• GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Erste Artworks zum Fantasy-Rollenspiel Greedfall.
  • GreedFall: Erste Artworks zum Fantasy-Rollenspiel Greedfall.
  • GreedFall: Erste Artworks zum Fantasy-Rollenspiel Greedfall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Screen zum Spiel GreedFall.
  • GreedFall: Erste Artworks zum Fantasy-Rollenspiel Greedfall.
  • GreedFall: Erste Artworks zum Fantasy-Rollenspiel Greedfall.
  • GreedFall: Erste Artworks zum Fantasy-Rollenspiel Greedfall.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 10.09.2019
Zum Shop
Preis Update 14.05.24

Über das Spiel

Entdecke unerforschte Gebiete und erkunde eine einsame Insel voller Magie, Reichtümer, Geheimnisse und übernatürlicher Kreaturen.

Bestimme über das Schicksal dieser neuen Welt! Unterstütze oder betrüge Gefährten und Fraktionen. Mit Diplomatie, Täuschung und Kampf gestaltest du diese lebendige, sich stets verändernde Welt – werde Teil deiner eigenen Geschichte.

  • Erlebe dieses einzigartige RPG – erledige Quests und erreiche deine Ziele ganz wie du es willst: Diplomatie, Täuschung, Kampf oder Tücke.
  • Vollkommen freie Charakterentwicklung – passe Geschlecht, Aussehen, Fertigkeiten, Zaubersprüche und Fähigkeiten an.
  • Erkunde eine rätselhafte Insel voller Magie – entdecke Geheimnisse, die seit Urzeiten von übernatürlichen Kreaturen behütet werden.

Zusatzinhalte zum Spiel

DLC GreedFall - The De Vespe Conspiracy 30.06.2021 6,99€
DLC GreedFall - Adventurer’s Gear DLC 09.09.2019 2,99€


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3450 (3.1 GHz) / AMD FX-6300 X6 (3.5 GHz)
  • GFX: 2 GB, GeForce GTX 660/Radeon HD 7870
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)
  • HD: 25 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-4690 (3.5 GHz)/AMD FX-8300 (3.3 GHz)
  • GFX: 4 GB, GeForce GTX 980 / Radeon RX 590
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)
  • HD: 25 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

159 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 20:48
Top Rollenspiel
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 20:22
die Steuerung ist für mich als pc Spieler die totale Katastrophe. naja, da erkennt man halt erst, wenn die spiele erst nur für die konsolen entwickelt wurden. danke, aber nein danke
103 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 14:49
Das Setting ist sehr interessant, die Geschichte gut - aber die Charaktere wachsen mir einfach nichts ans Herz und es stört mich sehr, dass man noch nicht einmal über einfache Mäuerchen springen kann, sondern immer in den völlig unverständlichen Spielweltschläuchen laufen muss.
Schade - das Spiel hat Potenzial, aber ich würde eher zu einem Spiel mit wirklicher OpenWorld greifen.
297 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 12:48
Den Trailer zu Urteilen scheint Greedfall eine spannende Adaption von Risen ins 19. Jhd. zu sein...leider ist dem nur bedingt so.

Meine Probleme mit Greefall sind leider so groß, dass ich mich wohl dazu entschließen muss, dieses Spiel nicht durchzuspielen.

Das Setting ist nach wie vor interessant, aber nicht gut umgesetzt. Das Design der Spielwelt ist oft eintönig oder gar repetitiv. Als Beispiel: Die Paläste in allen drei großen Stätten haben exakt 1 zu 1 den gleichen Aufbau. Vom Soundtrack höre ich gefühlt nur die gleichen drei Tracks...
Das Kampfsystem ist zwar kreativ angegangen worden, jedoch verlieren die Kämpfe schnell an Spaß, wenn es am einfachsten ist sich einfach eine Flinte zu holen und immer wieder auf den Hotkey zu hämmern.
Die Darstellung von Bossen ist grundlegend gelungen, nicht aber die Darstellung der NPC's und ihrer Relation zueinander. Die Spielwelt wirkt nicht stimmig, wenn die Groschengarde (nur scheinbar eine Söldnertruppe, da in allen drei Fraktionen vom Kontinent vertreten) das ganze Rückrat der Streitmacht der Händlerkongregation zu sein scheint. Ebenso wie die Nauten, nur bezogen auf die Seefahrt. Diese ganze soziale Struktur wirkt unfertig und nicht überlegt. Auch die Einheimischen wirken nur halbherzig in ihrer Struktur. Klischeehafte RPG-Strukturen a la 3 Gesinnungsströmungen und sehr krude Dorf- und Characterdarstellungen.
Interessant war, dass gewisse Wörter keine Übersetzung erhalten haben. Cleverer Ansatz aber leider recht inflationär eingesetzt, so dass es schwierig wird eine Beziehung zu diesem Volk aufzubauen.
Die Begleiter sollen die klassischen Archetypen von Klassen wiederspiegeln, das macht sich bei Kämpfen aber auch nur bedingt bemerkbar.

Das Questdesign ist jedoch mein größter Anmerkpunkt. Es gibt einfach zu viele Quest, bei denen man nur wie ein Irrer von A nach B wieder zu A und dann nach C und wieder zu A rennt. In vielen Spielen gibt es ja Quests, bei denen man erst für den Character, von dem man etwas will, eine andere Aufgabe erfüllen muss... Das ist hier jedoch so sehr der Fall, dass man das Gefühl bekommt, man wäre merh damit beschäftig per Schnellreise über die ganze Insel zu düsen, als das eigentliche Spiel zu spielen. Hinzu kommt, dass man nach jeder Schnellreise in dieses bescheuerte Zwischenlager geschmissen wird, was im im Prinzip ne nette Idee ist um Ausrüstung zu erwerben, zu verbessern, etc.
Nach dem 30. Mal nervt es aber nur noch, wenn man in der gleichen Quest schon das dritte Mal zwischen den Palästen hin und her rennt...und dann muss man jedes mal noch bis in den zweiten Stock latschen...

Fazit: Zu viele Quest des Typs A-B-A-C-A (oder so ähnlich :D), eintöniges Leveldesign und auch leider eine Spielwelt, die sich einfach nicht stimmig anfühlt.
727 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
7606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 16:28
Trotz viel Licht und viel Schatten finde ich GreedFall absolut empfehlenswert und es ist für mich eines der unterschätztesten und besten Rollenspiele der letzten 10 Jahre.


- Die Grafik mag nicht die Speerspitze des heute machbaren sein, dennoch finde ich sie mehr als gelungen und die Welt ist teils wunderschön.
- Die Geschichte selbst empfinde ich als tiefgründig, bewegend, ansprechend. Auch wenn manche Klischees bedient werden, kann das das überzeugende Bild nicht trüben.
- Die Qualität der Quests ist außerordentlich gut. In anderen Spielen geht es meist nur um holen, bringen, kämpfen und schnell ist die Aufgabe erledigt. Hier wird das Rad auch nicht neu erfunden und all diese Dinge kommen ebenfalls vor, dennoch ist die narrative Qualität deutlich besser als das meiste, was ich zuvor erlebt habe und Quests sind intensiver, langandauernder und moralisch wertvoller als oftmals sonst
- Die englische Synchro finde ich top und der Atmosphäre sehr zuträglich, vor allem die des männlichen De Sardet.
- Die Welt ist nicht schwarz-weiß, sondern überall tun sich Abgründe auf, gibt es pro und contra und geht auch nicht alles gut aus. Während der Reise gibt es viele Verluste und Dinge sind oftmals nicht so wie gedacht.


- Der Spielumfang ist mit grob 40 Stunden nicht gerade hoch, dennoch fühlte sich die Spielerfahrung durchaus intensiv an.
- Ist was persönliches, aber die Schwierigkeitsgrade finde ich bisschen unausgewogen. Ausweichen ist bei diesem Spiel essentiell und nicht mein Ding, und selbst auf leicht setzt einem der erste etwas größere Gegner im Hafen von Serene schon sehr stark zu, sodass ich den Entdeckermodus gewählt habe, der wiederum viel zu leicht war, da hätte ich mir mehr Ausgewogenheit gewünscht.
- Oftmals gibt es extreme Schlauchlevel in einer scheinbaren Open World. Dennoch ist die Spielwelt groß und es gibt auch offenere Areale. Und was man sagen muss: Die Grafik kaschiert die Schlauchlevel fabelhaft, denn selbst wenn die Map Klaustrophobie auslöst, vermittelt die Spielgrafik stets ein Gefühl von Weite und Schönheit.


- Mich stört sehr, wenn man in einem Rollenspiel nicht springen kann und einen die lächerlichsten Abgrenzungen aufhalten und man deshalb viel zu oft irgendwo hängen bleibt oder nervige Umwege laufen muss.
- Überhaupt muss man in diesem Spiel wegen durchaus großer Areale ganz schön viel laufen. Das bedingt viele Wege und Ladebildschirme.
- Es gibt sehr wenige Gegnertypen und man kämpft letztlich fast immer gegen genau dieselben Gegner.
- Es gibt durchaus wenige Face-Models, die NPCs stehen teilweise in Gebäuden wie Statuen auf der Stelle, dasselbe passiert manchmal mit Gegnern, was seltsam und gescriptet anmutet. Auch sehen die Gebäude toll aus, sind aber teils zu leer, auch die Spielwelt ist an einigen Stellen einfach zu leer, auch wenn die Umgebung selbst wunderschön ist. Das nimmt dem Spiel alles in allem manchmal unnötig Qualität.
- Schlimm finde ich auch, dass man sich die Tasten nicht so belegen kann, wie man es braucht. Die Daumentaste meiner Maus ist z.B. meine Lieblingstaste, aber das Spiel lässt nicht zu, sie zu belegen. Es bietet an der Tastatur nur die Tasten von 1-0 und zwei rechts daneben an, da muss man alle Skills, die man lernt, unterbringen.

Alles in allem würde ich das Spiel aber jederzeit wieder kaufen und finde die guten Seiten so hell strahlend, dass mir die negativen Aspekte nicht die Laune verderben konnten. Für mich eine große positive Überraschung und eines der besten Rollenspiele der letzten Jahre.
68 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 22:28
Dieses Spiel macht mich jedes Mal glücklich, wenn ich es spiele.
Es ist wunderschön gemacht, die Landschaften sind ein Traum, es gibt unterschiedliche Modi und eine Lernkurve, was ich sehr mag.
Außerdem gibt es SEHR viel Karte zum Erkunden und super viele Nebenquests, die man machen kann.
Die Steuerung funktioniert für mich gut und es gibt die Möglichkeit den Kampf anzuhalten und den nächsten Schritt genau zu planen - was den Stress etwas rausnehmen kann.
Thematisch gibt es eine große Bandbreite - alles mögliche, was Kolonialismus mit sich bringt (z.B. Korruption, Inquisition, Menschenhandel, Krankheiten, Forschung, Aufstände, ...)
Im Spiel bewegt man sich in diplomatischer Position und trotzdem gibt es Möglichkeiten unterschiedliche Parteien zu unterstützen.

Es ist für unterschiedliche Stimmungen auch immer was dabei - ob harter Bosskampf, Nebenquests und quatschen oder einfach die WUNDERSCHÖNE Landschaft entdecken und genießen.

Es ist innerhalb von kürzester Zeit zu einem meiner absoluten Lieblingsspiele geworden.
208 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 22:04
rich story, decent combat, fine plot-twists
108 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 12:20
Völlig unterschätztes RPG mit genialer Story und sinnvollen Nebenquests
34 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 22:45
Absolute langweilig, 90% der Quests besteht darin von A nach B zu gehen und mit NPC zu sprechen, Die Dialoge sind äusserst simpel. Die Grafik ist mit dern Lichteffekten sehr schön. Das Kämpfen ist in Ordnung, macht gegen Bossgegner Spass.
854 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 06:13
Die Grafik ist gut genau so wie der Sound. Das Kampfsystem ist ok.
ich Beschreibe euch mal den Ablauf einer Aufgabe. Versuche das Geheimnis einer Person zu lüften.
Ich laufe zum Teleporter und porte mich in die andere Stadt. Man portet sich aber nicht direkt sondern landet erst in einem Zwischenbereich und dann erst zum Ziel. lade Daten - Zwischenbereich - lade Daten. laufe zum Ziel muss aber erst einen Gegenstand holen also zurück zum Teleporter. lade Daten - Zwischenbereich - lade Daten. Laufe zum Gasthaus und suche das Ziel. bla bla bla 100 gold und dann zurück. lade Daten - Zwischenbereich - lade Daten. Zum ziel aber oh der Gegenstand muss bearbeitet werden also zurück zum Teleporter. lade Daten - Zwischenbereich - lade Daten. der Typ der es bearbeitet ist nicht weit vom Fundort entfernt. Der Typ ist aber nur Abend da also zurück zur Unterkunft und pennen dan wieder zurück bla bla hier hast du es. lade Daten - Zwischenbereich - lade Daten Gegenstand abgeben die Info zum ziel bringen. lade Daten - Zwischenbereich - lade Daten zum ziel erfahren das man nun die Person unter druck setzen kann zurück. lade Daten - Zwischenbereich - lade Daten zum ziel bla bla bla quest beendet.

Und gefühlt über die hälfte läuft so ab. Ich hab 2 mal in den Bürotisch gebissen.
404 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 07:58
Ich weiß nicht so ganz. was ich von diesem Spiel halten soll. Es versucht so viel zu sein, aber schafft es einfach nicht mich bei Spannung zu halten. Zum Einen ist das Kampfsystem echt ganz akzeptabel und auch nicht allzu einfach. Aber teilweise machen die Gegner Spawns überhaupt keinen Sinn. Ok ich verstehe, nachts sind Banditen halt ein Problem in Städten, aber direkt vor der Kaserne der Groschengarde? Come on, das macht nun wirklich keinen Sinn. Die Quests sind am Anfang spannend und dann werden sie immer und immer langweiliger.

Versteht mich nicht falsch, das Spiel ist keinesfalls schlecht, aber es schafft es leider nicht einen bei Spannung zu halten, was ein SEHR großes Defizit in einem Spiel ist.
499 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 21:13
Das Spiel ist gar nicht so schlecht, schade dass die Vertonung nur englisch ist.
135 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 22:35
I am not sure about this game. I played it a few hours and I will continue the game. It is entertaining me. But there a more and more things I dislike:

- the npcs are all looking the same
- the buildings are all copy and paste. Even the inventory is the same. There is absolutely no fun to explore. I do not care about the cities or the environment.
- the game is full of cliches and stereotypes.

The only thing that keeps me playing the game are the party members, my interest to find out who the heck my character is (birthmal) and the fact that I have a lot of free time at the moment.

So if the game is for sale and you can get it for a cheap price - buy it. But do not be a graphic wh*re and don't expect a well-crafted role play.
321 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 19:14
Ich habe mich nun mehrere Abende über Wochen hinweg immer mal eingeloggt um die Story
endlich abzuschließen. Tatsächlich ist es sehr repetitiv geworden, zwischen den Questplätzen
hin und her zu laufen. Die Schnellreisefunktion ist an bestimmte Kartenpunkte geknüpft und
durchaus mächtig. Muss man aber eben erstmal hinkommen! Oft herrscht Zwang einen Weg
zurück zu gehen um sich dann zu porten. Es macht aber auch Freude, wenn es schlauchartig
noch ein Stück nach Questende weitergeht und man einen anderen Weg durch die schöne
Landschaft gehen muss.Durch die Rennen-Funktion ist das ab und zu okay. Kann nerven!

Schwierigkeit Normal fand ich ausreichend anspruchsvoll bis man einen gewissen Punkt
erreicht hatte, der wohl auch sehr viel mit der Fähigkeit zum magischen STUN zu tun hat.
Die Animationen sind stimmig.
Oft trifft man ein wenig gezwungen auf feindliches Getier und Co in kleinen Gruppen.
Ich war froh zu merken, dass man auch einfach weiterlaufen kann. Das sparte dann viel Zeit. :)

Es muss die eigene Stimmung passen, glaube ich. Ich bin ein Feierabend-Casual.
Ich finde die Optik/Szenerie hervorragend und atmosphärisch.
Lichtspiele und Aufbau einiger Orte sind teils der Hammer!

Bei der Vertonung hingegen bin ich sehr unschlüssig. Ist jetzt nicht so, dass die Sprecher
einen schlechten Job machen. Die Akzente stören auch nicht, sondern sind okay bis stimmig.
Dennoch variieren die Tonlagen kaum. Die Charaktere spulen eher ab. Das reisst mich raus.
Ich hätte mir bei vielen Situationen oder Quest-Ergebnissen viel mehr Emotionen gewünscht. :(
Mein eigener Charakter hat meist so eine Ruhe weg, dass es einem Theaterstück gleichkommt.
Wobei die Animationen im Gesicht teils wirklich gut gemacht sind, verliert es sich im Skript...

Vielleicht bin ich da auch komisch, keine Ahnung. Jedenfalls skippte ich irgendwann nur durch.
(ganz lustig Escape zu drücken nach bestimmten Worten) Es hat dann gereicht kurz zu lesen.
Gegen Ende hat mich auch nichts interessiert, was ich nicht schon vorher in einer Variation
gehört / gelesen habe. Da gab es FAST keine Überraschungen oder unique moments (1).

Fand ich meinen eigenen Charakter relativ cool, wurde ich umso enttäuschter je weniger
Entscheidungen ich zugunsten der Insel oder allgemein einem dritten weniger radikalen
Weg treffen konnte. Und wenn ich es tat, konnte das dennoch keine Tode verhindern. Sad!
Das wurde so enttäuschend, dass es irgendwann belanglos wurde für mich.

Auch die Romanzen-Option verblasste leider. Generell ist die Gruppen-Interaktion WEIT
entfernt von z.B. einem Dragon Age. Selbstverständlich wäre es nun aber albern darüber zu
meckern, ich bin ja kein Teenager mehr der eine SIMS-Geschichte sucht. Dennoch blieb das halt alles sehr flach und es fühlte sich an als ob nach großem Auftakt und Progress dann eher keine Zeit mehr für Tiefgang war damit sich die Gruppe und Geschehnisse organischer anfühlen.

Die Umsetzung der Kleidung hat Style. Die Wahl der Dinge am Körper fügt sich meist super
in die Zwischensequenzen ein. Daher ist es wohl auch okay, dass man nicht mit zu viel
Varianz überschüttet wird. (nett gesagt) ;-)
Das Modifizieren von Waffen/Rüstungund Herstellen von Tränken/Munition ist cool,
unterliegt aber durch die Kosten und milestone-Levelgrenzen eher viel Grinding für
Erfahrungspunkte...zumindestens wenn man vorher z.B. auf Charisma zur geht.
Das ist eigentlich ein Pluspunkt, oder? Immerhin muss man so überlegen was man
mit den Punkten skillt. Ich habe 2, 3x alles resettet (geht im Spiel, danke dafür,
wenn auch fummelig alles wieder reinzuklicken), dat passt!
....es passt noch mehr, wenn man frühzeitig bemerkt, dass Kleidung der Begleiter
für den eigenen Skill mitzählt und es viel entspannender macht. :D

Bevor ich jetzt anfange hier zu langweilen:

Es bleibt eine Spiele-Erfahrung die ich nicht bereue, auch wenn ich mit dem Verlauf
der Geschichte enttäuschter wurde.Ich hätte mir mehr Möglichkeiten gewünscht die
Geschichte nach meinen Vorstellungen zu formen.

Es sieht wirklich sehr schön aus alles. Leider wurde es (mir) (zu schnell) langweilig.

Ich wünschte mir würde auch ein Hut stehen!
906 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 11:16
You can't jump.
Combat is stale.
Most quests are repetetive.
You have to travel everywhere by foot and it's rather boring.
Intertior design is just copy & paste.

Seemed Interesting at first but isn't worth your Time even at a Discounted Price.
114 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 11:44
Der erste gute Eindruck verschwindet schnell.

Die Kämpfe sind nicht mehr zeitgemäß und wirken steif und ungelenk. Was man im Trailer sieht scheint flink und schnell zu sein... das ist aber nicht der Fall.

Die Erkundung ist gut, aber es gibt leider nichts wirklich interessantes zu finden. Der Charakter läuft ständig gegen unsichtbare Grenzen und läuft durch Schlauchlevel.

Die meiste Zeit verbringt man damit ewig lange Storytexte zu lesen / hören und dann von A nach B zu rennen, um zum nächsten Storytext zu kommen. Dies macht ca. 70% des Spiels aus.

Wer daran Spaß hat bekommt hier ein nettes Spiel.
Wer gerne mehr Aktion möchte, der sollte die Finger davon lassen.
806 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 16:41
Ein wirklich tolles Spiel! Der Anfang zieht sich etwas, bis die Geschichte ins Rollen kommt kann man schonmal verzweifeln, danach will man nicht mehr aufhören. Die Handlung gefällt mir außerordentlich.
Ich kann das Spiel nur empfehlen!
109 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 13:10
Greedfall hat eine solide Basis, man merkt aber an vielen Stellen, dass die Entwickler nicht über ein ausreichendes Budget verfügten. Das hätte man prima kaschieren können, indem die Dramaturgie oder auch die Freiheit im Spiel verstärkt worden wäre. Aber so rennt man einem Pfad hinterher, der großteils vorgeschrieben ist, die Charaktere tendieren zur Belanglosigkeit, es gibt keine Ecken und Kanten, auch die Dialoge sind einfach nur langweilig. Unabhängige Entwickler können einen Openworld-Titel auch nicht einfach aus dem Boden stampfen, aber man konzentriert sich auf Feinheiten, integriert neue Spielmechaniken, was es interessant macht, Das findet man hier nicht. Die Basis des Spiels erinnert eher an den Wunsch, so etwas zu schaffen wie W3, ELEX oder aktuell CP2077. Von den Qualitäten dieser Spiele ist Greedfall weit entfernt.
87 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 22:03
Things are about to get dicey in this game.
24 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 18:39
Ein Rpg für Philosophen, Künstler und Intellektuelle. Schönste Grafik die ich je gesehen habe. Düstere Pest- Atmosphäre. Man kann nichts verpassen wenn man es darauf anlegt. 5 von 4 Sternen.
385 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 13:48
Ich hatte hohe Erwartungen an diesen Titel und wurde leider schwer enttäuscht.
Das Kampfsystem wird schnell eintönig.
Die open world ist nicht so offen, wie es dargestellt wird, man wird durch Korridore geleitet und hat dann eben 2 Korridore zur Auswahl um an sein Ziel zu gelangen.
Das Gefühl, das die Steuerung und die Umgebung vermitteln, passt nicht zur heutigen Zeit. Es gibt viele Spiele, die wesentlich früher erschienen und einen flüssigen Spielfluss haben. Greedfall wirkt steif und eintönig.
Die Story fing ganz gut an, leider hat sie mich nach 10 Spielstunden trotzdem nicht abgeholt.
132 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 07:18
Ich habe mir das spiel gekauft, weil ich dachte, 8.5/10 punkten verheißt ein solides spiel und so wurde es auch angepriesen. das setting ist 17tes jahrhundert-mäßig, unverbraucht und gut anzusehen. aber den rest finde ich altbacken, zumal ich spiele, wie witcher 3 gespielt habe. es gibt in greedfall nicht etwa eine große, frei begehbare karte, sondern alles ist aufgeteilt in kleinere zonen, wo am ende ein ladebildschirm wartet. ehrlich gesagt, bin ich ziemlich enttäuscht.

manche sagen, es wäre egal, aber das auge ißt eben doch mit. ich finde die animationen holzig, die gesichter ausdruckslos und dann ist da noch die tatsache, daß die audiospuren englisch sind, mit deutschen untertiteln. ich kann zwar gut englisch, aber das kann nicht jeder. ich weiß auch, daß man von zwischensequenzen kaum was mitbekommt, wenn die augen grade die untertitel lesen. nebenbei gibt es die üblichen RPG dinge, wie quests und ausrüstungsbildschirm, fertigkeiten usw. - aber gerade bei den quests bin ich es schon nach 4 stunden leid, für jeden hinz und kunz im spiel den laufburschen zu spielen, wo ich doch angeblich einen adeligen diplomaten spiele.

zur zeit habe ich 4 stunden gespielt, was für einen kurzen einblick reicht. ich persönlich empfehle das studium einiger lets plays vor einem kauf und wenn es dir gefällt, kauf es. am besten im sale.
58 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
23 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 16:53
Nach 23 Minuten wieder deinstalliert. Das Kampfsystem ist mit das gruseligste was ich bisher gesehen habe. Man bricht sich die Finger bei einfachsten Aktionen. Wenn das schon nicht funktioniert dann kann die Story so toll sein wie sie will. Keep things simple!
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 00:12
Enttäuschend. Negativ: gefühlte Schlauch-Gebiete, alle 10 Meter eine Kiste zu looten, oft die gleichen Gesichter, schlechtes Kampfsystem und keine deutsche Synchronisation. Positiv: fällt mir nichts ein, außer das ich zum Glück nur 19,99 bezahlt habe.
93 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 19:20
Wirklich hübsche Grafik, aber bedauernswerte Steuerung! Ich weiß nicht, ob es eine verunglückte Portierung von Konsole auf PC ist, oder sich das auch auf ner XBOX so scheiße spielt. Die Animationen ruckeln beim Übergang vom Laufen zum Stehen. Das Bild kreiselt und im Kampf ist genaues Zielen kaum möglich. Hab es nur angespielt, muss ich aber auch nicht vertiefen. Nein danke!
146 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 15:29
Die Grafik im allgemeinen ist wirklich hübsch. Auch wurde bis in den letzten Winkel des Spiels, in Gebäuden und den Wäldern mit viel Liebe zum Detail gearbeitet, überall gibt es was fürs Auge und wirkt sehr atmosphärisch.
Das die Level sehr schlauchartig sind merkt man dadurch kaum.
Blöd nur das der Charakter nicht springen kann, so muss man selbst die kleinsten Steine oder Erhebungen immer wieder umgehen.

So schön die Umgebung, umso mehr fällt leider auf, das die NPC´s teilweise nur wie hin platziert wirkten. Sie haben oftmals keine wirkliche Aufgabe und stehen so nur dumm in der Gegend herum.
Die Monster (vor allem die Bosse) in der Welt sind optisch sehr originell ! Ich mag düsteres Fantasy.

Trotz der netten Zwischensequenzen die sehr gut gemacht sind, zieht sich die Story oft wie Kaugummi... viel zu oft musste ich mich irgendwie motivieren weiter zu spielen, ich bin eigentlich jemand der bei einem guten Spiel versucht jede kleinste Nebenquest mitzunehmen, hier war ich relativ motivationslos.

Wer mehr auf viel reden statt viel Kämpfen und Erkunden steht, für den ist das Spiel sicherlich etwas. Mich hat es leider nicht überzeugt und werde es wohl nicht wieder spielen sobald ich es einmal durchgespielt habe...
180 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 08:20
I never played a game, running around more senselessly than this one.
You have to run around like a headless little chicken. Waste of time.
They recycle a lot of maps, buildings.
The fightsystem is clunky as hell.
The high rating this game got is absolutly not reasonable.
82 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 09:55
Fazit: Es ist alles da, aber das Spiel motiviert nicht es zu spielen. Ich habe mich lange durchgequält weil die Story manchmal Fahrt aufnimmt, aber dann irgendwie verpufft und gegen Ende werden die Kämpfe sehr schwer. Zwei Treffer und man lädt wieder mal, nach 5min Kampf.
Positiv: Grafik ist ok, das Laden zwischen den Maps geht schnell, Kampfsystem im Prinzip nicht schlecht, manche Quest sind gut designed.
Negativ: Langatmige Dialoge, sinnloses Herumlaufen, schnell ausweichen ist fast nicht möglich auf Grund schwammiger Steuerung, verwirrende Quests oft mit 20 Ortwechsel, verwirrendes Skillsystem, kompliziertes Ausrüsten, ...
206 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 20:07
Das Spiel macht Spaß das will ich nicht bestreiten aber nicht für 49,99€.
Ich habe es im Sale für 24,99€ gekauft und für mehr würde ich es nicht Kaufen.

Die Spiel Qualität ist schon in Ordnung aber bei der Haupt und Neben Story bin ich nie mit Warm geworden
die Emotionen fehlen und das an jeder ecke, Ich glaub sogar die paar emotionsausbrüche die man zu sehen bekommt hat man nur für den Trailer gemacht aber sonst ist da nicht viel.
219 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 15:19
SCHNELL & EINFACH. - Immer wieder sie selben Gesichter, die selben Häuser. Die Gebäude sind alle gleich. DIe Story gefällt mir aber das drum herum ist ziemlich bescheiden.
284 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 21:56
Ein gutes und solides Rollenspiel. Das Kampfsystem macht Laune und das Skillsystem ist gross. Das ewige Herumlaufen bei den Missionen nervt manchmal, aber ist nicht so schlimm.
Die Story ist unterhaltsam und das Spiel hat mich gute 30 Stunden beschäftigt.
Ich verstehe Leute nicht die rumjammern das Kämpfen beispielsweise scheisse ist, weil man mit einem Zweihänder so langsam ist. Ein Zweihänder ist eine grosse, schwere und wuchtige Waffe und ich finde es super das die Waffe auch so ausgespielt wird. Wer damit nicht zurecht kommt und ständig von den Mobs verprügelt wird muss halt eine andere Waffe spielen. Für kleine und schnelle Gegner empfiehlt sich beispielsweise ein Schwert. Man muss die Waffen seinem Gegner anpassen und halt auch ausweichen und blocken. Es ist kein reines Hack&Slay Spiel, sondern es braucht ein wenig Taktik und Skill. Wer das nicht hat soll nicht rumjammern das das Game scheisse ist.

Alles in allem ein gutes Spiel um sich ein paar Abende zu beschäftigen.
94 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 21:18
Auch dieses Spiel wirkt einfach nur Leer. Keine glaubhaften Welten, Gameplay für meinen Geschmack absolut Mies. Ich musste direkt im 2ten Gebiet den Schrott deinstallieren.
66 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 12:43
Sehr gutes RPG! Nicht wie der ganze Einheitsbrei den man sonst so spielt. Hier erkennt man sofort die Vor- und Nachteile seiner Charakterentwicklung.
Beispiel: Ich komme viele Felsen nicht hoch, da mein Charakter nicht agil genug ist. Dafür kann ich mit meinem Charisma viele angespannte Situationen durch Überredung friedlich lösen.
Zudem ist die Story spannend, es gibt fast immer unterschiedliche Lösungsmöglichkeiten für die Quests und die koloniale Atmosphäre ist im Design der Welt und den Dialogen sehr schön umgesetzt.
425 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
2613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 21:36
Saubere Geschichte die absolut in unsere Zeit passt. Man wird hingerissen zwischen Zuneigung und Verachtung gegenüber einzelnen Gruppierungen oder NPC's
Das Kampfsystem macht Laune und ist easy zu handeln mit Maus und Tastatur.

Das einzige Manko das ich für mich gefunden habe ist, dass einzelne Gebiete doch zu Schlauchartig aufgebaut sind (leider fast alle). Dabei hat das Spiel wirklich eine ausgezeichnete Zielführung- hier hätte ein bisschen mehr open world nicht geschadet.
Trotzdem ein grossartiges Spiel mit einer schönen Geschichte die dem einen oder anderen sicher auch ein wenig einen Spiegel vorhalten wird beim spielen.
560 Produkte im Account
150 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 10:52
Zunächst einmal das Positive.
Das Kampfsystem ist einfach toll. Es ist ein wenig wie in Dragon Age, mit taktischer Pause. Das macht echt Laune, auch wenn man es nicht wirklich benötigt.
Die Grafik ist auch gut und man hat teilweise sehr tolle Panorama.
Rollenspiel technisch wird euch alles geboten. Ihr könnt Talente, Fähigkeiten und Attribute so verteilen wie ihr lustig seid. Ihr könnt auch am Anfang 3 verschiedene Klassen wählen, was allerdings nur die Punkte dementsprechend verteilt und somit die Richtung bestimmt, die man mit seinem Char gehen möchte.
Die Geschichte fängt gut an und wird wahrscheinlich auch gut enden, wenn man es denn dann schafft bis zum Ende durch zu halten!

Wobei wir auch schon zum negativen kommen:
Es ist ein einziges Hin- und her Gelaufe, dass Questdesign ist echt mies, da hat Spiders einfach aus seinen alten Spielen das Design übernommen und es in eine viel zu große Welt gepackt.
Man ist an einem Ort um etwas zu untersuchen, wird von da aus erstmal woanders hin geschickt um sich Info´s zu besorgen, um dann wieder zum Ursprungsort zu laufen. Aber dann muss man wieder irgendwo anders hin latschen um mit jemanden zu quatschen, oder einen Trank zu brauen............ damit man wieder zum Ort des Geschehens laufen kann um dort etwas bestimmtes zu tun und das wiederholt sich mehrfach in einer Quest! Und das ist nicht übertrieben, es ist einfach unerträglich langweilig!
Das fällt am Anfang des Spiels überhaupt nicht auf, aber im Verlauf des Spiels wird das so unerträglich und überwiegt einfach nur noch.
Darüber könnte man ja noch hinweg sehen, würde nicht alles im Spiel gleich aussehen, das Erkunden kann man sich sparen, da es wirklich nicht viel zu entdecken gibt und natürlich ungemein dazu beiträgt dieses Laufburschen-Feeling weiter zu verinnerlichen.
Dazu kommen die Städte und Dörfer, jedes Gebäude hat eine Struktur und egal in welches man in welcher Stadt hinein geht, sofern es zu betreten ist, ist immer gleich aufgebaut, man hat immer das Gefühl am gleichen Ort zu sein.
Das Spiel hat viel Potential, aber die Ausführung ist leider echt bescheiden.
Eine für mich sehr negative Erfahrung!
Kann ich echt gar nicht weiter empfehlen.
Hier würde ich eher zu den älteren Spielen des Entwicklers greifen, oder eine andere Alternative suchen.
197 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 10:45
Wieso dieses Spiel so viele gute Bewertungen hat ist mir Schleierhaft.
Das Tutorial ist bescheiden, Tipps bekommt man nur als Fenster angezeigt. Die Dialoge mit den NPC`s sind irgendwie ... Statisch? Knapp? Es fühlt sich nicht nach einem Charakter an mit dem man spricht eher nach einer Maschine. Die Vertonung klingt für mich als hätten sie 2 oder 3 Sprecher immer wieder verwendet nur etwas moduliert. Dieser Fakt hat zur folge das mir die Story schon egal ist. Einfach nur schlecht erzählt.
Über die Grafik kann man sich streiten. Was dem Spiel in meinen Augen den Rest gibt ist die Farbgestaltung. Es ist einfach nicht schön anzusehen. Viel zu Dunkel und eintönig. Schon im Tutorial musste ich die Helligkeit fast voll aufdrehen damit ich nicht nur schwarz sehe, dann ist allerdings alles bleich.
Das Kampfsystem ist alles andere als Flüssig. Aktionen die Unterbrochen werden, werden 2 Minuten späte ausgeführt. Da fühlt man sich im Kampf wie in einer Warteschlange.

Ich werde es einmal durchspielen und dann nie wieder anfassen. Totaler Reinfall.
184 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 12:17
i hab das Game jetzt nur insgesamt 30 mins gespielt und danach wieder gelöscht.

Gründe waren erstes das die Gespräche so gut wie nicht vorhanden sind. Wenn müsste man diese sich auf Englisch anhören und selbst da sind diese oft nicht vorhanden. Stichpunkt Stummfilm.

der 2. Grund ist, das die Steuerung einfach ein graus ist. Man kämpft eher mit der verwaschen und zögerlichen Steuerung als mit den Gegnern.

definitiv keine Kaufempfehlung für Leute die Wert auf gute entspannte fights legen.
287 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 19:04
Fantastisches Rollenspiel, das mich vom Gameplay oft an Dragon Age: Inquisition erinnert hat.
Hier und da merkt man das begrenzte Budget. Aber insgesamt ein sehr gelungenes Rollenspiel.
174 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.20 22:24
Es ist nicht wirklich ein Open-World-Game, da es eher einzelne Karten gibt mit Ausgängen, aber keine zusammenhängende Welt, die man durchqueren kann. Die Quests finde ich sehr repitativ, man muß dauernd die gleichen Regionen durchqueren um die Liste einer Quest abzuarbeiten, das ist eher eine Fleißaufgabe. Gebäude haben teilweise den gleichen Grundriss, das wirkt schon etwas billig.
470 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.20 18:10
Ich bin mit gemischten Gefühlen an das Spiel ran gegangen, nachdem ich einige Tests gesehen hatte. Doch ich entschied mich dem Spiel eine Chance zu geben und ich wurde nicht enttäuscht.
Sicherlich brauch man von Greedfall nicht das Level eines Witcher 3 erwarten, doch weiß es durchaus zu unterhalten.

Die Geschichte beginnt seicht, doch finden sich einige Twists in ihr und sicher auch einige Überraschungen. Meiner Meinung nach wird das Verhältnis zwischen den einzelnen Fraktionen gut dargestellt, lassen sich deren Motive doch aufgrund ihrer Philosophie zumindest verstehen, wenn auch nicht gut heißen. Dabei gibt es bei keiner Fraktion ein klares Gut oder Böse.
Ohne Spoiler lässt sich die Story wohl grob mit: Kolonialismus, Eingeborenen, Ritualen, Machthunger, Verrat.

Die Grafik ist in Ordnung, nicht die oberste Liga, aber auch nicht hässlich. Lediglich die begehbaren Gebäude & Höhlen sind vom Aufbau her identisch, was sich natürlich komisch anfühlt.

Das Gameplay lässt bei den meisten Quests mehrere Lösungswege offen, ob friedlich, durch Täuschung, Drohen oder Kämpfen. Je nachdem, wie man seinen Charakter gestaltet gewähren sich andere Vorgehensweisen und öffnen sich bestimmte Bereiche der Karte.
Das Levelsystem spilttet sich in 3 Skillbereiche, die jedoch gut zusammen spielen. Die Kämpfe spielen sich gegen alle Gegnertypen jedoch gleich, jedoch nicht so langweilig, dass sie einen vom Spiel abhalten.

Lange Rede kurzer Sinn. Wer ein Singleplayer Rollenspiel in der Zeit der Kolonialisierung sucht, wird mit Greedfall sicher seine 30-40 Stunden Spaß haben.
94 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.20 19:27
Moin, erst die Positiven Dinge:
Gute Story, Interesante Dialoge und Quest
nun zum Negativen:
zu viel Past and copy
soll heissen, die Gebäude ähnenl sich viel zu oft - gleicher Grundriss
Es gibt in einer Stadt eine Arena - in einer anderen Stadt kann man in genau die gleiche Arena -
Zuviele laufwege die auf Dauer ermüden
DIe Kämpfe sind wenig abwechslungreich,
Die Welt wirkt ein wenig leblos, es gibt kein Tag und Nacht bei den NPCs-
Schlauchartige Landschaften - links und recht begrenzt durch Berge oder Schluchten wirken einfach antiquiert

163 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.20 21:01
Ein sehr gutes Rollenspiel, bei dem man merkt, dass die Entwickler mit Herzblut dabei waren.
Zwar hat es nicht das Budget großer Sutdios, aber es muss sich auch nicht verstecken, im Gegenteil.

Es ist ein ehrliches Spiel, dass nicht vorgibt etwas zu sein, was es nicht ist. Zudem ist kein Content hinter irgendwelchen Paywalls versteckt. Auch gibt es am Ende keine Cliffhanger, um mehr DLC zu verkaufen. Es ist ein rundes Produkt, von Anfang bis Ende.

Das kleinere Budget merkt man vor allem an der teilweise gestreckten Spielzeit, da viele Gebiete erneut aufgesucht werden müssen und man öfters in diese zurück kehren muss. Da ich aber so vorging jedes neue Gebiet erstmal gründlich zu durchsuchen, nur um dann Bereiche zu finden, die erst später relevant werden, habe ich mir künstlich die Spielzeit gestreckt, anstatt einfach dem roten Faden zu folgen, den die Entwickler ausgelegt hatten. So ergibt sich auch meine Spielzeit von 80 Stunden, es wären sicherlich weniger, wenn ich nicht so vorgegangen wäre.

Das klingt jetzt vll. nach zu viel Kritik, ist so aber nicht gemeint. Im Gegenteil, die Entwickler haben sich was dabei gedacht, wie sie die Welt gestalten. Daher will ich jetzt die positiven Dinge aufzählen, die mir in Erinnerung geblieben sind:

- Keine Sammel Quests. Alle Nebenquests sind mit Story Aufgaben mit der Hauptquest verbunden. Jede einzelne ist von Hand gemacht, es gibt keine unnötigen Lückenfüller (Sammelquests).
- Grafik und Design: Das Weltdesign ist sehr gut und wirkt aus einem Guss. Vor allem positiv hervor zu heben sind die Rüstungen der Charaktere, diese haben mir sehr gut gefallen.
- Szenario: Eine Mischung aus Colonialzeit und Fantasy. Das gibt es selten und das Szenario war daher sehr unverbraucht und mir gefiel es sehr gut. Ich würde auf eine Fortsetzung hoffen, da ich gerne länger in dieser Welt geblieben wäre, aber die Geschichte ist auch so rund zu Ende erzählt.
- Die Hauptquest hat einige coole Momente und Wendungen. Dass man als Diplomat unterwegs ist, ist auch ein erfrischend anderer Ansatz.

- Voice Acting: Diesen Punkt wollte ich gesonderter hervorheben. Die englishen Synchronsprecher sind wirklich sehr gut. Vor allem die weibliche Hauptperson ist super vertont. Man merkt ihr die Emotionen an, die sie in den einzelnen Situationen erlebt. Es wirkte immer sehr passend. Petrus ist auch noch als sehr guter Part hervor zu heben.

Abschließend ist zu sagen, dass hier Entwickler am Werk waren, die vor allem ein gutes Spiel machen wollten mit ihrer Vision. Ich finde das ist ihnen trotz des kleineren Budgets im Vergleich zu AAA Produkten gelungen.
35 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.23 08:50
GreedFall is a captivating RPG that transports players to a beautifully crafted, 17th-century-inspired world filled with mystery and intrigue. Its engaging storyline, complex characters, and rich lore create an immersive experience. The game's lush environments and attention to detail enhance exploration, while the deep RPG mechanics offer countless choices. GreedFall is a hidden gem, blending narrative depth with adventure seamlessly, making it a must-play for RPG enthusiasts seeking a fresh and enthralling experience.
0 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.23 06:49
The game is too limiting in terms of role-play.
You're a diplomat representing a neutral party, you have a perfectly good reason to want to side with any of the groups in the game. One of your allied nations is a clearly evil group of inquisitors who decided to buther natives of the island.
The game allows you to do quests for them, suck-up to people on their side, and eagerly proclaim yourself a follower of their religion.
BUT, when you start a quest for the natives, a quest where you're asked to oppose the inquisitors and free imprisoned natives, you have no option to turn them in and ruin their plan, no option to tell the inquisition about the letter detailing where a group of natives wants to meet you. The only thing you can do is either magically know that there is nothing you can do in-character and ignore the quest completely, or go to the meeting hoping for more options and get caught by a group of inquisitors and be forced to kill them all.
363 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.23 21:26
got this through humble bundle otherwise I won't buy it for the price
279 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.23 10:22

It's actually an okay little game for what it's worth, the story is alright, the gameplay is okay the leveling and rewards are fair. However. The game feels vast and empty with a crafting system that leaves much to be desired, I would definitely say the game is enjoyable at the least and worth while*

*The game unfortunately has game breaking bugs, and a couple of them. Some of them I was able to resolve in game by following alternate methods of completing quests, sadly however I ran into a bug this evening that has flat out halted all 30ish hours of gameplay as I am not able to progress the campaign further [Quest asking for a task to be completed, completed the task, not registered as complete] despite attempts to fix the issue it has continued and I've had to reach out to support for assistance in making the game work.
368 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.23 16:32

This game is just a mediocre open world game.

The map has a couple of cities and has lots of landscapes. I found most cities to be OK but was constantly reminded that this game is AA.
For start most of the houses/palaces have the same interior(full on copies of each other), this made the game feel less interesting since you saw the same thing over and over again.
Another thing that I didn't like was the way that you are only able to travel by foot or trough fast traveling, running from one point to another gets boring really fast and just makes me lost interest.

The landscape just felt to empty(just empty roads going trough different landscapes), You would find like a couple of beasts left and right when exploring but only a select few(constantly fighting the same beasts over and over again. The same thing is with boss fights, you will get into some boss fights when exploring/doing a quest. These beasts are also recycled throughout the game.

The game play felt like a clunky version of the witcher 3. I will explain this by explaining the most irritating things that this game has.
The first thing that comes to my mind is not being able to jump/constantly getting stuck when trying to get over the smaller rocks.
Another thing that I hated was that you had to have certain perks unlocked when exploring, you have to have certain perks unlocked just to get over a log/jump over a gap to continue with a quest(which isn't stated when starting the quest). This made me angry since I got to a point where I had to just do side quest's first just so I could level up/unlock another perk and continue with the quest)

Now the positives, I found the story to be boring in the beginning but found it to be getting way more invested towards the middle/end of the story(would rate the story a 6.5/10).
The combat was just like the witcher(I liked the combat), you have different weapons/magic/potions to work with(most things are unlocked trough a skill tree). You start the game by choosing one out of 3 classes(Warrior, Technical, Magic) each class has a different type of play-style bound to it(you can switch styles throughout the game).

Conclusion: This game felt just like a generic copy of the witcher and your average RPG game, I would give the game a 6/10 and would recommend it for when it goes on sale for €10 or less).

Have fun!

100 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
6380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.23 18:45
Need to agree with IGN review, everything I want from RPG was there. Great story, great storytelling, engaging combat, interesting skill tree and ability tree, nice character development etc. Really enjoyed atmosphere of this game.
115 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.23 20:21
This is my first and probably my only review but I feel I need to make it.

Before i continue i will say it has a few bugs and some strange invisible wall placements but if you cat look passed that then i say to you, this game is a true master piece, the main and side quests are beautifully write, the world is an art work and the leveling is balanced.
0 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.23 14:31
Lots and lots of walking and traveling but the setting and the story are gorgeous
667 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.23 22:15

Greedfall offers pretty good gaming experience, treading the line between good and great. While it doesn't quite reach the line of greatness, it certainly holds its own in the RPG genre.

- Ditching the typical elves and orcs, Greedfall thrusts players into the XVII-XVIII century with a unique blend of firearms and fantasy.
- The game world is intestring and provide just the right amount of information to keep player intrigued without overwhelming.
- Your choices are matter. Yes, it has small impact but it still feels good.
- The combat system keeps players engaged for the majority of the game, with a noticeable decline in interest only occurring during the final 5-10 hours. For an enhanced challenge, I strongly recommend starting on hard difficulty, as the default setting might be too easy for many players.
There are some game mechanics that simply fail to work as they should. crafting and science feel rather useless
- Story is boring and its potential is not revealed.
- It's not AAA game and it has slightly cheap vibes.

Overall I liked my time with Greedfall and it's very-very close to great RPG. I hope Greedfall 2 will cross this line.
112 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.23 02:05
I loved this game despite it's flaws. The story was well done and the options to solve the tasks were varied instead of just complete task you get to choose how to complete. Either through being direct or through dialog. That being said there was too much back and forth in areas you had been several times to complete tasks and linear where you could travel. Well done though and looking forward to the second game.
405 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 14:24
I found the whole experience bland. The facial animations, voice acting, and writing are bad, combat isn't fun, stealth is non-functional and the rest of the game is extremely tedious fetch quests.
395 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 20:04
I beat this game a few weeks ago. I'm gonna say that it was okay. Your decisions do have an impact and there is a ton of world building with some pretty cliche character designs, but some good interactions here and there.

-World Building
-A good plot twist
-Interesting equipment crafting bonuses
-Multiple Endings/Choices have impact

-Way...Way too much back and forth travelling. You will spend the majority of your time running from place to place with small unimportant reoccurring encounters.
-Relations with companions did not seem to have an impact on the end of the story like it did in say Mass Effect 2.
-If you have the wrong skills you miss out on loot, and you cannot build a party to fill gaps.
-Companions are all forced on you at the start, but at least they have good side quests.
-Poor equipment diversity

-I used the same equipment the whole game I found a hat at the start that gave +1 intuition and that was the greatest piece of equipment I found. I wore a standard blue breastplate and the same necklace the whole game.
-There is stealth and multiple paths to completing side quests but these seem to peter off towards the end. The first few side quests i did had multiple different ideas including some I came up with by myself that actually worked.

TLDR: Its a pretty stock RPG with good world design, but kinda just poor execution. Its okay.
545 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 18:56
So long as you understand what you are getting into with this game it's worth a play through.

Is it a bit jank? sure.
Is it a solid 7? yes
Will it wow you? not really
Will you have fun? probably.
215 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
3532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 02:19
This game is pretty good.
It's an action RPG similar to Mass Effect, Outer Worlds, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

You play as a Legate of the Congregation of Merchants searching for a cure to a mysterious magical disease, building relationships with party members and the other factions as you explore a new magical island. Every faction is corrupt in some way and you can help to fix them and negotiate peace between them. Thankfully, it has a satisfactory ending similar to the fallout games.

It's a 3rd person action rpg where you and 2 party members fight random beasts and thieves as you explore open areas of the world. You can customize your playstyle with skill points. You can use tailor your character for heavy weapons, lighter swords, magic bolts, guns, traps, throwable potions, and to imbue weapons with special effects. You can dodge and parry.

It has a mysterious and beautiful theme song. The rest of the music is technically good and fits the game but is just not that memorable. Most music is just kind of ambient.

Sadly you end up fighting the same enemies over and over and a lot of the enemies feel the same. And at some point the combat feels kind of pointless because you don't get much reward from it. Enemies will feel like an obstacle to be ignored. Also, there is a lot of walking.

Overall, the game was fun and entertaining. I loved the story and faction interaction and the combat (when you actually fight things that matter). Definitely get this game if you like Mass Effect/Kotor/Outer Worlds.
44 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 04:39
tired of playing DA or ME for the 20th time? try greedfall

combat doesnt seem to be a fan favorite but honestly it feels the same as the rest of the games in the this genre. i was disappointed at the story's abrupt ending. all the emotion we saw at the discovery of COUGH COUGH AHEM someone's sickness just evaporated and credits rolled. beyond these and a few quest hiccups and lack of more romance content, the game is enjoyable and feels like a bioware game (though not quite as great)
255 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 02:31
I am offering a somewhat reluctant No recommendation for this game. It's definitely not a horrible game and has some good things to it but it felt like it lacked expansiveness or variety and the combat just wasn't very good.
204 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
3208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 23:34
Nearly 60 hours in, and I'm still not sure exactly how I feel about GreedFall.

On the one hand, the game is riddled with flaws. It's mechanics are dated, reminiscent of Dragon Age: Origins or Mass Effect, both of which predate GreedFall by more than a decade; it's filled with bugs, some of which softlock players out of specific achievements or quest outcomes; the dialogue is poorly-written, often losing track of who it refers to, veering entirely away from the subtitles, or displaying the captions in French - the list goes on.

Despite that, the game does have an odd element of charm. The core storyline is a cosy, enjoyable narrative with a clumsy, but ultimately decent conclusion. Likewise, while the sidequests and romance sub-plots can lack depth in places, they're not overly demanding, and the player isn't left feeling cheated at their conclusion. There are several routes to most quests (some of which are, admittedly, utterly ridiculous) and the central character builds (warrior, war mage and gun-toting rogue) are satisfying to play, if somewhat easy to cheese.

All in all, GreedFall gets a recommendation from me, even if it's ultimately not a perfect game. It's worth coming back to, and that counts for something.
232 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 12:28
It's like a bastard child of Fable and Witcher but with more political ambiguity,
While It's an entertaining game and i would wholeheartedly recommend you play it, I don't recommend buying it unless its on a sale and that's simply because its ideas just don't reach far enough to make it stick out amongst other RPGs and the story is fairly predictable along with somewhat repetitive combat.

All in all? 7/10 Legates of the Congregation, Solid game, just nothing to write home about.
120 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 15:27
How is this game not more popular? This game was awesome! I was hesitant based on some of the reviews, but I haven't been this immersed in a games storyline in ages. 55 hrs later and I just finished my first run through last night. It had me completely addicted the last few days! I'm so glad I gave it a chance.
587 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 20:36
Absolutely gorgeous game. If you want a game that gives you a fantastical feel of the New England region of the USA (forested, rocky), then come here.

It comes with some intrigue, investigation, and competing interests that you can try to align to one cause (rabid religious fanatics, cold-hearted scientists, extreme naturalists). You got guns (rather OP but resource-intensive), magic, and melee. You got collectible armor and weapons, some light romantic flairs (follow guides if you want to get them - some choices are easy to miss, especially if you're skipping dialogue).

A few plot twists I saw coming, and others I did not. It's not the deepest of stories, but it's not shallow either. It favors people trying to make nice with everyone, but that's a balancing act. You have the occasional hard choice you must make in favor of one that makes the other unhappy.

Not quite open world, but it has several open regions (going into some at early levels can indeed kill you - no level locking, only story locking).

Replay for different endings/sides/romantic interests/playstyles

I was sad when it was over
110 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 07:38
I really wanted to like Greed fall, it has a interesting story line and somewhat interesting characters, but the world itself just feels rather limited and void of real character development. The experience itself can be clunky at times but overall smooth. The enjoyment within the first 10 hours turned into, well i should just finish the game and get it over with.

Its worth picking up if its on special however its safe to say there is better games out there within this genre
72 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 20:25
We really should on insist on having 10 minute videos of a game actually being played on Steam. I could have seen how awkward and clunky movement is, how even ladders are so needlessly basic, that you can dance around with a sword but cant walk across a 6' long beam without first spending a skill point that you only get once per 4-5 levels (someone apparently thought balance was a really cool thing to emphasize), that combat is limited and rather basic, that there seem to be endless fetch quests, that you're bizarrely limited by one 6' tall wall, but not others, that closely guarded warehouses can be entered by simply using a side door...
This is a game I might have been slightly impressed with around 2005, but certainly not 2019. I would say it comes across as imbalanced in that a lot of effort was put forth on plot and backstories etc, but not nearly enough on mechanics, so immersion and enjoyment suffer. In short, I'd say nice try, but a swing and a miss.
186 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
4222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 19:59
Game is good. Lot of cut scenes and video; however, the story is good and engaging. It was one of the things I enjoyed the most; however the game seemed to get a little to prescriptive and ordered at the end as you finalized the main mission.

I thought that the graphics, music, and voice acting were all excellent. The combat was okay and challenging on a few fights. The only really challenging fight (but not that bad) was the very end of the game. I would give this game a thumbs up. Not the greatest but very solid in my opinion.

Buy it on sale if you can.
329 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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2296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 19:36
I managed just under 40 hours into this game before losing the will to complete it. It feels like it wants to be the next Dragon Age, but the game lacks any compelling aspects to keep me playing, I felt like I was forcing myself to play to get my moneys worth which is not how a story driven game should feel. The combat was extremely repetitive, I was not invested in any of the characters, despite some of the voice acting being above average and the incredibly linear story and 'go hear/do this' type quests which could be pulled right out of an early 2000s era RPG made the game a chore to play.

Credit where it's due, the world building wasn't bad, building a new IP is hard and this a fresh take on a fantasy world but it is overshadowed by an awkward 3d game engine with 2d movement, the lack of the Z axis to jump felt awful in many parts of the game where getting caught on scenery was straight out of games from a decade ago and the invisible walls while navigating the open world areas was extremely frustrating.
300 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 04:19
After 25 hours, I can say with confidence that GreedFall is just OK. The characters, storyline, and lore are all interesting, but the gameplay is excruciatingly shallow and repetitive. It feels like a Dragon Age ripoff without the moral nuance. The game wants you to pick between a few factions -- but every step of the way, it's pointing you toward siding with one specific faction because all the others are supremacist or fanatical. In the modern day, it's impossible to present a story about colonization where the natives aren't blatantly victimized. GreedFall tries to ground the factions by giving you a companion from each faction, but the companions feel like they're not in line with the factions they represent. I just can't with good conscience recommend this game.
372 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
3897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 09:08
If New World was an old school Bioware game, this would be it.

Strongly recommend for any RPG fans.
406 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 04:49
Worth every penny on sale. It's flaws are obvious compared to other titles in this genre, but they rarely distract from the game's enjoyment. Gear is mostly for fashion (except weapon), character builds are narrow in scope, loot is nothing but mats / junk, most exploration and most locked chests reveal nothing but mats / junk. Essentially, all of the rpg mechanics are a bit watered down.

On the other hand, I had a blast playing, combat is hectic and fun (on Extreme,) and the skills are interesting and impactful even if their progression is liner, and the story was actually enjoyable. The acting is fantastic, sound and music was great. Other than the final act dragging on longer than necessary, it was top notch. Especially the side quests!
217 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 11:34
Not bad, but not great either. Not open world enough, but rather tunnel-like running through the levels from one quest to another without a chance to make meaningful decisions often enough.

Boring plot and too easy fighting. Even on the hardest difficulty. But combat isn't bad, but it's' not interesting either, especially with how broken the parry button is.

If you're looking for a nostalgic trip back to the mid-2000s style of WRPGs, then you'll find a lot to like in Greedfall. It's worth a shot if you're a fan of that style of games.
2336 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
3100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 21:33
It's like Dragon Age 2, but worse in combat and better in everything else..? Anyway, had fun playing it
144 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 08:32
A wannabe Witcher with stale combat and errand-boy like questing.
I got to 20 hours hoping things would pick up... they didn't.
759 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 22:18
6 Hours in and i have very, very little desire to continue. It's boring. This far in it has a mediocre story. Repetitive combat, tedious exploration. I'll probably continue it at a later point but i'm going to move on to something more enjoyable.

It's pretty and has good voice acting though.
679 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
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3276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 12:56
First hours are intriguing, the universe seems promising. And...that's all for me.
Tiresome gameplay, boring quests, story that goes nowhere (trivial manichaeism), lack of substance of the characters...
I feel that they (Spiders) have the potential to make a good A(RPG) game, but they need to hire good writers and move away from the low-cost Bioware inspiration. And Bioware is garbage since almost a decade.
23 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 21:52
Cant save game even after marking game safe in firewall and anti-virus. this has been a problem for over 2 years and they still haven't fixed it very sad and lame!
10 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 15:48
I bought this game when it went on sale with the DLC included since a friend of mine recommended it. It did not disappoint and overall, I very much like the game. I'm still playing through it but there were a few things that threw me off while I was playing. WARNING: potential spoilers below.

-Why your character hasn't tried to learn the language: He/She is playing an important role for diplomatic relationships and yet she/he hasn't done the most basic thing of learning the language of the tribes people.
-Tribes people: I was disappointed that the tribal people knew the main character's language and seemed to be so efficient at speaking it. Why? Why are they adapting but your character doesn't?
-Character history: Perhaps I haven't played far enough into the story line but it seems like your character isn't very interested in their heritage? You meet your aunt and that's about it and where it ends. No learning about your mother, your father, and more into the past of the ancient sites. I would have loved more development into this area.
-Character skills/abilities/point system: This was a huge learning curve for me and it didn't feel like it made sense. Why are some skills just not already learned so I don't have to put points into jumping or climbing across a log? It felt like a waste of points in order to get to areas and I've had to skill reset a few times in order to feel like I'm making ample progress/reaching areas.
-Romances: I did no research before playing the game. I just wanted to play and go from there. I am disappointed at the romance ability that is offered and how it isn't very well done. The dialogue doesn't hint at the possibilities, and if you miss your chance completing all your allies quests, you just don't get another try/option for it. So, my first play through I didn't romance any allies.
-Quest glitch: Those darn foxes glitched in my game as well. Maybe I'm an over-achiever but I wanted to complete all the quests yet this one I'm stuck with 3/4 foxes. What makes it feel worse is there is no description that you have to kill 4 certain foxes or in a specific order. Why? Why can't I just kill 4 foxes in a specific radius and be done? UGH!

All-in-all, I would recommend the game and I do believe it is one of those games, at least for me, that I will replay over and over again. I am excited to continue playing and can't wait to see what the ending has to offer. Hopefully there will be more DLC adventures to add on.
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 08:21
Reminiscent of Dragon Age, which is my favorite game series.
55 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 18:59
+Great story
+Loved the villain.
+Good potential for the next game, I'd love to play it.
+dark (in a good way)
+genius female voice actress
+side quests allow you to directly interact with the politics of the game world
-too much walking from point to point, bring this, kill that, check in.
-had it not been on the sale, I would not have bought it (price too high)
-not a lot of choices to make
-if you find a location before it comes up in a quest the people won't interact with you
325 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 22:47
Everything is brown, the combat is too easy, the story is boring as hell, the dialogue is like listening to paint dry, the exploration isn't exploration, all the enemy encounters are highly scripted, hard avoid.
291 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 03:41
I cannot recommend this game.

The gameplay is very shallow and not interesting.

The fun factor just isn't there but the dialog is great but the consistent fetch/gather quests alongside the go here talk to this person for a small bit of info then the next person and so on and so forth for little to no story/cutscene or interesting stuff.

The main quest is OK but the side quests felt empty and not worth the time.

The city is nice at first but feels stagnant after a short while.

Short of it I did not feel interested in going back to play it, I got bored, I had played enough to know I'm not going to finish it but it was past the point of no return i.e. refund.

Sucks but that is the price you pay to try to like a game rather than just dump it outright, stuck with it..
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 03:25
an absolutely awesome game. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone looking for a game to pass the time away.
176 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 03:23
Just got around to playing this game a year after buying it... so after a few hours of play:

-This game feels like it was made in 2009, and probably would have been amazing for it's time... graphics anomalies are very common (texture pop-in, flickering water, lighting errors, etc), NPC AI movement is very simplistic and not convincing. Models regularly clip through clothing. I got into combat and got shot through the floor by enemies that couldn't even see me.

-You're dropped into the game with no context, and context is sparsely given; especially concerning the growth on your face. I feel like I missed a prequel game or a book? You're required to essentially figure out who your character is, as opposed to shaping your character as you want.

-Questing is far too linear... go to point A, do the thing, go to point B, you're done. That's the primary mission format. NPC dialogues tend to be very uninspired and even monotonous at times, especially for the first hour of the game... lots of useless information probably meant to further immerse, but proves to be extra noise.

-Got to the 'open world' segment of the game, and you're required to fast travel to specific locations instead of being able to actually explore the world. Very disappointing.

It seems like a lot of work went into this game. It's a shame it turned out the way it did.
199 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
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650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 09:51
It makes me sad to say this, but the game is soul-crushingly boring. The stories it tells are interesting, the setting is interesting but the quest design is the absolute worst. It seems to me that the only metric they were chasing is the amount of padding it adds to the game length. Quests will force you to walk... a lot... often between NPCs on different parts of the continent, only to force you to repeat it again.... and again... and again...

Best example of this is a quest where you must negotiate peace between some foresters and the natives. Interesting in the start, but it ends up with you walking all over the continent just to say two lines of dialog to a guard and a doctor, then carry their response to the hunters, then relay that response to the doctor, go talk to some native chief, then go the city and talk to the scholar that lives on 3rd floor of a building, go to the basement to get a document, go up back to the scholar, go back to a woman in town, go back to the scholar, go back to the natives, go talk to a new NPC that owns a mine, go back to the town scholar that lives on the 3rd floor, go down to the basement (again) to get another document, go talk to the woman (again), go back to the scholar (again), go talk to the NPC mine owner, go back to the scholar, then go back to the mine location and talk to some guards, talk to the mine owner, get some combat and resolution to only report it back to the native NPC. Many of these locations are on other parts of the town and the island, with long quick travel in between.

If it was tedious to read this, then do NOT buy this game as majority of quests are like this. 90% of the quests is just you walking slowly between locations where nothing happens, only to be sent to talk to someone else. Its padding.

Its boring and I just can't take it anymore so I've uninstalled the game. I want to see the story finished but it feels like my time is being wasted by the game.

Its a shame, because there are some remarkable elements to the game but pacing and quest design are just utterly god-awful to the point where they ruin the game for me.

Save your money, save your time and play something that isn't 90% padding. If you threw away all the walking I feel the game would be less than 5 hours long.
360 Produkte im Account
155 Reviews
459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 08:38
It's Dragon Age met Novigrad Witch Hunters 9/10
956 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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3725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 18:31
Am familiar with some of Spiders previous work so kind of know what I am getting into. The colonial setting mixed with magic and monsters was an interesting choice that I think meshed well. Certain companions and maybe a few people in the world are interesting but overall do NOT expect real depth on this game. The combat is fun at first but you realize quickly there is very little in terms of variation so expect most fights to be almost the exact same from start to finish. If you don't like a plethora of backtracking/fetch quests mixed into one do NOT buy this as there are way too many of them to count to artificially lengthen the game. The story overall isn't bad but once again I must reiterate do not expect depth here. The guardians of the island have very good design in terms of looks and are kind of terrifying but offer no real challenge other than the fact they have lots of health and armor and once you are level 17+ you quickly realize the game start to unravel and you can fight off everything in your sleep. I encountered lots of little bugs and got stuck on a lot of terrain for no apparent reason but was really bad in the deep forest areas.I have done everything there was to do and even stopped finding better stuff for my character around level 20 so the incentive to find new items for myself died off quickly (Mage). Overall the game comes off looking like something greater than it actually is underneath so if you insist on getting the game $10 bucks is a fair price. Btw the DLC is a cash grab and offers nothing to the player but a little bit of side story that is just plain boring.
462 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 18:56
+ Interesting story that explores unique and often uncomfortable themes
+ Likable companion characters that influence dialogs and quests when you bring them along
+ Quests which can be completed in multiple different ways
+ Game looks beautiful, especially cities (exteriors) and character designs

- Not every skill and specialization is as useful or balanced. Some can be ignored
- Could have been more decisions impacting the plot or quest storylines for an RPG
- Some backtracking in quests used to pad the game a bit

Overall a solid AA Bioware/CDPR style RPG.
154 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 22:08
This game is one of the better RPGs I've played since Dragon Age: Origins. I really am enjoying the plot, story, companions, and setting. Would recommend for any fan of Bioware RPGs from their more prestige days!
360 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 16:47
Overall decent (but not more) game that that suffers from crappy combat.
229 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 11:07
It's a good game, graphics and visuals. But i got bored after awhile... quests are just too boring.

One thing i really like is that there is no stamina system which is really good, combat is quite clunky and using firearms just about all the time. There are alot of boundaries and invisible walls which i don't understand why can't i run up the rocks and had to follow the path instead that was given to me, i kind of liked shortcuts :(

170 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 08:11
Greedfall looks like a nice game if you keep your eyes on the compass following the quest marker. But if you stop for a second and look away, you realize the absurdity of the game world.
- Interior and exterior recycled beyond belief;
- Useless NPCs standing in place that offer no depth to the game;
- No satisfaction during the exploration phases which I strongly advise against unless you want to be stopped by invisible walls, boulders or fallen tree trunks blocking the way. Or even worse, arriving in empty areas where all that remains is to go back embittered;
- Super simplified and linear character growth with little variety of equipment;
- Crafting practically non-existent. Almost all potions and bombs require the same ingredients and are accessible from the very first moments of the game.
- Poor variety of enemies. Wolves that look like bears and bears that look like wolves ... what a fantasy!
And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

The most serious absurdity is the way in which the quests are carried out. Get ready to run for hours in an empty world, made of open-air corridors with monsters that respawn, only to talk to an NPC and witness a one-way dialogue and then get tossed 3 or 4 more times, when you're lucky, to other NPCs scattered around the island.
This is Greedfall!

I don't know how I found the urge to finish it. It was probably because of the plot and the setting that I found very interesting instead. The first is definitely new to me and the second is not seen very often. Both have been looked after very well.
The same goes for the factions, their leaders and the companions who accompany us during the adventure.

The combat system is not bad. Mix well the action phases with the tactical ones. Too bad it has not been valued much given the lack of variety of enemies.
The boss fights, on the other hand, I found interesting and fun to play.

I really don't feel like recommending it. If there is no RPG left to play and you are looking for a different story and setting, give it a chance.
If you love freedom of action, exploration and depth of the game world like me, forget it.

I know very well that developing third person RPGs these days is extremely expensive and difficult. But you have to know your limits.
Honestly, I felt like an idiot more than once while playing this title with boring and unreasonable design choices.
Don't do it too ...
137 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 06:10
As someone who comes from a colonised country, the themes in this game hits really close. The map design reminds me of Dragon Age 1, but the gameplay is definitely much more fluid, the crafting system is also fun but, yeah, gotta manage your budget.
I also really appreciate the whole idea of resetting your skills with super-rare memory crystals because it allows players to experience all the build classes without having to do another run through the game (but for the romances, another game run is inevitable).
It's also really interesting to note the thought put into building up the political environment for this game, that reeeeeally hits close to home. But it's also nice to see that you can find both sides of the spectrum for each faction you meet.
And of course, who can forget the companions. I LOVE the companions they give us, their personalities are adorable and highly meme-able~
Overall, recommended for casual RPG players who like history, simplified but also varied gameplay, and non-irritating party companions.
232 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 04:22
Almost 3 hours of pointless FedEx quests, lackluster story, sloppy combat controls, and poor ai has me shelving this one out of boredom.
1504 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
3487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 08:32
A diamond in the rough. Its been a while since i've enjoyed an RPG that much. The story is interesting and nuanced, morality is not usual black and white. Its a very interesting commentary on colonialism. Combat is fast paced, and a bit simplistic, but i actually appreciate that i dont have to open up a spreadsheet and just enjoy the game.
There are some minor annoyances and performance hiccups, but it doesnt matter all that much considering how great the game is overall. Especially considering the price! Fantastic debut by the developer.
119 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 10:19
Coming back to Greedfall after beating it a few times at release, I find that my wisdom is still eternal and my thoughts are thus still the same: this game was made by bees.

There is so much buzzing back and forth, to no specific end other than to pollinate various NPCs at the end of long labyrinthine hives of unmemorable outdoor corridors and psychopathic indoor floor plans. There's one mission that involves requesting advice from an NPC back at the center of civilization, so you trek back to the city from the deep wilderness, and then back to the wilderness, and then it occurs to you to ask that NPC another question, so you have to head back again! And I'm pretty sure TWICE during that quest you head to the SAME basement to check on someone's social security number or mortgage or something.

Most of the enemies are the same, and this makes sense. To bees, all four-legged beasts are indistinguishable, stunlock stinging works on all of them.

And the names, the NAMES of places and people and animals in this game, clearly authored by bees who have NO comprehension of human languages. An attempt at authentic atmosphere by creating a fake native tongue just results in players unable to remember or distinguish most places or native NPCs from each other, which again to a bee is standard practice.

And the itemization in this game could ONLY be the intention of a creature whose very nature makes it the archetypal symbol of a hardworker consumed with tedious busy work. Although not as bad as the weapon system in Cyberpunk 2077 or The Outer Worlds, games made by Google and the Cartoon Network respectively, there is just no reason for any of these games to need this much junk crafting and loot hoarding. Nothing is gained by having 6 pairs of old boots to merch every time you walk into a Greedfall 7/11.

The thing is, when you extract the busy bee marathoning, the Monster Hunter amateur hour, the useless conlang conceit, and the completely unnecessary RPG loot system, what you're left with is a bunch of bugs at your picnic that make you wish you just hadn't had your picnic at all.

All of this tomfoolery is far too bizarre to have been crafted for the purposes of enjoyable game design, and thus I have to conclude it must be for the purposes of nourishing the queen and producing honey.
366 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
2769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 14:41
Pros :
> Story is pretty cool, u will be introduced with some npc and companion pretty well and they have some different backgrounds, also the plot is pretty interesting
> Each companion has unique ability, it may help u play the game with different style
> Gameplay wise, it has good rpg elements, like crafting items, skill, attributes, and talents, also the quests are pretty nice
> The graphics is really nice, it has good atmosphere and beautiful scenery


> Exploration in this game is terrible, u can't jump, u can't access certain places without ur special talent/attributes required, also the map is divided by many regions that will bore u to death with long ass walk
> Romance option sucks, they arent goodlooking too, and it last about couple seconds of cutscenes, no nudity :D
> I said it has nice graphics, but the game textures is pretty bad (i'm fine with this tho), not only that, some buildings interior design are similar, like literally, u go to the palace, u go upstair, turn right, turn left, then u meet the governor, it's the same with ur house, even npc houses :D
> Combat is pretty broken, once u get high enough level, u can spam parry button without getting killed, even tho ur companions are died
> The map sucks, i spent a lot of time figuring out how to get there from there when it's freaking dead end

Conclusion : atleast u can enjoy the story, it got me surprised few times, the rpg element is worth to try

simple tips, in the prologue, i recommend to complete all of the things before u go to the next adventure in new serene, also, don't forget the side quests, it can affects ur relationships with ur companions, or other factions, also don't buy weapon, u can still loot ur enemies and then recycle the unnecessary items, crafting skills highly recommended
606 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 17:52
+ general plot is interesting
+ some choices/factions interaction matter

+/- combat

- boring world
- boring quests
- tons of fetching
- animations
- general lack of polish

Really wish there was a 'neutral' button. Since there isn't one, you can spend your money way, WAY better (IMHO game isn't worth full price, if you MUST play every RPG out there, aim for 75% off or more)

553 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 12:45
Greedfall is a rough gem. If you expect it to be a triple-A experience like a Dragon Age or a Witcher, you will be disappointed.

If you have patience with the game and immerse yourself in the athmosphere and the amazing new scenario, you can have alot of fun with it.
232 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
6290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 18:51
Good game.

The good:
+ Great combat
+ Good story
+ Nice Bosses
+ Make your own class
+ Voice acting
+ Graphics
+ Atmosphere
+ Music
+ Multiple endings, depending on your choices
+ World changes depending on your choices

The bad:
- A total of 10 faces for NPCs through all the game
- Still has some bugs (including getting stuck, broken quest and leaving game map)
- Speaking animation...not the best
142 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 09:46
If you're a fan of old-school RPGs, make yourself a favor and play this game.
759 Produkte im Account
316 Reviews
2210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 23:04

Embark on a journey of affable colonialism.

In Greedfall, you'll play as Lord De Sardet, legate of New Sérène and emissary for the Congregation of Merchants on Teer Fradee. Now, if that hasn't already put you off, this game is rife with diplomacy and political meandering. It is very much a role-playing game in this regard and De Sardet themselves is highly customizable. Replete with dialogue checks as well as skill checks for specific actions.


Effectively revolving sequences of dialogue, roaming/exploring, hack n' slash-esque style combat and some stealth sequences.

The combat is reminiscent of Jade Empire with bits of Dragon's Dogma and Dragon Age: Inquisition sprinkled in. You have normal attacks, counters, you can kick to unbalance or knock over the enemy, use firearms, set traps or use magic. Regular attacks then build into a fury bar — this of course will depend on what you level into. There are three main classes — Warrior, Technical and Magic. But your companions cannot be controlled nor given orders. So it's a much less involved fighting system overall. There is a tactical pause to select potions, firearms or spells. Anecdotally, this reminded me of how the some of the “Tales of...” games work. The only way to heal companions mid-battle is to use resuscitation powder or spells. Conversely, party composition can also aid in this regard — for example: Siora can heal party members with her secondary skills. She'll do this automatically.

Science talent allows for the crafting potions and traps. Whereas the craftsmanship talent allows upgrading weapons and armor.

Stealth sequences aid you in performing diplomatic subterfuge in a less conspicuous way. For example, were you to level into science and alchemy, you'd be able to craft explosives to create new pathways or find secrets. Other skill checks involve things like vigor to cross over specifically marked areas to bypass guards. Of course, there's always the option to simply fight everyone with the result being a loss of reputation. Stealth kills can be performed but this can often defeat the purpose of trying to not been seen in the first place. And regarding diplomacy, the different factions will have a perspective of their own regarding you and it's paramount to keep them in high regard if you're to succeed in your task. Some areas will be forbidden to you, so wearing a disguise is a viable tactic in order to gain the favor of certain factions.

The world is broken into sections, there's actually quite a few loading screens — traveling takes [in-game] time and you'll visit a campsite with a merchant in-between areas. Additionally, the larger areas allow for specific sites to have a camp setup that you'll need to find. Similar to how Dragon Age: Inquisition approaches campsites out in the wild. As a diplomat, you're granted accommodation in cities where you can change party members, rest, store or craft items etc.

Dialogue choices are not always specific. Often, they are rather vague descriptions of the tone and intention that you want your response to have.
Your companions will also have an opinion of your character and their actions. To which doing specific missions for them will increase their favor and earn you bonuses such as intuition or charisma.


  • Some other games that this game reminds me of are Vampyr and The Council for its detective work and narrative repercussions as well as its theme. I'm also reminded of the PS3 launch title 'Folklore' for its supernatural elements and parts of the art. I also felt some level of inspiration from Kingdoms of Amalur and possibly Fable.
  • There's a big monster that breaks out of the ship that takes you to Teer Fradee. [This acts as tutorial] But it's reminiscent of the Asylum Demon from Dark Souls 1 that accosts you near the intro.

Look out, there be Spiders!

Spiders' games have history of being middling to being painfully mediocre. Everything to https://steamcommunity.com/id/SpaceCouncil/recommended/232750" target="_blank">”Mars: War Logs” and its sequel within the same universe “The Technomancer” — which I still think has a lot of potential as an IP but falls short in many aspects — to other games that are simply not up to snuff such as “Bound by Flame”. Greedfall hits its stride as being the most ambitious of any of them. And to speak honestly, I think that is its biggest fault. I think Spiders over-marketed to compensate for its large budget and thus garnered attention from those who probably have not only never heard of the aforementioned games, but ones who would never even consider playing a game of that... 'caliber'. The sort of crowd that only plays triple A games. It even showed up at E3 2018, reaching an audience it simply wasn't ready for.

Spiders' games generally have good bones. But what surrounds those bones can sometimes seem out of place and disjointed. Greedfall is no exception to this. But, again, it is a much more ambitious title than anything they've made thus far and I think it succeeds in many ways where their other games have failed.


  • It desperately needs the ability to mark unwanted loot as junk. This is a quality of life feature I can no longer deal without. There are items that get auto-sorted into junk that cannot be used in crafting. But there's no way to mark items you wish to sell otherwise.
  • You're able to set custom waypoints, but some of the area designs are very convoluted. It can lead to needless frustration without a mini-map. You'll eventually learn them better over time but I was forced to consult the larger map pretty often. I found out later you're able to hold the menu button in to access the local map when using a gamepad. Instead of reaching for the keyboard M. I'd still prefer a mini-map.
  • Some areas feature very large creatures that take much longer to take down. On occasion the battle will naturally move (from dodging and so on) outside of the designated area in which they spawned causing them to regain full health and armor. This will happen with large groups of smaller enemies as well. I'm aware this is likely because the game thinks you've fled the battle — but it happened on more than a few occasions which caused needless and immense frustration, essentially forcing me to restart a battle because I stepped out of bounds that were not clearly defined.
  • You can't fast travel without a caravan, campsite or walking outside given map. It'd be a fantastic quality of life feature to be able to fast travel directly from the map.
  • You cannot give orders to companions, you're only allowed to change their gear. You can't even tell them to drink a potion, let alone set tactics. Even something as simple as being aggressive or passive.

The Gist:

I actually really like it despite my numerous criticisms. I can recommend it on a fair discount. It's not going to be to everyone's tastes and it's far from being highly polished. But it's decent. There's a lot to do if you're interested and have the desire. The voice acting is good, the OST is good, the combat can be a tad monotonous at times [I recommend playing technical] and the overall premise isn't my favorite. But Greedfall is a decent older-style BioWare-esque RPG. And for that, I commend them.

If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus
150 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 19:16
This game is an interesting one, and not necessary always for a good reason.
To the games credit, the concept is absolutely amazing. The idea of a game taking place in an industrial era where your own home country is dying from a mysterious plague and to solve it you need to go to a mythical island that har previously been untouched by anyone except the “savages” that live there. (I am seriously going to steal this idea to a DnD campaign someday.) And to make things better, the prologue sets the idea of a dying civilization straight into your mind with awesome atmosphere and then, at the end of the prologue, you face off against this mysterious beast that has been brought back from the new land, to really see what you have ahead of you, and it is epic.
…but it is about then when the problems start to pop up…
• Combat in this game is unbalanced. The reason this is, is because the different classes have some abilities that breaks combat.
o Playing a warrior is probably the way to play, as that seems most fair to all enemies.
o The magic user is the one I would say is middle-way broken as you immediately get ranged attacks, which means you can stay miles away and your tank take most damage, and if the get to close, just time-freeze them and heal yourself.
o Technician is the class you want to go if you thought that story mode was too hard. As long as you have ammunition, you are golden. It has the highest damage output, armor pierce and stun in the game. Fun story: during my first run, I played one, and there was a boss that I had problems with, then I got what was essentially a tank buster cannon and a gatling gun, both with high stun, meaning that I took out a mid-late game boss without it being able to even attack, as it was stunned to oblivion. And remember, before, I could not beat this thing, as I was playing a poison blade dodge-roller.

• While on the subject of combat. It gets boring real fast. The bosses are okay, as you don’t encounter them to often, but the wild fauna, it is just frustrating, I am pretty sure that there are only three different basic kinds of opponents, meaning that if you identify which one the one you are facing is, it is a cake walk.

• “Ah stealth sections, cool, I actually enjoy stealth. Hmmm, lets see, so I can either put on a jacket of the faction in question, the one I bought from one of them, and all the guards think the prince of a rival faction is their longtime friend. Hmmm. Or instead of that, I could crouch, as apparently, the guards are blinder than Skyrim guard if you do so.” I swear to god, there is no stealth engine in this game, or if so, it is kept together with paper clips and chewing gum.

• Ever tired of fetch quests, no? Well, if you play this game, you will most likely fill your year quota before you reach the four-hour mark.

• The leveling system is strange.

o The skill system is actually quite nice (credit where credit is due), but attribute and talent system are just awful.
o The attribute system handles what kind of equipment you can use and gives you a bonus to said equipment. This could have been replaced by either putting a level cap on them or a skill cap.
o The talent system is nice but WAY to easy to manipulate, as I was able to max out charisma at about right after the prologue, meaning that whenever my character opened his mouth people just agreed.

• Speaking of charisma. While something that usually don’t grate me as much, I do believe the voice actor for the main character sound more tired as the story progresses. Also, for you people who have played the game: “Hello, I’m De Sardet, Legate of the Congregation of Merchants”.

• A lot of quests have different outcomes, and that sounds good on paper, but as most does not effect the overworld and are not really heard of after the quest is done, it feels pontless.

• A major plot point is the environment, and it do look pretty good, as long as you don’t look to close. But problem I have with it is that it is way to similar all over. Almost all maps consist of some kind of forest, which is sad, as I could see the developers squeezing in at least a grand beach.

• I will point out that I know that Spiders, the team behind the game is a really small team, and several people defend them for that point, and that is noble, BUT REMEMBER, this is a game put out on steam that they are demanding 50£ for, as for that reason, I will compare it to other games within the same price range.

Last I will say this:
Spiders, awesome worldbuilding, keep up the good work, but sadly the mechanics of the game and the quests need more work.
Potential buyers: If you are a big fan of a world filled with lore, and do not care a lot for mechanics, this is a game worth looking into, but if you are considering this game for an adventure with hardship along the way, I recommend looking elsewere.
188 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 21:18
An hour in, and the game's flaws and strengths are already clear.

It's a pretty impressive achievement for a small developer to put out a game of this kind of scale and scope and for it not to fall flat on its face. Bigger developers have made worse attempts at story-driven ARPGs. Combat is certainly nicely fluid for me.

Against that, the dialogue may well have sounded great in its original language but the translation into English just doesn't have the level of polish needed to not jar me out of the game world every time a voice actor attempts to force some sense onto it. It's a shame because it adds to the feeling of clunkiness present to moving your character around the map. And there's a lot of fetch and carry to clunk about with.

The success of TW3 is a blessing and a curse to games these years since, even for CDPR. A criticism I would make even more strongly of smaller development studios is that these huge RPG-lite 'stories' could be much more focused. If you're going to be so light on RPG elements then Dishonoured is a good example of how opening up choices on more limited maps can tell as much of a story as running a player backwards and forwards across a huge map.

So set your expectations accordingly although the sale price is certainly more than fair for what's here. There's a beauty to this which is worth exploring if you can see past the game's limitations. Recommended with caveats.
150 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 20:04
OK, I get what folks are saying - this game doesn't hold a candle to Mass Effect, or some of the best RPGs of our time... but consider Spiders did this game with pretty much a team of just 25 or so developers and it really makes this game into a triumph.

I can name a dozen big AAA titles that couldn't quite deliver as fun an experience as this was even if it lacks a bit of polish.

I genuinely enjoyed the combat system, the character progression systems - and the setting itself is *extremely* immersive. Greedfall doesn't do anything that will blow your mind, but this game earns a solid 7/10 and factoring in the small scale on which this was developed and the clear passion and love each member of the team had to show for a project of this scale to be developed by so few, that makes this game an easy pick-up.

Greedfall and games like it are what keep me enthusiastic about the gaming industry.
1193 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 14:46
I don't hate this game, but it's not that great either. It really lacks depth, companions, combat, story, quests - they are all super basic and most quests amount to fetch quests. It has this veneer of quality, good animations and long winding dialogue but it is really thin, even the weapons don't feel varied or interesting beyond the next tier being better.

Combat is basic, the basic magic attack can be spammed over and over with some stun / freeze spells thrown in which negates the need to do anything else. Guns can be thrown in to make sure you never have to melee anyone - not that it would be exciting if you had too as it is super basic as well.

The only thing that takes time in this game is all the travelling to and from objectives - once you grab a couple of quests do them in the same area and spare yourself the need to fight the same hordes of basic yet high health animals standing around the maps repeatedly. It all gets a bit boring after awhile... I finished it just for the sake of not having to ever come back to the game (there really is no reason to replay the game more than once unless you like achievement hunting).

It's not terrible, but it is grindy and the story will offer no surprises - sort of interesting being able to use any skill set together but that really is it I am afraid.
630 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
2192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 20:56
Greedfall has a unique setting, an interesting problem, and beautiful environments.

Yet I feel like tedium is too much to bear. Running between fast transport points for the umpteenth time, I keep wishing there was a faster way. As I follow another escort mission, I curse the mobs, and wish for a skip button for the fights... Note that despite all this I recommend this game. Because I think it is me who is too old for this grind.
147 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 19:52
There is a quest where you go to the attic to talk to a dude, go to the basement, go back to the attic, talk to a woman, fast travel to talk to another person, then repeat that process... twice. That's Greedfall.
130 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 16:50
Very good rpg for the fans of Gothic/Risen/Dragon age.
311 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 08:59
in the early hours of playing this game, you feel oh this is gonna be so much fun
and it is not gonna lie can just explore the world and forget your quest
and have a flashback to the games like age and ...... anything u played like this

but faced could be better
and the voice acting is like there arent any other accent like dude u have all these people all around the map with the same accent
40 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
3397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 14:38
☐ Potato
☐ Really bad
☐ Bad
☐ OK
☑ Good
☑ Beautiful

☐ Full price
☑ Wait for sale
☐ Refund it if you can
☐ Don't do it
☐ Free

☐ It doesn't have
☐ Still better than Twilight
☐ Average
☑Good and beautiful.
☐ Fantastic

☐ Poor
☐ Ok
☑ Good
☐Very good

☑ Medium
☐ Good
☐ Smooth

-Pre Colonial era vibes.
-Beautiful visuals.
-Epic soundtracks.
-Awesome gear upgrade system(similar to Dragon age inquisition and even better).
-Excellent motion-capture and facial animation.
-You can choose your companions and upgrade their gears apart from each companion has a unique talent.

-Despite its tagged with (character creation) but its more like a preset collection of faces you only have to choose hair style and colours. It could be better if the devs paid more attention to it.
-Not really an open world you aren't free to go anywhere on the map except following limited paths.
-GPS too basic and feels outdated.
-Lack of many features in the free roam. Except hunting some animals to loot their fur.
-Overpriced(default price).
-Limited outfits to choose.

Summary: Greedfall is a good indie game with a decent story and beautiful graphics. It could be better if the devs paid more efforts to it.
227 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 00:40
This game is a prime example of why Steam shouldn't have just a thumbs up and thumbs down rating system. If I could rate it slightly below the middle... I would. GreedFall is your typical Action-RPG that does, pretty much, what everyone else does with this genre. However; while some games similar to this shine in certain areas, this one... doesn't really shine anywhere. It's just... OK. Because of that, I can't justify giving it a thumbs up. However; my thumbs down rating is more toward the middle...

We'll start with the very dull story and characters. The plot isn't anything original, and the dialogue is pretty cheesy at times. On top of that, there really isn't any character progression. Your companions are bland, and none of them really have a likeable personality. I never met anyone that I just fell in love with. Even your main protagonist is quite boring.

Then there are your companions and their A.I. (or lack-thereof). This game falls very short in this area. Your companions are more of a hindrance than a help. You feel like you're babysitting them during combat, can't choose how they fight (defensive vs. offensive), and they get in your way (body-blocking you) all the time. This game would have done better to have you play as a solo-adventurer.

However; your companions aren't where the bad A.I. ends. Let's now talk about the many mobs you'll face, and the various townsfolk you'll encounter. It's almost like they took the character models and just threw them into the map. They don't really have a purpose or life. They just stand there. Staring, in a daze, at a wall, or rock, or at the sky. Even the enemies are grouped up, facing odd obstacles, and not really moving around or doing anything.

Now don't get me wrong... once combat begins, it's a fun experience. I will give this game that. Battles are enjoyable. It's your typical hack-n-slash, dodge/roll, parry combat system, and if the battle feels a bit overwhelming... remember your horrible companions I mentioned early? If there's one good thing they do, it's act as decoys and training dummies for your enemies. They'll help crowd control some of the mobs, long enough to defeat a few of your own, but you'll often find yourself jumping in to help them in the end.

Overall-this game is just lacking where others, of this genre, shine. Here's a few more cons:

-Terrain can be rather buggy. You collide with invisible objects and even small hills can be a challenge to navigate.
-Character design is very stiff, and the movement animation clunky. Also... cloaks. Whoever designed them... needs fired. They look bad, are horribly animated, and hang off your back in mid-air behind you.
-Unable to turn certain armor pieces off while most games allow it (hats/helms and cloaks, etc).
-Combat music is just a bunch of noise.
-Ocean looks really good, but streams and rivers... what happened? Spend all your time on the ocean?
-Unable to level up your companions or specialize them in anyway. What you see is what you get, which is sad considering they're useless in combat, and not really any help elsewhere.

This review was pretty negative so let's close on a positive note:

-Character customization is good, and your look changes with armor. Changes further with mods. That's a nice touch.
-Combat is fun (except the companions).
-World map and zones are laid out nice. Not a big massive open world (which I like). Think Dragon Age.
-Leveling your character is nice with 3 tabs to improve upon: skills, attributes, and talents (lacking here for companions, tho).

Overall-I didn't think it was amazing. Maybe it's because I'm comparing it to Assassin's Creed, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Dragon Age, or other similar, great games. I gave those all Thumbs Up, so I didn't feel this one deserved that. However; I do hope a sequel comes out. This game has potential, and if they learn from their mistakes, their sequel could be great!
76 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 13:41
The gameplay mechanics like combat and stealth are just mediocre, and cheesy. Something added for the benefit of the sales pitch to make the game sound deeper than it really is. There's very little sense of tactical gameplay in the combat, it being mostly a clickfest where you spam few abilities over and over and over. The world is yet another barren setpiece broken into combat encounters and quest dispenseries, as is customary in most rpgs.

What made me finally lose interest about 3/4 into the game is the fact that the story is to a large degree just a badly written husk filled with colonial fantasy cliches(decadent colonialists seeking to revitalize themselves, Colonist PC beating the hapless natives even at their own 'game', 'save/eradicate the natives' -type of moral choices etc.) and boring, greedy, dumb and generally loathsome characters, you're required to help and babysit. Most of the main questlines revolve around a particular hapless juvenile male character you're subservient to, and of whom your PC is supposed to care about too, so unless you don't mind being at the beck and call of idiot tyrant masters, the story is quaranteed to annoy you.
2868 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
3229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 00:35
Greedfall is a dull, beautiful, story-focused action-roleplaying game that doesn't have anything interesting to say but also doesn't do anything majorly wrong. It's fine... just fine. How's that for an ad copy? I allow the use of that quote on the store page.
Clearly modelled after Bioware games of yore (but not that yore!) Greedfall seems to be straining too hard for respectability and ends up with a polished sheen that's amazing for what's essentially a budget title, but very little underneath.
Not that there's little to do in the game. This is a beefy action RPG with long, complex quest and sidequest chains, loads of options for your characters and tons of worldbuilding. It doesn't skimp on or streamline too much the RPG components in the way some recent games in the genre have done to court the mainstream. Its heart is firmly in the right place.
It's just that... none of it is very interesting! It goes down very easy for the most part, except all the backtracking, but none of what's happening has any weight - it's all a bit soulless, impersonal. And that's a shame, because if any of its systems worked that much better, or if its story took any goddamn risks, Spiders could finally have a game that is genuinely good instead of good enough.

Instead, we have exploration that feels undercooked with half-baked traversal abilities and invisible walls everywhere. Follower NPCs with distinct personalities that don't really give you any reason to care about them. And a special mention for the setting: heavily themed around colonization (people wear conquistador outfits, FFS!) but where any atrocities are the result of a few rotten apples. The main factions -colonialists and natives- are so damn reasonable and... well, boring! The conflict is just set dressing for a (kind of cool, but in the end fairly generic) fantasy yarn.
This is emblematic of the game as a whole. It takes a provocative, interesting, deeply problematic time period and then just dips its toes in it, happy to splash around a little on the shallowest end of the pool. And there's no weirdness or humor there either. Bound by Flame had an aside into the sex drive of a six-thousand mummy-lich thing; Greedfall would be scandalized by such shenanigans.

But all in all, It's fine. Solid, polished, dull, pleasant. Likeable enough. I'll probably finish it, even if I zone out every now and then while doing it. And damn if it doesn't look pretty; not just good graphics, but honest-to-god good art direction. Sometimes, that's enough.
293 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 00:45
+ Great RPG elements
+ Great voice acting
+ Great designs and visuals
+ Loveable characters
+ Rich world lore
+ Non-tedious side quests
+ Manual and quick saves

- The combat system is very clunky, takes a while to get used to
- Non-diverse ending [spoiler](you get two choices and then a narrated powerpoint presentation of what happened to factions/characters after your playthrough)[/spoiler]
- Only few types of bosses, non-repeatable.

Overall, it's worth playing if you enjoy the setting and rpgs.
311 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 18:09
A very good game. Unfortunately has a few problems but if you look past that you will be rewarded with a unique world.
1350 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
1456 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 23:43
Edit: Finished the story (with both endings), it's still amazing haha.
Steer away if you're not a fan of a game that relies heavily on the story / dialogue options.
68 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2042 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 19:37
I'm struggling to really describe my experience with this game. I was very excited to play this game for a long time, and when I finally did, I assumed it just started off a little dull. The first few quests just felt like chores that led you on a wild goose chase. Later in the game, the quests do not change. There's a lot of corruption and lies and self sabotage that you need to wade through, and usually I'd find that intriguing. But the game has it in literally every single faction, all the time. I'd grown to expect it by the third time, and it was just endless.

The combat is actually one of the high points of the game. Easy to pick up, difficult to master. At least, until you add guns to the equation. The enemies aren't as diverse as I'd like (just humans and occasionally animals), especially the bosses. Every 'boss' in the game is basically the same thing, with the same backstory and no interesting qualities. The most interesting monster in my opinion is one you don't even run into during the main story.

Apart from the lackluster questlines and decent combat, the characters are just... not interesting. I don't care about anyone in the game, including the main character, De Sardet. Even more than 30 hours in, I just do not care enough to finish the main story. Overall, I'd give it a 2.5/5, and that's because I think the combat is alright and the world is beautiful at times. Just not a very remarkable experience, so I wouldn't recommend it.
566 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
1902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 22:53
Is it great? No. Is it good? Yes.

It's a perfectly fine RPG, but never really grabbed me while playing and I always found myself wishing I was playing a better one. The copy and paste buildings are immersion breaking, and for the most part I never found myself caring for the majority of my parties characters.
84 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 04:19
This is basically Risen 4.
138 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 17:35
Short story - This game is a wonderful RPG, albeit a little rough around some of the edges. I'd give 8 or 9 / 10. About 45 hours gameplay including sidequests and listening to all the dialogue. I highly recommend this experience for RPG lovers.

Little longer story - I came up with the real Fallout games, Baldur's Gate etc. I'm a fan of the Elder Scrolls and of course BioWare RPGs. Lately I have found the more isolinear styled RPGs to be outdated (look-wise), and felt that games such as Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda, Fallout 3 and beyond, Skyrim all lacked something. More sensation, more grind, less depth and story. I started to think I was getting a little fed up with gaming, but Greedfall took me back to the days of KOTOR, Neverwinter Nights 2, Dragon Age and Mass Effect - And it wasn't nostalgia. It was quality.

If you recognize the above to be true of yourself, this might be what you've been looking for - Oh and also the setting (colonial) is sorely underused in this type of game.
203 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 03:11
A wonderful game full of story and exploration. Combat takes getting used to but once you get it, you get it. Love how attached to each character and each place I became throughout my journey. If you pick it up be persistent. You can get lost with the quality of the game on the first island as its not very engaging. Once you get to the open world part things get far more engaging! Give it a few hours and I am sure you will be hooked!
51 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 11:37
I tried to like it, I really did.
I just cannot get over the bland combat and the huge landscapes populated with nothing. There are great things for sure like an interesting story (eventually), decent selection of characters to switch in and out and an interesting upgrade system for you and your party but I couldn't shake the fact that this all doesn't take away from rinse and repeat combat. And yes there are some very diverse places to visit that look nice enough but these huge areas are filled with nothing more then a few scattered bands of monsters.

It's a bad sign when the intro city and it's story is struggling to get me interested and the prospect of another combat is starting to get boring about an hour in...

I'd give it 2.5 out of 5 but that would be where I'd stop.
Sorry guys, you've got the basis of something great, just missed the mark for me.
234 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 05:55
If you like RPGs and action combat, you've come to the right place.

- Every quest is carefully crafted and will take you on twists and turns. There is no padding here. If you want storytelling that subvert--if not preys on--your expectations, this is the game for you.
- Whoa, I have never seen quests dealing with capturing and brainwashing of natives, nor military hazing.
- What a world to explore!
- Solid voice acting brings main characters to life.
- Real-time combat is the right amount of flashy and challenging.
- Your perks will be useful both inside and out of combat.
- Do you like crafting? There's crafting.

- Graphics don't break many games for me, but the facial expressions are eerily uncanny valley and take some getting used to.
- A LOT of talking. While everything is voice-acted, if you cannot handle a game that is at least 1/2 dialogue, this is not for you.
- Character loyalty missions are less optional than you might think.
- Obvious bias toward certain factions. There seems to be no redeeming Christian Colonialism Incorporated, for example.
- There's crafting, but it is simple. One- to three-ingredient potions and armor upgrades.
83 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 23:50
RPG/Fantasy Masterpiece.
Game is great, combat system even better. I'll reccommend this to every Wicher 3/ Dragon Age fan.
281 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
1124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 07:48
Fun RPG and a massive improvement over the developers previous titles. Really cool that the game offers divergent paths to quest completion. Ive tried 3 different character builds at the start and each one offers unique abilities that the previous one did not.
I only have 3 gripes...
1. Having to invest major points into a useless class as a mage to get the ability to dodge roll.
2. Character creation is SEVERELY lacking.
3. Stupid boundaries during combat that if you accidentally cross completely resets the enemies and their health pool.

Outside of that a great little RPG
20 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 06:16
played fine until trying to travel to Magasvar during Panacea; it crashes each time I try to travel there. No matter with whom, when, from where, with what settings and I've tried everywhere for help but nothing.
51 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 13:43
I have never loved anything the way I love Dragon Age Origins. Okay, maybe not anything, anything, but you get the picture. Ever since then, I buy DA/Bioware titles only to be disappointed in the end. Then comes Greedfall. It is not a Bioware title. It doesn't have AAA funding or resources. And it shows.

Having said that, this game has a soul. Like cinnamon latte on a rainy day -in a paper cup. A beautifully crafted story, that gets you invested -even if it can be a little on the nose sometimes. Companions with a backstory and personalities, their offer of friendships -even if you wished you could just talk to them a little more. That they could talk to each other more. The physical world, getting lost in the woods, navigating through the soundscapes of the water, sun shining on your face -even if you can't see the sky. Literally. The towering architecture. The people. A beautiful childhood friendship. The end of innocence. Choices which matter in the smallest of ways -no grandiosity. A Baroque romance -leaving you wanting more. A lot more...of everything.

If anything, this game shows what is possible and what is forgotten since Bioware of the classics. It also shows there is a real void and hunger for this. Finally, it shows that given enough soul the cracks in the carcass all but disappear.
225 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 11:17
I really enjoyed this game. But, let me start off by making it clear that this is not a AAA title and you need to understand that when making the choice to play Greedfall. However, as far as AA games go, I believe Greedfall is top-notch.

Good graphics, fun combat, great story telling and world building, and unique lore far make up for the redundant level design, bad facial animations, and most of the side quests being wild goose chases (although still with good writing, just boring game play).

I will always recommend this hidden gem to true RPG fans and the heart and soul behind this game makes me really believe that Spiders will make a game of the year contenting RPG one day in the future.
97 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 01:11
the beginning of the game starts strong with an interesting city pretty easy to get use to the combat but as soon as your get to the core of the game it nosedives hard. the maps get reused and is just empty with the same mobs of enemies and combat becomes stale and boring. not an engaging world with little in the story to prop the world up and keep it fun. I got about half way through the game were you can make 1 of 2 choices and it doesn't bode well that only 3.5% of players who have played the game got to that point to get the achievement, basically most people stopped playing before getting half way through the story. Why is that maybe its the combination of poor mechanics, world, characters, and lore of the world. My biggest gripe is the main character who waves around their position as a diplomat as an excuse for everything they do, its like the influence for the character was a frat boy whose dad is a lawyer and its the reason for their bad behavior.
264 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 02:42
The first 2-3 hours are incredible. They aced the gritty Black-Plague Age of Sail London / Jack the Ripper aesthetic. Sadly, as soon as the story moves to colonial Cthulhu colonial America, this game takes a nose-dive like no other. The setting's indigenous people, which become the focal point of the game, seem to have been written by people who buy wolf shirts and dream catchers at gas stations. Everything about them, especially their accents, are maximum cringe. This is the first game I've ever played that made me feel embarrassed.
112 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 11:23
This review is entirely my own opinion, spoiler free and attempts to go into good depth about the game with a bullet point summary at the end. Using i5 9th Gen, GTX 1660Ti, 8GB RAM.


GreedFall is an RPG set in a world suffering the wrath of a plague called the Malichor, and you, a legate, set off with an expedition to the island of Teer Fradee in search of its cure. What follows is a gripping story of friendship, war, diplomacy, and exploration as you meet several interesting characters and have to constantly juggle with the uneasy relations of all factions on the island.


The graphics are beautiful. Spiders did a stunning job of building the outside world and making it feel lived in. In the day, the cities look busy, used, and dirty, and have all the makings of a new colony hard at work, and by night they are dark, with lovely lighting from various fires that cast a warm, yet eerie glow in the dark, dangerous back alleys. Flora and fauna and excellent lighting in the wild too make the beautiful.

However, water isn’t quite as good and stood out, but it’s only a small part of the world. More noticeable was that the interiors across all the settlements are copied, with some minor differences for different cities. In a world that was otherwise so intricately designed, this felt lazy and it made the cities and their factions feel less unique, which undid the work of the story and culture design that did make the factions feel different.


Audio was good. The music served to enhance environments or scenes, but it was a background noise mostly and not like Skyrim where it made a moment. It could have been used to better effect in emotional scenes too, but here were few tracks and they did well with what they had.

Ambient and combat sounds are good. Gunshots have a click before the final shot for when the hammer is pulled back and I really appreciate this! Swords have a metallic sound and make a different noise when striking armour to flesh which I also like.

Voice acting was particularly strong. There were some lines that felt acted, but your character (I played female) is very well-voiced. Most of the supporting cast sound great and convey emotion and personality well and I love the accents of the Congregation characters too, just saying.


Finishing a 45-hour playthrough I’d not got enough XP to unlock all abilities. I don’t know if this was intended but it felt like bad pacing, especially since you’ll meet with things in the world, like jumping or climbing, that need certain level perks. Thankfully, there was in my experience always an alternative way to deal with these situations.

I usually don’t like combat systems like this but GreedFall wasn’t bad. You get various enemies with different attacks and you dodge them, take down their armour, and then health. You can approach combat how you like and while it’s quite intense, it can get repetitive. When fighting, you can’t interact with the world and it started to bug me that when I’d cleared locations, a few days later, the enemies would be back and I just needed to run through for a quest, I didn’t want another fight. You do get XP from fighting but sometimes in a short quest it hurts the pacing.

If there’s space, though, you can avoid combat by running past it. However, you can accidentally leave the fight zone during a fight by dodging and this resets the enemy health, so you have to start again.

I disliked repetition of bosses. You come against several big monsters known as Guardians, but you will have to fight them a few times. I’d hoped they would just be boss per region and that would be it.

Combat was fine, but I feel it was overused, and it got tiring towards the end of the game. Enemies felt needlessly abundant.

They were a very promising part of the game and get I feel slightly let down by their shortfalls. I really liked the individuality of the followers while keeping obvious ties with their factions, and how they interact with you and other characters in quests, but that’s about as far as it goes.

I liked the relations system but wish it had gone further. The romance option is not as fleshed out even as in Skyrim. There’s no marrying or buying a house. Outside specific chats that happen as part of quests or romance you cannot talk to your followers and this made the relationship system feel almost meaningless, as did the fact that if followers have a quest waiting, unless you accept that quest immediately, you cannot talk to them.

I would have liked the possibility to have more followers too, or at least not have to lose one when another was locked to my team for a quest. I was a little disappointed after really getting to like Vasco and Siora that I had to remove one of them to do a quest for Petrus. I also experienced a bug where Vasco was locked out of my team. I finished the quest without him, but his dialogue appeared on the screen (no audio) since he should have been there, and after that the bug was fixed.


The story was mostly strong. It touches on some heavy themes around the era such as colonialism, genocide, religious persecution, etc., as the different factions and their ideas fight to prevail in an ever-changing world which they want to dominate.

You’ll be faced with some hard decisions that affect the relations of these nations and outcome of the game, making them feel weighty and meaningful which I like. It’s rare in a game we have such influence over its events. Choices affect your relationship with both factions and people, and they treat you differently as a result. This is a level of immersion I’ve longed for in games like Skyrim, where no matter what you do people still treat you badly. I like that there are consequences and the game never outright tells you you made the wrong choice, but you feel it if something happens that you didn’t intend.

Sadly, you’re also sent to do your fair share of fetch and carry missions which didn’t feel consistent with the status of your character, and in the late game it hurt the pacing a lot. There’s sometimes the option to automatically travel where you need to, but I would have liked it more often. That, or better placement of fast travel points so there wasn’t so far to run. Since cutscenes were done so well, Spiders could have used them to mitigate this too.


+ Strong story, with multiple endings and choices.
+ Strong characters, mostly well-voiced and complex.
+ Factions each felt unique with ambitions and beliefs.
+ Visually stunning.
+ No microtransactions.
+ Told about ‘point of no return’ so you can finish quests/achievements before too late.
+ Great cutscenes.

- No screenshot mode.
- Combat overused, bosses repeated, unable to interact with world in combat.
- Can’t get all achievements first time.
- Needless running around for quests.
- Parts of world shut off unless quests are triggered, but they can be missed.
- Some emotional scenes/quests felt rushed and lacked emotion.
- Flaws with followers hold them back.
- As female, characters sometimes use male pronouns for you.
- Door animations get annoying, slowing you down.


Overall, GreedFall is a good game, lacking a little in technical prowess and with a few irritating faults. But it delivers a strong story with choices that feel meaningful, fleshed out with a colourful cast of characters, and set in a believable, beautiful world. It’s held back by a smaller budget and is a little pricey but for a memorable game with good replay value, I think it can be forgiven in a hope they’ll put the funds to good use to make their next game even better. I love the era this game was set in and I’d like to see the developers revisit it, ironing out a few of the flaws in this. I give it a well-earned 7.5 out of 10.
78 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 05:04
About as close as one can get to a Mass Effect, SW: KotoR, DragonAge game these days outside of the Witcher. Very Enjoyable.
1102 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
3141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 15:01
I Really like this game.

Before you get your hopes up too high, no, it’s not a “Bioware at it’s Peak” title. It has too many flaws for that, and you will be disappointed if that is the expectation, you go into this game with. Instead, I advise you approach it as you would an indie title, and enjoy.
Greedfall is an extremely ambitious RPG with several interesting gameplay mechanics like disguising yourself as an enemy to sneak around their camps undetected, or Party members that are not unconditionally loyal to you just because they decided to follow you around.
The story of colonialism, and discovering more and more that you are no better than the other nation nations invading the natives territory is different from most RPGs I played, and the characters are all well written, with several loyalty missions to help you get to know them better. How much of the story you discover (including the origin of the big bad) is really up to you, as this game lets you get by (and to a bad ending) with a bare minimum, but if you want to know what and why is going on you will need to do (all the) side quests.
This is where things get a little repetitive. While the presentation is cinematic, the dungeons follow a clearly laid path you cannot deviate from. Even with fast travel, the large number of side missions are fetch quests, and talking to people gets repetitive. There are thirty-four voice actors in total; however, it feels like the majority of the side characters are spoken by the same five. The fact that most npcs share the same 10 character models leads to some weird moments where I was having a pleasant chat with a guy who looked and sounded exactly like the traitor I just had executed. There are some other hickups, like my female Desardet being called “he” at several occasions, and a mission only completing if you exit a building through the back entrance.
So yhea, in a AAA title those would be some issues, which is why I say approach it like an indie game. The story and characters really deserve the praise others have given them, and in the good moments, the game feels majestic and awe inspiring, while after your first time being betrayed by a party member because of your choices keeps you on your toes.
161 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 02:36
This game is like a slightly less good Dragon Age 1. Gameplay and character customization is a little overly simple but the story is tight,
76 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 00:19
I want to recommend this game because it's pretty fun and anyone who likes Dragon Age will love it but it's so buggy i.e. NPC animations don't match dialogue a good 30% of the time.
508 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 00:00
Spoiler free review:
It is a game in which you can play as a diplomat or use brute strength, but in all cases you're going to lose or win reputation with your companions and with the factions.

The story introduces itself a little slowly, but it picks up the pace by the middle of the game. After that point you really care about the game, the world, and its inhabitants, and you get really involved with it.

If you have to compare it with another game, it would be Dragon's age game, but not the witcher. Clearly they re used assets, but they are well reused, every area is clearly distinct from the others.

Also it isn't that long, I've put 50 hours, and ended up the game on level 41. Final battle would have been easier if I grinded up a little, but it wasn't that horrible either, just longer.

The two cons that I've found are that if you do an extra dash out of the enemy's point of view, the thing recovers all of its life. The other thing is that in some cases the dialogs are forced on you because you never are offered an option. I.e.: The Hikmet governor was heavily scolded by my De Sardet because I hadn't visited him in a while, so a lot of quests piled up. He didn't bat an eyelash tho.

Overall, I really enjoyed this game.
520 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 15:36
GreedFall was released in late 2019. Yet it feels like a game from late 2009. It's horrible in a way that after 20 hours in I could not take it anymore. I want to return and finish it later but I just can't see myself completing it in a single playthrough without lengthy pauses. It's too painful to play while suffering from all the bad things game has to offer.

There is little to no character development story-wise. Lore of the world is scarce and therefore you can't properly feel the atmosphere. Story is quite dull as well.

World has no feeling of being alive. Some city locations have NPCs in them that are completely still with rare sounds or music (and sometimes even without them). I was badly shocked and utterly confused when I fount out 3-4 NPCs standing in front of tables without moving or doing anything. Putting NPCs in a game just to make it look alive does quite the opposite.

Speaking of outdated mechanics - loading phases. When you travel from one location to the other you end up in a temporary camp location which was understandable back in the day when loading took a lot of time. However, those locations usually had something to do in them or were different, like random encounters, for example. GreedFall only gives you one camp that is pointless. You can't interact with your companions unless you are eager to ask someone same question over and over again as if you've just met that companion.

Another old (and not gold) thing this game has is forced blocks and strict scenarios. Want to explore the island? Sure, go on. Let us just put some fallen trees and rocks to block your path in some way because you are not supposed to see that location yet. Oh, and let us remove any signs of life from this camp as well until you trigger specific events so that people magically appear there. You also wanted to speak to some villagers? Go on, we will hide all the dialogue options until you pick the required quest. Here, sit in a camp between two locations so that we can do all that. Cheers, mate!

Know what's also terrible? Hero progression. Started as mage archetype. Funny to see him having only one attack, one magic heal, one buff and one debuff. Yep, that's all. Want to spend more points to become a greater mage? Nope, should learn to handle a rifle or a longsword instead. Pathetic, honestly.

Long story short: outdated overpriced torture.
211 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 16:21
Simply put this game is fantastic and is easily the best rpg I've played since the Witcher 3, how it managed to slip under the radar and not get more recognition is beyond me.

I'll break down my thoughts on various aspects of the game.


I'll start with the combat which seems to be the most contentious part of the game. It is obvious to me that the game was intended to be played with a controller as opposed to KB/M and I think this is where most people feel the game is clunky. The Dev's would have been much better off taking the approach that was taken with the Yakuza ports and being clear upfront that a controller is recommended. This is not to say that the game is unplayable on KB/M my first 6 hours of this game were using KB/M and it was still enjoyable but controller is much better and anyone who insists on sticking with KB/M would benefit spending some time rebinding the controls and maybe even using some macros.

The gameplay itself in combat is fantastic and is some of my favourite combat in any recent RPG I've played. It is fast and deadly, emphasising quick reactions, tactics and being familiar with your opponents and your chosen skill sets (of which there are many that can be combined in interesting ways). The flintlocks are my favourite part of combat, they sound and feel great and continuing with the emphasis on quick reactions in combat you can switch the target of your shot at the last second which has lead to many situations where I switched my target at the last second to stop a charging enemy in his tracks saving myself or a companion.
The other aspect I enjoy is that even as you get more powerful and unlock new skills to use in fights enemies stay dangerous, an enemy that can kill you at Level 5 is still dangerous at Level 30 if you are careless. If you expect to be able to charge into a fight swinging a two handed mace and be able to just plough through everyone with little regard to dodging or parrys you will be disappointed.


The main story is well written and plays out at a reasonable pace. The real show-stealer is the characters and voice acting, they are all top-notch and really make your interactions with various people believable.

Your Character is De Sardet, the Legate of the Merchant Congregation. You are the Royal Emissary in charge of maintaining and building relations with all the various factions on the Island and you FEEL like a diplomat. Often times I found myself making choices that I didn't like or agree with in order to build trust with a faction or gain leverage I could use later on. I'm not sure the exact weight or consequences of my choices as I haven't played through a second time yet (50 Hours and I think I am only about 2/3rds through the game and definitely have not seen half of the content) but, there have been many times where characters have referenced my past deeds when I am trying to earn their trust or sway them in some way.

I can't nail down what accent they used for the Natives but it is amazing and the way they switch between their native language and english in conversations flows incredibly well and really adds to the immersion of talking to an alien culture as you yourself begin to learn the meaning of certain words and phrases in their language to better help you in your dealings with them.

Your companions are all very well written and voice acted each have their own personalities and prejudices and will actively converse with you and other companions about the current goals/events. The highlight of this is that yoiur companions can help or even hinder you in your dealings with others and when trying to resolve quests. An example of this is Petrus a bishop and the diplomat of the Theleme Theocracy to your nation. Having him with you when you are dealing with the Theleme will often let him throw his political weight behind yours to open up more options or find better solutions. However, taking the pious bishop with you when you are trying to convince the Natives to let you learn about their secret Sacred rituals may not be such a good idea as he will have a hard time keeping his religious convictions to himself.

All this encourages you to constantly change up your party members based on your current goals which adds another layer of complexity and immersion to the game.


This game is beautiful all the various environments have had so much care and attention to detail put into them you really feel like you are exploring a mysterious land untouched by destructive modern forces, there really isn't much more I can say about it other than I think this game is absolutely gorgeous.

The performance has been good, I have a good PC but nothing amazing (Intel i9 w/ 980 GTX) and the game runs great on High/Ultra settings. There seems to be a problem with the Textures on Ultra setting as it caused my FPS to sink into a deep pit but, I couldn't see any significant difference between the High setting and the Ultra setting.

As for stability and bugs the game has been rock-solid. Absolutely no CTDs of any kind in my 50 hours and the few bugs I have come across have been quickly solved with a save/re-load. There have been a couple occasions where the FPS dropped off a cliff when opening the inventory or starting a conversation but exiting out of the menu/convo and opening again fixed it instantly.


GreedFall is again once of the best RPG experiences I've had in a long time, there is enough depth in the combat/story/mechanics to appeal to both casual and more hardcore RPG fans. I really can not understand how this game has not gotten more recognition it's blown everything else I've played in the past couple of years out of the water and I can easily see myself replaying this many times in the future.

EDIT: Now that I've finished the game I wanted to add a small addendum. The last section of the story feels a tad rushed. I think it would have been better if we could have lingered on the final revelation a little more but, it still played out as a satisfying conclusion to this story and gave me an old-school slideshow Epilogue of how my choices and actions affected the island and its people.

Still highly recommend 8.5/10 easily
55 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 20:11
Requires effort to enjoy.
44 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 08:19
I suppose I would recommend it but with the caveat; If you've already played every Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, Witcher and Assassins Creed, this is worth a play through. But not at full price.

Everything about it feels half-cooked. The story, the characters, the graphics, the environment...all so very promising and right up my street, but didn't quite hit the mark. That's not to say it's not good, but it left me feeling it could and should be better at every turn. Perhaps it's a limitation of budget, but that's not something I feel I should have to consider as a consumer, especially when the price tag is the same as the far superior titles I mentioned at the start.
360 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
5030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 15:42
The developer 'Spiders' is made up of a fairly small studio. They don't have the funds to make everything perfect.
I remember playing one of their first game released: Mars War Logs. The controls were clunky and it didn't particularly look great. But in return the developers used a lot of creativity to tell a great story within a well thought out world.

Greedfall reminds me a lot of that first game I played from these developers. A great game that isn't perfect, simply because the developer did not have the means to make this game perfect.
You'll see a lot of negative points below, but again, take into account that this is a small studio. This is criticism which I hope the developer will use to make a better game in the future.

+ Unique protaganist who is not some 'ruler' or 'warrior'. But instead, an ambassador. You've got the choice of whether you want to take a diplomatic approach or a more aggressive one.
+ World and lore of the game is well thought out and well explained.
+ Voice acting is really well done. I especially liked the female voice for the protaganist. Very fitting for the ambassador role.
+ Monster battles are pretty fun
+ Combat in general is quite satisfying.

- Sneak quests can be a bit of joke at times. You can literally drink a potion to make you 'less visible', to the point where you might as well just walk right through. I think the map design could have been better thought out for these kinds of quests.
- Guns. Are. O. P.
Seriously. If you choose to use guns, you're OP for the entire game.
- Running. All the time. There are a lot of fetch quests. Some of these quests are good become they force you to explore more and run into other characters, BUT I don't really want to run back and forth across the map to deliver messages between different rulers. It's just tiresome. Sometimes the games tries to help you and takes you directly the point you want to go, but this is rare. The side quests need to be more interesting and not just running from point A to point B.
- Story starts off well but gets boring. [spoiler]There are not many choices for the ending. I was expecting a bit more out of it [/spoiler]

This is NOT a AAA game. it doesn't have the greatest mechanics or the greatest story (even though it is interesting). But for a small studio, this is quite the achievement. There were a lot of fun moments and the world is well thought out.
Get the game if you're ok with playing the game for it's ideas, rather than expecting a perfect product. Also - support the developers because they have good ideas!
1497 Produkte im Account
122 Reviews
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 15:56
Greedfall is an AA game that she really wants to be a triple AAA game.

+Open World RPG
+The atmosphere really gives that vibes of an explorer
+The story is interesting

Dragon Age+Dragon's Dogma+The Witcher+Jade Empire=Greedfall it's a weird mix but very good.

The game has many ideas and promises a lot and even manages to offer them for the AA game, it really does its job well but there are some small problems here and there that you can ignore.

8.5/10 Must Play! Plus I recommend buying it at a discount.

6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 01:05
Greedfall easily became one of my favorite games of all time.

~Deep, man. It's deep.
~Everything serves meaning.
~Your choices have consequences and there is weight with each decision you make. The right choice isn't always clear. Often times you'll find yourself needing to choose sides, and even once you've picked you can't be certain you made the right choice till things play out.
~Cutscenes are entertaining.
~Side quests feel like their own mini story in a great big story.
~Sometimes dialogue, depending on the character, was agonizingly slow. Thankfully there is an option to skip through it if you're like me and read faster than they talk, but I only did this with certain characters. It's worth listening to the voice acting.

~It was a great idea to have this game set in the Autumn season.
~Feels lived in.
~Each location was unique.
~I would often find myself distracted by the scenery and try to get a good screenshot.
~The only downside is that building interiors are copy and pasted, with the difference just being decorations, wallpaper, floors, etc.

~Kurt: Rough on the outside, soft on the inside.
~Vasco: If Jack Sparrow didn't have a drinking problem.
~Siora: Cute kitty with deadly claws.
~Petrus: Daddy.
~Aphra: Angel with a shotgun.
~Everyone has their own unique story you get to partake in and I learned to care for all of them.
~You can romance anyone (minus Petrus). It's simple and doesn't serve much purpose, but is simple fan service for someone like me who loves this stuff.

De Sarte (your character):
~Can be male or female.
~Customization is simple, but has enough options to make them feel unique.
~Female voice actor is good.
~Male voice actor is amazing and hits all the emotion cues. I started off playing the female only to go on hiatus and when I came back I restarted the game as a male and enjoyed the experience far more. It's a personal thing of course, but something I feel I have to say.

~Congregation of Merchants: Neutrals.
~Coin Guard: Guards...
~Nauts: Seamen.
~Theleme: Overly religious.
~Bridge Alliance: Mad scientists.
~Natives: One with nature (and the one thing Theleme and the BA agree upon to hate).

~It's simple and for that I enjoy it.
~You can choose your play style, and with leveling and exploring you can continue to branch out your skills and how you want to fight.
~There aren't restrictions so you can be a combination of everything; technical, magic and warrior.

~I haven't had any big issues.
~Once did a boss fight all on my own because I initiated combat before my companions could climb a cliff. It was hilarious hearing them yell at me from the sideline.
~Wore a pair of pants once that would clip through my coat when I ran and honestly that's just proof De Sarte got a nice peach.

~If you read all this just do yourself a favor and get the game.

I loved it so much I will likely play it all over again in the future.
367 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
3279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 21:06
GreedFall is an indie game with a triple-A price tag. The game is worth your time, but not worth full price.
266 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 04:34
A decent enough game, but the blandness is too overpowering to recommend.

I felt pretty good about this game. I really love middle-tier RPG's, although these Eurojank games can sometimes be a gamble. This one definitely looked like a gamble. But surprisingly, the game is just about completely devoid of jank. No bugs, no bad translations, no baffling design decisions, no horrible movement. It's all well made. It's just a shame they didn't bother to make the game interesting. There's three ways this game failed to hit the mark.

1. The story. It starts off good with this kooky alternate reality, Imperialist-England-invading-an-island-setting. There's weird monsters to fight, strange natives and a terrible plague. But it's all completely flat. There's no direction, no connecting dots creating tension, and- most importantly- no definable characters. The starting characters are Kurt and Vasco. Kurt's a soldier type. He cares about soldier things. Vasco's a sailor, who cares about sailor things (and has no motivation to hang out with you, he just does because RPG). The quests aren't as bad as an MMO or a JRPG, but they definitely feel like filler. The story just meanders into the ending, where suddenly a character becomes super powerful and you have to do the whole unite all the factions to defeat him bit. Cliches aren't a bad thing, but when they aren't grounded in a structured story they feel like they're just making it up as they go. They also don't do much with choices. There are two side quests at the beginning that make it seem like this will have a lot of decisions of how to complete a quest, like Mass Effect or something. But it hardly comes up. You pretty much just default to good guy 90% of the time.

2. The level design. It isn't bad. It's quite pretty and exploring is fun. But every single level is the same: a foresty, hilly area. There's no distinct flavor, nothing memorable. No storytelling through the world. Come on. At least do the cliche thing and have a desert area, snowy area, etc. At least there's a lava area?

3. Leveling curve. Something that plagues a lot of RPG's. While not as egregious as Skyrim, eventually the player out-levels the entire game. Because I got bored, I stopped doing all side quests and just rushed through the last half of the game. I still ended up feeling like I had no worthy challenges for the last 20 character levels or so.

So, in conclusion, not a bad game. Just a boring one. If you have a high tolerance for bland RPG's, you might enjoy this. I'm just not as tolerant of going through the motions at this point.
252 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 13:15
Good, robust RPG experience. Very nice artstyle, since Dutch colonialism isn't an obvious setting for a fantasy game, and actually raises some pretty relevant questions about the legacy of colonialism and racism, which AAA games don't do anymore to appeal to as broad a demographic as possible. The faces and animation can be rough around the edges, and the voice acting, especially of the main character, is rather stilted, but the striking visuals still make it a very appealing game. The combat is quick and smooth, although the rage of weapons is rather limited.

Overall, if you're looking for a solid RPG, and are willing to forgive some underdeveloped mechanics, give this one a shot!
87 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
18778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 20:14
For those who have played the Witcher 3 to death, have exhausted the Mass Effect trilogy, and are failing to find any open world RPGs that actually rely on a story, Greedfall is for you. Is it perfect? No. And take care to complete each quest in proper sequence but it does support some good mods and it is a great story. Overall, it is a welcome addition to the RPG genre.
176 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 10:17
Kinda like a watered down Witcher 3, with a little more wooden dialogues and a little clunkier gameplay, but overall a solid game of its genre. Combat is fun with different weapons. I tried to pay attention to the quests and storyline but after a while it wasn't engaging enough so I just skipped all the dialogues, and just get to the exploring and fighting stuff. This game is also quite stingy when it comes to the in-game money, but if you're willing to grind it's still doable. Overall a solid 7/10 in my opinion.
198 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 19:26
This is an incredibly contentious 'no', as there are a lot of parts I like about the game, but to recommend it would make me look like a fool. Many of the problems dont hit you immediately, and really rear their heads as you progress-- and the problems that do hit you immediately do not get better.

+I really like the combat system. Although I rarely used the tactical pause they offer. Its punchy, feels weighty, and every weapon has its own style.
-That being said, there are only so many enemy fighting patterns, and once you've figured the few-dozen patterns out, that's it. There are also plenty of ways to just bulldoze even the heaviest of hitters.

+I do like being able to customize my armour and weapons with a few add-ins. That's a nice touch.

+There are some really nice looking places in the game...
-...but only in the overworld. Some places quickly lose their charm after a few hours in, as you start to see copy-pasted/retextured locales, specifically affecting building interiors.

+I like listening to people speak. The voice actors did a fine job...
-but that's overshadowed by the fact that the facial animations are completely out of sync. It feels like people are stuck in a perma-neutral expression.

-You cant travel solo. Hearing your companions babble the same one-liners all the time gets tiring.
-The story kinda tanks its energy about midway through. It has a bad habbit of over-explaining itself instead of letting the players figure things out on their own.
-There is too much travelling/waiting/talking in the questing. 'Errand boy' is an appropriate way to describe many of the quests.

The game starts strong, and it feels like it has a big, grand story to tell, but that's about it. It Feels like it, and nothing more. Like a runner who forgot to use the bathroom before the hundred-meter dash: starting strong doesn't matter if you're going to shit yourself halfway through.

Buy it only if is heavily discounted.
146 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 02:08
If you like Bioware RPGs, then this is definitely the game for you.
626 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
2884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 11:05
Before playing I waited, like a patient gamer, and made sure I understood the various problems other reviewers had with the game. So I did a few things to make my time enjoyable and it definitely helped playing this game.

A few mods that improved quality of life:

* Camera overhaul - to get rid of the camera sway
* More carry weight - so I could keep exploring and not worry about running back and forth to town
* Player complexion - add a bit of nicer textures during close up conversations

Additionally I used Nvidia Freestyle (basically Reshade) to remove the brown filter and make the colors appear more lush and vibrant.

And finally I turned the HUD off completely - I only needed to use the map sometimes, but it was a great way to experience the gorgeous low-fantasy environments in this game.

The environment was my favorite part; the cities were nice of course, and I liked that they weren't massive (I completely disagree that modern RPGs need to have large cities). It was even better going out into the wild and exploring the pleasant autumnal locales, admiring the streams and trails and seeing what the natives of the island would have enjoyed. Exploring without the HUD gave it that extra level of immersion.

The voice acting and story are good, they go well together and none of the characters feel overboard or poorly represented. The various factions were each appealing in their own way, even Theleme who I initially disliked, turned out to be not-that-bad.

The graphics were quite good but definitely on the heavy side; I played at ultra everything on RTX 2080 Ti, and even so my temperatures went up to around 72C! Definitely tweak the settings and reduce what you can to get the most out of this game.

One thing to note the initial starting area/starting island makes it look duller than it needs to be. The starting area is just that - a tutorial - get out of there and onto the main story area, the game really picks up there.

13 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 13:48
For some reason that I can't quite fathom, I haven't actually finished this game yet (in fact, I have started on two different characters, got about two thirds of the way through and stopped). I'm not sure why, because I have thoroughly enjoyed the aspects of the game I have played so far.

The gameplay has clearly been heavily influenced by other RPGs in the genre (most notably Assassin's Creed but there's also a hint of Bioware about it). The story is interesting, and the skill tree is broadly open (although the time it takes to unlock various skills and attributes is prohibitive. There are mods that fix this), with combat feeling similar to AC. I seem to remember the game being marketed as 'no fetch quests', which isn't quite true, but most quests feel in-character for De Sardet. As with all good RPGs, you do get some opportunity to determine your character's moral alignment, and there are repercussions within the game.

However, I would say it's the companions that steal the show. They're not quite up to Bioware's standard (and there's not much party banter), but the companions are well-rounded and each has their own quests. For those that like a little romance, some of them are romanceable, although I was disappointed that some of the dialogue appears limited to romance options (ie if they're not a romance option for your character there's no 'friendly' dialogue instead)

TLDR: A fun RPG, with great characters, a good story, interesting combat and romance options. What more could you want?
67 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 06:59
I regret buying this game. The combat is a drag and the dialog between characters is acted out by a text to speech program. after nearly finishing the game I cannot bring myself to start it back up because I know that I will be more bored playing the game than I will be staring at my desktop dragging the icons into fun patterns. Also running so much running. This game is close to being good but just lacks the necessary parts that make a game fun to play.
202 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 22:31
Greedfall, the newest game by spiders, a studio mostly known for semi-successfull titles.
Set in a Baroque world with themes of colonialism, this game appears to bring a rather interesting and unique world to the table. Here's the experience I had:

- baroque, low fantasy setting, in a beautifully made world
- Interesting Main and Side-quests with mostly good stories
- your companions feel well written and develop as you follow their quests
- the rather simple combat system works well, is easy to get into, but still poses a challenge
- except for a few minor things, bug-free

- the combat gets dull after a while, since the game doesn't have to much enemy variety
(this is true for both mobs and bosses)
- a lot of the quests have you travel all across the map, which would be fine, but since you can only fast travel from certain
areas you will run around a lot
- there is pretty much no roleplaying to be had here: You play as Sir/Lady DeSardet and get no choice what your character
will say during the numerous dialoges
- while the maps are pretty, a lot of them feel rather same-ish and since there isn't a whole lot to discover without doing
a quests that sends you somewhere, exploration on your own feels rather pointless
- minor nitpick, that personally bothers me extremely: Charisma checks have a percentage to succeed, while intuition
checks will always succeed if you have the proper level (WHY?)

7/10 If you wanna experience some good stories set in a unique world and can forgive mediocre gameplay surrounding it,
I can recomend it.
Otherwise I would suggest waiting until it is on sale to give it a spin.
925 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 21:08
This is a 'neutral thumb' score and a very weak recommendation.

My experience with this game went as follows:
- First 2 hours: 'This looks nice. I'm a huge fan of the renaissance era and this seems a nice environment. Oh, they have magic and fantasy stuff on it... interesting... wait, combat? kinda funky for my taste but seems ok'
- 10 hours on the game: 'Neat place, let's try some exploring. I love open world games, could this be one? hmmm... this seems a little bit linear, but still enjoyable. Combat? oh, yes please, is fun.'
- 20 hours on the game: 'Ok, I think I've figured out the story so far. Not bad, not great. Let's look for some combat to have fun'
- 30 hours on the game: 'Jeez, do I really have to backtrack that much? Another quest to go back and forth back and forth again? At least I get to smash some buttons... meh, enemies fall quite fast now...'
- 40 hours on the game: 'This is clearly Errand Boy simulator, let's speed this up to get to the end. Well, at least the final battles are somehow challenging'

This game is fun for the fist 10-15 hours. I'm a huge fan of the era it depicts and that really hooked me at the beginning. Then it quickly becomes boring. Level design is just bad, and it makes no sense to explore the somehow beautiful landscapes unless requested by a quest (which it will, since all locations are accessible via quests).

The story went well, but wasn't stellar. Since the level design is plain, the story doesn't become immersive. Same happens for the secondary characters and their contribution, it just gets diluted in the boring chore that the late game becomes. In a nutshell, most of the game after certain point becomes 'go A to B to C to D to E, doing literally nothing in between, and with all those places already visited several times before, just to talk to some random NPC'

Game-play feels way more like a linear, action hack-and-slash than an RPG. The problem is that the level design is more fitting to the former, but the game forces you to quest on the later...

I do somehow recommend the game because we also have to consider that it contains quite a significant amount of content. In my case, more than 40 hours of game-play, which it accounts for something even though they could be significantly decreased if the late game had been better designed. But of course, consider pricing carefully when deciding to purchase.

Also, I do recommend it for hard core fans of the renaissance-new continent colonial era, since the graphics provide quite satisfaction in that aspect.

Be warned though, the late game feels more as a chore than a game, and it takes quite some energy to get it to completion.

2/5 stars.
37 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 13:19
If you enjoy RPGs like Dragon Age, Skyrim and the Witcher, then I recommend you purchase and play this game. Hours of content, good replay-ability and good immersion.

An ASTOUNDING amount of work has gone into GreedFall, kudos to the very small, very passionate team that created it. I am floored that a small dev team can rival a massively funded superpower like bioware in their gameplay and storyline. I hope they are incredibly proud of their game and I cannot wait to see what you come out with next!
97 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 23:48
This game feels like it could've been so much more. The concept is interesting and the story has promise. That being said, it falls a bit short.

The Short: If this game is on sale and you like RPGs for the story, buy it. If you are more into the combat or gameplay, avoid it.

The Long: The gameplay is really unengaging. Combat is repetitive and boring with some unusual difficulty spikes. I played as a magic-user and once I got the hang of combat, it was really easy, but always boring.

Many of the quests suffer the same problem of going back-and-forth just to extend the hours of the game. The story behind the quests is reasonable, but the back-and-forth in 99% of the quests is incredibly tedious. Since the fast-travel is tied to specific areas, this means you still have to run back-and-forth. I would be willing to accept this in a decent amount of quests, but it really is almost every single quest. I'm confident at least 30% of my game-time is just traveling for quests.

The locations in the game can be beautiful, but they feel empty and lack interesting content. Once you get past the first couple of areas, it is more of the same. The same enemies. The same fast-travel areas. Largely the same type of NPCs. The city locations are just all-around bad. From the outside, a couple of the cities are beautiful, but the inside is completely lackluster. Building interiors are all copy-pasted from about 4 types of locations, and stores are ran by the exact same type of NPCs with largely the same type of inventory. This is the same for even the Native villages. Completely overlooked and completely rushed with zero love. It's in stark contrast to the areas outside of the city which are all different and unique.

Then that brings me to the AI. Terrible, almost non-existent AI. All enemies are boring and have no soul. If you watch them, they wander in the same 3-foot squares and sometimes all face a weird direction just waiting to be attacked... it's jarring. I think I made more convincing AI in Warcraft III map maker 15 years ago. Their attacks are boring and repetitive. There is zero intelligence in any of the characters. This just compounds onto the boring combat. Seriously, what happened here.

The characters are good. I will say that. The personalities feel believable and real. They grow on you like real people. I didn't like most of them at the beginning, but they all develop and reveal as you go. However, I am really disappointed in the lack of interaction. You really can only ask them a few questions each and then that's it. They have personal quests, but outside of that and some background banter that's it. The characters are charming, but you don't get to explore them very much. This follows into the romance being unsatisfying. They should have left it out entirely because the lack of deep questions and follow-up leave me feeling like I don't know any of them well enough to establish any romance at all. This was really disappointing. They all seem at least decently interesting and believable but you don't get to delve any further than that.

The story is the main redeeming factor in the game. Although it has some cliches and tropes, its decently engaging and believable. I haven't finished it yet, but they did a good job on the story. I don't really want to spoil anything so I'll leave it at that.

All that being said, the first 2-5 hours of the game are just terribly bad. The city is super ugly and uninteresting. The side quests are ok with way too much running back-and-forth, and the story hasn't developed into anything worthwhile yet. I almost didn't even play through it because I was worried about getting a refund. There is no hook, no interest, no beauty, and no character in the beginning. Seriously, the developers failed super hard here and I'm surprised most people make it to the next part of the game.
145 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 22:29
Great game! I really enjoyed it. The only complaints I have are that sometimes the secondary quest can get pretty boring and firearms feel OP. Other than that its a pretty good RPG.
26 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 13:17
If you're thinking of getting this game, I would wait until it's on sale or the price drops from $49.99. It's a good game, but it's like playing Dragon Age 2. The characters and story is great along with the combat mechanics. but a lot of recycling. Dungeons, areas, enemies, and gear are reused so much that the game loses it uniqueness. I wish the fast traveling was better but other than those issues, it's a good game. Just not worth $49.99
359 Produkte im Account
238 Reviews
2452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 22:39
Greedfall is a swords and sorcery style fantasy RPG which also uses a piracy theme to influence the style of characters’ clothing, and the world’s technology, specifically guns and sailing ships. The game begins in the city of Serene, where many civilians have been dying from a mysterious plague called the Malichor. The player character, a diplomat called De Sardet, has been ordered to travel to the island of Teer Fradee in search of a cure. De Sardet can be male or female, and you have some basic face customisation options to create your version of the character.

Greedfall was developed by Spiders. I’ve played all of their previous games (Of Orcs and Men, Mars War Logs, Bound By Flame, Technomancer), and although none of them were particularly good, they always made me feel like Spiders had the potential to develop a quality RPG, as they had some good ideas but just failed in their execution. And finally, with Greedfall, they’ve done it. (Looking at the release dates of all their games, Greedfall had an extra year of development, which clearly makes a big difference). There are a few rough edges, but I can forgive them because the overall game was quite enjoyable.

The first couple of hours in Serene aren’t great. The combat and quests feel really basic. But the game becomes significantly better once you arrive on Teer Fradee. The island environment is attractive, with lots of forests, rivers and three coastal cities which are relatively new and still have some buildings under construction.

There are several different factions on the island, including merchants, scientists, religious zealots, sailors, and the island’s native population. These factions really don’t like each other, and De Sardet will often have to get involved in conflicts between two or more factions, and can sometimes decide who to support.

Along their journey, De Sardet will recruit five companions, and you can have two of them in your active party. You can’t select how to allocate their skill points when they level up, so each companion’s fighting style is fixed, but you can change their equipped weapons and armour. Each companion has multiple personal quests, usually involving their ties to one of the factions. These companions are interesting characters, although I do wish they’d stop telling me that “your armour is broken”, “you’re low on magic/health, drink a potion”, during EVERY combat encounter.

Combat is real time, and you can pause to cast a spell or drink a potion. You can also assign up to 12 spells and potions to keyboard shortcuts, so I didn’t need to use the pause function very often. You’ll fight against members of each faction, as well as various types of wildlife, many of which resemble giant lizards, attacking with claws and long tails. There are also some large boss sized guardians whose monstrous appearance wouldn’t look out of place in Warhammer/Vermintide.

Most enemies have some armour which reduces the amount of damage they take. Blunt weapons can break armour, while blades deal more damage to unarmoured enemies. You can use a pistol or a magic ring for ranged attacks, and you also build up fury which can be used to activate a more powerful attack for your equipped weapon. I started with a melee focused character, but I had much more fun when I acquired a few spells, including heal, stasis (freeze enemy in place for a few seconds), and burst (damage all enemies surrounding you). There are a couple of other spells that I didn’t unlock.

You can sometimes use skills to avoid combat. For example using charisma to talk out a peaceful solution, equipping a disguise so that guards won’t attack you, or using science to blow up a weak wall and reveal a hidden entrance/path. However, its strange that you can’t ask companions to help with skill checks. For example, I didn’t give De Sardet any points in science. I upgraded the armour of one of my companions with a science bonus, but whenever I needed to use science, I had to equip my companion with a different armour, equip their armour on De Sardet, perform the skill check, then give both characters back their normal armour. Not the end of the world, just a bit of time wasting.

Another example of where Spiders still aren’t quite at the level of the most talented developers is that the game doesn’t want you to explore. If you discover a village before a quest told you to go there, you can’t really talk to any of the major characters at that location. After the initial greetings, “hello, I’m De Sardet”, “I’m the village chief, do you want to ask me anything?”, literally your only dialogue option is “I need to leave”. Other RPGs seem more able to react to the player doing things out of order, but in Greedfall you just have to follow the various quests and eventually they’ll take you to every important location at the appropriate time.

The story has a lot of depth and the voice acting is mostly pretty good, but the lip syncing could be better. The dialogue for native characters is a bit annoying at times because it does that thing where they constantly throw made up native language words in the middle of sentences. For example, the merchants’ faction flag contains a symbol of golden coins, so the natives refer to the merchants as yellow eyes. But instead of saying “yellow eyes”, which would be fine, they say some nonsense words. Which on top of the dozen or more other nonsense words, referring to important characters, factions and locations, sometimes left me feeling a bit confused. I also noticed several spelling mistakes in the subtitles which could be fixed by using a basic spell checker on the script.

Controls are fully rebindable and work great with mouse and keyboard. I didn’t have any problems maintaining a smooth framerate, and I didn’t suffer from any crashes. I did encounter a bug on a few occasions when fighting a pack of monsters, after a while they just exit combat and its like they’re unaware of the player’s presence. The stealth/detection indicator appears above their heads until they notice you again. The problem is that as soon as they exit combat they instantly regain full health/armour. During one fight this happened multiple times, too quickly for me to actually kill them, so I just had to run past them to the next area.

Overall, despite a few flaws, Greedfall is a very enjoyable RPG. I definitely recommend this game to fans of the genre. It took me 41 hours to complete the main quest, all companion quests, and every faction quest that I found, so you should get value for money at full price or a small sale.
417 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
2029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 21:44

GreedFall Review


GreedFall is an open-world RPG in which the player will explore new uncharted lands while dealing with politics among the factions that wrestle for control of the island. From secret agendas to ancient rituals, it will take carefully thinking to move forward in a world in which decisions weight heavily both in its story and in its gameplay. Featuring fantastic writing and a beautiful yet deadly world to learn about, is an experience worth getting into. Developer Spiders have improved the gameplay in their game, but the quests and narrative take the cake this time.





  • Each skill tree matters a lot.
  • Companions integrate into situations.
  • Interconnected quests create a rich tale.
  • Beautiful graphics in cloth textures and models
  • The Reputation system keeps an eye on relations.

  • Low enemy variety
  • Has a slow start that can be dull.
  • No options to modify appearance.
  • Combat can be repetitive at times.
  • Can get locked out of options soon.


Personality transformed into Action

The decisions that the player makes with their characters affect the gameplay, shooting guns, for example, is a little bit crafty as you must craft bullets (no pun intended) or buy them at high prices, yet shooting enemies tears down armor and feels satisfactory. Magic rings instead can give powerful spells to unleash on the battlefield like freezing opponents in time and are a solid add-on to any build. Lastly, specializing in blades and the purest form of combat is a lot of fun too, as you get maneuverability to dodge incoming attacks paired with speed to quickly slice down foes.


As the game progress, stronger enemies show up more frequently making combat more intense as there is a tempo of knowing where to dodge and where to go for the kill. From poisonous lizards that can take you out in one hit to enemies with 360 angle attacks, seizing the moment is a matter of life or death. Your companions also play a big role as they can fill the gaps that you are lacking. For example, if you are not focused on the art of magic, perhaps putting Petrus on your team fills that role.

What makes this so important is that you cannot have them all, at least for a very long segment of your run. Depending on which tree the player chooses, their experience will vastly change. It has a nice flavor to the setting of the game, while also giving and limiting the player's option.

I am a Diplomat, not a Scout

One of the biggest systems in GreedFall is its reputation system. As you progress through the game, both factions and individuals will form their own opinions about you. Whether you are on good terms with them or blacklisted will greatly influence your journey and destination. As a diplomat, it is your responsibility to keep your faction, The Congregation of Merchants on good terms with other powers of the island.

It is a very interesting feature in this case because it makes dialogue richer while giving the player unexpected situations. Perhaps killing those soldiers disobeying order could land you in trouble with their nation or ignoring your companion's request might lead them to abandon you or even worse. GreedFall dances around interconnecting stories. From side quests to personal matters, what you choose to do or not to do will shape the world in a significant way.

Uncharted lands in a Beautiful World

The graphics had been given special attention on GreedFall as facial animations are good while the models of the characters have a lot of details. The clothes textures give a better look to individuals during conversations while all other elements as voice acting and mannerism finish putting it all together. You can appreciate how the creatures all behave in their own respective ways as well as humans, who will sometimes give clues to something hidden if you look at their models and dialogues.


The island on itself looks pretty. From cities in the process of modernization to forest fill with animals and rivers or religious places with fanatical followers, each place has a unique touch to it. The atmosphere it communicates can give the player an idea of what sorts of encounters they can expect while traversing these areas. From being questioned about their take on religion to extremely dangerous creatures out of nowhere. The world is vast and features a lot of different themes.

Strong Points

The best parts of GreedFall are the boss fight and its narrative elements. For the boss fights, they are challenging and get better as the game progresses. It creates some exciting encounters while introducing amazing creatures and humans that will present some complexity to the combat. This is very good, as it serves to face the problem that can be repetitive combat in an open-world RPG. From creatures of the sea with tentacles looking like straight from a horror-fantasy to forest guardians with ferocious attacks and sorcery, they make up for interesting fights.


The other point is the narrative. The world is not black and white but rather gray, and this is something that this game manages to express. Each faction has its own goals and methods, yet there is no clear definition of what is good or evil. They act under their principles and can be helpful to people in some instances yet ruthless in their approach to situations in others. A fanatical religious faction can be saving lives of innocent natives in one moment, and the next they can be burning their idols at a stake. This gives GreedFall a more complex narrative to enjoy.


The story centers around De Sardet The cousin of the main facto leader of The Congregation of Merchants on the island, Constantin. As their fair cousin and right hand, you will be tasked with dealing with political matters, discovering secrets, exploring the island and getting to know its inhabitants better. The first hours can be a bit dull as the world starts to become alive, but after a while, it becomes an excellent story with a plot that makes you want to find out more. The dialogue is very rich and for the most part, both the main quest and side-quest were very pleasing to play through.

X Notes

There were some crashes during my run, these were more common during the latter half of the game. With a GTX 1060, there were some low frames at times, yet most of the experience was solid using Ultra settings, reaching 60-80 FPS except during the main cities, in which they hovered around 40-50. Last mission can suffer from different glitches.

What makes it Special

What makes this game special is the important decisions that you take during it, what you decided to choose from the limited pool you have at your disposal and its interconnected quests. What you do in a side-quest or do not do can influence the main quest in huge ways and shape an entirely different experience during your run, which gives the player a lot of reason to do a second run.


GreedFall is a fantastic open-world RPG. While polishing and optimizations aren't its strong suits, it manages to create a setting that is filled with gray areas and deep topics to reflect about. With a run lasting between 30-60 hours, there is a lot to do during your journey and you can dictate your own path and pacing. I recommend this game to those that enjoy open-world games and those that enjoy well-written stories.

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446 Produkte im Account
231 Reviews
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 01:49
Beta review
Wait for the game to be on sale for anything around $18.49 and lower. Anything else is overpriced.

+I do like the story and sidequests so far
+Game world is beautiful
+Game world detail
+Voice cast
+Load times are pretty respectable
+Target the enemy you want to attack with mouse and go for it with keyboard
+Character development options
+Map is pretty good. More detail than some I've seen.
+Looting everything possible
+Weapon selections
+Clothing selections
+Light sources
+Day/Night sky
+Day/Night cycle
+Detective choices
+/- Locations
+/- Not enough player customization
-Want to pick up loot and end up starting a conversation with a companion
-Game performance issues
-A lot of loading zones
-Patch support
-Limited party size (without mods)
-Have to practice jumping for you to actually jump across things...FFS!!
-You can fast travel from the map in limited situations
-Can only rest at a camp fire
-Can't fight your way through missions.. have to dress up as a certain faction or go in the back door
-Copy/paste vendors/merchants
-Most NPC's are copy/paste and are useless unless required by a quests or mission
-Mouth animation/sync is rather bad
-Invisible walls
-Small cities and area's
-Once the enemy A.I. surrounds you, you are pretty much screwed
-Made for console
-DLC is a joke
-Stealth combat is pretty bad
-Deleting or changing focus and spiders intro's forces the game to crash or not load. Very cheap and lame.
-A.I. cheats like crazy in combat
-A.I. difficulty cheats a lot
-Can't attack whoever you want (within cities)
-Arena combat is pretty close to impossible to win
-Crap combat menu
-Can't roll away from enemies
-Combat keyboard options
-Potions that seems to do nothing useful
-A.I. companions are useless
667 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 05:51
I pretty much always finish the games I've bought, whether they get boring or not, but after a great start GreedFall got so depressingly dull I had to make an exception.

I perfectly understand the relatively low metascore on this one, as the game has average written (almost) all over it. That said, GreedFall does have its special charm that kept it fascinating--until it started to overstay its welcome, that is. Certain moments around the first quarter elicited a childlike awe in me, not dissimilar to what my beloved Fable the Fart Simulator did when I was 16 years younger. The beautiful art style and nice soundtrack amounted to that fairytale-esque wonder.

GreedFall was advertised as not having fetch quests--the bane of all RPGs, which, honestly, have never bothered me. While that's mostly true, most of the game is consisted of running back and forth talking to people in locations that all look the same (more of that later), which, if you ask me, is not a superior design. Now, don't get me wrong, as to me, alongside character development, the dialogues are absolutely the meat and bones of RPGs, but it goes without saying that they need to be well-written when the other gameplay aspects are not captivating enough. Sadly, the writing is almost never particularly great in GreedFall, nor is the gameplay. The writing is not bad by any means, but it's risk-free, mostly predictable, and even in all its seriousness too easygoing and naïve, at least for a guy of my age. With certain exceptions, I hardly ever connected with the characters or felt emotionally invested in the story.

For what it's worth, the writing is significantly more eloquent than in some recent big budget RPGs/RPG-lites I've played, like, for example, Fallout 4 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey--I just enjoyed them for different reasons. Also, one of GreedFall's highlights are its companion quests; they are, in fact, a lot more memorable than what I've witnessed in other RPGs. And, to be fair, the main story was rather enjoyable initially, being somewhat similar to a carefree and heart-warming Disney family movie with a score of 6-7.

When it comes to locations that all look the same, almost all games with big open areas have noticeable asset recycling, but it's usually not too disruptive. In GreedFall it's definitely too prominent. Almost all quest-related buildings and their interiors in different towns and villages are exact copies of each other. Now, of course the low budget and small team size are the limiting factors here, but I'll give you a tip: if you don't have the resources, you shouldn't forcibly add content into your game to make it seem more grand--although obviously the same should apply if you did have the resources. In other words, the game would've benefitted a lot of having a considerably smaller scope and a shorter story.

As for the gameplay, it's nothing special. The melee combat was mostly satisfying, though, especially after I unlocked the roll ability--made me feel like I was Teenage Mutant Ninja Geralt. If you want to play it safe, invest in guns or magic, as they are overpowered. The game has randomized loot drops, which is usually an addictive factor in RPGs, but the items here have uninteresting stats with fixed values, so do not expect anything engaging on that regard. The visual design on gear is mostly really good, though. Alas, there's no transmogrifying, and it's not possible to hide your headgear.

All in all, I can't recommend the game for its full price (50 €), as for that price one would expect higher production values and less asset recycling, or, more importantly, just a better game overall. For half the price, perhaps, if you're super into these kind of games and if the setting and the art style make you extremely intrigued. After all, GreedFall is beautiful, charming, initially entertaining, and--this is where it stands out--it has memorable companion quests. But if the overall writing does not please you enough, you might find this game a painful slog, because the game is essentially nothing but conversations.
247 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
1985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 18:03
So far I am enjoying this game. It is a 3rd person Renaissance & Fantasy game with some decent exploration and gathering. Spiders did really well this time. Combat and movement are not clunky and are quite fluid. I like the side quests. Graphics are good. With a small dev team the distance vision is not as fleshed out so there are some foggy areas but it all adds to the atmosphere. I like the skill system. Voice acting is pretty good.

I picked it up at full price since I was eager to have such a quality RPG to play. It has been a few years since I played a nice game like this.

I plan on making my playtime last, playing only a few hours per day. However, it is a hard game to stay away from!

I use a controller as it was meant to be played this way.

I like this game.
311 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 02:14
Ahh Greedfall, while it does have its kinks with it's the occasional glitch, odd combat that is neither genre redefining nor hair tearingly broken or the odd genepool curse that seems to have befallen this world making every third person look like every sixth person. These are not the things we RPG fans come for, no we've been playing since characters were things known as sprites and monsters looked like they were cut off paper and glued onto the screen, no what we're here for, is the story, and on that Greedfall Delivers without a hint of a doubt and can warmly be recommended.
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 01:05
I pretty much only like Mass Effect,all 4, and Dragon Age, all 4. Been waiting for another, it's just not happening, so started finally looking, found GreedFall, has all the attributes I like, plays like my favorites. Great scenery, character interaction, story line
196 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 06:23
There are a lot of in-depth posts that explore all aspects of Greedfall but in this I will primarily direct some honest feedback at the developers in the event they actually read any of these. For everyone else, suffice it to say, If you’re even a casual fan of RPG’s then Greedfall is absolutely worth picking up on sale. The world building is fantastic: Colonialism, gunpowder, magic, and religion all rolled into one package which makes for a great adventure on a tiny island in the New World. It’s certainly one of my favorite fantasy settings in a game I have played in a long time.

I found all the companions in the game to be distinct and surprisingly likeable. And this comes from someone who hated the cartoonish caricature-like companions of the recent Outer Worlds. In Greedfall we have the native princess, the landed swashbuckler, the old-man cleric, the mentoring man-at-arms, and the aspiring scientist, who may sound like traditional RPG stereotypes, but they nonetheless make for an interesting assortment of characters. The way many of their backstories are intertwined with the game was truly amazing. Many of them have meanginful interjections, reactions and diagloue when conducting quests for any of their respective factions, and this gives player decisions additional significance and consequence. While I feel that the companions had plenty to say while completing quests, I wish they would have been a bit more developed while talking to them at home base. I was left wanting more from them, but that is preferable to the alternative in a game like this.

The scenery in the game is beautiful. Each faction’s town feels unique and culturally different. However, the game does suffer a little bit from the zones almost being almost too big. Not quite on the level of Kingdoms of Amalur mind you, but I honestly feel that half of the forest zones could have been eliminated and I never would have known the difference. Each of these forest zones were obviously meticullously designed but there was a strong sense of sameness. In an average play through this would be less noticable but I am a completionist and so this slight issue became more apparent.

The cut scenes were masterfully done and lent a cinematic feel to pivotal moments in the story. There were a number of times where I found myself saying, “Oh shit!” when something exciting happened. These cut scenes were far too infrequent though, and I feel that the pacing of the game would have been much more consistent had there been more of them added for some of the optional quests.

The dialogue and voice acting in the game were surprisingly impressive. Right from the onset when I met my character’s mother and cousin, and then the aforementioned man-at-arms, I knew that dialogue was going to be solid. I’ve always been entertained by the flowery, pleasantry-filled exchanges of nobility and Greedfall delivered on that front. I thought that the accent choice for the natives was a bit odd. I respect the effort in attempting to make it unique and consistent, but I would have preferred if they just embraced the cliche of other games and made all the natives (elves in other games) sound irish/welsh like in Dragon Age, for example. Then again, someone would probably be complaining about cultural appropriation so perhaps my critique is irrelevant.

I could write more but in summary, I thought the game was very good and any sequel or revisit to the world would pretty much be an instabuy for me. I think the developers have a solid foundation for future games and if they can improve upon a few shortcomings, their next game has the potential to be something truly special.
183 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 17:36
It's okay.

I love the setting. I've always loved the colonial era aesthetics.

The combat is decent, the biggest gripe with the combat is mob leashing. If I kite enemies outiside a certain circle they will run back and reset their health. Can easily be exploited by killing a mob- reset- kill another mob- reset. It's very easy to accidentally reset a mob, which was incredibly frustrating.

I wanted to specialize in traps, I lay my super special magic trap in a hallway around the corner. I'm going to kite these fools right into my trap. They'll all be frozen or poisoned and I can just open fire on them, they won't know what hit em. Nope! They get to the hallway and turn around. So deflating.

I never felt attached to any of the characters. They all just seemed so bland to me.

The main story is pretty interesting, the decisions seem to really matter and change the world. A lot of the side quests are boring. Kill this thing, run over here. It felt like a lot of them were just added in to get the time played numbers up, they weren't actually quality content.
537 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.20 19:35
I was expecting a lot more from this game after those positive reviews. This game has some major issues that make it very hard to enjoy. It wasn't worth the money compared to other great games out there.

- Graphics are nice

I had zero issues with performance and the landscapes are beautiful

- Story was interesting up to this point

I liked the design of the factions and quest stories were interesting

- Crafting was easy but enjoyable

Crafting was easy but also felt good because you can manage long periods of time by upgrading your current gear

- Fighting is horrible in this game

Movement is janky at best and you have input delays which is really bad with the current combat system. There is no poise system which makes fights far longer than needed especially on higher difficulties it's just dancing around for 10 minutes per fight. That's a horrible fighting system.

- Controls and UI design are not good

With a keyboard and mouse you have to bind everything to your keyboard because the game doesn't recognize extra buttons on your mouse. This game has a lot of buttons. With a controller it feels like not enough buttons and the camera is wonky but I would say controller is still a bit better without extra mouse buttons. Even switching between your char and companions for equipment is always a challange with those controls and UI design.

- Quests are boring

While I like the story behind quests. The gameplay of quests is actually boring you mostly run around back and forth for no reason at all.


The game at this point is too expensive for what it delivers. It has some major flaws and gameplay is really bad it gets rescued a bit by graphics and story but don't expect much.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
77.35% 9103 2665
Release:10.09.2019 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Spiders Games Vertrieb: Focus Home Interactive Engine: Silk engine Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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