News Liste Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

Half-Life 2 20th Anniversary Update
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
15.11.24 22:06 Community Announcements

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Fixes

  • Fixed player model selection in the options menu.
  • Fixed slam not being able to be detonated if you were too close to a wall
  • Fixed view bob with the SMG equipped.
  • Fixed using the Gravity Gun to yo-yo grenades, sometimes causing the server to disconnect or crash.
  • Fixed missing sound effects for the Gravity Gun.
  • Fixed characters playing a missing animation when switching weapons while jumping and moving.
  • Fix weapons being invisible when being given another weapon of the same class.

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Maps

  • Increased player spawn point count in many maps.
  • Fixed prop placement in maps that would allow players to escape the world.
  • Fixed floating props in dm_runoff.
  • Fixed the area portal on the blast door in dm_runoff causing the world to no longer render when the door was shut.
  • Added geometry to many maps where the player could see outside of bounds.
  • Fixed several areas where the player could see out of the world.
  • Moved the blue barrels in dm_resistance that you could pick up with the Gravity Gun through the chainlink doors.