Today is the day! We are proud to announce that the Free Update #20 for Green Hell - "Anteater" is available now!
The name of our latest free update hides many more new & fresh features than the name might suggest. Alongside having added new animals to your Animal Pen, we’ve prepared a bunch of cool mechanics and enhancements to the rest of the game. See the Anteater in action in the newest trailer, and if you’d like to dive into the update’s details - see the notes below.

New animal: Giant Anteater

The most exciting part of this update is the Giant Anteater. Some call him amusing, some think he’s cute, but he can be very aggressive - so you need to watch out!
Naturally, you will be able to find this beast near anthills. He’s usually shy and will try to avoid you, but when threatened - he will not hesitate to use his claws to protect himself and might deal you great damage.
New mechanic: Spawning anthills

You may remember anthills from Green Hell before, stepping inside them and getting those pesky ants crawling all over you, or collecting the ants to mend your laceration wounds. But now, anthills may also serve as your guidepost to the place anteaters hang out most.
Until now, the only thing you could have done is either avoid or harvest an anthill. But now you can also destroy them! Destroying an anthill won’t provide you with more ants, but if you find an anthill standing in your way to build something, or if it blocks your path and you keep bumping into it, you will be able to remove it. Don’t worry, though; ants will always find a new spot to build a new house for their colony, so from now on a new anthill will soon appear in a nearby area. With some more animals looking for them, including the infamous anteater and… an armadillo?!
New mechanic: New animals in your animal pen

The Animal Husbandry update introduced the ability to breed some of the animal species from the jungle. Now, we are adding even more animals to your menagerie, as you will be able to breed Armadillos, Three-banded Armadillos, and - of course - Giant Anteaters!
New construction: Composter

Thanks to this simple construction you will be able to dispose of such things as rotten meat, spoiled food, leaves, animal drops, and everything organic in general - and not necessarily only expired things! As a product of such action, you will receive compost (see more details about this new item in the section below), and insects with which you will be able to feed your pack of Armadillos and Anteaters.
New item: Compost

Show your plants some love with the new, organic, homemade superfood - Compost!
Compost is the most important and most fertilizing product of the Composter. With this nutritious and rich substance, you can elevate your planting skills to a higher level!
New construction: Feeding Trough - Insects

As you now have some new pals to take care of in your animal pen, you will need a way to feed them. By using this new construction, you will be able to feed anteaters and armadillos with insects. Bon appétit!
New mechanic: Parrot keeping

Now you can lure parrots into your base - or any other place where you build a Parrot Nest - where parrots can fly into and become accustomed to your presence.
New construction: Parrot Nest

When you manage to get parrots safe and comfy in your Parrot Nest, you will be rewarded with feathers and eggs left by the birds.

And that’s all in this #20 free content update! As usual, thank you so much for supporting the game. We welcome all your thoughts and feedback on our discord server.

Last but not least, keep your eyes peeled for our next update for Green Hell! Be sure it will make your Amazonian home super cozy!
Happy anteating!
Creepy Jar Team
Aside from supporting Green Hell with new free updates, we're hard at work on our next title, StarRupture. Being built in Unreal Engine 5, StarRupture is an ambitious cross between base building, exploration, combat, and resource management on an alien planet torn by a catastrophic cycle of destruction. See what we're up to with StarRupture over here, where we’ve lately published our devlog about building your base.
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