Heat Signature
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 15:54
I already loved gunpoint, the game they have made before, but wow, this is just on a whole other level!
8860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 00:29
I can't recommend this game highly enough.
1625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 08:57
I shall tell you a story, in a vague attempt to convince you that this game is fucking exceptional.
First off, There are stations throughout the nebula that are the main centres of each faction, called Strongholds, and i had a mission to capture one. These missions require you to capture a ship at the second hardest difficulty, so there's a lot of shit you need to account for. Secondly, I picked a hard difficulty mission in which i had to eliminate all the enemies in the ship to capture. Once i eliminate the enemies, I send the ship to go to a friendly station, as usual. But by accident i left click, and discovered the ancient magic of piloting the ship i had just captured.
I sent the ship back to a friendly station, and immediately took the mission to capture the Stronghold. I went out to find a big enough ship to initiate my plan. Which, i'm sure you can guess, is to crash the ship into the area closest to the cockpit.Once I got close enough, I passed the front of the ship completely tore the front off, launching multiple enemies into space, and leaving the way open to board the ship, allowing me to set a course to the Stronghold, bail off the ship and return home safely.
This barely scratches the surface of the things you can do in this game, and there are even more chaotic, brilliant stories out there that are far more inspiring and far more interesting. This story was a highlight of one of the things, throughout 16 hours of playtime, that i have managed to achieve so far. Even if this doesn't fully convince you, i hope it's at least piqued your interested.
107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 09:35
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 18:13
553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 08:52
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 21:54
☐ I am currently staring at screenshots
☐ Beautiful
☑ Yee
☐ Participation award
☐ Didn’t even try
☐ ‘Modern art’
☐ I can play this 24/7
☑ Very, very fun
☐ Fun I guess
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Not a Highlight
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ I warned you :/
☐ I will randomly hum this until I die
☐ Now I viben
☑ Passing, like a B
☐ It just exists
☐ Passing, like a D
☐ I'm now deaf (yayy)
☐ Younglings
☑ Teens then
☑ Thicc bois
☐ IDK whoever
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ A dirt cheap laptop
☐ A W I D E PC
☐ Richboi.exe
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ I can beat it with my foot
☐ Significant brain usage for nerds
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master cliche
☑ Good luck :P
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Only if u give a crap about leaderboards/ranks
☑ Only if you feel like it
☐ Some stupid grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding m8
☐ Nah i’m good
☐ I bit of that juicy lore
☑ Enough
☐ :)
☐ It‘ll replace your life
☐ Shoe Polish
☐ Nail Polish
☑ All of the Above
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short as your mom
☐ Kk
☑ L O N G
☐ To infinity and beyond
☑ Depends a lot on player
---{Bonus Round}---
☐ Game is very spooky
☑ Game is frickin hilarious
☐ Game has good modding support
☑ Game has no microtransactions or ads
☑ Game has great mechanics
☑ Game has achievements
☐ Other: ____
☐ It’s free, go grab it why not
☑ Worth the price for da stuff
☐ Get it if it's on sale, otherwise rip in the chat
☐ If u have some spare money left in your nub pocket
☐ Noooooo :(
☐ You could also just burn your money ya know
☐ Never heard of ‘\_(ツ)_/’
☑ Some crawling around
☐ Can make me go sad boi
☐ The game is as broken as Rovio
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
4497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 09:01
Mechanics are well put together.
There's almost never any bugs or glitches (except the Glitches in the story and game world of course).
Lots of replay value.
Excellent procedural generation.
Very open world concept with a lot of variety about how you go about accomplishing various objectives.
My primary criticisms involve character-to-character interactions, character retention and retirement, and character-to-character legacy.
At this point, I'll pretty much buy and play anything this developer makes sight-unseen based on the quality of Heat Signature and Gunpoint.
1530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 19:49
Gameplay wise, it can be like hotline miami with more guns, gadgets, enemy variations; but it can also be stealthy if you want to play it that way. The game lets you do whatever you want.
551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 11:56
Nicht Empfohlen
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 10:29
However Heat Signature does not have a real story, levels feel extremely repetitive, and some strategic mechanics feel like an afterthought in a more action focused game.
Heat Signature feels more like Hotline Miami than Gunpoint. I guess this is just not my type of games, so I'll stick to GunPoint ^^
1657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 02:27
If you want to 100% the achievements the grind doesn't feel too bad as you have to play with harder traits and plan better. Although 2 of the achievements require you to have a steam friend who owns/plays the game which is just something to note for achievement hunters.
3408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 18:25
1819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 06:32
That's the magic of the game, and it really works well. I've had characters die, and a day later think of a way they could have made it out. Learning the way you can squeeze every option out of a scenario feels so good it's hard to equate to other games.
I'd also like to mention that Heat Signature is perfectly playable in a style similar to Hotline Miami, where you round corner's at breakneck speed and pop of shots. It's almost required when the alarm is raised, or in some of the later missions with strict time limits.
Heat Signature is definitely an easy recommend.
1921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 18:46
I strongly recommend this indie pearl and hope for a sequel.
Just don't mess with Sader Fiasco, she is as bad as in word badass.
821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 03:00
Heat Signature has an interesting combat system allowing a fluidity of movement that can be very satisfying. Missions are somewhat open-ended and can be completed in unique ways that may not be expected, allowing one to feel in control of how they would like to operate them. The ability to select mission difficulties allows one to accept the risks they are comfortable with while the rogue-like character permadeath will keep one on their toes.
The gameplay is not like FTL, but the rogue-like space elements of the game makes it worth saying that FTL fans may enjoy this.
Nicht Empfohlen
638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 13:33
Its kinda cool but it gets really repetitive after a while. There is so much to take in as a new player that it gets kinda frusterating having to remember what every enemy and gun/gadget in the game does within the first 5 missions you pick.
The tutorial barely touches on most things you should or need to know and after you select a character and you fruck up once you'll lose all the character progress immediatly. Its hard getting invested in any character or story when they just die from the pistol maniac on the edge of your screen. And the game could really use some quality of life updates like being able to zoom sideways so you can see the enemies and turrets further down a corridor and outside your field of view without having to zoom out fully and go blind from all the squares and colors. And if you steal a ship, rotate it around and fly away to shoot/suicide bomb some poor people and then zoom in and out again your screen becomes a ballerina and its really disorienting.
And if you blow a hole in a ship and try to enter one of the 3 holes with your pod it will go wild and bounce of the ships walls 30 times before you get pulled towards the right hole which is also a time consumer in a game where time is valuable. Could be easier if you could control where the pod is pointing and speaking of which, would be nice with some early game pod upgrades since thats what you're doing 50% of the time. Would also be nice with some stashes that every character could use.
Another thing that gets really frusterating is when you dock a breached wall and get shot in your pod, is that you get insta revived which is you know, pretty nice. But you'll instantly lose some seconds on your next death timer thingy and since you get insta revived the enemy will usually just shoot you down again and again which only removes more seconds and it keeps going until you're down to 0 seconds and thus you'll instantly die if you get shot outside your pod.
The game is definitely a cool idea and a really interesting but the small things can be really frusterating and repetitive at times.
I will keep playing to figure the game out.
Edits are probably just spelling mistakes and more nitpicking.
Nicht Empfohlen
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 05:51
The main game mechanic is to press space to freeze the game, make any inventory changes, then attempt an action, such as swinging/throwing/firing a weapon. The game will unfreeze when you start the action. But then you can immediately hit freeze again, equip something else, and start another action. This allows you to run into a room, spam the space button chaining together actions, and say.. throw 4 or 5 wrenches at every enemy in the room, knocking them all out before their reaction timer fills up and they start attacking.
Neat right? The problem is, this works in both directions. If an enemy sees you first and fills their react meter, time slows briefly and you get maybe one second (feels like less) to realize what's happening, optionally hit space, and attack first or hopefully move enough to dodge their attack. Panic and press the wrong key, or otherwise just don't react in time, and you get 1 shotted. In most cases this is preventable, as you can see enemies through walls and can prepare to deal with them, in typical stealth game manner. However, enemies seem to be able to see very long distances. Sometimes there will be a long straight corridor with no alternate path, and there will be an enemy at the end of it so far away they're outside of your view, so you won't know they're there unless you zoom all the way out and make a mental note. Emphasizing the mental note, because the game isn't really playable that far zoomed out (unless you have a MASSIVE monitor), so you'll probably zoom back in, which causes you to no longer be able to keep tabs on enemy-kun. Forget that they're there, or have them come around a corner while out of view, and they will snipe you from across the entire ship with a pistol. This happened no less than 3 times inside the 2 hours I was trying this, and didn't feel very fair.
When I wasn't being sniped with impunity and running around with a handful of wrenches knocking out people, it was pretty fun. Maybe a little easy even, due to the way freezing time allowed you to be a time lord. I only tried medium difficulty missions for reference (there's easy/medium/hard/maybe more). But when, idk, 15 missions all ended up being the same'ish, the repetition set in.
Overall I think the game has some neat ideas, and I don't think I'm ready to give up on it. I'm sure there's lots I haven't discovered yet too. But ngl, the repeated snipings rustled my jimmies. I can't really appreciate games that resort to off screen shenanigans to introduce difficulty, if you feel me. Half the time I didn't even realize something was happening until there was a bullet flying at my head already, and by then it's too late.
2102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 17:55
All packed into Rogue-like that allows and encourages tactical and creative problem solving.
1845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 22:05
1485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 20:18
Buy the game, it's really good.
You can run it on most toasters with some effort.
Go, be free,
make loud clangy noises whilst your dropship copulates with the equivalent of a Space Cargo Ship made Big Bad Boy Base,
YEET yourself (as the title of the game suggests) into their ship,
thwop your opponents with a crowbar.
Teleport right behind another opponent.
pants them, take their key.
Teleport to the hostage room, open it with said key.
THROW the aforementioned crowbar through the surprisingly-easy-to-break window out into space,
Get FLOMP'd (technical term) into space with the hostage, catch yourself with your dropship, escape whilst being fired upon.
Gorgeous game.
3230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 19:12
You've just hit a guy with a wrench, but his buddy across the room just saw you and will sound the alarm before you can walk to him. On top of that, a defender with an impenetrable shield just walked through the door. You hit pause, press T, and throw your wrench across the room, hitting the first guard. In that brief moment, the defender has entered the room and is aiming to fire his shotgun. But he's made the mistake of standing near a window, and that guard across the room you threw the wrench at had a gun. Normally, you'd be screwed here. But instead, you hit pause again, and use your teleporter to beam that dropped gun directly into your hand, and you fire it at the window. Before the defender can even pull the trigger, you've shattered the window and launched both of you into space. Once again, normally a deathwish, but you've got a remote-controlled pod that can fly over, scoop you up, and drop you off right back at the ship's docking port to waltz back in unharmed.
The tools offered to you in this game are all simple. They hold no secrets from you about what they do at base. From the variety of teleporters to the hacking tools, they tell you what they're gonna do if you use it. But the real majesty of this game comes from the creativity, and the combinations of items that allow you to feel like not only a badass, but a big-brained badass for figuring them out. I've played this game for around 50 hours and still discover things that should have been obvious. Just last night I was toying around with my favorite teleporter, the Visitor. It has no restrictions on destinations within range, but it will teleport you back to the place you started from after exactly 2 seconds. However, I accidentally activated the Slipstream, a device that slows down time for you, so that you get a full 10 seconds of movement and actions within a 1-second timespan. This means that the Visitor that teleports you back after 2 seconds, can actually result in up to twenty full seconds, enough time for it to recharge and be used again before the first use has even started its countdown, since the 2-second limit is based on game-time and is thus affected by your Slipstream.
This game offers a comical amount of variety in playstyle, strategy, ideas, and replayability. I have beaten this game two times now, and the first thing I did after beating it again was go generate a new galaxy and start from scratch once more. In a lot of ways this game is a puzzle game, but that also really plays into its strengths. You can also just completely ignore the puzzle aspect and the pausing and just go wild smacking people with a massive wrench in one hand and an automatic shotgun in the other, which is incredibly satisfying. But it doesn't even stop there. This is a space game about subterfuge and spaceships. You go take out the pilot of a big cruiser? Guess what buddy, you can now fly that ship around the starts. That's right, there's ship-to-ship combat now too. Instead of sneaking your way through a prison ship to rescue someone, you can go fly around, steal a different ship, fly right over, and start blasting away with the ship's cannons until the prison block detaches, and then use that pod of yours to swoop in, save them, and bring em home.
And all of this doesn't even cover the lore, the characters, the art, the music, and everything else, which are all just as great. From the very first line spoken in the tutorial, I was completely hooked. Buy this game.
2322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 18:56
1339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 16:17
Subtext: great strategy game I'm very bad at.
encourages different strategic approaches. It's honestly good so I give credit where is due.
Unforgiving to the point of being annoying, It turned out to be a time consuming and completely joyless experience for me, so I regret every moment I spent on it.
8430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 03:01
At first missions seem impossible, leaving only the meager payouts of hard difficulty and below missions. After 100 hours, I can count on one hand, the number of times I was actually in an impossible scenario with no way out. If you are ever cornered by 3 predators with defender shields inside a jammer zone, remember that there is always some ludicrous, heinously unfair (to them that is) way out.
3967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 19:44
2177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 16:25
☐ Expert
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☑ Good
☐ Beautiful
☐ Fantastic
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☐ Good
☐ Beautiful
☑ Fantastic
☐ Easy
☐ Average
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Hard
☐ Unfair
☐ Bugs destroy the game
☐ Lots of bugs
☐ Few Bugs
☐ You can use them for speedrun
☑Nothing encountered
☐ There is none
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☑ Good
☐ Fantastic
☑ Frustrating
☐ Sleepy
☐ Boring
☑ Fun
☑ Challenging
Game length (main story):
☐Super short (1-5 hours)
☐Short (6-10 hours)
☑ Average (10-20 hours)
☐Long (21-40 hours)
☐Holy crap (41+ hours)
Game length (100%, all achievements):
☐Super short (1-5 hours)
☐Short (6-10 hours)
☐Average (10-20 hours)
☑Long (21-40 hours)
☐Holy crap (41+ hours)
☑ Full price
☑ Wait for Sale
☐ Don't buy
☐ Refund it if you can
Heat signature follows the story of an infinite number of mercenaries (you) trying to free a galaxy. Basically, you fuck shit up and get paid for it (my kind of game!). You have a wide assortment of weapons and tools, and the enemy does as well. You can have weapons that kill or knock out, tools that teleport you or steal key cards, and special weapons I won't spoil (though trust me, they're cool).
When you choose a character, they'll usually have between 1-4 traits (though some have no traits, just the tools they spawn with). Sometimes, these traits will make the game harder (weak makes you not use melee weapons, shaky makes your gunshots a bit inaccurate, etc) and sometimes they make it easier (rich spawns you with more money, ex-*faction name* makes you a bit better at their specialty, like teleporting or the use of melee weapons). On top of all of this, sometimes your character has sworn to never do something. This could be ghost, to never be seen, bloodless, to never kill, or a couple others along those lines. All of this adds a bit of challenge to the already riveting game.
The actual gameplay inside of the ships can be as fast or slow as you like. Sometimes a ship has a time limit, but more often than not, you can take it as slowly or quickly as you like, depending on how you want to complete the mission. My personal favorite is a combination of slipstreams and keycard stealers to just run past the enemies at supersonic speed and finish the mission while they're still confused.
Now did I forget to mention you can pause time at any moment?
When you press [esc], you open a pause menu. From here, you can aim shots before you shoot them, look around the ship to figure out your next plan of attack, or teleport items on the ground to you. Genuinely the most useful trait you have in the game.
Overall, this has to be one of my favorite games I've played. From the good soundtrack, to the interesting game mechanics, to the simple but pretty graphics, this game is well worth the $15 (though I did get it on sale at $10). If any of this sounded remotely interesting to you, I'd say go for it (or even wait for a sale!) and try it out. It's the kind of game where you can take it as slowly or as quickly as you like, and while it will be patient with beginners, it also rewards hard work and skill.
10/10 gameplay, 9/10 soundtrack, would definitely play again.
2355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 07:22
Characters with particular restrictions bring new challenge and diversity to the game play. One of my most satisfying achievements in the game was completing the person mission of a character who could not buy new equipment and also vowed to never be seen on a mission. It took a lot of planning and care but felt great to finally complete it.
The game balances the programmatic mission and character generation well by allowing you to easily dismiss characters you're not fond of and abort missions that you're not ready for.
I have 40 hours in this game and I'd say that if you're curious enough to read this review, the game is worth your time.
6082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 20:16
I also like to pause time to think about what to do next.
Like super hot? You'll probably like this. 2d, top down version of it, though I'm not 100% sure if that's true, as I've never played super hot.
5119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 15:45
The enemy has already been alerted.
You are in the middle of a large ship trying to escape.
The pilot is less than 5 seconds away from returning to base.
You Slipstream hoping to slow time to run the hell back to your ship.
But then you realize a Jammer is about to put up a Jammer unit in the next room on your way back.
You pause and notice all your glitching equipment has been fully depleted.
Then, you notice a gun on the floor and the next room with the Jammer has an engine tank.
Are you ready to unpause and escape?
That is the thrill of Heat Signature.
1024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 00:03
I love games that offer creative solutions to problems you face and Heat Signature has that in buckets. You can play it safe, only take on missions you can handle, with items that counter your enemies, or you can try and take on far more difficult jobs, for score and cash sure, but mostly just for fun. Unlike other rogue-ish games, death isn't that much of a problem. You will 'retire' your characters, starting afresh, more than you'll die. Both because the game's fun comes from the challenges it presents you with in its mission, not an end goal, and because it's pretty forgiving with the character killing stuff. But you will frequently find yourself failing the missions and losing jobs instead.
The items you can get is the best part of the game in my opinion. From breach grenades that blow up part of a ship, to slipstream's that slowdown time, to a variety of different teleporters, traps, emp/hacking beams, stealth shields, the game gives you a lot to work with. And is tremendously satisfying when you manage to take out five enemies in just a second. Each of the 'contractors' (special enemies) also offer a unique challenge and layer of difficulty when they show up, often depending on your characters build. A tracker is nothing to you if you have traps on hand, but if you prefer a gun build, they're awful. Aside from gadgets, the games had a lot of thought put into it which allows you to do some pretty clever stuff. For example, when you slow down time, you're really moving super fast which can lead you to break through a window and fly out into space by accident. You can then pick yourself up in your pod, fly back to the ship, jump out of your pod and fly straight back through the window you just broke, to avoid having to go back to the nearest airlock. You can also explode the engines to prevent the ship from escaping to a station, or just to send a guard with a shield out into space. It's when you're about to lose your missions do you make the most of the random tricks you learned and where the game's at its best.
My only criticism is it becomes too easy at a certain point and really it's pretty easy to get good items when you unlock them for the shop. I've finished some of the hardest missions in the game in seconds, without touching an enemy, with some kits. As I said earlier, you're gonna retire a lot of characters because they'res not much that can threaten them. (Except for itemlock, it's easily the worst job condition to face as you can't bring most of your gadgets with you.) But I'd say it's worth the original price, on sale it's a steal.
794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 00:09
The only downside is that it's really difficult to make mods. It would be even better if it had that option, with custom weapons, ships, enemies, and so on.
5884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 08:41
There's no feeling quite like riding that split-second high and threading the needle for the entire level.
3000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 19:39
4546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 23:59
3859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 11:56
4307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 07:37
The only major drawback is the almost non-existent story. There is very little dialogue, and only a few NPCs to interact with. Like in many rogulikes/roguelites, you can create your own stories with your own characters, but that is also very limited here. This is pretty disappointing considering what little dialogue is there is well-written, and the overall plot is pretty cool with a space opera kind of vibe to it.
3196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 20:14
5956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 13:32
You will however find yourself playing the same archetype mine in this case was Stealth teleporty stabby man.
Game is greatly improved with self-inflicted constraint, i like to play the bottom character in the selector and play in the style of their attributes, you end up with characters who end up silent & deadly or loud & exciting. The pacifists are the hardest ones to play. i also don't retire or re-choose a character until their Glory = 0, This makes the game take while keep pushing you to harder mission types.
Overall Great Game
6435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 03:15
This game would be even more amazing if you were able to maintain some more control over the long term expansion as you take over sectors. Maybe there could be factions that try to re-take stations, or you could have the ability to strategize or make alliances with factions.
Those are just some spitball thoughts, but the game is totally worth it as is.
4484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 02:23
This game is about puzzles, how to get to your target and how to get out, one problem at a time, door to door and enemy to enemy.
2575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 14:16
Not even I do, it just kinda happens sometimes. I love it.
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 14:56
The gameplay is really satisfying with many weird weapons to chose from that make each encounter fun to play.
Not so keen on the failure mechanics in the game. Your guy can be captured and you have to use a new character to rescue them. Or they can bleed out and be permanently killed. Which gives the combat more weight because you don't want to lose it all but it is annoying more then anything.
The real weak point of the game is the story ie there isn't one. Each character has a random personal mission you can do or not and everyone works on liberating the system. That's literally it. After the tutorial there isn't much dialogue either, just you picking missions from a list.
So I guess that's why this game remains some what obscure, even obscurer then Gunpoint which I at least heard about before hand.
3466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 19:32
1607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 05:35
Great rogue-lite top down shooter with nice flow of progression.
The tools given to you make the role-playing part in this game very flexible.
Wanna be a dual sword wielding space ninja? Yes, you can!
Wanna be stealthy spy that can take down every enemy non-lethally? Hell yeah!
Wanna go in guns blazing and use whatever's near you? Do it!
Be a hacker sabotaging enemies' equipment and stealing their keys without them noticing? Yes!
Bloody hell, you can take over a ship with nothing but a wrench System Shock 2 style!
The aesthetic is pretty okay.
The gameplay loop is addictive.
The story is boardgame worthy.
A well realized game that didn't overstay its welcome.
1572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 11:13
The game got a pretty cool premise - you play as one of many freelance saboteurs who infiltrate spaceships in a backwater nebula, trying to hijack them, steal valuable equipment, or kill or kidnap one of passengers. You got an infiltration pod, a tiny spaceship that can latch on to airlocks, and a whole load of varied equipment, to do that. You then spend the wealth on new equipment, or information for personal quest - a tough missions where you rescue or avenge a relative or steal a valuable item - which then allows you to retire the character, allowing to upgrade one of their items into a stronger version, allowing other characters to find it. Also with each mission you progress in station liberation, liberating a new outpost unlocks new items for sale and is how you ultimately win the game, by liberating the four HQs of the enemy factions.
Now, the gameplay itself - it's really freeform, with lots of gadgets like traps, teleporters (three varieties - each with their own limitations like teleporting you only for couple seconds, or only by swapping with another person), melee and ranged weapons, and my biggest favourites - subverters, devices that make ship turrets and other systems work for you, and make enemies advantages like shields backfire against them. By the way, enemies come with loads of special gimmicks, both ship guard crews and the ships themselves, like sometimes raising alarm gives you limited time to kill the pilot before ship returns to enemy station and you get captured - other times alarm leads to teleportation of multiple specialists that can kill you the moment they see you, or make all equipment beyond weapons useless. It actually limits your options when enemies got loads of enhancements like both shields and body armors so you have fewer options to dispose of them (although you don't even need to dispose of anyone beyond a single mission target, most of time) - and some missions put time limit as penalty or by default so you have to use your wits to complete the objective in time. Fear not though, all missions are randomly generated and you're always given options.
Another cool thing is how systems interact here, like the tiny ship you use can be used to board another big ship, not the one that's mission objective, to allow you to attack the target with it, knocking out it's engines and teleporters. You also need that tiny infiltrator ship for when enemies throw you trough an airlock so you have to remote control your ship to pick you back up before you run out of oxygen - and major injuries from lethal weapons permamently reduce your air supply timer, so the risk of dying in vacuum will grow - which means you won't be able to retire and add another fancy upgraded weapon to the game world. The way weapon upgrades are handled are pretty cool, you got these modifiers like self-recharging or armor-piercing that introduce noticeable change, they can stuck up creating really useful devices, and some combos are really hard to get - and self-charging devices are a godsend that allows you to use them way more freely.
This game is pretty amazing, you can get really creative with stuff it gives you, yet it also offers immense challenge - beyond regular missions, there are Glory Missions, which reward nothing, are super tough, but are quite a challenge with lots of enemy enhancements and complications, not to mention taking place on extra huge ships. Must admit, kinda intimidated by them so not sure I'm up to beating all the Glory tiers. In any case, I totally recommend it.
3451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 22:08
Surprisingly deep, extremely clever, very inventive!
Heat signature is, for the most part, a game of highly repetitive missions in space. Go to this ship, collect this thing or kill this guy, rinse and repeat.
So why recommend this one? In a word; approaches.
You don't just collect a thing; you may have to traverse a labyrinth of ship's rooms laden with armed guards in suits of armor, or insta-kill assassins waiting to throw you out an airlock. Gear can save you, and is tricky but rewarding. You can grab your favorite gun and traps and blast your way through. Feel like going in Spartan? Bring a gun or a gadget and improvise.
And the list goes on and on.
I wasn't sure what I was getting at first, the learning curve is so subtle that I had no idea just how much I was learning. Missions that originally took a lot of time and planning became easy as my mind would asses, map out, and execute strategies that were complex, layered, and effortless.
The game's weapons, gadgets, enemies, and ship layouts offer a wide breadth of approaches that are as simple or as complex as you want them to be; which is where this game really shines brightest. My favorite tools were never the same thing twice because they each excelled under different circumstances. Same with weapons; it's amazing how much one can do with a wrench and some imagination.
The music is okay, and the graphics do the job, but neither are what I'd call fantastic by any stretch. It looks, sounds and feels like a very complex very well made Flash game from those NewGrounds days. No part of this is bad, but nothing really felt too deep. There is a great variety of ships and weapons, I don't know if this was from a pool; or randomly generated, but it definitely kept changing things up so they wouldn't feel too 'samey'.
The story isn't much to look at, neither is the writing. I'd say this is to the contemporary what arcade games used to be like, so it's not about the story at all. The writing and characters merely serve as the premise for why you're there and what your objectives are, which is fine. You're here to play a game, and this one's got you covered.
Do not mistake its simple presentation to mean it is a simple game. This game is probably one of the cleverest and surprising games I've played in a long time. Very unpredictable possibilities keep me coming back. Heat Signature scratches an itch I didn't know I had.
This game was played with all settings maxed out using an Intel i7-8700k, 32gb DRAM, Samsung Evo SSD, 1080ti, running at 3440x1440. Ultrawide was naively supported with no problems. I played using an old Logitech G13, which occasionally disconnected from the game (a bug that can happen sometimes, and may not be game related).
- Sharp slick game play
- Becomes intuitive
- Many possibilities
- Highly replayable
- Teaches you to think outside the box
- Supports Ultrawide
- Lackluster artistic direction
- Story and writing aren't great
- Could use more varied environments and ships
Verdict: 09/10
A sharp, clever, instant classic that defines “easy to learn, lifetime to master”.
1148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 04:56
By the same mind that brought us Gunpoint, heat signature puts you in control of one of the many natives of a nebula in a remote corner of the galaxy, looking to liberate it from the various corporate interests that seek to control it. You do this by taking missions, liberating node after node until the entire region is liberated, while also looking to fulfill your character's personal goal, whether that be to simply retire rich, make a name for themselves, or just rescue their idiot relative.
I mentioned Hotline Miami, and I mentioned it for good reason. While both are a top down affair, Heat Signature varies in that it's less about blindly throwing yourself at the enemy and more about planning your every move. Because in this game, you can pause at any time, and give yourself as much time in the world to plan your move. Heat Signature is about fighting smart, not finding hard.
The beauty of this game is how organically missions can play out. A wide variety of gadgets are available to you, but always the same ones, forcing you to improvise a lot of the time. And in those moments where you complete the mission, it makes you feel all the more clever. One of my own personal favorite moments was when I had to capture a character on board a ship. But rather than sneak through the massive dreadnought's interior, I simply highjacked a smaller ship, blew a hole in the compartment where I knew my target was, and then beamed them aboard my pod. It's great how organic the gameplay is, though sometimes this can result in some missions just being plain impossible if you don't have the right setup.
Heat Signature is an extremely solid indie action game, and rather unique for what it is. Heartily recommend.
Find more reviews at Balance Patch.
2436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.20 17:02
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.19 06:20
Finally I snagged Heat Signature... The tutorial amped me up for what was about to unfold and I braced myself for more Hotline Miami style freneticism. Well, the first few stages failed to impress. Walk through the ship, bang up some baddies, walk out easy.
I was considering a refund... Until I tried my hand at a hard mission. This is the meaty gameplay I was seeking. Enemies with shields, tightly packed groups of enemies, all ready to boot your ass back into the abyss of space. Finally we were cooking with gas.
I completed a hard mission and leveled up my liberation... Slowly it dawned on me that the galaxy I was playing in was a skill tree. Now I was hooked. Many attempts and many failures I began to get into the groove and realize the true genius of Heat Signature.
It isnt all hack and slash, in fact the game is much more fun to play as a stealth assassin of the resistance. Gadgets galore will teleport you around the ship, clone keys, set traps, or simply blow entire rooms away.
Get a character nicely kitted out and kicking some imperialist butt? Eventually there will come a situation that gets the better of him and you'll need to say goodbye. Sometimes the goodbye is temporary. I've actually rescued one of the characters I thought was lost forever. That is a fantastic touch.
The start of the game is dull... I'll be the first to admit that much. But if you perservere you will be presented with an outstanding gaming experience full of tricks, traps, gadgets, and intrigue.
664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.19 08:51
The story so far…
I had my goal. Assassinate an officer who murdered my wife. Problem is… the ship is filled to the brim with armored guards and sentries, and I have no means of killing them.
I decided to give it a try anyway. Bought a grenade launcher with three uses and a rechargeable acid trap to melt away the armor. I shoot a sentry with three guards on it, oops I forgot about alarms being a thing. A timer starts and I will fail if I can't pacify/eliminate the pilot in time. I quickly maneuver around the ship and in one shot I manage to kill more than ten guards, greatly freeing up room. I set up the traps and succeed to remove armor from a few guards then would shoot them.
I still fail to reach my target in time and escape. Mission failed. Time to farm for armor-piercing guns. This will make the job much easier!
I decide to switch to another character so he can get money to buy a lead to his final goal as well while unlocking new stations which yields new items. I get enough and find out that my (steam) friend is captured in a ship.
The situation is even worse than my first one: guards with armor, shields, sentries. If the alarm is activated, defenders, hunters and jammers, special characters who protect the guards, relentlessly chase you and set up devices that block your gadgets from working will show up. But hey! Let's give it a try why not?!
I hack the sentry with my subverter tool and it kills the 3 armored guards nearby, alarm is activated (I thought that kills from malfunctioning turrets wouldn't trigger it). Defenders start putting shields on the guards and the jammer carefully lays the jamming devices around the whole ship. “Ok time to abort this” I think. Still, for some reason I decided to keep playing and at least improve how I play by dealing with those characters before I die.
I find a shield disruptor which I use to remove the defenders protection and proceed to bait them and the guards closer to my hacked turrets with gunshot noises and they fall one by one with it. The hunters and jammers weren't much of an issue since I could take them down with my trusty concussive hammer. The jamming devices were a huge problem though. I could not hack the many sentries around or use them to kill the guards.
THEN I find out that I can actually disable the jamming device when nearby (ah the joys of being a noob), I do that and start hacking or shutting down sentries. A guard shoots an explosive barrel that destroy the segment I am on and I get yeeted to space. I pilot my pod to rescue me and get back to action.
There is still this huge hallway with guards and sentries and I can't afford to hack/disable many more, I remember I have a teleportation tool and use it to move by them without being seen. Too many guards still and one have the key I need to reach my friend. I use a key cloning device and steal his key from afar. Could this be it? The coast is almost clear and I avoid being seen and finally my friend is within reach! I go towards the teleport and try to activate and see if I can go back to my pod. I get dropped to space instead, What the hell?
I call my pod again and this time I see “objective” marker floating in space.I fly towards it and find that my friend is there. I rescue him then me and promptly go back to base. Mission complete. All without being able to kill a single armored guy by myself and thinking this was impossible.
To be continued?
Experiences like this showcase how many possibilities the game give you. I simply had a blast playing this mission and now I feel more confident about my previous character goal. This will come in time.
ps: I omitted the parts where I got shot a few times and thrown from the ship because they are very small trivial details.
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