• Geneforge 1: Screen zum Spiel Geneforge 1.
  • Geneforge 1: Screen zum Spiel Geneforge 1.
  • Geneforge 1: Screen zum Spiel Geneforge 1.
  • Geneforge 1: Screen zum Spiel Geneforge 1.
  • Geneforge 1: Screen zum Spiel Geneforge 1.
  • Geneforge 1: Screen zum Spiel Geneforge 1.
  • Geneforge 1: Screen zum Spiel Geneforge 1.
  • Geneforge 1: Screen zum Spiel Geneforge 1.
  • Geneforge 1: Screen zum Spiel Geneforge 1.
  • Geneforge 1: Screen zum Spiel Geneforge 1.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 01.12.2001
Zum Shop
Preis Update 07.05.24

Über das Spiel

Geneforge ist ein Indie-Fantasy-Rollenspiel und der erste Teil in der fünfteiligen Geneforge Saga. Es verfügt über eine gigantische Spielwelt, in der Sie die Möglichkeit haben eine eigene tödliche Armee zu erschaffen, gehorsame Kreaturen, und eine schlaue Gegner-KI mit patrouillierenden Feinden, die sich heranschleichen oder Verstärkung herbeirufen werden.

Geneforge bietet eine umfassende und offene Geschichte. Sie haben die Freiheit Ihren eigenen Weg zu wählen und entscheiden über den Geschichtsverlauf. Sie können gegen den teuflischen Overlord kämpfen oder im zuarbeiten. Sie können den Bauern helfen oder ihr Leben zur Qual machen. Sie können ein kühner Held sein oder sich lieber aus dem Staub machen, wenn es brenzlig wird. Egal wofür Sie sich entscheiden, Geneforge bietet ein spannendes Abenteuer und einen hohen Wiederspielwert.


  • CPU: 1,6 GHz CPU
  • GFX: OpenGL kompatible Grafikkarte
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Software: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
  • HD: 300 MB
  • SFX: Soundkarte
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

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74 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
4795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.18 22:04
- Interesting mix of sci-fi & magic.
- Well written political intrigue and sufficiently scripted faction ecosystem
- Foreshadowing of the chance to acquire immense power to whet your aspiration to finish the game.
- Combat has variety and can be circumvented by investing in conjuration.
- Map has a good fast-travel system which helps save time

- A lot of trash mobs which can drag and bore
- A lot of trash items littering the ground
- Vendors/Merchants are sometimes placed in inconvenient locations of hubs which can waste your time
- Occasional time-wasting with redundant walking

- Hybrid builds are highly unlikely to succeed in early game unless one knows the game well. This can be a plus and encourages prioritization and strategy, and the reward of the Geneforge's balancing power can vindicate prudent player choices. It can also be a source of frustration because of the draggy inundation of trash mobs if 1's stats are not allocated properly.

UI improvement mod: spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/21737-geneforge-graphics-enhancement
100 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
2030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.14 04:36
All of Spiderweb Software's titles are low on graphics and, as the oldest title available on Steam, Geneforge 1 is no exception; however, it was never built for that. Regardless of what year you play this game, the amount of raw depth and story is outstanding. It has been ten years since I first played this game, the Geneforge series remains one of my favorite games of all time, and I can't recommend it without advising players to start at the beginning.

Geneforge offers what I would personally feel is the goal of all RPGs: to create a story and setting that is compelling in its mystery, intriguing in its, theme, and captivating in its storytelling. The game begins with your character washed up on an island that was barred by the administration of your legendary and powerful magic order. You aren't allowed to be there, and the story is about why that is, what made it that way, and how do you interact with the inhabitants left behind, all while learning more about what your order is about, what they're like, and how you're going to resolve it all when you go back.

I have absolutely never played another game where I wanted to know more strongly what came next, except for its sequel, perhaps. It's something about the setting and the theming that really clicked with both my curiosity and deep fascination with a fictional, magic world. Although the graphics may age and the user-interface be abundantly clunky, the story and writing will always remain the same.

My recommendation is positive. Highly positive.
314 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
3310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.14 16:51
“… she stares up at you with awe, as if her god has stepped down to earth to face her. Maybe it has.”

Geneforge is a great turn-based role-playing game experience with a deep and meaningful story in combination with a unique take on magic. What it lacks in graphics it gains twofold in detailed descriptions of events throughout the game.

Your decisions have major impact on the game’s conclusion and gameplay is vastly different depending on which of the three classes you choose.

The almost total lack of music and no voice acting should be mentioned as the disadvantages of this classic RPG.


The attempt of futuristic weapons with devastating effects that simultaneously felt sensible and maintained balance were one of the most difficult gameplay issues the developers had to resolve.


The game has no Steam achievements.
1117 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.14 16:27
Geneforge presents an original setting, masterfully blending sci-fi with fantasy. Here “Shapers” are humans able to create and shape life through magic, raise armies of creatures to work and fight for them, and even genetically alter plants to serve as tools and weapons. Everything about the world seems exotic and well-thought, and it’s very interesting to learn about its lore and workings.

The story starts with your character being washed in the shores of a mysterious island, where rogue creations run wild over abandoned Shaper ruins. As you explore the massive island in search for a way back home, you’ll find the truth behind the abandoned ruins, and will decide the fate of the various factions that inhabit it. The writing is solid, and the game asks you to make some seriously complex decisions, without any banal morality judging you. I’ll add that Geneforge is the only game I ever played where the NPCs managed to change my mind with solid arguments (instead of bribes) after I had decided on a set course of action.

Combat is turn-based with action points, and although it has some annoying limitations (like only one attack per turn), it’s solid. There are three classes to choose from, and they give you freedom to fight any way you want, being able to create hordes of weak monster to fight for you, focus on a large and powerful creatures, cast spells like firebolt and fear, or simply hack and slash your enemies. Non-combat skills like Leadership and Mechanics are also important, as they provide unique ways to avoid conflicts and solve quests. And although it may not seem obvious at first, there’s a great deal of reactivity here as well.

When this was release, back in 2001, cRPGs fans had their mouths full, being spoiled with the release of classic such as Arcanum, BG2: Throne of Bhaal, Morrowind, Wizardry 8 and Gothic. So it is understandable that Geneforge, with its unattractive graphics and puke-green UI, went by undetected by most. But it’s a damn shame, and you should fix that now.
348 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.14 03:44
An amazing addition to the RPG genre it takes a turn away from party character development focusing on the world, your actions in it and the repercussions of said actions. This gem from Spiderweb allows for a multitude of choices in your actions and playstyle in and out of combat. Do you think that creatures made for the sole purpose of manual labor should stick to manual labor? Do you think that prefrabricated beings can change and evolve acquiring ideas and motivations of their own? Do you like planning out each combat turn by turn or maybe you like to fly by the seat of your pants trusting in the intelligence of your handmade monsters? All of these and many more are choices you can and will make if you choose to step into this colorful world, and I certainly hope you do. As ever the first game is the roughest but as the series continues the story and gameplay improves adding in new monsters, classes and spells which you will use alter the path of the world.

A fantastic story with moral questions relating to the inhabitants of the world as well as to yourself
A solid number of monsters to summon allowing you to customize your party for the situation at hand
(For fans of turn based) Solid turn based gameplay factoring in speed attributes and action points causing a more cautious approach to your actions

Graphics are a bit dated which for some can be a stickler
The game's difficulty does not scale per se so if you push on too fast you will feel the pain but if you take your time you can breeze through areas unless you alter the difficulty
The Shaper/Rebel faction dynamic can be a pain at times barring you from acquiring the last rank of a spell or summon key to your personal strategy

Overall it is an extremely enjoyable series that I've spent many hours on before it came to Steam and I would suggest you pick it up if you are a fan of Turn Based RPGs in general.

*And worries for some gamers
1017 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.13 05:03
Truly inspired storytelling. What the game lacks in audio/visual detail it more than makes up for with incredible atmosphere and dialogue. Each game in the series is 40+ hours with a ton of depth and difficult choices to make.
Logo for Geneforge 1
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
93.77% 301 20
Release:01.12.2001 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Spiderweb Software Vertrieb: Spiderweb Software Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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