• Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter
  • Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear: Screenshot aus dem Militär-Shooter


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.01.2013
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Preis Update 30.06.24

Über das Spiel

Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear puts you on the front lines preventing the ultimate nightmare – nuclear Armageddon. You start by going deep behind enemy lines to rescue a spy with critical information. As the fighting escalates, use your wide selection of weapons including pistols, grenades, machine guns, shotguns, sniper rifles, helicopters, tanks, and the mighty AC-130 to reach the enemy base. Once there, disarm the nuclear missile…before it’s too late! Upgrade your equipment and skills to improve chances of success. Use the on-line leader board to compete with other players for the highest score, or grab three of your buddies for 4-player cooperative mode. With more than 60 achievements and awards to collect on Xbox 360, and over 60 trophies and awards for players to earn on the PlayStation®3 system, this shooter will have you gunning for more!


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

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172 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 09:11
Audience -Casual Gamer
Bugs-stuttering frames was easy fix tho
Gameplay-Fun for on rails shooter
Game time / Length-Few hours (6) to 100%
Price / Quality-Wait for Sale
Overall 8/10 a great lil on rails shooter
102 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 18:12
The game is good. Most of the bad reviews don't understand what an On-Rails Shooter is and are too used to COD / GTA. The graphics are good, and the story is alright. The game mechanics are O.K., no trouble there. The difficulty of the game isn't too easy, but it's not impossible to beat. However, the gameplay, for the most part, get's repetitive. I also wish for a second campaign -- perhaps playing the side of the Taliban, or some other extremist group?
1061 Produkte im Account
721 Reviews
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.19 22:12
I don't get why this game has even lower steam ratings than the first game. Because basically it's the same game, just with other levels. If you start the game you notice that it has some hard stuttering, but if you read in the steam forums you can find a quick fix for that, so that's not a huge deal.
8193 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.16 13:59
This is not good. Dated graphics, couple of crashes, very short and quite bad gameplay really. Heavy Fire: Afghanistan was better and was actually quite fun, if I remember correctly. It almost feels like this was made before that one, maybe it was, who knows.
130 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.16 08:46
Very cool game a real boredom breaker and just like the stuff as in the arcades if you just want to zone out and shoot stuff play this
1230 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.16 13:58
ok people lets be real here , you can’t spend 3.99$ on a game and expecting it to be as good as battlefield I mean you get exactly what you paid for a simple and short indie rail-shooter game.
-the plot : I can resume the plot to this , you're an US soldier in a mission to invade Iran cause they have nuclear plans lol and the game make it like you're the hero who is risking his life and killing Iranian people because they are bad guys ( army propaganda ) the thing is if you invade a country you have to expect that those people of this country will fight back and defend their lands ,you can’t just walk in and do what you like in the name of freedom and the ending was so dumb and cheesy that makes you laugh , invade a foreign country and kill their people in the name of freedom and then call them terrorist cause they resisted and fought back to protect what they have ?!!! Seriously?!!! A soldier of a fighter is called a hero when he protects his country not invade others.
-the gameplay: same as any other rail-shooter game mechanics, mouse to aim,shoot,reload and throw grenades , WSDA to take cover and there is also QTE ,their some lvls use tank , you got also army point to lvl up and get new weapons and more ammo, in this type of games you just need to be fast in aiming and shooting .
-the graphics: blow average but still have some good effects.
-sound :the voice acting is so corny and cheesy that makes me laugh each time he narrate missions plot, the plot isn’t the strongest point of this game and the voice acting didn’t help much lol + the enemies have the same screaming with the same voice, and what’s with the sound volume ?!!! You can’t hear almost anything.
-didn’t have any problems with the game, no bugs or glitches expect the sound volume
- Multiplayer: CO-OP
- Easy achievements and steam trading cards
If you can’t stand army propaganda and ignore the plot then this isn’t the game for you, as for me I enjoyed it and had some fun (didn’t take the game seriously that's why i rate it positive) but grab it on sale cause the game is really short (1 to 1:30h to complete)
1865 Produkte im Account
1846 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.16 03:40
Huge improvement from the first one! Im actually enjoying it a lot!! Covering is now a MUST! New weapons to unlock along with using the ac-130. The game does get intense and for rookie mode it can be somewhat hard. Love the game/series hope to see more!!! Love the new changes

new weapons
Local coop
night missions to where you use NVG
Covering is now a must (cover system actually has a purpose now

649 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.15 01:02
We'll get the elephant out of the room first: Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear is an on-rails shooter, a genre that might not be incredibly popular with PC gamers, but can be fun when done correctly. Just for those of you that don't know the term, an 'on-rails shooter' game is a form of FPS but without the ability to chose where you move, only where you aim.

In my opinion, Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear is one of those titles that does a good job with the genre, Heavy Fire: Afghanistan was equally just as much fun, though this installment definitely adds more for your money in terms of gameplay variety. Some examples of the additions Shattered Spear brings to the table is the ability to pilot Commanches, Bombers, Tanks as well as simply being a heavily armed marine.

The gameplay is what you would expect from any typical on-rails shooter, it is very arcade-like, fast paced and very challenging (in some missions at least). A perks system gives you the ability to unlock new weapons to use, health and ammunition bonuses etc. Nothing fancy or unique, but it's a nice touch.

Visually, the maps are really well done creating a very immersive and grim atmosphere, as you would expect in 2011 Afghanistan, the sun is blazing making it difficult for you to get a clear view of targets and there is heavy enemy fire coming from all corners of your view. This adds to the challenge factor, though it can be a little tedious as the aiming itself is a little finnicky at first, but in conjunction with the simple controls, you master the aiming mechanics fairly quickly.

There aren't many faults with this game in my opinion, just some minor things like small grammatical errors in the campaign dialog and some questionable voice acting, not to mention the anti-climactic death sequence, but that's about it, nothing ultimately hurting the fact that it's a fun game.

As I said in my review for Heavy Fire: Afghanistan some time ago: This is a fun game if you know exactly what it is that you're about to buy. It's not a typical FPS, it's an on-rails shooter, don't buy the game and then complain about this via a negative review when it is clearly advertised as such. It's cheap and it's fun, more than enouch reason to recommend it to others.
351 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.15 08:20
This game is precisely what it sells itself as, an on rails shooter in the genre of time crisis, and it does that quite well. I'm playing it on an alienware alpha using an XBOX360 controller, and have not experienced any problems to date.

Yes, you don't have a gun to play with, but the using a controller works. It takes a bit of time getting used to, but it's not that difficult to get there.

In my opinion some of the negative reviews are a bit harsh.
2475 Produkte im Account
387 Reviews
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.15 09:46
The game puts you in the shoes of several peoples: a spy (for the tutorial), a ranger, a chopper pilot, an airplane bomber and I hope I didn't forget anyone. You're in the Middle East/Asia: Iran, Afghanistan mainly. Your goal is to stop enemies to launch a nuclear rocket.

It's a rail shooter, meaning that you have to concentrate only on shooting and protecting you... and reloading (and avoid reloading in sequences where the game doesn't let you cover). Checkpoints are used to save your progression, should you die, you can respawn at these. Should you quit the level, forget about your progression.

Every two missions, you're unlocking a new point to spend in armory: more ammo, another gun, more health, etc.. I don't know if it was intended that finishing a mission giving points more than once can make you upgrade faster but I've used that to make sure I can live in the next levels.

Also, during missions, you have to make some Quick Time Events by pressing buttons... like A, D, S and even W despite not being used for going forward. The best is that you don't have always time to press them: game over or important loss of health. The problem with AZERTY keyboards is still there as ADS aren't on the same line. Besides, avoid controller. I've tried to play with it and it's not natural AT ALL to play with it. Stuck to keyboard/mouse.

You have two modes: Rookie and Veteran. The only change is the visual settings: more sun for example to blind you. And you can't find as often the medikit or the ammo needed (because you have to shoot them to take them).

Graphically, it's ok. Though I would have preferred not to have it saccaded. I don't know if it's Windows 7 or if it's my graphic cards that make it stuttered or make it in tune with the music but after a while, you don't see it anymore.

Also, the chopper sequence is easily my favorite. It's nice, without real dangers, even in Veteran, as rockets are infinite. And being in the bomber is also a good change.

The game is good, entertaining and provides a challenge in Veteran. If anything, you're not robbed.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
52.38% 22 20
Release:29.01.2013 Genre: Ego-Shooter Entwickler: Teyon Vertrieb: Mastiff Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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