• Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Official Screenshots August 2018
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Official Screenshots August 2018
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Official Screenshots August 2018
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Official Screenshots August 2018
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Official Screenshots August 2018
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Official Screenshots August 2018
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Official Screenshots August 2018
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Official Screenshots August 2018
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Official Screenshots August 2018
  • Football, Tactics & Glory: Official Screenshots August 2018


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 01.06.2018
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Preis Update 09.09.23

Über das Spiel

Football, Tactics & Glory erfindet das Genre des Fußballmanagers von Grund auf neu und macht es auch für all jene zugänglich, die sich nicht zu den größten Hardcorefans von Fußballmanagern zählen.

Football, Tactics & Glory ist tiefgängig genug, um Spieler für Hunderte von Stunden bei der Stange zu halten, ohne dabei auf die langweiligen Aspekte von anderen Fußballmanagern zurückzugreifen – endlose Tabellen, Parameter, Routinen und Micromanagement suchst du hier vergeblich.

Wer auf rundenbasiertes Gameplay und Strategie- oder Tycoonspiele steht, wird Football, Tactics & Glory lieben.
  • Einzigartiges rundenbasiertes Spielsystem
  • Club-Aufbau mit Wirtschafts- und Rollenspiel-Elementen
  • Umfangreicher Gesichts-Editor
  • Mod-Unterstützung (ermöglicht die Erstellung realer Ligen)
  • Online-Unterstützung
  • Twitch-Integration (Zuschauer können mit dem Streamer interagieren)


  • CPU: 1 GHz
  • GFX: Shaders 3.0, minimal resolution 1024 x 768, recommended dedicated graphics card with 512 MB of RAM
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 800 MB
  • DX: Version 9.0c
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

643 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
41578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 20:34
Football, Tactics & Glory (FTG) ist mit den neuartigen Spielelementen im Fußball-Manager-Segment recht einzigartig aufgestellt, ohne dabei den Anschluss an herkömmliche Fußball-Manager zu verlieren. Schließlich gilt es seinen Club zur Meisterschaft zu führen oder aus vom Abstiegsstrudel fernzuhalten. Emotionen sind also unser Begleiter, dafür lieben wir Fußball & das bietet FTG reichlich. Dabei gestaltet sich der Club-Aufbau sowohl über finanzielle Mittel & Punkte. Die Punkte müssen durch Erfolge mit der Mannschaft zunächst erspielt werden. Dann sind weitere Investitionen in den Verein möglich. Die Jugendarbeit, die Scout-Abteilung, der medizinische & sportliche Bereich uvm. lassen sich so weiter entwickeln. Spieler lassen sich zusätzlich mit Rollenspiel-Elementen spezifisch entwickeln. Fußballspiele lassen sich simulieren (was schnelle Saisons ermöglicht!) oder in einem rundenbasierten taktischen Fußballspiel selbst steuern. Dazu werden den Spielern Spielzüge zugeteilt, die je nach entwickelter Eigenschaft dem Fußballspieler taktische Möglichkeiten bieten.
Da im Spiel die die Vereins- & Spielernamen nicht lizensiert sind, lässt sich über den Workshop so ziemlich jede Liga finden, die dein Herz begehrt. Sofern du nicht fündig wirst, bietet der FTG-Editor umfangreiche Gestaltungmöglichkeiten im Ligasystem & Spielerindividualisierung.
Dank an das Creoteam, deren Unterstützung ich mit der Rettung meiner Workshop-Datei erfahren habe, das Team hilft & unterstützt. Einzigartiger & empfehlenswerter Fußball-Manager mit Suchtgefahr!

Weitere knackige Reviews findet ihr hier: NICE-REVIEWS
84 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 22:07
Für Fußball habe ich mich eigentlich noch nie interessiert, aber als Strategiespiel ist dieses Spiel wirklich ein guter Tipp gewesen. Meine Erwartungshaltung war mit Blick auf den langweiligen Namen und die Grafik des Spiels zu Beginn gering. So ist XCOM 2 grafisch sicherlich 20x besser gemacht. Der taktische- und strategische Tiefgang dieses Spiels geht allerdings wiederum 20-fach über meine Erwartungshaltung hinaus. Die (optional deaktivierbaren) Tutorials/Aufgaben haben mir immens geholfen, Begriffe, Strategien und Tatiken zu verstehen.
48 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
59573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 21:56
Was man wissen sollte: dies ist KEIN Fußballmanager klassischer Schule (wie Anstoss3 oder was aus der EA-Reihe), sondern....Rasenschach! Es gibt so gut wie keine Management-Funktionen, der Fokus liegt auf einem klaren Spiel mit einfachen Regeln, auf einem Fußballfeld ausgetragen, das wie ein Schachbrett anmutet, und ein eigentlich einfaches Spielprinzip aufweist.
Und doch bietet es sehr vielfältige Möglichkeiten, zum Erfolg zu kommen.
Wenn man erst mal ein paar editierte Ligen von der Community geladen hat und in der 5. Liga anfängt, hat man eine langfristige Herausforderung, die auf vielfältige Weise zu meistern ist. - Oder man übernimmt halt direkt einen Topp-Verein, was ich für ein Kennenlernen empfehlen würde, ansonsten aber eher was für Weicheier ist :)

Es gibt ja die Demo (das ist immer gut!), nach fast 1.000 Stunden Vollversion würde ich sagen: super Sache, jeden Cent wert!
90 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 22:43
ungewöhnlich aber echt super
262 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
25691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 08:24
400 Spielzeiten sagen bei mir nur Gutes.
Allerdings hat man nach 300 Stunden denn dreh raus und ist Gott. Wie in jedem Spiel.
27 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 15:27
Insgesamt ganz interessant... mal was anderes. Man wird gut eingelernt in den Ablauf des Spieles.
Allerdings gehen die meisten Spiele nur 1:0 oder 0:0 aus. Die Halbzeiten sind also viel zu kurz. Ohne Spieler mit Spezialfähigkeiten ist das Spiel ermüdend und langweilig. Die Entwicklung der Spezialfähigkeiten dauert mir zu lang, dafür, dass sie so eine große Rolle in dem Spiel spielen. Zudem nervt es, wenn jeder 2.-3. Gegner mit einer 5er oder 6er Abwehrkette spielt. Die Jugendspieler kann man nicht nutzen ,da diese sich nicht weiterentwickeln, wenn man sie nicht spielen lässt. Das geht aber nicht, da man sonst nicht konkurrenzfähig ist.

Ich würde eher von einem Kauf abraten...
61 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
13553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 09:57
Ich finde das Spiel sehr gelungen. Zum einen funktionieren der Aufbau einer Mannschaft, das Training und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Vereins im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Fußball-/Fußballmanagerspielen endlich einmal leicht verständlich und trotzdem herausfordernd, und zum anderen machen die Matches, die rundenbasiert gespielt werden können viel Spaß. Die Aufstellung der Mannschaft mit Kickern mit ihren besonderen Fähigkeiten muss bei jedem Spiel dem Gegner angepasst werden. Absolut empfehlenswert!
236 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 19:19
Die Werbung wird von Loddar gemacht. Das hat mich zum Kauf überzeugt.
Ich kann meine Spieler SSIO und Walter Frosch nennen. Außerdem kann man viel Schabernack mit den Vereinen treiben.
Find ich cooli.
63 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 15:48
Das erste Fußballspiel das mich komplett überzeugt nach dem DSF Fußballmanager 97/98.
Siehst du das Bild von Lothar? Ja, er meint genau dich.

Keine Zeit zum schreiben, muss mein Stadion ausbauen.
22 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 10:17
Super Spiel, die Spielerentwicklung ist gelungen und motiviert, die Fähigkeiten bringen viele taktische Möglichkeiten, insgesamt macht es schnell süchtig. Nur bitte, BITTE, BITTE nicht mehr mit Lothar Matthäus werden. Er hat keinerlei Ahnung von dem Spiel oder Computerspielen an sich und für mich persönlich ist er eher ein Grund einen Bogen um das Produkt zu machen. Nur dank der Rocket Beans bin ich dann doch hier gelandet.
312 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
1468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 15:01
Unkomplizierter kleiner Fußballmanager. es gibt nicht viele Möglichkeiten den Verein zu mangen, eher auf dem Niveau einer BMP. Aber das aktive Spielen der Partien in einer Art Schach oder Tabletop-Spiel ist gut gelungen. Das ist zwar das Herz des Spiels, lässt sich aber auch überspringen und dann ist es ein sehr einfacher, aber netter kleiner Fußballmanager.
251 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.19 22:50
Das Spiel ist genau richtig, wenn du keine Hektig brauchst um guten Fussball zu spielen. Bin eher der Fifa-Typ aber hier kannste mal ne Zigarette in Ruhe rauchen oder dein Pils in ruhe trinken. Echt nice!
26 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.19 13:51
Sehr schönes Spielkonzept und in vielen Bereichen bereits gut umgesetzt. Aber das Spiel hat noch einige Baustellen.
positiv: neues Konzept - schöne Grafik - sehr taktisch - umfangreiches Tutorial
neutral: es könnte mehr Fertigkeiten geben - Manager Aspekt nahezu nicht vorhanden
negativ: Motivationssystem trotz Tutorial häufig nicht nachvollziehbar - Fertigkeiten sind manchmal schwach gegen Spieler ohne ersichtlichen Grund - keine Möglichkeit, den letzten Spielzug nachzuvollziehen
76 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.19 16:19
Das Spiel startet nicht
3070 Produkte im Account
180 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 15:49
RNG sim
193 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 14:55
Finally a sequel to Tecmo cup! ;)
Simple but addictive. Easy to pick and play a bit. I definitely recommend getting Manager's Journey DLC. There's a fine balance in meeting the expectations this season but still progressing long term. Its a nice balancing act!

Though don't start with all countries or processing times will be atrocious!

note. the developer is from Ukraine, pay respect to them. Buy the game and its DLC:s
118 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 03:28
Bought this game because I have hundreds of hours in football manager, and the description made me laugh. Turned out this is a really fun take on a football, making it a puzzle to play. Game is challenging, and you really start to get emotions about certain players. Quick games and customization makes it hard to get bored.
77 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
14593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 14:44
Never got higher than second league. Still entertaining enough to keep me hooked.
164 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 03:17
143 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
17342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 04:14
An extraordinarily clever game, simplifying things where it should and doing a great job of capturing the feel of football in a fun turn-based form.
340 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
4800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 19:12
Turn based soccer with a tactical focus. It works better than one would think, especially imagining soccer skills as abilities. X-Com FC. I give it a solid recommendation.
130 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 01:15
This is a very well thought out football tactical turn based game, I think the only one in the genre.
397 Produkte im Account
126 Reviews
8867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 04:30
In Conclusion,
Make sure to check the starting rules, and set RNG to Default or Decreased. Playing with Expected RNG, feels like cheating, even if it was unintentional. You'll doubt every success, seeing it as a product of the stacked rules, rather than a personal success. Otherwise, this twist on the classic sport management sim, Football, Tactics & Glory, does not disappoint. It satisfied my desire for a board game/video game fusion. It offered good systems for a first attempt. Yet it would be negligent to pretend it doesn't lack in a number of areas. Creoteam knows this.

In 2020 they released an expansion, Football, Tactics, & Glory: Football Stars. It expands stats, differentiates characters, adds complexity to the many simple systems (economy, trading, club improvements), and improves visual effects. This list is a perfect catalog of criticisms I have with the base game. The developer knows exactly where the flaws of the game lie, and they want customers to pay another fifteen dollars to fix them.

While Creoteam succeeded in their goal of merging turn-based tactics with sports management, they only offer the pinnacle of the sport to season ticket holders.

Football, Tactics & Glory: From Stardom to the Sidelines and Back
Football, Tactics & Glory: Training the Player and the Players
Football, Tactics, & Glory: Statistically Uncertain
Football, Tactics & Glory: A Team History
67 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
13517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 14:29
Good game nonetheless, no more talking, just playing.
42 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 13:42
Good take on Turn based strategy and Sports mashed together. Fun enjoyable game. worth the buy if you enjoys TBS games and Sports
528 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
19777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 23:23
Turn based football with management functions, what more could you want. With the Mods to have actual teams and the DLCs allowing reputation ect great game, nice and relaxing perfect to play towards the end of the night
3410 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
12848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 19:27
This game is truly unique and amazing, but you gotta own the DLCs to get the most of it, as the base game on its own may feel a bit too strict / puzzle-y. With the addition of the Football Stars and Managers Journey DLCs, new systems are introduced that open up and bring life to the game, and in my opinion elevates it into football sim heaven. So many stats! <3 Currently my favourite game, simply can't stop playing (help?!)
1194 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
3035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 18:32
Really well done game. The strategic and tactical layers are both deep and interconnected.

Manager's Journey makes the simulation of other teams much deeper at the cost of adding huge loading times when time passes as it has to simulate other teams games and transfers. Try is first without Manager's Journey imo.
1293 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 10:32
FM meets XCOM
858 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 04:57
$6.24 US Dollars.
Involves planning
Techniques learned
Reward System
Primary Language
Secondary Language (Optional)
Turn Based

Note: Opposing team's player on the right side needed a bathroom break pretty bad but no one called any time outs. Poor guy danced around like that for a good solid 10 minutes.

Not a lot of settings. Don't see a way to save specifically. Took me 7 games to get a goal. Typically my games, while in training, were 0:0 haha. but when I did finally goal, it was 3:0
156 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 19:51
Recommended for anyone looking for a fun and interesting mix of turn based tactics and a football themed management game. In particular I find the class system each with their different skills and talents very creative and unique. The talents and skills reflect what you might find for each position in real life football while adding complexity to the turn based strategy. I think it's very cleverly done.
74 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 03:49
Similar to an evolving game of chess, with each players having a history and changing with time. An excellent and engaging game.
94 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 20:13
so good. replaced Super Mega Baseball3 as favorite sportsball simulator
1291 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 12:07
First off, this isn't a football game, it's a puzzle game with a football theme which is fine by me. I was quite enjoying it at first and got a couple of promotions with Sheffield Wednes...Old (that's actually quite hurtful) but then I hit a brick wall. After slogging through the first couple of hours which felt like 70% tutorial and 30% gameplay I found that most of that was irrelevant because you're never going to build up a well-balanced squad of tricky wingers, centre forwards with bullet headers, defensive midfielders etc. as the levelling-up process is glacially slow. As soon as your players get good enough to string a couple of passes together they start demanding ludicrous wages for third division footballers (are you sure this isn't Sheffield Wednesday?). The transfer market feels flat out broken and way too expensive, you even have to spend money just to find out who's for sale from other leagues. Because football agents are such timid, reticent creatures. The youth players coming through from your academy are totally useless, the ones I got were all so bad that they came with an explanatory note saying that this player is so rubbish nobody knows what position they play. WTF?!

In the end I wasn't even playing the game. I was just picking the remnants of my threadbare squad that weren't injured or suspended, crowbarring them into some semblance of a formation and hitting the Simulation button for each match in the forlorn hope that I could speedrun a few seasons and actually improve my team. That was when I realised the game had ceased to be fun hours ago and I gladly hit the uninstall button.
472 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
1519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 19:57
Good turn based football game with solid gameplay, nice presentation and music. Recommended if you want a football game that's a mix of managing and tactical play. As it's turn based it plays really well on a laptop too.
108 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
4721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 14:11
294 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 02:47
Can't recommend this. The game is a serious grind. Money is basically non-existent. All you do is grind and grind through the seasons making very small steps forward at a time. By the time you have trained your players to be marginally competitive, they retire and you start the cycle all over again. Becomes very tedious when you're doing the same thing over and over for very little reward. DLC is coming out to fix the money problem in the game, but we shouldn't have to pay for soemthing that should have been better balanced. If you're willing to spend 15 seasons to even MAYBE have a decent team, go for it. For some others, it might be too much of a time sink with little payout.
37 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 18:56
Turn-based football is a good idea, but this is badly implemented. The major problem is the skills, at level 1 they are too weak because they almost always fail, and at level 2 or 3 they are too strong because they almost always succeed. The winner of matches is determined by which team has the most level 2 or 3 skills.
73 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
10425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 07:07
This game is very interesting, easy to play and very funny. You will like your players in your team and will be very hard to sold them.
For long time this is once again excellent game.
111 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
12531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 09:43
I enjoy X-Com and Blood Bowl but REALLY love football. Being able to guide your favourite team up the leagues and develop your squad like X-Com operatives scratches the itch that Football Manager didn't quite satisfy. It has clever but not over-complicated mechanics that let you build your team in different ways.

The magic and drama of the beautiful game is captured with nail biting injury time equalisers and penalty shoot-outs. You'll grow to love that teenager from the youth academy who gets brought on due to injury in the second half, and curls in a deep cross, in the rain, onto the reliable slab-head of your ageing striker for a 1-0 smash and grab win against the odds.

It's going to take a lot of grinding to get your ground up to standard, with the infrastructure seemingly in more disarray than at Derby County, so be prepared for a slog if you want a great stadium and academy. Also, be prepared to HATE the slide tackle talent with a passion, as the AI uses it at every opportunity. There's very little to gripe about though and the developers have done a fantastic job adapting the sport to a turn based system.
227 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 17:44
Like football manager without all the boring stuff. It's great.
32 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 12:32
Loving this game - it's X-Com if X-Com couldn't cut in military academy and went on to become a football coach. No one game has felt the same to me yet and even though my team is decent, I get into hectic struggles against lesser teams from time to time because of the RNG, and I've also managed to topple the leaders a league above me. Highly recommend if you have an itch for turn-based football.
703 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 19:48
My child sparked my interested in football (soccer). I have always been a baseball person. I also enjoy sports sims like OOTP and Front Office Football (american). Football Manager always seemed to overwhelming (as have later versions of OOTP).

I found this game to be very entertaining, accessible and scratched the itch of wanting to kick the ball around. This has a nice combination of action and statistics. I enjoy how the players evolve over time.

I like recommend this game. I don't recall encountering any bugs during my time playing. In writing this, I'm feeling the need to buy some DLC and play again. It's been too long...
182 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 10:37
I'm not even a Football fan. Excellent game. Deep, turn-based goodness.
410 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 03:49
Looks like a light, casual mobile game but actually way deeper than I thought, and it also comes with ranges of customisation and active community for getting the mods. Every match seems like a hardcore tabletop game with a huge rule book but it makes quite good balance in team management, such as player development, injuries and transfer negotiating, they are quite straightforward compared with its in-match depth.

I don't think the managers in real football could even do such complicated calculation for every big moment during the match!
42 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 00:37
i don't recommend
80 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 12:23
This game is an excellent football management product, with the right balance of action and strategy.
You can choose to manage lots of Football Clubs for most countries and if your favourite town club is not in the preset list, you can easily create it, linked to the correct country - then play in that nations leagues.
You can customise each player's face and hairstyle. You can also customise an added Club's uniform (home and away) and the Club's badge or logo.
There's a large set of football skills which can be developed and used to affect the result of matches.
One particular nice touch of authenticity is that teams (both AI and human) can be given yellow card penalties for not only fouls, but even for time-wasting!
Careful thought needs to be given upon how and when to spend the Club's funds and Glory points. This includes factoring in the age of your players, as you cannot sell players near to their retirement age.
Overall I highly recommend this game and it might benefit from having female teams added to it too.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
92667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 08:53
I love watching my team perform on there own as i prefer just to watch and manage them.I wish the matches were twice as long.Would like training injuries so my goal keeper gets injured.For those who don't like injuries you should be able to chose it or not.Would like to be able to choose a team from vauxhall conference.
466 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 07:48
Great game! You can play it XCOM-Style with chance, or just simulate every match and play it like a full manager game. The DLC is very much worth it with many improvements and additions that make the game even more enjoyable over a long period of time.
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 17:36
Every fan of football based game should at least try out this game! Different to your usual type of game you associate with football. As the turn based strategy system when you play a match works well, but can be frustrating at times but you can't expect to be easy and win all the time!

Plus an RPG element as well with your squad of players with having to level them up and assigning them to positons and choosing skills,traits and bonuses such as increasing their value in their skill tree.

Also the satisfaction of building the club from the ground up as in your facilities like your stadium, youth set up and your coaches. Going from the amateur league to the premier league and on to continental success!

Features I'd like added is having the top continental sides each competing in a World Club Championship. Also having the two continental cup winners facing off against each other in a super cup like they do in Europe.
Adding international teams and competitions. Having your club players getting called up for their country. Like the continental championships and the World Cup. Also having World ranking coefficents to determine seedings in qualifying tournaments.

More revenue streams for your club in the game to make money like shirt sales and merchandise. Which would be based on the amount of fans your club has. Plus if you could do the prices for these even ticket prices maybe it would influence the amount of fans your club has as well.

Club friendlies in pre season to allow your players to build up their fitness is another suggestion.
277 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 11:12
This game has a lot of potential. But there something wrong with the economic part of the game. The drain on money is too high and the options to gain money are too few and slow. Its a slog for a slow economic death. The constant expiration of contracts, low incomepossibilities and some other factors makes the fun part be overshaddowed by the grind.
65 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
13438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 14:29
Hidding a straight up game update behind a paywall is a huge no no.
11 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 07:05
Great Game, Worth the money.
183 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 07:37
Fantastic compliment to the FM series ! Multitude of choices during the actual match itself , Backed up with a Good career progression and all the stats you need - ensure you have the DLC too. Looking forward to see how long it takes me to get to the top. Great Buy !!
275 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
9316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 14:07
A combination of Fotball manager and chess. Very good game.
178 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 03:45
This game is a hidden gem. At first glance it looks plain and simple but while you play, you begin to explore more features and game becomes deeper and immersive.

I recommend buying DLC together, the additional content literally makes FTG a new game. Core mechanics are same but it is deeper and feels more complete.

+ Turn based gameplay.
+ Lots of customization options.
+ Clean and neat UI.
+ Developers are communicative and they are open to suggestions.

- Save system! There is no manual save game management. You choose a save slot when starting your new career and game uses autosave to overwrite on same slot every time.

Overall great game. Fun to play. Highly recommended!

Note: My initial review was way longer but due to getting error I couldn't post it, as a result I just shortened my review and posted only key points.
91 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 15:17
Great game, great developers.
121 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
80334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 08:36
If you're a fan of football, you've probably played your fair share of the Football Manager series and FIFA. This game, FTG, is far superior to both of them. FTG is not a really a Management-simulator, but you do take on a managerial-like role in some aspects; signing/selling players, deciding whose contracts to renew, spending your money earned on upgrading the clubs stadium and facilities etc. But these things are quite straight forward. You're free to focus on playing the matches themselves. You can quickly move on from on match to the next, which is what you will want to do.

In Football Manager you have to deal with all the tedious stuff on the side, setting up detailed scouting networks, dealing with the annoying press, and so forth. It takes forever to just to finish a single season. You invest so much time and yet make so little progress...

But a season in FTG can potentially be completed relatively quickly, so you're always making progress. You're not distracted by all the fancy pancy details on the side. After the recent update to the game, it has become very impressive showcasing stats, but it's just the right amount of stats; sufficiently comprehensive, but not too much.

The matches are being played in turn-based mode, which is very enjoyable. It gives every game a very tactical challenge, and the games can play out quite differently, and different player qualities are needed in different games. Throughout a season, you're gonna need your whole squad.

One of the coolest things about the game is that you can create your entire team from scratch. I mean, you can play with real-world teams in real leagues, and download these clubs' club logos, either here on the Steam Workshop in big packs, or you can do it manually, which is really simple and user friendly due to the feature to do so is actually in-built in the game. What I mean by creating your own team is that you can create all the players in your team and give them names, faces (the game has a very impressive character/player customizer), skills and attributes. So, you can choose what division to start playing in, and you can choose your team's strength at the beginning of the game. You can start at the very bottom of the league system, or you can start as an absolute top 5 star team playing in the Champions League, or you can start as a mediocre top division team, whatever tickles your fancy. You can also choose starting year. You can start the game in 2020, or you can start it in 2070, like i did, so it makes sense to have a fictional player database, which is so much more enjoyable. Simply put, the game is tailor-made for YOU to setup the game the way YOU want before you start !! It's gonna be YOUR experience. You can also choose the length of the matches ranging from short. to medium, to long. My personal recommandation is medium length games. I also recommend NOT starting out as 5 star top team, because this game is most enjoyable, in my opinion, if you're striving to build upwards toward success. You don't neccessarily need to start down in the lower divisions, but that's all up to you.

This is easily the best sports game I have played. I highly recommend it.
150 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 05:20
Nice and simple game for those football lovers who likes a bit of management and onfield tactics.
287 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
2959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 09:47
The game was good, but with the expansion went to a whole different level! If you are interested in football, tabletop, turn-based or manager games this one is for you.
For NEW/RETURNING players: If you feel lost in the mechanics and how it all works start a new career and then click the question mark button at the top-right. After that choose Tests and play them all. You will have no more questions about the match mechanics. These tests should be in the main menu like an option which is my only complain. Great game, extremely addicting!
131 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
9841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 09:00
This game is great. I love XCOM and Football Manager. The problem with Football Manager is I would make all the selections and then basically go on holidays for 6 months or a year. This game allows you to simulate games, but actually playing the games is fun and rewards you for being strategic. It doesn't feel like a waste of your time. Too often I would play through a season or two of FM and it would take hours and I wouldn't feel like I'd really achieved much. With FTG you get the short term achievement of winning a game that you've actually played and then the long term achievement of winning a season.

I have spent over 150 hours on this game. The dev listens to the fans. Give it a go!
568 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
7757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 01:03
Football Manager for people who are too stupid to play Football Manager (that's me)
78 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
19153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 07:39
Sometimes you buy a game and you are not sure that you will like it, but when you play it, it becomes your new favorite. That's the case here. If the developers don't give up on this game I can see it becoming as popular as the Football Manager. This game only lacks of depth but I hope, and I see from the upcoming DLC, that this game will keep deepening and becoming a 10/10!!
Best played on your laptop on the couch, with TV playing a series that you've seen before.
96 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
11742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 23:30
One of the most addicting sports games I've ever played. I think the future for sports and RPG games is very bright and I feel like the dev put a lot of heart and soul in to making you feel like you're really accomplishing something great.
195 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 18:43
Unique idea and great implementation. Perfect combination for people like me who likes football manager games and turn-based strategy games. You guys should do other sports like hockey or something.
101 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 19:52
A fun game with unexpected depth. If you are not sure if it's worth it - try the demo.
Keep in mind though - it requires a lot of time before you feel your team has grown strong and according to your demand, you start with a lot of mediocre players (they are amateurs after all).
Requires a lot of thought, planning and digging into rules - fun,fun,fun!
161 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 21:04
Good, fun football management game. Lots of options for tactics even if the RNG gods are cruel...
531 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 18:54
Having played this game for 14 hours in about 3 days, I feel like I've played it enough to make a good review. I have triple digit play times in every Football Manager game since 2014, though I started playing football management sims in the early 90s. I'm coming into this with a very football management sim oriented mindset.

As a Football Management sim, it's a total failure. The good thing is, it doesn't advertise itself as such not is it trying to be a Football Management game. But the comparison has to be made, regardless. No shortlists, a joke of a transfer process, you can view hardly any data or info from any previous season, they have practically no data for the present season, either. Match strategy is setting the player positions on the field and that's it. You can't set a strategy beyond player placement. There are no promotion playoffs that I've yet encountered. You can't leave the team you start on. However, the game forces you to do LLM (sort of) if you don't pick Sandbox mode and I love LLM (as in, that's the only way I play anymore.) So that's a plus for me. Regardless of LLM, do not play this expecting a football management sim. You will be incredibly disappointed.

Rather, the whole point of this game is playing the actual matches. It's an interesting game that I described to a friend as chess with dice rolls. And that's how it works, it's all probability based. For instance: If you're going for a header, you kick a ball and roll a number. Any opponent near the ball rolls a number. Your teammate heading it in rolls against the goalie and anyone between him and the goalie. All these numbers flash on screen for a second so you know how it'll turn out in advance, if you can read them fast enough. You know the probability of things succeeding. It turns into a weird hybrid of football and chess.

The games feel like a football game, amazingly. There's an ebb and flow and I'm not entirely sure if you can get momentum and start getting better dice rolls, but it sure feels that way. I've had games where my strategy collapsed and I couldn't pull anything off, stuff that'd succeeded brilliantly in the previous game kept getting horrid dice rolls instead of fabulous ones. I feel like the game must have some kind of momentum calculation involved, and that's pretty cool.

The graphics are decent enough, even if the people in it look sort of strange and maybe a little scary. I can't say what's wrong with them exactly, but something is. Sound is decent, though the songs it has get kind of old after the first few hours and I usually turn them off now. I haven't played in a real big stadium yet (still working my way through league 2) so I don't know how that sounds, but I have played in smaller stadiums and the crowd noises there are fine.

About my actual game experience, my current (second) team started off in England. Aside from buying one ? player, I've really only bought one Striker after I got promoted out of Amateur and am a pretty dominant team. The ? Player turned into what appears to be a Premiership level Goalie, so I expect I'll be using him for as long as possible. He's the solid wall no one can get through. He allowed one goal his entire first full season with me and had an absurd number of saves. My sweeper can stop practically anyone, but the few he can't are stopped by my goalie. The rest of my defense could be incompetent and it wouldn't matter. I have a striker who can head it in from anywhere and his header has never been blocked. He missed the goal once, but no goalie has stopped one of his headers. I have another Striker whose accuracy went from 23 to 55 in about a year and a half along with other minor stat raises, turning him from a nobody to someone who would be more at home in the Championship at least, if not the Premiership.

The reason why I'm telling you this is because this game seems too easy. I created a team and started off with what appeared to be a very strong team, made virtually unstoppable with a few additional players. Everything is randomly generated, no two worlds are the same, so maybe I just got unbelievably lucky. Or maybe the game is a bit too easy. I did recently set the rolls to be slightly in favor of my opponent, so we'll see how that goes.

But, overall, I really like this game. It's fun to figure out the winning move. The management side leaves so much to be desired that it doesn't scratch that Football Manager itch but it serves as a very satisfying strategy game pretending to be a football management sim. It's a strange combination, but I like it. Recommended!
30 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
12236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 18:38
Bought it for 15eur. Worth every penny
22 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 14:52
Very addicting football game. Easy to learn, but very difficult to master. There is also a surprising amount of strategic depth to the game and it's very satisfying to climb the leagues with your self-made club.
95 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 15:20
a bit for all kinds of football game lovers. and a nice turn-based gameplay. pity you cannot adjust the lenght of matches.
16535 Produkte im Account
904 Reviews
534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 22:47
A turn-based field strategy battle game, disguised as sport. Big campaign games to play through -buy and sell players, make management choices ect- or challenge a friend in couch VS. Interesting idea.
95 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 20:11
I wish I could give this a terrible review, I really wish I could but in honesty it's a case I am terrible at the game and it's fantastic, enjoyed what little I have played but it's a fun alternative to Football Manager or Fifa.
307 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 19:45
It's exactly as advertised.

Great game. I love playing through them, I love simming games and acting like it's football manager lite.

Can't recommend this game highly enough. I'm about to go buy it again on Switch because it's amazing.
728 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
21805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 23:40
Its a fun little time consumer, if you like turn based football then its an amazing game!
191 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 18:21
Just one more game...
684 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
15783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 16:53
This game is one of my favorite management and simulation games.

I mostly play as a manager i.e. I don't actually play the matches myself but simulate them.
You are the coach of your favorite team and responsible for team tactics,
player transfers, choosing improvements for the team and training your players.

- All these mechanics are implemented in a simple but relatively deep, cohesive and fun way that keeps you engaged and makes you feel in control and you can tell that your decisions have an impact.

- This enables you to manage the team with a long term vision while improving current weaknesses and working with what you've got. The UI, game play mechanics and player development are really well done.

I'd like to see some more content especially after winning premier league and euro cup.

- Like being offered the national team contract and playing world cups
- more in depth stadium, fan, fame and money management
- staff mechanics (not just buying coach upgrades but maybe hiring coaches who give individual perks better passing, flanking etc as well as xp bonus)
- training camps and other bonus activities
- receiving fame for selling top players or being charged much less for buying players (in hard mode)
- improved transfer mechanics (i.e transfer players from and to different countries, scouting, negotiation etc).
- negotiate your own manager contract and get offers from other teams.
- more background music tracks

Overall very solid game 9/10 got me hooked on my hard campaign as manager for > 100 hours.
111 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 13:22
Great game, especially if you're trying to lose weight or improve bladder control, this game is incredibly addictive. So hard to tear myself away from the game, nearly p1ssed myself several times.

On my second play through now, and deliberately treading water in the Championship to raise more cash to get the 45k capacity stadium, 4 star youth academy and minimum of 3 star coaches. Almost ready to go up, just sold a few key players so throwing the kids in, they'll be ready for the Premier League soon.

A few tips from failing in my first play through;
  • In the higher leagues very important to have a strong spine of your team, a good keeper, and sweeper or DM.
  • Make sure you don't sell too many players at once, and have a minimum of 4 strikers in the squad that have a good spread of skills.
  • Invest your Glory wisely, into coaches and 1st and 2nd scout.
  • Invest in youth development, but if the fanbase is close to or higher than stadium capacity, always choose to expand stadium instead, avoiding the opportunity cost of having to turn fans away.
  • Use Mod support to use the real league and team names.
154 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.20 00:02
Try the demo and you should have a good idea of whether you'll like this game or not. This game definitely took me by surprise. It one of those I'll play one more match kind of game, then all of sudden several hours have gone by and the season is over. Unique and different enough from other sports manager games. The game is simple and easy to pick up at first but definitely gets more challenging as you go on. Its all about game tactics, player skills, player contracts, managing finances, training young players etc. and with a good amount of customisation mixed in. I even ended up creating my teams playing style naturally over time and it's always stuff when your best players retire. I wish there was some way to see things like club records, retired clubs and more of your clubs history. There are definitely some issues with the contract and finance systems; with some of the luck based mechanics and if you rise up the tables too fast. Overall the good heavily outweighs the bad and you will find hours of enjoyment out of this game.
1004 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
6136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 04:02
XCOM where x=soccer, with studded boots in place of plasma rifles.
23 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.19 10:44
Bought it because of the positive feedback from other users. Lots of options for customization. The game is maybe a good turn based strategy, but does not corresponds to football. Very predictable, no action, no late game comebacks, randomization option is not making the things funny, but annoying. Success is just matter of time. No pressure, no sackings and new jobs, just pure mathematics, which is simply not fun. Sorry, wanted to like it, but could not.
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.19 09:15
Such an addictive game!

The game finds its self after you play for a few season's. Trying to create that perfect midfielder or working on your GK coach, season after season..finally seeing that you have a hero in the net. Then comes the day when you know selling your man is the best option for the team..????

Love the the progression system on this game, I've finally found time to have a good go at it and can't stop, you go from clueless to scoring headers on the last play to beat the relegation drop!

1. I would love to see an abroad transfer system, allowing us to buy players from different leagues, and see the transfers from around the world. With this, the ability to send your scout across to other countries.

2. To view the league stats from other leagues, not just the ones in my own country

3. a captain select option and a perk that comes with it and grows for example if your captain has been with you for number of years, he should get a perk for this.

4. More depth to transfers, teams showing interest in your players via the assistant, a negotiation screen would be awesome, where your player would appear in a little cutscene almost explaining he wants to leave or wants better deal, possibly a loyalty stat or something through glory?

5. Hall of Fame, you grow an attachment to these wee guys, when they retire or get sole, be awesome to have a little hall of fame with their picture and stats perhaps?

6. Ability to chose different boots for different players (small request but would be cool)

Feel the options listed wouldn't turn the game into something it's not supposed to be, I think the ideas would just increase the fun value of the game.
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Release:01.06.2018 Genre: Sportmanager Entwickler: Creoteam Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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