• Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.
  • Hard Reset Redux: Screen zum Spiel Hard Reset Redux.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 03.06.2016
Zum Shop
Preis Update 30.06.24

Über das Spiel

In Bezoar, der letzten Stadt der Menschen, wird Army-Veteran und CLN-Soldat Major Fletcher in den Konflikt zwischen zwei der gefährlichsten Feinde der Menschheit gezogen. Er findet heraus, dass nichts so ist, wie es scheint.

Der gefeierte Ego-Shooter kehrt zurück – auf dem neuesten Stand und fordernder denn je! Hard Reset Redux ist die brandneue Fassung des Cyberpunk-Klassikers, der alle Inhalte früherer Ausgaben bietet und neues, verbessertes Gameplay hinzufügt – sowie überarbeitete Grafiken und neue Inhalte, die diese zur definitiven Version von Hard Reset machen.

Hard Reset Redux ist ein actiongeladener Hardcore-Shooter für Einzelspieler, der das Beste enthält, das das Genre zu bieten hat: totale Zerstörung, zahllose Gegner, eine große Auswahl an Waffen, eine fordernde Kampagne und seine prachtvoll umgesetzte Cyberpunk-Atmosphäre. Hard Reset, der ursprünglich zum Aufmischen der Shooter-Szene auf dem PC entwickelte Titel, ist auf einer neuen Hardware-Generation zurückgekehrt!

  • Fesselnde Cyberpunk/Dark SciFi-Welt Rasanter Old School-Shooter
  • Horden von Gegnern
  • Epische Endgegner-Kämpfe
  • Komplexe, erfahrungsbasierte Waffen-Upgrades
  • Ausgezeichnete Grafik mit vollständig dynamischen Lichteffekten
  • Ausgiebiger Einsatz von Physik und dynamischen Umgebungen

Neue Features:
  • Brandneue Cyber-Katana-Waffe: Eine mächtige, neue Waffe als wirksame Nahkampf-Option
  • Mehr Gegner: Diverse Varianten bedrohlicher Cyborg-Zombies erwarten die nichts ahnenden Spieler
  • Neue Quick Dash-Option: Die neue Bewegungsoption für Kämpfe, die dabei hilft, Angriffen und Gegnern auszuweichen
  • Verbesserte Grafik: Das Spiel verwendet die neueste Fassung der RoadHog-Engine und bietet verbesserte Effekte und Beleuchtung.
  • Technisch optimiert: Kürzere Ladezeiten, Quicksave-Funktion und vollständige Joypad-Unterstützung
  • Verbesserte Spielbalance: Schwierigkeitsgrade und Spieltempo wurden überarbeitet und optimiert.
  • Neue Gegnerplatzierung: Die Gegner im gesamten Spiel tauchen nun anders auf und bieten eine neue Herausforderung selbst für erfahrene Hard Reset-Veteranen.


  • CPU: 2.5 GHz Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon 64
  • GFX: 512 MB NVIDIA GeForce 8800GS / ATI Radeon HD 3870 or better
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Win 7 or Later
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

402 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 21:24
Gutes Spiel. Als hätte Doom und Bulletstorm ein Kind. Schnelles Gameplay, gutes Movement und witziges Gunplay. Kann ich nur empfehlen, besonders im Sale für n paar Euro. Spielzeit ca. 4,5h.
1273 Produkte im Account
652 Reviews
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 20:31

Ballistisch Elektrisierend

Cyberpunk + Shooter = Viel Altmetall?

„Hard Reset“ ist ein schneller Shooter mit Spuren von Arcade-Elementen. Das Gameplay ist ziemlich simpel: Mit zwei Waffen ballern wir uns durch die Gegend. Dabei sammeln wir im Verlauf der Kampagne Aufrüstungspunkte und können unsere Waffen verbessern. So wird per Knopfdruck aus dem Sturmgewehr wahlweise eine Schrotflinte oder ein Granatwerfer, um damit die feindlichen Roboter zu zerlegen. Manchmal nutzt man die Umgebung zum Zerstören…manchmal zerstört man aber auch einfach nur die Umgebung. Dazu gibt es Pick-Ups für Gesundheit, Munition und Erfahrung.
Generell erinnert mich das Prinzip von „Hard Reset“ an klassische Arena Shooter wie z.B. Unreal Tournament. Selbst einen Dash, mit dem man schnell ausweichen kann, wurde in der Redux Version hinzugefügt.

Im 25. Jahrhundert gibt es nur noch wenige Menschen aus Fleisch und Blut. Ein Großteil der Gesellschaft hat das eigene Bewusstsein hochgeladen und existieren in einer digitalen Ebene bzw. als Roboter. Allerdings scheinen Letztere durchzudrehen und als Polizist bzw. Söldner „Fletcher“ halten wir einen regelrechten Amoklauf der Maschinen und Cyborgs auf. Als Prämisse sind wir dabei in der letzten Stadt der Menschheit unterwegs und tauchen in ein düsteres Geheimnis ein.
Die Geschichte ist jetzt nicht gerade das Aushängeschild von „Hard Reset“, aber sie taugt zumindest etwas. Trotzdem ist sie doch eher dünn und ein Mittel zum Zweck.

Natürlich kann die Grafik heutzutage nicht mehr mithalten. Selbst für ein Spiel von 2012 würde ich das Spiel bestenfalls als etwas über den Durchschnitt bewerten. Die Redux-Version sorgt zwar für ein paar Neuerungen und dynamischere Beleuchtungen, aber das macht es auch nicht wunderschön.
Allerdings hat mir persönlich der dunkle Cyberpunkstil gefallen. Der Soundtrack fetzt durchaus und die deutsche Synchro ist bei den relativ wenigen Dialogen auch vernünftig. Allerdings ist es irgendwie interessant, dass im Spiel zwar eine deutsche Stimmenausgabe existiert, aber in den Sequenzen zwischen den Kapiteln wird dann doch Englisch gesprochen…

„Hard Reset“ erinnert mich an klassische schnelle Shooter und damit auch ein wenig an die Neuauflage von DOOM. Natürlich ist die Grafik nicht mehr auf den neuesten Stand, fetzen kann das Spiel aber immer noch. Meiner Meinung nach hätte das Spiel zum Release mehr Aufmerksamkeit verdient gehabt. So ist es immer noch ein guter „Arenashooter“ im Cyberpunkstil und ist im Angebot durchaus noch empfehlenswert.

Das Review hat dir gefallen, aber das Spiel sagt dir nicht zu? Oder es hat dir gefallen und du suchst noch andere gute Spiele? Dann folge mir doch in meiner Steamgruppe, in der ich bereits sehr viele Reviews veröffentlicht habe.
5457 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 21:38
Kann ich absolut empfehlen. Ich hatte sehr viel Spaß beim spielen. Für mich auch 2021 noch eine gute Grafik und gelungene Lichteffekte. Teilweise vielleicht etwas zu schlauchig aber mir hat es im gesamten gefallen.
953 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 20:10
Es ist nett, aber ich würde es wohl niemals jemandem empfehlen, vor allem nicht für 19.99€.
Genrefans haben aber vielleicht ihren Spaß damit.

- Schnelle Kämpfe: es wirkt sehr dynamisch, was die Kämpfe für ich kurzweilig machte. Vor allem, weil man nicht nachladen muss und flüssig zwischen den verschiedenen Waffen und Schussmodi wechseln kann
- Kurz: ich brauchte sechs Stunden zum Durchspielen auf Normal. Länger hätte es nicht sein müssen, da es nicht sehr abwechslungsreich ist
- Upgradesystem: das Leveln von Fähigkeiten und Waffen ist nicht überkomplex und die meisten Skills sind nett und nützlich

- Wenig abwechslungsreich: man läuft durch die Level, drückt Schalter, tötet alle Gegner und wiederholt das im Grunde bis zum Ende des Spiels.
- Die Story ist recht platt, aber ich bin auch kein Fan des Cyberpunkgenres.
- Diese Energiewaffen hab ich das ganze Spiel über nicht verwendet, weil ich keinen Bedarf gesehen habe.
- Es ist auf Normal vielleicht noch etwas zu leicht gewesen (für mich). Wer Fan von schnellen Shootern ist, kann es also gern direkt mindestens einen Schwierigkeitsgrad höher einstellen.
1442 Produkte im Account
162 Reviews
2524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 21:27
is cool man
807 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 14:01
Ziemlich stupide Dauer-Ballerbude. In Hard Reset Redux kämpft ihr euch durch eine dystopische Cyberpunkwelt und schießt dabei Massen an gleichförmigen Gegnerwellen über den Haufen.
Die Story wird dabei (zumindest in der ersten Hälfte) in schick animierten Comicsequenzen erzählt, bleibt aber bis zum Schluss belanglos und unwichtig. Die Level durch die ihr euch kämpft sind nicht unbedingt hässlich, gewinnen aber auch keinen Schönheitspreis. Noch dazu sind die Areale schlauchförmig und wenig abwechslungsreich.
Zum Kampf selber: Ihr habt die Wahl zwischen zwei Schusswaffen die ihr modifizieren könnt und einem Schwert für den Nahkampf. Letzteres habe ich in meinem kompletten Durchlauf jedoch kein einziges Mal sinnvoll eingesetzt, da euch die meisten Gegner entweder aus der Ferne beharken, oder euch extrem verletzen sobald sie in eure Nähe kommen. Im Prinzip reicht es in 90 % der Fälle aus einfach mit der Waffe eurer Wahl Dauerfeuer zu geben bis nichts mehr steht. Den Waffenwechsel könnt ihr getrost vergessen. Zudem ist Umgebungsschaden euer bester Freund. Ernsthaft, wer so viel explosives und gefährliches Zeug in der Gegend liegen lässt gehört verhaftet! An allen Ecken und Enden knallt und blitzt es nach nur einem Streifschuss!
Insgesamt hat das Spiel bei mir den Eindruck hinterlassen, das selbst die Entwickler nach der Hälfte die Lust verloren haben, so lieblos wirkte die zweite Hälfte eines ohnehin nicht langen Spiels.
Wer auf der Suche nach einem düsteren Actionkracher ist, der sollte lieber die Finger von Hard Reset lassen und sich stattdessen Doom besorgen!
339 Produkte im Account
281 Reviews
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.20 09:37

Review zu Hard Reset Redux

Die Reduxversion von Hard Reset hat so ziemlich fast jegliche Kritik, die ich mit der ursprünglichen Extended Edition hatte, gekonnt beseitigt.
Ich bin ganz klar in der Minderheit, wenn ich das behaupte. Viele Leute, zumindest, wenn man sich das Forum hierzu anschaut, verschmähen diese Version und bevorzugen die ursprüngliche Variante. Ich jedoch nicht.
Meine Review zur Extended Edition von Hard Reset gibt es hier.
Wie bereits erwähnt, hat die Reduxversion viele Dinge meiner Meinung nach verbessert und meine Kritikpunkte, die ich zur Extended Edition hatte, beherzt und so einige Aspekte des Spiels umgestaltet. Die größten Änderungen wären wohl der Dash, womit man sich schnell fortbewegen kann und nun auch gekonnt diesen nervigen Gorillas ausweichen kann. Das allgemeine Gameplay ist so auch viel flotter und macht regelrecht deutlich mehr Spaß! Die andere größere Neuerung wäre ein Katana, der zwar nur in bedingten Situationen gut funktioniert, aber wenigstens das Repertoire an Waffen erhöht, wenn auch nur gering. Auch ein Kritikpunkt, den ich zuvor hatte und nun weggefallen ist!
Allerdings darf man die Reduxversion nicht allzu verblümt betrachten, denn auch die Reduxversion schleppt noch Nachteile des Vorgängers mit sich herum und erschafft teilweise auch Neue.
Davon gibt es aber kaum welche, die jetzt unbedingt näher beschrieben werden müssen. Höchstens der Fall, dass ein Gegner mal in einer Wand drinsteckte und so mein Fortschritt im Level etwas ausgebremst hatte, aber das war´s dann auch schon.
Im Allgemeinen überwiegen die Vorteile definitiv die Nachteile, weshalb ich die Reduxvariante auch bevorzuge.

Kommen wir für die Schnellen unter uns einfach mal zur Pro-Contra-Liste:


+ Ich fand es irgendwie interessant, dass das Hauptmenü vor den Augen des Spielers zusammengebaut wird (in der Reduxversion gibt es dieses Mal keine Option, das schneller einzustellen, stattdessen ist diese Animation schon so schnell implementiert und lässt sich nicht langsamer stellen, sozusagen)
+ Mir haben die Cutscenes im Comiclook gefallen, auch wenn die Geschichte sich als nicht wirklich interessant entpuppte
+ Ich weiß zwar nicht wieso ich das erwähne, aber ich war irgendwie davon fasziniert, dass Werbetafeln erst aktiviert wurden, wenn man sie direkt angeblickt hat
+ Ich war fasziniert davon, dass Pickups auf Oberflächen reflektieren. Damit werden sie noch viel sichtbarer und schwerer zu übersehen
+ In Hard Reset gibt es keine Standardshooterfadenkreuze! Da gibt es Fadenkreuze, die wirklich einzigartig sind
+ Die Cyberpunkwelt ist recht interessant
+ Auch die Cyberpunkarchitektur war wirklich gut!
+ Durch den Dash ist das Gameplay nicht mehr so öde und man hat mehr Möglichkeiten horizontal auszuweichen
+ Man kann nun auch viel länger sprinten, zusätzlich zum Dash
+ Nun gibt es auch mehr Gegnerarten, wenn auch nur Zombies mit Implantaten, aber immerhin!
+ Mir persönlich hat das Spielen mit dem Katana Spaß gemacht, hat sehr an Shadow Warrior erinnert, selbst die Animation an sich, was auch kein Wunder ist, weil beide Spiele von Flying Wild Hog sind (was mir ehrlich gesagt erst nach etwas Recherche wieder eingefallen ist) Allerdings ist der Katana für explodierende Gegner nicht wirklich geeignet, weil man dann im Nahkampf selbst Schaden nimmt


- Man kann sich nicht hinknien. Oftmals gab es ein Secret fast in Reichweite und einem Zaun mit einem kniehohen Loch (wohl damit kleine Gegner hindurchschlüpfen können), der das Secret versperrt hatte, um nicht dorthin zu gelangen und einen Alternativweg zu suchen, was nicht nötig wäre, wenn man einfach sich hinknien könnte und durch den Zaun könnte, um es zu erreichen. Ich verstehe wirklich nicht warum man sich bitte nicht hinknien kann...
- Wenn das Spiel speichert wird das Bild immer kurz unscharf
- Zu viele Explosionen versperren oftmals die Sicht und machen Kämpfe so recht unübersichtlich
- Audiooptionen sind nicht umfangreich genug
- Das Spiel macht es viel zu häufig, dass Gegner irgendwie angekündigt werden (beispielsweise, dass sie in der Ferne vor einem wegrennen), nur um dann von der nächsten Ecke herauszuspringen. Das hat irgendwann einfach nur genervt. Besonders, wenn das Spiel, dass dann in der kurzen Kampagne vielleicht 20 Mal macht...
- Das Spiel ist recht schnell repetitiv. Mehr als eine halbe Stunde pro Tag ging bei mir wirklich nicht
- Man ist gezwungen alle Gegner in einem Areal zu töten, um weiter zu kommen. Das wird auch nie erklärt, warum dem so ist. Die Displays, bei Maschinen, die man benutzen muss, um weiter zu kommen, funktionieren dann einfach nicht
- Viele Waffen machen aufgrund der zu geringen Feuerrate überhaupt keinen Spaß. Der Raketenwerfer und der Granatenwerfer schießen einfach viel zu langsam, als dass es irgendeinen Spaß machen könnte, weshalb ich die Dinger nur im Notfall genutzt habe
- Viele Gegner haben keinen Spaß gemacht sie zu bekämpfen. Es gab einfach zu viele Gegnerarten, die stupide auf einen zustürmen und im Nahkampf angreifen. Selbst Gegner, die versuchen etwas anders zu machen und beispielsweise fliegen können, weichen viel zu schnell aus, sodass es ewig dauert ein solches Ding mal runter zu schießen...
- Geheimnisse zu finden ist viel zu einfach und macht auch kaum Spaß, als beispielsweise bei Serious Sam
- Technik, wie Displays werden nicht mehr per zentriertem Cursor gesteuert. Mir hat das System in der Extended Edition sehr gefallen. Ich fand es schade, dass das geändert wurde
- Der Death Screen dauert in dieser Version interessanterweise länger an, warum auch immer


+- Die deutsche Synchro könnte besser sein
+- Ich fand, dass das HUD etwas zu groß war, fällt aber später irgendwann nicht mehr auf
+- Die Musikqualität variiert stark von Stück zu Stück, bei einigen Kampftehemes war ich froh, wenn alle Gegner tot waren, um die Musik nicht mehr hören zu müssen, andere Stücke wieder rum fand ich recht gut
+- Beim Upgrade des Zielfernrohrs erhält man keines, sondern kann nur ranzoomen (ohne jegliche Zielfernrohranimation). Wirklich?
+- Der Cursor ist viel zu groß im Menü

Die Reduxversion von Hard Reset hat gekonnt nützliche Verbesserungen eingebaut und zumindest meine Wünsche sichtlich erfüllt! Bei einem Sale für unter 5€ kann man ja mal zuschlagen, aber 19,99€ als Normalpreis würde ich nicht für das Spiel ausgeben wollen.

Ich danke fürs Lesen und wünsche sehr viel Spaß beim Spielen! ;-)

84 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.20 18:41
great game plays like oldschool fps very entertaining gameplay get this on sale its totally worth it and it has the dlc too
191 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.16 11:43
Das komplette Review könnt Ihr hier lesen: Zockwork Orange

Vor etwa 5 Jahren wurde »Hard Reset« als actiongeladener und rasanter Shooter veröffentlicht und war als neuartige Innovation innerhalb der Shooter-Szene gedacht. Wie bei »Doom« wurde der Schwerpunkt auf die Kämpfe und nicht auf die Story gelegt und das wird mir schon nach den ersten Spielminuten klar gemacht. Deshalb ist »Hard Reset Redux« auch nichts für Freunde von storylastigen Spielen, sondern es geht hier in erster Linie um den Spaß am Ballern mit einem riesigen Waffenarsenal. Die Steuerung mit dem Controller funktioniert dabei einwandfrei, auch wenn jetzt wieder viele grinsen und meinen „Einen Shooter spielt man nicht mit dem Controller!“.

Leider habe ich die ursprüngliche Fassung von »Hard Reset Redux« nicht gespielt, so dass ich keine Vergleiche ziehen kann, aber es sollen neben den grafischen Überarbeitungen einige neue Level und Gegner und generelle Verbesserungen im Gameplay hinzugekommen sein.

Die Hintergrundstory von »Hard Reset Redux« ist kurz erzählt, bzw. kaum vorhanden. Aber was kümmert einen in einem Shooter auch die Hintergrundstory. Die Weltherrschaft wurde von Maschinen übernommen und der letzte Zufluchtsort der Menschheit, die Stadt Bezoar, droht ebenfalls zu fallen. Als Major Fletcher, einem CLN-Soldat (was immer das ist), kämpfe ich mich alleine durch Straßenzüge und Gebäude um die Invasion der Roboter aufzuhalten. Mehr gibt’s auch nicht zu erzählen, die Ballereien und Kämpfe gegen Horden von Maschinenwesen sowie ein paar heftige Bosskämpfe lassen mir dazu auch keine Zeit. Ich bekomme zwar von Zeit zu Zeit Tipps oder Anweisungen von außen, aber die meiste Zeit bin ich auf mich selbst gestellt. Am Ende rette ich, wie erwartet, die Stadt … und die Menschheit wohl auch gleich mit (war das jetzt ein Spoiler?).

So cool und abwechslungsreich die Umgebung von »Hard Reset Redux« auch ist, so eintönig werden mit der Zeit die Gegner. Ich schätze, bereits nach dem ersten Drittel des Spiels ist man schon fast allem begegnet, was sich einem auf mechanischen Beinchen in den Weg stellen will. Nur noch die reine Anzahl der Maschinenwesen, die mir ans Leder wollen, macht es teilweise schwierig, mich gegen sie zu behaupten. Dabei kann übrigens die Umgebung geschickt mit einbezogen werden. Gasflaschen und explosive Behälter, die ich mit gezielten Schüssen in Feuerbälle verwandle, oder auch Metallgitter, die unter Strom gesetzt werden können, sorgen für gewisse Abwechslung, die aber nur kurz über die immer gleichförmigen gegnerischen Wellen hinwegtäuscht.

Ich würde »Hard Reset Redux« als einen wunderbar überarbeiteten Oldschool-FPS-Shooter bezeichnen. Trotz gewisser Schwächen habe ich selten einen Shooter mit so viel Begeisterung gespielt, denn auch wenn die Gegner nicht besonders abwechslungsreich waren, hat es wieder mal megamäßig Spaß gemacht so richtig auf die Kacke zu hauen.
2243 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 13:16
Pum pum! pum pum pum! fium! pas! booom!!! pum pum pum! (Redux, so.... repum repum repum refium! repas reboomm!!! repum repum repum!)
676 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 02:06
Not bad for one of FWH's first games. Combat is good, boss fights were mostly unique and fun, level design was overall good if a bit linear, and the graphics still look great.

I enjoyed experimenting with the two weapons' different modes which help to vary gameplay. Enemies can be a little bullet spongey, but not too bad. I played on the hardest difficulty available when you start which is insane. I recommend this difficulty, it didn't feel too hard and was a decent challenge. Also there are achievements for doing things for each difficulty so anytime I did something I would get five achievements which was funny.

The redux additions are good, like the cyber katana which was useful against a lot of ground enemies. Plus half of this game's campaign was originally free dlc for the main game which is crazy.

Really my only complaint would be the story is barely there, with you only getting some comic book page style cutscenes here and there.

This game is worth a buy if you can find it for cheap.
595 Produkte im Account
152 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 16:24

❤ Audience ❤

☐ Beginner
☑ Casual Gamer
☑ Normal Gamer
☐ Expert

☼ Graphics ☼

☐ Bad
☑ Alright
☐ Good
☐ Beautiful
☐ Fantastic

♬ Music ♬

☐ Bad
☑ Alright
☐ Good
☐ Beautiful
☐ Fantastic

☠ Difficulty ☠

☐ Easy
☐ Average
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Hard
☐ Unfair

§ Bugs §

☐ Bugs destroy the game
☐ Lots of bugs
☐ Few Bugs
☐ You can use them for speedrun
☑ Nothing encountered

☯ Story ☯

☐ There is none
☐ Bad
☑ Alright
☐ Good
☐ Fantastic

⚔ Gameplay ⚔

☑ Frustrating
☐ Sleepy
☑ Boring
☐ Fun
☐ Challenging

۞ Game time / Length ۞

☐ Really short (0 - 3 hours)
☑ Short (4 - 7 hours)
☐ Few hours (8 - 20 hours)
☐ Long (21-50 hours)
☐ Very Long (51-100 hours)
☐ Extremely Long (101+ hours)

$ Price / Quality $

☐ Full price
☑ Wait for Sale
☐ Don't buy
☐ Refund it if you can
360 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 23:31
This came out 5 years before Doom 4 and has many of the features it was praised for. There's upgradable weapons, different fire modes, and with the redux version, there's dashing. So why did Hard Reset have such a mediocre reception compared to Doom 4?

I would say partially because it didn't have the advantage of being an established IP. The soundtrack was ambient/electronic instead of heavy metal. Also, many players were deterred by the initially spongy enemies which would later become more fun to deal with after obtaining the weapon upgrades. Plus, the setting and enemies are quite different. There isn't exactly much blood and gore in this game since most of the enemies are robots, yet there's still a spectacular gibbing and destruction system.

I would go so far to say that Hard Reset beats Doom 4 in some aspects. One of them being that Hard Reset sets up memorable locations with suspenseful ambushes. For example, large enemies may smash through a garage door in front of you while swarms of smaller robots attack you from behind. By comparison, Doom 4 usually leads you into a big room before spawning in a shit-ton of enemies through portals all around you. In my opinion, that isn't nearly as creative or memorable.

I applaud Hard Reset for having such immersive, nail biting gameplay so many years before the boomer shooter renaissance. I hope we see another Hard Reset at some point. With the same dedication and love that the Shadow Warrior franchise got, Hard Reset could someday become a big name to rival the likes of Doom.
322 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 14:29
What's that? Cyberpunk 2077? Battlefield 2042?
Wake up kid, it's 2013 and you're playing one of the best FPS ever made.
1019 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 19:39
Game is visual feast to look at.Gameplay wise It’s fluid, fast and has the ability to keep you on the edge .Storyteling in this game is not best side so you will forget what is going on.
They try to show story with comic book style cut scenes which were well laid out but you will skip them mosts of the time.
Best side of this game is destruction and environmental explosions!
255 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 09:44
Servicable but rather boring game. Playthrough is too effortless, boss fights and endgame are the only ones entertaining.

1509 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 04:24
Old school FPS: small levels, lots of sparks, explosions and debris. Fast, hectic and has interesting weaponry.

Good for taking a break from PvP games.
1186 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 21:35
You gotto keep your expectations really low for this one.
It's just a mindless shooter. I wish there were more to it.

108 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 19:10
Decent FPS. Feels sort of like a mix of Quake 2, Half-Life and Serious Sam. The two-weapon system is pretty fun, but the small arenas and corridors often leave you with very little time to consider your options, so I ended up often using the same combos. The dash and sword is great fun, but ultimately very limited in use, especially on higher difficulties. The platforming elements were pretty lacklustre and inconsistent (sometimes you could platform to specific areas, sometimes not), so I would rather they had built this area more (especially considering the dash function) or left it out entirely.
426 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 14:58
Be aware that it's possible you'll only be able to run the game in 1164x664. Why? I don't know, but others had the same issue.
216 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 01:40
Once you play the original, you blow through this one. Nice fun for about 9 hours. Ready for a sequel.
52 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 21:21
Different, and very much fun! like reading and being in a comic book. Excellent game!
272 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 23:30
You know a game is fun when it ends and you're left wanting more. That's' the feeling I was left with when I finished Hard Reset Redux. A very enjoyable cyberpunk shooter that pits you, a guy with cybernetic implants working for a totally-not-shady corporation to protect this future city from a seemingly endless tide of robots.

To be honest, I didn't really care for the plot too much, at least not until the second half where it felt like things were finally happening. However, just when it seemed the story was getting interesting...the credits rolled and the game was over.

Yeah, the story is not much to write home about. Thankfully, the gameplay more than makes up for it. You got two main guns but you can unlock mods at the upgrade stations that give each gun new forms to use, like a rocket launcher and a railgun among others.

My advice? Buy the different weapon forms as soon as you can. Trust me, your enjoyment of the game will increase the bigger your arsenal becomes. This is the type of game where the upgrades actually have an impact on the combat and blowing up wave after wave of robots with your futuristic arsenal is very fun in this game.

Redux is an upgraded version of the original Hard Reset so you get some extra content tacked on to the main game, which is good cause the game's short enough as it is. Thankfully, there's a lot of replay value here thanks to the various game modes and all the secrets scattered through each level.

A really fun game, if a tad short, but definitely has potential I hope gets explored more in the sequel. If that ever comes out.

I'd advise waiting for it to go on sale before you buy, though.
1501 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 03:52
Old school shooter with early 2010's top graphics. Good if you wanna chill out and not think except for pointing and shooting.
13 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 13:38
This game is pretty good. It is interesting and has very good graphics. Highly Recommend!
84 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
1255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 08:39
I suck at FPS, but this one's cool... not as overwhelming/complex as others, the aesthetic is neat and it's great with controller. The REDUX version has better controller button config. and some different enemies.
781 Produkte im Account
331 Reviews
914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 04:49

There's honestly not much going on in this game, but it's fun.

Hard Reset Redux is a remaster of the original Hard Reset from 2012. They're both made by the creators of the new Shadow Warrior Trilogy (the 2013+ games, not the original from 1997). And you'll see some heavy pre-Lo Wang style gun/swordplay here.

However, in Hard Reset you'll play as Major James Fletcher in the cyberpunk city of Bezoar. But in all honesty, the story of this game is largely filler. That's how it feels at least. The narrative is generally told in a comic book panel style during loading screens à la Max Payne — with some voice overs in the interim during gameplay.


As stated, the narrative is next to non-existent. Though, a lot of tone of the game is told through the diegetic art design.

Otherwise, the level design is very linear — structurally it feels similar to FPS games in the 90s. The same sort of repetition through each stage where you'd need to find a colored key of some variety. In Hard Reset, you'll instead need to bypass an obstacle (typically) by way of finding and pressing a switch or blowing something up — there's actually quite a bit of environmental damage.

As far as weapons, there's actually only three in the game. However, two of them have five “modes” each that can be purchased at a kiosk as upgrades. One gun is a pretty standard, it'll house your rifle, shotgun, grenade, RPG and proximity mines. While the other is a more traditional sci-fi weapon, it'll harbor plasma bolts, arc emitters, smart rockets, a rail gun and mortar that acts a launchable Tesla coil. The third weapon is a sword. But that isn't upgradable.

“Powerups” are clearly identified by color and shape: Health, ammo and what is effectively XP. Eventually adding up to earning a point to unlock more abilities/functions. I'm not colorblind myself, but I know a few people that are — I didn't notice any colorblind options. Though, I would say that many of the pickups also have distinctive shapes.


Hard Reset reminds me of G-String for its environment and Bulletstorm for its gunplay (minus the score part — obviously Shadow Warrior as well). As far as its aesthetics, it made me recall “Enslaved Odyssey to the West” in some of the later stages — near the junkyard areas.

It's one of these games that has sat in my backlog for years. I feel like that's likely true for many people. This game has a sort of latent ubiquity that makes it feel extremely familiar before you even play it. I didn't play the original Hard Reset so I don't know what is actually changed. But Redux does feature the extras in the Extended Edition of the original.

The Gist:

It's a pretty straightforward game, the story is lackluster but the gunplay makes up for it. I'd recommend it on sale.

There is an NG+ mode that unlocks after the campaign is over called “EX Mode”.

If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus

2013 Shadow Warrior review.
Shadow Warrior 2 review.
1366 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 23:18
Hard Reset caught me by surprise. Truly, a fun,cyperpunk-ish fast paced shooter, reminiscent of the old school shooter era.
Story is nothing special, so are the graphics. I think it's heavily modded source engine if I'm not mistaken. Feels smooth though especially in high framerates. Boss Fights and enemy encounters are pretty cliche (enemies will jump at your lurking around every corner, but still surprise you at times) and standard but still worthwhile. Crank up the difficulty and the adrenaline goes an a whole new level. Overall a fun shooter experience, especially nowadays that you can find the game pretty cheap online.
1206 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 23:24
Gameplay is quick, smooth, and fluid; lots of explosive barrels etc. in the environment that can be used to damage enemies. Graphics are some of the best DX9 visuals you'll ever find. Story is there just so you know why you're doing stuff, but isn't important; skip through it as fast as possible just get back to more of that sweet combat. It discounts very cheaply during sales - usually between 80% and 90% off - which makes Hard Reset Redux a bargain.

Total size on my hard-drive: 5.27 GB

Preferable to the original version because the dash mechanic added in Redux makes it a LOT easier to dodge charging enemies. Exile DLC is included in Redux.
659 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 20:57
Surprisingly decent game, would call this budget doom as it's really cheap right now so if you need some shooter for cheap get this!
278 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 15:27
PS3 era mediocrity. Good thing is I only spent 3 turkish liras on this one so no harm done but bloody hell, it was an awful 30 minutes.

Maybe it could have been considered as an okay game back when this game first released, however, in 2021 it is an absolute NO.
78 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 07:14
Not the worst but really repetitive and theres jus too many better shooters in the same vein to reccomend this
292 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
808 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 05:38
Doom but with robots and a sprinkle of Serious Sam put in for good measure. This game is great fun to play
361 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 19:03
I expected this game to be mediocre and jank but its actually fun as hell with a lot of cool weapon form variety.
47 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 06:11
it's Good Game but there is something i don't understand it it's a upd how to get it or how to make upd or any weapon need to upd but what ever idc it's good game if i need something i need do just one thing its remake this maybe after it we will understand it at all. So Thanks for The game BTW
652 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
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431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 10:56
A remaster of 2012’s Hard Reset, Redux wears its cyberpunk inspirations on its sleeve -- combining elements of The Matrix with an aesthetic that so closely mimics Blade Runner that it borders on plagiarism.

There’s a decent variety of guns on offer, and firing each is quite satisfying, but that’s unfortunately where the positives of Hard Reset end: the enemies are extremely boring and lack variety (you’ll have seen almost all of them by the end of level one), the level design starts mediocre and only gets worse as you progress, and the otherwise well-crafted atmosphere and visuals are tainted by the game’s near refusal to let the player actually soak in the atmosphere without stopping entirely.

The level design in particular bears a more in-depth mention, since it’s comprised almost entirely of cleverly disguised arenas/setpieces that lock you in until you’ve beaten the multiple waves of enemies that inevitably spawn in each one. Because of this, combat very quickly became a chore that I’d rather have avoided if possible.

In summation, Hard Reset Redux is an average-at-best cyberpunk FPS, whose decent visual design and robust player weapon variety is unfortunately marred by extremely mediocre gameplay in every other respect.

5.5/10 -- Aggressively mediocre.
655 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 09:37
Serious Sam and Quake had a love child in Cyberpunk land!!! If you like those old school games then you will love this! Loved the survival mode, and upgrading all your weapons and earning new skills that make you more of a bad ass, some skills completely change the game play for the better, also has hidden rooms or secrets just like the old quake games! XD
191 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1079 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 10:25
Similar to Serious Sam without the coop. Great game with lots of weapon variations. Action action action. Listen to the music.
31 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 16:56
Hard Reset is basically Cyberpunk 2077, but infinitely less bad in every way. Or to put that another way, the game sucks almost as much shlong as Camel-toe Hair-ass switching careers from wannabe prostitute to wannabe dictator.
32 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 00:08
Fun cyberpunk setting FPS game.
707 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 15:23
You just unload into dumb AI enemies. I don't get it. Maybe it gets better later, but an hour+ into it and my eyes are glazing over. It's like Painkiller or Darkness with less creativity and no unique elements. There are so many better, similar shooters. Not my thing.
1414 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 23:32
I hesitantly recommend the game. It's a good game, but one with notable flaws.

This REDUX version of the game also includes the original, so there's no reason to even consider buying that version on its own.
The REDUX version makes a few graphical and gameplay adjustments, mostly for the better, but not exclusively so. That being said, the ability to dash on its own is a massive improvement to the game. It makes exploration much less of a boring and makes fights more interactive. It does make the game a lot easier though, so I recommend playing the game on Hard to compensate.
The dash also has a downside in that dashing down slopes/stairs can sometimes kill you from the momentum, but it's not a common occurrence and is easily avoided. REDUX also adds QuickSave functionality, making such issues even less of a hassle.
REDUX adds a melee weapon, but I think that detracts more than it adds to the game simply because it's not great(the game clearly wasn't made with melee combat in mind) and it gets in the way of cycling between the ranged weapons (there are 2 ranged weapons with 5 firing modes each).
The main graphical addition in REDUX is super-sampling; you can render the game at up to 200% resolution. It's a nice feature with the lack of Anti-Aliasing that the game has.
The game had some issues with V-Sync and Adaptive Sync (Freesync/G-Sync). For whatever reason I just couldn't get the game to stop tearing; no ingame option nor driver setting worked. This is the only game that has ever happened for me. Odd issue, but one I could live with.

Graphically, the game holds up surprisingly well. Polygon counts are noticeably low, but textures look decent and the lighting effects are pretty darn good; it uses some clever techniques to emulate more advanced lighting tech and it works darn well for the most part.
It also helps that the game has a great aesthetic, even if the technical aspects of the visuals can be noticeably dated at times.
The game does have blood/dirt effects when taking damage that are pretty annoying. They're far too intense for times when you barely take any damage at all. I do believe REDUX has slightly toned down effects compared to the original though, which I remember being awful in that regard.
Note: There's a sharpening filter on by default. It can be turned off by changing the Post Processing setting to Low.

The 10 guns(yes 10, not 2; the different firing nodes are different enough to be wholly different weapons) are nice to use and pretty well-balanced, only the basic machine gun feels notably weak relative to the others.
Enemies can be a bit bullet-sponge:y at times, but nothing too bad.
The environment has lots of destructible objects that can damage enemies, sometimes setting off some pretty fun chain reactions, like a series of 5 cars blowing up in a parking garage.

But there's one part of the game I have nothing good to say about: the storyline and characters. They can be summed up as very stupid with a side of stupid. But story is luckily mostly relegated to the loading screens, making it easy to ignore.

All-in-all, a flawed, but fun game. Worth a play.
181 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 11:09
when i started the game i enjoyed it a lot. the graphics are pretty decent, and the arcadey fast-paced shooting and groups of enemies got me hooked. but unfortunately the flaws start to appear after a short while. the game is very repetitive and lacks the enemy variety. you can upgrade your weapons, but you see almost all the enemies in the 1st level. it gets repetitive real quick, and the story just sucks. i played past the 1st few cutscenes to try to understand what's going on, but the story goes rapidly down hill and gets messy. in general the game starts fun and exciting and quickly turns into a long boring chore, so i uninstalled it before finishing it. now do i recommend such a game in 2021? well, if you like mindless shooters like serious sam, you probably will like this one if you can tolerate the lack of enemy variety. if you're here to enjoy a solid story and some robust action, then no, you'll be disappointed.
136 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 17:46
The game feels very dull, and I just cannot get myself to continue playing. It's just running from button to button, always fighting a few monsters around those buttons.
1420 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 18:07
rawWwRrr's raTiNg: ???? ???? ???? ⬛ ⬛ = ????

I'm not sure why I missed this title way back when it first debuted, and further ignored it until now.

Future cyberpunk dystopian world, you play the last remaining human in the city, fighting your way through the robotic opponents while completing tasks for his overseers.

The dialog and voice acting could have been a little better, but everything else was fun albeit short. The environments were well designed both graphically and audibly. The cutscenes between were scripted like comic book artwork.

You have only two main weapons but they can be heavily modified through upgrades to gain extra abilities, which then can be upgraded further. You have to learn what works better in different situations. You also learn to use the surrounding environment to your advantage.

At some point you obtain a katana which seemed out of place. It makes more sense when you realize it's the same team that brought us the Shadow Warrior series. I only used it a few times, mostly to punch holes through walls to gain access to hidden areas.

When finished with the campaign, you can run through it again with your current upgrades in a type of new game+ mode.

Definitely a good effort for Flying Wild Hog's debut.

-- rawWwRrr
157 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 19:53
I am seeing some negative reviews being posted for this game.. clearly people that dont appreciate that this is a small studio producing games as good as AAA games.

This is a great title, its a fluid and fast runnin gun shooter set in a Cyberpunk Machines Universe. the concepts and enemies are well varied which feels fresh / new, graphics are great for its release date and should have proper credit given for that.

Tons of fun environmental Explosions so you can deal max damage on large groups, some of these explosions open new pathways to find secrets which can speed up unlocking new augments for your two main weapons.
one of the best features is your protagonist has no stamina bar, he can blink in any direction endlessly.

seriously i know this is a common style game to see the market now but i feel after playing many of these titles that this stands as one of my favorites along side Doom.
449 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 00:03
The game is a bit meh. I can imagine it being great when it came out, but the mechanics just feel a bit bad.

Especially the combat feels a bit unresponsive at times when you are used to newer fancier stuff.
Don't get me wrong, it is cool at first... but starts to get really repetitive fast.

The story and cutscenes also seem great! If i could only check out the story, I would like it more. I might do that on youtube, since I doubt I will want to play this much more.

With the amount of other stuff out there I can't quite recommend this one. There are other way superior games to play.

If you already have the game, however, do open it up and play an hour or so. I recommend the insane difficulty. The game is quite exciting before it gets repetitive.
1353 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 09:21
Boring run-of-the-mill shooter.
649 Produkte im Account
171 Reviews
475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 13:25
A brilliant, blessedly brutal, brainless FPS with a strong Serious Sam vibe and only slightly more plot and flair. Titanic bosses, mindless hordes of enemies and an overcool god-like main chracter were all i needed after months of more strategic games. Forget stealth, forget aiming, forget limited ammo, forget everything. And start shooting. Gets an 80/100. Honest game, delivers EXACTLY what it does promise.
26 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 00:21
Great game guys, if you can, just buy it. It's worth every penny and minute of yours
198 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 22:04
A hidden gem. Great game. More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 03:35
Redux version is RIDICULOUS! Which is a shame, because I love the original version. The worst graphics and poor optimizations make me sick. There are shadow issues that seem to be caused by the monitor Refresh Rate (which resets to default if you change any setting in-game even if the .cfg file isset to readonly) for HDMI users, as per PCGamingWiki, I tried using their solution by changing some values, but I couldn't fix it, also, whenever it rains on the camera, the whole screen gets all sorts of distortions (mirror-like effects) on every water drop that falls on the screen, bugs the whole image, it is apparently caused by Resolution Scale, if it's not on '100' then the game is unplayable, but the worst problem is the shadow bug that CANNOT be fixed. 1/100. Only good thing is the KATANA and the sound effect it makes, which is absulutely incredible.
1037 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 04:16
Decent shooter the story is ok the dialogue isn't great especially the ending cutscene. It's super short only around 5 hours for one play through and well the game is decent 20$ is a lot for 5 hours so buy it on sale it goes really cheap. The game isn't hard, the hardest part for me was the first boss and that's only because I wasn't aware you had to shoot specific parts of it too actually damage the boss. I've never played the original version so I cannot state which one is better however I would recommend this version as it comes with the dlc and goes on sale more often. The ending really confused me it ends on a cliff hanger... but this game is 4 years old now with the original I think being 5 years so like was there supposed to be a 2nd one and it just never happened, idk but as far as i can tell you'll never know what happens after that final cutscene.
491 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 05:27
Hard Reset is an old school FPS, similar to Doom. Excellent 3D engine and engaging music/sounds create a compelling immersion. It's fast, nearly everything has ragdoll physics, and includes a lot of destruction. Story line is difficult to follow but serves it's purpose. Awesome game, recommended!
159 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 07:10
While Hard Reset Redux has some redeeming qualities, I do not recommend it. The graphics are great and well optimized, the bosses are huge, and secret areas add a little variety. But it falls down on the gameplay, which is very, very repetitive. Enemies are bullet sponges and take forever to kill. Makes you feel weak. The controls were messed up, on my keyboard the volume level dial somehow changed weapons (Logitech G810). Mouse wheel did not work. So I switched to a 360 pad, which would randomly flash the Xbox button. Another problem with controls is that you have to press the d-pad L or R several times to change weapon option. No time to do this in the middle of fast combat. The story is about as bad as it gets in videogames. For serious first person shooters only, there are so many fps games that exceed this one.
32 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 20:21
Short but cool, the dlc is so seamless you assume its the main game then get confused and look for the dlc online to find out that you'd already played it
103 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 05:29
Feels like Doom 2016 but with unlimited Doom Eternal Dash. There are a lot of creepy ass robots waiting for a good few rounds in them, and sometimes they look dead but are not dead, so that makes them even creepier, and all the more reasons why to put more rounds in to 'em!

Feels hella smooth, no reload needed, dodging left and right, no reload needed, I AM SPEED!!! Did I mention no reload needed? Ya, no reload needed.

Didn't bother caring, who needs a story with a game this badass? (Ok I'll admit, I got too lazy to read the story, basically just stopping a robot invasion if I got the gist, nothing the trailer doesn't tell you)

Visual Designs:
Meh, I don't love it but nor do I hate it. Pretty sci-fi, but the big chonky boiz does look more funny than dangerous. The gun looks cool, and the HUD is absolutely awesome. The HUD is clean, but all the information anyone would ever need is on there.

So far I've done 2 chapters on insane, it does pose a challenge, and occasionally new enemies are introduced, but as a personal reference, this is about Doom 2016 Ultra-Violence level, so a bit easier than Halo Reach on Heroic and Crysis 1 on Hard if you play on Insane difficulty (mostly because no stamina limit, which gives you unlimited sprint and dodges, did I mention no reload needed? No reload needed).

If you want a fast-paced badass game without ever needing to reload or worry about stamina, you got it.

No reload needed and unlimited dodges FTW!!!
No reload needed and unlimited dodges FTW!!!
No reload needed and unlimited dodges FTW!!!
No reload needed and unlimited dodges FTW!!!
No reload needed and unlimited dodges FTW!!!
No reload needed and unlimited dodges FTW!!!
No reload needed and unlimited dodges FTW!!!
No reload needed and unlimited dodges FTW!!!
367 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 13:44
Not bad, definitely not bad. I enjoyed it. The only complaint that I have is the game is very short barely 6.5hrs of gameplay.
296 Produkte im Account
188 Reviews
416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 10:28
Wow. I'm pretty picky / hard to please when it comes to FPS's.... But this one is awesome. Reminds me of Borderlands somewhat - blowing things up, but far better optimised out of the box. That is what I am so impressed with - Hard Reset Redux is a very undemanding game and the graphics are amazing. Thank you.
65 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 22:32
Shits on Cyberpunk 2077 and Night City all day.
68 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 04:51
This is equivalent to doom but with robots.
75 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 21:44
Lots of action. Notin but it. AKA the John Wick of Video Games. 10/10 would play the first/only level I beat again.
1135 Produkte im Account
820 Reviews
815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 14:32
Better version of Hard Reset. But some parts are actually worse than in the original and it's still just a good game, not a great one.
In short: the balancing is definitly better even though not perfect and the dash move helps a lot that's why I think this is the best version of Hard Reset.

What is better than in the original
-better balancing (some enemies have less hp and they deal less damage), especially in lower difficulties
-quick saves (without having to use the console)
-access to better weapon mods earlier
-dash move very useful
-the annoying disappearing-texture-bug is fixed

-graphics are pretty much the same
-some enemies are still way too bullet spongy, like the heavy grenadier, bird bots, heavy gorillas, scarabs, heavy scarabs and gunships (at least on higher difficulties)
-still some very unbalanced/unfair parts
-you can now sprint infinitly, though it's super slow and just using the dash move is way faster
-some weapons are definitly way better than others, for example the railgun and the shotgun could have needed a buff
-minigun-flying-enemies have acutally more hp, but rpg-flying enemies have less hp, making both almost equally

-takes longer to switch between weapon mods
-flying bots are now encountered first in level 2 instead of level 8, while you barely have the weapons to deal with them; gunships are also encountered earlier
-jumping is less accurate, same with ledge walking which is now way harder than it should be (important for some secrets), and it's harder to jump/get to certain gaps because obstacles seem to block you more (I guess bigger hit boxes?)
-you can instantly die from falling from a certain height, for example if you dash at the start of a medium long stairs (same with Shadow Warrior 2013, they took this shiit and implemented it here as well...)
-the sword is useless and you also have to switch through it now if you wanna switch weapons, though there is an option to bind a key for switching between ranged weapons so this problem is easily fixed
420 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 10:25
Nonsense like the regular version. Now with the introduction of a new weapon and a new type of enemy and small changes in gameplay and difficulty of the game, which is really nonsense, does anything change? that's bull.sh.it :<|
2185 Produkte im Account
1175 Reviews
982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 05:55
Great old school fps. Decided to play this game nearly a decade after it's original release because if I remember correctly the developer Flying WIld Hog was partly comprised of ex-CD Projekt Red developers after the release of the WItcher 2. So this might actually be the closest thing we have to Cyberpunk 2077 until it actually releases. I think that is an apt comparison because aside from the great gameplay, the cyberpunk setting is also beautifully realized. From the dark industrial interiors to the wide open set piece views of the entire city in all its glory with towering buildings and lanes of flying cars in the distance, the cyberpunk vision is really sold to the player. For an indie game from 2011, this game still looks great.

Only gripe is a minor one. For some reason changing the volume in my headset was bound to switching weapon. Could never figure out why.
133 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 00:54
Aim. Shot. Guns .Lasers. RPG. Sword . Hell yeah. Destroy freaking robots. Save humanity.
205 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 16:07

Lots of explosions and I love explosions

Trust me, this game deserves your time. Bought it on sale and this game really amazed me. Didn't find any downside.

+ Satisfactory campaign
+ Great gameplay
+ Nice upgrade system

Finally, an ultimate package with satisfaction.
186 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 13:14
346 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 15:49
It may not win any awards, but if you are a fan of DOOM 2016 then this is definitely worth a shot (buy it on sale, though).
575 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 13:34
Fun game. Think of it as a low budget Doom. Good graphics and good gameplay.
78 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 15:01
This game works perfectly with SteamPlay/Proton on Linux (Manjaro, NVidia 1060, wired Xbox 360 controller).

Does the main menu allow to save anywhere/anytime? Yes! Plus it also saves automatically when reaching some checkpoint, just in case a player gets too engrossed in the action. This is what a checkpoint system should do, rather than replacing a quick save system when the player needs to do something else... more pressing than playing a game.

Explosions are not just fun to watch but can also take down ennemies. And most objects move or can be moved. Barrel of explosive for example. Gas cylinders too, and then they can be exploded or used as a projectile when targeting the nozzle. And tires will bump too. Visually, it's exceptionally well done, and a lot of fun to observe.

The game is fairly linear, and it's a GOOD thing! I want to have fun; not getting lost in a maze! There are however secrets to be found. It's a nice touch for completionists. And despite its relative linearity, the game gives a feeling of discovery. That's rare.

And to my surprise, it can be fun to kill robots. Some will play dead, others will dodge my bullets, others will hide behind obstacles as I shoot, etc... actions which I do not recall seeing in any other game. The AI is that pleasant! Larger robots can't be killed like smaller ones, they need to be disabled by targetting their limbs. It's... clever and imaginative!

Is there any platforming and does the game force the player to jump, double-jump or perform a salto? NO! And that too is a good thing! Just action. Perfect!

This game may come from a small studio but they nailed it. This game is fun and I want to play it more.; unlike Doom 2016 or Darksiders III ...

This game is FUN!

Only drawback: Steam Cloud isn't supported.

BUY! This is a no-brainer decision.
133 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 10:57
This game is great, both visually and gameplay-vise. Every chapter is a different cyberpunk concept come to life, the plot and characters are interesting to follow.
Enemies are diverse, weapons have upgrades, environment is very interactive.
The idea of multitool guns is very creative and nicely implemented.
I didn't play the original version, only redux one, but I love it.
355 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 16:03
Quite possibly the most explosive shooter ever made.
Literally every object on every arena that is not the enemy is some or another form of a red barrel.
Every shot will likely explode something, so if you like explosions, Hard Reset is the thing.

The two-weapon setup with variable modes is a very elegant cost-quality ratio solution: you need only two models to animate and still have a full range of classical FPS weaponary. Every mode can be further upgraded, so the player can make themselves as versatile as they like.

Enemy variety is not something this game can boast, and also hostiles are very tanky which is not great considering the high dynamics of the game.

Meant for the fans of cyberpunk aesthetics and explosions.
343 Produkte im Account
163 Reviews
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 19:53
This review concerns Hard Reset Redux:

When I first started playing this game, I was going to give it a bad review after having played for an hour. The gameplay is very repetitive, and the maps looked absolutely identical. In addition, this made it difficult to know where you had to go.

So why did I change my opinion? In fact, the game keeps being repetitive. You shoot different robots (there is quite a nice variety of them) using 3 different weapon types. The first weapon modifies to a rifle, shotgun, rocket launcher, etc. Pretty basic ones. The second type contains laser guns (way cooler). And the third weapon is a laser katana. And I loved that laser katan! It was so fun to slash through the robots with a laser katana. This made the game really attractive to me (in fact this is the weapon that I used most of the time).

Furthermore, there were some nice bosses, as for example: Atlas.

The graphics are fine and the environment looks pretty futuristic and destroyed (after-war-atmosphere). The story wasn’t very interesting, but the cut scenes were in a great comic-style. I enjoyed them.

The base game ends after the hospital mission, but when buying the Hard Reset Redux version, you get the DLC versions too, which enlarges the game by some hours (I recommend you buying it, especially if you want to experience a real ending).

I wouldn’t recommend you paying 20€ for this game. But if it costs 10€ only I can only recommend giving it a chance.
269 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 16:26
This game has all the makings of a nice, fast-paced shooter. Gritty futuristic visuals, over the top weapon and enemy design and visceral ragdoll physics, paired with movement centered around a short-ranged dash ability seem to provide all the necessary ingredients.

But it all falls flat.
The weapons are boring, the enemies bullet sponges. The upgrades unimaginative. The levels are sprawling, but you move around them on rails more narrow than a model railway's. Progression is tied in large parts to secret-hunting, but the inability to backtrack and the utterly terrible platforming over insta-death pits just rapidly drain any interest in the ones that are not just lying on the ground behind a corner.
Health and ammo is common and drops in vast ammounts from enemies, so ressource management is rarely a concern.

Attacks are poorly telegraphed and together with the tendency of later enemies to spray you with bullets or rockets which seem to penetrate all cover and you can't properly evade will just have you staying out in the open tanking hits and spraying bullets yourself until they are dead.

The story is pretty bland. You are a government agent in the cyberpunk city of Bezoar, fighting against the ever present threat of evil AI robots. You probably already know how most of the story will go from that brief description. Nevertheless they feel the need to spice up the entire thing with jargon that does not make the story any more interesting but just tedious to follow.
70 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 04:47
Doom Eternal's mentally handicapped cousin. Still fun in its own right, just don't expect perfection.
437 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 21:05
It's a very good game. About as hard as Doom. The setting feels like a mix of Quake 2 and Blade Runner with a bit of the Matrix here and there. Worth a buy on a sale. That being said, it took me about 7 hours to beat it on Insane difficulty. So it's not the longest game, but It's fun. * Incredible particle effects and weapon fire, but a bit lazy on the level design. Considering it's a small studio, it's very impressive.
251 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 09:04
It's a decent shooter.

Gunplay seems a little tighter than the original version, also the katana is a fun addition, although it makes little gameplay difference. I think the zombies are also new, and they are a good fit for the sword.

IMO it's worth getting this version over the original, even if it costs a little more. If you own the original, Redux is still worth getting for a new playthrough, it is a better version. In both cases, get in on a sale.

The sword isn't particularly powerful, so it's effectively a weaker alternative to the shotgun - its only purpose seems to be saving ammo, and since that isn't particularly hard to come by, the katana isn't very useful from the gameplay perspective. Still fun to use sometimes. Unfortunately there are many scripted ambushes with explosive robots, so it's better to explore with the shotgun ready.

Many fights still devolve into spamming firepower all over the place, and often things lead to a sensory overload of random explosions that somehow kill all the enemies around you. That's not necessarily a bad thing though. Honestly, there's going to be a lot of explosions. While it's easy to miss in the middle of a hectic battle, shooting up the environment can easily lead to hilariously amazing cascades of explosions and destruction.

The zombies are kinda meh, most of the time they feel like pointless filler.

Two things that really annoyed me throughout the entire game were:
1. There's a lot of secrets and hidden pickups. That's cool. They are often in hard to reach places, and with terribly clunky jumping and movement mechanics, it can be hard to get to some of them. That's annoying. There's also a lot of invisible walls, overall there's a very stiff distinction between places that are accessible the ones you're not supposed to get to. That often left me wondering if there's a legit way of getting to some pickup, or if I'm supposed to get to it later somehow. That can be infuriating.
2. Levels are split into arenas where you fight a few waves of enemies. The problem is, entering a new zone often means a door is going to lock behind you, or some other thing will prevent you from going back. That's annoying on many levels. On its own it prevents you from retreating from a fight, or going back to get ammo or health pickups. That sucks. Also, it's easy to permanently miss secrets and exp pickups that way. That is super annoying. It's easy to accidentally leave an area too soon, before searching it thoroughly.

1 and 2 together can be downright infuriating if you care about getting a fairly complete playthrough. Both flaws only show up if you actually look for secret pickups, clunky movement mechanics are very rarely an issue during fights, and getting through the levels is always smooth.

Overall it's a fun game which I can easily recommend. It's not Doom, but still a lot of fun.

Environment destruction alone is a reason to get it on a sale.

Also it has fairly low performance requirements, so you might be able to play it smoothly in 4k even if most other titles struggle to hit 30fps. I played the classic version in 1080p on a Radeon HD 7750, for many low spec systems this might be one of the best looking games they will run.
415 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 06:48
Very solid and satisfying old-school style shooter. If you want to know how we gamed back in the 90's but can't stand old/pixel/retro graphics like ion fury's and similar retro projects - than this game is for you. I can guarantee that the feel of the gameplay is very similar to the shooters of 90's. Personally i have cleared the game twice - the original one and now the redux version as well, and both times i had a lot of fun.

If i were to complain about something that would be some waaay too OP weapon mods on the energy gun (yeah, through the wall shooting and x-ray are the main offenders) and somewhat lackluster story/writing (but it's not like we played doom, heretic or unreal for it's rich story, heh). But that's about it. Everything else works as intended.

All in all - great game. And it runs without a hitch even on an old PCs!
Solid 8/10.

PS: i was surprised to see that this game has negative reviews, but after examining them it became clear - Gears millenials, who has no idea how to play without covers, are dissatisfied with the retro mechanics. And no wonder. This game was made for the older gamers who want to re-live the 90's. Not for the cover-seeking snowflakes. Be warned, lol.
620 Produkte im Account
137 Reviews
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.20 12:14
Hard Reset Redux is a run and gun shooter where you are facing a lot of enemies and reminds one of games such as Serious Sam or Painkiller.

+ gunplay
+ dystopian sci-fi setting
+ graphics
+ performance
+ boss fights
+ some memorable moments

- meh story
- From action bubble to the next. You can only advance after having killed all remaining enemies.
- It is often the same objective. Disable an energy shield by either clicking buttons or destroying the electrical source.
- shooting robots barely gives any feedback. neither physically from the robots nor an emotional reaction from me


While many players like this game, others find it quite boring. Only recommended if you like run and gun shooters with decent gunplay, a high amount of enemies and little attention to story and world-building. Some people won't like the repetitiveness of the action bubbles and of doing the same objectives all over again though.

Genre: first-person shooter
Replay value: average
Rating: 7.25/10
Recommendation: It depends
Special endorsement: No
163 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 03:46
Well worth the $2 sale price. Not a very long or complicated sci-fi shooter. Nice variety of upgrade-able weapons providing for slashing, immobilizing, and blowing up and destroying enemies. There are certain times when certain weapons are most effective providing for a challenge while being challenged toggling through the weapon selection under pressure of being attacked by decent sized swarms of robotic enemies. A very fulfilling $2 - $5 experience worth experiencing.
173 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.19 06:12
Fairly linear and ABC shooter. Not surprisingly, has similarities to Shadow Warrior. Combats are hectic and very enjoyable. Effects are very satisfying -- (almost) everything blows up :-) Also appreciate the simple and easy-to-use weapon system.
613 Produkte im Account
442 Reviews
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.19 14:04
Well you just goes through the levels shooting the same enemies without anything surprising or special. Yet, the gunplay and the core mechanics are somehow so satisfying that it made me play this to the end.
812 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.19 02:34
I have to agree with others' sentiments that the game is just meh and boring. The level design killed it for me. At least in the limited play I put into this, the levels are effectively a single path. Looking for and finding secrets were the main things I looked out for, but that leads to the next meh section: the upgrade system. The unlocking of upgrades was initially interesting, but I didn't like the gunplay enough in the game to continue. Enemies are either quite weak or bullet sponges and combat was forgettable. There are too many good FPS games out there for me to spend any more time on this one. Too bad, as the description was engaging.
96 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.19 21:58
Played the original several times over. This is visually better but a lot easier. Great game play, nonetheless. One of my favourite games.
208 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.19 21:45
if Michael Bay made Blade Runner into a game this would be it lol
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Release:03.06.2016 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Flying Wild Hog Vertrieb: Good Shepherd Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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