• Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.
  • Full Throttle Remastered: Screen zum Spiel Full Throttle Remastered.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 18.04.2017
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Preis Update 07.05.24

Über das Spiel

Full Throttle (Vollgas) wurde 1995 von LucasArts veröffentlicht. Es ist ein klassisches Point-and-Click-Adventure vom legendären Tim Schafer und zeigt das Leben von Ben Throttle, dem draufgängerischen Anführer der Motorradgang „Polecats“, der in eine mörderische Geschichte verwickelt wird.
Vollgas ist jetzt nach über 20 Jahren in einer Neuauflage mit hochauflösender 3D-Grafik sowie überarbeiteter Musik und Geräuschkulisse zurück.
Spieler können jederzeit zwischen dem klassischen und überarbeiteten Modus umschalten und Audio, Grafik und Oberfläche nach Belieben kombinieren. Wir haben auch eine Galerie mit Konzeptzeichnungen und eine Tonspur mit Audiokommentaren der Entwickler eingebaut!


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz, AMD Athlon X2 2.8 GHz, or higher
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260, ATI Radeon 4870 HD / Intel HD 4000 Graphics, or equivalent
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or Later
  • HD: 8000 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Windows Compatible Card
  • MISC: GPU that supports OpenGL 3.3 or higher
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1158 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 12:16
Eine Perle der Videospiel Industrie

Vielen Dank
365 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 17:59
[English version below]

[German version]
Ein echter Klassiker, der seinerzeit an mir vorübergegangen ist. Daher bin ich recht unbefangen an das Spiel herangegangen und war manchmal ein wenig überrascht. Zum einen war es etwas düsterer, als ich erwartet hatte, zum anderen hat es einen wunderbaren Technologie-Mix (traditionelle Bikes vs. Hovercraft-Autos).

In der Story geht es um Ben, dem raubeinigen Anführer der Biker-Gang Polecats. Ben gerät mitten in einen Mord, seine Gang landet im Knast und er muss natürlich alles daran setzen, sie rauszuboxen.
Die Figuren wachsen einem schnell ans Herz und sind gut gesprochen.
Auch grafisch überzeugt die remastered Version im netten Comic-Stil und im Breitwand-Format. In den Optionen kann man übrigens auch auf die klassische Pixel-Grafik-Einstellung gehen und sich Kommentare dazu schalten lassen.

Die Steuerung fand ich etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig. Auch rätseltechnisch kam zwischendurch etwas Frust auf, besonders, als es darum ging, die Mitglieder anderer Motorrad-Gangs auszuschalten und eine geheime Höhle zu finden.

Nichtsdestotrotz ist es ein gelungenes Spiel, dass sich auch ca. 25 Jahre später nicht zu verstecken braucht.


[English version]
A real classic that I missed back at the time. Therefore, I approached the game quite unbiased and was sometimes a bit surprised. For one thing, it was a bit darker than I expected, and for another, it has a wonderful mix of technology (traditional bikes vs. hovercraft cars).

The story is about Ben, the rough and ready leader of the biker gang Polecats. Ben gets caught in the middle of a murder, his gang ends up in jail, and of course he has to do everything he can to get them out.
The characters quickly grow on you and are well spoken.
The remastered version also convinces graphically in a nice comic style and widescreen format. By the way, in the options you can also go to the classic pixel graphics setting and have comments added.

I found the controls a bit hard to get used to. There was also some frustration with the puzzles, especially when it came to eliminating members of other motorcycle gangs and finding a secret cave.

Nevertheless, it is a well-done game that doesn't need to hide even 25 years later.
204 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.19 01:16
Mehr Cutscene, als Spiel.
Humor zündet kaum bis gar nicht.
Die wenigen Rätsel wirken teilweise sehr willkürlich.
4h Spielzeit.
Audio und Optik ist im Retro Modus oft besser.
Einige Sätze sind teilweise von falschen Personen eingesprochen.
63 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.19 19:23
2388 Produkte im Account
260 Reviews
337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.19 11:34


Full Throttle, eines der letzten Point & Click Adventure aus dem Hause LucasArts.
Ein Game für Anfänger bis Pro und für gross und klein.


Man spielt Ben der durch einen Zufall in eine mörderische Geschichte hinein gerät und einen Mord aufklären muss um sich und seine Gang, die Polcecats zu retten.

Nun geht man wie in den meisten Teilen auf die Suche nach Items und Charakteren die einem weiter helfen könnten.

Die Rätsel sind meistens logisch, aber manchmal kommt man auch auf die einfachsten Sachen einfach nicht.
Was dann nur mit Online Tipps gelöst werden konnte oder durch Stumpfes probieren, was dann eher Frust aufkommen ließ.


Die Grafik ist sehr schön, Remastered worden. Man kann zwischen beiden Grafikstilen Ingame umschalten!


Die Musik ist sehr schön, Remastered worden. Man kann zwischen beiden Tonversionen Ingame umschalten!


Die Steuerung ist sehr gut, in der Remasterted Version mit Gamepad zu spielen. Mit Maus geht es aber um einiges besser von der Hand, dann wird aber auch die Tastatur benötigt!


+ gute Grafik
+ gute Musik
+ gute Geschichte
+ wieder viel Humor mit dabei
+ Gespräche können geskippt werden

- Hilfen werden nicht immer korrekt angezeigt
- Grafikfehler durch 3D Objekte
- Spiel stürzt ohne Grund öfter ab


Es ist ein gutes kurze Adventure, was man gut mit Grim Fandango auf einen Zweig setzten könnte.
Es ist kein schlechtes Spiel aber, auch kein Indiana Jones oder Monkey Island, dennoch noch ein sehr gutes Game.

Das Game spielt sich sehr schnell, man bleibt nie lange an Orten und findet sehr schnell die meisten Dinge.
Es gibt nur selten stellen wo man lange hängt, meistens muss man einfach nur woanders stehen um Objekte anklicken zu können.
Da das Spiel eigentlich 4:3 ist beschränkt sich der klickbare Bereich auch immer nur auf den 4:3 Bereich und
so können Objekte leicht übersehen werden obwohl sie sichtbar sind im 16:9 Modus.

Wer aber über die kleinen Schwächen hinwegsehen kann, wird bei sicherlich nichts falsch machen wenn man es sich mal ankuckt. Für 14,99€ finde ich es aber etwas zu teuer, auch wenn sicherlich der Preis für dieses gute Remaster OK ist.

Meine Spielzeit war circa 5,6 Stunden was ausreichend war und sich auch nicht in die Länge gezogen angefühlt hat.


Einzelspieler: 7/10
Grafik: 8/10
Musik: 9/10
Steuerung: 10/10
Wertung: 8/10
393 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.17 19:07
Was soll man zu einem Klassiker schon schreiben?

Ich habe es damals geliebt und es macht wieder Spaß! Nach 22 Jahren.

419 Produkte im Account
142 Reviews
233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.17 12:33
LucasArts (= LA) war schon eine ganz besondere Spieleschmiede. Mich begleitet immer ein wenig Wehmut bei dem Gedanken dass diese einst unter Gamern so beliebte wie auch renommierte Kultfabrik zwar noch auf dem Papier existiert, in der heutigen Branchenentwicklung jedoch keine tragende Rolle mehr spielt. Von ihr gingen über zwei ganze Jahrzehnte eine Vielzahl überragender Titel hervor, von denen nicht wenige noch heute als Klassiker ihres Fachs gezählt und unter „Zocker-Opas“ als zeitlose Spiele-Perlen geradezu angehimmelt werden. Nebenbei bemerkt: Ich bekenne mich ganz ohne Scham – dafür mit jeder Menge Stolz - diesen „alten Säcken“ anzugehören. :p
Besonders an Adventure-Hits der oben genannten Adresse hatte es seit Ende der 1980er nicht gemangelt, darunter populäre Meisterwerke die in keinen Videospiel-Geschichtsbuch wegzudenken sind und allein bei der Erwähnung ihrer Namen augenblickliche Seufzer purster Entzückung entlocken. „Monkey Island“, „Indiana Jones“, Sam & Max“, „Day of the Tentacle“… Und zu diesen altehrwürdigen Meisterwerken muss auch das seinerzeit (meiner Meinung nach) völlig unterschätzte „Vollgas – Full Throttle“ (FT) dazugezählt werden. Wie zuvor schon mit „Grim Fandango“ und „Day of the Tentacle“ geschehen, hat der geistige Vater Tim Schafer mit seinem Double Fine-Team auch dieses Schmuckstück der VGA-Pixel-Ära HD- (und sogar 4k-) tauglich geliftet. Alte Hasen wie auch Jungspieler können sich glücklich schätzen dieses stilistisch einzigartige Adventure mit der wohl coolsten Sau unter den LA-Protagonisten in zeitgemäßer Qualität (er)neu(t) kennenlernen zu dürfen.

Sandige Endzeit-Landschaft die mich umgibt, der Fahrtwind der mir beim Ritt auf meiner Höllenmaschine ins Gesicht bläst, dazu rockige Mucke von den Gone Jackals, und dann noch die kratzige 2-Schachteln-Marlboro-am-Tag-Stimme von Ben. Das ist die Welt vom „Full Throttle Remastered“ (= FTR), einem interaktiven Road-Movie, in welchem dem Gang-Anführer der Polecats ein Mord in die Schuhe geschoben wird, und zwar an Malcolm Corley, dem letzten Motorrad-Hersteller des hiesigen Landes. Ben ist - wie sich jeder denken kann - natürlich stinksauer, weil er sich nicht gerne linken lässt. Und weil Motorräder sein Leben sind. Also setzt er alles daran den Namen seiner Jungs wieder reinzuwaschen und Ripburger, den Stellvertreter von Corley Motors und tatsächlichen Mörder, zur Strecke zu bringen…

Im eigenen LA-Portfolio und auch unter Genre-Fans hat FT einen gewissen Sonderlingsstatus, der sich mit seiner recht kurzen Spielzeit und für LA-Verhältnisse eher geringen Rätseldichte erklärt. Geht man als totale Jungfrau ans Spiel heran kommen bis zum Abspann allerhöchstens 5-6 Stunden zusammen, da trotz durchaus vorhandener Knobelaufgaben richtig knackige Kopfnüsse ausbleiben, das klassische Inventar marginal befüllt wird und die allermeisten Lösungen quasi auf der Hand liegen. Auch zwischendurch eingebettete Action-Sequenzen wie Bike-Prügeleien auf dem Highway sind Gründe dafür dass FT nicht zur anspruchsvollsten Sorte damaliger Adventures gehört und sich gerade deshalb für echte Adventure-Anfänger ohne große Genre-Erfahrung prädestiniert.
Dennoch, FT verdient wegen anderer Stärken besondere Anerkennung. Tim Schafers Handschrift ist in keiner Sekunde zu übersehen; der erwachsene Comic-Look, der herrlich dreckige Humor und eine Vielzahl an erinnerungswürdigen Figuren zeugen davon. Vor allem Ben Throttle – ich wusste bis zum Remaster-Release gar nicht dass der tatsächlich einen Nachnamen hat *lach* - mit seiner kantigen wie kaltschnäuzigen Art, der auch mal gerne mit der Faust oder seinem Stiefel antwortet, ist ein, wenn nicht sogar DAS Highlight dieses Spiels. Immer einen knochentrockenen Spruch auf den Lippen, immer fürs Grobe zu haben. Nicht weniger kultig wie Guybrush Threepwood und Co., obwohl (oder gerade weil) er ein Typ von ganz anderem Schlag ist. Hervorzuheben ist auch dass FT seinerzeit das Medium CD-Rom als erstes LA-Adventure für mehr als nur die bloße Vollvertonung auszunutzen wusste. Die immense Zahl an Story-Sequenzen und viele dreidimensionale Grafik-Elemente die sich in der Regel perfekt in die klassischen 2D-Hintergründe einfügen sorgten dafür dass FT wesentlich cineastischer rüberkam als alle seine innerfamiliären Genre-Geschwister vor und nach ihm.

Beim Remastern von FT hat sich Schafers Studio wieder einmal richtig ins Zeug gelegt. Die originalen Grafik-Vorlagen wurden mit viel Liebe nachgezeichnet und fürs 16:9-Format seitlich erweitert. Stark hervorgehobene Details, vor allem bei Figuren-Gesichtern und Backgrounds die man im VGA-Urspiel allerhöchstens erahnen konnte erstrahlen nun in messerscharfer Güte. Der besondere Zeichenstil mit seinen satten Farben und harten Konturen hat nie besser ausgesehen, manchmal fragt man sich warum Schafer nie einen abendfüllenden Trickfilm im Stile FT rausgebracht hat. Er und seinen Mannen hätten ohne Frage das Talent und die Möglichkeiten…
Bei der Überarbeitung der Grafik wurde es allerdings nicht belassen, auch der Sound trumpft in der Remastered-Version so was von auf. Mal ab von multilingualer Unterstützung in Sprache und Text steht sogar die Wahl zwischen dem originalen (deutschen wie englischen) Ton der aus Kompressionsgründen von leichtem Hintergrundrauschen begleitet wird und der aufgefrischten Spur die nun glasklar und ohne hörbare Verzerrungen ertönt. Selbst bevorzuge ich natürlich die ältere Audio-Qualität, ein bisschen Oldie-Feeling muss schon sein. ;)
Als besonderes Extra gibt es zu guter letzt Einblicke in die Entwicklung von FT in Form von Original-Skizzen und eines Audiokommentars der wichtigsten Köpfe hinter Bens Abenteuer, darunter auch Entwickler-Ikone Schafer himself.

Bravo, Double Fine. Zum dritten Male habt ihr ein Klassiker-Remaster versprochen und Wort gehalten, wobei ihr bei FTR wohl die bis dato beste „Restaurierungsarbeit“ geleistet habt. Selbst für Besitzer des Urspiels (wie meine Wenigkeit) ist die Neuanschaffung unbedingte Pflicht, und auch jedem anderen Adventure-Fan ist FTR ungeachtet seiner relativem Kürze und seines recht niedrigen Schwierigkeitsgrades wärmstens zu empfehlen. Schafer und FT - das ist Kult pur! :)
418 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 00:08
I'm not putting my lips on that.
443 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 06:33
Even without much news, the game still holds the post of one of the best adventures ever created by LucasArts, and deserves all the adoration it has brought since the 90s. At least IMNSHO! =)

Full Throttle Remastered follows the line of other remasters made by Double Fine on LucasArts games, delivering exactly the same experience as the past, but with an improved look. For those expecting something new, the game's short duration may seem like a missed opportunity. For others, changing anything would be heresy.

If you played the game back then and want to experience some good nostalgia, don't waste your time! It's all in exactly the same place, only more beautiful! You can even switch to the old one on the fly during the gameplay pressing F1. If you haven't played it yet and want to learn more about the history of PC games, this is a great way.
250 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 02:45
973 Produkte im Account
148 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 12:38
All time classic. Still fun and entertaining as ever. Great looking remaster, updated visuals in HD while still remaining absolutely authentic to the original. The CG parts were updated to better match the art style of the game as opposed to the realistic render back in the original, which predates cell shader and wasn't possible to make it any other way.
51 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 19:46
TLDR: Full Throttle still looks and sounds pretty good, but the storytelling is below LucasArts’ best work, in part due to its short length.

Full Throttle is the first (only?) remaster of a classical adventure game that I played without having played the original. Since I quite enjoyed other remasters, I had some expectation that perhaps I would found a missing gem. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

The best part is definitely the visuals and cinematic style, along with the soundtrack. However, the plot and the characters feel shallow and rushed. The is of course related to how short the game is, there’s not really any room to develop the characters.

The puzzles are mostly trivial, since most of the time you are restricted to a couple of areas and items. The driving sequences are absolutely painful. Other remaster, like Grim Fandango, suffer from similar issues, but here the mini-games are an integral part of the game. For perspective, I finished the game in 6 hours and maybe a third of that was spent in agony in two driving mini-games.

Unlike other similar remasters, Full Throttle already had some nice UI for the interactions, so no improvements there. The new artwork looks beautiful. The cuts between the scenes felt abrupt, but without having played the original I don’t know if this was already the case.

Would I nudge the review into a recommendation if I had the nostalgia factor kicking in? Perhaps. But I believe newcomers are better off playing the remasters of DOTT, Grim Fandango, or Monkey Island.
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 21:18
I would definitely recommend to play this game for some nostalgia of those who played it already long time ago and to people who never played. That's a beautiful stylish story where you feel yourself like a big boss on a road. Big thanks to developers and the team who didn't change the look much and tried to save the original atmosphere of the game. I was afraid that I'll never find this game again.
If you like engaging, fun and adventure stories which bring you back to old-style games, if you like bikes, leather jackets, rock and cool soundtracks then it's the thing you need to go with.
466 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 12:25
Full Throttle Remastered is one of games that I've did not played on original release date. Full Throttle Remastered is now allowing you to check this masterpeace of classic graphic adventure game from industry legend Tim Schafer.

Not mentioning all story, but presentation, and technical quality of this remaster is well done and could be refered as one of the examples of proper remasters that don't do harm on original. Story can be referred as Pulp Fiction on bikes, don't get me wrong...

Double Fine Productions did a great job on remastering this cult classic, saving old auditory and getting new fans around it.

If you searching for an bold action story driven bike road adventure - check it, it worth it with spanning nearly 20+ y.o. of story that was build when computers was still not so important in our lives.

Totally recommend even if you are not a fan of adventure genre.

Full Throttle Remastered - одна из игр, в которую я не играл на дату первоначального выпуска. Full Throttle Remastered теперь позволяет вам испытать этот мир классической графической приключенческой игры от легенды индустрии Тима Шафера.

Не говоря уже о всей истории, но презентация и техническое качество этого ремастера сделаны хорошо и могут рассматриваться как один из примеров правильных ремастеров, которые не причиняют вреда оригиналу. Историю можно назвать Криминальным чтивом на байках, не поймите меня неправильно ...

Double Fine Productions проделали большую работу по ремастерингу этой культовой классики, спасая старую аудиторию и привлекая к ней новых поклонников.

Если вы ищете смелое приключение на велосипедной дороге, основанное на боевике, - проверьте его, оно того стоит с охватом почти 20+ лет. истории, которая была создана, когда компьютеры еще не были так важны в нашей жизни.

Настоятельно рекомендую, даже если вы не фанат приключенческого жанра.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 22:10
Great old school point and click game with a biker theme.
785 Produkte im Account
285 Reviews
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 17:52
Excellent remaster of this classic adventure.
638 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 07:29
Nice remaster of great undying classic biker quest! Totally recommended.
404 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 01:16
I love this game. I love it from my childhood, I've replayed this game more than any game ever. I love the story, I love the humor, and I love the motorcycles. Nothing has ever compared to the feel and fun of this game for me.
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 17:09
If you're didn't play it back in the day and are wondering if it's worth picking up, don't question it and do it. Full Throttle is a truly unique game that hasn't had anything close come out since.
156 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 06:12
Impressive if only for the fact they managed to include the full original game with this, and you can seamlessly switch between remastered and original with a push of a button.
1789 Produkte im Account
166 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 05:22
I was always a Sierra man growing up. I am however, not too bias to admit that the Lucas Arts point and click adventure games held a lot more prestige. And Full Throttle is one of many to prove why that is.

First up, cool story. You play as head of a biker gang caught in this futuristic world that has been framed for murder. The majority of the plot revolves around you trying to clear your name. Story is well paced, well written and performed beautifully by a stellar cast. The visuals have been well revamped in this remastered version, there's even that nice feature where you can switch between the old and new graphics. I really didn't have an appreciation for how rough the graphics were back in the day until I could compare the two. And game play is straight point and click with a couple of bike fighting sections thrown in for good measure. All the puzzles are well thought out and make sense with plenty of humor.

Fantastic game from when point and click's were at the height of their success. This remastered edition is great for old fans and new comers who love the genre. Worth the $21.50AUD? Oh yeah, easily.
230 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 10:51
I would recommend this game to anyone who loved the original and/or loves point and click adventures. The story is ok. Not groundbreaking or anything but keeps you hooked throughout your playthrough. Controls felt a bit awkward at first but i got used to them after a few minutes. Graphics are good, sound is good.. What are you waiting for? :D
This is a game i hold close to my heart. The original came out in 1995, in an era where point and click adventures were very popular. I can remember titles like Simon the Sorcerer, Quest for Glory, Sam and Max hit the road and of course Full Throttle.

Being only 12 years old back then, knowing little of the complex world that would come with growing up, having a succesful career and starting a family, i wanted to be in a biker gang. Full Throttle gave me the opportunity to live this life through Ben, the main protagonist. Ben was tough, a leader, living day by day just riding his bike together with his gang living from whatever opportunities came their way.

Replaying these titles (remastered or not) is dangerous. Games have evolved a lot over the years, memories do not. This particular memory was based on the experience i had back when i played this game in 1995. Back in 1995, the graphics were good, the sound was good and the user interface was what you'd expect from a point and click adventure. To be a good remaster, the developers need to bring these standards as close as they can to todays standards, without sacrificing the soul of the game.

I am glad to say, that they managed to do exactly that. Although the game seems much shorter than it was in my memories (probably because i still know exactly what to do) it gave me the same feelings i had when i first played it. I never felt the graphics or sound was lacking in any way. The game was beautifully designed back then and it still is now. I foresee multiple playthroughs in the coming years, and im sure ill enjoy every last one of them.
781 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 04:07
Great game! Characters are fun, voice acting is good, and the art style of the original and the remastered versions are both great. Having the option to toggle between them on the fly is nice too.
73 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 00:00
Another LucasArts classic. A random and creative story I grew up playing on the ol' ms-dos Windows platform. I never put 2 & 2 together, decades later realizing that Mark Hamill performed the voice for the game's main antagonist, Adrian Ripburger.Full Throttle is a point-and-click game set in the post-apocalyptic future, as to when is left ambiguous. And one of the best parts of the game... The Gone Jackals
58 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 22:47
One of the best and nostalgic game that a played. The first time that I played thhis game is around 25 years ago, and I love it.
Its a very easy game to get all the achievements, and it has a very good soundtrack.
11 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 04:57
Classic with new life, great thing that it was remastered. My favorite adventure game, one of the funniest, very atmospheric. Some people indicated in their reviews that there are some issues with control in bike fights or minigames, but as far as I remember it was not better in the original game, it was not that smooth there either, feels as it was. If to compare new 3D-graphics with old one - it is very different, but still it feels like I'm playing absolutely the same game visually as many years ago, which means that very good job was done. In my opinion remastering was nearly perfect here.
1055 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 08:09
Yeah, when I think of Maureen, I think of two things: asphalt... and trouble.
2687 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 20:05
Verdict: A legendary point & click adventure from LucasArts with a worthy remaster. I have no problem recommending this gem but count with it being really short for today's standarts.

Steam trading cards (3 drop, 6 to create a badge)
Steam achievements (40, require a single playthrough)
You can switch between original and modern look at any time (press F1)
Remastered voice over, songs and much more
The main villain Adrian Ripburger was voiced by Mark Hamill
Superiour voice acting
Amazing soundtrack (Rock & Roll by The Gone Jackals)
The puzzles are really logical and intuitive
Highlight of items (shift) is an amazing addition
Hand drawn graphics
A few optional minigames
The game menu is really well done and I just love it
Jukebox to listen to the sound track
The possibility to play the game with audio commentary possibility
Surprisingly replayable if you want - 1 per remastered, 1 per original look and 1 per playthrough with commentary
I really loved the humour

The game is only about 2.5-4 hours long depending on your puzzle solving ability
There aren't many characters to speak about
Cutscenes are unskippable so if you want to go for an achievement or check something you have to sit through them
Credits for the game are around 12 minutes

Only about 2-4 hours - I would normally put this as a minus, but I appreciate that the game doesn't overstay its welcome and that there are no parts working as long and booring fillers
207 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 01:30
Кроликов, жалко :C
155 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 23:22
Another LucasArts point and click adventure. This one is slightly shorter than some of their other games and with some experience of these games you will probably finish it in a sitting.
It's a cool game but some of the puzzles are so timing dependent that it can get a bit frustrating to figure out how to progress at times.
I liked how most achievements are simply playing the game and a few were related to side content such as dialogues or inspecting certain objects.
872 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 16:23
I first knew about Full Throttle back in its release year of 1995. I thought it would be an interesting game to try because I was aware that it is an adventure game about bikers. However, I never got the chance to play it. In 2017 Full Throttle Remastered was released on Steam, so I had renewed interest in this game.

The 1995 version of Full Throttle was pixelated point-and-click adventure whereas the remastered version is 3D, but you can switch between the pixelated version and the 3D version at any time. The game is an interactive tale told through a biker’s perspective; a biker named Ben. From the start, I felt like the game was a great way to experience gaming in the point-and-click adventure genre.

Ben, the game’s protagonist, is a member of a biker gang that is bonding with a motor company’s owner, but he eventually goes out of his way to save his comrades from trouble. The motor company is the last manufacturer of motorcycles and this could mean the end of biker culture. The adventure goes through themes of corruption, tradition, and loyalty while the game makes the player feel a range of emotions.

The game’s setting appears to be in an American desert in the southwest and hover vehicles seem to be the latest style of vehicles. Full Throttle Remastered illustrates the importance of keeping certain traditions from becoming obsolete. The game gives the player a taste of the biker culture while justifying Ben’s rationale for taking certain actions to an extreme level.

The point-and-click elements are what the player needs to solve puzzles, some more complex than others. When things do not work as planned by Ben, there are options for him to use brute force, like kicking down a door or using his hands to force someone to talk. The options for interaction include touching, kicking, and licking with his lips. The most hilarious one is licking objects, but Ben usually says, “I’m not putting my lips on that.” Try using the lips command on at least 10 objects that he will not lick to unlock an achievement. On other occasions he must use his lips to solve puzzles. Ben may look like a badass biker, but it is humorous to see him get humiliated in a few segments.

There many dangerous roads in the game and Ben will have to fight some rival gangs to reach certain objectives. You must use your hands, feet, and weapons at your disposal to knock a rival gang member of their bike. The challenge is to find the right weapon to take down a rival gang member or you will eat the pavement. The gangs you encounter on the Mine Road are random and they can get tedious. However, there is plenty of satisfaction when knocking your rival gang member out of their motorcycle and they eat the pavement while you steal their weapon and make it your new weapon. The keyboard/mouse controls feel sluggish during these times of combat, as the movements feel awkward while trying to catch up and fight these enemies.

The controls also feel sluggish during an event called Demolition Derby inside a stadium. The puzzle elements of this event are fun, but turning your vehicle around, as well as moving left and right, can feel a little frustrating. Other than the sluggish controls in Demolition Derby, the plot makes sense and the puzzles feel right.

The music captures the mood of being in a bar or truck stop very well. The game’s mood always keeps you interested in the plot , so the plot is never boring. Do not expect to play the game for so long since the game can be completed in an estimated four to five hours. The characters perform like they all have importance of their own and none look like a waste of time. The end of the game effectively captures the feeling of Ben riding into the sunset for a happy ending. I think Full Throttle Remastered is an outstanding point-and-click adventure game with a plot that can make you feel like you are going through the ride of your life.

My Score: 8.5/10
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 22:47
I bought and played Full Throttle back when it game out. Love this version...great soundtrack.
717 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 22:02
The Good:
+ Surprisingly logical puzzles for a 90's adventure game.
+ Road Rash inspired section adds some gameplay variety.
+ Can highlight interactive objects to avoid pixel hunting.
+ Good length, not too long not too short.
+ Bunnies! (can't say more without spoilers)

The Bad:
- Road Rash section lacks set pieces, can make navigation confusing.
- Bump car section has really bad controls.
- Object highlighting only works with remastered graphics.
- Didn't find the music very memorable.
- Bug where audio sometimes breaks up in Road Rash section.

Final Thoughts:
I never played the original, but compared to other Adventure games of the era this was pretty good. I liked how they tried mixing up the gameplay with the Road Rash, bumper car, and RC car parts, and also found the bunny section entertaining. Overall I enjoyed my time with Full Throttle and think it was worth playing. Recommended.

(Indie Bullet Point Reviews)
295 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 06:52
honestly i love this game, it has a great story.
i first of all played this game in about 1995/96 when my dad picked up a copy
now that i am an adult i needed to buy the remastered copy!
290 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 13:10
Full Throttle, es una aventura gráfica de culto de los 90s, con este remaster lo deja impecable y sigue siendo espectacular aún hoy en dia.
Recomendado, somos un motoquero.
32 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 07:04
Humor, art, characters and story are perfect. There is no need to say something, except you must play this.
257 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 03:33
Great game!
699 Produkte im Account
199 Reviews
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 05:42
Full Throttle Remastered is a classic old-school LucasArts adventure game that is a must play of all adventure game fans! Great story, music, sound and gameplay, highly recommended! The game is pretty short (~3-4 hours) but I love the nostalgic feeling and the Remastered version retains all of it.
58 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 20:47
I don't dislike this game because of the game or story itself. It's simply that if you didn't play this game in the 90's, there is no reason for you to buy it now. This was a nostalgia purchase because I remember playing it in my early teens; I remember it being hard back then and don't remember beating it.

It's still hard now, I had to look up a few solutions simply because of wonky game design of that era and the UI elements are clunky. It's weird in 2020 to play a game that can be played mostly with just the mouse. The remastering does make it look better, but the Mine Road fights are hard to control and at least for me, very stuttery. Demolition Derby wasn't much better.

I finished it, I have closure, I'll never play it again.
352 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 10:44

I am putting my lips on this

Full Review at GameDragons.Net

Full Throttle is yet another remaster of one of LucasArts' classic point and click adventure games from the 90s, following the story of Ben, the leader of a local biker gang called the Polecats as he one day meets Malcolm Corley, the founder and CEO of Corley Motors, the only remaining motorcycle manufacturer in the country, who is traveling across the country alongside his right hand man Adrian Ripburger. This is a story about betrayal and corporate greed wrapped in a heavy metal coating as the game oozes of biker gang culture which is often associated with heavy metal music and for anyone looking to jump into that atmosphere, Full Throttle has plenty of references and iconic moments to offer. Starting with the cast of likeable characters like Maureen or Ben himself and moving on to the wacky side characters and an incredible villain, the personalities you will encounter in Full Throttle are the real star of the show here, as even with the game's short story they manage to shine and remain memorable due to excellent writing and unique personalities.

While the outcome of the story is expected once you understand who you're fighting against, it's the journey towards that ending that will leave an impression on you as you patrol the highway looking for the next adversary you're going to take down in order to move forward, making interesting acquaintances along the way. Taking place in a fictional dystopian year 2040 where traditional vehicles are being replaced with hovercraft, a motorcycle manufacturer is a natural appeal to a gang such as the Polecats, so in that sense you are also trying to defend the tradition of your gang roaming the roads on two wheels from a future where that no longer exists. Even though you will take on this journey alone, there are other gangs appearing in the game such as the Vultures or the Cavefish, whose members you will also occasionally fight in a road redemption technique by knocking them off of their wheels using different weapons.

There are four possible interactions when clicking on an object: looking, speaking, touching or kicking which are represented by your eyes, mouth, hands and legs respectively and that interaction menu makes it really easy to choose the one you want using a single button, the problem here is as mentioned before the large amount of interactions that don't really make a lot of sense, you could highlight all the interactable objects in a scene and it still wouldn't be much help, simply because talking to a trash can is not the first thing that you would normally attempt to do. Giving a wider perspective on gameplay, you have those free exploration sections where you can try to interact with any object in any way you see fit and see if that does anything, but you also have dialogue which only serves as contextual story and doesn't really change anything based on your responses and lastly, you have those combat sections in which you have to steer your bike left and right, position next to an opponent, choose a weapon and hit a single button to hit when nearby said opponent, the catch here being that some items only work on specific enemies, so it's once again trial and error to figure out which weapon is effective against which enemy.

On top of the natural interactions using your body functionalities you also have item interactions, but sometimes those make even less sense and have more complexity due to the fact that not only do you have to find the item, but you're also supposed to find what to do with it, which can be in a different location and even though the outcome can be funny, sometimes you could spend hours going through scenes trying to figure out what to do with that one item because it's always something illogical that you normally wouldn't think of.

Even though this works as any other point and click adventure of that era with a 3D character walking on top of a 2D background, unlike other games like Grim Fandango where this created camera and visibility issues in some instances, in Full Throttle the camera transitions are always smooth and your character is always visible so you never end up walking in the wrong direction because of a sudden camera change like it usually happens with older games using relative camera angles. While there are no major bugs, there is a lot of stuttering especially in those scene transitions making it feel like the FPS suddenly dropped and this also becomes more apparent in the motorbike combat sections where the background is moving in frames you can individually count, but this is a result of the game's age, although it could've been easily fixed in this remaster.

On the graphics side the remaster gives Full Throttle the look it was always supposed to have with high definition textures and great scenery, but as it often happens with remasters a lot of aspects have been overlooked, especially in the visual effects department. There are however other more prominent issues that haven't been addressed such as the frame rate which gives some of the incredible landscapes a stutter effect and that is on top of the stutters that I have mentioned earlier that occur sometimes when moving to another location in between transitions.

The voice actors do a wonderful job with their respective characters, with Ben being played by Roy Conrad and Mark Hamill himself taking on the role of the villain which gives his voice that fear inducing effect in the same way it did with him playing Joker in the Arkham series. As for the side characters Kath Soucie takes on the role of Maureen while Maurice LaMarche plays Nestor and they both do a fantastic job, as a matter of fact I would argue that the characters and their personalities are the best parts of Full Throttle. The soundtrack is on point if the heavy metal mood is what you're looking for and the sound effects although a bit neglected in the remaster treatment are still passable by today's standards.

If you were to use a walkthrough or just know everything about this game from an earlier playthrough you can finish this game in 2-3 hours as it's not a long story to begin with, but if you're looking to play this game naturally without any aid and have never played it before it could take you anywhere from 4 to 8 hours to finish simply because there are lots of situations that require you to try out every interaction until you find the one that clicks which takes a lot of time especially considering that you have to wait for those transitions. There are some extras included with this remaster such as concept art and developer commentary but that's pretty much it and since that will only appeal to the most hardcore fans of this game, for most players the base game is all there is.

The fact that we are able to play this classic point and click adventure on modern hardware with improved graphics is great and if you've never played Full Throttle before now is a good time to see what it's all about if you like those types of games, just be aware that just like any other early LucasArts titles puzzles and interactions often don't make sense so you'll most likely reach a point where you'll get stuck for a while, but if you have enough dedication to get past that or just don't mind using a walkthrough the story and characters in it alone are enough reasons for you to try out this game. If you ask me I don't think a 25 years old game with remastered graphics and only 2-3 hours worth of content is worth 15€ so you might want to wait for a sale before picking this up, but that is for you to decide.

Rating: 7.5
958 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 16:44
For lovers of old school adventure games
252 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 09:54
This is how you do a remaster. An old, classic game being available to new generations, running well on modern systems, remastering the graphics without loosing the original's charm and esthetics, remastering the sound and music, refining the controls, and adding extras like developer commentary and concept art. Perfect.
Also: I'm not putting my lips on that.
119 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 07:19
One of my fav games of all time. The remastered version is amazing. Being able to switch back and forth between old school version and remastered is great to.. 10/10 Game. I've shown it to many many people and everyone loves it
144 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 08:36
This is an excellent remaster of a classic game. It's an old school point and click adventure. I think everybody should play through this at least once. If you didn't play through the original you should pick this up. Overall 6/10 because it's older but despite it's age it's still one of the best point and click adventure games.
126 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 03:57
Classic for Generation X
234 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
1206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 09:41
Awesome game back in the day and the remake is even better, these are the good games
66 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 15:09
Ok, so I never played the original game, so I don't have any nostalgia for it. I enjoyed this game it was short and sweet. The puzzles were very logical. The action sequences were a tad frustrating, but that's because I don't have a controller, since most games I play are point and click. The animation style is very nice and the voice acting was top notch. I got this on sale and would have been happy if I had payed the full 15 bucks.
208 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 18:25
Overall this was a great throwback experience to my childhood time.
Quality remaster, which retains all great feature of original game, including graphics and music
126 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 01:42
I've never played this game before and I absolutely love it! Amazing storytelling, gameplay and overall quality
147 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.20 18:39
I'm not putting my lips on that...
733 Produkte im Account
341 Reviews
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 09:40
240 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.20 02:28
Are you old AF and looking for some PC nostalgia from LucasArts? You’ve found the right place in Full Throttle. It’s not in the same status as Sam & Max or Day of the Tentacle, but it will still scratch the itch if you’ve never played it before.

And if you are a Zoomer, treat it like a history course, an addition to the foundation of your gaming future.

Point and click your way to a good time, and a great game of the last century!
875 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.20 07:13
A superb remaster with all the bells and whistles of added art artwork and the juke box!

Runs buttery smooth on Linux too :)
253 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.19 12:26
My playtime hasnt registered for some reason but ive finished this version once.

This was the first cdrom game i got back in the day and i love the whole tone of it, the humor is spot on, music is great, all around a great play.

The remaster makes the game look like i remember it.
840 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.19 23:39
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OG Full Throttle was a bit of an oddity at time of release. You see, adventure games during the 90’s were often marathon slogs, multi-hour epics that kept their lengthy narratives securely locked behind a sleuthwall of inventory-based puzzles and mind-bending shenanigans. They were long, long games, lengthened considerably by the fact that solving the wield little puzzles they lay in front of you was no easy task, and figuring that all out in a time before GameFAQS and Youtube walkthroughs took, sometimes, ungodly amounts of time. It was the norm. Then serial offenders Lucasarts had a go at bucking the trend.

I mean, it wouldn’t be strictly fair to suggest that Full Throttle was overly easy and could be seen off in an afternoon, but Full Throttle is overly easy and could be seen off in an afternoon. Usually, this would lead to some derision from a target audience who considered beating games like The Longest Journey in under 40 hours a respectable speed run, but it cultivated a big enough following for two separate (and failed) attempts at a sequel. Perhaps that had something to with the fact that it was released at the tail end of the adventure boom, and the lack of near-obligatory spirit-breaking puzzles had stopped being a death sentence and was more appreciated by filthy casuals a tiring audience. Maybe they were impressed by its technological progression; Full Throttle was the first point & click to be released solely on CD-Rom. Mid 90’s peeps might have just been easily impressed with gruff biker gangs; I can’t really speak for the overall audience. I’ve always thought it was a pretty good game.

And a pretty good game it remains! This makes it kind of an odd target for a remaster, especially considering how little there was to remaster. The soundtrack was already excellent, taking the less travelled route of licensing music from an established band. It had already hit the heady heights of CD-based audio, so none of the voice actors had to rerecord any of their previous stellar work. Which is probably just as well; Mark Hamill has found his schedule somewhat cluttered in recent years, and the unfortunate passing of Roy Conrad means we’re just going to have to make do with his effortlessly brilliant reading of gruff biker gang leader, Ben.

Really, all they’ve had a go at ‘remastering’ has been the graphics which, I guess, kind of look good? The game was released at a time when artists were doing some really good pixel art, so the original’s graphics are already fluid and well animated; the new version is certainly bolder and better defined, but sometimes look like they don’t belong when set against the backgrounds. Like someone’s done a rushed copy and paste job, jamming two things that don’t belong together. That sentiment may feel a little unfair, and you could scroll through dozens of environments without it ever being a problem. Or you could just switch between the two versions on whim, making most of my bellyaching redundant.

//Full Review
251 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.19 14:28
I was very happy to see this revived from the past. A classic point and click adventure that I remember fondly. This is a remaster that doesn't disappoint. The intro is legendary with a great music track to go with it. Sure, there is an overhaul of the graphics to a more modern look but at any point in the game you can press the F1 key and it will swap from old graphics to new graphics and back again with no noticeable load or lag time between switching, which allows you to compare old and new as you go and this is a great functioning feature. Still love the theme and story of the Full Throttle universe.
40 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.19 14:00
you can beat the whole thing in 4 hours. its a fantastic evening of silly references and kicking things.
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