- Stelle dich ethischen Zwickmühlen. Willst du wirklich Geld für richtiges Burgerfleisch für das Hexenverbrennungsfestival ausgeben, wenn so viel Fleisch... einfach in deinem Vorgarten herumliegt?
- Sammle wertvolle Ressourcen und stelle neue Sachen her. Mache aus deinem Friedhof ein erfolgreiches Geschäft, erkunde die umliegenden Ländereien und sammle alles auf, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist.
- Aufgaben und Leichen. Diese Toten brauchen doch alle ihre Organe nicht, oder? Zermahle sie doch und verkaufe sie dem Metzger im Ort! Oder du erfüllst richtige Aufgaben, du alter Rollenspieler.
- Erkunde mysteriöse Dungeons. Kein Mittelalterspiel ohne miefige Kerker. Wage dich hinaus ins Unbekannte und finde nützliche neue Zutaten, mit denen du aus Versehen einen Haufen Dorfbewohner vergiften kannst. Hoppla.
Graveyard Keeper
Du musst angemeldet sein
Über das Spiel

Steam Nutzer-Reviews
2966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 17:40
3900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 19:16
recht interessante und ausgefallene Story. Zudem sorgt die entspannte, lockere Stimmung für ein wenig Entspannung, welche mich, zusammen mit dem ausgeprägten Craftingsystem (zumindest für mich XD), viele Stunden vor den Bildschirm brachte und immernoch bringt.
3353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 16:44
Monsterspawn muss erhöht werden oder im Dungeon ein gewisser reset stattfinden.
Die Chance mehr dunkle Körperteile zu finden muss erhöht werden.
Ansonsten ein gelungenes und empfehlenswertes Spiel.
12296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 10:53
Das Skillsystem ist in 3 Punkte aufgegliedert, wobei es später wieder einmal purer Grind ist, Punkte zu generieren (craften von Grabsteinen für Blaue Punkte). Das ist einerseits Schade, weil ich nie das Gefühl hatte, dass es notwendig ist, die möglichen Perks zu erhalten. Bis zu einem gewissen Punkt muss ich auch meinen Friedhof gestalten. Darüber hinaus ist es nur was für Enthusiasten, mehr Punkte durch gute Leichen und tolle Grabsteine zu erhalten. Ich hätte gehofft, dass es irgendwann Mods gibt, die das Spiel in der Tiefe, mit neuen NPC und mehr Quests, noch erweitern. Aber leider scheint das n Wunschtraum zu bleiben.
Ich gebe dem Spiel als Schulnote eine 3-. Ohne das nervige Gegrinde und mit besseren Gegnern wäre es sicher eine 1 geworden. Die Story gefällt mir sehr gut, das Skillsystem ist innovativ und die Dialoge sind teilweise wirklich witzig und unterhaltsam. Insgesamt fehlt hier eindeutig ein Modding-Support.
Nicht Empfohlen
391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 09:20
Das Spiel ist meiner Meinung nach nicht grundlegend schlecht, allerdings gibt es zu viele Dinge die mich stören.
Hier mal ein paar aufgelistet:
- das Crafting ist ziemlich langweilig
- Kämpfen macht keinen Spaß (zu wenige Gegnertypen, kaum Ausrüstung)
- zu wenig Individualisierungsmöglichkeiten beim Bauen, alles kommt an seinen vorgesehenen Ort
- gefühlt besteht das Spiel zu einem großen Teil nur aus dem grinden der Ressourcen
- das Wochentagssystem nervig umgesetzt, obwohl die Idee ganz nett ist
- …
Die Geschichte die das Spiel zu erzählen versucht, macht eig. einen interessanten Eindruck und die Grafik ist ziemlich gelungen. Schade, dass es an anderen Stellen so hapert.
3120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 14:46
Wer Lust auf ein Crafting, Adventure und ziemlich unterhaltsame aber auch teilweise finstere Geschichten hat, der kann mit dem Spiel nichts falsch machen!!
1461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 12:15
2445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 12:48
Wie ignoriere ich den Beruf des Totengräbers erfolgreich und mache alles andere, außer Leichen bestatten.
Das Progress System des Spiels wirkt sehr durchdacht und ist niemals unfair.
Viele Ressourcen können gekauft werden, sodass man nicht dazu gewungen wird zu Fischen oder Stundenlang auf Steine zu kloppen.
Es gibt soviele Dinge zu erledigen das kaum weiß wo man anfangen soll.
Das Spiel ist auf jeden Fall den Preis wert und motiviert einen durch düstere Atmosphäre und den geballten Inhalt.
4289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 15:41
Kapitalismus im Leichenstadium
„Ich schmeiße die Leiche einfach mal in den Fluss. Er oder Sie…äh… wollte es so!“
„Graveyard Keeper“ wirkt auf den ersten Blick ein wenig wie das bekannte Stardew Valley, spielt sich aber doch anders. Als eigentliche Tätigkeit kümmern wir uns um den Friedhof, nehmen Leichen auf, klauen ihre Organe und verbuddeln sie. Äh, vergesst den mittleren Schritt. Das wäre ja…höchst unanständig! Aber hey, das leckere Fleisch kann man ja nicht verkommen lassen…Äh, wo war ich? Achja, neben dieser Tätigkeit in der Top-Down Ansicht bauen wir dann tatsächlich noch Pflanzen an, hacken Holz und sammeln generell Ressourcen und erledigen gelegentlich auch mal eine Quest. In der langen Spielzeit schalten wir immer mehr Verarbeitungsprozesse und Technologien frei, die wir uns mit Skillpunkten erwerben. Das Prinzip ist dabei aber immer dasselbe: Erst erlernen wir eine neue Technik, dann bauen wir die Geräte dafür und üben uns daran, was üblicherweise gut belohnt wird. Da es jedoch viele komplexe Techniken gibt, können wir viele Arbeiten an Zombies, die wir erschaffen, „outsourcen“ und so bauen wir mit der Zeit lange und selbständige Produktionsketten auf.
“Graveyard Keeper” zieht sich teilweise recht stark, was natürlich oft an den Mechaniken liegt. Bei mir persönlich kam allerdings immer dieses Gefühl auf, dass ich schon früher bei Minecraft hatte: „Ah, das mache ich noch fertig. Ups, das da wollte ich ja auch noch erledigen“. Wer kennt es nicht? Wenn ich einmal angefangen habe, konnte ich immer nur schwer wieder aufhören. Das dürfte auch der Grund sein, wieso man den Abspann des Spiels erst nach stolzen 60 Spielstunden sieht.
Als normaler Typ in der heutigen Zeit erleiden wir einen kleinen Verkehrsunfall und finden uns plötzlich in einer anderen Welt wieder. Aus irgendeinem Grund sind wir der Friedhofswärter in einer Fantasiewelt und dabei wollen wir doch eigentlich nur wieder nach Hause. Auf der Suche nach den Gründen, wieso wir plötzlich in einem schrägen Mittelalter leben, erledigen wir Aufgaben für die Dorfbewohner, sprechen mit unserem besten Freund, dem Totenschädel und machen uns mit dem morbiden Humor des Spiels vertraut. Denn die Dialoge sind einfach köstlich und genau wie das Gameplay, einfach nur verrückt. Wer schon mal ein Spiel vom Publisher „TinyBuild“ gespielt hat, der weiß, wovon ich rede. Enttäuscht war ich nur ein wenig vom Ende, von dem ich nach der langen Spielzeit einfach ein wenig mehr erwartet hätte.
Pixelig, sehr pixelig. Trotzdem vermisst man bei dem Look nichts und alles Wichtige ist gut erkennbar. Außerdem fallen einem durchaus die kleineren Feinheiten und Attitüden der Charaktere auf, wenn man sich darauf einlässt. Die Grafik ist genau richtig konzipiert.
Soundtechnisch ist das Spiel auch relativ plump aufgebaut, bietet aber ein paar schöne Melodien. Aber da sich das Spiel so hinzieht, habe ich ehrlich gesagt, die meiste Zeit Serien geschaut.
In „Stranger Sins“ erfüllen wir uns einen lang ersehnten Traum: Wir machen eine Kneipe auf! Dazu kommen neue Storyplots und mit der Taverne eine Möglichkeit, richtig Geld zu verdienen. Außerdem erfahren wir etwas über die Vergangenheit des Dorfes. „Game of Crone“ bietet mit einem Flüchtlingslager, Vampiren und einem sozialistischen Esel drei verschiedene Storylines. Beide DLCs sind jedoch eher begleitend gedacht und der Kauf lohnt sich daher nur, wenn man erst ein paar Stunden im Spiel verbracht hat oder nochmal neu anfangen will. Sie lohnen sich schon, aber man kann ja auch erst nach ca. 10 Spielstunden überlegen, ob man den Aufpreis tätigen möchte.
„Graveyard Keeper“ ist ein komplexes Aufbauspiel, dass den Spieler jedoch entspannt schalten und walten lässt. Die Story fühlte sich zeitweilen mehr wie ein Hintergrund an, was jedoch auch an der langen Spielzeit und den verhältnismäßig wenigen Interaktionen mit den NPCs liegen könnte. Aber trotzdem war die Geschichte ganz nett und insbesondere witzig gestaltet. „Graveyard Keeper“ muss einem von der Aufmachung schon gefallen und es muss klar sein, dass man hier einige Spielstunden versenken kann und das Spiel recht grindlastig ist.. Wer auf der Suche nach einem Spiel dieser Art ist, der ist hier auch fündig geworden.
Du bist auf den äh…Leichengeschmack gekommen? Für mehr Reviews kannst du mal in meiner Steamgruppe vorbeischauen, in der ich noch viele weitere Titel reviewt habe. Würde mich sehr freuen!
Nicht Empfohlen
1487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 09:54
Um mich kurz zu fassen:
Mir gefällt die Musik, der Graphikstil, das Thema und die Ideen
Die Umsetzung ...
Um das Kontra mal etwas auszuführen:
Es gibt eine Menge Skilltrees, was aber fast egal ist da man um einen zu benutzen auch fast alle andere mit skillen muss. Beispiel: Gegenstand X freigeschaltet in Skilltree 1. Man stellt sobald fest das erfordert Gegenstand A,B,C zum herstellen aus Skilltree 2,3 und 4 und im Zweifel nicht nur genau so tief geskillt sondern noch tiefer als um besagten Gegenstand X freizuschalten.
Was mich dann auch gleich zum nächsten Punkt führt. Nie hatte ich das Gefühl das ich sinnvoll ein Ziel verfolgen konnte. Man muss sich um alles mögliche andere kümmern um auch hier weiter zu kommen.
Interaktion mit den Charakteren ist im wohlwollen als karg zu bezeichnen. Man holt sich seine Questinformationen ab und das wars meistens dann auch schon. Selten gibt es Dialoge die spürbar darüber hinaus gehen und nie hatte ich das Gefühl das sie besonders lustig oder interessant wären.
Tag/Nacht Zyklus: vollkommen irrelevant abgesehen von der Funktion als Fortschrittsbremse. Viele wichtige Charaktere tauchen genau einmal die Woche auf und dann tagsüber. Nachts tauchen in einigen Gegenden Fledermäuse auf was aber fast vollkommen egal ist. Es gibt aber keine guten Gründe etwas Tags oder Nachts zu machen. Letztendlich legt man sich schlafen wenn die Energie leer ist und das wars.
Fortbewegung: Die meisten Strecken sind lang und langweilig. Die Anschaffung eines Gegenstands zum Teleportieren macht das ganze wenigstens erträglich.
Handel: Eigentlich könnte kam das Thema streichen. Das Problem beginnt damit das man sehr wenig überhaupt verkaufen kann. Sobald man etwas in größeren Mengen herstellt sinkt der Preis auch sofort ins nicht mehr Lohnenswerte.
Questdetails können nicht wieder aufgerufen werden, man erfährt nur noch grob das Ziel aus einer Übersicht mit den Personen.
Es gibt zahlreiche Orte an denen man etwas bauen kann aber man hat keine Übersicht was dafür gebraucht wird wenn man nicht vor Ort ist. Das ich genötigt bin Zettel und Stift liegen zu haben um aufzuschreiben was für Materialien wo gebraucht werden nervt.
Das Kampfsystem ist Schrott um nicht zu sagen nicht vorhanden. Man kann mit einem Schwert zuschlagen. Damit hat sichs dann.
Fazit: es fühlt sich wie ein Early Access Spiel an bei dem die wesentlichen Mechaniken programmiert wurden wo man aber gerade erst anfängt es mit Leben zu füllen. Das ich das Gefühl habe obwohl ich alle DLCs benutze, finde ich einfach beschämend.
558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 07:06
Für mehr deutschsprachige Reviews besucht meine Kuratoren-Seite:
5075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 15:05
11805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 23:43
Mit den DLCs Breaking Dead, Stranger Sins und dem neuesten Game of Crone kam nochmal jede Menge unterhaltsamer Content dazu, der außerdem auch viel Licht in das Dunkel der Hintergrundgeschichte bringt.
Fazit: Graveyard Keeper ist einfach Liebe!
7420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 15:16
Es gibt immer etwas zu tun und fühlt sich angenehm überfordert.
Ich empfehle jedem dieses Spiel wärmstens.
1629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 10:34
Anfangs etwas wirr, musste erstmal die Mechaniken verstehen und feststellen, dass einige Sachen noch gar nicht gebaut / hergestellt werden können. Häufig ist nicht klar, ob ich erst mit einer Person sprechen und deren Quest erfüllen muss, oder ob ich das im Talentbaum freischalten muss. Um so mehr freut man sich dann über den AHA-Effekt.
Würde es mir definitiv erneut kaufen und Zombies für mich arbeiten lassen. ^_^
3312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 19:23
Das Spielprinzip umfasst weitaus mehr als nur das Gewerbe als Graveyard Keeper, aber ich werde hauptsächlich darüber sprechen, da man dieses noch nicht aus anderen Spielen kennt. Andere Aspekte sind Farming, Mining, der Dungeon (welches Pazifisten größtenteils umgehen können) und Foraging. Crafting ist essentieller Bestandteil des Spiels.
Als Friedhofsgärtner wird einem jeden Tag eine Leiche geliefert. Man kann diese sezieren und ihr diverse Teile entnehmen, die man selber gebrauchen oder in einem Fall auch verkaufen kann (was entäuschenderweise nicht sehr lukrativ ist). Viele Teile braucht man, um Tränke und Reagenzien herzustellen. Man muss aber aufpassen, dass man die Leichen dabei nicht verunstaltet, wenn man sie noch begraben möchte, denn die Anzahl der Körperteile und der Zustand der Leiche haben Einfluss auf die Schönheit des Grabes. Und da man fürs Weiterkommen einen schönen Friedhof braucht, sollte man das nicht vernachlässigen.
Das einzige, was mich leider wirklich genervt hat, waren die weiten Wege. Auch wenn es Shortcuts gibt, welche man freilegen kann, fand ich nur einen davon wirklich hilfreich. Das eigene Grundstück ist sinnvoll aufgebaut, aber manchmal muss man Ewigkeiten umherrennen, um einen Gegenstand zu craften, weil man dafür an verschiedene Craftingstationen muss, die man nicht beliebig, sondern immer nur im entsprechenden Gebiet aufbauen kann. Außerdem kam es öfter vor, dass ich für eine Quest hin- und herlaufen musste, und der NPC am Ende schon auf dem Heimweg war, wodurch ich wieder eine In-Game-Woche warten musste (wichtige NPCs tauchen nur an bestimmten Tagen auf). Das fühlte sich an, als hätte man das Spiel künstlich strecken wollen und hat mir persönlich etwas Spaß an der Sache genommen. Die Woche war am Ende aber immer schneller rum als gedacht, da man immer was zu tun hat.
Insgesamt auf jeden Fall ein gelungenes Spiel und eine dicke Empfehlung von mir. Ich würde meine Zeit und mein Geld jederzeit wieder dafür hergeben.
57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 16:13
Für erste Eindrücke könnt ihr euch mein Video anschauen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHDqwQ9a6Zg&list=PL1dSSASvFWwDoNNACM1q_AufWLevd9zEf&index=314
9002 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 12:04
Kurz gesagt: Es macht Spaß und ich kann es daher nur empfehlen.
Nach einem Verkehrsunfall wachen wir in der Welt von Graveyard Keeper auf.
[spoiler]Unser Charakter würde am liebsten auf direkten Weg in seine Welt zurückkehren, soll nun aber erst einmal Gerry ausgraben und sich um den Friedhof kümmern, um einen Weg zurück zu finden.[/spoiler]
Wir sind also jetzt Friedhofswärter. Wobei eigentlich sind wir mehr als das. Wir können in unserer Friedhofskapelle einmal die Woche eine Messe abhalten, Landwirtschaft, Alchemie und vieles Weiteres betreiben. Mit dem DLC Stranger Sins besteht sogar die Möglichkeit eine eigene Taverne zu eröffnen. Das klingt auf dem ersten Blick nach viel Arbeit, besonders dann wenn man allen Bereichen nachkommen möchte. Wir können aber im Laufe der Story auf Automatisierungsmethoden zurückgreifen, die uns die Arbeit zumindest teilweise erleichtert. Dafür setzen wir einfach auf billige Arbeitskräfte. Zombies. Diese können wir beispielsweise dafür einsetzen, Holz für uns zu farmen. Dadurch lässt sich zugleich auch ein häufig genannter Kritikpunkt ein wenig entschärfen: Der Grind. Das Game ist grindlastig, etwa weil wir für unseren Talentbaum viele Punkte benötigen, die wir durch das herstellen und sammeln von Objekten erhalten. Es besteht zwar die Möglichkeit Punkte zu kaufen, allerdings sind diese gerade zu Anfang sehr teuer. Dementsprechend skeptisch war ich Anfangs gegenüber dem Spiel und habe lange mit dem Kauf gewartet. Entgegen meiner Erwartung, stellte der Grind allerdings kein großes Problem dar und hält sich für meinen Teil sogar im Rahmen. Wobei hier sicher die Meinungen auseinander gehen.
Die Story gefällt mir sehr gut. Positiv hervor sticht hier besonders der Schwarze Humor mit dem das Spiel arbeitet, aber auch die Hintergrundgeschichten der jeweiligen Charaktere, die sich im Laufe der Story ergeben und die unerwarteten Verbindungen zu den anderen Charakteren offenbaren.
Gut gewählt waren in meinen Augen auch die Anspielungen auf andere Spiele und Filme.
Für jemanden der sonst eher selten 2D-Spiele spielt, gefällt mir die Grafik gut. Das zählt auch für das gewählte mittelalterliche Setting. Die Hintergrundmusik ist ebenfalls gelungen und man kann während des Spiels gut abschalten.
2 Kritikpunkte möchte ich allerdings dennoch formulieren. Zum einen fällt das Inventar etwas zu klein aus. Zum Glück besteht Dank Mods die Möglichkeit das Inventar zu erweitern.
Zum anderen bestehen teilweise lange Laufwege zwischen den einzelnen Orten, die für mich negativ ins Gewicht fallen. Es gibt zwar einen Teleportstein, der es ermöglicht zu bereits entdeckten Orten zu reisen, allerdings übersieht man diesen leicht und wird seitens des Spiels auch nicht darauf hingewiesen. Ich habe zu Anfang viel Zeit damit verbracht von A nach B zu laufen. Daher mein Tipp, kauft euch den Teleportstein so früh wie möglich beim Wirt. So spart ihr zumindest einen Teil der Laufwege.
Alles in allem wurde ich entgegen meiner Erwartungen von Graveyard Keeper positiv überrascht und kann es daher trotz der beiden Kritikpunkte nur weiter empfehlen.
5306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 11:23
Tolles Spiel, viel Tiefe, leider ist nicht immer ganz klar wie man weiterkommt und ein paar mehr Tipps wären schön gewesen. Man muss etwas Grinden, also würde ich nicht zum Spiel greifen, wenn das nicht dein Ding ist. Ansonsten jeden Cent wert.
1559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 13:47
Ich bin echt erstaut, was für ein liebevolles, komplexes, tiefgängiges und witziges Spiel sich hierhinter verbirgt. Selbst die deutsche Übersetzung lässt keine Wünsche offen. Es macht wirklich Spaß, hier immer wieder neues zu entdecken.
Würde empfehlen vorher keine Guides oder Hilfen zu lesen, sondern sich von der Story treiben zu lassen. Eigentlich lässt sich alles auch durch probieren herausfinden.
Unbedingt anschauen
5066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 19:09
868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 12:43
Nicht Empfohlen
916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 21:39
Es ist schwer zu sagen, ob mir das Spiel gefallen hat oder nicht. Einzelne Aspekte - also wie gesagt das Grundprinzip - ist schon was für mich gewesen. Viel Unklarheiten kamen durch komische Designentscheidungen, die eher einen negativen Beigeschmack hinterlassen haben, weshalb ich das Spiel auch nicht zu Ende spielen mag. Z.B.
- Man weiß nie mit welchem NPC man was handeln kann (und warum).
- Laufwege sind lang und die Laufanimation des Charakters nicht flüssig.
- Die Steuerung wird dürftig oder gar nicht erklärt und war in meinem Fall ein Mischmasch aus Tastatur und Maus. Warum nicht nur Tastatur? Warum nicht mehr mit der Maus ala Point'N Click?
- Gegenstandsbeschreibungen fehlen in wichtigen Kontexten
- Gebäude können den Charakter festsetzen, so dass er an manche Objekte nicht mehr dran kommt
- Der Techtree scrollt nach freischalten neuer Fähigkeiten immer nach links
- Freischaltungen sind schwer nachvollziehbar. Gebäude teilen verarbeiten die selben Produkt zur gleichen höheren Stufe
- Es gibt keine Ingame Hilfe
- Fortschrittbegrenzung durch Tageszyklen. Zum Teil erzwungenes Warten.
Das Spiel hat mir einfach keinen Spaß mehr gemacht, weil es insgesamt zu träge wirkt.
1074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 12:14
Anfangs kann das Skill-System einen vielleicht zuviel vorkommen jedoch findet man sich erstaunlich schnell zurecht. Man wird gut in das Spiel eingeführt.
Ich würde sagen auch Personen welche solche Spiele noch nicht gespielt haben werden sich schnell zurecht finden und ihren Spaß daran haben.
Anfangs gab es wohl noch diverse Bugs die jedoch offensichtlich behoben wurden.
Dieses Spiel ist in meinen Augen sein Geld wert.
3581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.20 13:02
☑ Beginner
☑ Casual Gamer
☑ Normal Gamer
☐ Expert
☼ Graphics ☼
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☐ Good
☐ Beautiful
☑ Fantastic
♬ Music ♬
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☐ Good
☑ Beautiful
☐ Fantastic
☠ Difficulty ☠
☑ Easy
☑ Average
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Hard
☐ Unfair
§ Bugs §
☐ Bugs destroy the game
☐ Lots of bugs
☐ Few Bugs
☐ You can use them for speedrun
☑ Nothing encountered
☯ Story ☯
☐ There is none
☐ Bad
☐ Alright
☐ Good
☑ Fantastic
⚔ Gameplay ⚔
☐ Frustrating
☐ Sleepy
☐ Boring
☑ Fun
☑ Challenging
۞ Game time / Length ۞
☐ Really short (0 - 3 hours)
☐ Short (4 - 8 hours)
☐ Few hours (10 - 20 hours) [if you focus on the main story]
☑ Long (40-60 hours) [if you complete everything]
☑ Very Long (61-100 hours)
☐ Extremely Long (101+ hours)
$ Price / Quality $
☑ Full price
☐ Wait for Sale
☐ Don't buy
☐ Refund it if you can
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 23:29
8147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 18:27
If you’re looking for Stardew Graveyard, you’ll find it partially incarnated here.
Let me get straight to the point. Graveyard Keeper is not a farming simulation game. Of course, it has farming, but farming is not the central focus of the title. The story begins with a bit of an existential conundrum: our beautifully-bearded main character finds himself alone in the dark. An equally dark figure informs him that he is now a graveyard keeper. He now needs to figure out on his own how to get home.
The focus of the game is of course, taking care of a graveyard and managing the adjacent church. Daily tasks in Graveyard Keeper range from the familiar cutting trees and mining ores, to writing new sermons to perform in the church, to disemboweling and studying corpses. Yes, you are expected to be jack-of-too-many-trades. Each task requires energy, which can be regained by sleeping, though running out of energy has no consequences and you’re free to stay awake for days if you want. Progression is driven by unlocking crafting recipes in several technology trees for each of the main vocational skills in the game, allowing you to build crafting stations like a carpenter’s workbench and anvil, but also embalming tables and alchemy racks.
Unlike Stardew Valley in which any profession can potentially carry you through the game, but Graveyard Keeper demands that you give equal attention to each of the many disciplines as failing to progress one will likely block you from pursuing others effectively.
Visual graphic wise, the sprites details are very bewitching. Each of them gives a unique vibe as well. For example: The town is not just a bunch of same-looking houses, but it feels alive, reflecting the activities of its inhabitants. Although it may not be very noticeable, several NPCs do have some small animations that depict the current situation they are facing. That little animation details, personally blow me away as it is very considerate of the animation designers to make them feel even more alive.
In the aspect of storytelling, well I would not suggest you not to compare it with Stardew Valley but I personally do enjoy the dark humors and the story plots from the DLCs especially Game of Crone.
Overall, there is a lot to enjoy about Graveyard Keeper despite it can be quite grindy. If you are not a fan of crafting or grinding games, I personally would not recommend this title. However, if you are looking for a complicated yet still somehow easy-going game that allow you to spend countless of hours without realizing, then Graveyard Keeper is a fantastic choice. It consumed my soul, the same way as I forced my keeper to consume the flesh he harvested from the dead ????
960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 04:55
Nicht Empfohlen
1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 09:10
Sense of progression is good, nice tech tree, unlocking areas of the map, base building, whacky story, all of it is great from a technical point of view. However all the time I played it felt like I was doing chores. Which is strange because I did not get this from the previously mentioned game which is all about doing chores. I dunno, maybe it is the artstyle, maybe I am too peckish, maybe it is the timegates... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I give it a soft maybe.
1103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 12:42
3073 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 01:37
3787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 21:25
3851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 13:34
-Initial machine setup is very difficult, you will often find yourself stuck in a loop of tasks that you can't complete because every part depends on each other. Definitely doable with help from the wiki and a few online guides, but it is frustrating.
-The game was clearly released unfinished, there are tons of characters that are labeled with friendship points as though you're supposed to level them up, but you end up never needing to speak to them at all and their friendship points remain at 0.
-Middle of the game is a straight repetitive grind, there's a point where you have to get something like 12gold and it takes a few in-game weeks of repetitive and boring tasks to achieve. I nearly uninstalled in the middle of this quest.
-It's most major flaw, though, is the endgame. I was not actually able to finish the game, I don't know if it glitched out or what, but there was a point where I had completed all but 1 of the quests, but none of the NPCs who were supposed to have dialogue to trigger the last quest had the appropriate dialogue. I spent about 2 in-game weeks visiting every location in the game and talking to every single NPC (many of which you can only talk to on certain days) to see if there was something I missed, and nope. I finally uninstalled it at this point and immediately went to YouTube to watch a video of the ending cutscene and wow. The last cutscene totally solidified my decision to uninstall it.
I won't spoil the ending of the game, but I'll just say that ultimately I suppose I do recommend playing this game, but uninstalling the moment it starts feeling like a chore, because the ending is not worth it. Also, I wouldn't waste money on any of the DLCs because they feel like an obvious cash grab when many components of the DLCs honestly should have just been included in the first full release of the game, but weren't.
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6238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 11:48
i really fucking hate this fucking game, there is so much back and forth and so little pay off
it's almost playable with speed multiplier mods
still better than my life
It really grinds my gears that there isn't a way to pin recipes or quests so that I can easily keep track of what and how much I need especially because this is a rewarding gameplay loop. But my memory sucks ripe butt and all this backtracking, going back and forth, pages upon pages of wikis open, makes me feel disorganized and frustrated and creates a lack of fluidity for the game in trying to remember recipes and strips a lot of joy out for me. I looked for mods to fix this even, but didn't find any. I wish there was at least an option to toggle recipes.
2872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 01:28
There is A LOT to do in the game and time can fly when playing. And you don't need to worry about missing out on things, there is not seasons like stardew valley, it's just a repeating week cycle, the only day you don't wanna miss is the sun/church day cuz that's the only way to get faith points which you need but other than that you are free to do what you want... KINDA. It's hard to explain but people say you can play how you want and that is true but at the same time you kinda have to do all the different activities because there is usually an item or craftable from one job that is needed for a totally separate job or you won't be able to progress.
I know my review sounded strange but this game is strange. So if you want a totally bizarre stardew valley sort of style game, this is it. You won't get something weirder than this. Hope this review helps someone decide lol
933 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 22:45
12583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 20:30
Besides the jokes, this is a very grindy game. In order to do X, you need to do K, L and M and in order to do K you need to J but while you're doing J, you require human skulls(which you can remove from corpses that you got from the same donkey, no biggie) but then donkey decides that he is not going to play by the capitalist rules(?) and decides that in order for him to bring corpses to you, he requires 5 carrots(still a communist). So you start growing carrots and in order to grow carrots....
The game has a very balanced humor which I really enjoyed. It's a similar game to Stardew Valley so if you liked that one, you MIGHT like this one. This game is a little bit darker, I mean you're burying bodies and retrieving flesh from corpses to make hamburgers.
Main story was 7/10, some of the DLCs gave backstories to the main game which I really enjoyed. I think it's a great game but again it's not for everyone. If you hate grindy games, you might find this game veeery tedious to finish.
637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 11:28
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348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 03:05
This isn't an idle phone game, this is a PC game I paid money to play. I didn't want to have to wait 10+ minutes or do a ton of repetitive tasks just to continue having fun.
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4149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 04:18
The fact it looks similar to Stardew Valley is what made me pick it up, but it's nowhere near as polished or refined.
It is a more mature take, thematically, on what Stardew Valley is with church and corpse management at its core, but I’m not sure I’m ok with extracting human flesh, cooking burgers out of it and then serving it to spectators during a witch burning event…
That aside, Graveyard Keeper is also a heck of a lot more complex than Stardew and this works against it because there’s a distinct lack of overall flow, direction and explanation that makes seemingly simple things overwhelming and chaotic for the longest of times. You WILL need a wiki open to progress and you’ll soon realise that the game offers content that’s very broad in scope, but shallow even at its deepest end.
The poorly explained interconnected dependency between them all is a huge factor as to what slows everything down. You will need to get gold star vegetables/fruit/wine to progress the story so farming is a must, you will need to bury enough corpses to get enough ‘points’ to upgrade your cathedral so corpse and cathedral management is a must, you will need to reach the bottom of the only (non-randomised, with no respawning enemies) dungeon in the game to get an item in order to progress a questline so combat is a must and you’re doing them all at the same time.
The lack of any explanation/tooltips and overall lack of quality-of-life features also makes doing anything longer than it should as well. You can’t fast forward time, choosing to teleport anywhere takes forever (why isn’t it on the hotbar?!), once constructed you can’t move things around and the slow science/spiritual point gain is obnoxiously slow early game. By the time you get a handle on things you’re essentially done with the game.
Because of this and luckily, a single playthrough will allow you to see everything the game has to offer.
A playthrough that will be littered with a convoluted, slow, interconnected unexplained progression system. That when you finally reach end game, you simply end up with more busy work that literally goes nowhere (nothing to buy / upgrade) and exists solely for no other purpose than to keep you clicking (graveyard, zombie and trade store management).
It’s a lost opportunity really, instead of adding in proper end-game house/church/business upgrades to justify the investment of time, you instead have to purchase DLC’s to add even more inch deep mechanics.
I will commend the music on being relaxing and catchy though. Special call out goes to the haunting dungeon track - honestly can't help but feel that a section of it was borrowed from one of the tracks from Kid Kudi's Man on the Moon album.
There is a level of satisfaction that comes from completing and finally uninstalling this game. Not because it's bad, but because of the grind it puts you through to get there.
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2659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 14:12
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4641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 14:22
5963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 03:00
Graveyard Keeper Review
In summary, similar to Stardew Valley but very steep learning curve. Have to patient to search lots of player guides. Once you get the hang of it and the game mechanics, it gets better.
Why I love the game:
- Rewarding Progression
- Awesome NPC interactions
- Gamestyle similar to Stardew Valley
- There's always things to do
- Skill (Tech) Trees
- Crafting
- Alchemy
- Farming, Woodcutting, Fishing
- Dungeon PVE
- Dissecting Corpses
- Slavery
Why I hate the game at times:
- The reliance on Wikipedia so you don't get lost every 5 minutes
- Walking distance [spoiler] Teleportation stone a MUST [/spoiler]
- You are unable to do repeat crafting of Quality Items in one shot
- Unclear on how certain activities are triggered or quest bugs
- Massive Lore of Graveyard Keeper not within the game itself (Stranger Sins DLC)
1874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 20:52
Also, be aware that this game takes a great deal of time to do much of anything and really gets rolling once automation starts up. This is because money is scarce, everything demands for your time, and the quests are all interconnected for game progression. Once you get that done, there's still building up your graveyard, the church, dungeon delving, finding recipes, and managing to get your grubby mitts on Blue Tech points so you can actually get any of the useful tech.
For those that like hard games, this doesn't hold your hand. But the difficulty comes from obfuscating how anything is done, not as a result of challenging mechanics. As of this writing, I'm STILL trying to get the Royal Stamp but getting it is a ludicrous sum of 50 silver (that MIGHT take you a full month of just mining and selling stone with decent equipment) or get it following the main storyline. Which requires you to do woodworking, ironmongery, build up the church, unlock the alchemy lab, start up your farm, unlock half of your tech trees, study a key, make the key, dungeon delve, fulfill the quest that caused the delve, and then MAYBE you can get the stamp. I'm just about there. [Okay, starting your farm is optional. I think.]
To me, 6.5 or 7 out of 10. There are better done and more coherent farming sims out there that do a better job of tracking and demonstrating what all you need to accomplish. Progress between branches is fundamentally interconnected which slows everything down. It has a great deal of potential and an interesting premise but this zombie was made with two left feet. So give it a try if you want to dance with the dead; just know what you're getting into, fellow Graveyard Keepers.
7633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 19:57
Personally, if I were to knit pick the game, I would have liked the ability to teleport to the swamp as it can be quite a maze to maneuver around in a rush. I would also have preferred the option to teleport to either the church, dungeon, or any one of the places underneath really... Most of my time was spent trying to catch snake before he walks off for the first half of the game and considering how many rooms you must go through it doesn’t seem too far off from teleporting between the taverns, lighthouse, and mountains edge.
One of the bigger complaints for me would be inventory management. I liked that I could put multiple trunks, and believe me I had plenty, but I would have rather had an option down the road, with game progression, to upgrade/replace my current storage trunks with bigger ones, so I didn’t have to open so many boxes to move stuff around. I played with a controller most of the time and found it a PAIN to open bags and trunks to search for something and scroll for days between all of it to find stuff. This also kind of ties into my complaint about doing the alchemy stuff too as it has the same issues. I was happy about the area to set up bees, at first… but found I never would really spend the time to go collect from them especially since there wasn’t any kind of storage options available there and if I were to head in that direction I would just teleport to the quarry and back before walking near there.
Once your “business” is up and running, I found myself tediously checking out my pallet situation in the basement. I had to make sure there wasn’t too big of a box pile up from my cargo going down the elevator and then not having enough pallets to sit on resulting in boxes randomly spread around the tunnels from NPC’s walking around and pushing them. This was not really the biggest deal, but I would think if there wasn’t a pallet to place the materials on the zombie up top wouldn’t keep packing materials to disperse.
When it came to crafting anything that had rating options, I found it very annoying to make in bulk as I had to manually pick these items for each individual craft when standard items allowed for bulk crafting.
I really wish there had been more to the church. With DLC, the game gave A LOT of options for higher ratings but the grind to get the materials and get each corpse to the highest possible white skull count did not really seem worth the effort when you could easily get the church yard related tasks done way before that point. I felt the potential for continued progression here was missed as I had finished the game (story/achievements) and I was still trying to upgrade every corpse/decoration but didn’t really see a point to spend all that time and effort into it when there was nothing left to come out of it.
The weekly blessing was a nice touch, but I only ever used the combo and repose offering. I think this could have been more beneficial if maybe there were objectives you could only get from using those offerings and then had a purpose that required you to use it which would also extend play time as you might have to forfeit a week of progression to fulfill said task. For example, sacrificing a week of better corpse options vs a quality of crop you could only obtain through the blessing for an NPC request.
The souls DLC was great for corpse manipulation but poor for storyline. You discovered an entire room that you used to heal souls which then only benefit you to continue healing to collect more sin shards except this kind of falls back on the lack of satisfaction in doing this tedious task when the game doesn’t require you to do it. I liked that it brought cremation inside, but I felt this was kind of one of the more obvious things that should have been included all along being the field of work you are in.
Like I said at the start, I do like the game but there are some quality-of-life improvements that could go a long way or task structure that could have, in my opinion, been beneficial to prolonging game play and making the grind really seem worth it. All in all, the price is reasonable, and I enjoyed playing through it.
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928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 03:29
There's little to no in game explanations/information on most of the new technologies you unlock and lots of recipes aren't given in game so you either have to get lucky trying every possible combination or look it up every time.
There's also many things that are easy to misunderstand about the game that causes you to waste a lot of resources/time
5969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 20:29
Pros -
✔️ Likeable characters
✔️ Cute graphics & gibberish speak
✔️ Lots to do & always kept busy
✔️ Quirky dark humour and weird/interesting quests
✔️ Teleportation stone (so you don't have to run as much)
✔️ Talent Trees
✔️ Zombie slavessss!
✔️ Fishing, farming, cooking, mining, wood cutting, wine making, brewing - lots to do!
✔️ Replay-ability
✔️ Cannibalism
✔️ Dungeons
Cons -
❌ You need to use the Wiki a lot as you are left to figure most of the stuff out
❌ Feels like a massive grind at the beginning
❌ Buy the DLC at the start of the game (not the end)
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175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 20:04
As you try to figure out what you should be doing, and trying to find a way to get money - you progress with some clean up activities. Knowing you're getting experience point, which unlocks new abilities (blueprints).
Usually games introduce you to their mechanics in some basic fashion, and then ramp up their difficulty as you grasp the intricacies.
Graveyard keeper barely explains anything, and then sets you back even further for having tried the mechanics.
3 hours into the game, and I could only realise it would be better to start anew, rather than try to fix what I did wrong by trying, because the game does an abysmal job at explaining it.
It's not a game that allows you to enjoy it how you want it.
Don't buy, unless you enjoy grinding and playing a game in a specific way.
2179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 18:59
A big negative comment from people is that there is too much walking. I don't actually find the walking a problem at all. I enjoy walking places, and on the way you can pick up resources or do other tasks. The in game music is great and also helps the walk be more enjoyable. There are fairly good shortcuts and more shortcuts get unlocked as you play. That being said, god forbid there's a game where you actually have to play the game... and walk places... as opposed to just magically teleporting everywhere. You forget a nail when you walked across the map to build something? Who cares? It's not that big of a deal that I forgot a nail so now I need to give the game a negative review. My god.
The other complaint is that the crafting system is too complex and too grindy. It's actually not that grindy for a player who is a completionist. I love completing things. Give me more things to do, and that's just more things to complete and I love seeing the progression over time. Yes progression is slow but guess what? It's not a demanding game, Graveyard Keeper is actually a casual game. There are no deadlines, no time limits, unlike star dew valley where you need to do everything in a period of 3 years and you can miss content, and so you really need to study the wiki and know the in game calendar so you don't miss talking to people. In Graveyard Keeper you can play 1000 days and just farm apples the whole time if you wanted, with 50 chests full of apples. There is no demand to complete or do anything in any order at any time before any dates which for me makes the game less stressful than Stardew Valley was. An example of a complex game is Factorio, which was so complex it was mind boggling and boring at times and I had to return that game immediately (even though it's probably a good game just not my style). But Graveyard Keeper? I don't call this complex, I call this interesting content.
Another complaint in negative reviews is that the game is too hard and you don't know what to do. I also have to disagree with this. The amount of time I've played games where I was reading the wiki 50% of the time was a lot. And I still enjoyed those games, so if that was the case with Graveyard Keeper I would admit it and still probably enjoy it. But, I actually didn't have to look up much after 36 hours of gameplay. Most of it you figure out, if you get stuck just move on to something else, and then maybe later something you unlock ties into the other thing you were stuck on and it all makes sense after. If you just enjoy the game, try not to be fixated on 1 task and treat the game more sandbox casual you will start to love it and find that you don't need the wiki for much. Also the wiki is really well put together. I've played games with horrendous wiki's that were confusing and or missing content.
The talking to people on specific days is not a problem. It took me awhile to figure this out but each day corresponds to 1 specific person, and the colour of that day matches that persons clothing colour, so once you realize this it's very easy to remember what days you can talk to who. Need the astrologer? Well the astrologer wears blue and the only blue day is the day with the moon symbol. Just like the merchant wears orange/brown and the orange brown day is called greed. etc. All very easy to keep track of.
Most complaints on this game people should be ashamed of for a game that goes on sale for $5.... this is an amazing steal with hours and hours of content at $5. You should definitely consider buying this game when it's on sale! And I would argue it's even worth it's regular price.
964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 03:13
Is true, the grind is real, you'll spend a lot of time doing certain activities to farm points for research, but that makes every bit of progress more enjoyable and valuable. Also, it's when you start progressing that the game really starts to shine. Unlike other games of the genre, this one DOES NOT lack content at all. You'll get lost trying to set up a task for yourself, since there are so many things to do and paths to go. I give it a clear 10/10.
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3394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 04:09
14436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 19:58
All in all, a fun, but slow and grindy game.
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3733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 23:55
3858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 17:07
There are always a lot of things to do. Especially in the beginning, because near the end you'll probably have enough zombies to help you out with stuff.
Not only are you in charge of the graveyard and the church, you will also have to found a vegetable selling company, clear the dungeon of monsters, serve beer and burgers at witch burnings, prepare the site for the dark ritual, and help out local folk.
I really enjoyed not only gameplay itself, but also the dark humour and the way the developers break the third wall.
The story isn't complex, but it isn't supposed to be complex. It serves as a great side dish to the main dish, that is the gameplay.
The music is pretty cool. Not extraordinary, but very fitting.
All in all, I definitely recommend Graveyard Keeper both to the gamers that enjoy micromanagement, and the ones that appreciate a bit of (dark) humour.
4994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 15:08
Had a blast playing and got addicted for 2 weeks straight!
2575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 19:44
Very cool management/building/whateveryouwant game with a pretty funny story telling. if you like dark humor you won't be dissapointed either. i scratched the surface of this game and it's very much worth it.
999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 16:05
Good Lore
The story is revealed to you bit by bit and you try to assemble it like a puzzle in your head. I personally like this way of sharing a story through whatever media. There is still so much for me to learn so I can feel the gaps and I deep down I feel like this is a game that will leave me thinking about it even after I finish it.
The Grind
Graveyard Keeper is a very grindy game with limited time spans for some actions, such as buying from a merchant and a relatively small amount of day time relative to what I want to do in a day, making me always play just one more day . Also my sleep schedule in the game is worse than my IRL one, I sleep like 4 times a week, sometimes at 3AM and sometimes at 9PM, and when I go to sleep early I wake up at 5AM or something.
The Darkness
You are basically left on the dark, needing to figure everything out by yourself, especially if you do not like to look up guides/wiki pages in your first play through like me. The NPCs give you some tips but most of the time I solve a quest 2/3 weeks after I am given it by just randomly stumbling across the item I need. One example is the (spoiler ahead) [spoiler] donkey quest. I got the carrots easily because I had already been farming some to do the merchant quest, but the oil was impossible. There was no recipe on the tech tree and no NPC on the town would sell oil. I was exploring the part of the map to the right of the village (where the lighthouse is) when I stumbled across the crazy old man (Stardew Valley's Linus lol) and I found out he sold the oil. I was waiting for a corpse for about 3 weeks because I could not find that damned thing [/spoiler]. For me this find out yourself feature is both good and bad, depending on how it is implemented and in Graveyard Keeper I would give it a 5 out of 10.
4898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 22:57
This game was an ABSOLUTE treasure. It's been sat in my library untouched for a while and I had never even considered it. I wanted to find myself a grind-worthy game and this was the one. However, this grind wasn't tedious, annoying, timed or rushed in anyway whatsoever. It gave me my own freedom mostly...and let me take things at my own pace.
The DLC's are well worth investing into as they offer a variety of more content and the game itself is just a masterpiece. I loved everything about this game. I'm impressed how well this held up!
I bought this game for five of my friends and convinced another 5+ to buy it too. They're all hooked on it. This was perfection.
8875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 22:04
-B+ crafting system
-Great tech Trees
-Automation in later game allows player to not be constantly grinding out resources.
-Funny Dialogue
-Interesting Characters
-Interesting World
-Lots of things to do
-Fairly Chill game
-Fishing minigame
-Hurry up and wait, some quest lines involve waiting for the right day to do things, one quest had a wait 4 days, then wait 3 days then wait 5 days to complete something I already knew the solution to. (The DLC is better and worse about this, and offers more activities to do in the in-between time)
-Holes in crafting system, not everything can be made in bulk or automated, and some things require silver quality ingredients, and gold quality will not suffice.
-Not everything is automated, even though it makes sense for it to be automated. LET ME AUTOMATE THE HONEY FARM ITS OUT OF MY WAY AND CAN BE HARVESTED DAILY
-Missable achievements near end of game.
My level of experience with this game:
I beat the game, then bought the DLC, then 100% the game. I used no cheats or exploits.
4375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 22:08
So let's get into the detailed review. The soundtrack although sometimes sleep-inducing, are actually really good. Every atmosphere has it's own soundtrack accordingly. The graphics are old-school but didn't bother me to be honest even though I'm not a huge fan of pixel graphics. The story-line as it may be sometimes hard to follow, is a well-written and a consistent one. I liked how they touched the lives of every character before and after some certain events. If you purchase the DLC's you get to see more of that, however it's totally playable without them too. Crafting mechanics and reason behind them is not cumbersome. The game never turns to a grinding simulator.
Thus far I've talked about how wonderful this game was for me however this wasn't the case all the time. Close to the end game gets kinda repetitive since you've are most likely done everything you could in the game at that point. Other than this the only thing that bothered me in this game is time. There are couple of days in the week and certain interactions with certain NPC's can only be done in certain days. This really got on my nerves sometimes.
Overall this was a fantastic experience for me. The game was as immersive as a pixel graphic game could possibly be. The characters all had something to add to the story which really pulls you into the game and makes it feel like the world inside is actually a living one. I would recommend this game to almost everyone. Gladly give it a 9/10 because curse you waiting 30 mins to talk to an NPC!
Note: Developers please add more DLC's or make more games like this in the future.
3969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 12:34
6897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 14:22
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2892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 02:29
3199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 10:21
Hark, you died
You’re run over and find yourself in a medieval realm. A strange place, and somehow you’re appointed the keeper of the graveyard. While your main thought is for your girlfriend still back at home, you’re slowly coming to terms with your new job. Burying corpses. Not as glamorous as it would seem, and it’s a bloody business indeed. Your futuristic knowledge helps you to build and learn new technologies with which to impress the locals.
Eventually you hope to learn what happened to the previous graveyard keeper, and how you might find a way back home.
Full review at: https://ggplayers.com/graveyard-keeper/
4902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 16:34
If you add the DLCs, the world expands even more, with more things to do, more ways to expand your money making, and even more strange people to meet! If you like Stardew Valley & games like it, Graveyard Keeper is a must have!
+ The donkey is a communist
+ Zombies don't need to rest. Ever. They'll keep on working.
+ Oh yeah there's fishing too.
- You can't ride the donkey :(
6825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 20:50
1815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 00:28
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122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 18:09
The basic game play is hidden underneath do this, go do that, go kill this to get that part to give to that person over there to finally do what you were supposed to be doing in the first place - it's a grind that's not needed.
Those of you having fun with this game, by all means knock yourself out, it just seems too clunky for such a simple looking game.
It's basically 'Stardew Valley' with zombies, that's it. On the upside, the soundtrack is pretty good though.
10274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 02:45
That said I cannot recommend the DLCs. The mechanic of reputation and happiness serve only to artificially inflate play time, it only punishes and make redundant any time put into automation. On top of throwing cascading fetch quests that require waiting a week because the person you that gives it needs something from someone who was only available the previous day... I really needed to punch someone halfway through both expansions.
+ base game good
- DLC Bad
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999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 05:10
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4510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 23:38
I completed it through once, and have returned a couple times because... I guess I'm mad this game isn't what I thought it would be. It had so much potential, and I still long for a graveyard keeper game that doesn't exist. Like returning to an empty fridge over and over. It's still the same empty fridge. No food has magically appeared, regardless of my hopes and dreams.
There are no meaningful ethical dilemmas or questionable decisions, there's no management, there's no creativity. There is tedium, there are bugs. Each time, after playing again and re-familiarising myself, I remember that in spite of the great art, atmosphere, and world setting, the entire game is just sitting at a workbench holding down E.
12594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 02:14
10283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 21:04
You're a Graveyard Keeper.... with zombies and talking skulls.
Its like an adult halloween version of Stardew Valley.
Overall, the game can easily get you lost one what you should be doing but from all my friends that have played it all of them seem to fully fall in love with it.
My first playthrough I poured 85 hours into and now I am finally doing a second playthrough.
Its a long enjoyable grind where you dont feel like its a mega chore and you get that addiction of 'just a little more and ill get this! BOOM! Okay... now just a littttttle more and I'll get the next on'.
Its the fun kinda grind in my opinion.
There are few negatives but those would include wanting a better way to move multiple large items at once that doesnt involve stacking them in a line and running into them to push them and the amount of time it takes to just 'walk' places. It gets sorted out way to late in the game for me but still, its a small gripe. Its not like you're frodo taking a small gold ring on an epic adventure thats going to take hours to do when youre walking from place to place but it does get.... annoying at times.
Overall, easily a recommend from me.
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1831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 21:49
However, it's just a multi-dimensional game of solitaire. You can only do A once you've researched technology B, which requires having already completed quest C, which requires making item D, which is made at a crafting station that requires you make component E, which requires researching technology F, which requires you to collect a pile of coloured tech points, one of which then requires you to 'study' items using faith, which is in very short supply, which you can improve by making prayer G which requires researching more technologies H, I and J... and it goes on and on and on.
The game also hates you. You absolutely require note-taking capabilities, or just ruin the intent of the game (discovery and experimentation) by using the wiki. The game does the bare minimum to help you manage recipes, knowledge, inventory, quests...
You're meant to experiment to discover alchemy recipes, however the game does notthing to help you. It won't log failed combinations. It won't tell you what type of powder, liquid, or essence an item can be turned into, only that it'll turn into powder and/or liquid and/or essence. But get this, it also doesn't tell you that the item N you need for quest L is actually made using three components, which requires an entire new tier of alchemy apparatus, which in turns requires an entire new tier of furnance...
Each area you can build in has its own set of available constructions, but to find out what you need to bring with you, you have to go there first, then make a note of what's needed, travel back, grab the parts, head back, actually build it. And that's assuming that one of the parts is locked behind a technology in a completely different tech tree with no warning because the tech tree itself provides no information on the items you can unlock.
And then you actually make a step towards progression, hand in the item to the NPC, and all that happens is the next crafting/grinding step is revealed to you. And at no point does the game provide you with any UI to track and manage things.
And then after upgrading your church, you can't run any sermons, the game doesn't tell you, and you're left stuck with no faith to progress with until you resort to searching the web to discover that while the Bishop has no quest listed to get some papers, you need to get some papers (which cost money, so off you go grinding some more to get money first) and hand them to the Bishop to continue doing the weekly sermons.
30 hours in, and while it was certainly a new experience, I'm left feeling like then next 30 hours are going to be just as grindy as the first 30, and I'll maybe finish off four more quests... maybe...
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 14:38
- The occasional humor is good.
- A lot of micro-management due to the lack of quality of life improvements. This makes the game more grindy at the cost of fun.
- Inventory is small and you can’t upgrade.
- Can’t rotate crafting stations at 90 degrees.
- No 4k support.
- From the little I played and saw on YT, you don’t really get to do anything cool.
I believe that, overall it’s a good game but unfortunately it didn’t keep me playing for long.
24873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 00:52
If your life takes an unexpected turn and the only way back is to be a good Graveyard Keeper, Will you be able to keep your morals in check? Or will you sell burger with mystery meat, Only for the profit it can bring? Don't let your self be fooled by the graphics, this game is darker then you think with some amazing story telling and a communist donkey ready to accept your carrots.
6410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 14:32
When the game ENDED, I basically just got a cutscene of Keeper and Gerry flat out saying all the things that were promised on the tinybuild site prior to full release were now going to be marketed as DLC, instead of being in the full game as advertised.
To say I was upset is like saying a tornado is 'windy'.
I will not buy another TinyBuild game, because of that bait-and-switch.
Yes, the game is good, but TinyBuild's actions speak of a serious concern for any consumer.
This review is referring to when they added the ending in 1.0, so they've likely removed the actual conversation.
Caveat Emptor, my friends.
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207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 07:44
As of now, it's been over 2 years since it was released. It had 3 DLC's and multiple updates but nothing is said about this issue. If you're going to exclude a whole region out of your indie game, at least have some decency and put a warning on the store page about it.
12849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 19:47
It has alot of bad shit though.
So first, the tired debuff is fucking stupid. Your energy bar is minuscule already, you don't need to have it limited to 50% when you're already limiting your inventory space to fill it up.
Second, your inventory space is stupid. You have to carry so many quest items just in case you forget them and then the stack interface is fucking stupid. You have no button to bring out one stack of things, but you have 2 buttons to bring up a slider (without a typing option) and one button to bring out one singular object so you end up just half assing your inventory and running out of space constantly.
The Dark Hearts at the end are especially bad, both playthroughs I've had got me stuck for like 6 hours waiting for a corpse with a head
The map is fucking massive, it takes like 5 minutes to go from the lighthouse to the swamp, and the game asks you to do that constantly. You have a teleportstone but it only works one way.
Your money making options are pretty fucking stupid. Your best money maker is wine, but in order to sell wine, the NPCs need to have money. Luckily if you have the DLC, you can make a tavern which will automatically sell all your wine, so that's good, they actually put some thought into what the game needed.
The game is actually much better now than it was at launch. Like, significantly better. Or maybe it's the DLC that did it, but it seems like the farming aspect of the farm has been fixed and now zombies can actually do it without running out of seeds every time. Speaking of the DLC, it crashes alot, so remember to go to bed before interacting with the tavern.
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801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 17:40
There isn't enough in-game guiding, and I don't mean hand holding, just some simple lines of dialog could fix this, but instead I have to look up guides constantly, that's not too abnormal for games like this but this game requires it for basic stuff.
At the end of the day I find myself frustrated when I play this game. I have hundreds of hours into management games; I love crafting games, i like sims, I love story rich games; I can't get into this one.
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394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 20:34
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11321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 22:55
This game could be improved by:
-grammar checking, just about every 3rd conversation has something wrong with the english. Yeah my reviews not perfect grammar, but i'm not selling it to a million people
-deeper story or involvement of choices, choices would be nice in resolving some quests
-faster movement speed for the main character, it would hurt Nothing in the game to do so. Maybe a horse or bike
-accurate quest tracking, ~20% of the quests don't track anywhere, you just have to remember
-the DLC is one big grind for a single machine to spit out a good story, that story is needed everywhere in the game
-the fast travel could have a slightly better shortcut in it, again, nothing wrong with a player finishing the game a little faster when its this long of a sloggy grind
-increase zombie efficiencies like 5 to 10%, it wouldnt kill anyone
-decrease water costs for recipes, collecting an inventory full of water is freaking boring af, or allow a pipe built to where waters used
-add more tiers of reward and story/achievement for higher graveyard quality, or even negative quality tiers
-auto cleanup logs once a month. Its not immediately obvious to the player which trees are temporary and which regen
-add a few types of fighting equipment rather than just a single sword and one armor. maybe some puzzles in the dungeon
-make picking up zombies an option at shortest ranges, i trapped myself twice and had to alt+f4 out of the game and lose unsaved progress from being jammed behind them
-if there's a 1% humor in the story, then there needs to be enough to make people laugh, add some googly eyes and surprised poses to the main character to give some feeling to some conversations. Have caretaking of graves out of goodness of characters hearts do something entertaining. Name some of the locations, the haunted woods, or styx estuary, or something so the map doesn't look so boring.
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2920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 20:55
The amount of resources crafted or speed of crafting barely increases or automatizes, so the closer you get to the end and more complex stuff you have to make, more tedious and pointless it becomes.
And the week system, where key NPCs appears on specific days... oh god why. I have literally one mission left but I missed the delivery of required item IN A FEW SECONDS and lost it... Now here I am just waiting... for a whole in-game week pass by, just after a mission where I should wait a week for the conclusion - that required another similar item to be delivered to the same NPC...
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4046 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 14:12
Think twice before buying!
For the first 10 or so hours it was pretty fun - i came up with the same idea as everyone else. I thought it will be Stardew Valley with dark twist and for sure you can see it was their intention at first. Unfortunately they didn't know how to keep us busy.
Everything is a chore - farming, graveyard, automating processes(creating zombies), selling. Whatever you do, you do it because there is no other way of progression, you are stuck to one path - upgrade ur tools, upgrade graveyard+church, spend some time farming, wait for specific day to move the story further. Repeat whole cycle.
It seems like someone really wanted to cash out on Stardew Valley hype but didn't know how to bring life in this game. Most of the stuff you will craft cannot be sold to ANYONE - the issue is so big that there's a list on wiki which trader buys what. In a game where you spend most time crafting. Terrible design choice.
Most of the stuff i crafted during the gameplay was stuff i needed to progress the story, there was exactly ZERO times when i thought that i will craft something for fun.
And the most important problem - GRIND, terrible grind. You discover new tech by spending red, green and blue points, which you get by crafting. Every item brings only specific type and amount of points, and usually you will get laughable amount of blue points. I ended up spending about 1h just crafting gravestones so i'll have blue points to acces new technology - because at that moment i didn't have money to buy books from archaeologist.
Thank god for the zombies, gathering materials and crafting is designed to annoy you as possible. Example:
NPC X wants you to make Y for him.
1. Go back to your house
2. Figure out you are missing materials
3. You craft them but it takes some time
4. You craft thing that NPC asked you for
5. Whoops, too late, NPC will be back in next week, go do something else, have fun!
That's only one of the examples of how tedious this game is. UI, movement and even upgrades are bugged - nothing is thoroughly tested and i didn't even tried to break something. And they have balls to call it full version and RELEASE A DLC. Pathetic.
To sum things up. It reminds me scenarios from Pen&Paper RPGs where Game Master prepares some ridiculous puzzles that are barely solvable but from his/her point of view it's pretty obvious what to do next. Even Minecraft in Alpha days was much more predictable than this game. I'd like to get my 60h back but it's impossible so perhaps this review will save someone else's time...
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1142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 09:17
After playing for a while, I'd have to go with not recommending it. The concept is good, the story is okay, but the game is just so incredibly unpolished. It would need a quality of life/polish update before I'd hit the recommend button. A lot of the mechanics draw the game out into more play time, but without actually adding anything else. You spend a lot of time either grinding or waiting.
- Nice art/atmosphere
- Interesting story/concept
- When you aren't stuck grinding or waiting it's actually fun
- Good time waster
- There are a couple of mods available that you could use to make life a little bit easier for yourself
- The NPC dialogue feels like the devs just did not want to put any actual effort into it.
- Chaotic UI for crafting: most crafting stations let you adjust/remove whatever it was working on, but the furnaces do not. If you start a process you cannot stop it, it has to be finished. There are more
- The limit on what stations/buildings can go where is REALLY frustrating, especially since you can NOT move any of them after placement. There are little allocated lots where you can build, rather than having one large plot that you can design however you want to. To move a station, you have to break it down (and not get all of the resources back) and then place a new one. It's time consuming and frustrating, especially because the allocated lots never seem to fit any of the crafting stations. There's either too little space, or too much, leaving a small sliver of unusable free space. Some stations you can rotate, some you can't. Some only rotate in two or three directions instead of all four. I have no idea why. This adds NOTHING to the gameplay whatsoever. It's just frustrating.
- You sometimes kinda drown in the endless prerequisites.
- A lot of events only happen once a week. Many NPCs are only available on one specific day and if you forget (which happens a lot because everything is going on at the same time) or just can't get the requested items before the NPC shows up again, you have to wait another week. Ain't nobody got time for that.
- You'll spend a lot of time on the wiki to figure out how things work.
7284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 01:50
On the negative side, this seems like a corporation's response to Stardew Valley. It seems partially thought-out, has scope creep, and is missing some heart. It is clear when so many little things are off - inventory management problems (many glaring but also batch-moves are inconsistent), translation, pause, inconsistent animations (why does the Bishop still use the mirror he gave me?), and annoying crafting inconsistencies.
There was a nice effort in putting this game together and it has even more potential, along with these and other several issues. There are a decent number of funny moments but I feel like there could have been more too.
Additional Details
Operating System | Ubuntu Linux 18.04 x64 | [/tr]
CPU | Ryzen 5 1500x | [/tr]
GPU | GTX 1050, nvidia-440.100 | [/tr]
Game Saves | Automatically when you wake from sleep | [/tr]
Notes | Did Steve Breslin (credited) get paid for the English proofreading? If so, where can I apply for his job? | [/tr]
Technical Notes | Unity game engine, no problems | [/tr]
6627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 05:10
I mean, there are no better profession than being a graveyard keeper, am i right?
Like your only resources are dead bodies, out of that you can make your own secret product and create workers out of those bodies! Sick isn't it?!
Recommending this game if you want to chill while harvesting humans.
32058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 02:44
Its quirky, odd, has strange humor, fun at times, frantic at times, and all about managing your grind.
I enjoyed the grind here, far more than Stardew valley.
There is so much to do, its ridiculous, I hope for more content tho.
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400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 16:17
(I've also never played Stardew Valley, which hopefully offers a slightly different perspective from many of the other reviews.)
So it is a thumbs down, but hear me out. I waffled a lot, because ultimately I did have fun with Graveyard Keeper at first. It's just a lot to deal with. There's systems within systems and piles of things to pursue which ultimately leaves the game—and you as the player—feeling unfocused. You run a graveyard instead of a farm. Cool, there's your gimmick. But you also run an actual farm, and a church, and an apiary, and two different mines, and a cult, and a magic wizard lair and I ultimately set the game down because it feels like you're being pulled in way too many directions at once.
And Graveyard Keeper tries to help out with that by removing some of the genre limitations. For example, unlike the strict three years in Harvest Moons, you have effectively infinite weeks to follow through on quests and expand your property. But certain events only happen on certain days, which means half the time you're rushing to get everything done for two or three quests at once, and the other half you're just wasting time because it's five days before you can make any progress. Throw in the donkey constantly pulling you back to take care of a corpse delivery and it feels like you can barely keep up with chores on your own farm, let alone heading out to explore or fish or whatever.
It's also quite esoteric. For example, there are three different upgrade currencies, two of which are meaningless and one of which is hard locked to research, which is buried within your basement, which you need a key to get, which you need to gather faith for, which you need to open the church to do, which you need nice graves to do, which you need to start a farm to pay carrots for bodies, which requires doing a quest for land etc etc etc etc. Without blue currency, most of the skills are locked, including the ones that would make this chain easier. It felt like every time I wanted to do something I had to go six wiki pages deep to figure out how, like I was on one big constant Zelda trading quest. Throw in that the game LOVES gotchas; at one point they close your church unexpectedly until you spend a fortune on a license, when your church is the only reasonable way to make money in the first place. If you're not prepared, get ready for a vegetable grind.
But when the stars aligned and I could make progress on quests or skill development or whatever, it was kinda fun. I think my not recommend ultimately came down to the weird tone. The game wants you to be some kinda weird Sweeney Todd selling long pig to the kingdom, but your character is just a random guy from 2020 trapped in medieval purgatory who wants to go home. The dialogue wants to be biting black humour but it's just pretty much just tonally inconsistent obvious jokes. And yeah, building a farming game centred on autopsies certainly limits your audience a bit. My girlfriend likes these kind of games a lot, but she was pretty put off by the vibe here.
So it's a close one. Maybe if you've devastated every other farm game out there and want one with arguably too much content, you'll have more luck than me. But as for myself, I'm gonna sample a few others from the genre if I ever get HM64 nostalgia again.
2211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 07:57
One can only hope for more content and story but well worth it in it's current package.
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640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 00:47
it had so much potential!! the art, concept, and dialogue all captivated me, but the gameplay fell short to the point that I don't want to play it at all anymore
1953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 14:51
However, while I AM recommending the game, you should know that unlike similar gathering/crafting/building games, it's more... stressful. The further you progress into the game, the more things you need to keep track of and react to in a timely manner. Certain things only happen on certain days and if you miss out on that day, you miss out on progressing that event for the whole week. On top of that, you're juggling multiple different things that deteriorate/stop working over time if left untouched, while also trying to build more stations/storage/etc for your graveyard. Usually when you get further into these kinds of games, you get automation options to reduce the tedium. You do in this game, too, but the tedium simply outpaces your means of automation, and you're gatekept by a resource you get sparingly, only once a week. Your workload keeps going up. I never ended up beating it because it started to wear down on me so much.
There's a lot you can do, and it's a lot of fun for a while, but unless you have the right mindset/preference for it, you may not make it to the end.
3615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 19:02
I just bought the DLC to make my own tavern, and the whole thing is integrated nicely into the base game. I can have 3-4 hour sessions with this game, and thats a very long time for someone with ADD. But there is always something to do, and the game doesn't stress you to do the things. You can spend as many in-game days you want to complete the tasks, and I always end up doing several tasks at the same time. The progress is satisfying, the music is absolutely wonderful and the graphics is very-nice. All in all a very complete package, I and would recommend this game to anyone with a slight interest in pixel graphics, task managing, and a funny story. Good (and a bit morbid) humor, a talking donkey who gets needy, a talking skull who keeps his secrets, magic portals, dead bodies to bury and a church to manage. I could keep going about this little gem, but I would recommend you to buy, if you even have the slightest interest in this kind of game. It's good.
1841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 06:39
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3320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 09:03
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321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 20:28
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2037 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 00:34
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594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 01:15
2815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 00:45
4563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 04:34
Lovely graphics and music, easy controls.
A lot of little details (like footprints when you walk) adds to the charm.
Be ready to spend a lot of time on the wiki (or just go with trial and error).
And be ready to grind - a lot.
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1367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 01:47
Things like fast travel, automated helpers and shortcuts don't come until much later and after a bunch of resources have been spent.
Because of this, I'm not sure if I would recommend it to others.
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369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 19:54
I saw this before and I was excited about it as it seen to have a lot of fun aspects to it, Dead people, resource management and potentially funny stories. When you play the game it just felt like it was a grind to play but not in a good way. I would have wanted to see more fun things to build but it just wasn't doing anything for me.
I can say I did give it a good run but no I feel this game will stay in my library unless some major improvements happen
Release:15 Aug, 2018
Entwickler:keine Infos
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
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