Game Updates:
- Season 3 has ended. Season 4 is scheduled to begin on May 14th.
- South America has been removed as a playable region.
- Ranked Pro has been removed from the game.
Bug Fixes:
- Helmet icons, Armor icons, and player health now update properly in the group HUD.
- Fixed an issue that caused some players to occasionally get stuck on an unresponsive title screen.
- Shot block markers no longer display for vehicle passengers.
- Reticle should be blocked by the character’s head less often when crouching and strafing.
- Made camera heights for 1911 and bow more consistent when moving versus stationary when crouched.
- Weapon icons no longer occasionally appear sideways in the Kill Feed.
- Group members returning from a match now display together properly on the Main Menu.
- Team members no longer hear each other firing the AR-15 when opening Crates.