• Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.
  • Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland: Screen zum Spiel Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 25.03.2011
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Preis Update 01.02.21

Über das Spiel

In einem spannenden Mix aus Aufbausimulation und komplexer Echtzeitstrategie erforschst und eroberst du in „Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland“ Städte und Länder, errichtest Nachschublinien und Stadtmauern, hebst neue Truppen aus und setzt Generäle ein.

Die über 100 Aufträge der ersten historischen Kampagne führen dich durch eine geschichtliche Epoche voller Abenteuer und Eroberungsdrang. Wirst du Alexander dem Großen ein Reich hinterlassen, das als Sprungbrett für seinen unsterblichen Eroberungsfeldzug taugt?

Die antiken Griechen schufen sich eine vollkommen einzigartige Welt, eine Welt, in der jede Stadt ihre eigene – oft faszinierende – Kultur besaß. Von den Spartanern, einer auf den Grundmauern der Sklaverei errichteten Kultur, deren Bürger sich ihren Lebensunterhalt nicht selbst verdienen mussten, einer Kultur, die körperliche Perfektion zum obersten Ideal machte und die ironischerweise die Freiheit zu ihrem höchsten Gut erklärte ... bis zu den Athenern, einer Nation mit unvergleichlicher Kunst und Architektur, deren Originalität und Vielfalt selbst heute noch unerreicht bleiben, einer Nation, deren Verfassung selbst den niedersten Bürgern demokratische Macht zusprach – die Geschichten der griechischen Zivilisation müssen für Außenstehende geklungen haben wie Mythen und Legenden.

In dieser Umgebung wurde das Konzept der Hegemonie ersonnen: Die Vorstellung, dass ein einzelner Stadtstaat die kulturelle Vorherrschaft über die gesamte griechische Welt erlangen könnte.

Trotz des ewigen Machtkampfes zwischen Athen und Sparta gelang es keinem dieser Giganten jemals, eine dauerhafte Hegemonie zu begründen. Niemand sollte dieses Ziel erreichen, bis Philipp von Makedonien, der König der relativ unbekannten Nation Makedonien, die griechische Kriegsführung revolutionierte und die gesamte hellenische Welt eroberte – was es seinem Erben Alexander dem Großen später ermöglichte, mit der vereinten Armee Griechenlands ein Imperium aufzubauen, das so gewaltig war, dass selbst Julius Cäsar von den Geschichten dieses unglaublichen Erfolgs sichtbar eingeschüchtert gewesen sein soll. Das ist die Welt des antiken Griechenlands. Eine Welt der sich befehdenden Stadtstaaten, des Heldenmuts und der Tücke, eine Welt der legendären Anführer. Eine Welt, deren monumentales Vermächtnis unsere eigene Welt für immer verändern sollte. Das ist die Welt von „Hegemony".


  • CPU: 2,4 GHz
  • GFX: Version 2.0 Shader Unterstützung, 256 MB
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP oder höher
  • HD: 1500 MB HD frei
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

58 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 07:53
Ein schönes Strategie-Spiel ,mit seinem antiken griechischem Flair. Die Grafik ist gut gemacht und die Kampfanimationen der Einheiten sind toll. Das Logistik-Management gibt dem Spiel nohmehr Tiefe und regt immer wieder zum Nachdenken an.
39 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.17 02:52
Ein sehr gutes spiel macht auf jeden fall laune, drei gut gemachten kampanien,ein Sanbox modus mit vielen Fraktionen was will man mehr.Die Grafik ist etwas veraltet, wen das nicht stört wird viel spass mit dem game haben . Wer Hegemony Gold auf deutsch spielen möchte (die Steamversion ist Englisch) sollte sich die Deutsche Demo runterladen dort gebt ihr dann den Produktschlüssel ein und ihr habt die Vollversion auf deutsch. Den Produktschlüssel erhaltet ihr natürlich nur wenn ihr das Spiel kauft, einfach rechtsklick auf Hegemony Gold in eurer Bibliothek und auf Produktschlüssel anzeigen gehen. Empfehle Hegemony Gold im Sale zu kaufen weil ich finde das 15 Tacken zu viel für so ein älteres spiel sind.

link für die Deutsche demo (für alle Englischmuffel ;) http://www.gamestar.de/artikel/hegemony-gold-deutsche-demo-zum-download,2321909.html
99 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.16 15:26
524 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
1259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.16 20:13
Ich hatte mir dieses Spiel eigentlich nur gekauft, um meine Hegemony Sammlung zu vervollständigen. Die Nachfolger Hegemony II: Rome und insbesondere Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients gefallen mir nämlich ausgesprochen gut.

Da ich nun einige Tage im Ausland verbracht hatte - mit einem alten klapperigen Laptop - ergab sich eine Gelegenheit mal den ersten Teil anzusehen. Umso überraschter bin ich nun, da dieses Teil richtig rockt. Okay, Grafik ist jetzt nicht so überragend aber in Sachen Atmosphäre ein echtes Sahnestück. Und die ganze Geschichte um König Philipp von Macedonien (dem Vater vom Alexander dem Großen) ist echt mit Liebe zum Detail gemacht.

Fans der Antike sollten unbedingt zugreifen. Den Schwierigkeitsgrad erstmal lieber auf Casual einstellen, oft pausieren und regelmässig speichern. Das Teil ist was für richtige Strategen.

P.S.Bin bei Steam auch als Kurator unterwegs und freue mich über jeden Follower:

392 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.14 10:22
Tolle Einzelspieler-Kampagne die erst zum Ende hin ein wenig abflaut. Das Geld wars definitiv wert. Das Spiel braucht keine Strategischen Meisterleistungen, der Computer reagiert fast nur, statt selbst aktiv zu werden. Ziemlich einzigartige Features wie die Nahrungsversorgung der Armeen halten den Spieler trotzdem auf trab. Vor allem die ersten ~10-15 Stunden sind wirklich toll und auch Anspruchsvoller. Schätze die komplette Spielzeit der Kampagne belief sich für mich auf ca. 50 Stunden und ich bin noch immer nicht ganz fertig.
452 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
10263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 06:06
In my opinion this is the best of the Hegemony games. That isn't to say I don't like the later games, its just they feel pretty janky and unpolished compared to Gold. But this game is really the complete package.

You will be fighting through the campaigns of Alexander the Great's father, Philip II of Macedon. He might not have achieved exploits as exotic as his son's, but he still battle the length and breadth of Greece against a range of enemies.

Its a strategy game that you can pause at any time, where the main focus is on expanding your Kingdom and completing specific, historical-related quests. The main draw is the ability to zoom from the management side of things directly into the battles. They aren't as in depth as Total War by a long shot, but its still a neat feature. The other interesting feature is based around organising and mainting your supply. Do a bad job of it, and your morale will plummet. This also means you can actually starve an enemy position out, or cut their supply lines. Very cool.

Unfortunately no multiplayer mode. One would have been very interesting even if it was only between two players. Still, the Philip campaign has plenty of meat to it, and there are shorter side stories too.

Its not that expensive of a game either - you should give it a try!
674 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
4109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 15:39
This is one for the masochists.

This game has the X factor no doubt. It keeps you coming back. It is atmospheric. But by the God's it has issues. The pathfinding is atrocious. The controls are clunky as hell. The logistics is simplistic, and vital, and yet pretty poorly implemented. Often flows of supplies are low for no obvious reason - particularly in far flung empires (no doubt that is 'realistic' in that projecting powers far beyond your borders over the ocean is no doubt hard as heck, however in this case I reckon supply flows are just poorly implemented and by luck that emulates such a problem).

Towards the end I had to resort to a mad blitzkrieg of city hopping across Eastern Odrysia just to keep my large army fed. I had to sack a city, steal all it supplies and charge on. I couldn't stop because I would starve to death. I couldn't establish a base and proect my supply lines, because the enemy had a seemingly endless horde of zerg javeliners coming at me, and I couldn't keep supply lines open. I would have brought a smaller army but I needed a huge one to deal with all the zerg. Are the enemy even affected by supplies if they aren't in your line of sight or what? How did they feed all those javeliners? Do the Eastern Odrysians have nothing to do but breed more javeliners? Do they have long winters or something? Sheesh!

AI in the game also seems to be rubbish. It seems to amount to - 'CHARGE!' with difficulty coming from saturation of attention. i.e. if you are fighting one big battle you can be sure the AI will randomly raid you in three or more different spots while your attention is elsewhere. And it can be hard to get a moments peace - you are always leaping from one fight to another, saving your braindead troops because they WILL stand there and get slaughtered if you don't give them orders.

The AI also cheats rampantly since it always turns up in a spot where you are weak, at just the right moment. How the heck do they ALWAYS know where I am thin, when they haven't even sent a scout and have no watchtowers? Thismeans you kind of have to conquer huge swathes of ground away from your core targets, just so you don't get have your empire (and sanity) destroyed by death of a thousand cuts - you have to cover your flanks and shut down any spot they can stage any kind of attack from (again 'realistic' I suppose, but quite tedious, and I;d kill for their spies!).

Then there is the 'diplomacy'. Ugh. Everyone is at war with you, unless you make a truce by shelling out big $$$, and then you can never break it. THEY can ask for more money, THEY can come into your land and occasionally burn and destroy things (but only a little), THEY can pinch your sheep. But all YOU can do is cross land if you do it quick, before a timer expires and they decide you are at ware again. Even when you have destroyed 75% of an empire and can easily wreck the rest they still usually expect big $$$ for these 'truces'. But you will still make the truce, just so you don't have to hunt down every last remaining enemy, and so they can't raid you as soon as you try to look elsewhere.

And you better not make a truce before you are sure there are no 'campaign' objectives to do in their turf, because if you do you may have gimped yourself since breaking it is effectively forever. This means you may have to put up with incessant raiding for longer than you might wish, just to be sure it is safe to make peace.

Plus the map doesn't tell you who owns what very clearly either which means you sometime aren't sure if the turf of one lot you want to make peace with is between you and somewhere you need to be ('cause you can't cross it unless you are faster than that timer). And movement speed is glacial, so you spend a lot of time hurrying up to wait for someone to get somewhere.

Oh, and the sheep. Dear god, the sheep. In a slow game, they... move... even... more... slowly...! I actually have sheep in real life. I live on a little farm. My sheep are way faster than the sheep in this game! Holy Jeebus! If I was in ancient Greece, I could revolutionise the food supply chain with fast sheep. I would have ancient fast food chains.

There were cool moments - getting caught between two huge armies, making peace with ones, and then hiding behind their army as they attacked the other one (which I didn't know would happen).

Or wincing as a huge Athenian army approached my battered forces, only for it to be attacked in the rear by a huge Persian one (mainly everything goes for you first, but I guess the Athenians were in the way so they ended up attacking them trying to get to me, LOL).

And my favourite - seeing a ginormous Spartan army coming, fighting a delaying action with a handful of troops against them while I raised an even more ginormous army to stop the Spartans. Then after the big fight (I won) came the the aftermath where remnant Spartans and my remnant troops hunted each other through the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Southern Greece... for FOOD!. Because all the stupidly big armies ate everything in sight and it took years to rebuild the food supplies down there (no, they weren't literally eating each other in a cannibalistic frenzy, but I like to imagine they were!). This went on until finally came the saviours - a ginormous flock of sheep I sent from EVERYWHERE ELSE to feed Southern Greece. They took years to arrive, but man there was a big BBQ when they did.

In no other game have I saved myself by depopulating an entire country of mutton.

Yeah. So, it is addictive, and it is epic, and it has its moments, and it probably catches the feeling of managing a giant early empire quite well. So I have to recommend it.

But now, if you don't mind, I need to go and delete this nightmare from my computer.
106 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 16:48
Fantastic game. If the game had a better marketing team then this could have been the series to rival total war.

With that being said, its a hidden gem that any serious strategy gamer should give a shot. The game starts out small and as you build up, you really feel like you are running an empire in the ancient times. Supply lines and logistics are EXTREMELY crucial to your survival and eventual flourishing. Without mines to provide income and farms to provide food, as well as an unbroken chain of logistics to supply your cities and troops, you simply cannot expand.

The combat is simple yet complex enough to wet the appetite of blood thirsty total war players. If youve played Rome 2 or Rome 1, you'll recognize the famed phalangites, hoplites, peltasts, companion cavalry and light cavalry. These troops are in the golden age of their existence in this setting of history.

The scenario campaigns are the best, but sandbox mode is a ton of fun as well. Phillip's conquest of Greece is my obvious favorite.

123 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
33008 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 03:18
deeply immersive and lots of replayability ... I'm a fan
27 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
4321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 05:52
This is a solid alternative to the Total War series that offers a little more of an in depth look at how to build an empire in Classical times, right down to the herding of sheep for an upcoming military campaign (try to avoid doing that baaadly!). The scripted campaign is very well done and definitely the strength of the game. The sandbox game is also nice, but the AI is not overly aggressive at any point and will not offer a true challenge to any seasoned RTS player. Still there is more good than bad here overall, especially if you like Greek history.
112 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 12:30
A historical grand strategy RTS set in a massive map of Greece during the reigns of Phillip of Macedon and Alexander the Great. Demands skills in military tactics and ressource management. You can play three large campaigns or pick any faction and conquer ancient Greece in a sandbox mode. Amazing game.
114 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
7735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 04:29
A slow paced game with limited options that combine for fairly nuanced gameplay. It is similar to the Total War Series in many ways.

No AI Cheats: The AI doesn't cheat it has the same resource limitations you do and it can exhaust it's resources that same way you do.

Pauseable: You can pause the game.

Low Click Rate: You will not need to issue a thousand commands to your units, unlike many RTS games, ex: Starcraft.

Slow pace. Units move slowly and combat happens slowly. Allowing significant time for the player to react and forcing strategic decisions where sending reinforcements is possible but will take long enough that they may arrive too late.

Scarce Resources: You can run out of resources. ex: One of your three resources 'recruits' replenishes slowly and therefore must be husbanded. If you aren't careful you can take too many casualties and then be left unable to replenish your forces leaving them to weak to hold off the enemy. This also encourages retreating to conserve your resources.

Low Level Conflict: There are many times in the game where it is valuable to send small forces to attack more peripheral enemy territories and harass them. Most grand strategy games don't allow this and it's only worthwhile to send large forces.

Moral: Units have moral and properly using them will allow them to fight far longer while improperly using them will result in them breaking long before the casualties would have destroyed them.

Diplomacy: Diplomacy is virtually non-existent

Late Game Balance: The late game is largely broken with most of the limitations on the player being circumvented allowing the player to overwhelm the enemy through numbers.
1159 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
3222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 12:50
I keep coming back to this gem. The extreme care with which the historical and cultural setting has been recreated, and the enormous map in all its detail, a multitude of tasks that keep unlocking as you progress, leaving you a large amount of choices about where and how to expand in your conquests: all this and more makes me dearly hope that the developers may still be considering a conversion to a more modern UI.
61 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.14 22:27
It's as promising as it tells it is, except for diplomacy which is kindof limited but more than enough (heck, it's greek city-states: Why ally with neighbours while you have your own hegemony/league?).

Also, the game allows you to play differend kinds of factions with differend kinds of gameplay (for example, the Paeonians are mainly a cavalry faction with no hoplites, the Illyrians got no cavalry while having a huge empire so they have to focus on intelligent defending, and Crete has to rely on naval raiding-conquering tactics).
82 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.14 13:30
I've played this game over 200 hours (not on steam i've also got a non drm version). This is one of the best strategy games i have ever played. It has is problems :AI only raides and not really attack you, AI armies builds are kinda strange and AI does some stupid things like not changing the home of a unit without one. But the scale, the managing of food/units/reserves etc. is extremly fun and satisfying. Zooming in and out feeling like a real commander, caputering slaves and let them carry food, fighting over flocks of sheep (to be honest that is cool :P) and the biggest plus is the campaign witch you can play on your own pace, you can follow the missions you wanted and in your own order. I just an all out great strategy game like I never seen before. It is a bit dated and part II is coming (Rome still in early acces). Just buy this game, have fun and wait for Rome to go out of early acces and have even more fun. The developpers are also great guys, listining to the community via there own forum and the steamhub, support indie devs and buy this hidden gem! I give this game a 9 out of 10.
1049 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
9690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.13 03:26
An interesting real time strategy game. You are Phillip conquering the city states of Greece to create your Hegemony. It is certainly a game that shows the trouble of directly maintaining a large empire. In the beginning, you only control a few cities which means it is easy to micromanage your troops. The map is very large, consisting of hundreds of cities, that you most likely need to capture to win.

The big issue in this game is logistics. Troops need food, cities need supply lines with other cities and farms for food. You need supply lines to mines to secure income. There is no way to conquer the map with just one army. Troops need to resupply and replenish. Philip starts out surrounded by enemies around him. Expanding too fast in one direction will leave you overstretched.

Some cities are very bothersome to invade. No farmland to sustain your armies means you need to either bring workers or sheep to resupply food. When you get there, they seem to have an army far too large for their food to accomodate, and you better hope that you win otherwise you have to assemble the troops again and march all the way across the map to try again.

You also need to watch that cities don't starve. If you conquered a city and they have no food, they will start to rebel. Ignore it too long, and you have to march troops to reconquer the city. Repeat that a couple dozen times and include a couple Greek powerhouses like Thebes and Athens that will constantly raid your cities.

And then there is the whole land of Persia which seems to take up half the map. I haven't reached there yet, so I can't see how hard it will be. It will be a huge pain to muster troops from halfway across Greece to invade though.

Buy this game if you like real time strategy games that start simple and become logistical nightmares as you progress.
70 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.13 02:09
This game is soooo much better than what i had expected. These guys really need some sort of marketing team because this game is legitamite but not known at aall. deffinetly buy this game if you love athens and sparta, ancient greece, RTS's and fun, 10/10
449 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.13 23:04
190 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.13 17:55
Pausable Real-Time Strategy on a seamlessly zoomable, historically accurate map? Yes please! It's kind of like a combination of the Paradox titles and Total War, which, in my book, makes a winner. What we see here, are the very beginnings of the future of strategy games. This is a must have for all strategy fans and history buffs. Innovative and truly unique, Hegemony is developed by a small developer with limited funding, and sometimes it shows, but really, I cannot recommend this enough.
Logo for Hegemony Gold: Vorherrschaft im antiken Griechenland
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96.69% 146 5
Release:25.03.2011 Genre: Echtzeitstrategie Entwickler: Longbow Vertrieb: dtp - entertainment AG Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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