offer a genuinely difficult challenge.
+ Witty and suitable protagonist. He likes big guns and kills demons, that's all you need to know.
- The starting pistol should've been automatic. In the sense that I can just hold Left Mouse to fire it continuously.
- The game is super short. It took me less than 2 hours to finish it on my second playthrough. Having said that, the developers seem to be open to creating more levels, if the ending is anything to go off of.
- Bugs and glitches. Game seems to crash every time I get killed by a melee attack. There were several times, where the game won't let me fire or switch weapons, forcing me to quick save and reload it to fix it.
- Performance issues. Fire a rocket into a cluster of enemies, stare at a pool of blood or have enemies spawn in front of you and the frame rate will tank immensely. Also whenever I load a level, shortly after booting the game up, it stutters a lot and then starts running somewhat smoothly.
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383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 16:34
Edit: Game ran fine at the time I wrote the review, but it started to crash constantly since then. Really a buggy mess. Not even sure I can finish the (short) campaign. Wouldn't recommend to get it until it gets fixed.
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 04:13
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108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 14:06
A summary, mostly compared to DOOM since that's what this game is trying to emulate. Minor spoilers.
- Graphics.
Whist the hell motif seems to be overdone, the guns look really nice, and the aesthetic whilst common was nailed well.
- Movement.
Fairly fluid, jumping around feels fast (not as fast as DUSK but still), and once I turned on always-sprint it felt like a good pace. Bunny-hopping across ledges and emptying shells into demons feels fun, fast, and fluid.
- The triple shotgun.
The right click on this gun is immensely satisfying. Shame about every other gun though.
- Level design.
Pretty standard. Collect 3 keys in a variety of locations. Didn't get too mazelike, and the locales changed a fair amount whilst staying within the solid 'hell' theme, so it was nice.
- Music
The metal was solid. Not much else to say.
- Short.
Played through on Hard, spent a little over an hour and a half to beat the whole 7 levels. DOOM had 9, in its first chapter, and iirc there were 3 chapters in the base game. The whole game's premise seems to hint at a MUCH longer game (pillars of hell needing to be shattered to stop an eternal demonic horde) but the game abruptly ends before you even manage to approach ONE pillar. Extremely disappointing.
- Easy.
Even on Hard, I died once, and that was due to an instant-death platforming error on my part. A lot of the difficulty seemed to stem from spawning melee enemies in front of you so keeping the shotgun out and rightclicking completely removes the biggest 'challenge' the game throws at you.
- Lackluster guns.
The only thing that was satisfying to shoot was the shotgun's secondary fire. Everything else felt extremely boring. There's barely 6 guns (really 4 + 2 melee weapons that I never used) that boast having 'secondary fires'. 2 of them (the ''''pistol'''' and the chaingun) are just ironsights. Shotgun fires 3 slugs with its secondary, rocket launcher just lobs a grenade. Nothing inspiring, nothing cool, really boring weapons to play with, especially compared to DOOM's 9 (7 +2) weapons.
- Lackluster enemies.
There's 1 boss, 1 'soldier' style enemy for each of your weapons (5 total, fists don't count), an imp, and a charger.
- Boring AI. All melee enemies just path directly at you. Other enemies mostly just slow path then stop to shoot, or just stand and shoot. The only time I ever took damage was from when I stopped circle-strafing.
- Disappointing writing.
Hope you like the word 'motherfucker' because it gets slung around a LOT. Feels very much like a guy trying to be hardcore/edgy/badass, but reminded me of an edgy teen's Deviantart profile page. Was trying to be Doomguy, ended up sounding like that angry dude from Hatred.
- Boring references.
There was a neat little secret on one of the levels that's a nod to Serious Sam, but that only reminded me of how much better a game that was than this. They even make fun of the whole 'getting keys' trope, but this would only work if your ENTIRE game didn't revolve around collecting keys to exit the level as well.
- Price.
If I'd paid $5 for this, I wouldn't be so harsh on the amount of content. Cannot recommend playing at full price.
- Survival mode.
Admittedly, I didn't play this. The gunplay wasn't fun enough, and the enemies weren't varied enough, so coming out of the main campaign (whose boss I just circlestrafe'd until oblivion) I felt absolutely no desire to just play more of the core gameplay loop. I kept playing hoping there'd be more that would make it better, which never came.
TL;DR: Not worth the full price. Fun movement bogged down by lackluster guns, minimal enemy variety. A core gameplay loop that could have been so much more than it was. Feels like an MVP demo rather than a full game, which is a shame, because I was really excited for this upon playing the demo.
If you're chasing the feeling of another modern but fast paced 90's shooter, I'd recommend picking up any of the following instead of this:
Amid Evil
Post Void
Ion Fury (Ion Maiden)
Hard Reset
Maximum Action
Project Warlock
Rise of the Triad
Shadow Warrior (either the remakes or the original)
WRATH: Aeon of Ruin
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 09:07
Hellbound is a fantastic game that is simple and to the point. It offers a great challenge, some fun enemy designs, great gunplay and satisfying weapons topped off with a funny as hell protagonist that makes fun of every single thing that's dumb about the Old School FPS and Boomer Shooter genre as a whole. I had a blast playing this game as I felt that it was refreshing to play something that was not shovelware crap that has been thrown onto the Steam store like oh so many games. Hellbound is a game developers should be learning from just like DUSK, AMID EVIL, Ion Fury and Prodeus.
Plus, the price point feels fair for the content you're getting. Yes it's short at barely 90 minutes but it's just such a fun and simple game that you'll want to go back to it sometimes just to relieve stress. There is problems like the music being some of the most soulless and generic metal I have heard in a long time and the rocket launcher leaves a lot to be desired. Plus more enemy variety could have been nice. But for what you get, you're getting one hell of a game. LITERALLY!
I highly recommend Hellbound as a short but sweet experience for those wanting a fun and simplistic FPS game that is not shovelware crap that is thrown onto the market like so many other games. Games like this, including Prodeus and Ion Fury, give me hope that we'll be getting much better games like this in the future of the Boomer Shooter genre.
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28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 22:08
Poop city.
Poor frame rate, graphics not looking much better at the highest settings, mouse movement is laggy and worse than in the demo, etc.
I wanted to love this but I can't. I gave the demo over 2 hours of play and the bought game about 30 minutes of time and I knew well before this that the game was a mess. So my $5 spent elsewhere on a key while not wasted is spent on something that just isn't a joy to play.
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 03:31
Retro FPSes and their contemporary throwback shooters main selling points are 1. movement and 2. how good the weapons feel
The movement is breakneck pace and feels nice simply walking around and the pace gets faster when you master bunnyhop timing, and you can skip sections using the Rocket Launcher like the shooters of yesteryear.
The starter shotgun sucks ass but the Triple Shotgun is one of the beefiest shotguns I've ever used in a game and feels really nice to use. The other weapons aren't anything special but they certainly function how they should.
The game is really short at only 8 levels, I beat it in under 2 hours and I took my time looking around the maps for secrets. You could probably finish everything in under an hour if you know what you're doing.
Music is passable if a little unambitious, and graphics look dated but I believe that's what they were going for. Hellgore's one liners are mildly amusing.
Not sure what else to mention. This is a humble shooter that I'd recommend if you can get it on sale.
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 19:14
Hellbound is pretty much what it says on the tin. It is an old school style first person shooter that riffs hard on a classic Doom installment. The ambiance of being in hell with skulls and bones and lava with the odd sculpture is acceptable. Levels aren’t too terrible and there is a survival mode after you clear the game. However, it is hurt by the length of the single player campaign, a few bugs, some style choices, and the price tag. Somewhat recommended on sale. (6.5 out of 10 lava filled skulls)
The Long Form:
I knew going in what I was buying. For the most part I agreed with other’s assessment after playing through the game and doing a little of survival mode. The game does have a decent amount of polish to it in that it runs smoothly, the enemies and the environment look good enough. Sound effects are also good enough for the application. The music while projecting that intensity that you would hope for is a little repetitive, it has a good grindy metal guitar sound that I like.
The enemies are generally pretty straightforward. You have guys with bats, rifles, shotguns, miniguns, and rocket launchers. There are also two demon types one melee and one that lobs fireballs. There is also what I can best describe as a flying teleporting fish that spits fireballs. Combinations of these enemies is what turns them into a threat. The diversity of enemies felt a little low, but it is a good introduction to the idea of selecting your priority target when faced with a large group of dudes coming at you. While I’m not 100% sure about this, enemies appeared to be impacted by friendly fire.
Map design is OK, and does feel very reminiscent of the original Quake or Doom maps. I did find a handful of unintentional (?) issues here and there, but overall maps were competent and there was no glaring weirdness as you cut through the opposition. Please note in that the designers want to be old school in their design choices, omitted a map. So it’s up to you to find your way. For the most part it’s not an issue, I did spend a lot of time on one of the maps trying to find the moving object / platform so I could continue clearing the level. I also found a couple of spots off the beaten path where bits of the map were not solid. There was another spot where I found myself able to jump up part of a cave tunnel in the mine level, but I’m not sure if this was part of a secret location or not. There are secret pickup areas on the maps. I admit if I really wanted to be a completionist, I’d try to ferret them all out.
Sound FX were overall satisfying. The weapons make noises that feel powerful and the alt-fire, that I mostly forgot about, makes your limited weapon set a little more broad. Ammo pickups and used guns provide a source of bullets. I chose to conserve the best weapons for the most pressing threats or when I needed to reduce the enemy count quickly.
The voice over work is again OK, but here’s where the game started to lose me. I grew up on those old school games like Duke Nukem, Blood, Shadow Warrior, and so on. What made those games a bit of a pleasure was the occasional one-liner that added a hint of grim humor to the fact that you are leaving a trail of bodies and gore in your wake. In some spots they hit the mark, the “I never really liked plants” line when I assume one blew up an enemy I didn’t see works. Other map intro lines are just trying to hard to say, “The hero is a bada-s! He says mutherfo-k-r a lot!”
This leads into design choices I hope they correct. Because you will hear a map starting one-liner every time you load from a save no matter where you are in going through a level. If you have to reload multiple times, you can guess what the first thing you hear will be. Another odd one is if you press the interact button (E by default) and you are near nothing you will make a little grunt sound. The intended mechanic is you would be trying walls for secret doors and buttons and so forth, but I could stand in an open area and make grunting noises as I push on the sky.
I also experienced two game crashes during my playthrough. I submitted the report and I suspect there is a relationship between saving the game (either manually or during an automatic checkpoint) and something happening in the environment. I tried to just make sure that I was patient and that the save action completed plus a couple of seconds before I started moving forward with the campaign. Other complaints regarding gameplay are quality of life related. The audio settings did not stick in place so while I turned the music down it did not retain that setting on my next session. The previous had ended in a crash and I chose to not restart the game that day. The other quality of life issue regards ammo counts. There is a window in your hud that tells you how much ammo you have, but it seems inconsistent. I’d suggest arranging the info so you can see how much of each ammo type you have out of a max ammo count at all times. Make it an optional HUD selection if you want.
The last thing is the length of the game v/s cost. It is short. If I didn’t spend time looking for where I was supposed to go next in some cases, I’d have cleared the game in about 3 to 3.5 hours. It’s not interesting enough for me to keep it installed past clearing it when older games this title pays homage to do some elements better. That said, I felt the experience was good enough and if the developer pushes out some more single player maps or a level editor they could breathe some life into the game. As it stands if you are OK with with the limits of the game, you’ll have a decent time with it.
114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 18:53
I had fun with Hellbound, but I can not recommend it at full price. Hope they make more of it, because there is a solid foundation here. 3/5
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213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 15:05
Falls flat on many fronts, would wait for a 80% discount before buying.
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64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 14:35
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 09:16
Buy it on sale, it's fun enough. It's just too short and not enough demons or weapons. Keep in mind though, there are FAR better games out there like Dusk, Nightmare Reaper, Amid Evil and Ion Fury to name a few. Buy those first, especially if it's 90's fps nostalgia you want.
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42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 04:49
I see what the developers were going for, and I have some sympathy.. I didn't mind the survival mode as a demo.
That said, I can't recommend.
There is too little here, especially for the price. It honestly doesn't have much more than the survival mode did.
The levels just feel empty and boring, the enemies are all the same types and there is no change in tactics based on the enemy types in a room like there would be in Doom.
The music just seems to be one or two tracks just endlessly looping over and over. If there is more than one track then they sound so similar it's hard to tell.
The graphics are very uninspired and the performance is terrible. Optimization seems to be non existent.
Constant bugs and crashes.
The dialog is terrible, very poorly written one liners and quite cringe inducing, as well as it only seems to happen when you spawn or during scripted events.
And to top it off the warning that the game is being made like it was the 90s just seems really silly. The retro FPS has been done already and done better. The developer really seems to think this is some kind of new ground and the warning that the game may be too difficult is also misplaced. I found the game to be of average difficulty on Hard.
Sorry, I wanted to like this game and I enjoy the retro FPS genre, but this game simply is not worth the money, even on sale. The fact that the developer is now selling a $5 DLC just makes this game feel like a bit of a nostalgia cash grab.
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 02:47
It does what it sets out to do give you that trip back to 1997 and play some good old fps action with a talking protagonist who is a mixture of serious sam and duke nukem. The guns feel impactful to shoot although the enemy variety is limited i wish there was more. i love the triple barrel shotgun the others have a average to good feel to them the chaingun could feel more powerful. Level design is ok very old school feeling but are quite short in length. The music is cool it ramps up as the action ramps up. The graphics look awesome.
Look in the end Hellbound is definite sell for those hungry fps fans like myself who need to play every fps ever made and those who want to spend a few hrs killing demons in a old school fps environment. Its 20 bucks you could do worse. Lets hope the devs keep up the good work and make Hellbound 2 even better with more enemies and way more guns and more levels :)
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 01:14
Still, it looks good, plays well, I bought it on sale.
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49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 21:42
-The level design is uninspired, generic, and sometimes obtuse-- it's not always clear where you're supposed to go or what to do. I spent a lot of time in each level just mindless wandering.
-I was having a reoccurring issue with the weapon not always registering inputs when called to fire, which is incredibly infuriating.
-Resolution seems stuck at 1080p even when changing resolution settings, and the game doesn't play nice with VRR.
I would say the shooting and gameplay itself is just OK, not really doing anything to really meet or exceed the standards of its supposed 90s influence. If anything, the game sells itself way too hard in this respect. Its understanding of its influences are superficial at best.
If you're looking for an actual modern 90s-inspired FPS, games like DUSK and Iron Fury do an infinitely better job at that.
201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 03:54
Oh how I tried to love you so much.. I'm going to give this a thumbs up simply because I live for these kinds of games. The levels were fun and it felt like a mix of Hexen, Heretic, Doom, Merchants of Brooklyn, Painkiller and serious sam. All good stuff. But that final boss was literally terrible and there wasn't enough cleanliness in how enemies respond. The final boss was really one of the worst things I've ever seen. I'm still going to give you guys a thumbs up but its really hard.
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92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 06:16
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179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 00:11
687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 22:16
Nicht Empfohlen
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 20:27
-Claims to be a 90’a shooter yet has iron sights lel
-Cringey voice acting
-Meh graphics
-Meh gunplay
-Meh level design
-Short. (can be completed in 2.5 hours)
+Decent, yet repetitive af soundtrack.
Only buy this game if it’s heavily discounted on a sale. It’s not bad but it's not good either.
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140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 17:09
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 12:21
Saibot Studios
Nimble Giant Entertainment
Unreal Engine 4
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