• Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.
  • Golem: Screen zum Spiel Golem.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.05.2018
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Preis Update 17.08.20

Über das Spiel

Niemand wusste, wer den alten Turm gebaut hatte, der an der Küste aufragte. Das junge Mädchen vermutete, dass früher durch die riesigen Aquädukte Wasser zu seinem Dorf geflossen sein musste, aber nicht einmal sein Großvater konnte sich daran erinnern, dass sich das alte Wasserrad der Mühle jemals gedreht hätte. Es war nun die Aufgabe des Mädchens und der übrigen Kinder, zum Turm zu gehen und das wenige Wasser zu sammeln, das aus den Höhlen unter dem Turm sprudelte. Aber alles ändert sich, als das Mädchen eine geheimnisvolle glühende Kugel weckt, die unter den Pfützen begraben ist. Lang verborgene Bilder glühen nun an den Höhlenwänden auf und wecken neue Hoffnungen für das von der Dürre heimgesuchte Dorf des Mädchens. Zum ersten Mal seit Jahrhunderten ist die Tür des Turmes geöffnet. Zusammen mit seinem seltsamen Begleiter betritt das junge Mädchen mutig die zerfallenen Ruinen der alten Maschine, um herauszufinden, ob es in deren lang gehüteten Geheimnissen den Schlüssel für seine Zukunft findet.

Eine herzerwärmende Abenteuergeschichte über ein junges Mädchen und einen sich ständig wandelnden Golem, die den Weg durch die Ruinen eines alten Turms finden müssen, um seine spannenden Rätsel zu lösen und seine lange stillliegenden Maschinen in Gang zu setzen.

  • Erkunde 10 umfangreiche Level: von den Höhlen tief unter dem Turm bis zu den windgepeitschten Türmchen hoch über der umgebenden Wüste.
  • Löse mithilfe der unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten des Mädchens und des Golems die Rätsel des Turms, um den Weg durch die verfallenen Ruinen zu finden und seine lange stillliegenden Maschinen wieder in Gang zu setzen.
  • Hilf dem Golem bei seiner Entwicklung durch fünf einzigartige Formen, von denen jede neue Fähigkeiten mitbringt, die den beiden Gefährten auf ihrer Suche helfen.
  • Entschlüssle die geheimnisvollen Piktogramme des Turms, um Hinweise auf ihre alten Erbauer und die Herkunft des rätselhaften Golems zu finden.


  • CPU: Intel i5 or Equivalent
  • GFX: Intel HD 4000
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: Intel i5 or Equivalent
  • GFX: GeForce 780
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

676 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 17:38
Wer krasse Rätsel möchte, bei denen ständig hin und her gelatscht werden muss und es gilt einen großen Level im Überblick zu behalten, ist mit Golem gut bedient.

Ich erhoffte mir jedoch deutlich mehr Geschichte und Interaktion. Man erfährt während des ganzen Spiel rein gar nichts über die Hintergründe und Motive. Erst in der letzten Minute wird klar worum es geht und das ist dann auch noch reichlich banal und mit sehr einfacher Grafik dargestellt. Nee, schade, hier und da interagieren die beiden Figuren nett miteinander, aber viel zu kurz, da hätte echt mehr drin sein können. Wenn jemand wie ich einen schönen Mix aus Puzzles und motivierender Geschichte erwartet, der ist hier absolut falsch.
1463 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.19 15:43
Bit of a bummer this....Golem is precisely the sort of game I typically love (no pressure puzzle solving), but between the obtuse camera angles (thankfully you can adjust the camera with WASD and the mouse wheel to zoom in or out, but still.....the camera and how it affects your ability to click on targets is your enemy more often than not), some graphical glitches/bugs, and the increasingly convoluted puzzles, and a broken achievement, which the devs can't be arsed to address/fix, ultimately means I can't recommend this game.

Obviously, how complicated a puzzle is remains a subjective thing, but if you not only have multiple moving parts that need to be activated, in the right order, added to the fact that you can sometimes be trapped halfway through a twenty/thirty minute level if you guess the wrong lever to pull next....well that's just frustrating. Because then you'd better hope you saved recently (ideally before you made the error, not after you've taken the action and had to progress a little further before you realize you've screwed yourself) or you will be forced to start the whole level over from scratch. And there is almost NEVER any clear indication of what the various levers etc will do until you've pulled them, possibly setting yourself up for failure via trial and error. This makes for a frustrating puzzle game, to be sure!

And the bugs/glitches.....several times I reloaded a saved game and found the character suspended in the air as if she was climbing a vine, whereas she had in fact been saved handling a lever, and she simply could not be retrieved from that position. Not to mention that sometimes a platform with both the protagonist and her golem would move, but the golem would remain suspended in air as the platform moved on with only the protagonist on it, forcing you to go back and try again (and again, and again) until the golem sticks the landing (as it were).

So, ultimately, I cannot recommend the game, unless it's on a DEEEEEP sale (as I said, the devs can't even be bothered to fix a broken achievment, so the only people with 100% are no doubt SAM users....)

478 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.19 16:12
I loved this game. I didn't really find the camera annoying at all. It took me very little time to get used to the controls so I had no problem playing it.

For me, the best thing about Golem is the puzzle and level design which I thought was very innovative as it makes you think about which path to take and how to use both characters to progress. The graphics and music were also really good and perfectly suited to the atmosphere of the game.

My only issue was that one of the achievements didn't unlock for me even though I'm sure it should have. But I wasn't too bothered about completing all of them (as it looks like one is permanently broken anyway).
321 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.19 11:25
Great music, pretty artwork, interesting theme. Unfortunately the control mechanic feels horrid to me, bounced right off the gameplay because of that. It didn't help that the game crashed and doesn't autosave, so all progress was lost.

The camera has a mind of its own and progress feels cumbersome. You may enjoy the aesthetic, but the gameplay and control lets it down.
2595 Produkte im Account
527 Reviews
315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.18 08:41

No one knows who built this ancient tower on the coastline. All we know is that it used to be the only source of water for a village nearby, and they were connected via an aqueduct. Now, within its ruins, lay puddles of fresh water from the cave beneath it. For many years, children from the village were sent to the tower to retrieve as much water as they could for the survival of the villagers. One day, a young girl stumbled upon a glowing blue sphere in the tower. Is it an omen? And would this blue sphere guide her throughout the caves to an unlimited source of fresh water for her and villagers? This is what you’ll have to find out in Golem!

Golem is a point and click puzzle game, developed and published by Longbow Games, where you take control of a young girl and her Golem companion.

The game consists of 10 levels. At the time of writing this review, I have successfully cleared 6 out of the 10 levels. There is no tutorial in Golem, and you really don’t need it, to be honest, as the first couple of levels are pretty easy to go through. Your goal is to get both the girl and the Golem to reach a grand arched door, which has a blue sign sort of shaped as a daisy, in order to complete the level. At first, the young lady will have the burden of pushing the glowing orb throughout levels until she finds a small pool of water. The sphere will grow two legs when pushed into the first pool on level three. I am not sure whether or not this will occur every three levels. Mind you, the second time the Golem evolved in my gameplay was on level six.

In terms of the gameplay, it’s pretty easy; select the girl or the golem (when it has its two legs, and not before), pinpoint and click on the location and take them there. The girl can climb ropes and vines on the walls to access upper or lower points within the caves. She can also activate levers to move carts and lift too. There are also weight platforms which can open doors when either the girl or the Golem stand on it.

Personally, I found the first few levels pretty straight forward, as they were short and simple. I started to really enjoy the game from the fourth level, which shows different perspectives each time you move around the tower. I needed to be more attentive to detail to get through it.

In terms of graphics, the game looks pretty good. The soundtrack is nice, and I find the controls very easy to use. I do think the puzzles could have been a little bit more challenging. However, it’s a great introduction for someone who has never played puzzled games.


+ Nice graphics
+ 10 levels to complete
+ Easy to play
+ Achievements


- Needed to be more challenging puzzle wise
- No trading cards yet

An interesting point and click puzzle game. Definitely worth giving it a go!


Key provided by developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!


153 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.18 15:56
Before I get into the bad stuff, I'll start off by saying this: It's truly a beautiful game with high potential. The puzzles are over-all interesting though not extremely challenging.

On to the bad stuff.
The hardest part about this game isn't the puzzles themselves. It's when there's no clear indication of what to do, or the camera.

The camera controls in general are rather bad. You control it with 'ASDW' but the problem is that it has a tendency to sweep towards the character you're controlling while zooming in to a set FOV. This means that when you're using features that require you to see beyond that small window, the camera will constantly automatically pull away from what you're doing. This forced me to start over what I was doing several times during my playthrough.

Then there're the actual character controls. They're honestly not much better, even though they're just you clicking at a spot you want the selected character to go to. It works fine while walking over 'normal' obstacles, but I've noticed that this function can only interact with climbable objects(like ropes) once per click.
This means that if you want to walk some distance, climb a rope, and then jump off on a platform, you'll have to choose. Either you walk to the rope and grab it in the first click, and climb it and jump off with the second click, or you walk to it and climb it in the first click and jump off on the second.
If it's just walking or going through doorways, you can go as far and go through as many doorways as neccessary for the character to get where you want it in a single click.
This does not mean that you can't make characters pathfind through climbing. Later on in the game, [spoiler]when the golem turns into a monkey, you can call it to the girl. [/spoiler] This working despite all obstacles proves that it's most likely a bug, an obvious one they somehow didn't catch before releasing.

The cutscenes are snapshot-images. While some do have movement, it's mostly minimal. Furthermore, in my case, the images weren't rendering propperly, resulting in the blurred graphics you'd expect from a game on one of the older consoles, not a game whose selling point is atleast partially the graphics/beautiful environment.

Finally, the ending.
[spoiler] It was honestly one of the more disappointing points for me. Firstly, the tower you've been starting up to get water with relies on sunlight, yet all of a sudden in the end cutscene, it starts raining as the steam condensates into raindrops. The thing is, it's still sunny outside. Meaning that, for some reason, the builders decided that after filtering, purifying and boiling the water, the best method to send it out into the aqueducts was to let it rain through the tower's insides, presumably to be collected further down.
Then there's a slight problem revealed. Just before the water from the tower reaches the girl's village, it spills out due to one of the arches being broken, something that's apparently not only a great surprise to the girl, it also apparently nulls the effort they've put in so far. Because there's apparently no way the villages who've been suffering from drought all this time could just collect it from the veritable LAKE that logically should be forming right next to their huts.
The golem's final form, a humanoid, has gained the power to levitate objects. You've used it numerous times to move objects(duh) and even build simple bridges. Thus, the golem's reaction is to use the very same power to put the broken arch back together, despite it being far FAR out of any previously indicated range. This, however, seemingly kills the golem. Rather unnecessarily so aswell. [/spoiler]

There are several rather obvious indications of sequels in the form them hinting that atleast two more towers existing that are related to the tower the storyline takes place in. If so, then I hope they atleast patch this game first, because as I've mentioned, it HAS potential. It just isn't leveraged yet.
It's furthermore rather short. I got through it in just past 1.5h and I spent some time walking back and forth because I didn't have any idea as to what I was doing. In a second playthrough you could most likely get through it in less that an hour. As such, I'd say that it's not worth its price. I'd be hesitant to recommend buying it in its current state even for 5€, much less the current full price of 15.

EDIT: One point I forgot to mention is the sound. The music cuts oddly when the golem 'evolves', some things make an aweful amount of racket, such as the golem walking up and down stairs, and some things lack sound for no obvious reason, such as object collision.
501 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.18 09:41
Puzzle point-and-click game, despite what you might think this combo works quite nicely. Managed to finish in about 4 hours without any great difficulty. Almost all the ideas here are extremely well thought out, and as such most puzzles are very satisfying to overcome.

However, lack of polish on a couple of mid-to-late levels meant the solutions were sometimes a little more frustrating than they could have been. A particular gripe on the last level required me to restart the entire level to correct my mistake.

The camera also becomes the surprise antagonist by the end, and some minor keyboard gymnastics were needed to keep the camera from driving me completely mad.

Still very happy with time and money spent on this game, and hope this encourages Longbow Games to try their hand at this style more often, though perhaps with a bit more polish next time!
1131 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.18 05:24
Only played the game a little so far as you can see from my video link below -


But in General it seems a fun little puzzle game you seem to just use the mouse (left button) and keyboard (W,S,A,D and Space bar) to move your charter around The little girl (and the Golem, when he follows you or your pushing him etc). As well as moving the camara (what seems to snap back if you zoom to much in) as well as being able to speed the game up what is also nice.

I like the neat little animations the girl does when she jumps of things or spins around stuff it isn't needed but adds a nice charm to the game, They seems to be 10 levels (Or Puzzle rooms if you will) from what I can see so far (again not finished yet).

I had a problem with my Radeon RX Vega 64 (AMD) PC that the game kept crashing my system (I play spellforce 3, Elex, star Citizen, Total War: Warhammer just to name a few games on that system fine) most of the time but on my wife's Nivida 1070 (Intel) it worked smooth as butter not a single problem so just putting down to warn since I assume that will get fixed or it is a unique case with my Vegas PC etc.

So all in all for the price it is a nice little game especially if you like puzzle click based games etc if your not really in to that then I guess this game is not for you etc.

Anyway hope this review and the above video of me trying to game helps any one who is taking a look at this little charming puzzle game etc.
472 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.18 20:50
Nice atmosphere, mechanics are well-introduced and easy to apply, and the puzzles are pretty nice so far. Having an option to speed up the movement is nice.

I had one brief moment of camera issues when the golem got too far away from me, but that's the only issue I've seen. Would recommend to friends.
181 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.18 05:31
Bought the game on day 1.
I was expecting a puzzle platformer, but really it's more of a puzzle point and click. Not a bad thing at all, but the descrip[tion doesn't really reflect that.
I've only played through part of it so far, so I can only judge from what I've experienced.
I like the way it looks, the art direction and the music. It has a relaxing atmosphere to it. Puzzles so far aren't extremely challenging, but I enjoy the mechanics of them, or at least the concept of the mechanics.
The implementation is a little hit or miss at times I feel, especially when you get to the point when you can control the golem independently fromthe main character.

I absolutely HATE the camera though, more particularly how it automatically recenters on the main character. It's actually most annoying as you're trying to get a wide view of the level you're in and trying to decide your next moves. In my opinion, the camera should be fixed and moved only by the player as s/he intends to, and maybe give an extra option to recenter if desired (like right click or something).
Aside from the frustrating camera and sometimes awkward ways of controlling the golem, it's a very interesting game.
It's too early for me to tell if it's worth the price, but I don't regret my purchase.
Logo for Golem
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
58.82% 10 7
Release:29.05.2018 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Longbow Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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