• Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.
  • Galaxy Squad: Screen zum Spiel Galaxy Squad.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 02.11.2018
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Preis Update 18.01.25

Über das Spiel

Galaxy squad is turn-based tactical roguelike, in which you are leading a squad of mercenaries through randomly generated galaxy with different events.

The game combines node-based exploration with random events, similar to games like FTL or Renowned Explorers, with hardcore tactical battles, inspired by XCOM series. All your characters are randomly generated, and you can evolve them however you want, creating ultimate crew.

  • Explore different planets and systems, fight huge amounts of enemies
  • Upgrade your ship and use its systems in events or in battles
  • Explore space stations, find quests
  • Powerful story campaign system, involving your characters and branching storylines
  • Upgrade your equipment with different modifications and find rare loot


  • CPU: Dual Core Processor
  • GFX: 128MB Video Card with OpenGL support
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 8 (32/64-bit)/Windows 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista
  • HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch, Chinesisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

365 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 19:44
Die negativen Reviews sind nicht mehr Zeitgemäß also ich hatte noch nie nen Absturz oder Bugs. Die Übersetzung lässt teilweise wünsche offen aber es ist trotzdem noch verständlich.
+ die Spiele Mechanik (sehr logisch und intuitiv
+ die Sounds sind stimmig,witzig und Musik ist Scenen abhänig.
+ die Upgrade Möglichkeiten (selber bauen oder kaufen oder durch Zufall erhalten)
+ Schwierigkeitsgard ist einstellbar und tut was er soll
+ Char aussehen und Namen anpassbar
+ unterschiedliche und ausbaufähige Schiffe
+ schneller vorpreschen wird nicht sofort mit Tod bestraft (man kann sich durchaus tapfer ins getümmel stürzen)
+++ Freier Modi sozusagen Endlos mit immer neuen Missionen wo man es endlich schafft alle Chars voll auszustatten und auszuskillen was ich bei der X-com Reihe immer vermisst habe.

- Grafik ist etwas alt backen aber nicht hässlich
- leider nur wenig Char LVL aber das machen die Genregrößen auch nicht besser
- ablauf der Missionen ist fast immer Identisch (hat was von XP farmen)

Insgesamt finde ich Galaxy Squad klasse, es ist motivierend ins besitzt wiederspielwert was ich sehr vermisse bei vielen Spielen der letzten Jahre.
438 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.20 10:13
sehr enttäuschend , absolut nogo
1133 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
1018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.19 18:57
Das ist ein nettes kleines Spiel, mit dem ich jetzt bereits einiges an Spass hatte.
Es ist sicher kein grosses spiel, aber das will es auch nicht sein (und soviel kostet es auch nicht), es ist ein Spiel für eine nette Runde zwischendurch, das aber gutr weiss, was es sein will.
Flotte Taktik, spannende Entscheidungen und in der Story tatsächlich Nervenkitzel und überraschende Wendungen.

Man reist von Planet zu Planet und erledigt Missionen in einem simplen, aber tadellos funktionierenden Taktik-Kampfsystem, es gibt verschiedene Soldatenklassen und viel Ausrüstung, verschiedene Spielmodi (eine Kampagne mit cleveren Abzweigungen durch Entscheidungen, einen freien Modus und mehr) und ist eher auf einen schnellen Run ausgelegt, denn auf ewiges spielen einer Runde.

Für das kleine Geld absolut jedem zu empfehlen, der Taktikspiele mag
1138 Produkte im Account
220 Reviews
107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.18 19:47
Faster Than Light trifft X-Com! Rundenstrategie aus der Hand eines einzelnen Entwicklers - und das ganze macht selbst in diesem frühem Stadium eine gute Figur! Klar, hier und da muss noch kräftig poliert werden aber insgesamt kommen Freunde der Rundenstrategie schon jetzt auf ihre Kosten. Das kann echt was werden - unbedingt im Auge behalten!

62 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 23:14
This is just too basic and generic to be worth your time. It's not terrible, it's just not good enough with all the better, similar games available.
1485 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 19:29
An extremely low budget mix of FTL structure and XCOM combat made by a single indie dev. It's... pretty fun for what it is, especially if you grab it at a discount.
432 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 01:06
A Decent game for 71 pence (i bought it on sale), but one thing that completely baffles me and absolutely destroyed my enjoyment of this game? One of the story missions has one of your characters leave the squad and who it is is completely random, this story mission destroys playthroughs for STORY REASONS. That's like if you suddenly lost your shield subsystem in FTL half way through for no reason at all.
444 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 00:29
Runs on older rigs.

At the tactical level, expect turn-based combat, melee and/or ranged, hex-based w/ terrain, cover etc., ala x-com, the earlier, isometric fallouts, and games of that ilk.

At the strategic level, expect segmented paths with points representing planets, space stations, etc-- chances for tactical combat, shopping, and such.

The character customization is fun-- and a nice touch for an indie game in this price range.

Overall, I found the visuals to be pleasant & the interface to be stylish, informative, & effective.

Sound effects and music are fine, too.

The A.I. does not seem stupid, so far; at the time of this review, I have only played a couple of hours at normal difficulty.

If the above seems to describe a game that will scratch that niche itch for you, I think you should give it whirl.
121 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
36768 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 11:26
Cheap, rough graphics, but working combination as a low budget game.
For some reason I just play again and again. After 500 hours there still happens new things to me. New quests, new weapon and so on...And sometimes a whole game is over and I still did not find my favourite weapon...Not a single one...
Worth it's price, if under 50€....
171 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 14:47
I thought I had left a very scathing review of Galaxy Squad first time trying it... and gave up on it after an hour or so...

I came to correct that review, but find it missing.

So, why did I hate it, and why do I not now? It was extremely bland and buggy to begin with and the difficulty didn't balance well... Went from super easy to impossible.

Well, decided to give it another go and... Well, it seems pretty easy so far, (but I'm not on hardest difficulty, so thats OK).

It doesn't seem buggy anymore, appears the developer has done a lot of work.

The game still seems a little bland. The Engrish is amusingly bad at times... But... It's a decent casual xcom-light that provides some decent entertainment now.

Don't spend a lot of money on this, but for under $5, for a casual Turnbased game, it's worth that for a change from replaying XCOM or Xenonauts for the umpteenth time.
412 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 03:01
The game is decent but it is extremely grindy to unlock everything. There is no reason for the grind either, it is a single player game. I would like to be able to play with all of the class options, ship options, and weapon options, but the amount of repetitive runs you have to do to get the unlocks is awful. I don't see the Dev ever coming in and fixing it, so I would say stay away. When I buy a game I want access to all the content. Locking a fast majority of it behind a boring grind is just an awful mechanic.
274 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 06:26
It's FTL meets XCOM. It's not as punishing as XCom and I didn't find myself worried about every single move. Its nice to be able to unlock other game modes and additional classes/weapons as you complete the FTL style overworld map.

The simple blocky style looks great from the overhead view and is just detailed enough to get the cyberpunk vibe in the cutscenes. Its a great balance of investing just enough into the art style without worrying too much about it.

I got this onsale, but as a fan of both FTL and XCom this would have been worth the full price too.
102 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 00:03
Xcom meets FTL and wears Captain-is-dead skin. Lacks any kind of depth. Lacks personality. Lacks AI. Enemies in Xcom might have been a bit contrived but at least they were distinctive and menacing. Tactically xcom playes chess... this is putting checkers in its nose. Upgrading ship in FTL was always a serious choice of committing resources. Here you will pretty much build the same mods in the same order every time.

192 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 10:20
I feel guilty paying this game only 0,81 on sale...
Anyway: if you like Xcom and FTL you will like Galaxy Squad.

My only complain is about the quest system, sometimes they will spawn far away and you will not able to complete them, but they are not essential. Not gonna win any point in originality, but is a fun game. Is even worth paying full price. If is on sale just buy it and try it.
84 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 21:18
Really fantastic game - like Xcom meets FTL, but way more game modes than just a campaign.
1. Campaign (with branching choices)
2. Conquest - your forces and those of enemies try to take over the enemy's base system -you drop in to battle in strategic places to help your side gain more territory before making the final push
3. Free mode - like campaign but no fleet is chasing you, just take side missions and explore at will
4. Survival - fight wave after wave of enemies until you die (really useful for testing out gear and class combinations)

- 6 unique and very distinct classes
- 6 unique ships, some of which totally change how you play the game
- lots of weapon and armour choices
- skill trees for each character class

Super fun game, can't believe I'd never heard of it. As a huge Xcom and FTL fan, I'm really glad it didn't slip by me.
119 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 20:44
This game shows promise and has good ideas but needs work to become truly playable.
Played 12 hours. Managed to do campaign with the game only crashing once. Tried Conquest mode afterwards, game crashed multiple times, eventually lost game progress. Game needs debugging. Shame because it could be a good one.
326 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 11:55
Not Polished, Not Bad.
Re-playing and unlocks as the hook.
Requires a love update from the developer.
Frustrating due to it feeling like an unfinished Unity project.
It IS an unfinished Unity project.
434 Produkte im Account
351 Reviews
5337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 02:11
Small and Simple tactical management game.
Intriguing cutscenes of the Storymode.

Short Campaign with few routes for achievements,
backed by unlockable contents and few other modes.
Variety of different usable classes and equipment,
favors the Tech and Drone class for their support stacking abilities.

during my campaign, occasionally showed popup error prompts requiring force close,
likely related to Drones or Inventory bugs.
Walls and behind cover sometimes just doesn't work as intended.
Covers destroyed but yet they might remain invisible providing cover for the opponents behind it.

Easy once knowing what to built on ship, classes and inventory to use,
every encounter is a repetitive chore for buffs, and
staying above the Federation domain.

342 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 19:49
Good FTL-like game with XCOM fighting mechanics. A little rough around the edges but very fun.
96 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 12:17
Even though I actually like the idea and features of the game (roguelike, turnbased and the pressure from being chased), I can't recommend a buy. Not at the current pricetag and only partly when on a massive discount.

The simple reason is the technical issues the game has.
In my gametime so far, I wasn't able to successfully finish a single run, because all my trys were stopped by dev-console error messages (sometimes you're able to collapse them, sometimes the game hangs completely).
Furthermore, the save function doesn't seem to work properly. Sometimes you loose progress, sometimes items, or in the worst case the savegame becomes corrupted and you can't continue at all.
For a Roguelike with only one savefile that becomes unbearable quite quick.

There is some sort of modding tool integrated to theoretical create content, but I wasn't able (maybe I'm too dumb...) to get any mod running without a crash within the first few turns.

However, if the technical issues (especially the save function) would be fixed, it could become a little game to do some quick fun missions when you ain't got much time, but in the current state: Better save your money.
413 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 18:07
Отличная игра (скидка 90%!). Действительно FTL + XCOM.) Простая, но заставляет подумать. Легкая, но иногда загружался, чтобы пройти уровень. Есть сюжет и сюжетные развилки). С удовольствием прошёл компанию. Спасибо разработчикам!)
492 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
3078 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 00:30
Very entertaining game, XCOM-styled turn-based tactical skirmishes combined with simple node-based space exploration. Your crew gets better with experience, you can get side quests and buy better equipment from space stations, and you can enhance the capabilities of your spaceship by building modifications to it. Several game modes, including a story mode with several different endings depending on your decisions. A lot of replay value. There are a few minor bugs, but nothing game-breaking. All in all quite an astonishing accomplishment by a one-man developer team. Well worth the full price, on a sale an absolute bargain.
95 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 01:36
I love this game its simple yet very fun its alot like the first xcom in that there isent a very crazy amount of talents and what not its also got so many diffrent game most so reply value is vary high iam on my third run now :)
196 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
2057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 14:45
The bad reviews for this game are due to players not unlocking everything (which takes a few game runs) or not playing all the game modes.

I have logged 17.6 hours and have beaten the campaign twice. Extreme difficulty can kill you early, eventually you do get pretty bad ass and then it is hard to die. The story has different branches that have different cut scenes and fights - I had two completely different stories in both play throughs. The story is kinds silly but the ending can surprise you - I had an ending that did not even have a final fight ... just a satisfying cut scene.

There is definitely content in this game ... i have not unlocked everything yet. The battles are strange at first because you need to realize to use the number keys and space bar to confirm actions ... not the mouse.

The battles are weak in the start but get more complicated. I kind of wish the enemies had your own skills - your mercs have some very cool abilities and the enemies have their own unique abilities but they never use your own. It would be cool to fight enemies that used your tank skills etc.

Overall it is a good game, it glitched twice while buying gear in a store BUT the game auto saves your progress so you lose nothing.

Please remember however to use the keyboard more than mouse. Once you do that the fights are comfortable.
219 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 23:28
It's not super complicated. The graphics aren't Xcom. But it's a solid little experience. I beat it after the third play through. Played it a couple more times. I only logged a few hours but it's worth the 10$. If you have a shitty computer this will run. I know it did on my toaster with a screen. However, I've upgraded my PC and I find myself attracted to more complex images. Still, 10$. Worth it. On sale, get it.
281 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 07:18
While on sale for $1.99 its a rather fun time killing game. However it becomes repetitive real quick and the game is so cut dry. Lots of bugs still.

Most of the time I played, I just wanted to play in free mode... I'll get there one of these days as its a locked function.
3255 Produkte im Account
260 Reviews
1343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 04:58
Galaxy Squad is a nice surprise. I mean, what can you expect from a game that was made by a single person? Most likely, not an open-world XCOM clone. And yet, that's exactly what we've got here. Galaxy Squad tries to achieve what Firaxis Games' XCOM 2 failed to do – an XCOM game in a proper open-world environment. You have three squad members (can hire more on the way), you have a ship and... you're pretty much free to do whatever you want. You can explore the Galaxy, hire mercenaries, do missions, upgrade your ship and so on. Sounds pretty awesome, right? Unfortunately, well, not everything about this game is good. Quite the opposite, it's yet another 50 / 50 situation we have here. Even though yes, open-world XCOM was a brilliant idea and this game even comes with choices, which lead to four different endings, the amount of downsides here is also pretty impressive.

First of all, this game is short. Laughably short. There are only seven story missions (which will change according to your choices and require some leveling, but still), optional objectives don't have enough variety, while you can't really take your time here thanks to how our heroes are constantly chased by the enemy fleet. The worst thing, though, is that this game wasn't made well enough. The battles here are extremely rough and unbalanced. Same goes to the stores (note that you can't even buy the stuff back) and missions. As the result, even on low difficulty, this game can be pretty challenging. You're always free to launch the in-built mod editor and give yourself a gun with 9999999+ damage (no, it won't disable the achievements), but... you know how it is. It's not the same thing with a properly balanced story campaign. Replayability is there, though. The more you'll play the game – the more weapons, armor and even gameplay modes you'll be able to unlock in the main menu.

So... yeah. Galaxy Squad is far from being perfect. It's short, limited, rough and it isn't made well enough. And yet, there's a lot of good in it. Personally? I want to give it a thumb up just because I loved the idea of an XCOM Lite in an open-world environment. You want something like that? Go ahead and check this game out. Don't expect much, though. Because, like I've said, aside from being pretty cool, this game also knows how to be an ass.
5832 Produkte im Account
529 Reviews
2185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 04:12
A fun if somewhat generic mix of xcom tactical turn based squad combat with RPG leveling mechanics plus a FTL style galaxy to explore with the Feds hot on your trail as an impetus against lollygagging. The game allows for a lot of customization with different gamemodes you can unlock plus different difficulty options that increase your scoring multiplier which in turn nets you more 'glory points' that can be used to unlock new character classes, weapons, ship types, upgrades and game modes.

Overall the game certainly punches above its weight class and should offer a few dozen hours of tactical RPG fun for genre fans.

Oh one very nice feature the game has is you can speed up animations up to 300%. Always great to see a dev that respects your time like that.
268 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 19:00
I was actually suprised by this game, basically you get your own ship and custom crew your objective is to get from one side of the galaxy to the other whilst avoiding the federation. You choose what system to install on your ship and what equipment your crew has while managing fuel and ship power. Land battles are turn based and can be very difficult which adds to the tension because crew deaths are permanent.
162 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 12:06
Didn't buy on sale. Didn't refund. Love it. FTL & Xcom fan here
70 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 12:35
This game is pretty fun, but is extremely buggy. Despite the graphics being outdated, I experienced a lot of lag and had to turn down the graphical settings to the lowest settings. The game would randomly freeze on the enemy's turn, or when I was exiting the weapon's shop screen. Despite all this, I kept chugging along, since the gameplay was entertaining. The final straw was when I completed a battle with no losses, only to find one of my characters randomly disappeared from the squad. Since the game defaults to an 'iron-man' save system, there was no way to roll the game back to a previous point, and I called it quits then.
361 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 15:48
I love turn based games and even tactical ones. I was excited to play Galaxy squad. I can't recommend this game, even for trying to install. I tried hard to suck it up and continue, but it was so difficult to find joy playing this game.

Various bugs where the clicking is not proper, let's say, I want to click a dialogue, but no, it will click the shop behind the dialogue box. You will now in the shop.

The remove person from squad doesn't work.

Mechanics are not fun, quests are so bland. Story is a vanilla envelope pasted on a white wall.

Characters are not diverse.

All in all, I regret even spending time with this game.
83 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 03:26
I forgot why I bought this game. Maybe to check out , if somebody handle the combat more interesting and less frustrating with all the try and error do not trust the chances x.com system...
And I can say, the devs here found one mechanic, that make games of this kind much easier to handle.
Before you move in position lines show you, if the visible target is in range from the position you want to move to.
Now combine this with the FTL challange mod and you have a quick and nice gameplay.
I cant say much about the balance so far. Finished it just on normal. It was ok for me.
Evrybody who like FTL and X-Com should try this game out.
The only minius is the character design. I see some investment in cut scenes, but why this ugly chars?
The maps and the ships are pretty nice...
73 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 21:53
This is a lovely mashup between XCOM and FTL. Missions are generally small and fun and nicely varied. Has some minor bugs, gameplay issues and spelling mistakes, but overall the game is great.
64 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.20 12:40
Kind of a cross between worse FTL and worse XCOM.
FTL style beacon exploration with events and XCOM style combat, but neither has much variation.
The events are very similar and there is little map variety for the combat.
The story cutscenes are overly long and don’t really explain anything.
It is fun, and if you like FTL and XCOM you’ll probably enjoy it, but ultimately you’d probably have more fun playing FTL and XCOM.
Also has poor spelling and grammar (at least in English).
223 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.20 18:06
Oversimplified turn-based combat, very little terrain, very small maps, 'movement points' that do not account for how dificult something is to use and provide very little flexibility. It is not the charming and deceptive simplicity of FTL, but something that feels more fit for limited controls and screens of smartophones than for keyboard and mouse of PC.
If you like tactical turn based combat in modern/sci-fi setting, various X-COM/UFO/e.t.c clones are infinitely better, space 'exploration' aspect of Galaxy squad is not worth mentioning from my point of view, every other game I played does it better.
1441 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 11:49
Really a good game. Some decisions about story inspired by FTL and some tactical fight inspired by XCOM.
I didn't gone very deep about the ship customization but the tactical aspect is very not bad.
Maybe it can be a bit less solid and deep than other titles like XCOM but for the price it is still ok.
Bad point: some translation errors in french version. Need fast a fix.
I got also some problems to understand where to go to finalize a mission...
146 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1932 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.19 15:37
This game is pretty open about its inspirations, taking the combat of XCOM and mixing it with the node-based space race of FTL. Its story is basically nothing: when you beat the last boss, it immediately and unceremoniously ends with zero denouement whatsoever, kind of like if Star Wars ended with the Death Star in the process of blowing up and then immediately cut to credits. The gameplay is also not nearly as clever or robust as its inspirations: Even outside of XCOM, there are much more strategically enjoyable tactical squad-based turn-based grid-based shooters (I recommend checking out Halfway, for example), and even outside of FTL, there are much better explore-em-ups with limited resources and a ticking clock (I'd check out Sunless Sea for a great example). In fact I would say that it only exceeds its inspirations in two ways: better than XCOM, the individual fights are very fast and breezy rather than hideous slogs. I barely used the overwatch feature when it was overbearing in XCOM. The slow pace of the approaching tide of murder, in contrast to FTL, gives you a lot of breathing room in comparison and you don't need to spend so much time plotting the perfect course. You absolutely do not need a perfect course set to complete the game, unlike FTL, which is nice if you're not in it for the purpose of making yourself suffer. Aside from not living up to its predecessors, however, I really think this game has a lot to offer. The breadth of options for post-game and the flexible system of unlocks is really nice. I don't really give a crap about new weapons but I definitely want new game modes and unit classes, which it very kindly allows me to focus on. The low-poly artstyle, as well, is incredibly charming and well done. Overall it's a high recommend if you enjoyed even one of its inspirations.
31 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
6193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.19 02:55
I was not expecting a lot from this game and the graphics leave a lot to be desired but wow, it turned out to be a LOT of fun. The tactical combat is very rich and deep with support characters that are actually extremely useful. The varied character classes each offer very different ways to play and there's a decent variety in the way you can arm and armor your units. Also, the choices of different ships in which your crew can take on the campaign offer even more variety,

The biggest drawbacks are that the interface is a bit clunky and old-school but not in the cool way. Also, the dialog and writing are not translated very well but it's enough to follow along and stay interested. It's a game that - if it were put into a development house and released again or a sequel was made (while keeping the core game play and design elements in tact) - could be a big, big hit.

Oh, also, they tried to include melee combat as an option but unless you get the plasma sword, you're better off just sticking to firearms and explosives. It could be really awesome if melee were more of an option.
545 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.19 21:24
An interesting take on low poly turn based shooter, GS does what it does without overpromising, and it does it really well. Simple, pleasant, and fun XCOM-like game, with a nice FTL-like feeling, nice way of progressing, interesting classes, and overall a nice gameplay.
Combat is simple but clean and efficient, and it has overwatch (I am a sucker for turn based games with overwatch).
The level limit of the characters and the limited number of classes might make it a bit repetitive after the max level has been reached, but it still delivers a few hours of fun (for a very honest price)
Gets a 70/100 from me, good game!
144 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
1038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.19 00:41
I felt like playing XCOM again, but I didn't want to go back through the same story. So I searched for a game that would have a new story, but play just like XCOM. Galaxy Squad is that game. The strategic game is almost exactly FTL, and the tactical game is almost exactly XCOM. The two blend together quite seamlessly for an overall very satisfying experience. If you liked FTL and XCOM, you'll like Galaxy Squad.
217 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.19 10:43
Right now, this game is in sale. It costs less than a decent sandwich, or even a less-than-decent sandwich if you're in the wrong place. I've played it for about an hour, and frankly, I've already got my money's worth. The current price is an absolute steal for what you get in return, so if you're interested, just take the plunge.

OK, but what is it?

It's two good concepts mashed together. FTL-style run and explore in space, but with FTL's ship combat replaced by simple, but functional, turn-based tactics in randomized locations. It's a simple popcorn style game with not a lot of fanfare, but enough depth to keep you busy for a while. There are only three classes, from the looks of it, and they do the stuff you'd expect. You can have different ships, which allow you to do different things, some of which have to be unlocked FTL style. The battleship allows you to give yourself some fire support, while the crafting ship allows you to build your own gear. So it's pretty simple: Outrun the enemy fleet, explore to improve your squad and ship, try not to die. Overall, it seems a lot less punishing than stuff like FTL, though.

How does it look?

The visuals might be the real star, here. The game has a really charming low-fi retro science fiction look that works really well. The main story of the game even has animated cut-scenes, which are a little janky, but it's frankly impressive it's even there. Because this is where I mention it seems to be made by one dude. During play you land on planets and space stations. The space stations are the real treat, because they're little chunks of Cyberpunk cityscape in space. The game has the visual styling of a polished, well-funded indie title, only betrayed by the occasional jank. In fact, professional studios have delivered products that look much worse.

Anything negative to say?

I haven't played it a lot, at this point, but I've already mentioned it. It's a simple game, with some jankiness. Do you want to commit to it outside of a sale? Maybe. Maybe not. It treads down the path of well-worn game elements without bringing anything new to the table, which means that you'll probably catch yourself comparing it to other games that did those elements better.


The strength of Galaxy Squad is that it does a good job of putting several proven elements together into a simple popcorn game with an extremely strong visual style. It lacks any and all pretense. It's an FTL clone type of game, but in style of play it's more similar to the Infinite Space games. It's more relaxed, and there is more to see than in FTL. Something like FTL is prickly. It doesn't really want to be loved. It doesn't drag you in with good looks, and it punishes you relentlessly for slipping up, or even for daring to play it at all. Galaxy Squad isn't like that at all. It's cute and charming, and that's OK. At sale price, you get far more than you deserve. At regular price... maybe think about it. It's probably not the price of a sandwich, but I'm willing to bet you've had take-out for dinner that was more expensive. So can you skip pizza for a day if it means sating your curiosity when it comes to one of those endearingly competent-yet-janky one man projects?
1057 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.19 09:48
This is pretty much a shame.


My Steam circle of friends, mostly turn-based strategy and tactics fans, 150 of them, and only [strike]one[/strike] 10 !!! owns Galaxy Squad.

You might hold off like I did before since the game is offered for such a low price that's hard to believe there is a game in it.
Or maybe you hold off because the game is labeled as EA.
Is the huge discount on sales make you believe the project is already abandoned in EA?

Galaxy Squad at the core is heavenly inspired by X-com series.
X-com series is driven on Unreal Engine and made by a huge team of respectable designers.
Galaxy Squad seems to be a one man project.

Is this project too ambitious? Yes it is I think, but I welcome it.
Is it rough around the edges? Yes it is. Even more then the screenshots on the store page shows you.
Let me start with the flaws:

- Not shown in the screenshots, the mission logs and all other texts and UI elements in the screen looks very much like a mobile game. Huge boxes with a huge font chosen. It looks terrible.

- The characters are made in low poly style seen in many other games. While the unique enemy and alien lore is done well, specially the body style and animation, the heads looks ugly almost all of them. Too bad the heads are copied to be used as character portraits as well. Logical step, but not nice to look at.

- While you can move the map with WASD, and even rotate the map with EQ, I did not found a way to change the view angle. This cause frustration sometimes by not having the exact view you want.

- There are spelling errors (beond instead of beyond etc) and text missing while completing objectives for example.

All of this isn't really distracting from the game itself and what is offered is a very complete experience in terms of replay value, huge starmap and freedom to choose missions, characters and gear.

Enemies are original and unique like artifact creatures, drone creatures, aliens and soldiers. Mission types contain protect, serve and kill mission types on a variety of big and small tactical maps (tile based).
Maps contains destructible objects, reinforcements arrivals, loot and artifacts.
There are many static objects on the map and the 3D design and the diversity of those objects is good.
Think of X-com again when it's about the fighting itself. I did not experienced the random misses at 50% view range as annoying. Enemies miss as often as you do and for both sides the healthbars are big enough to survive a few turns before new reinforcements eventually spam.

Between missions the starmap contains spacebases, surprise planets, surprise ships, factions, ship workshop, weapon shops, story teller missions and an FTL like red light that force you to move (if you choose so and the speed it happens is configurable. The star map isn't just a random bunch of triggers alone (like in Darkest dungeon, Slay the Spire and many others) but contains story missions as well.

This is were the game really shines imo. Even while made by a single dev, even with the low budget assets, he managed to create fully animated cut scenes. Immersive and very well done. Also the sound effects in the game itself are exceptional good or simply fits very well.

Your team consist of different classes with unique abilities, an inventory and XP system.
You can upgrade your ship with neat utilities as well.

The developer is organizing strawpolls often to add features and lore requested by players. Even at the moment of writing there is a poll available.

Compared to a 60 dollar big budget game there is a lot to complain about this title, but not in terms of a very nice gameplay experience. Good balance between skill and use of random in missions, fighting and starmap progress.

Well done! Keep up the good work.
130 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.18 19:00
I absolutely do NOT criticize this game for being early access. It seems an heroic one-man effort with a lot of potential. Also, my low-ish rating is partly a matter of taste. My criticisms have to do with design decisions, rather than design competence.

Cool ideas, lots to do (in a sketched-out form at present), and more-or-less sandbox, which I love. There are not enough Sci Fi (well, space opera …) RPGs or Sandboxes for me.
I like that you can recruit and develop new characters, and can develop your ship.
Different stations have different resources, there is a good amount of randomization, and the game keeps you busy.

I did not realize this is rogue-like game, or I would have avoided it. Some people like those, I guess.
Option to turn off perma-death would be nice. Other games often offer the choice.
Compounding is that there is now way to gauge the difficulty of an encounter before diving in, no way out once you find yourself overmatched, and no real way to grind your characters to competence. You bump up your characters to level three, go on to the next stop, and run into 4 250-point rocket-firing mechs and fifteen foot soldiers. All your investment and gear is simply gone.
Systems are dead once you visit them, so cycling through more manageable combats for a while is not an option. It’s like walking down the street picking fights with random strangers without training.
Money is slow, though manageable.
The artwork is butt-ugly, I’m hoping it is a placeholder.
Special abilities must be activated BEFORE you know what you are facing, and accumulate so slowly that you can only use them once every 3-5 encounters.
Very minimal and inadequate instructions.

1. A way to estimate difficulty ahead of time.
2. A way to withdraw from unwinnable encounters, possibly with some penalty.
3. A way to opt out of perma-death
4. Systems re-spawn at about their former level of difficulty, possibly after some delay, though they might still be randomized as to maps and specific opponents.
5. Make the special ability lightning bolts (i.e., Mana) re-accumulate more rapidly, or give us some activity to re-accumulate it. Let us activate special abilities AFTER we see what we’re up against.
6. System icons indicating where missions might be picked up, and recommended level for encounters.

I’m uninstalling Galaxy Squad now, but will probably look at it again in a year or so.
349 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.18 12:22
Bearing in mind that this game is early access, it's not all that bad and has the usual potential most early access games have.

There is quite a decent amount within it to enjoy about a solid hour of the game and to see where the game aims to go. The groundwork for something pretty fun is already there, it'll of course need a lot of work as with most/all early access games but it's not exactly an extortionate price and if you enjoyed FTL and you enjoy turn based games then you can see why it's enjoyable pretty quick.

Naturally there are currently some issues, the voice acting on characters is a little grating and the animations can be somewhat janky. But I've found for every somewhat jarring aspect to the game there is something quite charming to counter it,

There is part of the main storyline implemented and has 'cutscenes', which are a little janky as per most of the animations in game but are also quite interesting. The art style chosen is nothing new but still has quite a charm to it and there is already a fair variety of enemy types.

There would be no harm in waiting to see how much more is added into the game/how much is worked on but it's hardly a bad buy if you want to support the dev and spend a little of your time enjoying what quite literally feels like a hybrid of XCOM and FTL
Logo for Galaxy Squad
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
75.9% 189 60
Release:02.11.2018 Genre: Rundenstrategie Entwickler: KazakovOleg Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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