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New Clone! Try Suuch'adak free for a limited time ????????
Games of Glory
07.07.17 13:18 Community Announcements

"Behind a childlike good nature is hidden a being with healing power accessible only to the wisest of creatures..."

Meet Suu'Chadak

We have released our new support Clone from the Skiuteran faction! Skituera is the ocean-covered "wild West" planet of the Synarchy. Suucha'dak was discovered there, a benevolent battlefied healer with legendary skills. His origins, however, remain largely a mystery to the Synarchy's historians...

Free this week

To celebrate his release Suuch'dak will be playabe for free from July 5th through July 11th! So don't wait too long to hop in and try him out.


Some more news...

See you in the arena!
- Lightbulb Crew