Show your classical chops in this week’s Pull on the Heartstrings recording event! With multiple stringed custom instrument options available in FUSER DLC, there are plenty of ways to make a mix anyone can fall in love with!
Your task is to capture a classically-inspired composition featuring strings as the star of the mix. After you record and submit it, it’s time for the community to vote for their favorites. Any submissions voted into the top 50% will earn 40 Diamonds, and those voted into the top 75% will earn 20 Diamonds. After event rewards have been distributed, you’ll receive 30 Diamonds if you voted for some FUSER symphonies!
The Pull on the Heartstrings event will begin accepting submissions starting August 23 at 12:01 AM PT/ 3:01 AM ET (7:01 UTC/9:01 CET) and ends August 30 at 12:01 AM PT/ 3:01 AM ET (7:01 UTC/9:01 CET).
Voting starts on August 30 at 12:01 AM PT/ 3:01 AM ET (7:01 UTC / 09:01 CET) and lasts until September 6 at 12:01 AM PT/ 3:01 AM ET (07:01 UTC / 09:01 CET).
After you’ve completed your masterpiece, share it with the whole FUSER community! Export and post your mix to Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook, and tag us with #FUSERfanMix.
Learn more about FUSER or listen to great beats while you hang out with fellow music mixers! Catch FUSER Guest Sessions or watch the Diamond Stage—follow our social channels for dates and times!