• FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.
  • FORECLOSED: Screen zum Spiel FORECLOSED.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 12.08.2021
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Preis Update 26.05.24

Über das Spiel

Foreclosed is a Cyberpunk action-shooter set in a comic book world. Fight against the dehumanized bureaucracy that took your identity. Unleash the power of your implants and fight for your freedom!

Interactive Graphic Novel
Foreclosed combines the interactivity of video games with the visual aesthetic of comic books. Everything from game-play to cinematics are experienced within the stylistic framework of a graphic novel. Full screen and comic panel perspectives are seamlessly blended as you move throughout the city. Onomatopoeia's, speech balloons, taglines and multiple panels are used to authentically evoke the comic book style.

Original Story
What great comic book doesn't have a great story? Foreclosed is inspired by some of Antab Studio's real-life experiences and shows us what happens when one loses their identity. After all, a person’s identity on paper is just a collection of information and numbers. Follow the story of Evan Kapnos, his identity recently Foreclosed, stripped of his job, his brain implants and his access to the city Block-chain, he must now escape the city before his identity and implants are auctioned off.

Hi-Tech Combat
Utilize the weapons and tech you find along the way to fight back against the unknown assailants who chase you through the city. Modify your Symbiotic Pistol with Explosive Rounds or go silent and equip the Stealth Bullets mod. Use superhero-like abilities to fight opponents and manipulate your surroundings with Brain Implant upgrades, use telekinesis and launch your enemies into the air or hurl huge objects at groups. Hack different systems for access and traps or even hack the minds of others with implants.

Non-Stop Interaction
Cutscenes are interactive and transition smoothly to and from alternative game-play styles to allow the player to truly feel like a comic book hero. Freely explore your environments and take in the Cyberpunk world of Foreclosed.

Firmware Upgrades
Discover and unlock new abilities with an RPG-like skill system. Upgrading your weapon's potential with futuristic customisations, enhance your brain implant abilities with almost super-human abilities!

Features Overview

  • Slick Cyberpunk Action – Foreclosed blends a striking comic book aesthetic alongside high-octane, cyberpunk infused action gameplay.
  • Hi-tech Combat - Modify your Symbiotic Pistol with an assortment of customisations including “Machine-Gun” mode and explosive rounds.
  • Firmware Upgrades - Discover and unlock brain implant abilities with an RPG-like skill system
  • Interactive Comic Book - Everything from gameplay to cinematics are experienced within the stylistic framework of a graphic novel to make you truly feel like a comic book hero.
  • Original Story - Follow the story of Evan Kapnos, his identity recently Foreclosed, stripped of his job, brain implants and access to the city Blockchain. He must now escape the city before his identity and implants are auctioned off…


  • CPU: Intel Core i5
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 (SP1 +)
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Inter Core i7
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

758 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
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94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 16:22
unspielbar, viel zu viele Abstürze und Bugs
1251 Produkte im Account
168 Reviews
142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 22:26
FORECLOSED is a third-person action game. It takes place in a cyberpunk world. When I first saw the game on Steam, the graphics peaked my interest. The comic book style narration and gameplay is great. You know, when reading a comic book, you play out the scenes in your mind. Playing FORECLOSED feels exactly like that. It's an interactive comic book. The story is classic corporate/secret experiments stuff, there'S nothing to talk about. It gets the job done. The gameplay is both action and stealth oriented. You can play some of the sections of the game stealthily if you want or you can go in guns blazing. You have an implant, with this implant you can do cool things. You can sneak up on enemies and overload their implants. You can lift them in the air and slam them to the ground. With your telekinesis power you can throw heavy objects at enemies to kill them. You gain XP as you kill enemies and unlock new upgrades. Although the gunplay is weak, using your powers is really satisfying. The game is enjoyable to play in general, but it has a major downside. It is too short. I finished it under 3 hours. Being short is not a bad thing, but I think FORECLOSED is too short. I got used to the gameplay, I got new upgrades and unlocked new stuff, I was blasting enemies left and right and I was expecting some plot-twist to increase the length of the game but the game suddenly ended. It left me wanting more. Well, at least I enjoyed my time playing FORECLOSED. I bought for the unique aesthetic, and it didn't disappoint. If you are looking for a game that you can finish in one sitting, FORECLOSED is your game.
8693 Produkte im Account
211 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 00:06


An atmospheric cyberpunk shooter with interesting comic book aesthetics and a pumping soundtrack. Gameplay feels a little repetitive but the story is short enough to keep your interest.

Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!


Foreclosed is a narrative driven cyberpunk shooter set in the style of a graphic novel.

Evan Kapnos awakes to the news that the company who owns his identity have gone bankrupt and his account has been foreclosed. He has lost his job, his implants and access to areas around the city.

As per regulations he has until 4pm to attend the court and witness the auction of his identity to the highest bidder.

After leaving his apartment he gets shot at, and it becomes obvious that someone is trying to kill him. The question is who and why?

Gameplay Video



Gameplay consists of combat, stealth and puzzles.

You have a gun with six upgrade slots and up to six implants can be used during combat. There is no ammo shortage and you can fire to your heart’s content but if your gun has upgrades then it will heat up and need cooling before use again.


Shooting enemies is your main objective whilst trying to make your way to the Court.

You can crouch behind cover or use objects to hide behind. When you press the trigger of your gun you will immediately stand up and when you finish shooting you will go back to crouching again. There are no mechanics to lean around corners or stick to walls in a cover position. It is all quite loose and free but works nonetheless.

There are a few different enemy types differentiated by the armor they wear.

Some have no armor, some have helmets and some have energy shields, or a combination of the three. Each enemy has its own pattern which they will follow religiously; If you die, you will know their movements and what to expect next time.

Enemies with helmets and shields are much harder to kill and require certain upgrades to deal with effectively.

Enemies can be seen through walls by their red silhouette which gives you a bit of preparation time whilst others will jump out without warning.

Gun Upgrades

Increase your shooting rate; exploding bullets; armor and helmet penetrating bullets; energy shield penetrating bullets; use telekinesis to propel bullets; and reduce implant heating are the six upgrades you can equip. You can only equip three upgrades at a time.

Implant upgrades

Create a mind shield; create a health draining shield; cage an enemy; cause an explosion; lift enemies; and slam enemies into the ground are the six implant upgrades.

Four of these can be assigned and mapped.

Acquiring upgrades costs experience points which you gain from killing enemies or finding hidden signals.

Using implant powers causes your microchip to heat up. If it gets too hot it will incapacitate you for a few seconds and leave you vulnerable to attack.

You also have the ability of telekinesis and can make certain objects fly into enemies, either killing them or removing their armor.



There are a few dedicated stealth sections but stealth plays a big part in the game. Each enemy has a viewing zone and if you are detected for too long will trigger the alarm and all operatives will engage.

You can crouch and approach enemies slowly and quietly and then perform a stealth kill. This doesn’t attract any attention and is a good way of eliminating enemies without being discovered.


There are very light puzzle elements in the game mainly involving moving objects to create pathways. Occasionally, your path will be blocked and you may have to find an alternative route by finding air ducts and navigating through them to bypass the area.

Now and again, you have to perform some very crude hacking mechanics to open doors by repeating directional combinations within a time frame.

The game has a nice narrative running through and you will have dialogue choices to perform when meeting various characters.

????Overall Impressions????

Foreclosed is an enjoyable game but it is more of a casual narrative adventure than a serious shooter.

I’m a big cyberpunk fan and I loved the atmosphere the game created. It had a futuristic feel with a dystopian underbelly.

The comic book aesthetics displaying different scenes on one screen looked nice and give the game that graphic novel feel. The art direction was very attractive and imaginative and made moving between scenes a lot more interesting than normal. Main characters were drawn well and environments felt like they had been ripped out of a comic book. It was effective.

What a wonderful soundtrack! I loved the cyberpunk vibes it created and it injected drama and excitement into proceedings very well. I thought the voice acting was very good too. In true comic book style, the villains sounded like stereotypical villains and the hero was downtrodden and out for revenge. It was marvelously over the top.

Although the story was intriguing to begin with it eventually petered out and didn’t amount to much. I don’t think the game was long enough to really develop a strong narrative but it held my interest until the end. It should take between five or six hours to complete. The dialogue choices are pointless as they have no bearing on the story whatsoever; Each answer results in the same reply. This is a shame because some of the choices were difficult and I spent a while deciding which answer to pick.

Gameplay was a little trial and error. Enemy AI was nonexistent as they would behave exactly the same each time and once you knew their strategy it was easy to formulate a plan.


Earning XP to upgrade your gun and implants came quite easy, especially if you take the time to locate the signals, but I didn’t mind this as it made gameplay more interesting, if not a little too easy.

Some implants and gun upgrades are better than others and you’ll find your favorites and stick with them. Most of the time I would use the lift enemy and slam enemy, which made it really easy to pick them off from behind cover, and the armor piercing rounds were essential too. This sort of made the other upgrades obsolete.

I tried to mix things up by using telekinesis on objects and perform stealth kills just because it made it more interesting. Combat can become a little stale and easy if you let it.

One annoying feature was that your upgrades were removed after you die so that you had to add them again. Sometimes, I forgot to do this and shooting becomes much harder without them.

The variety of enemies was disappointing. There were no bosses and only three different types of opponents. I was expecting an advanced cyborg to appear or something a bit more imaginative but it never happened.

???? Conclusion????

Foreclosed is an enjoyable game with a pleasing comic book aesthetic and a wonderful soundtrack. The combat is quite basic and there is little variety between enemies and tactics.

If you love cyberpunk and are after a casual shooter then the graphics, soundtrack and gameplay will suit, but if you’re after a challenging and diverse shooter then this might not be a good fit.
10675 Produkte im Account
402 Reviews
683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 13:10
Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.

Is this game a masterpiece? No, certainly not. It is still an interesting cyberpunk adventure with some shooting, stealth and hacking.

In the near future, everyone wears an implant in the head, but your implant is different. It has been modified without your knowledge, and it seems that someone wants to kill you because of that. You have been working as an unimportant employee at Securtech, and you obviously got this experimental chip as a guinea pig. All your colleagues who also got the experimental implant have already been eliminated. What a nice coincidence that the person who designed the experimental chip, the busted CEO of Securtech, also has a little problem atm, and needs your help. Maybe you two can help each other?

Guided by the ex-CEO, you infiltrate Securtech and sneak around, killing guards and avoiding detection. Your experimental implant enables you to hack devices or (at close range) overheat the chip of your foes, leading to their demise. Since all firearms are usable only by their owner, you need to find a handgun hardcoded to your implant. There should be an experimental handgun somewhere in the company's testing grounds... but the shooting parts are the worst parts of the game. Dumb AI and technical problems when using the mouse to aim led me to finish those sequences as fast as possible.

The game is played in a third person perspective, but the camera is quite close to the character which makes orientation difficult. It does switch to different panels like a comic book sometimes, which is a nice effect. Using a gamepad works fine, but during the shooting sequences you might want to use a mouse (which sometimes leads to the visuals endlessly spinning around you). You enhance your implant with new abilities, upgrade your gun and hunt for the ones responsible for your problems.

Short, visually interesting cyberpunk thriller with good story but weak action sequences.
1243 Produkte im Account
419 Reviews
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135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 13:30
Target Audience: Those really liking the cyberpunk comic aesthetic


Foreclosed is one of those games that you just hope that the developer learns from and gets a chance to make another game in the future, as potential is here with the interesting presentation style and different story camera angles, but it fails to deliver in the core experience of the game. You see potential at certain points and can see what the developer was going for: but a lack of polish and an overall lack of execution of the design fails the game in the end.

The strongest thing about the game is it's visual presentation, which can have some great moments of wonder as you are put into the core of the cyberpunk city. The comic book aesthetic combined with the unique camera angles while still playing the game (even if at times the views can be awkward) can lead to some cool moments, even if the story is a generic cyberpunk story that you've read before. It does not help that the writing here is obviously translated for English audiences, as there's awkward dialogue that feels just short of being google translated. There are weird decisions for visual cues for the game (nacho face), but overall it's not what makes you want to stop playing.

Sadly, it's the gameplay that fails to deliver. Stealth is frustrating: I mean, enemy AI isn't smart at all, but you really have no clue when an enemy can see you or not until you get into a trouble point, and that can lead to massive frustration. It doesn't help with those different camera angles the games give: trying to understand distance and things that can be seen, especially at various item heights, is a frustration in futility. The gunplay isn't any better, as the AI can easily be cheesed and while yes headshots really count, the lack of real scariness of enemies means that you're just firing like your pistol is a minigun. The skills help to vary things up a bit, but the game is also glitchy as hell and you'll find ways to get stuck or even softlock yourself.

Overall, a game that just needed a bit more to it in order to really warrant a purchase, or your time. Skip for now.

Stream Footage: https://youtu.be/jKcRjUZCuys

  • Game's presentation visually can be striking at times, using it's vast color array to wow the player at several moments.
  • Comic book style presentation can be fun and can lead to some “oh, that's neat” moments.
  • Skill tree has some good ideas in it.

  • Combat is repetative, and also pretty easy to abuse. Enemy AI is dumb and will sometimes just wait for you to shoot them.
  • Very glitchy, was able to get myself softlocked easily at times. Game doesn't want you to doing anything outside what would be considered “normal”
  • Story is very generic and the game being developed in a non-english (russian?) language shows in the english writing. Awkard in delivery.
  • At times, hard to tell what they were going for from the presentation side. Nacho face is the best example: I'm assuming it's a visual representation of the control of identity, but it just sorta looks...well like nachos on the face.
  • Game doesn't like you doing anything out of the ordinary, even if you can't tell what it wants you to do.
  • Enemy view detection is just, well it's inconsistent. It's hard to tell when an enemy is going to see you, and can lead to frustration.

If you want more reviews/information regarding games I've reviewed, visit my curator. Dragnix Curator
64 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 18:04
Excellent narration style, nice visuals, decent story, variety of mechanics, that sure, could be more polished, but the game plays nice and for the price is a must for every cyberpunk genre fan out there
1012 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 15:27
I just finished the game and thoroughly enjoyed the overall experience. The game is was just over 3 hours long, which felt like the right amount of time for the story being told. The execution of the story, narratively and visually (using the interactive comic book frames) was excellent!

Despite being 3 hours long, there is actually a rich variety in the gameplay. You can approach combat situations the way you choose (using powers, or an upgraded pistol) and the environmental puzzles are a fun distraction, and never frustrating.

FORECLOSED is a cool, short cyberpunk story with some cool visuals and moves along at an enjoyable pace before it concludes. My biggest criticism is the inability to customise your controls on either gamepad or keyboard, and the defaults won't be suitable for everyone. Hopefully they can fix this soon.
627 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
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31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 09:47
If looking for a graphic novel with some action elements Foreclosed can be a good fit. Even then, the gunplay aspects are too simple and repetitive. The art direction is pretty good but the underlying game mechanics fall too simple in my opinion.

Also the voice acting is very subpar. It tries to resemble the Max Payne 1 type of dramatic voice acting style however it sounds again too simple and takes you away from the game due to lack of emotions in the voice or incompatible emotion in the voice acting compared to what is supposed to be.
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 08:39
Story and art style are great. I love walking through those comic pages. A lot of love went into the level and character design. As a few other players, I also got stuck at the beginning of the game. I couldn't figure out how to hack doors. A quick tutorial would have been nice. The shooting mechanic is alright, but I was missing a cover system. You die pretty easily in the game, and it is a pain in the butt to go behind cover. In some sections of the game, the camera is also placed in terrible positions and will result in you dying a lot.

Even though there are a few negative points, I still had a great time playing the game and will probably play it again in a few months.
613 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 01:04
The game features a lot a different gameplay mechanics and none of them really feel great. The worst it probably the shooting, which is a pretty big part of the game. The cyberpunk world and story is nice with some good intrigue, but the voice acting leaves a lot to be desired. Overall I have to recommend you pass on this one.
431 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 21:11
The way the game presents the history is cool and the art is awesome, unfortunately it has a cliche story and terrible finals. The game ends too soon. I know it is an indie game and I really wanna see these devs doing something more complex and deepest than this game. Thanks.

Edit: I did not recommend it because the price is not regionalized to Brazil, where it costs a lot for just 4 hours game.
3212 Produkte im Account
600 Reviews
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38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 20:28
The shootout mechanics need a drastic overhaul. I initially thought that the issue lies with the PC controls which are beyond saving, but it does not get much better with a controller. Also, the game features an abysmal camera movement that needs fixing.
330 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 16:20
Final review after 3.8h and finished the game.

I was wondering why I was levelling up so fast. That's because the game is so short.
I love the comic book, cell shading stuff, the story is good. voice acting is also good.

Shooting mechanic is plain bad. upgrading your gun seems like it does nothing. no key remap so you are all over the keyboard, tried with a controller it made the shooting even worse. some mechanic like moving a container with a crane something a million game have done is not even well implemented you would think that pushing A to move the crate to the left would work to always push left? Silly you, no because the view is angled, A is now down for the second move.

Dialogue choices are nice but they all lead to the same conclusion.

The worse offender is the camera. getting close to wall cuase it to zoom in so you can't see your character anymore, crawling along a wall can cause the camera to jump in and out of zoom giving you headaches. being close to an enemy may not activate the frying brain function if he's not perfectly in the line of sight. Causing you to be seen or dancing around to trigger the event. Being behind a wall also cause your shooting menu to not appear. preventing you from using the slam (best superpower) or the mind shield (completely useless btw).

dying means restart at the beginning of a section even with the unskippable cut scenes and dialogue (is it 2021?). You also have to reacquire all the collectable you found and re-equip all your guns upgrade because they were all reset! The sound menu refuse to lower the volume of the music and puts it back to 100% everytime I start the game. There is also no mention of the backspace button being the back key for menus.

not worth your short time.

Original review
So far: graphic (cell shade reminiscence of XIII), and story is great and that's what keeps me going for my review. But the gun play is terrible, you can (and the enemies) shoot through walls. The camera movement is giving me headaches. It constantly changes from zoom in out depending if you are close to a wall or in a tunnel. You can't see the fry chip pop up over an enemy's head if he's behind a pillar and you don't have line of sight, you need to rotate the camera and expose yourself which defeat the purpose of that function. The use of arrows to change shoulder view is a bad idea when you are in a middle of a fight. I put some upgrade on the guns but they don't seem to do much more damage. Not recommended at this time. It need some fixing.to not see your shooting menu
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
63.64% 21 12
Release:12.08.2021 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Antab Studio Vertrieb: Merge Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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