• Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion: Screen zum Spiel Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion.
  • Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion: Screen zum Spiel Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion.
  • Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion: Screen zum Spiel Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion.
  • Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion: Screen zum Spiel Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion.
  • Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion: Screen zum Spiel Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion.
  • Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion: Screen zum Spiel Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion.
  • Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion: Screen zum Spiel Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion.
  • Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion: Screen zum Spiel Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion.
  • Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion: Screen zum Spiel Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion.
  • Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion: Screen zum Spiel Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion.
  • Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion: Screen zum Spiel Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion.
  • Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion: Screen zum Spiel Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion.


Du musst angemeldet sein
Dieser DLC benötigt das Hauptspiel
Grim Dawn
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 11.10.2017
Zum Shop
Preis Update 18.09.23

Über das Spiel

Ashes of Malmouth picks up where Grim Dawn leaves off, expanding the world and story with two new chapters in the epic struggle to free humankind from the horrors of the Aetherials. Deep within the fallen city of Malmouth, the Shaper of Flesh crafts grotesque living weapons that could deal a final blow to the human resistance. You must forge new alliances as you push forward through deep forest, the void and into the city itself in a heroic effort to end the Aetherial terror. Venture into dangerous new parts of the world as you discover unique items, empower your characters and make difficult choices that have a lasting impact on the people of Cairn.

Key Features:
  • Level Cap Increased to 100 - Reach for ever greater power with an increased level cap of 100 and an increased Devotion cap of 55!
  • Two New Class Masteries – Unleash your vengeance upon the enemies of humanity with two new Masteries: the Inquisitor and the Necromancer, both of which can be combined with the base game’s Masteries, nearly doubling the possible combinations!
  • Two Story Chapters - Confront the devious Aetherials and their twisted abominations in the fallen city of Malmouth as you push forward alongside the Black Legion and Inquisitor Creed in two epic Chapters!
  • Transform Your Appearance – A brand-new Illusionist Service NPC enables you to transform the appearance of your equipment and customize your ideal look! Draw upon every item in your collection across all characters!
  • New Environments - Explore new parts of Cairn to the north of Burrwitch and beyond! Traverse the treacherous forest of Gloomwald and the murky Ugdenbog as you seek passage to the fallen city of Malmouth.
  • Four Factions - New Factions provide more opportunities to make allies…and enemies. Earn their favor to unlock unique rewards, or become a nemesis to spawn powerful foes.
  • 14 Constellations - Unleash the might of the Arkovian Gods with 14 new Devotion Constellations that open up even more combinations in Grim Dawn’s massive constellation map.
  • Collect Hundreds of New Items - Dozens of new Monster Infrequents and Hundreds of Epic and Legendary items are waiting to be added to your collection! Combine them with the new Illusion System to create a look unique to you!
  • Item Skill Modifiers - Transmute and empower your Mastery skills using new modifiers found exclusively on equipment.
  • New Nemesis and Super Bosses - Tackle all-new vicious threats and earn their unique loot. Discover Cairn’s secrets to summon supremely powerful foes.
  • A New Rogue-Like Dungeon - the Ancient Grove. Once the haven of the beast god Mogdrogen, this sacred place has become tainted by the corrupting presence of the Aetherials and the Chthonians. Venture inside and face off against grave new dangers, and powerful unique rewards.
  • Expanded Stash - Stow away precious treasure with a vastly expanded Personal Stash and an additional Shared Stash Tab.
  • Reset Your Attributes and Mastery Bar - Find a new type of potion that allows you reset your Attribute Points. Speak to a Spirit Guide to unlearn the Mastery Bar down to one point.


  • CPU: x86 compatible 2.3GHz or faster processor (Intel 2nd generation core i-series or equivalent)
  • GFX: 512MB NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series or ATI Radeon X800 series or better
  • RAM: 4GB of memory is required to host multiplayer games
  • Software: Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 11 compatible 16-bit sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Tschechisch, Japanisch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Italienisch, Koreanisch, Vietnamesisch, Polnisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

42 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.18 23:06
Grim Dawn und endlich die Erweiterung : Ashes of Malmouth,
Alle die auf Diablo 1/2 abgefahren sind, werden dieses Game zu schätzen wissen. Es ist ähnlich, aber nicht das
selbe. Es ist komplexer, aber nicht zu schwierg. Ein rundum liebevolles von den Entwickern gemachte Hack and
Slay, für Jäger und Sammler und Character Strategen. Die möglichkeiten sind endlos :) Suchtpotezial, wie früher...
133 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.18 10:05
Bin total positiv überrascht von der Erweiterung.

- Umfangreich, es wird viel geboten (Items, 2 Klassen, Map, Story usw.)
- Qualitativ super (Sound, Grafik - Speziell das Map Design gefällt mir sehr gut , ... )
- Interessante Story (Viele neue Aufgaben gut verpackt, viel Neues zu entdecken .... )
- Die Nekro Klasse gefällt mir unheimlich gut, vor allem als Pet Nekro :)
- Der Inqui ist auch eine sehr interessante Klasse, macht auf jeden fall ziemlich spass

Von dieser Erweiterung können sich so manch andere Spiele echt ne GROSSE Scheibe von abschneiden, einfach nur toll gemacht.

(Wenn ich mich da an Diablo 3 erinnere, wo man für viel Geld nur 1 neue Klasse geboten bekommen hat, ohne Story etc. das war eine echte Enttäuschung!)
516 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.18 18:19
Hat hier jemand Necromancer gesagt?!

Necromancer DLC done right. Blizzard crying
338 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.17 18:36
Ashes of Malmouth knüpft nahtlos an das Ende nach dem Endbosskampf vom Hauptspiel an, man muss also Grim Dawn vorher einmal durchgespielt haben, um danach die Erweiterung spielen zu können.

Ashes of Malmouth besteht aus zwei riesigen neuen Akten, welche von der Größe her ca. 50% des Hauptspiels entsprechen. Auf dem Weg zur gefallenen Stadt Malmouth, in der der neue Endboss wartet, durchqueren wir neue Gebiete wie etwa Ugdenbog, wo der Hexenzirkel sein Versteck hat, oder Barrowholm mit seinen merkwürdigen Einwohnern. Meiner Meinung nach ist Ugdenbog etwas zu groß geraten, dazu ist es schon wieder ein Sumpfgebiet. Die anderen Gegenden sind dagegen sehr schön, vor allem Malmouth mit den verwinkelten Wegen ist toll. Das letzte Stück ist aber ganz schön gruselig und eklig. Mehr möchte ich aber an dieser Stelle nicht verraten.

Natürlich wird auch hier wieder die Hilfe des Spielers verlangt und so können wir fast 50 neue Quests sowie über 40 neue Kopfgelder erledigen.

Außerdem wurden zwei neue Klassen eingeführt: der Nekromant und der Inquisitor. Somit hat man jetzt noch mehr Möglichkeiten für neue Klassenkombinationen. Den Inquisitor finde ich persönlich nicht so spannend, dafür den Nekromanten mit seinen ganzen Skeletten und Flüchen umso mehr.

Das Levelcap wurde von 85 auf 100 erhöht, zudem gibts natürlich hunderte neuer Items und vier neue Fraktionen.

Mit dem Illusionisten kann man nun auch für eine kleine Gebühr das Aussehen seiner Ausrüstung ändern. Und endlich ist es auch möglich, die Meisterschafts- sowie Attributpunkte zurückzusetzen (eine Klassenänderung ist jedoch weiterhin nicht möglich.) Des weiteren sind 14 neue Sternbilder hinzugekommen, die maximalen Devotionspunkte sind dagegen leider nur von 50 auf 55 gestiegen. Zu wenig, wie ich finde.

Für alle, die mehr Platz zum Lagern der Items brauchen, gibts nun tatsächlich mehr Lagerfächer beim Schmuggler.

Vom Schwierigkeitsgrad her fand ich Ashes of Malmouth noch ein bisschen fordernder als das Hauptspiel, was mir sehr gut gefallen hat.

Kurzum: Ein wirklich geniales und vor allem sehr umfangreiches Addon, mit dem man wieder unzählige Stunden verbringen kann.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich nochmal bei Crate bedanken, die uns Übersetzern das Spiel geschenkt haben.
345 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.17 10:06
Nachdem ich gestern das Addon durchgespielt und in den Tagen zuvor einige Stunden mich mit den neuen Masteries auseinandergesetzt habe, möchte ich nun ein kleines Fazit schreiben:
Die neuen Gebiete sind echt gut gemacht worden. Gerade in dem neuen Verbindungsstück zwischen den beiden Akten hat es mich sehr stark an die Hölle erinnert (Diablo 3 lässt grüßen!) und auch die neuen Waldgebiete sind gut designed worden. Die Stadt Malmouth ist ebenfalls sehr stimmig und sehr düster. Leider ist man mehrere Stunden (beim ersten Durchlauf) in der Stadt unterwegs und es wird schnell eintönig, immer wieder durch Häuser auf den unterschiedlichen Stockwerken zu rennen. Eine kleine Passage außerhalb der Stadt zur Auflockerung hätte gutgetan.

Die neue Masterie „Necromancer“ ist derzeit mein großer Favorit, da einerseits die Pets viel Spaß machen und auch die anderen Fähigkeiten sehr gut zu dieser Klasse passen. Lohnt!
Derzeit spiele ich einen Petmaster mit dem Okkultisten und bin recht zufrieden (Lvl 40). Mal schauen, wie er sich so entwickelt

Der „Inquisitor“ soll vor allem die „Pistolenfraktion“ zufriedenstellen und macht es im Großen und Ganzen auch. Ein paar gute Fähigkeiten zum Pushen von Gewehren findet man, obschon die Verbindung den arkanen Mächten habe ich noch nicht so verinnerlicht.
Mein „Gunslinger“ (Inquisitor, Demolitionist) hat viele Synergieeffekte und spielt sich sehr gut. Auch hier: Mal schauen, wie er sich so entwickelt.

Eine sehr gute Erweiterung des ohnehin bereits sehr guten ARPG-Spiel aus dem Hause CRATE. Zwei tolle Masteries (Necromancer, Inquisitor) und die beiden neuen Akte machen das Spiel immer besser. Weiter so!
329 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.17 15:16
ein nahezu perfektes Spiel wird komplettiert. Das Addon erweitert das Hauptspiel in allen Bereichen und macht aus dem besten ActionRPG das man aktuell spielen kann ein Vorbild für das ganze Genre ja für die ganze Branche.

Für den Nekro bei Diablo 3 zahlt man 15 Euro. Dazu bekommt man bei Blizzard ein paar kosmetische Items und 2 neue Kisten. Bei Ashes of Malmouth bekommt ihr den deutlich cooleren Nekro + den Inquisitor also 2 neue Klassen hinzu was insgesamt 12 neue Kombinationen mit sich bringt. Und jede Klassencombo ist in der Regel für 2-3 teils sehr unterschiedliche Spielweisen gut. Dazu kommen eine um ca 50% größere Spielwelt, 15 neue Level (lvlcap100) 5 neue Devotionpunkte inkl. einer Menge neuer Sternbilder, hunderte neuer Items, dem Illusionisten der das Aussehen von Items verändern kann, Neuer Rohstoffe/Mods für Waffen/Rüstungen ect und zahlreiche lebenserleichternde Verbesserungen runden das ohnehin schon hervorragende Spielgefühl von Grim Dawn ab. Hier werden keine Paydoors eingebaut hier gibt es keine Lootboxen oder DLC Schwemme hier bekommt man für sein Geld Spielstunde um Spielstunde perfekten Spielspass so das am Ende das Preisleistungsverhältniss bei ein paar Cent pro Spielstunde liegen wird. Zum Vergleich der D3 Nekro hat es auf 10 Stunden Spielzeit geschafft was 1,5 Euro pro Spielstunde macht. :-/
1120 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.17 10:22
Für 17.99€ bekommt man hier 2 neue Klassen, 2 neue Story Kapitel, neue Gebiete, viele neue Funktionen (Illusionist, Skill Modifier...)! In einem anderen großen ARPG bekommt man dafür gerade mal eine neue Klasse...

Unschlagbares Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis!

Habe bisher den Nekromanten als neue Klasse ausprobiert, mit Fokus auf Minions.
Macht einfach nur einen riesen Spaß mit seiner Horde durch Gegnergruppen zu rennen und alles um einen herum wird vernichtet. Die neuen Gebiete und Gegner überzeugen vom Design und auch sonst sind alle neuen Funktionen, sinnvolle Erweiterungen des Hauptspiels.

Insgesamt macht Ashes of Malmouth ein bereits tolles Spiel noch grandioser!

Grim Dawn + AoM = Pflichtkauf für alle ARPG Fans!
39 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.17 17:08
„Grim Dawn-Ashes of Malmouth“ ist der erste große DLC des Action-RPGs Grim Dawn, und was für einer: Im Gegensatz zu den beiden bereits erschienenen DLCs („Crucible“ als eine Art kurzweiliger Arenamodus, das „Loyalist Upgrade“ als Möglichkeit zur finanziellen Unterstützung der Entwickler) ist Ashes of Malmouth eine echte Erweiterung wie aus den viel zitierten guten alten Zeiten, in denen eine Erweiterung noch mehr als 2 neue Maps und 5 neue Waffenskins beinhaltete.

Und wie es sich für eine klassische Erweiterung nun einmal gehört, ist auch Ashes of Malmouth vollgepackt mit neuen Inhalten für das Basisspiel:
Zunächst gibt es gleich zwei neue Kapitel der Story von Grim Dawn, die zusammen etwa halb so groß wie das gesamte Basisspiel sind. Hauptinhalt ist dabei die namensgebende Stadt Malmouth, ein ehemaliger Industrieschwerpunkt, welcher im Rahmen des Grim Dawn zerstört und von Ätherischen besetzt wurde. Dazu kommen einige neue freundliche und feindliche Fraktionen, die die neuen Kapitel gelungen abrunden.
Dann gibt es 2 neue Klassen, die das Klassenportfolio von Grim Dawn von 6 auf 8 erhöhen. Da in Grim Dawn ein Charakter aber 2 Klassen wählen darf, erhöht sich die Anzahl der möglichen Klassenkombinationen von 15 auf 27, sie verdoppelt sich also nahezu. Damit ist für zahlreiche neue Builds und Experimentiermöglichkeiten gesorgt. Der Inquisitor ist eine äußerst vielseitige Klasse, die sowohl im Fernkampf als auch im Nahkampf brilliert, Elementar- sowie Unterstützungszauber wirkt, als auch magische Runenfallen stellen kann. Der Nekromant setzt im Gegensatz zum Inquisitor auf Pets sowie Äther – und Vitalitätsschaden. Er beschwört Skelette und kann Gegnern mithilfe von Flüchen die Lebenskraft aussaugen. Das bisherige Klassenarsenal wird somit sinnvoll verstärkt und die Vielfalt erhöht.
Weiterhin bietet die Erweiterung einen neuen Service – NPC, den Illusionisten: Dieser stellt mehr oder weniger das Pendant zu den Transmogrifikationen aus Diablo 3 dar. Obwohl dieser NPC also nun wirklich nicht sonderlich originell oder neuartig ist, wurde im offiziellen Forum so oft die Möglichkeit der Transmogrifikation gefordert, dass die Entwickler dies nun ins Spiel eingebaut haben.
Zusätzlich wurde natürlich das Level –Cap erhöht (das neue Maximal-Level liegt jetzt bei 100) sowie neue Devotion – Möglichkeiten eingebaut. Der im Forum oft als viel zu klein gescholtene Gepäckbereich wurde ebenfalls erweitert.
Selbstverständlich dürfen auch neue Items nicht fehlen, es gibt hunderte neue epische und legendäre Items, die sowohl die neuen Klassen als auch die alten verstärken.

Alles in allem ist Ashes of Malmouth eine wirklich gelungene Erweiterung des Basisspiels, der Preis ist mehr als günstig. Für das Geld bekommt man bei den üblichen AAA-Spielen in der Regel einen halben Season – Pass, der dann meistens nicht viel mehr als neue Waffenskins und Maps bietet (etwas überspitzt gesagt). Wer also bereits das Basisspiel Grim Dawn genossen hat, macht hier absolut nichts falsch, sondern vielmehr alles richtig. Wer das Basisspiel allerdings eher langweilig fand und nun auf neue Gameplay-Elemente oder dergleichen hofft, für den ist die Erweiterung wohl nichts. Es gibt hier eben einfach mehr vom gleichen in bewährter Qualität. Von mir gibt es eine absolute Kaufempfehlung!

PS: Wer Anmerkungen oder Kommentare hat, kann dies gerne in die Kommentare schreiben :)
0 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.23 18:28
I wanted to make a review for this since the last patch added a lot of quality of life. Grim dawn is a fun and fresh ARPG with satisfying loot, customization, and combat. Hybrid class specialization allows for many different playstyles. DLC adds a great deal of content, and additional classes. The community is strong, with many interesting mods that add even more content and QOL to the game. The devs are receptive to the community, as they've continued to add features that modernize the UI and systems in the game.
635 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.23 22:54
abit expensive for a big booba loading screen, but a man gotta do what a man needs to do sometimes. New content is ok i guess
170 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.23 22:17
Just more of what the base game offers. If you liked the base game you will want to buy this.

If you didn't like the base game this addon does not change anything groundbreaking. You still do what you did in the base game only more of it. Way more.
0 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.23 22:45
641 Produkte im Account
404 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.23 11:48
DLC verdict: Get it on sale OR Get it in the Definitive Edition bundle

After resolving the conflict in the main campaign we are plunged directly into the events of this DLC. It is well tied together and the threat you face is the logical continuation to what was not fully addressed in the base campaign - the Aetherials invasion. From the story and lore point this is an awesome addition. The sense of adventures is continued as you march your way through battle-destroyed locations. For the most part that is. You see, the first part of this DLC are forests, swamps and meadows. And OH BOY does it get old to look at really soon. No joke, the worst part of fully doing the harder difficulties is having to replay this part. Luckily the second half of the DLC has sewers and city sections that are much nicer. Coupled with a spike in the difficulty and back-tracking, the start of this DLC can feel rough. Two new classes are introduced - Inquisitor and Necromancer. And both mix very well with the others, enabling a multitude of new builds. Especially gun enthusiasts will love the Inquisitor and minion lovers will enjoy the Necromancer. Lots of quality of life improvements that, honestly, should be in the main game. But we take what we can get and there's plenty here - Expands stash; Moves level cap to 100; Adds new reset options for skills/attributes/devotions; You can change appearance of armor/weapons; AND MORE! Sadly, this DLC doesn't do anything in terms of endgame. I recommend it for the QoL things, the new classes and continuation of the story. But be aware the difficulty spike and the dreary first half of the locations.
If you liked this DLC review you can find more in my Review Corner.
48 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.23 11:16
I reviewed the base game for this DLC, Grim Dawn, and gave it a big thumbs up because the gameplay was very good and much more satisfying in my opinion than its ARPG competitors, mainly Diablo.

Ashes of Malmouth is a DLC that begins after you finish the main quest line, and while I think it really adds alot more content to the base game which is already good to begin with, it's not perfect.

My biggest issue with it is that Malmouth, the city in which the entire DLC takes place, is flawed from a level design perspective. Let me explain:

The level design from an aesthetics/looks point of view is perfect in my opinion. The city feels grim and depressed, which is exactly how I would feel if my own city started getting attacked by a bunch of grotesque monsters. There's a subtle but gloomy fog that looms over the whole place, and it reminds me alot of Diablo 3's Act 5 if you ever played that, but better. The design of the slums is rather compelling and captures the feel of what a slum neighborhood actually looks and feels like (I should know since I grew up in a place with a lot of slum areas around). It succeeds in the aesthetic department, thats for sure.

However, the areas are a bit too cramped. Like, really, really cramped. And while I get that they should be since slum neighborhoods usually are, it gets rather difficult to fight a large group of monsters trying to maul you because your character kind of glitches out when you're trying to move out of that area. It's hard to explain unless you've actually experienced it yourself. Imagine a really, really narrow corridor, a group of 15-20 large monsters trying to flank you from both sides and when you try to strategically get yourself out by clicking on a somewhat clear area, my character just does this weird aimbot animation where she just rotates rapidly instead of actually going to that spot. I'm assuming this happens because of how tightly cramped the areas are.

And I know some people will point out that there are skills to control large groups of monsters and that there are movement skills to get you out of sticky situations like this, but even they sometimes bug out because the areas are just so darned tight. It's a nightmare for someone like me who plays squishy mage characters because it forces me to tank everything in the face, and I ended up dying so much because of the level design flaws.

With that being said, I still had a ton of fun and I like how they portrayed the desperation of the city and its residents. I somehow found a way to still finish it in one piece despite getting mauled so many times lol. :'))

Plus, this DLC has a ton of must have features too, like increasing the level cap, new classes and skills and more which also greatly enhance the base game and any other DLCs on it, so I guess I can look the other way with regards to the level design flaws.

Is it worth buying this DLC if you already have the base game? Yes!
Is it perfect? No, some areas will not be very suitable for certain players/builds because of how tightly cramped the city is.

Ashes of Malmouth, despite its glaring level design flaws, is still very, very fun to play and grind, and the atmosphere of desperation within the city was executed much better than Diablo 3's Act 5 which is very similar to this DLC. I'd still recommend buying it especially if you already have the base game or are planning on getting it. Plus, tanky builds won't even notice the design flaws too much since they can take hordes of monsters coming at their face anyway, so if you're primarily a player who plays tank builds, then you won't even notice it too much. And there's the fact that you get tons of new features that also enhance the base game, so I'd say its still a great buy despite the few annoying issues. :3
99 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 09:51
Pretty decent expansion! So after playing the base game and loving it, I decided to get this first expansion while the second I'll pick up later. This DLC continues after the main story ended and has you go to the city of Malmouth to finish off the Aetherials for good. You do spend the first half running through swamps which did get old, but thankfully its over quickly. The environments were okay, but only really the final boss area, did it impress me from a design perspective.

The story is still nothing to write home about, as its just there to give you a reason to fight bad guys. Some of the cool features of this addition is transmute which works exactly the same as in Diablo 3 where you can change the look of items you have equipped, without losing the stats. And you have access to this from level 1, which is nice, as creating a second character I could pimp him out with cool looking gear. They introduce some new factions which are cool, which had one cool little detail. In the base game I saved a witch from being burned by some villagers as a mini side quest. In this expansion you meet a coven of witches as one of the new factions and you get to reunite with that one witch who thanked me. Its a little detail, but one I appreciated as it made some of my small choices matter.

Otherwise they introduce two new classes with the Necromancer and Inquisitor. Inquisitor being a long range class that uses guns (even unlocking the ability to dual wield guns) while the Necromancer as always is really cool. No exploding corpse ability as far I have gotten with it, but there are plenty of cool abilities from what I have played.

Only real issue, is you can't play Co-op with a friend if they don't also own this expansion, but you can disable the DLC in your Steam Library as a work around. I only ever played single player, but its still an issue to raise. Overall this is a decent DLC, but one I feel is only really worth it on sale. At full price, its not that worth it. But I still loved it overall!
59 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 02:08
Get this mainly IF YOU WANT GRIM DAWN FASHION / CUSTOMIZE CHARACTER APPEARANCE. You also get necromancer and inquisitor but necromancer is obviously for summoning and necromancer isnt really even the best summon class / build in the game. If you dont have this DLC then you cant change the appearance of your items to whichever you want, can only use the appearance of whatever you have equipped at the time.
1537 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 08:59
I recommend buying this !
259 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 19:37
just gets better and better
78 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 21:59
Thank you guys & gals @ CRATE! Awesome DLC and even better WINTER SALE! (necromancer summoning) Enhance your undead shamen's army. 2 gory undead thumbs up.
139 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 13:45
This is what Titan Quest should have been. It feels and plays like TQ but with it's 100% better cuz you can combine so many classes with one another and it's really hard to completely ruin a build, plus you can reset all if u need to, so eh. Overall its a great game. I'm currently playing Oathkeeper + Occultist =(Sentinel) and it scratches my itch of wanting to be tanky and do damage at the same time. Pretty dope celestial power system, allowing a LOT of customization. This game reminds me of Path of Exile, when it was still a great game.... Highly recommend buying both dlcs too. Totally worth it!
38 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 22:36
Lo eth Solael
90 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 15:46
If we compare the content this DLC brings to the game to most other games DLC's

This counts as a stand-alone game and not a DLC.
83 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 22:37
boobs loading screen
but yes it’s more of the base game, adds new classes, lots of fun to be had here
159 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 03:32
If you hated Diablo 3, this game + its DLCs will scratch you true ARPG itch... BUY IT
256 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 03:28
I got this DLC and then was unable to play with my friend where I was hosting a game because they didn't have the DLC. I uninstalled the DLC and my character was gone, presumably because I was back to base game and my character had momentarily been in a DLC world.

Pretty lame.
144 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 19:16
Solid DLC done right. 8 stars out of 10. Adds a great deal of value to the base game. Higher level cap is good too.

Did you enjoy Borderlands? I sure did & I hope you did as well cause the devs reveled in it. Damage over time animations remind me of Maliwaning bandits to death. It's fun to watch enemies explode into gore fountains or fly away from a crit. Bleeding out bosses or electrocuting bad guys never gets old.

The human enemies have call outs & taunts. Certain Masks & Helms would fit right in on Pandora. The trashed starting area feels like Fyrestone & later areas have higher vertical areas similar to Fallout 3 & Borderlands.


Perfect Lovecraftian atmosphere. Monsters are frightening & the end Malmouth dungeon would make H.R. Giger smile. You have been amply warned...

Necromancer & Inquisitor classes are a blast to play and add much to the game.

Malmouth & Ugdenbog are decent dungeon crawls in their own right. Malmouth is a nightmarish run through an abomination infested urban hellscape. Ugdenbog is Poison Ivy's wet dream.

Best part? Dangerous Domains. Don't want to deal with smuggler's pass? Fine. Clear the Arcovian docks & build a bridge. Oh, you'll have to deal with mountains of undead & a Mad Jack like Bandit but it's worth it. There also an Arkovian Arena with a plethora of undead to slaughter for renown, loot & exp. I just wish I received major renown from all factions who will benefit from not fighting a 15 foot tall mountainous death engine of a troll to get through to the north...

Also these optional domains have mutators that mainly hinder/kinda help you. Don't like a certain crippling mutator? Reload the game & you can get a semi beneficial one that fits your particular build. You can also town portal out of these unlike other dungeons like Port Valbury or Steps of Torment. (-1 point for not being able to go back & sell things)


Melee combat still feels like I'm beating someone/something with an inflatable pool toy instead of an actual implement of death.

Caster Dawn indeed... (second -1 point)

Titan quest had great weapon & armor augments that were always on. Caster Dawn has timed DOT weapon effects & no stuns for the PC to wield that I can find... (sad panda emoji)

Playing a melee character means getting dupe items & an enormous pile of caster/distance items that are #*%$ing worthless to you. Diablo has better face tanking & superior loot drops.

BTW, ever play Titan's Quest? Hope you got through that slog because the same devs from Iron Lore are running Crate.

Beautiful Greek mythology flavored DIablo with great art, crummy loot & lousy melee combat. I'm one of 20% of the player base who beat the main game. Colossus Form was great though. Also, mod workshop support would be great too.

Slow walking main character needs certain faster magic boots with crafting materials you have to grind for. Pray to RNjesus for decent items. Can't win without them. Basically, there is a LOT of fiddly busy work you have to do before you can take on higher level bosses. You'll be kiting & dodging and dying a lot more than you did in Diablo, Van Helsing or Torchlight.

In conclusion, Caster Dawn is a fun distraction in between Diablo releases & other knockoffs. It doesn't have an Always Online requirement & Crate is a better outfit than what Blizzard has devolved into.

I wish Melee combat was meatier & more compelling. There is also a constellation system that gives me Path of Exile flashbacks. (shudders) (cries) (Sobs & Screams)

(wipes away the tears of blood)

Ok, I'm better. If you want to survive versus higher difficulties & optional endgame dungeons that you can't town portal out of then you get to muddle through the game's convoluted Constellation system. Spending points on that gives stat bonuses & a random attack that will Proc.

Not picking the exact right build & exact right stars will give you a gimped character that can't move passed Veteran difficulty or end game content for crafting farming or faction renown. Yes you have tons of options to pick from in terms of character builds, but they're not always useful without potent gear.

Expect 'Git Gud' not helpful advice from the player base who've racked up countless thousands of hours.

If there is a sequel I hope to see more of the Underground Deeps & where the Tyrant's Hold & Burrwitch area underground rivers lead to. Those ruined docks supported ships that sailed somewhere in the inky darkness. I want to see that lurks in the hidden recesses.

I want to see the lands up north & see how humanity reclaims the areas that the PC fought & bled over.

Will the Black Legion have to be fought off by the Farmstead/Malmouth/Devil's crossing alliance?

Will Death's Vigil or Kymons's goon be the dominant religion of Cairn?

Will humanity try for an empire again or will certain faction remains on their own?

Will Grobles/Trolls found their own faction? Can the Arkovian Undead be put to rest? Will Cronley's bandits survive being surrounded by angry former victims & undead who don't like interlopers on their ancestral lands? How will normal humans like their canniblistic wendigo worshiping neighbors?

The Cthonics & Aetherials have both lost senior management by the end of the game. I want to see how they cope in Grim Dawn 2.

There is a lot of potential here for a rousing sequel. I just wish that the combat is squared away & polished first.

That said, I purchased both supported packs & support Crate's offerings in the crowded ARPG market.

Yes, I rag on this game a lot but I have sunk a lot of time & I wish to see it prosper. Bring on that sequel, Crate.
211 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 09:04
A must have it just adds so much to the game
832 Produkte im Account
190 Reviews
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Verfasst: 10.11.20 02:09
Good and Dark. Who doesn't need more content to have more fun with? Yeah!
2065 Produkte im Account
204 Reviews
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Verfasst: 31.10.20 04:22
Do NOT buy this expansion or any of the other expansions unless EVERYONE you play with also has them since doing so will make you unable to play THE BASE GAME with anyone who doesn't have the expansions.


I was playing this game with a friend, then saw that there was a sale and bought the DLC. After doing so, I found that my friends who only had the base game could NOT join my game anymore and instead got an error message.

You got that right. If you buy this DLC, your game will become impossible to join for anyone who doesn't have it. You won't even be able to play the base game together anymore.

Vermintide 2 simply lets people who join the host's game play the DLC with the host. Unfortunately Grim Dawn isn't as pro-consumer.

There is a workaround. Just uninstall the DLC. Then you are no better off than you were before you bought it but the devs have your money.
108 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 08:41
Necros, Inquisitor Pog, Opens up more story, and makes Level cap goes Level 100
A fk tons of new Loot, Factions, Devo, Skills, Components, Relic

Also, 10/10 buy it for Aether Green Background with Pretty Girl
108 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 15:03
An excellent expansion to Grim Dawn, which is an already excellent game. You get more shrines, classes, items, skill points and devotions. The additional classes are very fun.
Totally solid expansion. 8.5/10
100 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 00:22
The base game is good on its own, but this DLC adds a sorely needed continuation to the main story, as well as new classes and a ton of items that greatly expand your options when it comes to building characters. It doesn't add any unwanted features or change anything for the worse, so it's purely a positive addition to the game. Get it if you've played the game for a while and want to really commit to it or if you want a fuller experience from the start.
145 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 08:52
got it to respec my nub first saboteur (2nd bottom loser on tier list)
584 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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Verfasst: 30.08.20 08:00
You may notice that the price of this game is way higher than the base game and you wonder why. If you have played Diablo 2, this DLC is like the expansion pack, lord of destruction.

The changes and upgrades on this DLC are too drastic that it essentially feels like an enhanced version of Grim dawn.

The upgrades here are a must such as new classes, new acts, new monsters, new sets.

If you have happen to enjoy Grim Dawn base game and wanted more, this DLC is right there for you.

PS: I only recommend this mod if you really want or plan to fully invest on Grim Dawn

82 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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Verfasst: 17.07.20 22:29
Pretty fun. Continues the story. In the base game you leave off after dealing major blow to the cult of Ch'thon. In this DLC you turn your focus back to the aetherials. If you liked playing the base game, it's probably worth playing this to continue the story. I really liked the music in this DLC. The music for the new areas is fantastic (particularly in the Malmouth region).

I recommend the DLC with a major reservation: some of the areas are pretty repetitive. All of them look really cool (as you would expect), but can drag on too much. Ugdenbog and Malmouth city were both like this - massive areas that have little visual variety. I feel like the experience would have been more interesting if both those areas were cut in half and some additional regions were added. But, you know, that takes more effort and expense lol

I'm not disappointed to have bought and played it, but I do find myself skeptical of the Forgotten Gods expansion which is the same price but adds like half the material from what I hear.
40 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 04:15
I haven't finished this expansion yet, but so far it has been fantastic! Great atmosphere, first zone was awesome with sort of dark fairy-tale forest kind of vibe. I find everything about this game appealing - visuals, classes and perk systems, voice acting (simplistic, but believable), lore is incredible! Have been enjoying every minute of it so far!
2295 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
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Verfasst: 14.07.20 19:50
Ashes of Malmouth and Forgotten Gods are well worth buying if you enjoyed the game.
Crucible on the other hand is just an arena.
42 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 13:01
Good DLC but how do I turn off big tiddy goth gf I want big chest goth bf back ;___;
215 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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Verfasst: 05.07.20 08:55
Big tiddy goth gf on loading screen.
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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Verfasst: 01.07.20 13:41
Supur add on and huge
185 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
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Verfasst: 29.06.20 12:21
GREAT! Wish diablo 3 was this cool.
432 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 19:47
Buying this makes all your loading screens show a big tiddy goth GF.

... Oh, and I guess the campaign, extra levels and classes are pretty great too.
24 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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Verfasst: 12.05.20 08:56
So much better than Diablo 3. great game.
105 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 15:21
I hate these maze buildings and small corridors in order to find correct path, but overall this expansion is really big and it contains a lot of new items which makes this Xpack worth to pick up.

My overall rating - 8/10
105 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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Verfasst: 12.04.20 00:24
While yes the dlc does expand the game further, The story being pretty interesting,more enemies, more items and more areas. This DLC for some reason is broken af in terms of difficulty spike. It goes from, hey this isn't too bad to oh my god that guy just one shot me. The Aether mobs are just not fun to fight because regardless of your resistance to them, they will still one-two shot you. The level design in the DLC is AWFUL (except for some of the areas before the actual City of Malmouth.

While I don't regret getting the dlc, I regret getting it at that price
535 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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Verfasst: 08.03.20 07:19
I really did not enjoy most of the environments of this expansion. The final area especially was annoying to navigate. Had more fun with Forgotten Gods.
571 Produkte im Account
189 Reviews
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Verfasst: 03.03.20 19:57
Good DLC, takes 8 - 10 hours to complete. A little too much fighting in houses near the end of the game imo, but this is a solid 8.5/10.
150 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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Verfasst: 19.02.20 23:25
I bought this thinking i could just continue playing with friends who don't have the DLC, but if the people you play with DON'T have the DLC, you simply cannot play together anymore, this DLC locked me from playing with friends. I foolishly assumed it would work the way Diablo worked, you have a DLC someone else doesn't have or vice versa? You can still play together, but you just wouldn't be able to access DLC content, but in this, it simply locks you from playing with friends entirely.
51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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Verfasst: 02.01.20 22:03
Absolutely Phenomenal. Best ARPG Expansion ever made.
212 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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Verfasst: 18.12.19 19:27
Base game is great! reasonably prices and well worth it for the extra content.
1257 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
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Verfasst: 09.11.19 18:27
best dlc to a game I have played. I know diablo 4 are on way but I have already boycott blizzard!
367 Produkte im Account
145 Reviews
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Verfasst: 30.10.19 14:26
I love GD but with a clear conscience i can't recommend AoM.
This DLC has many frustrating game mechanics and poor game design choices.
- too much unavoidable damage from pools created below you
- Port Valbury is most annoying location in all game and definietely way too long. There is just so much unavoidable damage, and this vortexes which follows you are just nonsense that not allow you peacefully take loot
- many location are little too big, but area between Lone Watch Rift and Malmouth Outskirts Rift is just absurd
- in some underground locations after killing boss devs makes yor run whole location back which is terrible waste of time e.g Barrowholm Mine
- Malmouth Outskirts and Candle District are cluttered locations that nobody will ever wanted to come back like Port Valbury
- most of music is not so good as in vanilla
and most important
- DLC breakes whole game progress which were ideal in vanilla. It just makes game too easy, and going higher difficulty levels is just no fun. Now finishing AoM and FG on normal you have almost all devotion points.

- Gloomwald looks great, has some nice new enemies and very good music
- Necro
- more everything
99 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.19 05:15
If you liked the base game of grim dawn this should already be in your library.
227 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.19 20:47
Ashes of Malmouth adds in my opinion ALOT to a great game!

The necromancer classe seems a bit meh from what little ive played of it but the whole expanssion is amazing!
it adds a victorian feeling to grim dawn when in the region of malmouth city. swamps, catacombs feels and looks great. the atmosphere and music is also good!

Worth the price
Logo for Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth Expansion
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
91.11% 799 78
Release:11.10.2017 Genre: Adventure-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Crate Entertainment Vertrieb: Crate Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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