✔ Rewards in "Mysterious Wanderers" raid were changed;
✔ Evo-recipes fixes:
✔ "Sneaky Rat": "Elite Archer" replaced by "Blacksmith";
✔ "Rat Warrior": "Aggressive Plant" replaced by "Sneaky Goblin";
✔ "Ashin, Gutter Rat"(VIII grade): "Forest Defender" replaced by "Damned Leech";
✔ "Ashin, Gutter Rat"(IX grade): "Aydrien, the Last Sniper" replaced by "Morte, Efreet Familiar";
✔ "Ashin, Gutter Rat"(X grade): "Disciple of the Water Magi" replaced by "Wastelander";
✔ "Ashin, Gutter Rat"(XI grade): "Swamp Witch" replaced by "Skillfull Huntress";
✔ "Ashin, Gutter Rat"(XII grade): "Desert Scarab" replaced by "Leader of the Northern Tribe";
✔ "Ashin, Gutter Rat"(XIII grade): "Charming Succubus" replaced by "Guardian of Endless Waves";
✔ "Ashin, Gutter Rat"(XIV grade): "Fearless Meliada" replaced by "Sorceress of Light";
✔ "Forest Flutist": "Elite Archer" replaced by "King of the Desert";
✔ "Grove Guardian": "Aggressive Plant" replaced by "Ugly Imp";
✔ "Torin, Defender of Nature"(VIII grade): "Forest Defender" replaced by "Malevolent Goblin";
✔ "Torin, Defender of Nature"(IX grade): "Grein the Lightbringer" replaced by "Mr. Boom, the Crazy pyrotechnist";
✔ "Torin, Defender of Nature"(X grade): "Disciple of the Water Magi" replaced by "Young Huntress";
✔ "Torin, Defender of Nature"(XI grade): "Vengeful Hobgoblin" replaced by "Harpy, Warden of Tartarus";
✔ "Torin, Defender of Nature"(XII grade): "Desert Scarab" replaced by "Demonic Beast";
✔ "Torin, Defender of Nature"(XIII grade): "Adept of the Flame Guild" replaced by "Adept of the Stone Guild";
✔ "Torin, Defender of Nature"(XIV grade): "Fearless Meliada" replaced by "Leader of the Pride";
✔ "Sharpbeak Gryphon": "Toxic Sniper" replaced by "Blacksmith";
✔ "Battle Gryphon": "Sergeant Orc" replaced by "Heavenly warrior";
✔ "Royal Gryphon": "Till, Archon of the Wild Hunt" replaced by "Queen of Wasps";
✔ "Lothy, Gryphon King"(VIII grade): "Angry entangling Spider" replaced by "Skull-Fiend";
✔ "Lothy, Gryphon King"(IX grade): "Orcish Colonel" replaced by "Harpy, Warden of Tartarus";
✔ "Lothy, Gryphon King"(X grade): "Undead Orcish Hero" replaced by "Mr. Boom, the Crazy pyrotechnist";
✔ "Lothy, Gryphon King"(XI grade): "Disciple of the Witches" replaced by "Morte, Efreet Familiar";
✔ "Lothy, Gryphon King"(XII grade): "Frostblade Genin" replaced by "Light Ambassadress";
✔ "Lothy, Gryphon King"(XIII grade): "Autumn deciduous Giant" replaced by "Lovely Pyromancer";
✔ "Lothy, Gryphon King"(XIV grade): "Junior Ice Lizard" replaced by "Red Shohey";
✔ "Hades Defender": "Toxic Sniper" replaced by "King of the Desert";
✔ "Dead Great Master": "Sergeant Orc" replaced by "Flaming Head";
✔ "Dead Legend": "Till, Archon of the Wild Hunt" replaced by "White Fang, Immortal Leader";
✔ "Liu Kahn, Bone Dragon Warrior"(VIII grade): "Angry entangling Spider" replaced by "Fiery Imp";
✔ "Liu Kahn, Bone Dragon Warrior"(IX grade): "Golden Royal swarm" replaced by "Fanged Ripper";
✔ "Liu Kahn, Bone Dragon Warrior"(X grade): "Warrior of Light" replaced by "Northern Warrior";
✔ "Liu Kahn, Bone Dragon Warrior"(XI grade): "Swamp Witch" replaced by "Beastly Warrior";
✔ "Liu Kahn, Bone Dragon Warrior"(XII grade): "Autumn Wood Monster" replaced by "Violet Predator";
✔ "Liu Kahn, Bone Dragon Warrior"(XIII grade): "Adept of the Flame Guild" replaced by "Red Fighter";
✔ "Liu Kahn, Bone Dragon Warrior"(XIV grade): "Spring Blooming Giant" replaced by "Skillful hoplite";
Fixes of evo-recipes that will be added with the next update (28.09.2017) And it will be the last part of evo-recipe changes:
✔ "Manticore from the Other Side" (X grade): "Disciple of the Water Magi" will be replaced by "Light Seeker";
✔ "Mar'Grat, Ogres' Nightmare" (X grade): "Disciple of the Water Magi" will be replaced by "Novice";
✔ "Havi, Tree of Wisdom Avatar" (X grade): "Disciple of the Water Magi" will be replaced by "Gargoyle";
✔ "Mr. Crabs, Diamond Shell" (X grade): "Disciple of the Water Magi" will be replaced by "Enchantress";
✔ "Zak Zak, Skullcrusher" (X grade): "Disciple of the Water Magi" will be replaced by "Fiery Maiden";
✔ "Manticore from the Other Side" (XI grade): "Swamp Witch" will be replaced by "Grim Necromancer";
✔ "Mar'Grat, Ogres' Nightmare" (XI grade): "Swamp Witch" will be replaced by "Light Novice";
✔ "Honorable Centaur": "Swamp Witch" will be replaced by "Light Novice";
✔ "Golden Defender": "Swamp Witch" will be replaced by "Ninja of the Winds";
✔ "Augmented Warrior": "Swamp Witch" will be replaced by "Frostblade Shinobi";
✔ "Chiron, Honorable Knight" (XV grade): "Assassin of the Scorpion Order" will be replaced by "Dreamwalker";
✔ "Project GOLDHEART, Mech Lord" (XV grade): "Assassin of the Scorpion Order" will be replaced by "Void Lord";
✔ "Grandpa Murphy" (XV grade): "Assassin of the Scorpion Order" will be replaced by "Strong Water Elemental";
✔ "Nameles, Faust's Minion" (XVI grade): "Assassin of the Scorpion Order" will be replaced by "Beast from the Lake";
✔ "Annabelle, Wishmaster" (XIV grade): "Assassin of the Scorpion Order" will be replaced by "Naga Warrior";
✔ "Chiron, Honorable Knight" (XVI grade): "Black Knight" will be replaced by "Void Lord";
✔ "Project GOLDHEART, Mech Lord" (XVI grade): "Black Knight" will be replaced by "Protectress of King";
✔ "Grandpa Murphy" (XVI grade): "Black Knight" will be replaced by "Green Samurai";
✔ "Nameles, Faust's Minion" (XIV grade): "Black Knight" will be replaced by "Dreamwalker";
✔ "Nameles, Faust's Minion" (XIII grade): "Black Knight" will be replaced by "Strong Water Elemental";