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Götterdämmerung | Patch 1.15.1 Checksum c86b
Hearts of Iron 4
21.11.24 15:40 Community Announcements

It has been a week since the release of Götterdämmerung ​but Command has continued their work in the background, with today's patch rolling out with some much needed bug fixes, some balance passes and a few tweaks to the AI. Make sure to check them out below as we continue to work diligently on more for the future!




- Reduced the base convoy cost for the Underway Replenishment by ~20%. (From 0.35 per fuel to 0.28 per fuel)
- Adding days to the mission "Public Dissent" to give the player more of a fighting chance to avoid the negative fallout of the mission and subsequent event
- Fixed an exploit with swapping division templates
- Added basic transport plane technology to more countries in 1936 bookmark
- Made political power a bit more abundant for the Freedom at Gunpoint/African Union branch for Congo. Also modified some AI chances, and added a version of the liberation decision to liberate subjects of colonial powers, and not just occupied territories.
- Added dimishing return for breakthrough gain from number of scientists (more facilities doing basic research will be less advantageous per facility)




- Renamed Submarine Ballistic Missile Launcher to Submarine Nuclear Missile Launcher
- Basic Torpedo tech no longer unlocks Torpedo Mountings module.
- France can now gain access to AMX as a tank MIO by completing the Form State Arsenals focus




- Equipment Designer dynamic version-naming checkbox now functions correctly when manually toggled




- AI can now cancel low-scoring raids if that's needed to unblock command power so a higher-scoring raid can be created
- AI should now exercise their divisions (when not involved in a war) to a larger degree
- AI should now get correct AI strategy values immediately after loading a save file (next hourly tick instead of next daily tick)
- Sanity check of British plane designs, fixing a bunch of invalid designs
- Ai will only volunteer to give back core states if democratic or communist, support for adjusting this added




- Fixed issue with supply flow reduction not showing in tooltip
- Fixed missing faction in invitation tooltip for Ally Chiang Kai-Shek focus
- Update resource need for special project on game load
- Fixed possible CTD when selecting project iteration reward
- Fixed issue with showing empty army theater
- front lines and units can no longer be highlighted when main menu is open
- Corrected the Belgian Neutral Royalist party to the House of Saxe-Coburg Gotha from House of Leopold.
- Added É to a number of Belgian people.
- British speech War with Germany now requires Germany to be at war with Poland in order to be triggered when UK declares war on Germany.
- Fixed a spelling error in the Congolese focus "Strict Anti-Clericalism".
- Fixed a bug where the UK wouldn't be able to get any extra resources from the effect of the Congolese focus "Enter the Sterling Area".
- BEL: Made the European Crusade focus more readable.
- German focus Crossing the Atlantic: Added a cap to the amount of states that can get dockyards, and set up a criteria to prio coastal states with 2 mils first, then coastal states with 1 mil, then coastal states with no mils. States can no longer get dockyards twice. Missleading tooltips about multiple target states are no longer part of the tooltip.
- German focus Crossing the Atlantic: After completing the focus there is now a tooltip showing the states that got dockyards.
- German focus Crossing the Atlantic: Fixed and simplified broken trigger so that the requirement is to not have any major enemy controlling a state in Europe.
- Fixed cyrilic К instead of latin K in Soviet Nuclear Submarine name, breaking the name in some fonts.
- Operation Jericho can now be performed even if France controls some of their core states, as long as Germany still controls the relevant states
- BEL: Flooded Tank Barriers will now affect the attacking army.
- Ethiopia/Congo's African Central Bank focus and events now give a positive modifier rather than a negative one.
- Removed Zaisser as an advisor without La Resistance enabled, removed a duplicate modifier from the National Idea "Stasi" and replaced it with something else, and hid a focus without La Resistance since it only gives operatives and nothing else
- Fixed event Information Leak triggered by nuclear Special Project firing only for the first country triggering it.
- Historical AI Germany will replace Bormann by Himmler as Reichsleiter for the Inner Circle later so that Bormann can generate more PP during early and mid game.
- Fixed technology Maintenance Company III granting +30% Recovery bonus to Armored Maintenance Company, it now grants the intended +3% bonus like the other Maintenance techs.
- Fixed German High Command Viktor Schutze being an Anti-Submarine Specialist, he will now be a Submarine Specialist.
- Fixes decisions showing up when they shouldn't in "Subjugating our Old Lands"
- Fixes a minor typo in "Recall Retired Generals to Service
- Fixed German Ho 229 Flying Wing 3D model not showing up in the plane designer
- Fixed issue with Soviet Improved Tank Destroyer using the wrong model in the tank designer.
- Fixed issue in which German focus Party Chancellor Hess that could be locked without progressing or being able to cancel it if the Flight of Rudolf Hess happened while the focus was being completed.
- fix to an achievement triggering incorrectly
- Fix sounds missing for raids and special projects if you don't have the Gotterdammerung expansion
- Fixed an issue where the Silesian Uprising would appear during the German civil war despite not owning Götterdämmerung, with it thus being unstoppable.
- Lock the Prioritize Economic Growth focus if you have the Economy of Conquest National Spirit; it's too late to fix economy now, buddy
- fixes a flag not being removed properly if Austria manually gets a non aggression pact while working on the decision to get a non-aggression pact
- Decisions to invite other countries into the EU will now cancel properly and not softlock if the targeted country flips communist or fascist
- Fixed a bug where Kaiserin Victoria was unobtainable without Götterdämmerung.
- Fixed an issue where the naval base in Tasmania wasn't showing up as intended.
- Fixed an issue where the Pro-German Mwami wouldn't become the leader of the Congo if chosen while Germany wasn't fascist.
- Fixed an issue where the achievement "Our Place in the Sun" would only check for the old focus with the same name, thus being unobtainable with Götterdämmerung.
- Tweaked names of Nuclear Missile equipment to make it more clear that they are in fact Nuclear Missiles tier I and II.
- Flamethrower tank icons and models are now part of the pools of their regular tank counterparts, with low priority.
- Added a game designer back to the credits
- Fixed ship casualties not shown in War Overview window
- Fixed task force reinforcement constantly moving ship in and out of a task force
- First Berlin Award now grants Zaolzie to the southern ally of Germany.
- Promoting an officer no longer switches the other player's window if playing in Co-Op mode
- German Tank Scientists Erwin and Aders are now unlocked without AAT by hiring their related Designer.
- Fixed Raj character Bhabha being a nuclear theorist. He is now a scientist.
- Fixes Karl Renner sometimes appearing as an advisor without a trait
- Fix issue where raids could be detected even if intel was under the required threshold (10%)
- Removed the "Class" from 2 variant names since that's provided by the variant versioning
- Fix damaged facility icon not being visible in state view
- Fixed helicopters looking incorrect in 3D preview window.




- has_truce_with trigger added


That is all for today, we'll continue to monitor things and look to make some fixes and changes, however please do keep sending in your bug reports in the meantime!

Make sure to check out the Expansion Pass Here
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Release:08.07.2016 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Paradox Interactive Vertrieb: Paradox Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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