• Goodbye Deponia: Erste Screens zum dritten und letzten Teil um Rufus.
  • Goodbye Deponia: Erste Screens zum dritten und letzten Teil um Rufus.
  • Goodbye Deponia: Erste Screens zum dritten und letzten Teil um Rufus.
  • Goodbye Deponia: Erste Screens zum dritten und letzten Teil um Rufus.
  • Goodbye Deponia: Erste Screens zum dritten und letzten Teil um Rufus.
  • Goodbye Deponia: Erste Screens zum dritten und letzten Teil um Rufus.
  • Goodbye Deponia: Erste Screens zum dritten und letzten Teil um Rufus.
  • Goodbye Deponia: Erste Screens zum dritten und letzten Teil um Rufus.
  • Goodbye Deponia: Erste Screens zum dritten und letzten Teil um Rufus.
  • Goodbye Deponia: Erste Screens zum dritten und letzten Teil um Rufus.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 08.10.2013
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Preis Update 03.01.25

Über das Spiel

Mehr Chaos, mehr Zerstörung, mehr Rufus: Gleich drei Rufus(se) sorgen in der heiß ersehnten Point & Click-Adventure-Komödie Goodbye Deponia für abgedrehten Aberwitz: Deponia wird von der Zerstörung durch den Organon bedroht, die hübsche Goal ist weg (mal wieder), und Antiheld Rufus steht sich bei allem selbst im Wege.

Dabei will Erfinder und Freigeist Rufus doch nach wie vor nur den Schrottplatz-Planeten Deponia verlassen und nach Elysium ziehen, auf dieses paradiesische, um Deponia kreisende Raumschiff der oberen Zehntausend. Goal, einst Elysianerin, in die sich Rufus unsterblich verliebt hat, scheint nach wie vor der Schlüssel zum Erfolg – beziehungsweise zum Aufzug nach oben – zu sein. Rufus‘ neuester Plan scheint endlich perfekt!

Und doch geht ganz schnell alles schief, was schiefgehen kann: Rufus verschlägt es - zunächst in Verkleidung - zu den grimmigen Organon-Beamten auf den Hochbahnkreuzer; Goal kommt abhanden. In einer zufällig entdeckten Klon-Maschine sieht Rufus seine Rettung: Eine Klon-Kopie sollte ihm weiterhelfen können. Durch einen „unerklärlichen“ Fehler kommt es jedoch zu Komplikationen und Goal entgleitet unserem „Helden“ erneut. Da steht Rufus nun vor dreierlei Problemen: Goal muss wiedergefunden werden, Rufus ist immer noch nicht in Elysium angekommen, und zudem droht der Organon Deponia mit der Zerstörung des gesamten Planeten.

Dreierlei Probleme können nur drei Rufus(se) bewältigen – und so klont sich der erfolglose Erfinder kurzerhand selbst! Mit aberwitzigen Folgen für den Spieler: In Goodbye Deponia gilt es, stellenweise alle drei Rufus(se) zu kontrollieren, und fortan gemeinsam Aufgaben zu bewältigen – obwohl Rufus sich so oft selbst im Wege steht.
Goodbye Deponia ist der krönende Abschluss der Deponia-Trilogie und Nachfolger des besten deutschen Spiels 2013 (Deutscher Computerspielpreis).

Als Trilogie erzählt die vielfach preisgekrönte Deponia-Serie drei aberwitzige Abenteuergeschichten vom Müllplaneten Deponia. Als klassische Point & Click-Adventures begeistern die Komödien sowohl eingefleischte Genre-Fans, als auch Adventure-Neulinge. Die humorige Deponia-Reihe besticht mit schönster, handgezeichneter 2D-Comic-Grafik, ist gewürzt mit sarkastischen Dialogen und jeder Menge schwarzem Humor, wurde vielfach von der Fachpresse gelobt, sowie mit vielen bedeutenden Preisen, darunter dem Deutschen Computerspielpreis und mehreren Deutschen Entwicklerpreisen, ausgezeichnet.

  • Ein klassisches Point & Click Adventure in einer einzigartigen Spielwelt in der Tradition von Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett und Matt Groening
  • Von den Machern von Memoria, Edna Bricht Aus, A New Beginning und Harveys Neue Augen
  • Epischer Abschluss der kultigen Deponia-Reihe
  • Einzigartiger Comic-Stil mit handgezeichneter 2D-Grafik in HD-Auflösung
  • Melodisch vertonte Cutscenes mit liebevoll gestalteten Animationen
  • U.a. mit den Stimmen von Smudo von den Fantastischen Vier und Let’s Play-Legende Gronkh!


  • CPU: 2,5 GHz (Single Core) oder 2 GHz (Dual Core)
  • GFX: OpenGL 2.0 kompatibel mit 256 MB RAM (Shared Memory nicht empfohlen)
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: Maus
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
  • CPU: 2,5 GHz (Single Core) oder 2 GHz (Dual Core)
  • GFX: OpenGL 2.0 kompatibel mit 512 MB RAM (Shared Memory nicht empfohlen)
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8
  • HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: Maus
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

659 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 23:36
Topp Spiel!
36 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.19 09:50
Hab die Serie Deponia gespielt und es war sehr lustig. Man hat vermehrt im Teil 1, in denn anderen Teilen nur vereinzelt ein paar nicht logische Rätzel, wo man nicht weiterkommt, da kann man ins Lösungsbuch schauen. Ansonst Spielen und Lachen...
8809 Produkte im Account
352 Reviews
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.16 20:51
Auch der dritte Teil der Deponia-Serie ist wieder super - Mir persönlich hat zwar das Ende nicht besonders gefallen, aber ich denke das ist Geschmackssache.
533 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.15 20:35
Hussa, mit Heliumgas!

Wie schon zuvor, hat man viel Spaß :-)
69 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.14 09:26
Auch der 3. Teil dieser Point & Click-Adventure-Komödie ist der absolute Knaller.

Die Story ist witzig, die Rätsel lösbar, aber auch ziemlich schräg. ^^

Das Ende ist eine wirklich große Überraschung und ich hoffe und bete, dass es eine Fortsetzung gibt.
243 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.14 17:02

Goodbye Deponia ist das Ende einer Trilogie, deren Ende ich nicht wahr haben will!

Nach den ersten beiden Spielen hat man Rufus einfach schon so ins Herz geschlossen, dass der dritte Teil der angekündigten Trilogie eigentlich nur einen negativen Punkt hat: Es ist das Ende!

Das Spiel besticht wieder durch durch bekannten Sachen, neue Ideen, unerwarteten Wendungen und macht einfach nichts falsch. Das Spiel ist, Deadelic-Typisch, sehr lustig aber, grade zum Ende hin, auch traurig.

Aber: Besser als mir drei Rufus'en kann man eine Trilogie nicht beenden. [Daedalic: Macht doch einfach weiter, hmm?]
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.13 21:12
Mach sofort Spaß und fordert einen echt. Tolles Spiel, das Daedalic da wieder rausgehauen hat, auf jeden Fall einen oder zwei Blicke wert ;)
1122 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
2998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 11:10
The trilogy has come to its logical conclusion, and I'd like to say a few words about it. The last part impressed me as much as the previous two, and in my opinion, it is a great ending of the trilogy. It managed to retain everything that the first two parts were loved for. I won't repeat the features of the game, as they are familiar to everyone who knows canon of the game. From the disadvantages, I can mention only a couple of unloaded locations, but If to compare with all awesomeness, it is nothing. So, I confidently recommend it!
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 20:41
very gud
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 22:58
This game contains racism, sexism, transphobia. pedophilia and many other sensitive subjects, which are played off as disgusting jokes. The main character is an unlikable sociopath and the game reinforces multiple negative stereotypes about women and women of color specifically. I stopped playing at the sewer monkey scene. Disgusting.
576 Produkte im Account
573 Reviews
934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 22:58
The series grew on my by the third one and I began to enjoy it more. Still, quite similar to the first two, with the interlude songs being the highlights.

Additional Details

Operating System Ubuntu Linux 14.04 x64
Last played May, 2017
Technical Notes No problems
590 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
1636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 03:06
This series will make you think outside the box. That is a box of sanity, reason and 4th walls. I wish they would have said computer requirements were hand cushions as i found me hand slammed into my face multiple times as well as uncontrollable laughter. If your used to the adventure games where the entire world is stupid and your the only sane one trying to make sense of it ... this is the opposite. The world is trying to just get by and many would prefer you not in it

If your looking for a chill stream that doesn't stick to one game check me out at https://www.twitch.tv/justthepassenger !
37 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 18:47
I've spent many hours trying to kill Rufus. Now, at the end of it all, I have to admit that I've become rather fond of him and the crazy characters of Deponia. Beautiful artwork, great voice-acting and puzzles which may drive you nuts if you employ any logic. I agree that this series may be underrated for it's creativity, this alone makes it a worthy addition to my library. I really liked the endings of both the trilogy and the last title. Hats off to the team
178 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 20:32
Brilliant story and a good adventure!
The puzzles were not too hard if you pay attention to hints in dialogues.

It was like reading a good book, and I'd definitely want to get more of Rusus-dufus crap :P
191 Produkte im Account
139 Reviews
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 14:13
182 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 11:32
Slight spoilers ahead

I was giving these games the benefit of the doubt when it comes the ever present sexism and problematic scenes. It's an older game, it doesn't take itself seriously, I was just going to let it slide. It's supposed to be edgy and crude, what's a bit of sexism compared to some casual murder and ruining someone's life? Rufus is just a big goof. As a woman it makes me a little diappointed, but I get what they're doing and I could find the humor in it. Honestly, Rufus is a d*ck to everyone around him. Although you can't blame Goal's lack of personality and agency on the main character being a d*ck. That is a choice the developers made.

But after basically selling a black character to someone and making her play a monkey... I mean jeez. Really? There are basically no people of color in the game, and this is what you do to one of them? I get that he is an a**hole on purpose and ruins everybody's life, but that crossed a line for me. It’s not the only scene I felt iffy about, but it’s the one that comes to mind.

I mean there is a literal child predator in the same place this happens and I turned a guy into a monkey in the pub next door, I know this game relies on shock factor. But some of the scenes are just on the wrong side of the line between crude humor and just being offensive and not funny.
513 Produkte im Account
268 Reviews
580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 19:45
Goodbye Deponia is the third instalment of the Deponia point-and-click series by Daedalic Entertainment.

The story and the world are interesting.
The art style, music and voice acting are great and fitting.
The characters are charming (and odd) and the dialogues are full of humor.
The puzzles are often not very logical. You have to think outside the box a lot!

84 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 12:34
I haven't played prequels but the story this game offers still does not make you feel like you are alienated. You can sense what is up and catch what's going on in no time.
- Fun dialogues
- Rewards for trying different things
- No punishment for wrong decisions

- Ending.
795 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 03:46
FYI this is a review of the series as a whole, not just the last game.

Let's get the good out of the way: the artwork and music is good and a lot of work clearly went into these games. The puzzles are more or less what you'd expect from the genre, though I feel the quality waned over time. Okay that's about it.

So why am I not recommending this? Well because of one big, constant problem...the main character, Rufus. To put it very mildly I *hate* this character. Look I'm no stranger to characters who are anti-heroes, well-meaning idiots, and selfish assholes with a heart of gold, those can be done really well and enjoyable. The creators were presumably going for something like that with Rufus but there was nothing redeemable about him. Over the course of three games he is directly responsible (willingly and unrepentant) for so much death and suffering that I actively wanted him to fuck off and die. This is especially true of Rufus in the third game which left me feeling disgusted and glad it was finally over. The few times Rufus does anything good were out of character and definitely didn't redeem him. I know this is just a game and not supposed to be taken too seriously, but there is a line where it's not funny and just mean spirited. So goodbye Rufus, may you burn in hell.
158 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 07:43
74 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 11:01

___| GRAPHICS |___
⬜ You will forget what reality looks like
☑️ Beautifull
⬜ Good
⬜ Decent
⬜ Bad
⬜ You will get eye-cancer

___| GAMEPLAY |___
⬜ Very good
☑️ Good
⬜ Just normal gameplay
⬜ Not really
⬜ You could play another game while playing this
⬜ Nonexistent

___| AUDIO |___
⬜ Eargasm
☑️ Very good
⬜ Good
⬜ Not too bad
⬜ Bad
⬜ Not worth it

___| STORY |___
⬜ This is now your life
☑️ Lovely
⬜ Good
⬜ Average
⬜ Some lore
⬜ No story at all

___| DIFFICULTY |___
⬜ Too easy
⬜ Easy
☑️ Significant brain usage
⬜ Easy to learn but hard to master
⬜ Difficult
⬜ Dark Souls

___| GRIND |___
☑️ Nothing to grind
⬜ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
⬜ Isn't necessary to progress
⬜ Average grind level
⬜ Too much grind
⬜ You will need a second life for grinding

___| GAMETIME |___
⬜ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☑️ Short
⬜ Average
⬜ Long
⬜ To infinity and beyond

___| AUDIENCE |___
⬜ Kids
⬜ Teens
⬜ Adults
☑️ Everyone

☑️ Check if you can run Paint
⬜ Potatoe
⬜ Decent
⬜ Fast
⬜ You will need a lot of money
⬜ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

___| PRICE |___
⬜ It's free!
⬜ Worth the price
☑️ If you have some spare money left
⬜ Wait for a sale
⬜ Not recommended
⬜ You could also just burn your money

___| BUGS |___
☑️ Never heard of
⬜ Minor bugs
⬜ Can get annoying
⬜ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

___| NOTES |___
➡️ Those are my own opinions, so please don't take them to serious
305 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 15:46
Abusing kids and slavery.
94 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 03:00
I do recommend the game but i think to really understand the story you need to make sure to play the other games. Which i did. I love the series so far I believe there is one more game after this. Than sadly i think its over. Its a super funny and fun click and point adventure. For all ages to enjoy. I recommend getting this game and the other games of this series. You will not regret it.
233 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 20:25
Charming and funny, although slightly easier than the first two parts.
1258 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 23:14


The sublime ending of the trilogy, in which we learn if and how our heroes reach is Elysium. Along the way we meet most of the characters we have come to know ([spoiler]except Wenzel[/spoiler]).
After Chaos on Deponia we continue on Organon Cruiser Route, where lies Hotel Menetekel. A very weird place for a hotel, but that's part of their business strategy. Here a plan is forged to join the very last cruiser, heading for the very last highboat out of Deponia! Somewhere along the way we learn the origins of Rufus, and of a part of Deponia itself! How will our beloved hero reach the end of this story? What will he blow up along the way? If you have played the previous games, gogo find out!

My 2 Zlottiecents...

It feels to me the devteam got really in the flow of these games! It's likely they received feedback from the first game, and took it to heart. This game is a lot more linear than the previous games, which both had a big area at their second chapter, and that takes much mental speed out of the game. So this game has a better pace. A lot of things have to be told and tied up, which is done perfectly.
So, is this game easier? Yes and no. To compensate, a little bit of moon logic is thrown in, like [spoiler] putting salt in a dumpster to make the inhabitant, a pelican, so thirsty that he abandons his fish in order to drink [/spoiler]. The overarching game achievement is greatly easier than the previous games, this time the required items are well visible.
In my review of the first game I mentioned that Rufus isn't a very nice guy, and every negative review states that as a problem. When I was playing this game, I realised something: I love Rufus! He has grown on me along the way! He is still the biggest jackass ever, but yeah... <3


note: I played this on 'Deponia: the complete journey'
257 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 03:10
Goodbye Deponia is the third in the Deponia series. First being Deponia and second being Chaos in Deponia. Played using a mouse and the space bar, took me 14 hours to beat give or take (left the game on a lot, got stuck badly twice). Difficulty is moderate. It's also the longest Deponia I've played so far.

This game has more Deponisms, a LOT more of the hateably loveable Rufus, and many returning characters from the first two games. Once again Deponia is at stake, and it's up to Rufus - using whatever he picks up off the ground a few puzzles in between - to save the day!

If you liked the first two, you'll definitely like this one.

Special note - Like the previous games, the dark humor in Deponia is crude and probably not suitable for kids younger than age 13. This Deponia is especially bad. So yeah, not a game for kids. Definitely a hilarious game for the nihilistic among us.
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 09:38
Like most Daedalic games, the illustrations and music were great. I'd put up with the main character's annoying and frankly unnecessary-to-the-story sexism in the hope of some kind of resolution or character development. But I had to stop playing after the 'monkey' scene. What on earth were the writers thinking?
273 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 18:16
Goodbye Deponia is the third game in the Deponia series. Rufus and friends are still trying to save Deponia and avert the plans of the Organon. There's a sense of impending doom hanging over Deponia as the date of destruction approaches, but Rufus is confident that he can save Deponia before time runs out.

The gameplay in this one is in the same vein as those of the other games: mostly puzzles. I felt like the difficulty of these puzzles was pretty similar to those of the other games. None of the puzzles were as bad as some of the ones in Chaos on Deponia, but not all of them were straightforward either.

Story-wise, I thought this was a good conclusion to the main Deponia trilogy. This gave a lot of backstory to Rufus and a number of the other characters, and the plot was a little more dynamic than in some of the other games. There was more going on, with more locations and more stakes than in the previous games. This game gave a good expansion to the world, history, and characters in the Deponia series. This game continued to have the same style of humor as the previous games, and was just as enjoyable as the previous ones, or perhaps more so. However, the dark humor of the previous games was even more dark here, and there were more moments that didn't sit very well with me, although it didn't tarnish much of my enjoyment overall.

Rufus's character is almost more contradictory in this game than in the others. He's just as much of a self-centered jerk as in the previous games, and, whether from complete lack of compassion or just buffoonish ignorance, he continues to hurt the people around him, even his friends and the people he cares about. However, there are also some heartfelt moments in this game, with Rufus being kind or regretting his mistakes, and the people in his life telling him what they appreciate about him. Some of this comes down to character development, but in some ways Rufus seems to be an even bigger jerk in this game than he was in the previous two. I think the character development he does get and the moments he has by the end of the game are good, but it would have been nicer if the change was more consistent and the moments were more earned.

Overall, Goodbye Deponia is a pretty enjoyable adventure game and a good conclusion to the main Deponia trilogy. It's on par with the previous ones in the series, so if you like those you'll probably like this one as well. The conclusion left a little to be desired, which makes me especially glad they ended up making another sequel afterward. 7/10
289 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 12:14
Good game but I hate the ending
136 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 17:15
Good game
610 Produkte im Account
337 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 17:26
In my ongoing and likely futile effort to write a Steam review for every game in my library (#288 out of 558)... it's time for Goodbye Deponia.

Goodbye Deponia is for fans of point-and-click adventure game fans who adore the genre, don't think there are any major flaws with the usual formula, and have spent several decades wondering why, exactly, the genre lost its popularity in the mid-1990s.

I'm being snarky. I apologize. What I mean to say is simply this: Goodbye Deponia is an old-school point-and-click adventure games that embraces both the best and worst aspects of the genre. The story takes you from one imaginative locale to another, and drenches every NPC interaction with so much attempted humor that the narrative lacks any semblance of emotional depth or compelling stakes. It's like a saturday morning cartoon where every time you think you might be absorbed in the action, everything grinds to a halt as the mascot character turns to the camera, cracks a smile, and delivers a profoundly lame joke with incredible confidence. That's Deponia, in a nutshell.

So if you're a fan of the genre know what to expect: lots and lots of puzzles, backtracking, and snarky hit-or-miss humor. Personally I found much of the writing to be embarrassing to listen to--but it is fully voice acted, and the voice acting is pretty solid, which I suppose has to count in Deponia's favor. Many of the puzzles also seemed (surprisingly) intuitive, and while I can't exactly say I never had to consult a guide to progress, I didn't have to keep one constantly handy, which is a pleasant departure from the usual method of play for these games.

All-in-all this is a very tepid endorsement. The Deponia games are serviceable adventure games with very solid production values and puzzle design, but with very spotty writing. They're not for everyone, but if you managed to even find this review, I suppose there's a very good chance that they might be for you.
245 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.19 11:10
References to walkthrough:

Deponia 10 times
Chaos on Deponia 4 times
Goodbye Deponia 0 (zero) times

Did I start to think like Rufus?
Maybe it isn't bad at all...
38 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.19 20:07
Steampunk+Comic style=Deponia

In the end I have left quiz games like this one behind because I am not good at getting behind how to solve them,
but this is still a masterpiece of a game. The scenes feel very different to each other.
Everyone of them sounds and looks different and keeps the game always fresh.
The characters and story feel unique in their own way and seem to be complex and deep.
At least it skyrocketed my expectations.

If you like games that require patience and (depending on your skills) a lot of time,
then this is the game for you.
132 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
1320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.19 07:59
Goodbye Deponia is the third (supposedly at the time, final conclusion) game of the series. It's available as this stand alone version or in the Trillogy pack Deponia: The Complete Journey

If you've played the other Deponia games then you'll see the graphics are about the same, they are high quality animations. I didn't originally like the specific drawn style they use in the Deponia series when I first started playing it. It had a sort of unsophisticated cartoon quality that didn't really appeal to me but it actually really grew on me and matches well with the tone and themes of the series. All of the transitions and sprite animations are well done and the cut scenes are very clean and well drawn.

The sound quality of the game is excellent, the music and background sounds are a great match for the game and the cut scenes musical scenes between each chapter featuring the Narrator/Bum/Poki are always entertaining and help build excitement for the next chapter while summing up the current state of things. I do find that the settings are naturally too loud for me. I do have to turn voice dialogue all the way up and music/background sounds to about 25% or I find myself not being able to hear characters over the other sounds but it's not terrible.

This time around Rufus is still trying to get to Elysium and Goal is still trying to warn them that people are still on the surface. Unfortunately the people who like/help Rufus the most are starting to tire of him a little too much. They are starting to question why they keep helping him or why they continue to let him be in their lives. His relationship with Goal is stronger but strained and sees some unusual challenges in this installment. He struggles in this story with being a good self-sacrificing guy vs. the more self serving jerk he usually is. In this game we get a lot more background filled in so we finally get to learn why he and Cletus look so similar along with the unexpected Argus. There are also some emotional roller coasters game-wise too including a few deaths.
Many of the characters from previous games continue to pop-up in this third installment including Doc, Bozo, Toni, Lotti, Bambina, Goal, Cletus, Argus, Jannosh, Garlev, Leibold, the Fortune Teller/Seer, and our good 'ol Hobo pal Goon and a surprise new leader of the resistance who is actually very familiar to you.

Unfortunately, I found the inventory is still problematic in the same way as previous games where sometimes it's difficult to open, keep open, or pick up an item. Other than that the interface is very easy to use. You can press space bar to highlight all active spots (though there are times when not doing so can earn you an achievement) which makes it easier to figure out what to do when your getting stuck. This particular game has 3 Rufus's in it and one unique feature is basically that once they find certain contact points the three characters can actually share items. In some ways it's reminiscent of the 3 Goal personalities in the last game but these characters are in 3 different areas and can then talk with each other a little and swap items. I found it both interesting and at times a little annoying. Like once that contact was made it would have been nice if you could just have their inventory items combined for instant access instead of having to go back and forth between the characters placing items on the other Rufus's picture to put it in their inventory. Over all though very easy to use.

I did experience my game crashing several times. The continue button allowed me to start from the same spot it crashed at every time though. I'm unsure if the crashing was related to something in the game itself, my computer or the steam client though. I had just recently updated to use Steams new beta on their client and it did crash each of those times. However, I've had the client crash in the past while not effecting the game that's open. I had also recently installed a Windows update and a java update... it's possible that any one of those on their own or in conjunction could have caused the issue.

If you like achievements this game has lots of them. There are story progression achievements that will unlock naturally as you progress though the game's story. There's also quite a few achievements for trying thing multiple times, trying unexpected combinations, and more... some are very easy to get others will be a bit confusing or frustrating because you find out about them after you've already left the area you need to do them in.

I played through twice at about 10 hours of playtime each the first time was longer since the second time around all the solutions are fresh in your mind. That puts it at about 1.99/hr of playtime. I does have some replay value but at full price it's higher than I prefer to pay.
If you have played the other two Deponia games and want to play through the whole series you'll want to pick this up. If you are just getting into the idea of playing this series I'd highly recommend it if you like darker humor and point & click adventures. However, I would recommend you actually check out the trillogy pack which is galled Deponia: The Complete Journey. You'll get games 1-3 in a single place and there's hardly any differences between all three of the game individually and that collection. It is usually more economical to purchase it that way too. However it does go on sale quite frequently so I'd also recommend looking for a sale to buy it.
Logo for Goodbye Deponia
Release:08.10.2013 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Daedalic Entertainment Vertrieb: Daedalic Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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