• GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.
  • GET EVEN: Screen zum Spiel GET EVEN.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 20.06.2017
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Preis Update 28.06.24

Über das Spiel

Black – seines Zeichens eiskalter Söldner und Auftragskiller – erwacht in einer mysteriösen Anstalt, ohne jegliche Erinnerung an seine Vergangenheit.
Unter der Aufsicht seines anonymen Kidnappers namens Red beginnt Black eine etwas andere Behandlung. Durch ein besonderes Headset wird es ihm ermöglicht, seine Erinnerungen und Erlebnisse im Jetzt wiederzuerleben.
Und genau das versucht Black.
Mithilfe des Pandora-Headsets taucht er in die Tiefen seines eigenen Verstandes ein, um die Wahrheit hinter seiner einzigen Erinnerung herauszufinden: der Versuch, ein junges Mädchen zu retten, dem eine Bombe umgeschnallt ist.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz / AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
  • GFX: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 / AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-bit Windows 7, 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1) or 64-bit Windows 10
  • HD: 40 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz / AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
  • GFX: AMD Radeon RX 480, Nvidia GeForce GTX 970
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-bit Windows 7, 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1) or 64-bit Windows 10
  • HD: 40 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

361 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 16:41
Get even kann man mit einer „limited Serie“ auf Netflix vergleichen.
Ein spannendes Singleplayer Adventure mit Stealth Mechanik, die dann gut funktioniert, wenn man dahinterkommt, was das Spiel von einem will.
Für mich sind solche Titel genau richtig, da diese nicht künstlich in die Länge gezogen werden und die Handlung spannend bleibt und nicht versucht die Spielzeit zu strecken.
Ich habe das Spiel 2022 zum ersten Mal gespielt und deshalb läuft es in 4K mit 120hz bei vollen Details. Abstürze gab es keine und Bugs konnte ich auch keine feststellen. Get even scheint überhaupt ein wenig untergegangen zu sein was schade ist. Das Konzept VR Brillen zu benutzen, um wie bei Inception Gedanken und Erinnerungen ausfindig zu machen finde ich super. Was ich persönlich sehr gut finden würde, eine Möglichkeit den Titel selbst in VR erleben zu können. Sozusagen VR in VR.
77 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 15:05
Eine interessante Mischung aus Shooter und interaktivem Film. Der Plot ist abwechslungsreich, nimmt aber leider erst zum Ende hin an Fahrt auf. Die Horror/Psycho-Elemente hätten ebenfalls mehr im Vordergrund stehen können, sind aber durchaus gelungen. Auch muss im Spiel viel gelesen werden, um an Hintergrundinfos zur Story zu kommen. Get Even ist also kein Spiel, um sich einfach mal berieseln zu lassen. Graphisch gesehen handelt es sich nicht um ein High-end Game, was aber kein Nachteil für die Story ist. Erwähnenswert ist allerdings die gute musikalische Untermalung. Ich habe das Spiel im Angebot gekauft und kann mich auf keinen Fall beschweren. Für Leute, die auch mal etwas neben dem Mainstream spielen wollen, kann ich Get Even empfehlen.
341 Produkte im Account
186 Reviews
571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 19:10
Guter Pyscho Egoshoter für 4,79euro im angebot kann mann nicht meckern..
348 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 19:15
Wie konnte diese Perle fast drei Jahre an mir vorbeigehen? Wahrscheinlich weil hinter Get Even kein großer Name, sondern das polnische Indie-Studio The Farm 51 steht. Den Indie-Hintergrund merkt man diesem Spiel allerdings nur selten an, denn in mancherlei Hinsicht verwundert es regelrecht, dass dieser Titel kein Referenzwert geworden ist. Das Gameplay steht dabei nicht mal an erster Stelle und entpuppt sich im Spielverlauf als ein Mix aus Walking Simulator mit kleineren Rätseln, Horrorelementen und einem Stealth-Game mit optionalen Shooter-Einlagen. Ausgestattet mit einer mysteriösen Stimme im Ohr und einem Handy, das u. a. als UV-Lampe und Map dient, bewegt man sich durch verschiedenste Erinnerungen, Realitäten und Zeitebenen, um Hinweise zu finden, die das merkwürdige Geschehen erklären. Immer wieder sieht man sich dabei auch mit Wahnsinnigen und Wachmännern (die als interessante Metapher dienen) konfrontiert; die Schleichmissionen mit ihren Gegnern, die auf dem höheren der zwei Schwierigkeitsgrade teilweise über übermenschliche Sinne zu verfügen scheinen, sind dabei allerdings der größte Schwachpunkt, den Get Even für mich offenbart hat. Zumal man hier mit der CornerGun eine mehr als interessante Waffe in die Hand gelegt bekommt, gleichzeitig aber dazu angehalten wird, möglichst unentdeckt durch die Level zu kommen. Schade, dass hier Potenzial liegen gelassen wurde, denn die Schießeinlagen fühlen sich an und für sich richtig gut an. Auch wirkt der eigentlich interessante Genre-Mix an manchen Stellen so, als hätte das Entwicklerteam noch so viele Ideen wie möglich hineinpacken wollen; hier wäre wohl weniger tatsächlich etwas mehr gewesen.
Davon abgesehen ist Get Even aber einfach nur verdammt gut. Es schafft es nicht nur, eine äußerst spannende und verwirrende Geschichte über Ethik, Moral und die Tiefen des menschlichen Gehirns und der Psyche zu erzählen, sondern den Spieler schon beinahe abartig oft im Dunklen tappen zu lassen und letztlich doch alle Handlungsfäden nachvollziehbar zusammenzuführen. Viel mehr als die Beschreibung über die Geschichte hergibt, soll an dieser Stelle auch nicht verraten werden, denn sie lebt in hohen Maße davon, sich Stück für Stück zu offenbaren. Auf akustischer Ebene weiß Get Even ebenfalls vollständig zu überzeugen, die Synchronsprecher*Innen machen einen fantastischen Job, der herausragende Soundtrack unterstützt die Atmosphäre in jedem Moment und sorgt an einer Stelle für einen der coolsten und abgefahrensten Momente, die ich bislang in einem Videospiel erleben durfte. Auch die restliche Soundkulisse sollte über jeden Zweifel erhaben sein, die verstörenden Zwischenrufe und die schweren Atemgeräusche des Hauptcharakters, sobald er sich einem Feind nähert, sorgen im Zusammenspiel mit dem Soundtrack für eine einzigartige Erfahrung und sind insbesondere für eine Indie-Produktion von bemerkenswerter Qualität.
Get Even ist also kein perfektes Spiel und sicherlich auch nicht für jeden geeignet, unterstreicht aber eindrucksvoll, warum Videospiele völlig zu Recht als Kunst angesehen werden müssen. Denn während das Gameplay maximal oberes Mittelmaß darstellt, sollten die Story, die Atmosphäre und der Sound eigentlich eine Messlatte für ähnliche Spiele sein. Bedauerlich, dass dieses Stück Software wahrscheinlich kein größeres Publikum mehr bekommen wird.
45 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 04:48
the game is not bad but feels mediocre and the horror element is lacking, I recommend buying this only when it's on sale.
60 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
911 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 23:16
I finished the game, on hard difficulty, i got the good ending. ( happy me )
But overall the game was boring, i forced myself to get that ending. and it was nothing worthy.
Gameplay 4/10 ( AI. either stupid or got those extreme good eyes )
Story 2/10 ( it was not hard to guess whats happening. )
I'm happy i got the game for free, because this game not worth 30€
so if you like a boring forced fake horror game, i recommend you play it. game was not scary.
412 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 18:24
The FPS tag should not really belong to this game. Most of the gameplay is based on stealth [spoiler](if you want to get the good ending) [/spoiler] although I don't think this should count as spoiler; and you are restricted to use weapons so you shouldn't really want to use the guns so often. Ironically you will get more guns that you will most likely be unable to use, but that's the reward you will get.

The game itself is pretty good, the mystery is well done and some questions remain unanswered even after you finish the game. The atmosphere and the story make great for a psychological horror, also the fact that the actions you make will have consequences.

I would recommend the game to someone who likes mystery/horror games, but be warned that it might be quite difficult at some parts since you will be unable to use the weapon every time.
60 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 04:49
Get Even offers a quite different survival horror experience from beginning to the end!
The graphics are good and phisics too, the music and sound effects are great!
Great game!
442 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 18:02
I participated in the draw and won this wonderful game. Thanks! Very interesting and scary horror, I liked the game and I think that I will play for a long time without stopping. ^^
663 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 12:10
I just stumbled upon this one again when browsing, played it some time ago. I thought I'd leave a review, for one reason: I remember this game well. I play a lot of weird, experimental, artsy games and most of them are totally forgettable. Not this one, this one stuck in my mind. Somewhat frustrating gameplay, but it's worth it.
409 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 08:21
Tired and simplistic familial tale of conflict retold through the point of view of a confused third party in one of the most convoluted genre hybrids to exist thus far.

Almost everything has inconsistent/contradictory design.

Combat is well animated and provides a tactical approach thanks to a specialized weapon. But it has terrible response mechanics and engagement is actively discouraged. Also silencers and takedowns have no substantial benefits.

The audio is stellar in all areas. But the samples used can be too short (looping) or overwhelming.

You are taught that your choices have consequences with a modern Telltale style choice near the beginning, implying you will be placed in very difficult moral dilemmas later on. But then it reduces this to gameplay playstyle preferences. Do I shoot or stealth my way through the level like it's expected of me?

Graphics are good. But the assets are re-used way too often to keep the immersion intact.

See the pattern? None of these things have been realized correctly past the conceptual level.

I derived enjoyment from the asylum's deteriorating imagery and patient logs, nothing else.
291 Produkte im Account
126 Reviews
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 23:54
This game is NUTS!!
Well worth buying during discount if you like adventure games focused in story.
During the first hours I started thinking this game could fit as an HBO movie. A lot of suspense, drama, thrill and a bit of action. Even more, near ending it I realized this game could fit better as a movie instead of a video game. The good thing about being a video game is that you can stretch the suspense; delay unveiling the truth.
Near the end of the game I was a bit worried I was stupid, because I couldn't understand some things yet. Mid-game I felt a bit of regret about buying it for the same reason. I thought the writers where arrogant and full of themselves with an overly convoluted story. Turns out the last 2-3 hours are full of revelations (not a simplified burst of explanations. It's still following a structure of narration). So don't worry if you understand what's going on. The characters feel the same way.
During my gameplay I remembered other games. It remembered me of outlast (environment), daylight (smartphone, phone calls), stalker (anomaly) (ambience, aesthetics, graphics) and a bit of existenz.
Amazing soundtrack, perfect fits for mood in relation to narrative and context. The most unique ambient sound effects and mix I've ever heard. They change depending of your actions.
Lasts around 7&1/2 to 8 hours on mid difficulty.
Not advisable for people bad a stealth games, but you could try easy mode.
1035 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 03:53
it's not a particularly good walking simulator, or a particularly good first-person shooter, or a particularly good stealth game, or a particularly good horror game, but this oddly paced and oddly structured genre mash-up is at least an interesting mess. heavily qualified recommendation
275 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 16:10
Get Even is all about telling a (good) story. Graphics are good, voice acting, sound design and general atmosphere are really good. By the way, if you're not a big fan of horror games, don't worry, you will have a few things popping out here and there (and you can avoid the surprise) but the game isn't built on jumpscares. As said here, it's more about psychological horror, and even so, it's more to make you uncomfortable than to scare you.
The gameplay is ...meh, the infiltration/FPS part is not bad, but not really engaging either. Plus, I got stuck a few times in some walls, having to reload the last checkpoint.
That being said, it's a big thumb up because of the narration and the multiples ways to serve an interesting and sometimes touching story.

384 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 08:32
Incroyable ! Je ne comprends pas que ce jeu ne soit pas acclamé ! C'est une expérience incroyable ! L'histoire et le gameplay sont complètement intégrés, c'est très immersif, très touchant, il y a plusieurs jeux, un peu de FPS, des enquêtes, pleins de rebondissements (plot twists). La vidéo, ses limites, ses effets, sont complètement exploités par l'histoire. Je craignais au début de tomber sur un jeu d'horreur avec des screamers (parce que je n'aime pas ça) mais pas du tout ; oui il y a un aspect psychologique très présent mais il sert l'histoire. Ce jeu m'a paru long, il y a plusieurs parties, c'est vraiment très bien fait. Oui bien sûr, je le recommande ! Un des jeux les plus puissants auxquels j'ai joué. Ah, et la musique est hyper prenante.
107 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 19:01
GET EVEN is a FPS Mystery-Thriller Game with great storytelling and good atmosphere. Sadly the combat gameplay in this game has its problems so the action focused chapters/part are sometimes a bit frustrating.

I still would recommend GET EVEN for its story alone. The story was really worth playing with all its twists and its suprising ending/conclusion.
349 Produkte im Account
243 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 03:16

This game seems to merge 3 common game play story lines. The 'horrors of the mental health clinics of the 60s where the patients get increasingly more abused and crazy and take over the clinic' AND a 'clueless hero 1st person shooter where futuristic weapon technology needs to be stolen or destroyed, using a protagonist that is slowly clued in to an ever changing and slowly revealing memory alteration or time travel situation' AND 'a game that uses a smart phone to take photos and other cool things'. It's all over!

Splitting this 'atom' in thirds leaves me feeling like the game has done neither part well. Most of the time I'm confused and a little angry thinking about how easy it would have been for them to do all the parts well. This game has tons to read which would have been way better if they were voiced. It wouldn't even have costed them much extra money to hire new voice actors because many of the voice characters already had a voice actor...it just would have required them to read out a few more lines. The V/Os that are done are done well. Why not pay a little more and have each character V/O everything in the game that comes out of there character?!

Graphics and sound (including ambient sound) were very well done, I'm pleased by those. However, some sounds are done in 'surround' and some aren't. Some sound effects seem to come from everywhere in the game and others you can determine the direction by turning your character a little to the left/right. How come some sound effects are done proper and others are not? No idea, but it's noticeable and annoying.

I wouldn't be doing a proper job at this if I didn't bring up the annoying clanking or slamming or w/e is is that keep going on sound wise. Every darn time I start reading a bunch of stuff there's all this pointless loud noise in the background. It's like fake ambient noise that only seems to happen after an event where you then have to do a lot of reading. CLANG CLANG CLANG every 3 secs and at a volume that is unexcusable! I have to mute it every time because I can't read and comprehend all this info with all that CLANGing. Jesus christ!! Who put that in the game!

Another annoyance is that some items are available during certain stages and then not allowed in others. For example: You camera has 4 different modes (like infrared, flashlight on/off, ultraviolet, etc.). You also have main weapon and alt weapon. You also have run mode and crouch mode. But sometimes you can bring up your camera but not run/crouch, and sometimes you can bring up your main weapon (pistol) and not your alt weapon (better than a pistol). Some times you can use infrared but not switch to flashlight. It's all over the place. They've basically disallowed certain features on the game during certain times for almost no reason, perhaps artificial difficulty. It's hard to explain, but I can't remember any other game doing this or at least as bad. It's annoying and frustrating and it detracts from the enjoyment of the game IMO. I've had to pull my headphones off my head about 50 times while playing this game because I thought someone was banging on my door with police-like ergency. It almost ruined the frickin game for me many times. I've almost quit playing about 5 times because of it. Amazing anyone could finish it! I thought my apt complex was burning down and someone was knocking on my door to let me know...wtf! At one point the banging got so fast, it was like 3 bangs per second...who does that?.! Don't get me started on the map!

As a person that enjoys researching military tech, I'll say this: A gun that can be shot around corners is NOT a futuristic weapon at all, it's a POS hunk of metal. This gun is totally pointless outside of a video game context. A 'corner gun' is about as pointless as a gun that shoots a 2 round burst compared to a 3 round burst. The benefits to boots on the ground are so minimal. If an inventor proposed this to a military outfit, it would get laughed out of the room. The best way (until the end of time) to clear a corner will be to simply look around the corner. DUH!!

461 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
1129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 20:37
CHERNOBYLITE is the game that brought me here.
Wanted to check out what other game(s) The Farm 51 had made, oh boy what a game it was

The story is so very good.

It is in my opinion a bit scary, but a breath compare to Outlast and here u got a gun
378 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 22:55
It dragged waaay too much, the second part with Red became really annoying and the slow walking on floating bridges is overused to drag it even more
50 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 10:53
You know when you open a Youtube video and there's some extremely loud movie trailer with tons of blaring, obnoxious, distorted sounds, cryptic narration, and A.D.D. scene cuts that leave you disoriented?

If you ever wished those lasted for several hours, then look no further than Get Even! Highly recommended for those that leave the movie theater as soon as the trailers are over.
21 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 05:44
Get Even is quite unique for being in a league of it's own in some areas, but confusingly bad in others. Dialogue, voice acting, sound design and music -- basically everything that this game will put into your ears is reason enough to play it. Which is good because the most important part of a game, the gameplay, seems to be suffering quite an identity crisis in this one. Every time it was time to actually play a level, I wanted to put it down, but the story and the desire to hear the actors deliver their lines kept pulling me back in. The latter end of the game is where I believe Get Even finally realized what it was meant to be all along because it finally became just about as much fun to play as it was to consume the next story beat. Buy it on sale. It's worth a playthrough.
124 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 23:22
Great combination of walking simulator + shooter, excellent narration + music. Fully recomment, if you like story based games.
231 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 23:26
Considering that this isnt really a horror game, but more of a psychological thriller, its really tense and scary because of its dark and creepy atmosphere, sounds, occasional well timed jumpscares, sick story, hallucinations and such. It has alot of the horror elements for sure. Gameplay itself is also really well done, i really enjoy scanning objects and other things for a clue as to what happened to your character and a girl that you have to save, i also like the gunplay, its not as bad as people say it is, the overall controls are fine too. The story and graphics overall are really good. My only big con would be heavy FPS drops in the outside sections, but i'm not sure if its the game's fault or just my pc. Overall, i recommend it.
1316 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 09:10
It's great and I'm only adding this review to balance out people's garbage take that this supposedly has bad mechanics or its slow start makes it bad...

273 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 15:49
The game has some unique concepts like the corner gun and looks nice in some parts, but the story isn't very interesting and due to the lack of an FOV slider and other graphic settings, it feels like playing this game would be a great way to get motion sickness.
586 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
1036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 08:57
Pretty interesting game and style of play. There is a story underneath even thought it sometimes seems like it's not making sense, especially the latter chapters. Bu the atmosphere is great, and so is the voice acting and the soundtrack. Should be good for anyone who likes the mystery, stealth, sci-fi all mixed into one.
16 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 17:22
this game was ahead of its time and deserves more hype !
339 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 15:10
Giving this game a lot of credit because it does a lot of things, but it doesn't necessarily do any of them particularly well. There's a good story, but it's incredibly convoluted. There's a lot of stealth but the AI is as dumb as it comes so it's not satisfying. You can choose to do a lot of action instead, but it's also very wooden and the AI is suddenly overpowered. There's a futuristic gun, but it's not very impressive or cool. There's great voice acting, but their dialog is oh so bad.

In so many ways this game swings for the fences and in so many ways it falls short, yet it's hard to not recommend something that goes for it, you know. Hard to like, harder to dislike.
515 Produkte im Account
288 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 14:10
It is very hard for me to write a review for this game because I feel like I played 2 games,the first was very good at times great and the second was bad at times awful.
This review wont contain any spoilers and if you decide to play this game you MUST play with headphones (I will explain why later).If you want to play this because there are shooting sections....DON'T.
This is a psychological-thriller-horror and a very good one.The story is very well written and interesting.The sountrack is great,really some of the best stuff heard in a video game for some time.Sound is amaizing and voice acting stellar.
TO be honest there were times when I wanted to uninstall this game and the only thing that kept me from not doing so is that I wanted to know what happened.You are probably wondering what is wrong with this game and the answer is that this game shooting/stealth sections are beyond awful,I think I never said this but who ever made these shooting/stealth sections and the people who decided that these sections belong in this game are incompetent and they ruined what could've been a great game.
The problem is that you could tolerate these sections for 3/4 of this game,they are annoying but I ignored them and focused on the positives.Near the end(last 2 or 3 hrs) the game completely falls apart,derails....there are long action packed sequences that shouldn't be there.
In the end I don't know what to think about this game because I feel like I played 2 games.I cannot recommend this game,I have to be honest and say that the game as a whole isn't worth your time and money.This game could've been great and really it has some stellar sections and moments but in the end its just ruined by bad decisions from the developers or publisher.

389 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 23:43
Get Even starts off with a cool and promising narrative and gameplay, but soon makes the same mistake many other games make - it tries to tackle too many ideas instead of focusing on a few cool ones and polishing those instead. This game won't let you play the missions the way YOU want to play them, but instead forces you to do some stupid sneaking mission when all you want is to shoot some dudes and take pictures of dead bodies to discover the hidden meaning of the whole plot. Very annoying.
177 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 11:07
The graphics were nothing special and the gameplay was a bit stiff, but a lot of emphasis has been put on the story and dialogues. The level of emails, articles and other writings in the game is to be commended - the texts looked really authentic and realistic. The story itself and its morale are not quite unique, but turning the story into a puzzle and keeping the player in the dark all the time was well done. But all in all, it's not enough if the game doesn't meet one of its main default purposes - which is to provide entertainment. The side effect of the game's narrative style and structure is that there is almost no character development (apart from the discovering of past events using the memory device), and there is no noticeable level progression during the game, everything is very linear. And it made me wonder from time to time if this story wouldn't have been more effective if it had been made into a movie instead of a game. Who knows. But fans of psychological material and perhaps the horror genre may want to give it a try - even if you can't find anything very new or original in the game, the oppressive and disturbing atmosphere of horror games is present and for some it may be enough. However, jump scare fans should look elsewhere.
649 Produkte im Account
246 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 23:19
There are definitely some good aspects of this game, but unfortunately I can't recommend it. The way it's split into 2 parts is... different. It definitely has the potential to be an interesting game mechanic, but some other unfortunate design choices prevent me from being able to appreciate it. The biggest flaw is the mechanics. It's built purely as an FPS. There are a variety of unlockable weapons, melee takedowns are lethal, and apart from crouching there are no stealth mechanics to speak of. Given that you are supposed to be stealthy and kill as few people as possible, this is a very big problem.

- Very good voice acting
- For most of the game you have a phone which shows you where enemies are as well as their field of vision, which partly compensates for the lack of stealth options
- The idea of the story taking place in your memories was a really neat idea
- All chapters can be replayed
- Cutscenes are still unskippable during subsequent viewings
- Despite the difficulty getting to it, the good ending is very well done

- Previously mentioned lack of stealth mechanics are a problem if you want the good ending
- Most of the 'evidence' you can collect seems entirely pointless
- The asylum sections felt like little more than padding
- Until you've beaten the first part of the game, not all chapters are replayable
- I found subtitles kept turning off for some reason
- The story failed to keep me interested, though was due in part to my frustration around the game mechanics
- There seems to be little to no difference between the two difficulties

Verdict: 5/10
109 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 05:56
UnderRated Game must Play.
145 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 11:15
Story seems interesting but gameplay it's bullshit.

The game tells you that if you kill people you will get a bad ending, but stealth it's bullshit, it's hard to know where you have to go, it's hard to know from how far guards will react. You have no way to tell if you are visible, because you don't know nothing about the map layout beforehand, it's impossible to even plan ahead what you want to do. Most of the time I got stuck between 2 guards trying to know where I was and where I should go. Worst part, the corner gun is so fucking good that guards don't even have a chance against you. So you end up with a problem, you have fun, killing everyone but get a bad ending or you try to stealth your way in a game clearly not made around stealth.

Find a gameplay video on youtube, that will be more fun.
472 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 17:13
A masterpiece thriller with superb story, soundtrack and voice acting and as of now, one of my favorite games ever.
234 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 17:44

This is not a typical FPS thriller.

Starting with cons:
AI are really really bad.
Graphics as well as movements are okay.

This makes combat feel like shit.


Now the thing I like is the game seems to know about its cons. They mention the terrible AI & clunky movements in few dialogues.

Q. How is it justified like that?
A. The story is progressed in a virtual world - in game.
Think of it like AC's animus.
So the enemies in the game are inside another Virtual world which seems to create buggy AI's.

The gameplay is advised to be stealthy but you are given a unique gun in case you don't like stealth.
The game warns you & might punish you for not following its rules but it can definately be played in any way.

Basically it's meant to be a walking simulator but with a gun to overcome certain situations that are difficult to figure out.

You also have a phone that can do certain stuff like show you a map, can be used as a UV flashlight, scanning environments, etc. which is cool.

Story feels kinda unnecessarily lengthy & boring in mid section but it gets intresting again followed by a beautiful orchestral score & good voice acting.

Only if AI were atleast decent this would be better than so many AAA games. Although it definately gains a recommendation for an unique experience.

Score: 68/100.
483 Produkte im Account
360 Reviews
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 22:17
i have mixed feelings about this game while it has some interesting mechanics and the story is intriguing i found myself many times bored of the game and at the end it felt like it dragged but still i think this was a good game just not worth the full price
320 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
1272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 07:05
A very playable first-person psycho thriller with some pretty creepy moments but no genre-standard jump scares, which I very much welcome. The story itself is kinda captivating and you like to stay in character, finding all the little clues, notes and so on is not always nice, especially since you really have to discipline yourself to always keep an eye on your phone to not miss any clue or scan. The game is graphically well implemented, has a great spooky and creepy atmosphere, the controls are precise and leaves me nothing to complain about.
43 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 01:37
Good story telling, work of your brain, stealth action and a few really good twists
2835 Produkte im Account
509 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 17:26
Get Even is a unique blend of walking simulator and stealth combat game, where you explore your memories.


You play as a man only known as Black. He's haunted by a memory of a girl that he fails to save from a bomb. Waking up in a seemingly abandoned building you have a device called the Pandora, which allows you to relive memories. You're guided by a man named Red as you're trying to uncover what happened before the girl blew up and what lead up to her being kidnapped.

The story of Get Even is captivating to say the least. Each memory block you visit unlocks another piece of the puzzle and it makes you want to keep going to see how the story wraps up. There's also player choices, every so often you can do something that will impact the story and there's multiple endings to see depending on how thorough you are throughout each block.


The graphics themselves are rather mediocre. I like the look of environments and how they sort of change on the fly because they are based on your memory. You can create stuff with your phone and it really plays to the feeling of unstable memories because the environments are sort of weird and surreal.

However the same thing can't be said to the enemies. They are just flat out bad and look like something ripped out of a PS2 game. It's kind of weird considering in the investigation segments you sometimes see flashbacks to when other characters have visited that scene and those are real life actors scanned into the environment, which is quite the contrast considering you were just fighting PS2 soldiers and then see real life people all of a sudden.


Audio design is mostly fine. The voice acting is decent and I think most actors do a great job with their roles albeit a few of the actors deliver their lines in a really cheesy way. Sometimes even Black delivers his life in a phoned in way, but overall he's great compared to some other side characters you encounter.

Music itself is fine, albeit it's nothing incredibly special. I enjoyed it for the most part, but it definitely didn't stand out to me. It does what it set out to do like deliver ambience when exploring the memory blocks or the abandoned hospital you begin in.

The sound effects range from decent to flat out bad. I think most of the ambience is great and helps to build an unsettling atmosphere, mostly when you explore the asylum and every little noise makes you turn around and watch your back, because it makes you feel like you're not alone. The gun sounds are awful, most of them just sound terrible and feels like toys instead of real guns.


Get Even is mostly a story driven walking simulator, with combat and some puzzle solving. You have a phone with you which allows you to see and scan stuff to collect evidence to help you learn more in the memories. It's actually really cool and works well.

You're also equipped with the corner gun which is basically a pistol you can shoot around corners, it's a cool feature, but the problem is the combat is absolute garbage. The game actually discourages you from combat, because killing people in the memories actually disrupts those memories which leads you into the bad ending, it actually discourages killing in general.

So to avoid killing you can go into stealth and that basically turns into crouch and avoid people as you try to reach your goal. It works fine enough, because it has a warning meter telling you how close you are to being spotted, but it still feels weird sometimes when you get spotted, swearing you were perfectly hidden.

The combat feels terrible, most of the time your shots do not connect with the enemies and whenever you miss a shot they spot you and all enemies know where you are. Sometimes it's easier to just try to run to point B, instead of trying to either kill your way to it or sneak to it. You also tend to get killed pretty quickly, as a few people will take you out in a few shots.


Get Even is great game, with terrible gameplay. Honestly if the story wasn't as good, I'd probably give this game a negative review, but since it's so good, you can easily put up with the tedious gameplay. If you want an intriguing story and can put up with janky gameplay you'll love your time with Get Even.

Final Rating:

+ Great Story
+ Environments are cool
+ Ambience is spectacular

- Combat is horrendous
- Stealth sometimes doesn't work as intended

If you liked this review please consider joining https://steamcommunity.com/groups/completingthebacklog and https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ImperialReviews
1532 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 15:32
Released at the same time as Observer, Get Even shares a lot with it.
Same great atmosphere, uneasiness, detective work, stealth sequences...

But where Observer failed at its stealth sequences, Get Even got them right.

Not too long, not too difficult, you can handle them the way you want.
Want to be a ghost? You can.
Want to get rid of the guards without killing? You can.
Want to run through guns blazing? You can.

And it also features the best gun ever :)
672 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 10:26
Nice walking simulator with stealth and shooter passages and interesting scifi story. Similar to Observer, though the stealth parts are not as frustrating.
265 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 16:24
Interesting mystery/thriller game with a shining storyline that kept me very much invested.The ending is satisfying too.Did not expect to enjoy get even this much!
339 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 11:39
A well written mystery/thriller with a weak gunplay and outdated graphic.
With a discount it really worth it if u like thriller story.

Story: 8
Gameplay: 5.5
Music: 7
Graphic: 5
318 Produkte im Account
114 Reviews
480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 10:14
I really like the premise and direction that Get Even takes. Its intertwined story breaks your initial thoughts of what the game is about, leading you in several directions. I really had no idea what the gameplay/story was and bought it during a sale because the atmosphere looked good (and it is), but I was quickly pulled in and found the way it unwrapped the events quite interesting.
Choose Get Even if your looking for something different, an entertaining game of mystery, horror, and (oddly enough) intriguing fps mechanics. If your interested, I'd say its worth the price, and certainly when on sale.
229 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 22:37
This is a really good game held back by a lot of bugs. Hit detection is iffy, the game freezes at random, controls don't always work but I enjoyed it. It deserves a proper remaster. I do recommend playing this if you can catch a sale.
280 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 05:10
Very good Story but, there are some gameplay breaking glitches that will never be fixed where you need to reload last checkpoint (i did at least 10 times in my 1 playthrough) you get stuck on walls or props in game sometimes but besides that the gameplay and story is deep and a lot of fun. Highly reccommend.
2029 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 02:52
this underlooked game had some F.E.A.R. and Observer vibes, combat was a bit underwhelming, the story itself was well put and interesting
134 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 10:56
I almost gave this negative review, as the story is very confusing and lot of questions remain unanswered, but if you have patience to play it to the very end until credits show up, it gets very relatable. Got me satisfied and I feel it was worth the effort.
883 Produkte im Account
280 Reviews
877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 17:09
very confusing start.
could also use the [spoiler]weapon[/spoiler] in other games :D
243 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 00:46
I didn't know this game even existed till a few days ago and now I'm in love with it.
5381 Produkte im Account
188 Reviews
934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 01:09
If you would like to read more of my reviews, check out and follow the ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? curation page as well as joining the Steam group, feel free to say Hello to the community on the Discord server!

It's been a nice surprise checking out Get Even, I really didn't know much going in but the game is basically Observer mixed with a more grounded take on Syndicate. You play as Mr. Black and have lost your memory from a hostage situation gone bad, an individual named Mr. Red pushes you along to regain not only your memories but looking into other memories for reasons that become somewhat clearer early on.

The game is part FPS, part walking simulator. Game-play is similar to Observer in that there are a lot of written and environmental clues to put together for the story & some puzzles to solve. This is also a game that has you make choices with nothing to indicate what the impact will be. It's not as stiff or obvious as the more recent Telltale games but it seems the effects are more subtle. However, there are portions of the levels where it becomes a stealth FPS. Your starting guns are standard enough (Silenced Pistol, Assault Rifle) but you'll soon get a weapon that could have dropped out of Perfect Dark. There is a decent amount of replay value in that you can find additional clues you missed after you complete each section in the game, with something unlocked once you get all the clues in an area. There is a point much later in the game where the game-play really changes, it's a cool departure from what you were doing before and the pace is a lot faster since it retreads some areas for story purposes.

Graphically it looks good with the drab colors of an English city to the harsh florescent lighting of a modern office building, Get Even manages to have a good variety of locations and looks great in UE3. Voice acting is good and environmental audio works well for what it is.

There isn't anything truly awful about the game but there are some moderate issues worth mentioning. For one, sometimes it can be easy to lose the story or know what's going on with long stretches of combat or stealth sections in some levels. The strangest choice at first is the title, it's extremely generic and seems peculiar to use for the budget and resources the developers had. Stealth is also completely random and it's mostly because enemies have a field of vision much farther than their vision cone lets on if you look at the minimap. This is annoying at times but nothing that will stop you from progressing....to a point. As you push on, enemy patrols become more dense with patrol patterns that have very small windows of opportunity to sneak by, eventually I just ran or shot my way through the game to the next story beat. I did get stuck on a few corners and unable to move out of the level geometry but the decent checkpoint system gets around this. All of this does make achievement hunting a real pain, YMMV if that's going to be a deal-breaker or not.

Get Even is an interesting mystery/thriller with horror and sci-fi elements. However the issues here aren't insignificant and really brought the whole experience down as I progressed, I can only recommend this at a sale price. If you do decide to pick this up, be patient with its stealth mechanics or go in guns blazing.
438 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 00:03
I recommend you buy this game at a sale.

This game is mostly a story driven game. And by that I mean in this game you will be watching a lot and reading a lot of stuff about the story and trying to put the pieces together and try to find the mystery. Yes there are guns in this game you can go and shoot everything but still even if you do that there are still a lot of dialogue and cutscenes, So if you don't care about the story and just want to shoot some stuff you will get bored.

With that said is the story good enough to keep you engaged throughout the game? I think so. By the end of the game I was satisfied, Now this is one of those games that reveal the key points of the story at the end of the game so you must be patient and play for that reward at the end. Although there are some cool guns in this game and you can kill everyone, The game very much encourages you to do things stealthily, Especially in the first half of the game, And in every opportunity it gets, It will remind you of that. So yes this game feels like a stealth game and I think you should play it this way anyway, And your play style effects the ending of the game which is a nice little reward if you are a patient player.

I can't say that this is a horror game, But I must say the atmosphere and sounds in the Asylum parts of the game were really well done, I really enjoyed it, But I also can see how these parts of the game can be described as Horror, So although not all of the game is like this before you buy it I must say that, Yes this game can be scary to some.

The voice acting was good, Which is really important with a game with so much dialogue, And I enjoyed the music as well, Game ran fine in the indoors parts of the game like the Asylum but every time I was playing the outside parts the performance was not great and there were a lot of frame drops. In the time I played I had no crashes.
203 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 08:03
[spoiler]It's a simulation of a simulation insider another giant simulation.[/spoiler] All jokes aside, good story, the shooting / sneaking section are a drag and should have been improved upon.
558 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 20:23
I am unbelievably surprised by how much I enjoyed this game. It is a mixture of several different genres. This game gives you the option to go guns blazing, but it encourages you to be stealthy instead.
328 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 19:25
The idea of Farm 51 to create Psychological horor crossed with FPS was a really good idea, but is it in real good idea or it was worth just on paper ?

You playing as Mr. Black a guy who has a really tangled head with his memories and his past that some of this moments in present are just an illusion that makes you insane. You came into some Asylum to rescue a girl that was kidnapped by some sort of Terrorist, you have the Main role, remove the Hostiles and Save the girl, but there's a little trouble. The game is something like RPG you have to decide what you'll do if you pick the wrong choice it will came back to you as a bumerang ... but it'll be sooner then you think. You will rescue someone who you don't know and after a few moments he's right behind your back with weapon ready to smash you so hard. Of course it's Horor game, so killing people is one of the way you can choose, but game gives you notice that killing people will not have good consequences. It will change how people will look at you, to avoid contact you have to stay hidden in the shadows waiting for the right moment to strike, you can also just Knock them down what don't have some consequences to your Story or your future.
Game itself works like one big puzzle. You have to use your Smartphone to find your way, scan that you can, don't die as a wimp. Really what makes this game more tough are moments when you don't have gun ... then you feel lonely, scared, useless. And this is what makes you think more than usual, because enemies will not be kind to you.

I already told you all of the Elements but one thing that's awesome is that GET EVEN was made by Farm 51 a Polish studio that makes Chernobylite, what is really nice game but still Work-In-Progress i already played Chernobylite and it's not that good as GET EVEN is, like i know i won't judge but just saying. Get Even is Fully Optimized and in Good balance, you'll not find much bugs or glitches. Main element of the game is Atmosphere that makes you feel really useless, and your gun is your best friend, but your friend can leave you in some moments of the game, don't count on the gun all time. You will have it harder.

GET EVEN was really insane game and i enjoyed it as well but let me give you a little advice, don't play this game at a day time, it's better to play it at night, because it's horor so more Atmosphere waiting to you at Night. I can strongly Recommend you this game, if you're not scared about Dying and your own Fate.

+ Atmosphere
+ Useless feel without gun
+ Big and Good Elements
+ Optimalization

- Bad Keybind settings
- No Mouse Sensitivity Settings
- Enemies are Strong
53 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 21:46
all the horror and the phone thing, best game so far
1206 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 10:30
Get Even is hard to describe by comparison. It's a mix of so many different things like horror, detective, stealth and action. Almost like a budget Condemned but also something of a walking simulator with actual gameplay.

And it's an ambitious indie first person shooter that tries to do a lot of things that the triple A games do, but sadly falls flat in the gameplay department a little bit.
That's not to say the combat or stealth is terrible, they serve their function but nothing beyond that.

The strength of Get Even is the story, oh my god the story is wonderfully presented and executed.
It takes place in a simulation to figure out why and how Black failed to save a kidnapped girl and it just goes downhill from there as it explores Black's life and memories as he's also stuck in a mental hospital as an unknown man on a computer leads you to further explore memory lane in a state of the art VR headset.

I wasn't expecting much coming in to this game but it's one of the better stories I have experienced in a long time and applaud the developers for coming so close to what made Condemned such a good game.
700 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 04:24
Thoroughly enjoyable little indie game. There is some action and rudimentary stealth, but the highlight here is the narrative and voice acting.
269 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 17:23
Gives you a really cool gun and then yells at you whenever you use it.

Game revolves around going through bland levels getting yelled at for shooting people with your cool gun and hunting around for a bunch of newspaper clippings and polaroids and other little pieces of crap that are littered around everywhere
456 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 04:10
A true masterpiece.
3041 Produkte im Account
296 Reviews
635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 03:23

'Psychological Horror' may be a bit of a misnomer, perhaps 'psychological thriller' is more apt.

Imagine if a game combined elements from Condemned: Criminal Origins, FEAR 3, Layers of Fear and the indie movie “Infinity Chamber”. Have you got that in your mind? Now, imagine it not as good as it could be — as you imagined — and then add some technical flaws. That's GET EVEN.

Specifically, you'll play as a special operative, Cole Black. At the start of the game, you'll find yourself in an asylum, with the lingering memory of a girl strapped to a chair with a bomb. And your inability to disarm it. You'll then be greeted by an enigmatic voice whom wishes you to refer to them as 'Red'. Without giving too much away, Red asks you to delve into your memories in search of something. How? Well, there is no couch and there's no therapist. You'll use a piece of tech, a headset called the “Pandora”. Which allows you walk around and interact with your own memories. Each of these memories effectively corresponds as a mission. And upon their completion, you'll awaken back in the asylum — awaiting the next task from 'Red'.

Now, if you don't know of any of the games I mentioned, this is largely an amalgam of different bits and bobs from walking sims, adventure game puzzles and first person shooters. Where it differs is that your actions, how you choose to engage with the memories will alter what happens later on.

'Red' informs Black early on that killing enemies, either through shooting or doing takedowns disrupts the memory and causes instability within Pandora. There is a narrative reason why this is significant. But before you know what that is —all you need to know, is that you can can play the missions using stealth or play it like a shooter. You'll also be gathering evidence for what happened regarding the events of the memories. These are also optional, yet they'll change what occurs later. You'll use your phone to gather it, which is also equipped with thermal vision, a UV light and active map. It also receives messages. Imagine.

The plot and gameplay beyond this center around using other technology from one Roger Howard, a weapons contractor — he had invented a 'CornerGun'. Which also has significance to the plot beyond its value on the battlefield.

Everything I'm going to say after this ranges from a mild to severe spoiler.

[spoiler]You won't play as Black the whole game. I wouldn't even bother mentioning this were the entirety of the gameplay not to change because of it. You'll play as 'Red' — He has much more knowledge of the Pandora as well as arguably more significance to the story. And since you'll be going through the same memories — the game will also mention something of a side effect of the device known as 'synaptic bleed' (which I'll leave for you to discover yourself. ) — You'll have more knowledge yourself of the maps and a better working knowledge of how the game operates. Red is not Black — ie. Red is not a trained special operative. He doesn't have the same skill set, however he knows how the Pandora works. He's able to push a sonar sensor revealing enemy locations and vision cones, he can assimilate into enemies provided he has enough 'Savant' energy which recharges over time. You essentially become them. Yet, others will no longer recognize them as being them but as Red. Or at least an anomaly.

The game will also brief you and suggest that you revisit memories to either do them non-lethally or find more evidence to change other events. To include a 'file cabinet' as it's referred to where you can review all the evidence you've uncovered.

This game is a little on the emotional side, an impassioned father seeking answers for wrong doings due to an obsession they couldn't ignore. And how that ultimately led to a lot of... trouble. For many. I don't want to say more in case someone accidentally reads under this black bar. Exploring the story is a large part of the game itself.[/spoiler]

The Farm 51 is a relatively obscure studio in my eyes. One of their previous titles being NecroVision, a sort of paranormal World War 1 FPS and (at the time of writing this) a game called “Chernobylite” in early access. One that I've had my eye on for a while. And am now even more interested in — yet had no idea “GET EVEN” — even existed.

Condemned and FEAR are some of my favorite games. And it seems I've recently discovered I have a latent penchant for narrative shooters with horror/thriller elements that I wasn't really aware of that playing through this made me realize.

Tech dump.

The game unfortunately suffers from what I'd make a relatively experienced guess at being a memory leak. The game seems to dramatically decrease in performance that longer it runs. I found some help in increasing the page files of Windows. But nothing really helped as much as simply restarting the game.
i7-4820k — 12GB DDR3 — GTX 1060 6GB

There are multiple endings, and there are pieces of those endings that will have changed based on other actions.

This is a fantastic game with some unfortunate technical issues. The gameplay is fun, tense at times, the story isn't that original but I got pretty wrapped up in it. The voice acting and OST are great. I'd wait for a sale however, as the tech issues can be a bit of a downer.

If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus

Just relax and explore, Mr. Black. Just relax... and explore.

112 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 05:55
This game transitions from horror-mindboggling-horror-what the heck-almost making you cry- mind boggle
Pros- Great story with development of characters making you attached to certain ones and not to others
Great soundtrack
Amazing visuals
Fun puzzles with consequences included
Cons- Combat is kinda wonky with the corner gun and you get 1 shot but not too bad

Overall Review: 8.5/10
824 Produkte im Account
488 Reviews
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 15:42
I wish there were more games like Get Even. It's by no means a perfect game, but it stands testament to a creative vision, to something truly unique and special.

Do NOT expect this to be a shooter like I did. There is some shooting in the game, but it's not really advised and you can play it mostly in stealth. Do also NOT expect a walking simulator, even though there are a lot of elements here. And finally, do NOT expect a horror game like Outlast.

Get Even is a unique blend of different gameplay styles. One moment you're trying to find your way through a seemingly abandoned asylum, mysterious voices in your head, the next you're sneaking past armed combatants, while another time you're analysing clues and memories.

Always at your side is your trusty smartphone, which has several modes: a real-time map, a UV light to see blood and prints, a heat vision mode and a clue analysation tool. It feels natural, it feels well implemented and no gameplay element feels overused in the about 6 to 8 hours you will spend with this game.

I don't want to spoiler anything, but let's just say that things are not what they seem. And the further you go down the rabbit hole the more interesting it gets. The story is what kept me going, the voice acting is great, the script is pretty well written, and the music and sound effects are just phenomenal. It's a crazy journey. One I absolutely do not regret.

If you're just here for great gameplay and don't care about story, then you will likely not care about this game. If you want to have an experience...give it a try. And don't give up. There are a lot of twists along the way. And they're worth it.
146 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 07:21
1871 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 16:14
Maybe stop giving me gamepad prompts/tutorials when I'm playing on keyboard and mouse? Having to go into controls menu every time you give me something new to figure out what you actually mean is obnoxious.
910 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 21:12
I really loved the game. It is a genuine piece of art in my humble opinion. This is like a very good psychological thriller, like a mix of Shutter Island and Inception. The game starts slow but asks you to be involved and will slowly suck you in. So take your time to play Get Even and stay focused on the story. Your memories and reality will be messed up and as the story develops you don't know if your choices really matter or not. It becomes very intriguing and from there you just want to know the truth. I also recommend the game for the original gameplay and the music which is always on point with the atmosphere of the game. Great game!
231 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 20:47
This game is really great, gripping story and if you let yourself get immersed then the Asylum levels are perfectly creepy. I do think the story started to fall apart a bit towards the end but the final scene brings it back into place. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a sci-fi thriller type of game and doesn't mind some slightly janky combat (which can be avoided through stealth)
105 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 14:39
I've only been able to play this game for a total of 25 minutes, and it was all because of the game actually making me feel sick. The view bobbing is just messing with my head, which is why I turn it off in most games. But this game just has an insane amount of bobbing, and you can't even turn it down at all. So if you know you have trouble with view bobbing, then I wouldn't recommend this game. If not, then go ahead, but I can't tell you more about the game than the first 25 minutes.
572 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 20:08
The game starts a little bit slow and confusing to be honest - and well it never really becomes very hectic. I'd say the game (primarily the story) really starts becoming interesting after about 25% in.

This game feels more like a fps point and click adventure with some stealth (or shooting) sections thrown in. I finished the game on normal but i guess if you choose the easy mode you could be done in about 6 hours(?).
If you are looking for a fps-stealth-shooter you will be dissapointed.... it feels like the game doesn't want you to kill i guess ;-)

Music and Sound is really well done!

I recommend this game to everyone who enjoyes good crime stories and has some patience with these kind of games until it really starts to unravel itself - depending on your efforts.
(on sale though, i got it for about 7USD)
5322 Produkte im Account
270 Reviews
841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 12:13
A very well voice-acted and written story concerning virtual environment technology and where it could possibly be heading.
Sadly however the actual interactivity should've been left to only diorama exploration as the gun-play / stealth segments range anywhere from sub-par to aggravating.
Admitted I used a trainer for one or two parts to get past sections I felt were tedious and moronic so that i could continue on with the story.

Like a good drunk at a party interrupted with random premature hang overs it's hard to give a thumbs up to asking retail even though so much hard effort has been spent on acting and visuals.
I can easily recommend to sci-fi and philosophy enthusiasts when on sale for around $20 USD
88 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 10:36
I must confess I was pretty unsettled by this game at first, since it tries to mix several genres.

But the story is great, and I really enjoyed the atmosphere.

One thing that had me really surprised (in a good way) was that [spoiler] you get to change character around the middle of the story. [/spoiler]
218 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 20:06
Ever desired for a video game based on the movie Source Code ?

- Absolutely mind bending story
- Great voice acting
- Amazing Soundtracks (one of the best scores in the recent times)
- Good Story
- Certain portions are visually gorgeous
- Emotionally moving
- Cause and effect gameplay

- Textures are bad (but overall image looks great at times)
- At times Enemy AI gets broken if it spots u
- Stealth Knockouts are registered as Gunshots

GETEVEN is a great game with good amount action and stealth sequences, Best soundtracks and sound design takes the already great game to a higher level, the corner gun makes the game more fun if u prefer using guns, the story is filled with plot twists, suspense and emotional portions, few might at first glance would say this game looks outdated and the textures are terrible, but if you are looking for a sci-fi detective game with good story this is a must play
123 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.20 02:55
Story and voice acting are great. That's about it.
127 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 20:19
Gameplay is janky as hell, but the story more than makes up for it.
9423 Produkte im Account
223 Reviews
971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 01:26
Confusing complex story with many parts but even a few replied ones or not very interesting infos. You can find very much letters, memos, remember items. The story is good but sad, there are 2 endings, try to get the GOOD ending or both.

The level design is okay (look for small details), but the game is to short, if you play on higher difficult or get all achievements it take a while if not the game can be rushed on easy in a few hours only.

Good for achievement hunters & story friends.
381 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.20 14:54
Amazing game with an amazing way to tell a story, really good.This isn't your typical FPS horror game, it something else, unique on it own. Complete.
Give it 10/10.
188 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 17:20
Creepy AF
Story ending :/
56 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.19 03:06
to the devolopers:
-once you get spotted by an AI they always know where you at,they are shooting at the walls that I am behind

to the gamers:
-decent atmosphere,absorbing story,very good voice acting,nice gameplay(as a detective),mediocre combat

Overall: 75/100
Logo for GET EVEN
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
78.36% 594 164
Release:20.06.2017 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: The Farm 51 Vertrieb: Namco Bandai Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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