Foul Play
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Über das Spiel

Eine Mischung aus Dämonen, Katastrophen, noch mehr Katastrophen, tödlichen Risiken und heuchlerischen Deals sorgt dabei für konstant hohe Abwechslung. Auch dabei: Ein Zweispieler-Koop-Modus, der entweder online oder lokal zur Verfügung steht – inklusive gemeinsam auszuführenden Angriffen und Team-Niederschlägen. Also ab auf die Bühne, um dem wartenden Publikum eine effektgeladene Inszenierung zu bieten!
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.15 12:20
ansonsten ein sehr gutes Game.
- Gameplay
- Erzählung
- Kampfszenen
- Story
... sehr zu empfehlen!
eigentlich ein gutes review aber die Steuerung macht es kaum spielbar.
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.15 16:32
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 03:26
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.14 17:28
The presentation of the game is without a doubt its best feature: the backgrounds are shifted by stage hands, extras in costume pretend to be werewolves, and every object earned or lore page unlocked has flavorful text included. The set pieces are wonderful, and you'll find yourself chuckling at the background gags or soaking in the atmospheric cutouts of spooky castles and ancient pyramids.
It's a pretty standard beat-em-up with a token leveling system in place that grants you more moves, though you might not find the advanced skills as useful as your basic starting countestrikes. This game's mastery is based around countering your enemy's moves when they telegraph them, and its very satisfying to contunually float when you are able to chain multiple air grabs off of different enemies.
Unfortunately strategies for the levels and bosses are pretty basic, and when you've seen the same lines of text many times in order to get a level's achievements, the story's charm starts wearing thin. Co-op mode is definitely the way to go, as single player becomes repetitive quickly. The game is great for a playthrough with a buddy, but is probably too shallow to make getting all of the achievements much fun.
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.13 10:47
Let me tell you here and now, there's nothing foul about this title. In fact, it strenghtens my love for indie developers more than big publishers, developers, whatever. Devolver does it again. After Shadow Warrior being recommended by quite a few people and Serious Sam 3, which despite its flaws did provide me with quite some good entertainment, I got my hands on Foul Play.
What I love about indie games is the fact that from time to time you get a game that may look like something familiar but then it throws a twist and after just a few minutes of game time you realize that there's nothing quite like it.
On with the first impression shall we?
Gameplay wise, despite it obviously being built with a controller in mind, keyboard works quite well. The controls are responsive and you really don't feel at a loss. That being said I don't doubt it's better with a controller.
The game is presented as a standard side-scrolling brawler with combos, unlockables, skills, perks in the form of charms and so on. Nothing special about that you would think but you would be wrong.
The art style is what sets it apart from any other game out there. The whole story unravels on stage. And no, I'm not kidding. You and your partner, the game featuring 2 player coop, are actors reenacting a story from a journal that you get to unlock page by page as the story progresses. As such, you always see the spectators, sometimes with a special request, the background scenery being changed and from time to time you catch the actors off-guard or even the janitor at his best.
The point of each performance is to get the highest score by getting big combos, doing the above-mentioned special requests and of course by not getting hit. What's more interesting is the fact that you can't die. All you have to worry about is the quality of your performance, trying to fill the always present meter and amaze the crowd allowing you to do even more impressive stunts as a reward.
I hate to finish in a negative manner but I do have some cons to point out. First off, the graphics settings are not there. That I didn't find too bad but, the game doesn't feature 16:10 resolutions. The second and last con would be the fact that the game being created with a controller in mind, all the instructions for let's say combos and controls are only pointed out for the controller even if you are using a keyboard. It's not big of a deal since the game uses 10-12 keys including WASD but a con is a con.
At the end of this, the verdict would be a 9/10 the above mentioned not being able to affect my experience with the game so far in a such a manner that it fails to provide what you would expect from it. My advice? If you're into old-school sidescrolling brawlers bought into the 21st century this is a must. You could do far worse with 14.99,you could get Call of Duty: Ghosts...
Beat' em Up
Entwickler:keine Infos
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Franchise:keine Infos
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