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Über das Spiel

Welche Entscheidungen wirst du treffen, damit die Gesellschaft überleben kann? Was passiert, wenn du an deine Grenzen getrieben wirst? Und ...
Frostpunk ist ein Society-Survival-Spiel, bei dem Wärme Leben bedeutet und jede Entscheidung ihren Preis hat. Es ist deine Aufgabe, die letzte Stadt auf Erden zu erbauen und die nötigen Entscheidungen zu treffen, um das Überleben deiner Einwohner zu gewährleisten.
Beim Überleben geht es um Hoffnung und Lebenswillen. Deine Fähigkeit, beides bei deinen Einwohnern zu wecken und zu fördern, wird über deinen Erfolg entscheiden.
Eine Gesellschaft ist eine Gruppe von Menschen, die denselben Regeln folgt und ähnliche Ansichten teilt. Verabschiede Gesetzte, die deine wachsenden Gesellschaft lenken. Entscheide über Arbeitsroutinen, das Gesundheitswesen, Essensrationen und andere wesentliche Aspekte des täglichen Lebens. Halte die Hoffnung und Zufriedenheit aufrecht – der Zustand der Gesellschaftsmoral ist genauso wichtig wie die Mittel, sie zu ernähren und zu schützen.
Manche deiner Entscheidungen, zum Beispiel über das Schicksal eines leidenden Einwohners oder die Forderungen einer neuen Gruppierung, mögen dir unwichtig erscheinen, aber sei dir Bewusst, dass ihre Summe unerwartete Folgen mit sich bringen können. Deine Einwohner glauben an dich, aber ihre Hingabe ist nicht grenzenlos. Die Rolle des Anführers kann zu einer Last werden.
Überleben verlangt Fortschritt. Reagiere auf gegenwärtige Ereignisse, aber verliere das Gesamtbild nicht aus den Augen und investiere in Entwicklung und technologischen Fortschritt. Der Aufbau einer hochentwickelten Infrastruktur mit selbst betriebenen Automatonen, Luftschiffen und anderen technologischen Wundern, stellt eine Herausforderung dar, ist aber nicht unmöglich zu verwirklichen. Alles hängt von deinen Verwaltungs- und Führungskompetenzen ab.
Dein Hauptaugenmerk sollte auf Neu-London gerichtet sein, doch es gibt auch außerhalb deiner Stadt eine Menge zu entdecken. Expeditionen sind riskant, können aber wertvolle Informationen und unbezahlbare Rohstoffe liefern sowie die Bevölkerungszahlen deiner Gesellschaft vergrößern. Dort draußen könnten sich Überlebende befinden und ihr Schicksal liegt allein in deinen Händen.
Wenn du einen Wendepunkt erreichst, zögere nicht, über die Zukunft deiner Einwohner zu entscheiden. Wirst du sie mit einer stählernen Faust regieren ... oder ihnen eher den Weg zu Mitgefühl und Glaube weisen? Entscheide dich für Extreme oder versuche, die Balance zu finden. Wie auch immer du dich entscheiden wirst, sei dir Folgendem bewusst: es gibt kein Zurück.
Die Hauptkampagne kann, abhängig von deiner Spielweise, unterschiedliche Wege gehen, ist aber nicht die einzige Herausforderung, die vor dir liegt. Frostpunk bietet unterschiedliche Szenarien und neue Inhalte werden mit zukünftigen Updates hinzufügen.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: 3.2 GHz Dual Core Processor
- GFX: GeForce GTX 660, Radeon R7 370 or equivalent with 2 GB of video RAM
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
- HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Please make sure that you have the latest VC package installed, and - if you're using Windows 7 or 8 - that you have the KB4019990 update applied.
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: 3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor
- GFX: GeForce 970, Radeon RX 580 or equivalent with 4GB of video RAM
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
- HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Please make sure that you have the latest VC package installed, and - if you're using Windows 7 or 8 - that you have the KB4019990 update applied.
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
11500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 23:13
Gesellschaften, Religionen, totalitäre Staaten, alles zerbricht ohne die wichtigste Eigenschaft: den Zusammenhalt einer Gemeinschaft, unabhängig vom sozialen oder gesellschaftlichen Stand des Einzelnen. Das hat Frostpunk mir sehr eindrücklich gezeigt. Wir können unseren Weg wählen, radikale Entscheidungen treffen, aber wir müssen uns am Ende fragen: war es wirklich wert, unsere Menschlichkeit aufzugeben? Das was uns eigentlich ausmacht? Für den Preis des Überlebens einiger, weniger?
Oder können wir selbst eisiger Kälte, widrigsten Umständen, sozialen & gesellschaftlichen Spannungen trotzen und gleichzeitig unsere Menschlichkeit bewahren? Frostpunk überlässt es uns selbst, ob wir ruhigen Gewissens triumphieren oder etwas ratlos zurückblicken. Gab es einen besseren Weg? Hätten wir mehr Menschenleben retten können?
Die Antwort ist zugleich leicht und schwer: ja, wir können einen besseren Weg finden. Den trotz aller Umstände sind wir Menschen. Die am wenigsten spezialisierten (biologisch betrachtet) aber zugleich anpassungsfähigsten Wesen dieser Welt.
Und wenn wir nicht aufgeben, triumphieren wir immer, selbst bei größten Schwierigkeiten!
Doch dazu braucht es viel Herzblut, Kopfschmerzen und eine erhebliche Frustrationstoleranz (auf höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden). Für Spieler, die sich an Herausforderungen festbeißen können und nicht aufgeben, sei dieses Spiel besonders empfohlen. Seid versichert, uns ist alles möglich! Frostpunks eisiger Hauch sorgt für eine Gänsehaut und einen Sog in eine Welt, die uns so schnell nicht mehr loslässt. Und der Soundtrack spiegelt alles wieder, Trauer, Schmerz, Verlust, Aufbruchsstimmung und glorreichen Triumph.
War es das wirklich wert? Ja! Definitiv!
Nicht Empfohlen
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 00:30
7739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 22:32
Captain: Denen ist aber schon bewusst, dass Kniescheiben ein Privileg und kein Menschenrecht sind, oder?
3555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 08:25
968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 08:03
The game has nice music and visuals. Small mistakes are punished hard, which is nice and keeps the game challenging. Everyeone who likes to tinker around, will have a good time with this game.
1804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 17:48
Es raucht mehrere Anläufe bis man versteht, was man wann machen sollte.
1.) Alle Leute nach Kohle suchen lassen.. funktioniert bis zum Abend.. wo nicht mal Zelte als Unterkunft vorhanden sind.
2.) Erst Holz suchen lassen um einige Zelte errichten zu lassen.. aber keine Kohle für den Generator in der Nacht..
3.) Ein Mix aus alledem bis am zweiten Tag keine Nahrung mehr vorhanden ist..
4.) Oh, Strassen beschleunigen die Bewegung der Überlebenden? Mist, kein Holz..
5.) Alles klappt(irgendwie) dafür erkranken selbst die Ingenieure(Krankenstationen) und arbeiten auch nicht mehr..
Es ist durchaus fordernd, besonders die hier und da eingestreuten Entscheidungen:
Verletztes Kind ausschimpfen oder einen Tag zu Hause lassen?
Friedhof ODER Eisgrube?
Auch der Forschungsbaum lässt immer nur EINE von mehreren Entscheidungen zu und man kann das leider nicht vollständig erforschen sondern muss eben Entscheidungen treffen.
Fordernd, aber auch befriedigend ;)
3161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 14:10
Als ich das dann endlich halbwegs verstanden habe, war ein 1/3 meiner Leute Tot und der Rest wünschte er wäre es. Also Neustart. Erste Nacht überlebt keiner Tod. Es ist ein Anfang. Es spielt sich mehr wie ein Managerspiel denn ein richtiges Strategiespiel und ich kann nicht sagen warum aber irgendwie fiebert man mit.
Gut Alle haben ein Zelt, verdammt das Essen wird knapp. Mir gehen die Arbeiter aus. Kinderarbeit oder Kinderheim. Was mache ich mit den Toten? Beerdigen oder Ausschlachten und verdüngen? Was soll das heißen es wird wieder kälter.
Viele Stunden und mehrere Anfänge später. Gut es läuft nun halbwegs stabil. Ein Sturm zieht auf und ich hab keine Ahnung wie ich das überstehen soll und erstaunlicherweise nimmt mich das Spiel wirklich mit und lässt mich mitleiden und mitfühlen. Man freut sich wenn ein Kind gerettet wird und knirscht irgendwie mit den Zähnen, wenn man beschließt die Leute wie Ölsardinen zu quetschen Hauptsache ich habe mehr Krankenbetten.
Tja was soll ich sagen wenn ihr Dawn of Men mögt und etwas spielen wollt mit einer Atmosphäre die euch mitnimmt auch wenn alles recht schwer ist. Dann schlagt zu. Ich kann es nur empfehlen.
743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 17:49
So verzweifelt war ich lange nichtmehr: 9/10 Nervenzusammenbrüchen
901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 15:05
Es hat dennoch eine finstere Grundstimmung inne liegen. Falls dies für den gediegenen Aufbaufan kein Problem ist würde ich es jedem empfehlen der dieses Genre mag.
19107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 21:42
Du triffst gerne Entscheidungen, harte Entscheidungen? Du beißt dich fest bis du auch die schwerste Mission bewältigt hast? Dann hol dir Frostpunk! Wer diese Art von Spiele mag, wird Frostpunk lieben.
Aber auch Spieler welche Survival-Aufbau mögen aber nicht um jeden Tag kämpfen wollen, werden auf den leichten Schwierigkeitsgraden ihren Spaß haben.
737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 21:44
So traurig das Spiel auch zu sein scheint, es beherbergt viel Belohnung aber auch Bestrafung. Der Spielspaß sollte gewiss sein!
1570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 06:10
790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 20:59
Das Spiel ist wirklich klasse!
leider liegt das Einwohner Limit bei 650 wobei ich auf manchem Karten noch so viel Platz hätte um locker das 10 fache zu unterhalten.
Ansonsten ist die Atmosphäre wirklich super und auch die Stürme können anfangs oder mit schlechter Vorbereitung schon einmal einmal da reinhauen wo es wirklich weh tut. Wenn dann von 250 Bürgern plötzlich 100 krank sind und davon dann auch noch 20 schwer kannst du nur hoffen das du genug Prothesen vorproduziert hast.
Alles in allem ist das Spiel top und wenn die Einwohner Beschränkung aufgehoben werden sollte ist definit auch eine langzeit Motivation gegeben.
Gönnt euch das Spiel!
Meine Meinung übrigens :D
1563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 14:36
Man wird am Anfang oft scheitern, was aber nur noch zu der Motivation beiträgt es beim nächsten Mal besser zu machen.
Das Haupt-Szenario ist gut erzählt und steigert die Spannung stetig, immer mit einem gewissen Zeitdruck im Hinterkopf, alles auf den nächsten Kälteeinbruch vorzubereiten.
Die Grafik ist sehr gut gelungen und lässt einen fast Mitfrieren.
901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 08:22
Es ist kalt! Und es wird nicht wärmer, nie wieder.
Das perfide an dem Spiel ist, es gibt dir keine Zeit dich vorzubereiten. Die Katastrophe ist schon da und wird nur schlimmer (außer im DLC). Die wenigen halb verhungerten Arbeiter und ihre Familien kauern sich in Zelten um den zentralen Generator. Die einzige verbliebene Wärmequelle.
Aber egal wie kalt es auch wird, sie müssen raus. Kohle abbauen, Holz und Eisen für neue Gebäude. Die Kälte macht sie krank, Hände und Füße frieren ab. Die Stimmung sinkt und du bist verantwortlich!
Es ist deine Aufgabe zu entscheiden. Wofür sollen deine Leute ihre Gesundheit opfern, Nahrung oder Wärme? Soll einer der wenigen Hochqualifizierten lieber die Kranken versorgen oder eine neue Technologie erforschen?
Was immer du tust, es ist ein Balanceakt auf Messers Schneide. Es gibt kein „alles ist Gut“ in diesem Spiel.
Und spätestens wenn ein Flüchtlingstreck an die Tür klopft und du wegen der Knappheit an Nahrung und Wohnraum nur die Kinder aufnehmen kannst, freut du dich, dass du kurz vorher die Kinderarbeit eingeführt hast.
Das ist Frostpunk. Eine echte Survival-Wirtschaftsimulation.
624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 14:56
Die Herausforderung vordem man sich selber stellen kann, sowie einem das Spiel eh schon stellt sind fabelhaft und ansträngend zu bewältigen. 9 von 10 abgefrohrene Gliedmaßen.
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 18:31
Als Bürgermeister musst du die Bewohner der wahrscheinlich unwirtlichsten Siedlung durch das Schneechaos führen.
Viel Erfolg!
Unabhängig davon, dass ich die Musik bereits nach ein paar Minuten wegen Nichtgefallens ausgeschaltet bietet das Spiel schon ganz schön was an Atmosphäre.
Den harten Kern des Spiels macht die Ressourcenverwaltung aus. Kohle, Holz, Nahrung, Menschenleben und Eisen wollen weise verwaltet werden. Im direkten Umfeld der Siedlung gibt es dazu Bauland und Ressourcenfelder, die möglichst gut bewirtschaftet werden sollten.
Werkstätten bieten nach und nach bessere Gebäude und teils notwendige Entwicklungen. Also hiermit solltest du bitte nicht zu lange warten.
Die Gesundheit der Bürger ist ebenfalls nicht zu vernachlässigen. Denn wenn von 140 Bewohnern 40 krank und davon 15 im Sterben liegen, müssen diese einerseits von anderen Bewohnern versorgt werden und können andererseits vielleicht nicht mehr ihrer Arbeit nachgehen, was in einen Teufelskreis führen und den Rohstoffabbau radikal ausbremsen kann.
Der einzige kleinere Wehmutstropfen ist für mich das Verwalten der Bürger. Ich finde es hätte ein wenig übersichtlicher sein können, wie und wo man seine Bürger einsetzt, so dass man schneller und flexibler auf sich verändernde Situationen reagieren könnte.
Als Bürgermeister kannst du nach und nach Gesetze erlassen. Was passiert mit den Toten, wie viel Arbeit ist den Kindern zuzumuten, sollen die Kranken lange und pfleglich mit Nahrung versorgt werden, oder sollen möglichst zügig Gliedmaßen amputiert werden, damit die wenigen Betten für die nächsten Kranken freigemacht werden? Jemand muss hier mal für Klarheit sorgen!
Dazu gibt es noch zwei Stimmungsbarometer: Hoffnung und Unzufriedenheit. Diese spiegeln ein Stück weit die Bedürfnisse und Wünsche der Bevölkerung wieder. Kleiner Tipp: Man sollte der Bevölkerung auch wirklich nur das versprechen, was man auch einhalten kann. Ansonsten könnte es übel werden.
Interessant ist die Forschungsstation, welche dem ganzen Spiel einen sehr schönen kleinen Rollenspiel- und Storypart verleiht. Das wertet das ganze Spiel noch einmal enorm auf. Von der Forschungsstation aus schickt man Trupps los, um das Umland der eigenen Stadt zu erkunden. Hier erlebt man überraschende Ereignisse, findet Menschengruppen in Not, verlorene Ressourcen oder andere Interessante Orte.
Fazit: Es gibt immer etwas zu entscheiden und zu verwalten. In winzigen Schritten nimmt das Spiel mit der Zeit an Komplexität zu und beansprucht einen schon bald voll und ganz. Wer Management, seichtes Roleplay und Aufbaustrategie mag, der hat gute Chancen sich mit Frostpunk sehr wohl zu fühlen.
Es gibt kaum ein Spiel, das hiermit zu vergleichen ist. Mir fällt da nur ein ganz alter Titel ein, den wahrscheinlich nahezu niemand mehr kennt oder je gekannt hat: Dune der Wüstenplanet, der Vorgänger des damaligen Hits Dune 2 (was seinerseits der inoffizielle Vorgänger des ersten Command & Conquer war). Temperaturmäßig wohl genau das Gegenteil, aber atmosphärisch sicher ganz nah dran.
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 12:44
Nicht Empfohlen
1063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 17:30
756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 11:27
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 22:16
6245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 22:02
The game can be sped up or paused allowing you to experience it however you like: Either taking your time to micromanage things, or binging on the story. Besides replaying a scenario to 'do better' in harder settings, the scenarios don't offer much replayability. However, there are enough of them to keep you entertained plus an endless mode.
A worthwhile purchase for people that like the genre.
607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 18:49
I like the game, and would recommend if you like city management games.
Fuck the popup for the sequel.
The hope system is ass
Soup is awesome, fuck the citizens.
This game is actually good. There is some balance issues that needs to be addressed, as well as the sequel pop-up on the title screen needs to be removed.
As far as the pop-up goes, just get rid of the damn thing. I don't remember when I got this game, but I finally got around to playing it few days ago, first time in I get assaulted with a pop-up I need to click through before I can even turn down the ear bleedingly loud sounds telling me to buy the second one before I even know if I'm going to enjoy the original. An ad is fine, I'm used to that by now, but something I need to click through every time I start the game needs to go. So on that note Eat me devs.
The game is hard, sometimes in a way that is just garbage. The biggest issue with the difficulty in my experience is the hope system. At a point in the game your hope is going to tank, there's noting you can to to stop it, which is fine. The problem with it is it seems to drop TO a specific value instead of BY a specific value. Basically if your current hope is at 50% it's going to tank to like 5% (I forget exact values), on the flip side, if your hope is maxed at 100% it still tanks to same 5%. It's a garbage mechanic that needs to be fixed, I will coincide it's possible I'm missing something or I keep bugging it somehow. That being said if it is scripted to tank TO that specific value, I hope whoever signed off on that Idea gets kidnapped and has a 2x3 Lego forcefully crammed into their urethra. After said event there is a land slide of events that constantly tank hope making the game more difficult than it should be. There is enough garbage going on that it does not need to be the way it is and the game will still maintain the challenge.
Your citizens are going to complain about dumb stuff, be prepared for that. Most common complaint I have to deal with is soup, but your millage may vary.
That being said the game is great, it has some issues, but it's still a good game.
2110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 19:22
I played the first few scenarios on easy just to get the grasp on the game and I got devastated.
I hate to admit it, but it took me over 10h just to realize that I should not play the good guy and help everyone. Instead I should do what is good for my people, no matter how morally wrong it was.
This game thought me how change my way of thinking and how to switch my building ideas in the middle of a game without causing ruckus.
Also, it has a very steep learning curve, and even once you think you got it all under control, just turn up the difficulty to the max and try the same scenario. You will not like it.
A very challenging game.
6422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 00:48
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 20:27
-150C. 0 survivors. I love this game.
8718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 21:12
Dynamic games provide conceptually rich paradigms and tools to deal with the situations.
Decisions made during one period affect both current and future payoffs.
The developer team showing close attention to every detail Graphic,Music,storyline.
The way to play a bit demand older player
Amazing game and worth every penny.
Highly recommend
Nicht Empfohlen
3997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 00:18
I think for the civilization fan or the person who enjoys are bleak and hopeless struggle this game does offer a lot of enjoyment. But for myself I like games that inspire or give me some form of happiness, and Frostpunk does a great job of leaving me with very little. The game is a struggle very much like life, and it does little to offer me any escapism form my own life struggles.
So should you get Frostpunk? Honestly its hard for me to say. On one hand I played this game for over 50 hours which shows that it has the depth and diversity of outcome that makes some variance in experience, but everytime I play this game I feel depressed and unsatisfied. So did I really enjoy the game or do I have a problem of being a completionist.
Nicht Empfohlen
4623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 02:19
the reason i feel like modding is such a stickler for me is theres a lot of ideas that could be built on to the game, new building, new laws, new events stuff the devs seem unwilling to add onto even after 3 years, now mind you i think that last autumn is amazing and i wish more of the content they added was like it with a more diverse law options compared to order/faith which feel too samey to matter
if they opened it up to modding so much could be built onto this game and seeing as development seems to have been dropped i cant see a reason why not
2300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 21:48
9133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 10:22
Verdict: 9/10
2893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 15:07
All in all I would recommend anyone give the initial scenario a shot and if you like that then there are other scenarios that will put you in new and unique situations. I will for sure put at least 20 more hours into this game before I feel satisfied.
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 19:55
Life is hard. Having to micromanage these chuckleheads is even harder. Sure, I lost 30% of my population in one day, but with luck and perseverance, anything is possible.
2199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 20:43
I don't like these kind of games, but this one is the exception, it's just great, how you need to think and prepare to the incoming events and how you need to keep the tempo of upgrading your city.
8/10 I'll get the DLCs now.
1263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 17:25
If you're looking for more quality reviews like this, follow our curator page, Devils in the Detail.
The City Must Survive
The first time I played Frostpunk was in the winter of 2019. I was snowed in at my Chicago apartment and was rather unsuccessfully attempting to get over an exceptionally irksome head cold. If you are perusing the store page and happen upon the game’s promotional material, you will understand why it caught my eye in this particular moment. It was as good a time as any to boot it up. After all, if you’re the kind who organizes games by season, Frostpunk is unquestionably a winter game. And a great one, at that.
Additionally, the game comes with a solid pedigree. Aside from being so heavily rooted in its genre, it is also an extension (of sorts) of 11 Bit Studios’ work on This War of Mine. While the games are undeniably dissimilar as far as gameplay and story beats, they still feature numerous mechanical parallels. And the same mood. And the same sadness. And the same desperation.
It is obvious that 11 Bit Studios is interested in how people adapt when pressed to the limit, as they now have two successive titles that push this concept. The main difference between the two games, other than that of category, lies within the narrative itself. This War of Mine was about the survival of the individual; Frostpunk is about the survival of the collective. Both leave it up to the player to wager the worth of either.
In the past, you must survive. Here, the city must survive.
Heavy Lies the Crown
Frostpunk combines city management systems and real-time strategy with familiar survival game elements. The player represents the head of a community set in the post-apocalyptic frozen wasteland of the British Isles. The rabble you are leading is originally from London, which is fitting, as the entirety of the aesthetic of Frostpunk is almost assuredly late-Victorian era and, of course, steampunk.
As the leader in this frozen wasteland, your goal is to provide the people with their essential needs: food, shelter, and warmth. Investing too heavily in trying to secure one will risk imperiling the populace with lack of another. So, the key becomes managing them efficiently.
But priorities shift rapidly, as do temperatures, which make it nearly impossible to stay on top of all your tasks simultaneously. Which, oddly, is kind of a good thing…
One of the main issues that 11 Bit Studios had with This War of Mine was that if the player became too proficient, the game became duller. Mistakes allowed for your situation to become more desperate. More desperate was more fun. Pathos still existed when you played well, but the entire endeavor seemed to forget that the primary focus of a video game should always be to entertain the player—not just lecture to them. And if you were really good at This War of Mine, and things were going very well, it was relatively easy for the game to become stagnant.
This is not the case in Frostpunk.
Our Shepherd Leads Us. But to What End?
The city will be fine. The populace will be working. The resources will be overflowing. And the weather will be mild. But then the temperature will plummet. It will be too cold to hunt. People will get ill. The coal mines will deplete. And hope will be lost.
Frostpunk is a story about how things fall apart.
In my three playthroughs of the game, I was never able to completely master its complexities. The game is almost exclusively geared toward making the entire endeavor feel completely insurmountable. It is not a game for people who are afraid to lose. It doesn’t care to be, either. The game’s mechanics, aided by incredible aesthetics and music, desire to make the player feel one thing—hopeless. That is the long and short of it. And it works.
Moral dilemmas are ubiquitous.
The people will come to you, begging for more bread. Or to go back to London, where they came from. Or for a day off work. Or anything. And you will have to choose. Do you value the individual or the collective? Whose needs require immediate attention? What do you do when you have barely enough food to feed your own people and then refugees show up at your gates? What do you do when you don’t have enough coal to keep the heat running and your only choice is to enforce a 24-hour workday in a deadly mine?
Or when you don’t have enough food, shelter, and warmth, how long before you send the children to work in that same mine?
Frostpunk is not interested in moral posturing, as these life-or-death decisions eventually come too frequently and usually without much warning. You simply have too much responsibility and too many emergent peripheral items to really contemplate each verdict. And the very fact that the demands of your doomed people become background noise compared to the daily concerns that you, the player, carry underscores the game’s thesis: people will do what they need to do.
The city must survive; your soul, well…
The Darkest of Days
Most city or park simulation games feature an inherent detachment from the player and the people. Or rather, it is almost always kept at a superficial level. As an example, when you build a new roller coaster in a theme park simulation, you are typically going to get general, cursory feedback from the people who ride the roller coaster. The results are usually binary. The player either built a good roller coaster or they did not.
Frostpunk isn’t remotely like that.
Your people feel like actual characters rather than generic models or numbers. Mostly because every choice the leader makes normally receives flavored reactions catered to specifically address that selection. If you enforce a new law that is unpopular, you will hear about it—and you will have to deal with all consequences of that action. And because there is almost always a good reason to enact a bad policy, binary results are more difficult to detect. Yes, I may be morally corrupt for printing manipulative propaganda to get my people to go to work, but if they are more likely to go to work because of it, then we are all more likely to survive.
It’s for their own good, you see. Right?
The story of your city begins to manifest through every one of your decisions and its consequences. When it all fails, it is easy to see who is to blame. You will carry the burden. Which is exactly how it should be.
This is an excellent design.
As mentioned, this game is not for people who fear failure. Because you will fail. The player will sooner or later be made to understand the impossible breadth of their task. Once you sense that everything you built will soon come crumbling down, that is when Frostpunk achieves the full authenticity it sought. It simply would not work as an easy game.
Surviving this cruel winter is great, but nothing quite equals the absolute terror when, at 100 below zero, your heat source shuts down because you’ve mismanaged your coal.
And now everyone is going to die.
It’s absolutely thrilling.
Frostpunk is a mechanically sound city-sim focused on survival. The player is tasked with creating a metropolis focused solely on the ability of its people to overcome an apocalyptic winter.
It is an easy game to lose. And that is okay. The game relies on the player’s desperation in order to appropriately sell its themes. And, naturally, the player would appreciate a positive outcome more if it took the necessary fortitude to achieve that end.
Bundle up. Eat light. Work hard.
The city must survive.
…but can it?
[h1]8/10 (Great)[h1]
1746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 16:44
Do yourself a favor: Do not look up strategy guides for the game before playing each scenario once. The anxiety and stress of the first play though is something you can't really replicate on subsequent plays, or if you know what happens. There will be plenty of time for optimizing your strategy and min-maxing later.
1407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 12:30
that bugs me
those tent capacities are bs ive seen hobos squeeze 4 into a 2 person tent psh
in-game jungles should hold more
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1349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 17:24
- Pick scenario
- Play scenario until you loose because you didn't pick the correct resources to emphasize and follow the indicated build order
- Play scenario again until you loose because of new objectives that you weren't prepared for.
- Play scenario again taking into account the intended build order and multiple objectives you only found out about due to failing previous times. Scenario is super easy because once you understand what to emphasize and what to not care about, it's a cake walk unless playing are harder difficulties.
All the difficulty in the game comes from needing to follow a specific build order and understanding which resources matter and which ones don't. There isn't really an alternate strategy and replay is limited because the events are all scripted, meaning there is no variability. The only real variable is the extra difficulty settings.
I can't recommend the game because it doesn't allow the player to really control the situation because it forces them down a path in order to finish the scenario. If you don't follow that path, you're screwed.
8768 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 05:25
Everyone else has already pretty much said what needs to be said about the game so here's why I like it
The art is incredible
The premise is interesting
The game mechanics were very fun
The game was very punishing to learn, but very rewarding
The game created an incredible world I want to see more of
I love city building games and this one should be on every city building lovers list.
The game isn't perfect, there's a lot of replayability but your 5th time beating a scenario isn't going to be as jaw dropping as the first time since you know of some pre-scripted things that will happen.
.....I think thats my only quibble.
Quit reading and buy this game
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 01:46
It's fairly addictive, it made me restart from scratch a couple of times to rebuild my city but a bit better every time.
I'm fond of these types of city building/resource management games but i did found it quite unfair and random at times.
It's not hard in the sense that the difficulty scale is well designed, it's hard in the sense that it just keeps throwing random bullshit at you so after the first campaign on hard. I'm not really invested to punish myself even more.
It does feel like a game i might come back to though.
Would recommend checking it out during a sale.
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2329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 22:42
This is another one of those games I really struggle to thumbs up or down. But the fundamental reasons I voted down are twofold. One is that the game interface - despite me buying the base game - has many options I can't use. It lists five levels, but you realise actually those last two don't exist. Three's a freeform mode with three options, but then you realise that much of that is available.
And that annoys me. I bought a game. Sell DLC - fine. That I am fine with that. But don't put all these dead ends in the product I bought. Don't rub my nose in the content I don't own, blending it with my game so I don't know what I do own. It adds to annoyance and it's disrespectful.
And indeed a lot of the marketing of this game and the DLC it makes it hard to properly understand what you are getting.
The other issue is you then realise you have effectively three proper campaign modes. Three. That's it. That's quite poor. Yes the freeform mode adds a bit more, but it's rather lacking in a point. And again, you will end up finding so much content is locked.
Three levels I passed, and was dumped at the menu each time after a short (admittedly lovely) cut scene. There's nothing stitching these missions together at all. No consequenecs. For all the world building, there's no narative that pulls it together.
The game itself is quite enjoyable. It is a game where you have to learn what it wants, and do it. This game does not value ingenuity. When the game says you need to get 7500k coal in two days... well you aren't going to do that. You need to start again and reevaluate your decisions.
And it is rather enjoyable going back, retthinking, learning to adapt. Normally I'm a turtler. Normally I like freeform modes. This game forced me to to think and adapt and act FAST. That's where the game works well.
But sadly when you peel back, it's not that in-depth. You are forced to largely play the way the game wants you to. The tech tree is quite basic and is the same across all missions. Once you do work out that formula there is a sense of you now it and can repeat it. Some of the tough decisions you have to make - for example do you let sick people die in the cold - doesn't really have a massive impact at the end of the day. It'd be great if you had a sense of decisions REALLY having an impact. Like so many board games are legacy games now, where is the legacy of what you do here? The game doesn't really care.
It's not terrible by any means. It's quite fun. But only get it if the price is under the £10 mark, and be prepared to hit lots of walls as the DLC monster locks you out of the game you bought.
1840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 23:38
Frostpunk will make you hold your breath till the very last moment. As its story progresses and difficult challenges force you to make gradually harder choices an inescapable question arises: how far are you willing to go in order to survive? In the end does it worth it to lose your humanity for your survival?
Bittersweet, challenging, with amazing soundtrack and art style, Frostpunk is a truly magnificent game that definitely worth’s a try. Highly Recommended.
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874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 17:38
I enjoyed the soundtrack and atmosphere of the game, the art is pretty and the aesthetic really makes you feel like there is impending doom. The gameplay was fun for a while until it got old.
5.5/10 for me. An okay game but I think there are many better options in the genre.
6098 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 17:49
The overworld offers no hope or respite as you desperately search for frozen resources while attempting to stay ahead of oncoming storms. Should you fail, even if your city survives any scouts outside the city are lost to the storm, frozen to death and consuming both the lives and the resources used to send them out into the Frostland. The addition of trade between settlements added in the DLC adds an additional component to this, allowing you to spend resources building up three other settlements in order to foster resource trade to make up for your own shortfalls. Beware though, because a surplus now could mean a deficit once a storm hits and shuts down production.
As the game is measured in days, no new citizens are ever born. Your only chance of increasing your workforce is to risk the frozen, snow-choked world map. You must either escort them to your city, losing valuable scouting time, or risk letting them come alone. Even finding new citizens is a double-edged sword. You must use your limited resources to feed, house, and heat them. They often arrive sick or disabled, requiring additional time and resources to even make them useful.
The Law system can offer you an increased workforce and improved mood for the populace, but only by sacrificing your soul; you have the option of forcing your people to work for 24 hours non-stop, or work 14 hour shifts. You can force the children in your city to work safe jobs, or any job. Should you take mercy on the children, you must spend resources building and heating daytime housing for the, You can strip the dead for parts, but doing so leaves you open to disease. Building a cemetery costs resources and manpower, and grants you no bonuses from organ transplants. Building a tavern opens up the possibility of turning it into a brothel, where people are forced to sell themselves at your whim.
Heating is a constant struggle as storms grow ever more powerful, with temperatures dropping into the sub-Arctic range in the early-mid game depending on your chosen difficulty. Should you fail to adequately heat your homes and workplaces, people will get sick, lose limbs to frostbite, or even die.
In all, Frostpunk is a hauntingly beautiful and deeply disturbing look into humanity's possible future as well as your own psyche and what difficult choices you would make should you find yourself in their position.
10/10, masterful approach and execution. I only wish it had more maps.
2416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 19:32
I was banished for my compassion.
I won't make the same mistake twice.
4479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 06:21
The city must survive.
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224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 23:38
I was almost through the first scenario (A new home). I didn't always make the best decisions, but was hopeful that my city would at least survive the storm. Halfway through the preparation cooldown i noticed a bug that completely robbed me of resources i counted on. My outposts had stopped delivering me coal and the new one at Tesla City had actually not sent a single steam core my way yet. So here i was several thousand units of coal and multiple steam cores short. Horribly underprepared and ultimately lost. I was pissed because i couldn't have done anything about it.
So I took to google and found out that this was an issue in one of the earliest versions of the game, was patched once and resurfaced recently with the release of the final DLC. The developers are also not really transparent on progress of patches and there is no real way of downgrading my game version to play without this bug. I'll move on to other games while i wait for a fix.
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58180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 13:55
1384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 06:10
There are other reviews that are deep dives, so stuff that, here's the short of it: Frostpunk's at its core is a management game - you have a finite amount of resources and time to solve the problems presented. Like Parkitect, or any of the Tycoon games, you make do with what you have and typically just barely drag yourself across the finish line in time. I'd note that Frostpunk is a difficult game, but it's not, forgive the pun, unmanageable. It just...stings more.
Unlike most other simulation games, Frostpunk attempts to make you feel really bad when you fail to meet your goals - and even when you do meet them! In Frostpunk, there's no such thing as 'winning,' not really. There's only 'losing less.' You can evacuate 500 people from your city (the maximum amount allowed in the scenario, mind you) and still be made to feel awful for having had to abandon the remaining 50. The sound design and direction are in a class of their own: between the constant cold, biting wind that invites you to immerse yourself to a surprising degree and the sad, sombering violins that put a damper even when you've felt you've achieved a triumphant victory, you will be emotionally invested (and likely obliterated) by the sounds of Frostpunk.
Whether these are positives or negatives is up to you - you did choose to play a game about the world ending, right? It'd be unfair to expect it to be easy, or optimistic. Before getting the game, I'd ask yourself if you're truly okay with the end of the world feeling like the end of the world, complete with self-disappointment, a cynical outlook on the future and the despair of resignation.
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21916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 12:24
Rift DLC: The map is so large, the camera can't reach all of it, so precision building at the outskirts is out of question.
Last Autumn DLC: Story mission is great, but in endless mode it's a whole load of pig mannure. Sure, you start without a generator and have to build it, but if you blow it up can you make another? NO! YOU LOSE! Even if you have everything to make another. Also, the periodic storms are at the same level until the supposed deadline for the construction.
On The Edge DLC: Story is... someone probably happy with it, I'm not, neither unhappy, it's just... Could have been better. (Self note: ok a story of an outpost is not far fetched, but seems more cheap than trying to revert the climate back as it was hinted way back.) Endless mode: settlement advancement is too slow (compared to story mode). And it's full of bugs (due to hasted release), previously working (base game) features are broken because of it.
Season Pass: Artwork and Soundtrack only consists of what is in the base game. No artwork from Last Autumn or On The Edge. And the soundtrack? A brand new main menu music (and ingame music here and there) came with the last two DLC, but those are not included.
It's a let down really...
1708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 04:40
Don't miss out on Frostpunk.
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3631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 10:06
Limiting the replay ability massively and with modding not going to be supported even if they said so before the initial game release because it's too hard/impossible shows they don't know how to make choices and they closed off to much of the game and most likely has to do with making it available on other platforms as that is more often the case for games.
Again showing their choices. Never the fans always the money.
This last DLC for me spoke the most to their intent. Barely anything new and what was new was so impactless of the gameplay it just felt the same. So sadly even if the setting and world and music are all amazing in this game due to the devs their intent and abuse of fan trust and constantly changing their mind to produce such Inspirationless final DLC nah I can't recommend this game. I waited to write a review till after the DLC was released in slight hope... damn
2547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 08:58
If you like city building, managing - and post-apocalyptic settings: Go for it!
I myself got it on sale but I'd argue it's even worth the original asking price.
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658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 18:52
I really loved the atmosphere and the artwork though.
6642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 15:43
There is no peace amongst the Frostlands. Only an eternity of cold and frostbites, and the laughter of a thirsting Captain.
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81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 04:53
Full review:
Add me to the list of folks who unfortunately don’t like this game. I can see why some do, but in the end, it’s not the game I was expecting from the developers of This War of Mine (TWoM). Disclaimer: I know this is NOT supposed to be like TWoM, but I will be comparing the two a lot, as there are shared themes I can see in both games (with TWoM almost always using them better).
I have to admit, this game SHOULD be right up my alley. It drew me in with a lot of factors: The aesthetics and design of the frozen wasteland (Which are amazing, by the way. The art style is fantastic!), the city-builder aspect where choices could mean life or death, and the fact that the same developers made This War of Mine. To top it all off, it even has a ton of positive reviews, so I was sure I’d love this game. But in the end, it all felt too… hollow.
As I said above, I never felt like I could put my stamp on my city. I had to follow the formula to make my city survive, or it froze to death. Looking at TWoM, winters are harsh and took a toll on the residents. But I always had to make choices. Do I use that spare wood for making the tool I really need instead of lighting a fire? Is it worth the risk of sickness? Or do I heat the house for another night and hope to find wood the next day? Both choices came with risk, but I could still beat the game if I chose wrong, even though it could mean a struggle or sacrifice until the very end. Someone could get sick, someone could die, someone could leave, or everything could be fine. The choices were real, and they had degrees of consequence, unlike Frostpunk where choices were so binary.
They even want you to care about the citizens in Frostpunk, but I never really could. They didn’t feel real enough or have enough depth, more like variables in the secret-winning-formula. I look at the elderly couple in TWoM for example. They weren’t even main characters! But I still feel like they had more consequence built into them. Should I rob them? Hurt them? Leave them alone entirely? All of the above were viable choices that worked in the game, but they all propelled the main characters differently. Leaving them alone could mean starving or getting sick without resources. Hurting or robbing them could make your characters so sad, they’d leave the safety of your house. It all felt like my choices made the end-game house into a culmination of my choices, not the developers’ choices.
The city-builder aspect is the exact same way, which I feel is the worst offender for a city-builder game. And it’s actually my biggest complaint of this game. In TWoM, you had the choice of WHERE to build items and WHEN to build them. Where you built them could affect the warmth of the characters using the tools, or their general happiness, etc. When you built them affected the struggles faced for the remainder of the game (lack of money, lack of medicine, etc.). In Frostpunk, an ACTUAL CITY-BUILDER, there is really only ONE right place to put each building, and ONE right time to build them, or it’s game over. Again, I know there is a bit of leeway, but generally speaking, if you built the wrong building first, or put it in the wrong place, you literally couldn’t find the resources to fix your mistake, even with a struggle. It just doesn’t exist, so it’s game over until you find the right order and placement. That isn’t a player choice; it’s a game of guess-and-check until you discover the winning combo.
In the end, finding a formula through guess-and-check isn’t my type of game. It’s an illusion that player choices matter; it’s an illusion of a city builder. I’d honestly rather replay TWoM 10 more times than try this game one more time, but I am glad so many people enjoy this game. It’s just not for me.
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451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 12:37
Also lags like crazy on lower end computers. Mine isn't half bad and the game can still get laggy even on the lowest settings.
1354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 16:06
I write this as somebody who has just finished the first scenario of the game and this game now has the moniker of the first city building game that left my hands shaking. Without spoiling anything. This game will take you on a god damn journey from a resource management game to a game that turns you into a combination of a monster and a mad man, frantically pulling levers and and turning cogs trying to hold your city together as it falls apart at the seams.
The first death in your city feels like a failure but by the end you knowingly send people out knowing they will be dead before the days end. You turn from an administrator trying to run a community to an iron fist lord sending 20 people to their doom so 40 people might live enacting laws that you raised an eyebrow at earlier as surely insane or joke laws for youtubers to make meme videos over. You started thinking you could flourish. Then you thought you could survive. Then you just want to make it to the next day. And yes. There is an end, there is a victory to be had but once you reach it you look back at the plans you had before this all happened and realise just how powerless you really were and the game asks you if surviving was really worth the cost and without hesitating you say yes. Because no matter how many lows you sunk to, no matter how brutal and maniacal you became. You survived and you saved a handful of people too and in this game, that's all you can ask for. The people that up until a few minutes ago had transformed from humans you had pledged to save to another resource as disposable as wood or coal.
Do not play this game to chill out, do not play this game to make something beautiful. Play this game to climb a god damn mountain and when you reach the top spend your time looking at how many scars it left you with.
1486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 06:40
Its a resource management game with a basic scenario for each storyline. Gameplay does not change much across ALL scenarios so you will get used to it after replaying the main storyline several times.
This game should be played with no knowledge at all for the story. Scenario resets don't really change most of the outcome and will actually make the game less fun. Its only during the main story that some resets are needed somewhat when we are all unsure on how to do things. So after the main storyline better just play the other scenarios with no restarts for maximum impactenjoyment
- Believable scenarios for all storylines
- Gameplay and resource charts are very handy
- After the first story, other scenarios will become easier and gameplay will become repetitive BUT not to the point that it becomes a chore
- It lacks a proper ending. (either wait for a sequel or DLC)
11 bit Studios
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos