• Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.
  • Gamedec - Definitive Edition: Screen zum Spiel Gamedec - Definitive Edition.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 16.09.2021
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Preis Update 18.01.25
Gamedec - Definitive Edition
  • Plattform: PC
Zum Shop
Preis Update 15.01.23

Über das Spiel

Gamedec ist ein isometrisches Einzelspieler-Rollenspiel im Cyberpunk-Stil ohne Kampf-Elemente. Du bist ein Gamedec, der in virtuellen Welten Verbrechen aufklärt. Nutze Witz und Verstand, um Zeugen und Verdächtigen Informationen zu entlocken, um so finstere Komplotte aufzudecken, Leben zu retten und die besondere Beziehung zwischen virtuellen Welten und ihren Bewohnern zu ergründen. Das Spiel passt sich deinen Entscheidungen fortlaufend an und fällt nie ein Urteil. Du bist die Summe deiner Entscheidungen.

Willkommen in Warsaw City des 22. Jahrhunderts. Durch den technischen Fortschritt ist der Begriff „real“ relativ geworden und auch die Begriffe „Leben“ und „Tod“ haben viele Bedeutungen. Die virtuellen Welten werden von allzu menschlichen Problemen heimgesucht: Lust, Trägheit, Neid und Hochmut. Die Bewohner dieser virtuellen Spielwelten benötigen die Hilfe von Spezialisten – Gamedecs. Diese privaten Ermittler kennen sich in diesen Welten aus und enthüllen für ihre Auftraggeber die Geheimnisse und versteckten Mechanismen dieser Welten. Du bist einer von ihnen. Du bist ein Gamedec.

Gamedec nimmt sich klassische Tabletop-Rollenspiele zum Vorbild und stellt die entscheidungsbasierte Charakterentwicklung in den Mittelpunkt. Sammle Aspekte und erschaffe ein einzigartiges Set an Fähigkeiten, mit denen du die Ermittlungen deinem Spielstil entsprechend führen kannst. Die im Kodex gesammelten Informationen ermöglichen dir, die besonderen Beziehungen zwischen den virtuellen Welten und seinen Einwohnern zu ergründen.

Im Stil klassischer Tabletop-Rollenspiele stehen dir zur Bewältigung von Situationen verschiedene Lösungswege offen. Vorgegebene Lösungswege gibt es nicht – die Entscheidung liegt allein bei dir.

Spielinhalte von Gamedec:
  • Interagiere mit NPCs, um an Informationen zu gelangen. Verfügbare Dialogoptionen variieren entsprechend deiner Entscheidungen, Fähigkeiten und gesammelten Informationen.
  • Erkunde diverse virtuelle Welten: von trügerischen Bauernhöfen über düstere Noir-Cyberpunkt-Welten bis zu klassischen Fantasy-Welten.
  • Verwende deinen Kodex und deine Kombinationsgabe, um Fakten und Beweise richtig zusammenzufügen und den Fall aufzuklären. Finde deine eigenen Antworten und handle nach deinen eigenen Werten, Prinzipien oder romantischen Vorstellungen von Gerechtigkeit.
  • Forme deinen Charakter durch Handlungen, die positive oder negative Effekte gewähren. Bestimme durch das Auswählen von zu deinem Spielstil passenden Charakterzügen, wie du von anderen wahrgenommen werden willst. Erschaffe durch deine Entscheidungen und Handlungen deinen eigenen Gamedec.
  • Triff in der realen und der virtuellen Welt verschiedene Charaktere, die sich entsprechend deiner Entscheidungen im Spielverlauf als Freund oder Feind herausstellen werden.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i5-3570 / AMD FX-8140
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 760 / AMD Radeon R9 270
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64-bit
  • HD: 17 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Polnisch, Deutsch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Russisch, Französisch, Spanisch Türkisch, Chinesisch (traditionell), Koreanisch, Türkisch, Japanisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i7 4770k / AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB / AMD RX580
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64-bit
  • HD: 17 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Polnisch, Deutsch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Russisch, Französisch, Spanisch Türkisch, Chinesisch (traditionell), Koreanisch, Türkisch, Japanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

172 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.23 23:34
kurzweiliges spannendes und interessantes Detektivspiel. Wer mit der Sherlok Holmes Reihe seinen Spaß hatte, der sollte hier zugreifen.
1010 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.22 17:17
Ich bin ehrlich gesagt total hin- und hergerissen von diesem Spiel. Einerseits fand ich die ersten 3-4 Stunden hervorragend. Das Prinzip als Ermittler in virtuellen Welten Verbrechen aufzuklären ist genial. Besonders das Harvest-Level fand ich gelungen. Man bestellt seine Farm, mischt sich unters Volk, ermittelt und klärt am Ende eine riesen Sache auf. Ich glaube Level nach diesem Prinzip hätte ich noch ewig weiterspielen können, das hat richtig Spaß gemacht.

Aber dann wurde es wirr. Die zweite Hälfte des Spiels war einfach nur noch durcheinander und ich glaube, dass die Entwickler sich da selbst irgendwie in ihrer Idee verstrickt haben. Es hat ein bisschen was von Matrix, aber eben in nicht gut um spannend zu sein. Ehrlich gesagt war ich auch enttäuscht, weil ich so viel Spaß an den Leveln hatte, dass ich dann gar keine Lust auf diese Wendung hatte. Es ist schwierig nicht zu spoilern.

Die ersten 3 Stunden bekommen von mir definitiv einen Daumen nach oben, die letzten knapp 5 allerdings nicht wirklich. Das war für mich nur noch ein durchgeklicke irgendwann um das Spiel abzuschließen und das war nichtmal wirklich befriedigend. Ich gebe einen Daumen nach unten, was mir irgendwie auch gerade schwer fällt, aber einen nach oben hat es auch irgendwie nicht verdient.

Aber ich bleibe bei meinem Fazit, eine mega gute Spielidee, die in der zweiten Hälfte storytechnisch einfach schlecht gemacht war. Ich bin froh, dass ich es durch habe aber auch irgendwie traurig, dass es nicht so war wie am Anfang.
521 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 19:48
Normalerweise packen mich Spiele nicht, in denen ich allzuviel lesen muss, aber hier war es anders. Hat mich sogar so gepackt, dass ich es an einem Stück durchgespielt hab. Bitte mehr davon :)
295 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 18:49

Niemand hat vor ein Rollenspiel zu entwickeln

Um Gamedec vernünftig bewerten zu können, sollte zunächst geklärt sein, was wir hier überhaupt vor uns haben. Die Entwickler wollen uns ein isometrisches Rollenspiel veräußern, aber wenn ich dieses Spiel als Rollenspiel bewerten würde, gäbe es den Daumen nach unten.

Denn Gamedec fehlt es quasi an allen Bestandteilen, die ein RPG ausmachen: Es gibt keinen Loot, keine Möglichkeit die Ausrüstung zu verbessern, kein Crafting, keine zig Nebenquests, keine Attribute die es zu steigen gilt, keine Levelaufstiege, keine Party, kein Kampfsystem (was kein Problem wäre, wären andere Bestandteile vorhanden, so reiht es sich in die „Fehlt“ - Liste ein) und - auch wenn die Entwickler das eventuell anders sehen - keinerlei Charakterentwicklung. Ja, es wurde ein System eingebaut, welches scheinbar von Disco Elysium inspiriert ist (kommen wir später zu), aber das was bei jenem großartigen Spiel noch als hervorragende, neuartige Möglichkeit der Charakterentwicklung daherkommt, wird dermaßen in den Sand gesetzt, dass auch hier keine Ähnlichkeit (außer der Perspektive) zu einem Rollenspiel aufkommt. Halten wir also fest: Dieses Spiel ist ein Adventure, ein Detektivspiel. Und als solches sogar einfallsreich und innovativ. Ich habe mich entschieden dies auch als ein solches zu bewerten.

Ok ok, also ein Adventure. Aber was machen wir da denn jetzt so?

Gamedec ist in der Zukunft angesiedelt. Die Menschen halten sich hauptsächlich in virtuellen Welten, in Computerspielen auf. Um diese zu betreten nutzt man eine Liege nebst Headset, ähnlich wie in Cyberpunk. Die reale Welt, hier Realium genannt, existiert zwar, aber der große Teil des Lebens spielt sich in der Virtualität ab. Die eigentlich Welt ist kaum noch bewohnbar und die Menschen leben in Türmen (klassisch: Reich oben, Arm unten).

Wir übernehmen die Rolle eines Gamedec, einem Game Detectiv. Wir werden engagiert, wenn es zu Unregelmäßigkeiten oder Verbrechen in der virtuellen Welt kommt und ermitteln dann sowohl im Realium als auch in dem jeweiligen Spiel. Linear ablaufend bringt uns Gamedec von Auftrag zu Auftrag und so finden wir uns u.a. zum Beispiel in einem Farming Simulator oder einer japanisch anmutenden RPG Welt wieder.

Das eigentliche Gameplay besteht daraus, die nicht allzu weitläufigen Szenarien nach Hotspots abzusuchen – entweder man kann sich Dinge ansehen (Auge) oder damit interagieren (Finger). Dazu kommen mannigfaltige Dialoge mit Augenzeugen, Verdächtigen usw. In den Gesprächen sind Dialogoptionen oft erst dann freigeschaltet, wenn wir vorher weitere Informationen gefunden haben oder Fähigkeiten erspielt haben.

Idee gut, Ausführung naja!

Hier kommen wir auch zu dem Spielbestandteil, welchen die Entwickler scheinbar mit einem rollenspieltypischen Fähigkeiten-/Talentbaum verwechselt haben und was den Eindruck macht ein Versuch zu sein, die ähnliche Funktion aus Disco Elysium zu imitieren:

Es gibt einen Bereich den wir aufrufen können und dieser präsentiert uns in den Farben gelb, blau, grün, rot dargestellte vier Kategorien. Sieht man sich diese genauer an, stellt man fest, dass diese jeweils ca 15 versch. „Emotionen“ darstellen. Wenn wir in einem Dialog zum Beispiel aggressiv antworten oder harsch, bekommen wir in Kategorie rot einen Punkt. Antworten sehr logisch und sachlich gibt es einen Punkt in blau usw. Daneben sehen wir Fähigkeiten, die wir nun von diesen Punkten kaufen können. So kann eine Fähigkeit zb 3 x rot, 2 x blau, 3 x grün und 1 x gelb kosten usw und so fort. Haben wir etwas frei geschaltet verlieren wir die Punkte, als wäre es Geld und kommt es nun in einem Dialog dazu, dass jene Fähigkeit benötigt wird, haben wir eine Dialogoption mehr. Die Probleme an dieser durchaus interessanten Funktion:

1. Das Spiel gibt exakt null Hinweise/Rückmeldung wann wir im Dialog grade logisch, aggressiv etc vorgehen, wir können quasi gar nicht beeinflussen, welche Punkte wir sammeln 2. Die Beschreibung der Fähigkeiten sagt nichts aus, wir wissen vor dem Auswählen nicht, welchen Mehrwert es am Ende bringt 3. Welche der Farben wir für eine Fähigkeit benötigen, ist komplett wahllos. Es gibt keinen „roten“ Zweig, der nur dann frei wird, wenn wir einen bewusst agressiven Charakter spielen. Wir müssen immer alle Farben haben, null Charakterbildung 4. Selbst wenn man nun viel frei geschaltet hat, also quasi fast alle Talente/Fähigkeiten, so braucht man die jeweils alle höchstens 1 oder 2 mal, es ist sogar wahrscheinlich, dass wir die freigeschaltete Fähigkeit niemals benötigen werden. Es ist auch hier komplett irrelevant, was wir wann auswählen. Nein Freunde, das war leider nichts.

Der letzte Bestandteil des Spiels ist ein Schlussfolgerungsbildschirm, etwas was inzwischen schon in einigen Spielen vorkommt aber hier wirklich sehr gut umgesetzt wurde. Hier sammeln sich Infos die wir fanden und eröffnen je nach Menge der beschafften Informationen, eine Vielzahl an Schlussfolgerungen, welche wir wählen, wenn wir meinen es zu wissen und so im Spiel voran kommen und je nach Entscheidungen verschiedenen Endsequenzen frei schalten. Dies ist sehr gut umgesetzt, ergibt Sinn für ein Detektiv Spiel und macht Spaß – zu guter Letzt ist dies auch die Funktion, die für Wiederspielwert sorgt.

Und technisch?

Das Ganze wird mit einer Grafik präsentiert, welche sehr an ein Iso RPG erinnert, sauber und aufgeräumt wirkt und einen ansprechenden Detailgrad aufweist. Auch wird das Setting welches gezeigt werden soll, sehr gut eingefangen. Für ein Spiel des Genres (unabhängig obs nun ein RPG oder ein Adventure ist) passt das so, an ein Divinity OS reicht es nicht heran und auch der höchst interessante Grafikstil eines Disco Elysium wird nicht erreicht, was aber auch kein Muss ist.

Der Sound passt, ist generell über die komplette Spielzeit gut gewählt. Keine weiteren Auffälligkeiten, weder Wiederholungen noch nerviges oder unpassendes. Aber nachhaltig im Ohr bleibt da auch nichts.

Das Setting selbst, also als Ermittler in virtuellen Welten unterwegs zu sein, ist erfrischend neu und das, was sich daraus als Story entwickelt, ebenfalls ein sehr interessanter Ansatz. Ich verstehe, wenn das Spiel (wie in vielen Reviews zu lesen) durchaus verwirren kann, ich persönlich fand aber Zugang und finde die Story ist neben dem Szenario das Beste an Gamedec.


Ich habe mich nach dem Spielen der Demo und dem was es laut Entwickler werden sollte, nämlich ein isometrisches RPG ohne Kampfsystem, sehr auf das Spiel gefreut, da Oldschool Rollenspiele mein Lieblingsgenre sind und es nicht unbändig viele davon gibt. Als ich feststellte, dass dies jedoch ein Adventure ist, war ich zunächst enttäuscht. Da es aber als Detektivspiel hervorragend funktioniert, geht der Daumen nach oben und eine Empfehlung raus an alle, die solche Adventures mögen und die unverbrauchte SiFi Settings gerne bespielen. Wer jedoch ein RPG kaufen möchte, sollte etwas anderes erstehen.

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239 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 09:48
Reminds me of Disco Elysium.
342 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 12:38
Habe das Spiel jetzt durch und bin etwas zwiegespalten:

Das Setting ist super, genauso wie die Spielmechanik und die Charaktere. Was mich etwas stört ist die teilweise verwirrende Story, wobei man darüber gerne Streiten kann, vielleicht habe ich nur nicht alles verstanden :-)
Man sollte sich darauf einstellen, dass man viel lesen muss, vor allem auch die Kodexeinträge, da man sonst etwas verloren geht und die Welt nicht begreift. Das Spiel lässt sich nicht die Zeit, alles im Detail zu erklären. Trotzdem hat es mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Vor allem die Anspielungen auf die aktuellen Spiele (sinnloser Loot / farming, Online-Trolle, etc.)
Was die technische Umsetzung angeht gibt es hier und da ein paar Texte die nicht ins deutsche übersetzt worden sind (wurden bei mir auf englisch angezeigt, was aber kein Problem war) und in seltenen Fällen sieht man noch die HTML-Tags bei texten, die kursiv geschrieben sein sollen.
132 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 19:46
Die Anfänglichen Probleme mit der Übersetzung sind behoben. Das Spiel ist großartig inszeniert hat eine Gute Story die verschiedenste Lösungsansätze zulässt. Ich habe sehr viel Spaß daran. Allerdings ist das Spiel sehr Textlastig wer das nicht mag oder nicht alles liest wird nicht viel Freude am Spiel haben und/oder sehr viel verpassen.
188 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.21 13:47
Nun, da es keine neutral- Wertung gibt, und dieses Spiel nun doch keinen Daumen runter verdient, mache ich einen Daumen hoch. Mich persönlich stört diese ironisch-witzelnde Spielart. Ich habe ja grundsätzlich nichts dagegen, aber zurzeit ist der Markt einfach zu überfüllt mit solchen Spielen und ich habe eigentlich endlich Mal ein Spiel erwartet, welches seriöser ist. Aber das Spiel macht schon Spass, nur ein fettes Minus: Das Spiel ist nicht ganz eingedeutscht, das heisst fast die Hälfte des Textes ist polnisch, so kann man nichts verstehen und keine korrekten Schlussfolgerungen machen. An Anfang des Spiels ist es noch nicht zu viel, aber später mehr und mehr. Da muss noch ein fetter Patch her.
179 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 17:55
Leider nicht wirklich spielbar zur Zeit, da manche Texte in Englisch oder Polnisch sind. Mit dem englischen Teil wäre ich noch klargekommen aber die polnischen Teile sind nicht zu entschlüsseln.
1129 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.23 03:57
Fun choose your own adventure game. Just so you know, your choices are really he only thing that matter in this game, you will pick up currency and items occasionally but they only really matter in one location. Skills/professions that you learn give you alternate dialogue options/solutions to problems but are not necessary, you can beat the game with none of them, so pick the ones that you like. Not that the game is based almost entirely around dialogue, and is not voiced, so you'll be doing a lot of reading. That said, I did enjoy the game, the world was interesting enough to keep my attention all the way through. There are a few annoying puzzles you'll run into but you can find guides for them online if you get stuck. I got the game on sale and consider it worth the price of entry (at a discount).
2006 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.23 06:45
Starts out with decent promise, then spirals into garbage.
89 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.23 22:35
This game has a Disco Elysium vibe to it. It is very good. The elements all work well together. I have played the game for 8 hours and I will definitely recommend this game. It is a good detective story, with very interesting elements and choices that will decide how the game will react. The story line is very follow-able and you feel you are part of the game. It is not very hard, and I think any age group will get into the game and like it. All in all it is a good game!
69 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.22 16:40
If you are fan of book series by mr Przybyłek you will definetly enjoy this game as it's full of book-related content. If you don't know the books and still want to play this game - I recommend trying books first otherwise game might feel mediocore.
285 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.22 21:32
I honestly can't believe that some morron coding the user interface of this game would not make it so that the game is saved on exit when playing the iron man version...

so you are literally forced to keep playing for days because you can't save ... and keep your computer on .. if someone turns of your computer ... you lose all the progress and had to redo everything...

I already had to several times redo everything because the game has not been saved ... even though I finished the case ... but it seems saving did not happen

you literally can't log out because there is no logical place you can stop playing if the game can't be saved, and game does not tell you when saving happen ...

I am so angry for the time I wasted redoing the scenarios over and over... because I can't go to bed due to not reaching the saving point, or being forced to leave the computer running and then finding out the computer restarted and I lost progress

I just logged in after last night finishing the case, to discover I am back in the mid of the case again ... I honestly can't bare to redo it for the 3rd time so I am just giving up on this game
123 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.22 17:47
The game crashed to desktop when I want to go into tree of knowing every time,I can not continue to play.
And I have to replay the entire investigation if the game crashed,auto-save needs to be improved.
I really like this game but I don‘t recommend it for now.
446 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.22 05:08
for a narrative driven game, it has some very confusing writing. characters telling you things and then pretending they never did, clues that somehow contradict one another, spelling mistakes, couldn't keep playing
59 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 10:17
This is a fun point and click game set in a cyberpunk dystopia. Ignore the people saying the twist spoils the game, it is perfectly in-line with a story like this.
637 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 06:05
I think I got halfway through in my first campaign? Anyway the story is great, as is the way the story is told. Im looking forward to finishing the game at a later date now Im more familiar with the mechanics
129 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 04:41
With the recent improvements on controller support this game is now a joy to play and incredibly immersive. Do yourself a favor and enjoy this jewel.
656 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 07:13
I have been a Gamedec fan for a long time. I have read the books more than once, and I really like the world-building (especially in the stories). The idea to be able to become a gamedec and do what Torkill once did was very enticing. I tried avoiding spoilers for the game and I was more than excited when I could finally dive in. For starters let me say that I enjoyed the game and that I give it thumbs up. But there were some problems. Let's start with:

- The total chaos of the pronouns! Some characters were referred to as he, then she. The same thing with my character. I played as a female gamedec who was often regarded as a dude. Total mess.
- In Yet's Bar some quest names suddenly switched to Polish. I had half of my tasks in English and the other half in Polish.
- The world was confusing. Despite the fact that I read the books and I had an overall idea about them I found myself lost at times.
- The ending. I am sorry but I didn't like it. It was chaotic, and I had no idea that some of my actions were shaping the end-game, there was no inclination. Knowing now what matters I know I can't really role-play but I have to pick certain options no matter if I agree with them or not.
- The skills system was confusing and unclear at the beginning. I had no idea what gives me skill points or how to get the points I needed to develop my skills.

Finally, let me just say that I would prefer solving separate cases to having an overarching plot but I do not include it in the cons as I understand it may be a personal preference.

Having listed the cons now let's move to the pros because I did enjoy my time with Gamedec.

- The cases, especially the first two were amazing!
- The deduction system was interesting and I feel it had weight. My decisions mattered.
- The skills system was cool and inventive even if confusing.
- The replayability. You can play more than once. I am on my second playthrough and I already did sever things differently and there was a different outcome (and different side quests!)
- The games in-game. I loved that there was a separate UI and that I could do tasks in-game! That was amazing.
- Easter eggs for book readers: people, names of the companies, etc. I liked that I recognize them.

Despite the lack of polish and rough edges, I really enjoy my time with the game. I was engaged in the cases, I like the characters and I was curious as to what was to come next.
2286 Produkte im Account
192 Reviews
1503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 20:52
Isometric RPG where you play the role of a Gamedec, a detective that goes into virtual game worlds to look into private or crime-related cases for people. Gain four types of personality aspects from choices that can be converted to following four different profession trees that give you more active and passive interactions and observations.

Decent writing with an interesting setting and set up where your job types give a lot of focus to the digital world letting you do things like hack parts of games to benefit you, create new code, influence emotions with ads, knowledge of medical and body language, becoming a Youtube/Twitch/Podcast/etc style personality where people can be influenced with your real-world fame, etc. In most games, as you progress the early jobs in the tree would become obsolete but the game frequently has uses for everything, some options just need you to make more correct decisions depending on what you are interacting with or having other complications. The setting also allows some commentary and
situations dealing with how people and corporations use games.

You gain notes on people you meet and clues related to your investigations, you then can see those clues tied to related thoughts in a deductions tree where you try to reach the logical conclusion to different thoughts relating to your cases. Once you lock in a choice it can then be used in dialogue options or certain moments to move your case forward. There are moments when these choices can change what goes on next in the game. It's a cool idea and works well with the style of the game but meaningful changes are mostly limited to the first two areas for the biggest effect and unfortunately being wrong doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, and the conclusions to your cases don't really matter.

Little reason for replay as everything basically leads to similar results, doing things wrong can happen but you don't really suffer for it later, and allies you can make don't really end up being able to make any kind of meaningful difference in future sections. Sudden ending with let down final areas. Takes a mostly uninteresting and now cliché twist near the end, that could have had some interesting results with the path the game takes but never is able to capitalize on it in an interesting way before the abrupt end.

Some minor bugs and likely translation issues though I ran into nothing major, game-breaking, or too confusing not to be able to figure out.

It makes for an enjoyable enough playthrough and has some good ideas, but never is able to make the best use of its mechanics and setting.

Screenshots: https://twitter.com/Legolas_Katarn/status/1517969311024836608
218 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 01:31
For the first half of the game I was hooked on the uniqueness of the worlds and how all of the levels felt like they truly had a multitude of ways to solve the problems and get the answers. Unfortunately once this game hits the third act twist it becomes rushed and linear, not allowing for player choice to really matter and then comes to an abrupt ending where the player is presented with and then locked out of endings that feel contradictory and random.
A game with a great idea and plan but terrible execution unfortunately. Cannot recommend, you will not be satisfied.
33 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 13:39
This game has a very interesting premise, but it's irritatingly messy and unpolished.
- there are some easily fixable glitches that leave you completely stuck and force you to reload
- the point earning system to unlock professions is very poorly thought out; it forces you to make dialogue choices based on what points you need, rather than simply play the character they way you want to.
- dialogue choices lock out other dialogue choices for no particular reason, meaning you can easily miss out on points or important clues. This sort of thing only make sense in time-limited scenarios, not every conversation.
- i didn't particularly enjoy being thrown into a serious, main-plot-relevant case immediately, unprepared, and then railroaded from one case to the next with absolutely no free roam or downtime in between. Nor did I appreciate that every case seemed to require professions i couldn't possibly have access to yet in order to unlock important clues, leaving me struggling to earn points to catch up, and always missing out on important information in each case.
- there also seems to be no regard for balancing out the options for different play styles/profession choices; rather than there being different paths to walk depending on your professions, it's simply that you're SOL if you don't have the right profession at the right time. And some of the of the profession requirements are ludicrous anyway (i can't rotate the medibot battery to fit it in unless i have a specific top tier medical profession? are you kidding me?)
- (SPOILER WARNING) I really, really didn't appreciate making it to 314 and then getting kicked out before getting any actual answers. And then I'm supposed to just forget about it and take another case? That's a real Bohner moment there. Don't do that shit; you're sabotaging the momentum of your own story.

Let me also just say that...I think you missed a golden opportunity here to merge different game styles. Obviously it would be extra work, but you could have immersed the players in each of the games within the game, by actually switching to that game's animation style and control scheme, and it would have made for a much more interesting experience.

tldr: this game is a diamond in the rough, but it needs A LOT of work to actually be good.
487 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
1212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 19:41
It's an interesting adventure game with cool mechanics that need to be fleshed out more. I really hated the scene in the bar though. Some dialogues/riddles are just annoying. They could use some better writing in general. And the ending wasn't great either.

You might like this game, if you enjoy cyberpunk and adventures.

EDIT: @ Devs
Cool to hear that you still support/work on the game. You have an interesting product here that I did enjoy playing. I'll certainly be following your future projects, as I'm sure that you're going to make even better things with each iteration. Good luck and all the best.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 11:08
So far it has my attention. The feeling you can't undo your decisions makes me think more than twice before making more important choices.
31 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 08:30
I really think this game should have better reviews. It's got everything going for it: great story, well done graphics, characters that are interesting.
Defo not only for CRPG fans as some reviews suggested.
52 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 21:02
A good game that drew you in with its story.
The deduction mechanics and interesting character dialogues are great assets.
432 Produkte im Account
302 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 22:40
Gamedec is an adventure game where the player character is a private detective who investigates crimes inside virtual reality games. You’ll need to explore the crime scenes and other locations inside the game worlds, talk to NPCs, examine objects, gather clues, and make deductions about what happened and who is guilty.

You can use skill points to unlock professions which give access to unique dialogue options, or actions such as persuading or intimidating a character to give you information, hacking computers, and using cheats to open locks. There’s no combat, but during a couple of conversations you might have the option to fire a gun.

Unfortunately, while the first couple of cases were interesting, I didn’t really enjoy the second half of the game. As the main story became more focused on investigating a wider conspiracy, there were a couple of plot twists that sent the story in a strange direction, and important characters just seemed to be talking about nonsense.

It didn’t help that one level towards the end was very poorly designed, and severely bugged. [spoiler]Its a virtual labyrinth where the player moves between platforms by activating one of four coloured pillars. Different combinations of three colours take you to different locations. Its easy to find information about where you need to go, but actually getting there is extremely frustrating because the available colours on each platform are either random, or bugged. For example, one path was green – yellow – green, but on multiple attempts the second platform would only let me pick green.

Sometimes after wandering around for a few minutes the game would suddenly let me select what I needed to, but there were two occasions where I realised the game must be bugged and I had to reload earlier saves to make progress.[/spoiler] By the time I’d finally got through this level, my enthusiasm for the story was completely gone, and I just wanted the game to end.

There are some other issues as well. Considering its labelled as a CRPG on the store page, I found the character customisation options to be very poor, as you can only choose from a few pre-designed characters. There are also several spelling errors in conversation text and quest logs, which might not be the worst offence, but is another example of the game’s overall lack of polish.

After analysing all of the above evidence, my deduction is that players should avoid Gamedec.
169 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 10:19
Great game that pulled me in right from the start! Can't deny there were a few bugs throughout but they were generally bypassed with a quick save and load. Game looks and sounds great.

It has a slowly expanding story that felt like it really changed based on my decisions, and full of interesting and strange characters.

The world building was great, with the game sprinkling exposition and info through interesting formats and channels. eg instead of having to read a long boring info dump to figure out the new terminology, you may instead read a snippet from a radio show discussing the topic, that kind of thing. I'm not normally one for game lore that requires slogging through miles of impersonal text, but this game made it fun, engaging and had me looking forward to the next codex entry so I could understand more about the world and it's incredibly fascinating concepts.

No true combat in the game but they've done a great job of keeping the dialogue (and there is a lot of it) interesting the whole way through.
269 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 19:43
I really am enjoying this game very much. I'm surprised at some of the negative reviews - it might be that I am just willing to guess more than most. I figure this game has some replay value because it's pretty much impossible to get all clues / professions / codex entries in one playthrough. I personally prefer the more realistic cases to the surreal ones, but the worldbuilding is very fun and I adore the detective aspect. It's got just enough Disco Elysium in it to scratch that itch. I can also see that the devs are very responsive and have put a lot of time and energy and love into this game, so I am holding out hope for maybe some additional cases in future.
352 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 00:25
An interesting game and concept that fell apart half way through and was extremely disappointing at the end.
1354 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
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654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 01:26
This is a game that you want to be a blend of Disco Elysium in the world of Deus Ex and it just plays like a beautiful game that wasn't playtested. There are blatant typos everywhere, and it's incredibly easy to get into positions where you need to load and try a different approach if the game doesn't like your particular blend of skills or choices. The game doesn't tell you that it's time to guess at that point in time either - you simply have to come to the realization that there are no other options and either reload and save scum or just make a guess. Add in some tedious mechanics (intentionally tedious, likely) and timed segments near the 2/3 marker and it's just not a fun experience to play. The world and premise are interesting, and I love the Corsair iCUE integration, but it just feels like they built a game and didn't bother having people play it and listen to their opinions (or hear their reports of balance / spelling issues). I wish this game was more fun, because it had a lot of promise, but I'm probably just going to watch a playthrough of the final 1/3rd.
61 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 15:23
Definitely an interesting experience.
It gets a little confusing toward the end, but it's more than worth the headache.
1293 Produkte im Account
517 Reviews
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 00:06
fall into a trance. let this journey made with love guide you to an experience you will not forget. this is perhaps the best indie ive played of 2021. i loved this in ways that cant be measured. its a pure love and passion that were poured by the devs.

-one of the greatest narratives
-this is what matrix 4 shouldve been
-great narratives interpolated inside a great arc.
-incredible roller coaster

-endings are basically choices in the end that get filtered by tags
-not open world crpg
-linear narrrative with small places you can explore
-the end feels rushed
- no combat. its not really a negative but it means theres some places that will feel empty
-no game plus where you can retry the game with better stats or something like more skills.
-feels like some choices are hidden but also some dont really matter. it felt in the end like the risks dindt really matter

this game is more of a mantra than anything. its a joyful experience filled with self love. as a story it is great. some dialogues feel weird. lots of side lore, lacks content. but it has soul. couldve been more but still whats here has been great.

weirdly i feel like this and the game The Ascent would have been a great mix. or the game ruiner with its great combat.
479 Produkte im Account
108 Reviews
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 20:48
Take on the mantle of a detective that specializes in solving crimes within virtual worlds in Warsaw City. As a Gamedec it is up to you to solve the cases presented to you, but you will get to do so as you see fit. This game is all about allowing the player to shape the character to their play style. You will be put into situations where your decisions will give you different trait points which you can then use to unlock different characteristics that will allow you different options of interaction throughout the game.

As you progress through the game you will be exploring both the real world (or Realium) and several different virtual worlds (or Virtualium) all with different themes and twists. The main focus of the game will be on interacting with NPCs and getting information pertinent to the case you are currently working on. The interesting thing about this game is that when you have collected enough information you can draw your own conclusions to questions about the case. Once you’ve made that conclusion there is no going back, the story will continue so understand that your decisions have lasting effects. This mechanism definitely makes you, or at least it made me, really think before I leapt to some of my decisions. These decisions will also have lasting effects with NPCs that interact with them, so the chance for the exact same playthrough is pretty slim if you decide to take different approaches to your cases.

I kind of stumbled upon this game one day and decided to take it for a spin. Once I got a feel for the game I couldn’t put it down and aggressively played through the game from start to finish. I ended up putting just over 9 hours into it, and I have to say that there were only a couple of parts to the game where I lost my cool because I wasn’t able to do everything I wanted to do. My biggest obstacle in this game was that I tended to approach situations in a very similar fashion which meant that I racked up some serious trait points, however in order to unlock the different characteristics (professions) I was left scrambling to figure out how to get that 1 extra point. The sad reality is that you can’t create additional interactions to gain those extra points so you will have to deal with some less than informed situations where you’re going to have to really take an intuitive leap and hope that it doesn’t come to bite you in the ass later.

If you’re looking for a game full of battles and fast paced action, this is not going to be for you, but if you’re looking for a game that has a ton of twists and turns, and really feels like your decisions mold a unique experience for you, you’re going to want to check this game out. It’s well worth the entry fee, and like I said there’s always the replay factor to think about.
263 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 13:02
Gamedec is one of the better games of 2021 with some interesting game mechanics that I thoroughly enjoyed playing.

It's got some variety in the game-play, with variables such as what skills you decide to acquire determining in which direction you can steer a conversation or what information you can gain which all eventually help you deduce a situation.
The art-style and environment design are quite good giving the feeling of a lived in world although there are only a couple of worlds available to explore (sound design - not so good and takes away a bit of the realism)

Overall Gamedec is a game I would definitely recommend playing!.
208 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 16:50
A beautiful game with meaningful choices. It tells a great, engaging story that slowly unravels with each chapter. The setting enables mixing various mechanics and poking fun at gaming tropes, and Gamedec does both really well.
967 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 01:48
While I haven't gotten very far in the game, I have played it for a bit and discovered that there is so much choice in this game, my OCD doesn't let me continue until I have tried all the routes to figure out which one I have deemed optimal. That means it will be a while before I finish.

I encountered some bugs also while playing the game when it launched, but I believe those bugs are fixed now with the recent patches. I just loaded it up again, and some of the dialogue I was blocked out of is now there. I will update my review after I complete a playthrough of the main story.
475 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 19:05
Gamedec has a very interesting story and playstyle - I love isometric RPGs so this was right in my wheelhouse, but the subject matter and the world that you inhabit are both very interesting in their own right. It's a short game (expect to get 7-10 hours out of it) and I can't really see an avenue for DLC, but the story is well crafted.
215 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 06:30
On-rails rpg-lite narrative and dialogue driven story. There's a lot going on in here, a ton of really good ideas, but the player really just drives the plot through dialogue choices that seem to lead to the same noetic moments with very little variation.

The level architecture and music are beautiful, and the dialogue feels well-written, but I was left feeling like the story ended just as I was starting to really understand the game mechanics and the world-state. I wanted to explore more and make more of an in impact in the world and the character's career, but ultimately that's not what the story is about. I'm glad I played, but am just disappointed that the adventure is over already.
4 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
626 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 20:52
It's alright. Not great, not horrible. Gets really boring after 4-5 hours of gameplay, because it is very repetitive. The story is not catching and the cyberpunk atmosphere is mediocre at best. I intentionally kept playing until I got to 10 hours, hoping it will get better. Unfortunately, nothing changed.
176 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 17:18
Where Gamedec shines is in the actual detective portions of the game. The cases are interesting and well-written with multiple interesting paths to take that encourage multiple playthroughs. Based off of the first few cases I was originally going to write a positive review of the game and wholeheartedly recommend it. In all, I'd estimate about 5 hours of content that I would be interested in stretching out to 10 or 15 with multiple playthroughs.

What turns this review negative is the ending, specifically the last two cases where the twist ending is being set up and delivered. It's so dissatisfying that it brings down the rest of the experience. It's not new or interesting enough to stand on its own as a plot, and nothing novel is really done with the idea, which is especially vexing when contrasted with the very good and interesting writing in the earlier parts of the game.

The other issue is with the experience system. You gain points into one of aspects based on dialogue options you pick, each roughly corresponding to a personality trait such as assertiveness or curiosity. You then spend those points on professions that allow you to complete unique dialogue options. This is a big part of the potential replayability, since interesting bits of lore are gated behind those dialogues.

Where it falls apart is that is very difficult to tell what dialogue options the developers feel belong in what personality aspect, so if you're specifically trying to play in a certain way to unlock professions you didn't have in a previous playthrough, you need to save scum through dialogues. This is not fun and not worth it, so the result is I'm just not doing multiple playthroughs even though the story would otherwise be good enough to justify that.
2194 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 18:13
Look I haven't quite finished yet, and this game is well made and well written, but I just want to solve some mysteries. Please? Can I just get cases and try to solve them? There are only two or three before everything gets blended into one big, dramatic, mess of a story that frankly doesn't introduce any new or interesting concepts. Even in those first discreet mysteries it feels like progress is constantly blocked by some tiny piece of information I didn't get because I didn't immediately have access to every Profession, which is impossible, or because I want deductions to actually make sense instead of being complete guesswork. I think if you want a good point-and-click adventure game this would fill that desire, but if you want to solve mysteries you'll be frustrated and disappointed.
314 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 18:34
Kind of like Shadowrun, but without combat.
894 Produkte im Account
154 Reviews
1895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 19:06




WHAT TO EXPECT: Detective adventure game. Isometric presentation. Cyberpunk Setting. Wide range of well-crafted locations. Good variety of crafted NPC individuals. Scripted, linear but self-deterministic story with arcs. Point & click style interaction system with some depth. Minimal character creation. Unrestrictive clue and deduction system. Occupational skill system for additional interaction options. Forgiving design generates some replayability. Made with no soft-caps. Text heavy, requires lots of reading. Extensive Codex feature full of important game data. No combat system. Single-player.

More info below....



Gamedec (Gd). A single-player detective adventure game with a heavily scripted story coursing through its veins. Set in a cyberpunk-themed world of the future. Where technology has advanced to create virtual realms akin to MMOs melded with virtual reality on powerful steroids. Allowing people to fully immerse themselves and live an existence within these artificial environments.

The game delivers a point and click experience with isometric presentation. Similar to games made using the Infinity engine. A style that should be familiar to fans of Baldur's Gate and Planescape Torment. These worlds are replete with individuals hiding behind masks of 1s and 0s. Causing and perpetrating their own set of problems and crimes. Inhabitants lucky enough to possess the funds can hire professional detectives or Gamedecs; to track down these malefactors to discover and solve the shenanigans they are up to. After some brief character creation the story begins.

Players take on the role of a Gamedec. A detective that lives in the real world but specialises in solving cases in virtual ones. Operating from an apartment that acts like a hub, players take on a string of cases. Sleuthing for a succession of clues to help uncover their version of the truth. Sometimes even having to take leads into the real world in the pursuit of finding resolution.

Gameplay centres on following a self-deterministic story with a fair number of possible arcs. Full of intrigue, suspense and mystery. Requiring the character visit a multitude of locations. Highlighting cursors to interact with critical constructs. Be they avatar, real-world dweller or object. An Interaction System allows for action or dialogue to be conducted. Items picked up. Tasks attempted. Through dialogue new quests can be gained. Even some abstracted combat can take place. It is a system where choices matter. It is the only game mechanic by which critical leads can be discovered. Leads provide clues. Clues allow for deductions. Deductions lock story arcs in place. Thereby affecting the experience of the current playthrough.



+ An impressive array of high-quality cyberpunk inspired locations and scenes with some atmospheric audio.
+ Beautifully rendered visuals.
+ An interesting and engaging story of mystery, intrigue and suspense. With some deduction based arcs.
+ An interaction system with some flexibility and depth of choice.
+ Designed to have no soft-caps.
+ Choices matter only in terms of how the story plays out. There is no right or wrong. Just a story with several possible arcs.
+ Interactive jousts bring some urgency to a few NPC interactions.


- No open or semi-open world. Linear play.
- Lack enough audio to really increase the ambience to strengthen each scene.
- Needs latest drivers for GTX970 owners. Which may have caused a few CTDs when alt-tabbing and reloading a few saves.
- Saving and reloading on the Harvest Time VW gave me extra pumpkins and loot-boxes. Though I'm not sure why I'm marking this as a negative.


* No dedicated combat system.
* Story experience designed with some replayability in mind.
* Some backtracking required. Kept to a minimum through concentrated locations.
* Adult themes, lots of profanity but nudity has been censored.



Gd proved to be a very enjoyable experience. A well made game with an abundance of quality. Its mix of detective mystery and point-and-click adventure style proved an interesting concept. As someone who hasn't enjoyed many point-and-click adventures in the past, I was pleasantly surprised with its use of isometric presentation. A reminder of days spent playing Baldur's Gate and the like. I very much preferred this over any 2D visuals that could have been used otherwise.

The setting was a big draw for this fan of Cyberpunk games. At times feeling like a spiritual successor to Blade Runner. A point-and-click adventure game released in 1997 by Westwood Studios. A very good thing in my opinion. In some ways it possessed some of the feel of recent Shadowrun games but without the combat element. Though with graphics that were of a superior level than the first game of that series. By spreading the story locations over a number of virtual realms, it used a similar trick as used by George Lucas did in Starwars. Delivering an alternating sequence of colourful places, that were different and inviting to visit. Concentrating locations in each realm to a handful of screens limited any potential backtracking to a minimum.

The story possessed a good level of writing. Lean enough not to over-power the reader with too much alphabetty-sphaghetii. Proving engrossing to read. Engaging to experience. There was still a lot to read but it never felt overpowering. Keeping the amount of information to remember to manageable limits. Its adult subject-matter and variety of cases kept the experience interesting. Using the Gamedec as a conduit to link the cases for investigation gave the story a personal feel to it. Rather than being a series of sequential quests.

The core detective element felt pretty much nailed on. The system of deductions not only focused searching for missing clues but were loose enough to ensure that progression never really stalled. Something I was grateful for given my preclusion for missing obvious points of interest or not revisiting places or NPCs already interacted with. Something that had caused me frustration when playing previous game of this nature. Even fostering a desire to quit in those older point-and-click games. Here there was just a feeling of determination and an inevitable eventually that the story would progress without too much effort. The only tangible result being the feeling of cheating oneself by making a deduction without all of the facts. Something that may grate with perfectionists.


For anyone who enjoys a game full of sci-fi, with cyberpunk vibes and a good ol' detective story, then Gamedec is definitely for them! It will appeal to fans of point-and-click adventure games and sleuthing games such as the Sherlock Holmes series. It will unlikely be something for anyone needing tactical combat or gamers who do not like to read.


For the full review in all its glorious detail, go off-Steam to:

Thank you for reading. | Follow my curator here. | Key provided by Turnbased Lovers
595 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 16:51
Clear maybe.

The world is cool, however the writing is not good enough to support the entirely investigation focused gameplay. Very often, deductions don't really make sense or have multiple logical answers. In the end, they don't matter anyway. The skill system depends on the underlying emotion of your answers in dialogue but they are often very different from what the player would expect. Puzzles don't make sense and you need to brute force. The game does only autosave once per level and so if you messed up you have to replay a lot of content.

I would have given it a thumbs up until the very end of the game. The ending is really complete BS, forcing you into an extremely unsatisfying solution solely based on your decisions in the last five minutes of the game.
221 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 11:32
I can recommend Gamedec to anyone who likes games that allow you to create your own experience. Even though I was a bit disappointed about how the game ended for me, it was definitely a consequence of MY chocies that I made along the way. It was MY story. Kudos for that!
402 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
2311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 03:50
This is an absolutely fantastic game with unique and interesting mechanics. Stick with it. It takes a bit of time to understand the deductions mechanic and how it all works - but once everything is clear, this is when the game truly shines. The second investigation, taking place on a virtual farm, is fantastic with a conclusion I never saw coming.

Really underrated game, one I'm loving so far.
2109 Produkte im Account
157 Reviews
1435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 14:01
Important note: I have not played Disco Elysium yet, so I cannot compare Gamedec to it at all. I base my evaluation only on what I saw in the game itself.

I dived into Gamedec with only basic ideas of what to expect and very high hopes for a truly unique RPG. As it turned out, I got myself a rather mixed bag – lots of good stuff, but also several important drawbacks.



  • A mix of an unusual RPG and an interesting point-and-click adventure. You do not have to fight even a single time here [spoiler]if we do not count the sheriff and guards’ scenes[/spoiler]; there are no actual skills to upgrade; no classes or races either. However, instead of all of these you have professions that determine how you can access the situation at hand. They also open various conversations brunches that can affect the dialogue significantly and provide you either with useful items or important information. Oh, and by the way, there are four personality aspects that you need to open specific profession paths. In addition, there is a deduction system. To move on the next part of the story, you need to work on cases and reveal many secrets – so, collecting evidence is vital. Then you can assemble everything you know on a special screen and decide ‘who did it?!’. As for the point-and-click part, you have to interact with the world a lot: talk to people, gather items, receive aspects, etc. And yes, this involves not only running, but also pointing and clicking. So, as you can see, this is an RPG that explores new types of gameplay. For me, this is a huge plus and a really fascinating experience in general;
  • Intriguing story with a good mystery and a lot of suspicion + great world-building + generally good writing. Realistic virtual reality where one can live and experience everything firsthand has been my dream for many ages at this point. I have always wanted to be more than just an icon on the screen in my favorite RPGs. Heck, I am even ready to wrestle geckos in Fallout if it means I can walk the Wasteland with my own two legs! Gamedec shows what might happen if this dream comes true one day.
  • Also, the idea of gamedecs – detectives working in games and solving digital crimes – is brilliant. True crime meats virtual reality and turns into a game of deduction and loot.
  • Living in several virtual worlds – you literally play multiple games inside another game. From something kinky to puzzles and harvesting – this world is open for everyone (who can afford it);
  • Beautiful visuals and level designs. Each world is unique and has features specific to it and its rules. Some are dark and twisted, others offer paradise and pumpkins. Even better – each place boasts its own set of characters that you can interact with. And trust me, these people have a lot to tell a gamedec like you. Also, their avatars (artwork) looks awesome – artists did a great job;
  • Music and suitable sound effects + good variety of tracks. Though I should also note that the sound of flying tray in the protagonist’s flat tends to become irritating after some time.



  • Your choices do affect the outcomes you get at several points, but ultimately you always come to the same thing. Some options you go for can make your life easier, others will even prevent you from speaking to specific characters. And this is great! This is the essential part of any role-playing game. However, I tested several ways how to approach one of the cases and I am sad to say that I did not see that many changes in the global story itself. What I am trying to say is that you always go through the same plot line: I am not sure that making a wrong deduction really changes that much. Once again, I checked it out in chapter three – selected completely different culprits and reasons for [spoiler]Ken’s death[/spoiler], but I still got the same ending there. So, to sum up, your choices matter, but not as often and as much as they should be. You are programmed to always end in the same place, just with different consequences or people. This affects the replaybility quality, imho;
  • One playthrough takes about 20 hours, which is not bad at all.


  • No proper epilogue. Why is it important, you may ask? Simple: without an epilogue of some sorts or at least a short ending you do not feel literally any impact from your final choice. [spoiler]Why did you go through all these chapters, made all these choices, met and saved/killed all these people, read all this text? Just to see several lines about what ending (out of 6) you can get and then a screen that lists several major points from the journey? Guys, what actually happened AFTER this whole ordeal?! The final was trying to be something epic, and it really was until the very last point where it was just…cut off.[/spoiler]
  • Having no skip options in a game that aims for replayability is just UNACCEPTABLE! I reloaded my saves many times at some points, and each time I had to sit through all cutscenes. And some of them were long enough to become annoying (in the last chapter in particular);
  • Infuriatingly long loading screens during the late part of the game. I did not have this issue until the chapter three. But as soon as I got to the middle of it, my deduction scree started freezing during several selections; then the loading time increased for each save; then there were even freezes during actions of some characters. I swear, I spent at least 2 hours (or maybe even more) in total just waiting for the game to load the file I needed during the last three chapters!
  • Only 20 saves available. This is not such a big downside for many players, but I do like saving before important choices or at any moment when I am not sure what might happen next. So, as you can imagine, just 20 saves are not that many. Not to mention that as soon as you hit the maximum, you cannot even rewrite them (why?!) – you must delete one of the previous files to be able to save anything again;
  • Crashes if you reload any save file several times in a row.


Would I recommend this game?

If you come to Gamedec expecting a traditional kind of RPG like Fallout, Neverwinter Nights, Skyrim, Pillars of Eternity, etc, then you are in the wrong place. This game reminds me of The Void (Тургор), which has been among my top 5 games for years at this point. Both have very unusual gameplay features and both present a unique story with its own special world. However, they also share a very similar downside – unsatisfying ending.

All in all, while Gamedec is not a perfect example of a truly brilliant RPG, it has a solid basis despite all the shortcomings. It tries to do something new and unusual, and I love experiencing familiar genres in a completely new way. If you are also looking for something fresh, it is not a bad idea to give this virtual adventure a try – it has a lot to offer.

P.S. I have a little nagging suspicion that maybe, just maybe, there is some secret ending that I have not opened yet. [spoiler]And maybe it is connected with one panda.[/spoiler]

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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
76.75% 406 123
Release:16.09.2021 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Anshar Studios Vertrieb: Anshar Publishing Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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