Accord forces have cornered the Chosen Razorwind clan deep in the Amazon rainforest. The Razorwind clan has made its last stand at an ancient battlefield from the Crystite Wars. While they have been wounded, they won't go down without a fight. The harder we hit them, the harder they will hit us, using the next evolution of their Juggernauts and Siegebreakers, now more deadly than ever.
Your mission: wipe them out. Root them out of the tunnels that riddle the area, flush them from the swamps of the Sombrio, and hunt them in the wreckage of the UAS Horizon. Complete daily missions for the Accord to gain access to the climactic battle against Razorwind's generals.
To aid you in this fight, new archetype specific battleframe cores have been made available. These special WARCOM-developed cores grant you new abilities that will make you more lethal than you have ever been.
Gear up. This will be a battle the likes of which Firefall has never seen.
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