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Über das Spiel

Die Straßen dieser Turmstadt sind voller Gewalt. Mara, die Schlüsselmeisterin, regiert mit eiserner Faust und nimmt wenig Rücksicht auf menschliches Leben.
Wenn die Ressourcen schwinden, fallen die Starken über die Schwachen her und Chaos bedroht die verbleibende Ordnung. Der entscheidende letzte Moment naht. Ein letzter Versuch, die Dinge in Ordnung zu bringen, bevor die Menschheit ausstirbt.
Als fortschrittlichster Klingenkämpfer, der jemals geschaffen wurde, bist du immer zahlenmäßig unterlegen, aber niemals überlegen. Spalte deine Feinde mit einem monomolekularen Katana, weiche Kugeln mit deinen übermenschlichen Reflexen aus und setze eine Vielzahl spezialisierter Techniken ein, um zu überleben.
One-Hit-One-Kills machen den Kampf schnell und intensiv. Nutze deine überlegene Mobilität (und häufigen Kontrollpunkte!), um furchtlos einen endlosen Tanz mit dem Tod zu führen.
Ghostrunner bietet ein einzigartiges Einzelspieler-Erlebnis: rasante, gewalttätige Kämpfe und eine originelle Umgebung, die Science-Fiction mit postapokalyptischen Elementen verbindet. Es wird die Geschichte einer bereits untergegangenen Welt und ihrer Bewohner erzählt, die ums Überleben kämpfen.
Bestelle das Spiel jetzt vor, um 2 exklusive Katana-Schwerter und 20 % Rabatt auf das angesagteste Spiel des Jahres zu erhalten.
- CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K (4 * 3300) AMD Phenom II X4 965 (4 * 3400) or equivalent
- GFX: GeForce GTX 1050 (2048 MB) / Radeon RX 550 (4096 MB)
- Software: Windows 7, 8.1, 10 x64
- HD: 22 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- MISC: 60FPS, Low settings, 720p)
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K (4 * 4000) or AMD Ryzen 5 1500X (4 * 3500) or equivalent
- GFX: GeForce GTX 970 (4096 MB) or Radeon RX 5700 (8192 MB)
- Software: Windows 7, 8.1, 10 x64
- HD: 22 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- MISC: 60FPS, Low settings, 720p)
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.22 19:41
932 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 18:24
After finishing it and doing some extra runs I' rather recommend it but there are definitely some drawbacks. But one after another.
It's challenging. You die as soon as you are hit. No extra life, no shield. Only your agility to evade enemy attacks and your ability to block some attacks if your timing is right. Some special attacks may help you on your crusade but you have to get them first and their use costs focus which needs to regenerate after use. Nevertheless, the fights seem fair.
It's fast paced. At least during combat it's either you or them. And you will know the result very soon.
There are some hidden extras. So outside of fights you can explore the area to find audiologs or items which give some deeper insight in the story, eastereggs or swords. The swords can be equipped for cosmetic reasons and are actually well designed, I really enjoyed looking for them and switching between them. Some of this stuff is found easily while some is very well hidden. You can use a perk to assist your search or do it without it.
The perksystem is kinda funny. It's somehow like tetris but without erasing lines. You start with a small field and only a few available upgrades. Every upgrade has a different shape and you arrange them on your field. You can rearrange/switch perks at any time. If you leave fields free it increases your focus regeneration, but you can also try to squeeze in as many upgrades as possible. Your choice. I liked it as I never experienced something like that before.
Movement feels good, most of the time your ghostrunner is doing what you would expect him to do, wall runs and grappling usually works fine. There's almost always more than one route to your goal, depending on your skill.
Soundtrack also kicks in.
Frustration. While it's ok for a game not to be too easy, accumulating hundreds of deaths within one level can be quite annoying. And that happened for almost every level. The quick respawn compensates a bit for that, as you can instantly respawn, even while still being alive. There are a lot of checkpoints so you don't lose much progression. But still not what I'm used to...
Sometimes it also feels a bit random. Doing a wallrun and there's an enemy waiting at the end of it, it happened sometimes that I was shot down in the middle of it, sometimes at the end of it still being in mid air or I could finish the run before the first shot. Some mechanics seem not to reset with a respawn so you may find different start conditions after death. Maybe I'm wrong about this but I definitely got this impression.
It's rather short. I completed it in about 10 hours with around 70-80% of the stuff found. A few hours later I got everything except the steam achievements. Maybe I'll try hardmode (or is it hardcore?) soon but at the moment I do not really feel that motivated to go for it.
The game probably only gets really rewarding if you manage to perfect your movement in an early stage of the game. There are some tutorials in game but they are short. I somehow reached the last level and got stuck there. I then watched a guide, realized that this player was doing some stuff completely different and by using that knowledge even earlier levels got much more easier. I usually avoid this approach as you risk spoilers.
There are some puzzles in certain levels. In my opinion they break the flow of the game. Some may find them nice as they are different from the rest of the game. After you solved them once, they are just annoying.
Gloves: Like the swords there are also gloves available to customize your ghostrunner. Well, in fact there is the standard model and if you buy the DLC, you get a second one. That's ridiculous and not worth an extra section for customization.
It was fun, a short gap filler. But I don't think I will reach 50 hours within this game, probably not even half of it. The story was ok, but the ending was obvious already in an early stage.
1606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 01:14
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 01:26
Disclaimer: Wir haben diese Kopie kostenlos erhalten – was aber nichts an der davon unabhängigen Bewertung ändert.
Wir befinden uns im Dharma-Turm, der letzten Bastion der Menschheit in diesem post-apokalyptischen Universum, welche von der tyrannischen Mara, die den Titel der Schlüsselmeisterin inne hat, mit harter Hand geführt wird und damit alles tut, die letzte Menschheit in einer vom Darwinismus geprägten Krise auszurotten - Dystopie in Reinform.
Wir erwachen im Körper von Jack, einem kybernetischen Ninja, der seine Kämpfe stets mit seinem Katana führt und beste Fähigkeiten im Parcour besitzt, für den Wallrides keine Probleme darstellen und auch in bester Matrix-Manier die Zeit stark verlangsamen kann.
Jack erwacht im Abgrund des Dharma-Turms aus der Bewusstlosigkeit und wird direkt mit einer merkwürdigen konfrontiert, die fordert, aus den Gefängnissen dieser Stadt befreit zu werden - und das lieber schnell, da man bereits Jagd auf Jack mache.
Dies getan, entpuppt sich diese Stimme als die künstliche Intelligenz mit dem Namen “Architect”, die Jack nach dessen Gedächtnisverlust unter die Arme greift und sowohl ihm, als auch dem Spieler die Geschichte des Dharma-Turms nahelegt, welchen er zusammen mit der Schlüsselmeisterin erschuf - bis Mara durchdrehte, den “Architect” wegsperrte und ihre vorweg erwähnte Tyranei durchsetzte. Jack war gar einer der Bodyguards Maras, welcher sich ihr sogar im Kampf stellte, um ihre Schreckensherrschaft zu beenden - mit bekanntem Ergebnis, wir landeten schließlich nicht grundlos halb tot am absoluten Tiefpunkt des Turms.
Nachdem der Architect nun also Jacks Gedächtnis auf die Sprünge half, macht dieser sich natürlich sofort auf dem Weg um die Spitze des Turms zu erklimmen und Mara endgültig den Garaus zu machen. Dass dieser Weg kein Spaziergang ist und von waghalsigen Hindernissen und schwer bewaffneten Wächtern nur so wimmelt, dürfte selbstverständlich sein - Augen zu und durch, es führt kein Weg herum.
Die Story kommt etwas flach, geht in dem Cyberpunk-Setting voll auf und wirkt in dem Game als atmosphärische Stütze. Die Inszenierung der Story bleibt auf der Strecke und geht in der Action weitestgehend unter, macht aber auch klar, dass die Prioritäten woanders liegen - Ghostrunner ist nunmal nicht story-driven und sollte auch dementsprechend nicht als solches verstanden werden; die vorhandene Story dient eher als Mittel zum Zweck.
Schnell, brutal, schwer: Das ist die Prämisse dieses Spiels. Egal ob pfeilschnelle Parcoureinlagen in bester Ninja-Manier samt Wallrides oder mit dem Enterhaken über die Ebene fliegen oder noch schnellere Kämpfe mit dem Katana gegen teilweise schwer bewaffnete Soldaten: Das Spiel fordert einiges vom Spieler ab.
Gerade die Kämpfe machen das Spiel aus: Wer mit einem Schwert zur Schießerei kommt, hat eh schon schlechte Karten. Wenn man dann aber, für Videospiele fast schon wieder außergewöhnlich, mit einem Treffer stirbt, hat man “Ghostrunner” in der Hand - jap, ein Spiel mit Hardcore-Elementen, die euch oft, VERDAMMT oft sterben lassen werden.
Aber immerhin lässt das Spiel euch nicht ganz hilflos zurück; es bietet euch mehrere Fähigkeiten, die die Kämpfe erleichtern - so kann man bspw. in bester Matrix-Manier die Zeit temporär verlangsamen um so Geschossen auszuweichen oder währenddessen mehrere Gegner markieren, um mit einem Angriff mehrere hintereinander stehende Gegner auf einmal aus dem Leben zu reißen. Ebenso hat der Protagonist einen Dash, der im Parcour Vorteile bietet und in Kämpfen die schnelle Annäherung an Gegner ermöglicht.
Sowohl der Umgang mit den Fähigkeiten, als auch der Kampf mit dem Katana an sich geht locker und flüssig von der Hand und wirkt einfach atemberaubend, es macht einfach Bock und Spaß auf mehr - selten hat es sich so gut, so flüssig angefühlt durch Level zu sprinten, springen und sich durch zahlreiche Gegner zu metzeln - dieses Spielgefühl in dieser Geschwindigkeit hat Ghostrunner nahezu perfektioniert.
Die Gegner sind durchaus variabel: Der “Standardtyp” ist ein einfacher Schütze mit einer Pistole, dem man leicht ausweichen und mit einem Schlag überwältigen kann; dann gibt es aber auch Gegner die mehrere Treffer aushalten oder eine Minigun führen, die euch ganz schön in Schach hält. Auf bestimmten Ebenen sind die Gegner ebenfalls von einem Schild beschützt, dessen Quelle zuerst zerstört werden muss, bevor man die Gegner angehen kann - gerade dann werden Kampf- und Parcourelemente verbunden, da man meist über die gesamte Ebene hechten muss, um die meist sehr verwinkelt versteckten Quellen auszuschalten. Und nicht vergessen: werdet ihr getroffen, seid ihr sofort tot und dürft den Abschnitt erneut starten. Übersicht und Reflexe sind hier letztenendes das A und O.
Immerhin: Der Tod ist in diesem Spiel fast wertlos. Ihr verliert keinen Fortschritt außer den gerade begonnenen Abschnitt und der schnelle Respawn ermöglicht es, diesen Abschnitt sofort zu wiederholen.
Nichtsdestotrotz braucht man für dieses Spiel eine hohe Frusttoleranz und einen gewissen Skill für derart schnelle und schwierige Spiele, sonst bleibt der Fortschritt aus, der Spielspaß auf der Strecke und sorgt dafür, dass das Game unbeendet in der Bibliothek versauert.
An dieser Stelle bin ich ehrlich: Ich selbst bin nur bis zu einem gewissen Punkt in dem Spiel gekommen, wo ich hoffnungslos aufgeben musste, da ich dem Schwierigkeitsgrad (natürlich nicht einstellbar) nicht gewachsen war und habe mir das spätere Gameplay auf YouTube angeschaut, damit es wenigstens so mal sehe und bewerten kann.
Abseits (oder auch teilweise mittendrin) hat das Game auch einige Collectibles zu bieten, die aber erst durch eine Fähigkeit im Skilltree wirklich hervorstechen, da diese ansonsten im Neon-in-Neon der Umwelt untergehen. Dabei sind es Storygegenstände und Audiotagebücher, die der Story etwas mehr Tiefe verleihen oder auch Skins für das Katana des Protagonisten. Wer also im epileptischen Metzelfeuerwerk noch nicht ausgelastet ist, kann auch die Gegend nach diesen Gegenständen absuchen; man wird bei einer Komplettierung auch mit entsprechenden Achievements belohnt.
Bockschwer, aber verdammt spaßig: Ghostrunner zeigt auf, dass man auch im Frust sehr viel Spaß finden kann. Die hunderten Tode nimmt man sehr schnell als gegeben hin und man lernt mit jedem einzelnen Fehler; die Lernkurve verläuft, wie jedoch auch der Schwierigkeitsgrad, steil. Alles in allem hat man hier die perfekte Abmischung aus Parcour- und Slasherelementen gefunden, um den Spieler durch das Game hinweg Abwechslung, Action und Spaß zu bieten.
+ perfektes Cyberpunk-Flair
+ konsequentes Setting
+ satter Sound
+ perfekte Optimierung; auch auf betagten System stabile Framerate
• teils zu sterile, “saubere” und lineare Levelabschnitte
- Spielgeschehen wird im Partikelfeuerwerk schnell unübersichtlich
Fazit: Ghostrunner ist besonders - besonders schwer, besonders außergewöhnlich, besonders spaßig. Es verbindet mehrere Genres im Hardcorekleid mit einander und schafft diesen Sprung famos und sorgt dafür, dass Frust durchaus süchtig machen kann. Wer also eine hohe Toleranzgrenze hat und auf pfeilschnelle, bockschwere Action steht, wird hier definitiv seinen Spaß haben.
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1337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 14:20
Die Story ist gut. An die Steuerung musste ich mich erstmals gewöhnen aber das war kein Problem. Dank verschiedenen Fähigkeiten und Neuen Gegnern, die man im laufe des Spiels erhält, wird Ghostrunner nicht langweilig und man hat genug Abwechslung im ganzen Spiel.
Leider hat man nicht viel Spielzeit z.B. hab ich Ghostrunner in 11 Stunden durchgespielt was das Spiel aber nicht Schlächter macht. Dank verschiedenen Items die man in den Leveln finden kann, kann man, obwohl man Ghostrunner durch gespielt hat, immer noch sehr viel Spaß haben. Mit den Items findet man mehr von der Story heraus. Außerdem kann man neue Schwerter finden die mega Geil aussehen. Ich habe keine Bucks oder Gliches gefunden die den Spielspaß rauben.
Ghostrunner ist ein Mega geiles Game was ich jedem empfählen kann. Die Soundtracks die von Daniel Deluxe gemacht wurden sind einfach der Hammer! Man taucht in die Spielwelt ein und man will dort nicht mehr raus.
Es ist ein spiel wofür sich die 30€ lohnen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen: Sendetta
Edit: Ich habe doch ein Buck gefunden. Wenn man zu oft oder zu schnell aus dem Spiel Alt Tabt, kann man nicht mehr mit dem R respawnen.
496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 08:27
Dabei schafft es Ghostrunner perfekt Anforderung, Frust und Erfolgserleben zu balancieren. Selbst als Spieler, mit niedriger Frusttoleranz (den man mit den Soulslike Spielen jagen kann und der sich auch nicht schämt Spiele auf leicht zu spielen) hab ich Ghostrunner nicht einmal zu Seite gelegt. Auch nicht, wenn ich am Ende des Levels über Hundert Tode auf dem Zähler hatte.
Sicher Ghostrunner ist nicht perfekt. Die immer wieder im Cyberspace eingestreuten Rätsel sind sicherlich Geschmackssache und nehmen manchmal zu viel Tempo raus. Und auch wenn die Cyberpunk Atmosphäre gut rüberkommt, die Effekte ordentlich knallen und die Beleuchtung einen klasse Job macht, merkt man das fehlende AAA Budget an den sich wiederholenden Assets und vielen sterilen Levelbausteinen.
Das fällt während des Spielen aber kaum auf, denn bis zum Schluss trumpft Ghostrunner immer wieder mit neuen Spielmechaniken, neuen Gegnertypen oder coolen Bosskämpfen auf.
Die Spieldauer kommt dabei ganz auf den persönlichen Skill und die eigene Lernkurve an, zwischen 6 und 8 Stunden halte ich für einen ersten Durchgang für realistisch. Hat man den Dreh raus, kann man im zweiten oder dritten Anlauf sicherlich in unter 2 Stunden den Abspann erreichen.
Fazit: Schönes Spiel, dem man etwaige Schwächen schnell verzeiht, während man einfach den Flow genießt.
611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 22:38
Ghostrunner - endloser Tanz mit dem Tod
Man erwacht in einem kybernetischen Körper, mit einem Katana in der Hand und einer fremden Stimme im Kopf, die dir direkt eine Aufgabe gibt. Flucht und gleichzeitig Rache nehmen. An wen? An die Person, die euch fast das Leben genommen hat.
Direkt in den ersten Minuten wird klar, dass man Ghostrunner nicht auf die Leichter Schulter nehmen kann. Sterben steht auf dem Alltagsplan. Denn die Widersacher und man selbst haben eine Sache gemeinsam. Ein Treffer und man ist Tod.
Immer und immer wieder drückt man die Respawn Taste. Doch man lernt daraus. Man wird also niedergestreckt, lernt aus seinen Fehlern und versucht es anders oder mit neuen Wegen. Denn das Spiel gibt (zumindest, wenn es um Kämpfen geht) verschiedene Pfade zu bestreiten und Fähigkeiten, um sie zu benutzen. Die braucht man auch, um sich allerart von Gegnern fernzuhalten. Von Samurai Wächtern und Banditen bis hin zu fliegenden Drohnen und Mechs.
Aber stimmt das Timing und man hat man sich erst mal an alles gewöhnt, fühlt es sich großartig an die starken Gegner akrobatisch zu überwältigen!
+ sieht super aus
+ läuft ziemlich flüssig
+ steuert sich erste klasse
+ viele Sammlerstücke (die ein wenig Hintergrundgeschichte erzählen)
+ Hauptwaffe lässt sich optisch anpassen
+ einzigartiger Skilltree
+ vier Fähigkeiten, die im Kampf helfen
+ viele Gegnertypen
+ gute Story
+ Bosskämpfe waren der Hammer
+ Charakter sind alle (auf englisch) synchronisiert
+ One-Hit-One-Kills System (Spieler und normale Gegner haben alle nur ein Leben) und somit herausfordernd
+ gute Einteilung von Kämpfe, Puzzle und Parkour
+ Soundtrack kann sich hören lassen (und läuft auch weiter nachdem Tod, um nicht aus den Flow zukommen)
+ ausgefallenes Design und Levelorte ([spoiler] von Favela und Großstadt im Cyberpunk Stil bis hin zu fahrenden Zügen und Laboren[/spoiler])
- manchmal bekommt man von der Story nichts mit, weil man sich auf die Kämpfe/Parkour fokussiert
- für Casual Spieler könnten manche Abschnitte zu schwierig werden
- Parkour-System manchmal anfällig für zu schnelle Bewegungen
Flotter Parkour, blutige Kämpfe und fordernde Puzzle mit Cyberpunk vermischt fühlt sich einfach großartig an! Klare Kaufempfehlung!
★★★★★ ★★★☆☆ 8/10 Punkte
???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Kuratorengruppe auf deutsch/englisch ????
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1396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 01:06
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 18:36
10/10 Soundtrack (die Musik ist schon hart nice ngl)
5/10 Level Design (irgendwie ein bisschen langweilig auch wenn ich nicht so viel davon gesehen habe)
2/10 Kampfsystem
Warum 2/10 beim Kampfsystem? Hier meine Erklärung.
Ich habe ein paar Reviews gelesen und bin anscheinend der einzige mit diesem Problem. Manchmal reagiert weder die LMT noch die RMT. Es kam zu Momenten wo ich vor dem Gegner stand und sich mein toller Ghostrunner dachte ,,Ach Mensch wie schön doch mein Schwert ist.'' und dann nicht angegriffen hat, egal wie oft ich die LMT GEHÄMMERT habe. Es gibt Momente wo man sich auch mit einer art ,,Grappling hook'' an wände ziehen muss um nicht in sein verderben zu stürzen. Wenn ich aber die RMT drücke......passiert meist nichts oder erst nach 3-4 mal drücken der Taste. Ich bin sogar mal als Test stehengeblieben und habe die LMT und die RMT ohne pause gedrückt (mal langsam mal schnell um zu schauen ob das Spiel nh eingebauten cooldown hat aber ich konnte mir nichts logisches erschließen)......von 50 mal klicken der LMT habe ich nur 22 mal den Boden geschlagen und von 36 mal Klicken der RMT habe ich mich nur 28 mal an besagte Wände gezogen.
Ich bin im Moment dabei das Spiel zurückzugeben da ich es als unspielbar empfinde wenn 2 Hauptelemente (habe 38 Minuten Spielzeit und bin erst bei lvl 3 wohl angemerkt) nicht funktionieren........
Falls irgendwer ähnliche Probleme hat / hatte bitte sagt es mir. Ich habe extra eine relativ neue Maus ausprobiert um zu schauen ob der Fehler bei mir liegt.....aber nein. Ich habe auch in keinerlei anderen Spielen derartige Probleme. Ich habe auch nichts im Internet zu meinem Problem gefunden und gebe nun auf.
Das Spiel wird zurückgegeben und Punkt. Leider schade weil ich mich sehr auf dieses Spiel gefreut habe, da ich Großer Fan von solcher Art Spiele bin.
Ich hoffe ich konnte weiterhelfen.
198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 17:51
Neben der schönen Grafik und dem treibenden & wunderbaren Cyberpunk Soundtrack bietet dieses Spiel einem wirklich das Gefühl ein wahrer Cyberninja zu sein.
Jeder der eine große angeborene Frustresistenz besitzt wird mehr als nur Spaß mit diesem Spiel haben.
Wer hier ein schickes, schnelles und einfaches Abenteuer erwartet wird sehr schnell, sehr enttäuscht werden.
423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 00:30
Only thing I regret is, I didn't buy a pillow. Now there's a bump in my desk and my wrist seems broken.
853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.22 02:41
Ghostrunner is an outstanding cyberpunk, sword-fight game with clever level and environment designs, weapon/ sword models, and sophisticated-designed enemies. The game is a bit hardcore, with you being dead if you get even a single hit from the enemies. Fortunately, it has checkpoint so no worries. Despite the higher difficulty compared to regular titles, overcoming in-game situations gives me a stronger sense of feeling rewarded. Aside from the regular enemies, the bosses are great to fight with, too.
If you're new to this game, be patient as you'll get a lot of deaths in your first try. Don't feel bad if you get 100+ deaths in a single level, because many experience this as well.
All the best, Ghostrunners
862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 06:19
Cyber-space puzzles were not my cup of tea. Call me braindead, but I honestly can't fathom PUZZLES in a FAST game. If it's all about movement and slicing people, they're just anti-climatic. THANKFULLY, Hardcore mode doesn't have these, so it checks out.
Jack's story mode was really enjoyable, and reading and experiencing his story in itself was a breath of fresh air from most Cyberpunk stories you always find either in books or other games.
Hel's story mode was... iffy for me. While it is a nice prequel to the events of the main game, the whole evil cyber-ninja going rogue part was just... a bit cliche, but hey, it is a nice spin on things. Plus, the introduction of the new enemies really had me at the top of my game, and it felt rather weird having to ACTUALLY avoid killing enemies for once! The difference between Hel and Jack is noticeable as fuck, considering the increased mobility that Hel has over him, and the ability to actually SURVIVE a hit with enough kills, while Jack gets... well, jack-shit. The bosses however... they felt a bit underwhelming.
Overall, a really good game. It's not that long, but it doesn't need to be.
Nicht Empfohlen
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 14:27
I feel it's a little unfair to give it a negative rating for that, but I'd consider it accessibility. Generally I can play FPS games and the like, and I can't really put my finger on it what the issue is here. But it's defintely one of the worst if not the worst game to me when it comes to motion sickness (followed closely by Hellblade). If I remember correctly I had the same issue with Mirror's Edge.
I bought the soundtrack though and am happy with that.
Nicht Empfohlen
803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 14:15
If so, this is the game for you!
Nicht Empfohlen
926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 12:23
1468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 16:45
The good:
- fun, fast-paced with great movement and a good progression of skills and abilities
- great graphics and incredible soundtrack, with good voice acting and a simple but compelling story
- generous checkpoints and quick restarts (essential considering how often I died - think my record was about 400 deaths on one level)
The bad:
- inexplicably, you lose all of your abilities during boss fights which is annoying, more so since it is not explained
- occasionally, the levels became tedious and repetitive, where the same elements of level design are used over and over, particularly in some of the later levels
This game is a blast and definitely recommended. But it is also unforgiving so be prepared.
1781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 22:23
Ghostrunner goes from making me want to smash my monitor to thinking it's one of my favorite games. Overall tho I really like it and think its a great game
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 15:19
620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 12:45
++ Atmosphere
++ Characters
++ Story
++ Soundtrack
++ Gameplay
- A little bit short (Ghostrunner 2 will come at least which is +)
Be swift Ghostrunner.
591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 02:35
???? No story
???? Not main aspect
???? Bad story
???? Average
✅ Good
???? It'll replace your life
???? Lifeless / static
???? Poor UI
???? Average
???? Good
✅ Excellent
???? Playing asleep
???? Some brain usage
???? Easy to learn / Hard to master
✅ Difficult
???? Dark Souls
4/16 GRIND
???? Nothing to grind
✅ Isn't necessary to progress
???? Average grind level
???? Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
???? Too much grind
???? Long enough for a cup of coffee (1min-15min)
???? Short (15min-5h)
✅ Average (5h-10h)
???? Long (10h-500h)
???? Super long (500h+)
???? To infinity and beyond (∞)
6/16 Replayability
???? None
✅ Once or twice
???? It has a few endings
???? Party game!
✅ No multiplayer
???? Trashy servers
???? Some hiccups
???? Smooth and pleasant experience
???? Co-op
???? PvP
✅ PvE
???? Stuck in the last century
???? Low Effort
???? Average
???? Good
✅ Did I go to heaven?
9/16 AUDIO
???? Earrape
???? Bad
???? Not too bad
???? Good
✅ Eargasm
???? Children (0-5)
???? Kids (6-12
???? Young teens (13-15)
✅ Old teens (16-19)
✅ Adults (20+)
???? Everyone
???? Potato
✅ Decent
???? Fast
???? Rich boi
???? > NASA
12/16 PRICE
???? It's free!
???? Not recommended
???? Wait for sale
✅ Worth the price
???? Best investment ever done
???? Completed
???? Abandoned
???? Last year
✅ Once every year
???? A couple per year
???? Every week
???? None / Not discovered
???? Minor bugs
✅ Can get annoying
???? Frequent crashes
???? Complete mess
15/16 MISC
???? Steam Workshop
✅ Steam Trading Cards
✅ Steam Achievements
✅ Content for Steam Points Shop
✅ Recommended
???? Not recommended
591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 02:35
???? No story
???? Not main aspect
???? Bad story
???? Average
✅ Good
???? It'll replace your life
???? Lifeless / static
???? Poor UI
???? Average
???? Good
✅ Excellent
???? Playing asleep
???? Some brain usage
???? Easy to learn / Hard to master
✅ Difficult
???? Dark Souls
4/16 GRIND
???? Nothing to grind
✅ Isn't necessary to progress
???? Average grind level
???? Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks
???? Too much grind
???? Long enough for a cup of coffee (1min-15min)
???? Short (15min-5h)
✅ Average (5h-10h)
???? Long (10h-500h)
???? Super long (500h+)
???? To infinity and beyond (∞)
6/16 Replayability
???? None
✅ Once or twice
???? It has a few endings
???? Party game!
✅ No multiplayer
???? Trashy servers
???? Some hiccups
???? Smooth and pleasant experience
???? Co-op
???? PvP
✅ PvE
???? Stuck in the last century
???? Low Effort
???? Average
???? Good
✅ Did I go to heaven?
9/16 AUDIO
???? Earrape
???? Bad
???? Not too bad
???? Good
✅ Eargasm
???? Children (0-5)
???? Kids (6-12
???? Young teens (13-15)
✅ Old teens (16-19)
✅ Adults (20+)
???? Everyone
???? Potato
✅ Decent
???? Fast
???? Rich boi
???? > NASA
12/16 PRICE
???? It's free!
???? Not recommended
???? Wait for sale
✅ Worth the price
???? Best investment ever done
???? Completed
???? Abandoned
???? Last year
✅ Once every year
???? A couple per year
???? Every week
???? None / Not discovered
???? Minor bugs
✅ Can get annoying
???? Frequent crashes
???? Complete mess
15/16 MISC
???? Steam Workshop
✅ Steam Trading Cards
✅ Steam Achievements
✅ Content for Steam Points Shop
✅ Recommended
???? Not recommended
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 11:21
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 11:21
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 12:16
The story is bland, but it's just an excuse for a cool setting and stellar gameplay.
The bosses are alright with exception of the last one, which is just tedious to fight and beat.
Enemies cheat like mad, but that's to be expected when we're controlling a parkouring blender. You can parry bullets back at the enemies, but it's pretty tricky to master. My quip with parrying is fighting the sword-wielding enemies, who's parry window is very inconsistent. I trained against them numerous times, but it looks like sometimes you just can't parry them at all despite having the timing memorized down to milliseconds. But that only incentivized to use one of few different and cool abilities when encountering them, which is nice imo.
Game has a New Game Plus / Hardcore option after beating it for the first time which offers rearranged levels and end-game enemies spawning from the start. It's a proper challenge.
So overall it's a very good, but a bit janky game. Buy it if you'd like to play as a human blender with a katana.
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 12:16
The story is bland, but it's just an excuse for a cool setting and stellar gameplay.
The bosses are alright with exception of the last one, which is just tedious to fight and beat.
Enemies cheat like mad, but that's to be expected when we're controlling a parkouring blender. You can parry bullets back at the enemies, but it's pretty tricky to master. My quip with parrying is fighting the sword-wielding enemies, who's parry window is very inconsistent. I trained against them numerous times, but it looks like sometimes you just can't parry them at all despite having the timing memorized down to milliseconds. But that only incentivized to use one of few different and cool abilities when encountering them, which is nice imo.
Game has a New Game Plus / Hardcore option after beating it for the first time which offers rearranged levels and end-game enemies spawning from the start. It's a proper challenge.
So overall it's a very good, but a bit janky game. Buy it if you'd like to play as a human blender with a katana.
Nicht Empfohlen
367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 10:45
Nicht Empfohlen
367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 10:45
1914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 14:44
1914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 14:44
67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 19:46
So yeah, you should have bought this in the Summersale.. :D
Nicht Empfohlen
459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 10:04
Some examples:
1) A lot of the times, wall running didn't register and you kept falling down;
2) Motion sickness in the final parkour stages, and especially in the final stage;
3) Inconsistent enemy AI - after replaying a level so many times, you start to notice that enemies at the same time, at the same place, either notice you and start shooting you, or they don't;
4) Inconsistent level lengths - some stages are made out of a single segment that took around 10 minutes to pass; other stages are made out of so many segments, that it gets tiring and annoying, especially when you can't quick save if you want to take a break;
5) Sorry, but the boss fights feel like they were included last minute. Gameplay and design wise - they feel completely unfinished. I believe the game wouldn't suffer if they weren't included.
Hope these problems get fixed soon, this game has potential to be fun front to back, but it needs more work.
3295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 18:24
614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 06:50
???? It's free
???? Not recommended
???? Wait for sale
✅ Worth the price
???? Best investment
???? No story
???? It's a side plot
???? Bad story
???? Average
✅ Good
???? The very best
???? Boring
???? Poor UI
???? Average
???? Good
???? Excellent
✅ Flawless
???? Nothing to grind
???? Isn't necessary
???? Moderate grind level
???? A lot
✅ Only for leaderboards/ranks
???? Too much grind
???? Sleep
???? Half asleep
???? Easy to learn, hard to master
✅ Difficult
???? Dark Souls
Game Length,
???? Microwaving your food ( Minutes)
???? Short (>5 hours)
✅ Average (5-10 hours)
???? Long (10-30 hours)
✅ No multiplayer
???? Trashy servers
???? Pure joy
???? Co-op
???? PvP
???? PvE
???? Flash games
???? Windows XP Pinball
???? Average
???? Good
???? Beautiful
✅ Realistic
✅ (RTX?)
Pc Requirements,
???? Potato
???? Within the last 10 years
✅ Within the last 5 years
✅ State of the art (Max Settings)
???? NASA
???? Abandoned
???? Last year
???? Once a year
???? A couple per year
✅ Monthly
???? Every week
Bugs & Crashes,
????None / Not discovered
✅ Minor bugs
???? Can get annoying
???? Frequent crashes
???? Complete mess
???? Steam Workshop
✅ Steam Trading Cards
✅ Steam Achievements
✅ Controller Support
✅ Recommended
???? Not recommended
Nicht Empfohlen
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 04:32
Unfortunately, this game feels very very clunky. Constantly the game's pacing grinds to a screeching halt by forcing you to do lame, generic puzzles that feel out of place in contrast to the fast paced action. The bosses also felt really generic. You'll constantly get stuck on objects or inexplicably your character won't move the way you want it to (most frequently for me it was my character not jumping off the walls and not sticking to walls). The timings are absolutely awful for things like parries, especially for the ninjas. You have to time everything earlier than you would expect because the game's depth perception is just wrong. The grappling hook is really lame, you can only grapple to pre-determined locations, and I found it very frustrating you couldn't air-dash sideways.
I'm also not a fan of the difficulty. I'm not sure how much of the game was supposed to be frustrating by being hard, because most of the difficulty and frustration to me comes from the aspects mentioned above, but this is a game where you'll constantly get cucked, you can be stuck doing the same section of a level spamming retry, and levels are extremely linear, boring, repetitive, and frustrating. Sometimes it's really unclear as to where you're supposed to go so you have to spend a minute backtracking and finding the next objective, which grinds the pace of the game to a halt.
There are, of course, some things I like. The upgrade system is unique. The abilities are okay, but you don't really get to use them that much. The world is decently interesting and I didn't have any complaints about the music. When I'm not being frustrated, the game is quite fun and even addicting.
I know I missed more stuff but yeah...
Even at 50% off, I don't think I would recommend this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 20:04
984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 09:12
The game can be a bit difficult for most players. It is a one-hit game where every character dies on a single hit, including the player. Luckily, there are a good number of checkpoints throughout the game. These checkpoints help players keep going from a point they would not regret dying, but they do not work as a save point. It is not possible to save the game in the middle of a level.
Although the combat can sometimes be quite frustrating, both the platforming and combat experiences are super fun and satisfying. The game features cyberspace sections where there is either collecting, platforming, puzzle-solving, or a tutorial introducing a new ability. These sections allow players to slow down and relax a bit in such a fast-paced game. The narration mostly happens in the background as the player plays the game, and it does not interrupt the gameplay.
The visuals are impressive in both physical and cyberspace worlds, but it is the music that needs special attention. Without the well-composed music, the game would not be this much fun and satisfying. The music makes everything better in this game. It makes the player feel like a true cyber ninja.
Even though the game is relatively short, new modes are constantly being added to the game. The difficulty of the game makes it hard to be playable by everyone. Players who can easily get annoyed for dying hundreds of times and potentially give up after a while may prefer avoiding this game. It is highly recommended for anyone looking for a challenge or who enjoys fast-paced sword combat and parkour games.
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 21:13
What I liked:
- Fast skillful combat
- Upgrade/Perk System
- Level and enemy design
What I didn’t like:
- Virtual sections
- Story and pacing
- Some parkour and boss sections
My Score:
Quick Summary
A cyberpunk game that doesn’t suck, the combat is the real shine here with the challenge it brings along with some parkour sprinkled in to make it fun to be badass while being in the sub-genre of one hit kill games will turn off a lot non-masochists. The only thing that brings it down from being great are the weird and pointless virtual sections, parkour jank with wall running and 2/3 bosses being average. I would love to see a sequel that would address these issues and easily bring this to a staple game like the ones I recommend below.
More in depth:
- The STORY is half told while you are traversing which never breaks the flow of the game; it seems like here the developers know what kind of player will be playing the game, but it’s impossible to pay attention as you’re playing the game, so I don’t know what the game was about. Then there are these inside the MATRIX SECTIONS SPRINKLED THAT BRING THE GAME TO A CRAWL AS YOU SLOWLY WALK without any dashing with exposition dump and teach new abilities sometimes. These sections are the weakest part as it hurts the pacing and could at least let me use my parkour. The platforming is braindead and has weird collect orbs to progress, it’s like this section was made by a separate studio and just randomly put in this game. It’s about 1-2 hours of the whole game so 25% of the game is boring, easy and pointless.
- The COMBAT HERE IS THE TRUE GEM as it feels like you have a lot of ways to kill the enemy in some sections in any order you want with whatever ability and perks you have. The perks are really nice here as you have limited area to fit these tetris pieces in that have meaningful impact on how you want to focus your playstyle, more dash and defense heavy, upgrade your skills to reach farther, recharge or use multiple times per charge. I did rarely use the skills though, as it never felt necessary, but maybe that’s my playstyle to just use the sword. The enemy total variety is low when compared to some others, but the attacks and placement in every single encounter felt unique and with the parkour thrown into said encounters never felt dull or repetitive, even when dying 30 times at most in some areas. This is also what I wanted the combat for Cyberpunk 2077 to feel like.
- INSTANT RESTARTS SHOULD BE TURNED ON, having a button decided to instantly start over before anything bad happens saves a lot of time but can sometimes be cheesed to prevent deaths. Without this, the game would be more annoying for sure.
- The WORLD IS NICE to look at and even with a lot of parkour thrown in, it for the most part feels like an actual place instead of clearly marked follow the path stuff. You know in games where the look of the world can be brought down by gamifying the elements to help you traverse the world, here it doesn’t feel like that. The music thrown in is really fun to get into the flow while you traverse both combat and platforming arenas with a grapple hook because every game needs one if it wants to be fast and fluid. YOU CAN UNLOCK COOL NEW SWORD SKINS BY EXPLORING, EVEN THOUGH THE GAME IS LINEAR. There are other audio logs and items that flesh out the story and world, but they weren’t really worth it for me.
- There are 3 BOSSES, the first 2 are good with the better one being the laser tower grapple parkour spiral of death and wasn’t as hard as some people make it out to be, but it is a huge spike in challenge as you are not prepared for it at all, but you get a lot of checkpoints. The other one is a duel with a robot lady that you have to time your parries and do it all in one life, so the challenge was there, but it didn’t feel like a sword fight like Sekiro or Jedi Knight and was weaker for it. The final boss felt like a standard generic boss as you wait for the weirdly slow dr octopus swings, and do a little parkour, but it didn’t feel like what I expect from a boss fight. The true final boss is the parkour in the virtual matrix afterwards.
- THE FINAL LEVEL IS THE BIGGEST SPIKE IN CHALLENGE and it shows how bad the parkour really is or me. I don’t know how sometimes I wall run flawlessly and then other 10 times I fall to my death because of something I can’t figure out. It feels like wind is pushing me back and down. I would have loved to see one huge arena or stages of arenas to push the limit of the player in the other more interesting aspect of the game, partly because I suck more than most at platforming. This game pushed my limit and patience at times. It also did end so quick, right as the flow gets good I just wanted more
PAID: $15
My Personal Curator List
Games Similar I recommend:
-" target="_blank">Doom Eternal
-" target="_blank">Katana Zero
-" target="_blank"> Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
-" target="_blank">Furi
-" target="_blank">Ruiner
- Super Hot(Played on Twitch)
Games looking to try next:
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 21:44
Blending Grappling hook, Wallrunning, Katana and Supernatural Abilities to dispatch enemies was an Idea well executed, that from start to finish It felt like an adrenaline filled awesomeness you cant get enough of, everything dies in one hit even you, we can say that its a 3D Katana Zero, no matter how many times I had died at a single encounter I never felt frustrated over it thanks to its instant retry. Overcoming each encounter gives a lot of Dopamine.
The gameplay's flow is sometimes hindered by puzzles, which is the only think I dont like. The platforming sections works great as breather between encounters.
The soundtrack is perfect and totally fits its style.
3504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 06:05
The story itself is pretty garbage tbh, easily forgettable and makes you question why its even there. But the gameplay is just too good, and the accompanying soundtrack makes it twice as better. The game is pretty forgiving with loads of checkpoints so you don't feel too punished for screwing up. Playing for the first time, I felt it was a bit too difficult but now, even the hardcore mode feels like a slice of cake.
At launch, I probably wouldn't have recommended this game because of the lack of content (just a main campaign that takes 6-8 hours for first timers) but with the consistent updates and 2 new added game modes and 1 more on the way, I recommend this game.
Learning to ledge-boost makes this game a completely different experience and probably why I have over 50 hours in this game.
Sword man goes brr.
Will def get Ghostrunner 2 on launch.
Nicht Empfohlen
69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 02:28
564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 22:39
Thumbs up but it's 7/10 at most. It's just a short and glorified indie game in the end, buy only on sale.
Edit: It's 6.5/10 now thanks to the absolutely stupid save system -or the lack of one- this game has. I had to leave at somewhere on some level, apparently this game never ever saves one and it was literally the last room before the end of the level. So I had to play the entire level again. Stupid decisions to make to the game QUOTE hard UNQUOTE. I've played more than enough games to not to fall to this bullsh*t.
Another Edit: Wow, that was the most underwhelming boss (Hel) combat I've ever seen. The fucking game did not even let me do the finishing move. I just timed my clicks like an AI in training.
Nicht Empfohlen
569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 04:51
Oh guess what? That means it deleted EVERYTHING. All the collectibles I found? Gone. My sick swords? Gone. THE ENTIRE HARDCORE GAMEMODE? GONE.
Turns out the way you're supposed to do hardcore mode is through level select, not new game (because that makes sense?). So I have to play through the entire game AGAIN if I want to even get hardcore mode back.
The game is fun, but the boss fights are horrendous chores that I just don't have the patience for if I'm not even allowed to play the game a new way now.
I have incredible respect for the game developers, because this is truly something created with love. But I just cannot in good conscience recommend it. At least not at the current price. Grab it on sale.
572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 04:48
This game, to me, was a masterpiece. The first few levels will have you still getting used to the controls, struggling a little to fight off the enemies, but once you get the basics down, it'll be a joyride for the first few levels. The game progressively gets harder, though. The higher you go, the harder it gets. Some of the encounters with even the normal enemies are seemingly difficult, and might take you multiple deaths to figure out. Maybe more. Some levels seemed like a cakewalk to me, while others took me tens of deaths to beat. It really forces you to implement all of the abilities you unlock if you want to make your life easier.
The difficulty of the game might be a turn off for some, but it's that type of difficulty that will keep you coming back. Every time you die multiple times in a row, and feel like punching your desk, it makes you want to come back so you can finally finish that mission. It's so satisfying when you finally beat the encounter that you were stuck on, and same with the boss fights.
The story of the game was nice, and the characters were understandable. Each had a set goal in mind, and were determined to reach it. While it may not be the best story line, maybe even cliche, it wasn't terrible. The combat totally makes up for this, though. It was so satisfying to see the heads of your enemies get chopped cleanly off, or their bodies split into two. The game truly is beautiful when it comes to this, and I think they got the combat down perfectly for a game of this type.
644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 16:09
The story was good and the gameplay was even better. 9/10 would deffo recommend.
..(missed out on the 10/10 cos it was kinda short)
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 19:25
At its best, Ghostrunner is reminiscent of the strongest elements found in The Raid or Dredd, films that shined thanks to their singular focus. For the uninitiated, both of these movies were set within intimidatingly-tall tower blocks, buildings overflowing with dangerous criminal elements serving as ferocious obstacles, impeding the goals of the film's courageous, unwelcome lawmakers. There's something special about life-or-death action when it takes place in tight, ever-ascending space, as it provides only two means of escape - up-and-out, or, more realistically, death. Intentionally or not, Ghostrunner utilizes these themes in a manner that both feels familiar yet totally refreshing.
There are experiential similarities too. Its action is thoroughly choreographed, but consistently creative. Yes, you proudly hold the most futuristic cyber-katana ever engineered, and yes, you gradually unlock effective crowd-control abilities piece by piece as you progress, but acrobatic agility is your real weapon here. Speed, movement and momentum define every encounter's success or frequent - yet quickly-reloaded - failure.
The beauty of Ghostrunner's combat is how it distils and refines memorable systems you may have seen elsewhere. You'll encounter boss battles that evoke the best of Furi's bullet-hell formula, abilities that take inspiration from Overwatch's most aggressive heroes, and commit to parkour that subsumes Titanfall 2's sense of platforming abandon. Garnish that with an understated, pumping synthwave soundtrack, and you'll convince me to replay your game time and time again.
A fundamental concept works wonders here - you die in one hit, and so do your enemies. Thankfully, Ghostrunner is checkpointed often, and failure is a necessary part of the gameplay loop. You can always try something new. Your creative opportunities include which enemies you prioritise first, how you engage with pathfinding, and what skill upgrades you invest in (you can switch these out at any time, but are always limited). Speedrunners and YouTubers are going to have a blast with this game, and they're going to look cool doing it.
There are faults, even in a game as focused as this. Most of the puzzles break up the pace a little too heavily, and they feel like busywork. Thankfully, they're over quickly and are tolerable. The narrative is well-paced, well-told and builds tension, but it adds almost nothing new or interesting to the Cyberpunk setting at large. There's also fair amount of unconvincing plot and level design convenience. Do I really believe that all of these platforming surfaces (especially the hanging side-walls) are part of the world's environment, or are they just there for plot purposes? I know my answer. Additionally, Ghostrunner's ending is rather abrupt and melodramatic - it feels a little drawn out and saccharine compared to the themes of the plot at large. As long as you don't come to this game for world-building (and perhaps even wish to slice it to pieces), then these blemishes will do little to poison your experience.
I think one of Ghostrunner's biggest strengths is that it knows what it wants to be. After playing Cyberpunk 2077 - a game with so many disparate and unfinished systems - it feels like a breath of fresh air. If you're looking for a great, high-octane slashfest - I'd heartily recommend Ghostrunner through and through.
482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 12:33
+ Very satisfying game when you nail your execution.
+ Many enemy types
+ Challenging
+ Visuals
+ Soundtrack, just listen to that banger.
+ Performance is decent(most of the time).
+ Cool abilities
+ Fast equals fun!
- Boss fights. First one being the best one in my opinion. Second was way too easy and the third one was just boring.
- Story, predictable.
- Rails can be a bit annoying at times, since you somehow don't always grab them.
- Last level was a huge disappointment to me. I was expecting to truly put all the abilities and skills to the test. But it really didn't deliver that. Just wallrunning and dodging big ass orbs. Not a fun level at all, only level that made me feel a bit frustrated. Oh and the performance in this level was really bad for me. I usually had around 120fps in most levels but in this one my fps dropped down to 60s. This is not a level I wish to ever play again.
- Some enemy types felt a bit annoying, but the ones that made me feel like that didn't show up too often.
- Cooldown of abilities, because of this I rarely used abilities which is a real shame. I pretty much only used Tempest since there is an upgrade for it that resets the cooldown if you kill more than 1 enemy with it. Really strong.
Overall I had a great experience with the game. It might look like there are many cons but these are minor things in my opinion... Well most of them.
Nicht Empfohlen
452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 15:31
After playing it some more, here are some additional things I have found. The unresponsive controls become an absolute nightmare because everything resolves around timing. And lastly the puzzles are tedious at best and absolutely boring at worst.
The most important thing this game fails to deliver on is flow. I like difficult games, but the goal for me is to get lost in the game. Games like Hotline Miami or Deadbolt excel at this, but despite my hopes Ghostrunner does not.
Reason #1 - Level design
Almost all levels feel like the have been designed with a specific 'path' in mind. It then becomes more of a tedious puzzle on what that path should be and whether the bullets fly 'just right'.
Reason #2 - Checkpoints are not saved
Additionally checkpoints are not saved. I am sorry but this is just a truly terrible game design decision. Often times levels start with tedious and simple areas, which suddenly ramp up. If get frustrated and quit the game, you will need to redo it all from the beginning of the level. This makes it incredibly boring to startup the game again. And since it can be so finnicky at the same time, I feel that this is just a terrible decision to say the least.
Reason #3 - Responsiveness of controls
I noticed several occassions when certain actions are not registered. I think in certain cases this is me trying to do actions when I am not allowed to (i.e. needs to recharge) but there is no clear visual or audio feedback of that. However I also noticed that there have been times it seems to be something in the game. Sometimes my click that would trigger a sword attack would just not register occassionally.
After playing some more, I think that 1 out of 10 / 15 times the grapple does not respond. In one out of 20 it is the sword attack.
Reason #4 - Finnicky object interactions
Wallrunning what you almost do exclusively in this game. It feels weird that sometimes it just does not work. You jump toward a wall and fall down. At the beginning I thought it was the angle or speed, but after some time I noticed that it has nothing to do with it. It seems like a bug.
It in all honestly I think this was rushed a bit. Buyer beware!
1280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 17:19
Take on the role of a cybernetically enhanced ninja in a post-apocalyptic world and run, jump, slide, climb and carve your way to perfection in this skill heavy, high-speed, wet dream of a super ninja assassin. Make a mistake and you’re dead, quickly spawning a few dashes away from your misstep, ready to dive in again. This is a speedrunners promised land and the game can feel extremely punishing, requiring lightning fast reflexes and thinking, but because of how quickly it puts you back into action, it rarely becomes annoying or frustrating.
Visuals and aesthetics stick very closely to standard Cyberpunk fare. Dark, detailed, trash filled cities with weird architecture highlighted by the neon glow of giant signs and billboards. Nothing that hasn’t been seen before, but it’s incredibly sharp and well made here. Soundtrack is great, with some intense beats and some more chilled bumping sounds, but they all fit the game nicely.
The story is nothing special, but it’s serviceable and very well voice acted. You’re awoken by The Architect (Matrix reference?) after being thrown out of a window by Mara, a despotic ruler you need to take down. The entire story is told through voice overs in your head, some collectible audio logs and some additional collectible items. It does feel somewhat detached from the rest of the game and it sometimes comes at inopportune times, when you should be jumping around and proceeding with the level. You can always take a breather to hear it, if you’re interested. Or continue with racking up your death count.
Combat is fast, deadly, and over quickly for you or your enemies. You one shot everything, everything one shots you. Repetition, learning and fast reflexes are key. With your sword being the only weapon, approaching your enemies is the name of the game and there are usually multiple ways to do it if you look closely. The game starts you off with simple pistol wielding cyber punks and then gradually introduces different and harder enemies, but still gives you enough time to get to know each of them well.
Run of the mill enemies won’t be your only adversaries. A few boss fights await you and they will test your reflexes and knowledge of all the abilities at your disposal. And your patience.
You get some extra abilities and upgrades as you progress through the game. They’re given to you by The Architect who guides you through some snazzy Matrix levels that include environmental puzzles that you need to solve to proceed. You have four abilities that are on the same recharge timer and you fill it by killing enemies or by using an upgrade that recharges them slowly. Upgrades are more numerous and are combined like Tetris blocks on a grid that expands the further you are in the game and they are freely interchangeable.
First person platforming does take center stage in Ghostrunner, even more than combat. It’s made well and using dashes, slides, wall running and grapples seamlessly does sometimes feel like you’re gliding through the scenery. Until you position yourself wrong or just slightly to the side and the game refuses to stick you to a wall or propel you far enough on a grappling hook. It requires lots of precision and forethought and since you build momentum the more you run, it becomes harder and harder to time your jumps and grapples. There’s a hacking mechanic where you can temporarily stop or change direction of certain machines and switch billboards around, but it’s used very sparingly and it could’ve had a bit more time in the spotlight. You also sometimes find temporary boosts on certain levels that increase your speed or give you huge jump capabilities, but they are short lasting unless boosted by an upgrade and usually there to help you traverse a part of the level.
Flights into the unknown happen surprisingly often, but it’s a game of trial and error, of gambling, and when you learn the patterns, the path just blurs into streaks of light and blood as you time everything right. And you move to the next, ecstatic with the earned victory over the last one. The game even slows down when you slice your last enemy to acknowledge, “Hell yeah! You did it!”. Your deserving reward is the next checkpoint and the game does those rather well. It never feels like you need to repeat huge swaths of a level with a single checkpoint. In a game based on repeating, that’s a good thing.
Ghostrunner has a very high difficulty curve and is definitely not a game for everyone. It has issues, it’s not very long and it’s sometimes a painful and very annoying process of learning and timing everything right. I’ve died 208 times on the first boss, all in the space of around 30 minutes. I’ve never blinked or twitched, that’s how fast the game is at putting you back into action. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it feels so good to play, it never becomes a chore and all the quirks and annoyances don’t really have a chance to rear their ugly heads. The rush is just so euphoric.
If Ghostrunner scratches your cyberninja itch, glide your way to Ruiner. A lightning fast, beats thumping, cyberpunk action shooter that will surely get your blood pumping.
Take a peek inside the Cabinet of Curiosities if you like to walk off the beaten path and only sometimes return to the main roads. You might find something worth exploring. And if you do, thank you for the visit.
Follow the Average Achievement Hunter Curator for reviews and useful information on Steam achievements: Plenty of tough achievements, including not dying through the entire level and killing 23 enemies without dying. There are some hard achievements that are easily exploitable at certain sections of the game, making them much easier to earn than it looks. There are also 3 types of collectibles. As you finish levels, they become replayable immediately.
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505 Games
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