In line with this we have buffed the Snowitch slightly to be a tier 2 class. They now have +1 health and their key Ice Shield attack is now 'block 1 any'. They should now be viable in the Jungle.
We have also slightly buffed the final boss of the Grasslands region with +2 health.
We have changed the level of drawn dungeon cards to be within 1 level of your dungeoneer. No more L3 monsters on your first turn.
Other bug fixes:
- Fixed crash on final quest if defeating boss before timer expires.
- Fixed issues with Swashbuckler, Artificer and Drunken Sailor achievements not triggering.
- Fixed issues with some achievements not triggering if dungeoneer wins with quick attacks.
- Fixed some issues with "if successful" heals not saving dungeoneer.
- Fixed icon sorting on queued damage added to attacks.
- Fixed some issues with Retribution not triggering.
- Fixed some issues with health not being displayed correctly during attacks.
- Fixed a freeze in some instances where dungeoneer would kill themselves with self damage.
- Fixed a freeze if dungeoneer attempted to play Whirlwind.
- Fixed some issues with quick attacks not triggering Bulwark.
- Fixed objective tile in Ice Ice Bae Bae "The heart of the matter" quest.
- Tweaked Orge Menace "Patrol This!" quest layout.
- Fungus was too stupid! Reduced Stupidity level from 5 to 1.
- Fixed some issue with opening the Options during game sequences.
- Fixed some chinese text rendering issues.