• Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.
  • Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage: Screen zum Spiel Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 04.05.2012
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Preis Update 16.03.25

Über das Spiel

Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage

Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage is a fast-paced addictive combat racing game for the PC. The game features many different vehicles, weapons, upgrades, on-track bonuses as well as distinctive and astonishing environments. The player starts with a low-performance vehicle and gradually works his way up by earning money in a series of challenging races.With an initial amount of money,the player buys his first car without upgrades.

The game is run through the series of events\challenges that are divided into four separate categories. Categories, tracks and vehicles are unlocked as player progresses throughout the game. After selecting the class (only the first class is enabled at the beginning) selection of events follows. At the start of the game number of events is limited but it increases in time depending mainly on player's score. Unlocked events can be played an unlimited number of times and each time player can win points and money for the selected event. The transition from the lower to the higher class is achieved by winning in the special tournament event. Besides the players, various AI simulated drivers engage in events and challenges. All AI drivers are simulated according to their parameters and settings. Computer opponents can progress and improve their vehicles in a way similar to the player's. This provides an additional reality aspect for the whole game. For each category there is an official rank roster which shows the current positions for all the drivers. The player must achieve victories on a regular basis to be consistently at the top and earn the money to maintain his vehicle and save some for a new one. All upgrades come with price tags, which rise depending on the class car type. Standard types of events/challenges are races, knock-outs and tournaments. Some events have prerequisites that have to be met before participating in the race (specific class, car type, car color, type of weapon allowed...).

  • 150+ miles of tracks and 5 different events per track
  • 12 unique weapons
  • 15 customizable cars (12+ upgrades, color, rims, stickers, etc..) , damage distribution on the vehicle
  • On-track bonuses and power ups
  • Secret tracks, cars and experience spiced with unique humor
  • Multiplayer over LAN and Internet (Dedicated server included with the game)
  • Multiplayer modes (classic race, battle race, knockout, deathmatch arena, last man standing)


  • CPU: Dual-core 2.0 GHz
  • GFX: DirectX(R) 9 Compatible Graphics Card with SM 3.0. (GeForce(R) 8800 Ultra or 4850 AMD/ATi) with 512 MB RAM
  • RAM: 3 GB RAM
  • Software: Vista Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
  • HD: 7 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: 16 Bit Sound Card
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Quad-core Q6600 2.4 GHz or Equivalent
  • GFX: DirectX(R) 9 Compatible Graphics Card (Radeon(R) 6850, GeForce(R) 560) with 1 GB RAM
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Vista Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
  • HD: 7 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: 16 Bit Sound Card
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

136 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 13:38
kinda lame, speed feels slow, crashing feels unsatisfying as *, racetracks feel uninspiring, wrecks only feel good when you nitro-crash them
238 Produkte im Account
228 Reviews
491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.17 11:16
Gas Guzzlers Combat Carnage ist der Vorgänger von Gas Guzzlers Extreme. Die Grafik ist bei beiden Spielen gleich, aber die Extreme Version bietet auch noch einige Strecken und Tournaments mehr. Die Grafik ist dem Rennspiel angemessen und auch schnell, die Steuerung solide und die Musik ist an das Ambiente angepasst. Die Gegner sind nicht zu schwierig zu besiegen/vernichten und die vielen verschiedenen Waffen und Verteidigungssysteme verlocken zum öfteren spielen.
114 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.17 20:59
Cooles Game,macht echt fun vorallem, wenn man es mit Freunden zockt.
-Gute Duellier möglichkeit.
-Viele hidden Easter Eggs,die man von Anfang an sieht,aber erst beim genauer hinsehen bemerkt und ein leichtes Grinsen ins gesicht bekommt.
3049 Produkte im Account
525 Reviews
132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 17:51
A decent combat racing game.
6445 Produkte im Account
603 Reviews
520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 10:34
some nice car combat can be had here. the cars handle well and the weapons are nice but some take more aiming than others. they also have 3 race modes: race with weapons, race without weapons but you still have all the sub items (mines, oil, smoke), and last man out where each lap the last place driver blows up until there's 1 car left.
678 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 19:23
Although this a great game AND IT IS BLOODY FUN!
<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<< <<<<< <<<<<<>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>

Peace oot.
627 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 08:21
This game is stupid fun. Doing a race and blasting out your competition with rockets is incredibly satisfying. The only problem with this game is that the career is too short. I recommend this game.
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 18:40
This Game is NOT split screen. It claimed it was and that was the main reason I bought it.
1471 Produkte im Account
514 Reviews
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 23:58
It's awesome, go check it out!
(This game has it's own Steam Trading cards. Gas Guzzlers Extreme is the newer version of this game which also has it's own cards)
25 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 20:42
This is a very enjoyable little combat racer that runs very smooth and it is extremely enjoyable to play. Although it is an old title, visually it stands very well. But above all it is the simple gameplay that works very well and the cars that handle awesome for this kind of game that will satisfy the player.

The difficulty can be set to your liking so you can go at your pace. The level design is adequate, not too complex not too bland, the tracks are easy to remember yet they don't become boring and the car selection is awesome: I mean where else can you turn a Fiat 500, a Ford Capri and a Zastava Yugo into killing machines?!

The sound department is not killing it, but it is not bad either. The character profile making is useless except from choosing the voice of your character where there is an option that you can sound like Arnold Swartzenegger.

Apart from that there is no other need to create a character as there is no story really. The campaign consists of a series of races on 3 modes: classic racing, combat racing and knockout races where the last one alive wins. As you win more races you earn money for upgrades and unlock new cars, races and upgrades.

Overall it is visually sweet, definitely satisfying and if you haven't played Gas Guzzlers I'm totally recommending it
6 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.19 11:39
for big pp only
189 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
1602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.19 22:11
PLEASE READ: I have messaged the devs because the store claims this game has split screen, but it doesn't, meaning it also doesn't support remote play together. However, the devs don't seem to care so it hasn't been fixed. This is a warning to not buy this game if you just want it for split screen!

My review down below:
Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage is in a weird place with the release of Gas Guzzlers Extreme. Who would want a older version of the Extreme, especially when I've seen Extreme discounted to as low as the price this game is listed for. Yet, I picked it up because I was curious, and to my surprise, the game is actually different in many ways.


Different Artstyle
I love the orange UI, with the menu, and HUD just looking better, and cleaner. It kinda has like a 70s or early 80s type of vibe with the orange color, and bubbly letters, compared to the edgy, fire, and burnt look of Extreme.

Right away when I played Combat Carnage, everything looked... better. I did a video to compare both games, and I found that Combat Carnage looks a lot better than Extreme, with better lighting, particle effects, the color grading, and atmosphere.
Most likely this was done because people complained about the effects making it hard to see, rather than just an artstyle change like I thought so before. It doesn't explain away all of the changes done with the graphics, but that could be a factor in why the lighting, and particle effects were toned down.

Powerups in this game last for 3 times, compared to Extreme where they only last 1 time. Sure, this means that there is less skill, as you can just spam powerups. However, this means that the tracks are way more hazardous, with oil spills, and mines littered all over the track. Rounding a bend to see 3 or more mines right infront of you is a butt clenching experience you don't get in Extreme. *Side note: In multiplayer, powerups only last for 1 use like in Extreme.

No Sponsors
In Extreme, you could get companies to sponsor you. This would mean you were have to wear their sticker, and go to sponsored events, in turn gaining extra cash.
Why do I see this as a bad thing? Well, because it makes it way easier to get money, making it less of a challenge to manage, and save money. In Combat Carnage, I was a little stressed for money, and I had to sell my old cars just to purchase upgrades on my new vehicle. This doesn't really happen in Extreme, unless you are a bad driver. So why would someone want to go with a basic color paint job if they are going to miss out on money, and sponsored events?
Since there are no sponsors in Combat Carnage, you don't feel 'forced' into going with them, so you can customize your car with the paint job, and stickers of you liking. This also means that the AI drivers also have these paint jobs, which help them stand out, and look better compared to every single AI in Extreme having a worn out, tacky sponsored sticker.

Firstly, the default 3rd person camera is way too close in Extreme, but this can be fixed by changing the FOV values in the GasGuzzlers.xml file.
In Combat Carnage, the default camera FOV values are bigger, causing the camera to be set back further. They also removed a camera view in Extreme, which is a more of a top down look. You can see it in my video here.

Not Only Just on Steam
You aren't 'forced' to use Steam. You can still get the game on GamersGate (DRM free), however it is still listed there at $20. You can also get physical copies on places like eBay which are also DRM free. However, this means that this game does not have any Steam achievements or leaderboards compared to Extreme, so that is something to note.

Very Cheap
At $5 USD year around, this is a bargain. Extreme normally is $25 (not including DLC), though I've seen the base game, and the DLC on sale for around a few dollars more than Combat Carnage. So if you are looking to try out the Gas Guzzlers series without waiting for Extreme to go on sale, this is a perfect option!


Less Content
Less maps, less gamemodes, less vehicles, less customization options, and no DLC. With the less content, career mode becomes a lot more boring quickly as you cycle through the same 3 modes on the same tracks, while in Extreme, there is a lot more variety, and the game doesn't get as boring as quickly.

Heavier Vehicle Handling
Vehicle handling is better in Extreme. With Combat Carnage, it feels heavier, making it much hard to control. I even matched up the same controller settings to Extreme, and still found the vehicle handling to be different. If you prefer the heavier handling, you maybe see this as a plus, but I struggle to drive with the heavier handling model in Combat Carnage.

Less Refined AI
The AI does seem less refined compared to Extreme. AI tends to not put up as much of a challenge compared to the same AI difficulty in Extreme. Even on the impossible difficulty, I tend to outpace the AI in Combat Carnage, while they are more on my tail in Extreme. If you are a hardcore vehicular combat player looking for challenging races, Extreme has much better, and more challenging AI.

  • There are no AI bots in online multiplayer, which there are in Extreme.
  • No one plays multiplayer. Extreme doesn't have many players on either, but you are better off trying to get people for Extreme rather than Combat Carnage's online multiplayer.
  • People can not be banned or made admins as the game doesn't have a way to track user IDs. Extreme can track this using Steam IDs, so you are able to ban people, and make them admins.
  • The arena maps, and gamemodes were only added for multiplayer. In Extreme, you can play them offline in singleplayer and career.

Old Code
  • This version was last updated in 2013, while Extreme received its last update in 2016, so you might encounter glitches that were already patched in Extreme.
  • There are longer load times due to less optimized code. Extreme has the option of DirectX 9 or ll, in either 32bit or 64bit exes. Combat Carnage is limited to only DirectX 9 in 32bit.
  • The HUD seems to be designed for 720p and lower, so it can look small on larger resolutions.

  • Even though the William voice is credited in Combat Carnage, it is not a choice of one of the character voices.
  • You can't look to the left, and right like you can in Extreme
  • Less variety in the soundtrack.

In short, Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage is still a good buy, and a very fun game even with its short comings to its bigger brother.
862 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.18 14:46
More fun than Mario Cart!
1176 Produkte im Account
182 Reviews
153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.17 05:40
as of writing this review i will say up front

initially i just bought this game too further support the developers of this game, and the game that followed this


but getting into the game it is great , has the same sort of look and same tracks and things but the cars feel different and there is another view from above that changes the game quite alot ..and this game runs better on older hardware as i found out in my spare room computer .

if you already have GasGuzzlers Extreme then this game is not really much different but its still a great game on its own
and i am glad its on steam ..

a great game and a perfect start too HOPEFULLY a trilogy or more of games ..

i reccomend you get this if you dont have the newer Extreme version and if you like this you will love the improvements on the newer one .
and if your a big fan of the Extreme version i would get this too as it does feel different and its like an addition to an already brill game

the best thing about this game series is the DEVELOPERS they are brilliant and are always there talking too the customers and helping far and above the sale date .

this game gets 10/10 (please make GasGuzzlers Extreme 2 or something lol )

and p.s NOT A LOOT BOX IN SIGHT .. :)
447 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.17 21:48
Decent fun with friends. Had a graphical glitch but (AMD, disable bloom), but worked in first-person camera.
3461 Produkte im Account
155 Reviews
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.17 06:01
This game is kind of a 3D Death Rally (the original one, not the remake). You start with a crappy car and climb your way up the ladder, upgrading your ride as you get cash from races. You have cars mounted with weapons, and mario-kart style powerups (with a serious tone, no throwing turtle shells here) that litter the road... along with a lot of destructible obstacles. You can either outrace your opponents or destroy them.

The racing and the shooting feels rather good, but I would've appreciated a slightly more realistic physics model: as it is driving on sand, grass and asphalt feel almost the same. Track design is good so far with a lot of shortcuts, jumps and choices between the fastest lane or picking up a powerup.

Graphics are nice overall with special mention to explosions and particle effects: the road littered with burning wrecks is quite a sight as well as being a challenge to navigate.

So, recommended for the single-player, and I think it must be very fun in multi. Not sure about the longevity of the game due to the rather low skill ceiling though: getting those curves right was more of a challenge in the old top-down Death Rally from what I remember.
2076 Produkte im Account
1152 Reviews
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.17 11:41
GTX 1060 gameplay footage:

My Thoughts:
This is the original Gas Guzzler game prior to the 'Extreme' version. It's been brought to Steam as you cannot get it anywhere else anymore. I have to say for an older title it handles brilliantly and runs super smooth. Also as a credit to the developers it doesn't look out of place in todays 2017 gaming market. I also remember the game struggling on my OLd PC at the time of its initial release... but no longer. If you're looking for a combat racing game, look no further.

Game Details:
Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage is a fast-paced addictive combat racing game for the PC. The game features many different vehicles, weapons, upgrades, on-track bonuses as well as distinctive and astonishing environments.
Logo for Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage
Rating auf Steam Positiv
85.37% 35 6
Release:04.05.2012 Genre: Rennspiel Entwickler: Gamepires Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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