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Über das Spiel

Als unsterblicher Prinz der Unterwelt nutzt du die Kräfte und mythischen Waffen des Olymp, um dich aus den Fängen des Totengotts höchstpersönlich zu befreien. Jeder Fluchtversuch ist einzigartig, macht dich stärker und enthüllt neue Geheimnisse.
Die Götter des Olymp stehen dir zur Seite! Wähle zwischen Zeus, Athene, Poseidon und vielen weiteren Göttern, deren Gaben dir ungeahnte Fähigkeiten verleihen. Das Spiel bietet Tausende Möglichkeiten, deinen Charakter nach und nach individuell zu gestalten.
Eine Welt voller lebendiger, unverwechselbarer Persönlichkeiten erwartet dich! Schließe Freundschaften, um Hunderte einzigartige Ereignisse zu erleben, und finde heraus, welche Leichen deine große, zerrüttete Familie wirklich im Keller hat.
Jeder Ausflug in diese dynamische Unterwelt birgt neue Überraschungen, und ihre Wächter behalten dich im Gedächtnis. Mit dem mächtigen Spiegel der Nacht wirst du stärker und stärker und erhältst einen entscheidenden Vorsprung, wenn du das nächste Mal von deinem höllischen Zuhause wegläufst.
Dank laufender Upgrades musst du kein Gott sein, um spannende Kämpfe und eine fesselnde Story zu erleben. Aber wenn du zufällig einer bist, dann stell dich der Herausforderung und mach dich bereit für rasante Action, bei der du all dein Geschick benötigen wirst.
Detailverliebte, atmosphärische Spielwelten und eine innovative Verknüpfung von Gameplay und Handlung – das zeichnet die Spiele von Supergiant aus. Spektakuläre, handgemalte Umgebungen und ein mitreißender Soundtrack lassen Hades’ Unterwelt lebendig werden.
- CPU: Dual Core 2.4 GHz
- GFX: 1GB VRAM / DirectX 10+ support
- Software: Windows 7 SP1
- HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Dual Core 3.0 GHz+
- GFX: 2GB VRAM / DirectX 10+ support
- Software: Windows 7 SP1
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
2012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 19:36
Ich war bisher der größte Supergiant-Games Kritiker überhaupt. Bastion mochte ich zum Beispiel nicht und generell gefällt mir der Art-Style der Spiele normalerweise nicht besonders gut. Habe aber weil ich immer wieder davon gehört habe wie gut Hades ist trotzdem zugegriffen und ich finde es extrem gut.
+ Super Story
+ Sehr hoher Wiederspielwert
+ Cooler Soundtrack
+ Schöne Kulissen
+ Tolle Vertonung (Englisch)
+ Bestes Progressionssystem ever
Bin total süchtig danach. Man kann garnicht aufhören zu spielen. Hätte nicht gedacht, dass mich dieses Spiel so fesseln kann! Eigentlich überhaupt nicht mein Genre, aber ich bin begeistert!
1697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 01:53
Wuchtige Kämpfe, gute Musik, unterschiedliche Waffen und kein Run ist wie der andere.
Dazu fließt die Story wirklich clever in das Gameplay ein wie ich finde.
Nach 8 Stunden gibt es für mich auch immer noch mehr als genug zum sammeln und freischalten.
Absolute Kaufempfehlung meinerseits!
6029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 19:47
2680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 12:47
Man spielt Zagreus, den Sohn des Hades, während er versucht aus der Unterwelt zu fliehen. Er wird dabei von den Olympischen Göttern durch Gaben und Fähigkeiten unterstützt. Jeder Lauf fordert den Spieler durch eine zufällige Reihe von Räumen heraus, die mit Feinden und Belohnungen vollgestopft sind. Man muss eine Kombination aus seinem Hauptangriff, seiner Special und seinem Dash verwenden, um die Gegner zu besiegen und gleichzeitig so wenig Schaden wie möglich zu nehmen.
Nachdem man stirbt, was sehr häufig passiert, kann man gewonnene Schätze verwenden, um bestimmte Attribute zu verbessern oder neue Waffen und Fähigkeiten freizuschalten, damit die Fluchtchancen bei nachfolgenden Läufen erhöht werden.
Man sollte wohl erwähnen, dass Hades leider keine deutsche Sprachausgabe beinhaltet, sondern lediglich deutsche Untertitel.
Hades ist selbstverständlich frei von Microtransactions und wohl das beste Indie-Game das ich bis jetzt gespielt habe. Es ist momentan mein absolutes Lieblingsspiel und ich habe noch lange nicht genug von dem Spiel. Abschließend kann ich Hades nur empfehlen und jedem ans Herz legen über einen Kauf nachzudenken.
2601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 23:25
An diesem Spiel stimmt einfach alles.
Man sollte es kaufen wenn man einen atemberaubender Artstyle, fantastische Musik, herausforderndes Gameplay, eine spannende Story und humorvolle Details schätzt.
Zu Beginn nahm ich das Spiel als sehr schwer wahr und brauchte einige Anläufe um ein Gefühl dafür zu bekommen (am besten mit Controller spielen).
Der Permatod macht einem ganz schön zu schaffen, doch so bleibt das Spiel wenigstens eine Herausforderung.
In sich ist das Spiel stimmig und hält noch nach 40 Stunden Spielzeit viele Überraschungen bereit.
Ich habe mit Sicherheit schon über 100 Stunden Spielzeit in Hades hineingesteckt und entdecke immer noch neue Aspekte.
Von mir aus könnte es nie aufhören (Deswegen macht mir bitte ein Prequell/ Sequel/ DLC/ Merch/ Irgendwas/ Bitte ich brauch das).
Man spürt wie viel Arbeit und Liebe in dieses Spiel geflossen ist. Die Story reißt einen mit und ab und zu habe ich mir gewünscht zu den Charakteren dazuzugehören und in diesem Spiel zu leben (was echt strange ist, weil es in der Hölle spielt)
Also wer Dungeon Crawler mag und Hack and Slash mag ist hier goldrichtig.
Man kann nicht enttäuscht werden von diesem Spiel.
Kauft es euch. Kauft es euren Freunden. Kauft es euch nochmal nur diemal mit dem Soundtrack-Bundle und verhelft mir zu mehr Hades-Content.
2231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 14:01
Also it is quite easy to pick up while having the verticality for a deeper dive into its mechanics, build-crafting and other more advanced approaches to the game.
And you can go at your own tempo. So even if you have just 20 minutes a day, you can get good action in Hades during that time and make some progress skill- and storywise.
Not least of all the approach on how to present greek mythology is great as far as I am concerned and may even incentivize some people to look some things up further, getting added value out of this.
5993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 21:31
- super schöne Grafik (sofern man den Stil mag)
- gute Musik (man darf sich auf instrumentale Metal-Tracks und schöne Gesangspassagen freuen)
- spielt in der Unterwelt der griechischen Mythologie (wo den Spieler die olympischen Götter segnen)
- schnelles Hack'n'Slash Roguelike mit verschiedenen Waffen und Segen und moderatem bis hohem Schwierigkeitsgrad
- gut platzierte und erzählte Geschichte der Figur Zagreus, mit guter Deutscher Übersetzung und englischer Vertonung
- nicht jeder Indie-Titel schafft es, so viele Game-of-the-Year Auszeichnungen abzusahnen
- wieso liest du noch diese Rezension anstatt zu spielen?
7181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 13:00
Eines der besten Spielen seit langem, vor allem auch deswegen, weil alles in diesem Game Sinn macht und funktioniert und nicht halbfertig ist oder buggt.
Sehr zu empfehlen für Leute die auf schwarzen Humor stehen und Hack and Slash Spielen mögen :)
Aber auch für Neulinge, schaut rein! :)
Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist stetig herausfordernd, bzw. man kann ihn detailliertest anpassen!
3209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 08:28
The art is great, the music is extremely well composed and the gameplay is so much fun!
For a rogue-like this game has an amazing amount of story that gives you little bits and pieces every time you restart.
You have a variety of weapons at your disposal that you unlock over time and gets even more varied with time.
This game's amazing, just give it a go. Seriously.
1002 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 15:34
Guter Humor und gute Story-line!
Mindestens für immer mal so einen Run zwischendurch lohnt es sich absolut, selbst, wenn man eigentlich kein Fan von Rogue-lites ist.
Das Kampfsystem ist einfach nur fantastisch. Es steuert sich einfach aber nicht langweilig. Es ist sehr schön direkt und macht alleine schon deshalb von der Mechanik schon unglaublich Spaß.
Es hat quasi gar keinen Frust-Faktor, wenn man stirbt, sondern gibt immer gute Anreize, noch einen Run zu starten.
Durch unterschiedlichste Skillungen stellt sich das Spielerlebnis auch immer komplett unterschiedlich und eizigartig dar.
Absolute Kaufempfehlung!!
4611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 21:54
2865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 09:34
Es gibt nicht viel mehr zum Spiel zu sagen. Es ist gut, es spielt sich flüssig, die Tode liegen (fast) immer an eigenen Fehlentscheidungen. Einziges Manko ist, dass die Hausaufwertung [spoiler]Erebos-Tore[/spoiler] viel zu früh angeboten wird und dadurch einige Durchgänge lang nach den 5 ausgegebenen Diamanten gefarmt werden muss, um die tatsächlich sinnvollen Aufwertungen zu erhalten. Hier würde ich mir doch wünschen, dass der Kauf erst nach Bestehen von [spoiler]Hitze 3[/spoiler] angeboten wird ([spoiler]Hitze 5[/spoiler] ist Minimum fürs Nutzen).
Davon abgesehen ist die deutsche Übersetzung leider an ein paar Stellen fehlerbehaftet und sehr frei. Die Englische Sprachausgabe macht diesen Wermutstropfen aber wider wett. Wer aber ohne Sprachausgabe spielen will, der sollte unbedingt auf die englische Fassung wechseln.
Und jetzt entschuldigt mich, ich muss den nächsten Durchlauf starten.
2382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 12:27
Ein Aufenthalt in der Hölle hat noch nie so viel Spaß gemacht. Jeder Run spielt sich angenehm unterschiedlich und Sterben ist Teil des Spiels. Nach über 40 Versuchen erwarten mich immer noch neue DIaloge und Geschichte.
Mein persönliches Game of the Year 2020.
2901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 22:02
Für mich ist das Spiel ein Paradebeispiel was gutes und motivierenden Spieldesign betrifft, im Grunde hat man es zwar mit einen typischen Rogue-lite zu tun aber das Spielprinzip ist so wunderbar verpackt und eingerahmt dass ich mich kaum davon losreißen konnte und immer wieder eine Runde gestartet habe und wohl noch viele weitere starten werde.
Das Spiel nutzt die griechische Mythologie als Szenario, zwar im Grunde nicht originell aber es wird gut genutzt, Ziel des Spiels ist es als Sohn des Hades aus der Unterwelt zu entfliehen, dazu kämpft man sich durch zufällig zusammengewürfelten Räumen durch Gegnerhorden in einer isometrischen Perspektive und erledigt auf jeder der vier Ebenen einen Boss. Wenn man stirbt darf wieder von vorne anfangen und verliert fast all seinen Fortschritt.
Das einzige was bleibt sind verschiedene Währungen mit denen man sich passive Boni wie mehrere Leben oder Verstärkungen der Waffen freischalteten kann.
Was das Spiel aber so motivierend macht ist seine Varianz, man kann insgesamt 6 Waffen freischalten die es in jeweils vier Varianten gibt die sich alle recht unterschiedlich spielen, dazu kommt dass man jeden Lauf verschiedene Gabe der olympischen Götter findet die zufällig verteilt sind, die einen beispielsweise erlauben Giftschaden zu verteilen oder gegnerische Geschosse abzulenken.
Dadurch kommt eine unheimliche Vielfalt ins Spiel weil dadurch die verschiedensten Kombinationen entstehen und sich so jeder Lauf unterschiedlich spielt, natürlich bedeutet es auch dass damit ein gewisser Glücksfaktor dazu kommt denn bestimmte Kombinationen erleichtern einen das Leben enorm.
Das Kampfsystem ist hierbei simpel aber effektiv auch wenn man oft zu viel herumspurtet und einen wegen den ganzen Effekten gerne mal den Überblick verlieren kann und wenn man Treffer einsteckt ist das nicht immer nachvollziehbar.
Das Spiel hat hierbei auch eine sehr angenehme Lernkurve, anfangs bin ich sehr oft gescheitert besonders bei bestimmten Bossen aber man merkt dass man selbst immer besser wird und dann waren die Bosse die mir anfangs furchtbare Probleme gemacht haben plötzlich kein großes Problem. Dazu kommt noch dass man im Laufe des Spiels dann auch noch den Schwierigkeitsgrad durch verschiedene Faktoren nach oben drehen kann und da man so neue Sachen freischalten kann ist man auch motiviert dies zu tun.
Ein weiterer Punkt der das Spiel für mich so herausragend macht ist sein Still, das grafische Design, die Musik, die Soundeffekte und die Synchronsprecher, das ist alles so hervorragend gemacht dass ich einfach nur ins schwärmen kommen könnte. Genauso ist man das von den Entwicklerstudio Supergiant Games gewohnt.
Was das Spiel aber auch für mich so motivierend gemacht hat ist seine Handlung, die zwar im Grunde recht simpel ist und einen nur durch Dialoge und simple Charakterporträts präsentiert wird. Man bekommt sich immer nur häppchenweise präsentiert und mit jeden Lauf schaltet man neue Dialoge frei und genau das hat mich motiviert denn ich wollte schon immer wissen was für Dinge man als nächstes erfahren. Auch sehr schön gelungen ist dass einen durch die Handlung erklärt wird warum man immer wieder einen Lauf startet.
Insgesamt also ein absolut hervorragender Titel denn ich einfach nur weiterempfehlen möcht und für mich ein absolutes Highlight in diesen Jahr.
6369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 06:33
☐ Kids
☐ Everyone
☑ Casual players
☐ Pro players
===[ ☼ Graphics: ]===
☐ Potato
☐ Really bad
☐ Bad
☐ OK
☐ Good
☑ Beautiful
☐ Masterpiece
===[ ♬ Music: ]===
===[ $ Price/quality: ]===
☑ Full price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Average
☐ Refund it if you can
☐ Don't do it
===[ ☣ Requirments: ]===
☐ 90' PC
☑ Minimum
☐ Medium
☐ Fast
☐ High end
☐ NASA computer
===[ ☼ Difficulty: ]===
☐ You just need 2 arms
☐ Ez
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Hard (first few hours)
☐ Dark Souls / Sekiro - You will die. A lot.
===[ ⏱ Game time/length ]===
☐ Really short ( 0 - 2 hours)
☐ Short ( 2 - 8 hours)
☐ Few hours ( 8 - 12 hours)
☑ Long ( 12+ hours)
☐ Endless
===[ ۞ Story] ===
☐ It doesn't have
☐ Still better than Twilight
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Fantastic
===[ § Bugs ]===
☐ Game itself is one big BUG
☐ Bugs destroying the game
☐ Lot of bugs
☐ Few Bugs
☐ You can use them for speedrun
☑ Nothing
===[ ✦ Others: ]===
Multiplayer: No
Singleplayer: Yes
5876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 09:59
It's more action-oriented than Dead Cells for example, since there is basically no platforming, although Dead Cells can be more fast-paced (depending on your playstyle of course).
One run takes about 30-45 minutes for Hades, which makes it a bit fast than other Rogue-Lites.
There are three main reasons for you to keep on playing runs:
- try new combos (although you are limited by RNG, like with most Rogue-Lites)
- the story
- custom difficulty system (to farm rare materials)
The strong story and character elements are the greatest improvement over other games like this, I feel. Even after playing 80 hours, there is still new dialog and story to be found, not just some repeating text you grew sick of after your third run. Talking to the characters does not feel like a chore, most of them are interesting in their own way, which is a pretty big feat, considering the number of them.
Gameplay-wise, the runs differ depending on
- the weapon you select (and each weapon has four variations)
- which gods are granting you boons (passive skills that can change how your abilities work)
- the trinket you select (you can select a different one during a run)
It's got less synergies / combos than Dead Cells or Binding of Isaac, but I just got released, so thats fine right now.
1814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 16:36
Ganz klar kaufen....
4131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 12:32
1374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 12:42
-Charaktere und Sprecher wie immer bei Supergiant einfach cool.
-Der Soundtrack knallt!
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 08:44
1234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.22 17:21
Cerberus cannot be forced to do anything. He simply understands he has responsibilities
Hades is an action Roguelike game that was developed by Supergiant Games. It blends features from Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre into one game. The game takes heavy inspiration from Greek Mythology and I myself am someone who loves mythology-based things. Hades does a brilliant job combining the three gameplay features into one to make something very unique.
Pros and Cons
- A great story filled with amazing likable characters
- Top tier voice acting for each character
- Fantastic combat with awesome weapons to try out
- Tons of Boon upgrades for you to collect that will give you godly powers
- A fantastic soundtrack that is fitting for the world of Hades
- Beautiful art style that is very nice to look at.
Zagreus is the prince of the Underworld and despite being raised in the House of Hades, he always thought that he never belonged there in the first place. He then decides that it’s time for him to escape from the Underworld at all costs. Zagreus's father Hades on the other hand does not support this idea and will do anything to prevent him from getting out and has hired a few people to stop him. Though Zagreus will stop at nothing, no matter how many times it takes to do it. Being immortal has its perks, I guess. Although if he did really want to get out, he could have just asked Kratos for some advice, he has fought gods before. ;)
The story for Hades is crafted very well and all of the characters have their very own personalities that make them unique. I loved them all and picking a favorite was tough. The voice acting is another thing I must give praise for. All of the characters were voiced really well, and they fit perfectly with each other.
Hades has to be one of the most polished Roguelikes that I have played in recent years, and it has a lot to offer. You will be going through a set number of rooms, and you will be mostly taking out enemies. Sometimes you may even fight a miniboss or come across a few rooms that will provide you with a passive to either give you more health, coins, or refill your health. There are some rooms that will have a shop so you can buy Boons or some healing to help you continue on your journey.
There are also a few weapons that you can use like the Stygian Blade, Eternal Spear, Shield of Chaos, Seeking Bow, Adamant Rail, and my personal favorite one to use The Twin Fists of Malphon, which are fast, short-ranged combo fists that offer a bit of a risky playstyle but the damage output with its combos is nothing to underestimate.
The Mirror of Night is where you can get access to certain abilities that you can use in the game. These abilities can be upgraded with Darkness that you can find scattered throughout the levels. There are two versions of these abilities, red and green. Green talents are not available from the start, but you eventually gain access to them after having a conversation with Nyx. Red and green abilities cannot be used at the same time, so for example you can only use either Shadow Presence or Fiery Presence. You also have to spend Darkness on them separately as both of them won’t be upgraded. To access more of these abilities, you need to find Chthonic Keys and these keys can access more abilities of weapons in the Infernal Arms.
There are a lot of things you can get upgrades for in Hades, and I can’t explain it all in detail, so I recommend trying everything out yourself to see what suits you best.
You will come across upgrades called Boons, that will help Zagreus out. You acquire these either after you beat a room, or you can buy them at Charon’s shop. Some Boons don’t stack, however, so for example you can’t have Aphrodite’s cast Boon Crush Shot and Dionysus’s Trippy Shot. There are other types of Boons that won’t stack, like the attack, special, dash, and call, any other type has no limits on how many can stack. Although a god may offer to replace your weaker Boon with a stronger one and these exchanges will increase their rarity of them. There are four types of rarities: common, rare, epic, and heroic being the highest form of rarity.
The only issue with the Boons has to be the fact that when it comes to the Pool of Purging, you are only given access to sell three of them if you so choose. I wish I could sell more than that, but I never used the Pool of Purging anyway.
The soundtrack for Hades is really well done, each song fits the theme of each area perfectly and sounded very nice. Supergiant Games has shown that they really put in the effort of making something very unique in their own regards, as it does sound very Greek-like.
Graphics and Performance
The art style for Hades is done very well, each area is drawn to perfection and has nice details to them, the designs on the characters fit very well and I honestly liked them all. I tested the game on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, AMD Ryzen 5 1500X Quad-Core Processor 3.50, with16 GB of RAM. I came across no issues during my playthrough.
Final Verdict
Hades is honestly one of the best Roguelikes that I have ever played, and I am glad that I took the time to experience this gem. I love the amount of detail in its story, characters, gameplay, and so much more. Hades is a very polished game and is something that I think that anyone who is a fan of Roguelikes should try out.
If you want to see a look into how the game is played, then check out the video I made.
Cerberus understands that his duty is to follow Life Needs a Little Sin for good quality reviews
6751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 16:41
Art & Style: Excellent
the Art style is really consistent, and striking, and despite being a little dark. Doesn't feel depressing or sad.
in terms of art and style though. The best part is the Voice acting, There must be at least 300 different lines from all of the different characters, and the Characters are all wonderful, and really fun to experience.
The characters are mostly Greek gods, but there are some other characters from greek lore, like a medusa and Achilles.
Gameplay: Excellent
The controls are tight, fluid, and feel good, both with controller and with keyboard mouse.
It is my favorite rogue-like action hack and slash game to date, and sets a high bar
5546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 14:23
I'm not really into rogue-lite games, but redoing each level in Hades provides a different refreshing experience. The storyline is entwined with the grind, slowly revealing bits and pieces as you get on with the grind. The combat is sharp, consistent and reactive, with the symphony of weapons and godly boons allowing for a myriad of tactics. Even throughout each new run, it never gets dull with Zag's stash of snarky quips and his interactions with the scornful Hades, the prickly Artemis, the flirty Aphrodite, the lovelorn Orpheus and everyone else.
Just get this game. You get to pet best companion Cerberus.
8101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 03:55
10693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 03:41
Strange metaphors aside, the game is indeed an audio and visual treat. Beautiful art concept with plenty of adorable little details to pay attention to, like the emote reactions of random shades (which btw I really wish they'd made available as Steam emoticons) or tiny candles being blown out by your attacks.
Many times, particularly at the start, I had to just stop and admire the decor or observe random background events that have no impact on the gameplay or story - Hades doing administrative work, Dusa and Meg gossiping on a girls' night out, random shades talking about the often ironic circumstances of their demise.
You've probably already heard that the music is amazing, and it really is great, from background battle sequences to vocal tracks. And the voice acting... wow! Every character is memorable, every dialogue is enjoyable. Including that one (quite important) character who basically speaks zombie. Also, mad props to whoever voiced Tisiphone... I actually got really curious to hear what she'll have to say every time I was about to meet her (more like 'how' rather that 'what', hard to explain without spoiling the encounter for new players), & I have to say, the er... character development was an amusing surprise.
The story is a tongue-in-cheek modernized take on a certain Greek myth, with a corporate twist. It's very well written, entertaining and at a certain point even emotional. I don't know if they made a gazillion recordings or if the lines are so well randomized, maybe it's both, but I barely noticed any repetition. Even after I finished the game, all achievements included, I still encounter lines that I haven't heard before here and there, and there's always something to make me chuckle.
Gameplay-wise, it's usually pretty easy to figure out the best tactics for each weapon. No rocket science. Except maybe when you get a certain ancient Greek weapon [spoiler]a.k.a. the gun with an under-barrel grenade launcher. :)[/spoiler] The rewards system encourages you to switch it up and rotate your weaponry each escape attempt. Controls are simple, minimal finger nimbleness required. You'll receive random power-ups on your way, and while you will acquire limited tools to re-roll certain choices, you'll mostly be at the mercy of the Fates, i.e. RNG. In terms of play style, you can try going more in-depth by doing a bit of wiki diving and pre-planning your build, or you can just pick whatever seems good enough in the moment. I've been able to successfully escape with both approaches, so... you're free to do as you may. :)
Lots of love and talent was put into this game, and it was an absolute delight to come back to, over and over again, for a few achievement-grinding laps in Hell.
4864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 18:08
+ Fast paced combat
+ Blood pumping soundtracks
+ Soul soothing soundtracks (Eurydice)
+ Tons of powers and weapons combinations
+ Interesting characters with unique interactions
100% would recommend
3206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 17:39
????A drunk 4-year old could beat this
???? Easy
???? Normal
???? Requires superhuman skill
???? A game 10 years ago looked better
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
???? It’s an older game
???? Good
☑️ Beautiful looking
???? Annoying
????Regular music
???? Good
☑️ Incredible
???? Boring as dirt
???? Multiplayer only
???? Didn’t do anything special
???? Very interesting
☑️ Masters of storytelling
???? Underpriced
☑️ Perfect price
???? Could be Cheaper
???? Close to flushing money down the toilet
???? It’s free
☑️ A rock covered in foil can run this
???? Regular PC
???? High end
???? Short (0 - 15 hours)
???? Average (15 - 50 hours)
☑️ Long (50 - 90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90 - >100 hours)
???? No ending
- FUN -
????Impossible to enjoy
???? Only fun with friends
???? A good pastime
???? Quite enjoyable
☑️ Lots of fun
???? Even the achievements aren’t worth it
???? Only for achievements
???? Requires some waiting
???? You’ll get your money’s worth
☑️ Infinite fun
???? Never buy this
???? It's free to play
???? Wait for sale
???? Sure
☑️ Absolutely
403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 02:28
4729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 04:01
2969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 12:26
you throw it all together and you have a 10/10 game. absolutely love it
33352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 05:09
5234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 16:47
You take on the role of Zagreus, the rebellious son of Hades and [unknown] who really doesn’t enjoy it anymore to be trapped in the Underworld by his dad Hades, and tries to escape as a result, to go a journey to find out what really happened to his mother and to learn about his past. What will he discover? Only you can help him to find out!
You start your game in the House of Hades which is your hub. There you find most of the important NPCs to talk to and it’s also the place to which you return after each death.
Each run, no matter if you succeed or not, you gain different resources which you can use to unlock new weapons and skills and to upgrade them. You can also change up the hub with new decorations or repair places to unlock new places/NPC’s, and even add new locations to the underworld which will benefit you on your escape attempts.
On each attempt you travel through different areas of the Greek underworld like the Tartarus, Asphodel and the Elysium. Each of these is made up of different rooms which are randomly put in order and filled with different enemies and power ups, so no escape attempt is like the last. After each completed room, the game offers you two different ways to progress. On your way to the surface, you randomly meet some of the Greek gods who will help you with buffs, which are a huge part of the different builds you can create. Hades has a ton of different weapons, abilities, power ups and other pick-up items. There are more ways to play the game than I could name here.
The Controls are super smooth and precise with Mouse and Keyboard or with a Controller. But personally, I would recommend a Controller to play the game.
If you die in a run, it never feels like it is the fault of the game or the controls, but a mistake you made.
On top of that, Hades offers a God Mode option. It won't make you invincible, but gives you huge benfits to make the game significantly easier. It's a nice addition for players who enjoy less of a big challenge and only want to expierence the story and characters.
Characters, Graphic and Audio
The Voice Acting of the different characters is absolutely fantastic. Each of them feels like a true individual. The background music always does a great job to support the current situation you are in.
I’m a huge fan or the art style they choose for the game. The characters look like they have been hand drawn for each dialogue and still image. The combats effects and animations are great and look fantastic. But a trailer can surely help you more with this than my words can! :)
I didn’t run into any stutters, crashes or glitches in my entire playtime.
Final Thoughts
Hades is a must have for every fan of the genre in my opinion. The art style is beautiful, there is a vast variety in the gameplay, the story is beautiful and takes you on a true journey, the characters are well refined and each runs gives you the feeling of making progress and accomplishing something. Failing maybe frustrates you for a brief moment, but you are back in no time on your next attempt with new upgraded skills/weapons, to refine your fighting style, and maybe even with a smile on your lips from a dialogue you had in the hub shortly beforehand.
Hades is a work of love from the first dialogue to the last pixel and must be experienced. Worth every cent and every minute of your time!
795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 11:19
11367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 00:37
1997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 20:58
Literally zero complaints, 100% recommended :D
6753 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 18:41
6522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 16:22
9907 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 16:38
+ Magnificent story and characters
+ Excellent dialogues + voice-overs
+ Super fluid and fun gameplay
+ Very (and I mean VERY) in depth and unique skill system
+ Game is extremely innovative (as always with Supergiant Games)
+ No run is like the other, never had a dull moment
+ You can get really deep into the game, spend an infinity amount of hours with it (I stopped after completing heat level 32, but there is still a ton to discover)
+ Super addictive
+ Soundtrack gave me goosebumps
+ During 160+ hours playing this game I did not witness a single crash or bug
For me there is not a single one. I think that’s the first game ever where I did not have any complaints at all, not even the smallest one. I can imagine though, that:
- For some people the gameplay might be too fast paced / hectic
- In the beginning you need to figure out a lot on your own. I loved it, other players might want a little more help maybe
5127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 04:21
The game feels exceedingly fluid and polished. The art style and the sounds tracks are amazing.
I would 10/10 recommend this game especially at this price point.
2793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 22:00
Whilst i'm not a fan of these roguelike, permadeath games usually, I have to say i'm very impressed with this game.
It's fast, fun and a little addictive. The runs themselves last about 30-60mins but the story and dialogue just keeps on going. Fail the first time and come back stronger, unlock skills and so much more to make your next run much more easier, and for those who like it difficult have the ability to crank it up a notch once you have completed your first run.
The visuals are superb and comes with zero performance issues, no bugs or glitches just very clean.
The runs themselves may be short but they are different every time with much to aim for to improve your skills etc, the achievements alone will keep you locked in this game for hours n hours, I love it!
No complaints for this one, worth every penny. Impressive.
5770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 22:00
- great combat
- amazing writing/characters
- fun for 5 minutes or 50 hours
- suits different playstyles
- reportedly decent working conditions at studio
Wasn't sure if I'd be into roguelites since I get bored & frustrated easily, but the combat is just so much fun. Often quite frantic (or maybe I'm just bad), but I guess that's what makes it fun?
Another extremely strong point are the characters. The dialogues are very well written and voice acted, and every single character is crafted with so much care. All of them feel like genuine individuals, which makes me care for each of them, even the antagonists/slightly annoying ones.
Also, it's fun from the first minute. So even if you don't have much time to complete it it's definitely worth playing. However if you do stick around 50 hours in there's still a lot of 'undiscovered' slots, things getting switched up and keeping it fresh and interesting.
No matter what you want out of a game, this one has it. Engaging & challenging combat? Absolutely. Story & characters? Hellll yeah. Collecting & making numbers go up? Sure thing.
But also: all of those are optional from what I gather. Wanna focus on story and less on combat? Sure, try the God Mode. Don't care about the dialogue and just wanna fight? Sure, I think you can skip it all and just enjoy slashing/poking/shooting/punching things. Don't care about numbers going up? No problem, you collect stuff along the way inevitably, but you can ignore it if you like.
Stellar artwork & soundtrack as well, as you can see/hear.
According to various reports the studio treats their staff decently (20 days annual leave minimum, no forced crunch,...). Might not be relevant to everybody when deciding on a purchase, but to me at least it makes play more fun when I know people weren't burnt out for my enjoyment.
I have absolutely no complaints about this game (as of 50 hours in).
1626 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 10:27
Hades is the latest bombshell from Supergiant Games, which in this last game presents once again a fantastic narrative that completely has an extraordinary connection with his magnificent gameplay that will not come out of our heads of many for years.
+ Incredible story:
-> Hades has an amazing story. With so many questions and better answers.
+ Fantastic Gameplay:
-> The gameplay from Hades makes the player die to learn. That can sound peculiar. However, with the different number of enemies in each level of the Underworld and with the variety of weapons, it is important to try and try to achieve a point where nothing is a surprise.
+ Story and Gameplay connection:
-> It's impressive to see how the game manages to connect the story with the gameplay. They aren't 2 separated things. Hades needs the gameplay to the narrative advance. However, the narrative is what makes the gameplay move forward.
+ Soundtrack:
-> Being at the same time accommodating and scrambled. The soundtrack isn't exhausting to hear. Giving a great rhythm to the game.
+ Magnific Visuals:
-> The way that the game manages to connect the 3D and the 2D is just unbelievable. All the designs (characters, areas, monsters) are just something of another world.
- Can become frustrating:
-> Hades is a game that is just normal to die, and in every single death, it all starts from the begging. Sadly some players can not deal well with that and can become frustrated.
-Going Deeper-
Rating: 100/100
Hades tells the story of Prince Zagreus, son of Hades, and his adventure in search of a way out of the Underworld.
During his journey, he will be aided by the various gods of Olympus that await his arrival. However, Hades, his father, will try to stop him. Without the permission of his father, Zagreus will need to do what anyone has never done. Leave the Underworld. For me, the story is fantastic. The journey that Zagreus starts looking for a better life is amazing. Joining this to Ancient Greek mythology gives another charm to the game.
The story will progress with Zagreus experiences when trying to get out of Underworld. The different characters that appear along the way, like gods or members of the House of Hades, will cite who had slain Zagreus in his last try or what level of hell did he reach. This connection between gameplay and story is astounding. One depends on the other. That makes Hades a more interesting game that the player never knows what's to happen next.
Hades is a game where the player dies a lot. Each layer of the Underworld has different enemies linked with where they are. At the end of each level, it appears a boss that will challenge Zagreus trying to stop him. I like how the game works. It's important to die in Hades. With the many tries that Zagreus make, in each one, it will be better. Know the enemies' attack sequences and timings make all the difference. Hades also provides a good amount of different enemies, in my opinion. Each layer of the Underworld or has upgraded enemies or new ones. This gives some variety to the game. Don't let him become repetitive and boring. Giving a good challenge. The boss fights are something that I really enjoyed in the game. They are a challenge, and more importantly, on a first try, they create a question. What will happen next time after I die? The boss will revive and be there on the next try and at least more a few times after. However, it can happen some times the boss suffers some mutation or be replaced by others with similar power and sequences. At a point, the layer boss will be different from the one that Zagreus had to fight before.
The combat is solid. Hades has 6 different unlockable weapons. All of them have 4 mutations that can be unlockable later with the advancement of the game. To help Zagreus during his journey, all Gods of the Olympus that are awaiting him can give boons. These buffs will make Zagreus deal more damage, have more dashes, in the end, a bunch of different things.
For me, all 6 different weapons are good and viable to end the game. It's just a matter of picking them and master them. Each one has her combo, speed, and range. About the mutations, each one will bring new things that will open the chance to do even more different combos. The boons are also important to reach another layer. All the Gods have a good amount of different buffs that can give to Zagreus, and with good choices, it is possible to create even greater combos with the weapon that's being used.
During the attempts to leave the Underworld, Zagreus can get different collectibles, like Darkness, Gemstones, and Gold. Each one has a different task in the game. Gold is used during the attempt at the Charon shop to buy power-ups, like boons and more hp. Darkness is used at the Hades House in the Mirror of Night to upgrade Zagreus. The Gemstones, like the Darkness, are used in the Hades House, but this to customize her.
Find the Charon along the way is almost find God himself. It can save Zagreus from hard times if he has some gold in his pocket. About the Darkness, it can give some pretty good upgrades that help a lot, like more hp. The Gemstones opens the door to the simple customization of the game that I definitely didn't dislike.
????Audio & Visuals
Hades manages to connect the 2D and the 3D magnificently. In this game, Supergiant Games was able to make the Underworld look beautiful. All the different characters' appearances and designs pop out their qualities extremely well. In visuals terms, Hades is simply breathtaking.
The audio is also fantastic. The game soundtrack isn't exhausting to hear, it gives a magic rhythm to the game, combining more accommodating music and with just pure scrambled. Another point that Hades has really good is the voice-overs. It's easy to understand the characters by their way of talk.
Technical Details
I played this game with:
Intel Core i7-8750H; NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1660 Ti; 16,00 GB Ram
- I had an amazing experience. Could have 60 fps almost all my experience, without any big fps drop. This shows that the game is well optimized.
1941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 19:15
Everything about Hades is very well made. Lovely story, pleasing graphics, fun soundtrack, varied gameplay with many ways to win/die - huge replayability. Easy to pick up, hard to master.
Also devs who really care about their product.
Buy and have a good time.
9225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 19:20
696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 20:10
5478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 23:24
This game's Early Access puts every other game in that state to shame. No feature is half baked. No element is partially done. Every single piece released is polished to the nines and rich, complementing each system in place before and each system in place adapts to the new pieces. This feels like a puzzle that has no borders, and every time you get new pieces they just fit cleanly along the edge of the old to grow an even bigger, cooler picture.
That in and of itself would be worth the purchase just to experience, but then on top of that it's such a damn good game. Combat feels incredible. Everything feels fair. Variable difficulty options and the bevy of interesting unlocks post-first-win are a delight. There seems to be no end to little additions and new gameplay layers around every corner just when I think I have seen everything they're gonna throw at me (even if I haven't unlocked it all yet). It's all so nuanced and delivered at such a perfect pace that I just can't keep myself from doing One More Attempt day in day out.
Virtually nothing about the inherent roguelike RNG is suffocating or annoying. Every element works somehow, and while there are clear powerhouse options you'd wish you saw every run, everything else is so useably good that you don't really notice when you don't get the OP options. Oh, did I mention the combat was fun? So are nearly all the variations and Roguelike RNG options. On top of that, the expected god tier (ha) quality of writing, music, voice acting, and storytelling from Supergiant is in full force. Add that to the depth of interaction layers woven into the fight-die-repeat loop directly as part of the lore, which is done so remarkably smoothly, and you would not be wrong to wonder why not everyone on the planet follows in Supergiant's footsteps from here on out for roguelikes, and in a more broad sense, for Early Access as well.
3125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 00:15
5809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 20:58
Weapons feel very distinct, especially with all the aspects involved. The legendary ones change the moveset entirely even.
The boons from the gods are extremely fun to use and experiment with. Fun surprise are the duo boons which usually synergize what you already have, based on the gods you've already interacted with.
The story is surprisingly good, even if you get it drip-fed after lots and lots of runs.
It's still in early access but it doesn't really feel like it, not with this level of polish. Version 1.0 should be out soon so I can't wait for that truth be told.
Can't really complain, waiting for the real ending content.
10/10 gimme 1.0 already
1773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 12:22
4673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 15:37
- Aphrodite is nude
- Story rich
- Replayable
- You can piss off gods
- Pet Cerberus
- Simp a fury, a gorgon and the death incarnate
- The fury has a whip ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Go fishing
- Dionysus is a chad
- Aphrodite hides her goodies with her long hair
- You can only pet one of Cerberus' heads
- Daddy issues
- Amazing devs that listen to the community and respond to problems immediately
3500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 04:23
Hades is a great rogue-lite game. The combat flow is nice, controls are responsive, graphics are absolutely outstanding and characters are quite interesting. The current content is enough to keep you playing multiple times and yelling FAAATHEEEEEEEEEER every time you meet hades.
The game is difficult but not only there is a easy mode for those who rather just enjoy the story (you get 20% damage reduction which increases on each death), you also keep some progress when dying, making each subsequent run easier until you eventually will be able to finish a match even if you are terribad like me (It took me two times the amount of escape attempts than most people I know). And when you finally master Hades or have enough upgrades to give that edge in escaping, you may set the difficulty higher to go back to sweating bullets and getting new rewards.
The enemies in general are fun to fight and bosses/elite are well made, they can also get new moves as you increase the game difficulty later. Your arsenal to fight them feels unique and fun and you can customize them further as you play. Not only that, but each run will be different depending on the powers that you find from helpful gods such as Zeus, Dionysus or Artemis. Some can help you simply dish out more damage, slow/confuse enemies or push them away depending on your (and your weapon) play style. They can also have synergy with each other, sometimes even from other gods to make you truly a force to be reckoned with.
One of my favorite features are the NPCs, the game has plenty of interesting characters to talk and [strike]bribe[/strike] gift to, and you will require multiple playthroughs interacting with them to know their story and sometimes helping them out. Say, keep giving someone news about their long lost lover and some comforting words in the meantime, and [spoiler]with luck get them reacquainted.[/spoiler]
Also the game has Cerberus who is a very good boy, AND you can pet him, what more do you want?
2706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 15:18
I've played a lot of excellent roguelite action games recently like Enter the Gungeon, Synthetik and Dead Cells. I've loved each of those, but it's starting to feel like Hades surpasses those as the most polished king of this genre... And it's still in early access with more stuff to come, which you really couldn't tell from the almost perfect gameplay itself.
Downsides? Well, like in Bastion and Transistor, I hate how the default gamepad layout uses the face buttons for the most frequent actions, I'd suggest rebinding those attacks and dodges to the triggers/shoulder buttons so you can use more than one thumb for all of them. There, that's the downsides fixed.
I can't gush about this game enough, if you've got any interest in the hack-n-slash-roguelite genre, you need to check this out. It might be the best game in a genre that's already full of really great games. I also think it's a bit more merciful in difficulty when compared to games like Gungeon as there's more passive upgrades and permanently growing stronger after each attempt. For the hardcore out there, there's loads of options to make the game harder too once you beat the last boss the first time.
895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 22:36
Quite possibly my most favorite game to play on my steam library, maybe until cyberpunk 2077 releases.
Supergiant games knocks it out of the park with the gameplay as well as the story,music, and voice acting again
Each run feels meaningful, whether it be getting the perfect boons or doing runs for the sake of upgrading your character beforehand.
I just can't believe it took me this long to buy this game.
8527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 07:42
Game is actually incredibly easy to get into for a rogue like. Pretty forgiving while still being challenging. Visuals and voicework are excellen as well. And music too!
Big bonus if you like Greek mythology.
4436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 15:18
When I saw it Steam I bought it for the second time without hesitation.
This game deserves it.
This is game is ART.
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
✅ Normal - Takes a bit of time to master the mechanics.
???? Hard
???? Dark Souls (if u play with bell demon and charmless its extremely hard)
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
???? Good (nothing special)
???? Beautiful
✅ Masterpiece
???? Bad
???? Not special
???? Good
✅ Beautiful
???? This game has no story
???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
✅ It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
???? Epic story
???? Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack
???? Free
✅ Underpriced
???? Perfect Price
???? Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
???? You can run it on a microwave
✅ Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? Long enough for a cup of coffee
???? Short
???? Average
✅ Long (if u can even finish it)
???? To infinity and beyond
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
???? Actually pretty amusing
✅ The kind of fun you'll remember
???? Ride of your life
???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years (try playing with mods)
✅ Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable
~ Bugs ~
✅ Never heard of
???? Minor bugs
???? Can get annoying
???? ARK: Survival Evolved
???? The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
???? No
???? Wait for sale
✅ Yes
3495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 03:10
Hades has beautiful gameplay clarity. It is incredibly direct and straightforward, yet doesn't pull any punches. Dying over and over the way rogue-likes want you to feels not only intended, but rewarding in its own way. Combat is flashy and satisfying and the upgrade progression is FUN. I don't mean what most people say when they mean fun where you're just trying to unlock every possible weapon/combination for the sake of having it all. It's actually fun, like you want to see what more the game has to offer for the sake of seeing it, even if you never use it, and boy does it offer a lot.
Hours and HOURS of beautifully written and performed dialogue, all of it interesting, enveloped in actual character, and relevant to the gameplay, not just the setting. Big props to the voice actors for this game because they really laid an amazing foundation for the world of Hades. Theme-appropriate music that just nails those intense moments as well as those classic, thought-provoking, Supergiant moments.
This game is wonderful, thank you Supergiant. A class-act and a love-letter to us all reminding us that there are people out there who will make something so unnecessarily detailed and beautiful because it's what they love to do.
Buy this game.
1342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 10:00
4328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 08:08
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
✅ Normal
???? Hard
???? Dark Souls (if u play with bell demon and charmless its extremely hard)
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics dont matter in this game
???? Good (nothing special)
✅ Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
???? Bad
???? Not special
✅ Good
???? Beautiful
???? This game has no story
???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
✅ It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
???? Epic story
???? Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack
???? Free
???? Underpriced
✅ Perfect Price
???? Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
???? You can run it on a microwave
✅ Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? Long enough for a cup of coffee
???? Short
???? Average
✅ Long (if u can even finish it)
???? To infinity and beyond
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
???? Actually pretty amusing
✅ The kind of fun you'll remember
???? Ride of your life
???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years (try playing with mods)
✅ Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable
~ Bugs ~
???? Never heard of
✅ Minor bugs
???? Can get annoying
???? ARK: Survival Evolved
???? The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
???? No
???? Wait for sale
✅ Yes
6164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 21:20
recommending this game highly
5902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 04:31
Okay TLDR:
Art style
a bit unbalanced
slightly confusing dynamics causing an issue if you are very new to the game (it's quick to pick up but can be daunting at first)
very difficult to beat if you're inexperienced (there is a god mode but I feel that doesn't count)
Things to note:
Things don't feel smooth until you get a good feel for your weapon, the enemies, the area and the game as a whole
The game play is immersive but can be a little grind-y
resources can be difficult to obtain in large amounts so that is something to be wary of.
It's a good game, watch a youtube video or just get it and give it a shot, if you're a fan of rougelikes this is for you.
6845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 20:46
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 21:20
i mean it's quit an enjoyable game and i love every second of it and my only hope and wish is that the story part after the Escape don't go to second game and we see result in the adventure
4292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 09:30
All the experience Supergiant Games gathered building all three of their wonderful other games has come together into a deeply layered masterpiece for the ages. This Supergiant gameplay experience is wisely informed by everything that worked well (and everything that didn't) in the recent surge of wonderful roguelite games (such as Dead Cells, Enter the Gungeon, Binding of Isaac, etc).
At this point, waiting for the next Supergiant game is like waiting for the next album by your favorite band. When you buy Hades and start playing, the experience is akin to hearing Bohemian Rhapsody for the first time. You crack a smile, realizing that this is the best, the legendary, the iconic album that will end up defining your favorite band.
Savor it, mates. May Athena's wisdom be blessed upon you and you buy this magnum opus.
1726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 19:21
Despite being in Early Access, I'm still nowhere near the end of the content available. However, if you're the kind of person who want to just get to the ending of a game and move on, maybe wait until the proper release.
Supergiant Games
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