The ‘Panda Attack’ contest is your chance to beat the shit out of some of the Ghost Squad members. Have you ever wanted to kick Chris’s ass? Maybe wreck Whitepac's jaw? Or perhaps give Spy a black eye? Here's your chance!
How does it work?
Every Saturday the Ghost Squad will play ‘Panda Attack’ with the stream viewers. The game ‘Panda Attack’ is 3 v 8 Team Death Match. 3 of the Ghost Squad against 8 of the stream viewers. The Pandas (Ghost Squad) will take on the 8 stream viewers, Pandas will be allowed any melee weapon i.e. Candy cane, scythe, sword etc. The stream viewers will be allowed 0 weapons, just your fists and your numbers. Your objective is to kick the shit out of pandas, and their objective is to stay alive.
The rules:
Team 1 – Pandas aka The Ghost Squad
• Panda suit
• Only melee weapon allowed
Team 2 - The stream viewers
• No panda suits allowed
• No weapons allowed
The game
• Game type: Team Deathmatch
• Game duration: 60 kills in 10 minutes
• Map: stream viewers choice
• Time: 20:00 CEST, every Saturday
• Join in the fun at: http://www.twitch.tv/fairplayhq
Victory Conditions
• One stream viewer with the highest score wins a prize
• Winner cannot compete in next week’s contest
• Winner will be in our stream hall of fame and announced on Reddit
• Tyrant’s Lava Burst (never before seen epic grenade!) (3 days)
• Epic Box Set (x10)
• Revive Tokens (x5)