Final Doom
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Über das Spiel

Steam Version:
Zwei neue, 32-Level DOOM II Episoden.
Evolution des Bösen:
Weit entfernt von der Erde, auf einem der Jupitermonde, nimmt die UAC ihre fraglichen Experimente wieder auf. Ein Raumschiff, fälschlicherweise als harmloser Frachter auf dem Radar identifiziert, schwebt lautlos über der Basis. Abscheuliche Dämonen steigen aus und legen die Basis in Schutt und Asche. Alle Ihre Kameraden werden augenblicklich geschlächtet oder zombiefiziert. Diesmal geht es nicht ums Überleben. Diesmal geht es um Rache.
Das Plutonia Experiment:
Die besten Wissenschaftler aller Nationen haben jegliche Anstrengungen unternommen, um die sieben interdimensionalen Tore der Hölle wieder zu verschließen, aber ein Portal ist noch geöffnet. Auf sich gestellt infiltrieren Sie den geschändeten Gebäudekomplex und besiegen den dämonischen Torwärter und versiegeln das letzte Höllenloch, bevor die Untöten zum Gegenschlag ausholen und die Erde vernichten.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 17:50
Final DOOM is for DOOM veterans only and holds limited appeal to those outside this niche. Final DOOM consists of 2 new campaigns (known as WADs) called TnT Evilution and, most infamously, The Plutonia Experiment. These form 60 new levels + 4 secret levels found within the game. As such, it’s worth highlighting that a DOOM players perception of these levels will be radically different from a first-time player; veterans will specifically looking for challenge, be it through unique combat situations or fresh puzzles. Elements which made up strong DOOM levels in the base game won’t be received as positively here, as the emphasis is now on ingenuity and out-the-box thinking, with an understanding that the player has effectively ‘been there done that’ with the original DOOM releases. As such, new ground isn’t as easy to break at this point. Final DOOM’s tricks are often obscure to navigate and, as with in The Plutonia Experiment, revolve around dying frequently.
First off, this is barely a port. Final DOOM runs through a DOSbox emulator which is referenced in the game itself (“do you want to return to DOS?”) and there’s no visual clean-ups. The game is as bare as the day it was born. There’s no controller support here, unless you have a 90s joystick kicking around, and you can’t even access the Steam interface in the game. That being said, and this is a very critical point, you can get Final DOOM’s campaign running *perfectly* with all the added quality of life features through DOOM II’s PC release under the “add-ons” section. Better yet? It’s completely free there (DOOM II costs the same price standalone.). Do not buy this Steam version unless you want to support iD software with an extra £3.99.
So, you’ve completed DOOM I and II and you’d like more content. You’ve heard about this expansion, and you feel you’re pretty adept at this point (you’ve completed them all on Hurt Me Plenty or higher). TnT Evilution is a bit of a snooze-fest honestly. There are some cool levels, such as ‘Shipping/respawning’ which sees you blasting through a packing warehouse – one of the few instances in the WAD where the visual intention of a map is extremely clear and reflective of its aims (‘Caribbean’, for example, looks about as tropical as a mission of Deus Ex). Lunar Mining Project is also structured really nicely, having the player circle an outside area until they’re eventually given access near the end of the level. I find DOOM levels at their best when they’re simple. Endless keycard hunts often require monotonous backtacking, and levels which don’t require you to scan rooms multiple times, I find, are indicative of logical and strong design.
Unfortunately, most maps fall to tedium. They often involve confusing mazes that all look the same due to the lack of differing textures; switches that you have no idea what they’ve activated; and optional areas that are effectively dead ends. The final level involves a puzzle that can be solved by memorizing a pattern of lights in the previous room, giving you the directions to cross a lethal lava pit through rigged platforms with the majority killing you if you don’t follow this guide. This seems like an excellent puzzle, but the problem is almost every level is so visually bland that you have no indication that you’re to memorize these patterns, especially when they look like every other candle-lit corridor in the preceding 31 levels. There are also levels that downright do not work (in the case of both WADs). In TnT Evilution, I couldn’t complete Mill as the final enemies refused to respawn. The final boss also cannot be defeated unless you actively *miss* the target, by firing below its intended weak spot. This involves standing on a particular ledge, that again, no player would recognize to do. Overall, it’s just not worth it to me. There are creative areas, but their accompanying gameplay is often too obscure to make them fun. In one area there was a yellow keycard sitting in a box that you have to climb on a desk to access, I suppose that was kinda neat. TnT Evilution is a certified skip unless you’re really just after extra levels.
TnT Evilution is generally a challenging WAD, but it’s not hard enough to be interesting. The Plutonia Experiment, on the other hand, actually is! Plutonia is a gimmick based around creating ludicrously difficult maps for the sake of challenge, as reported by the game’s developer Dario Casali: “I always played through the level I had made on hard, and if I could beat it too easily, I made it harder, so it was a challenge for me”. Whilst this may seem one-note, and to an extent it is, Plutonia is admirable because it achieves what it sets out to do. It is diabolically hard. There was an old saying that there’s more Revenants than Imps in Plutonia, and while that was used as an expression to highlight how hard it was, turns out it’s not far from the truth and the numbers are extremely close. There are maps with 14 archviles in here, which is just brutal. While TnT Evilution is a snoozer, Plutonia actively taunts players and invites them to test their metal. It’s the equivalent of conquering Mt Everest. – it’s not particularly fun, it’s unfair, time-consuming, and an immense mental challenge that will leave you shattered by the end. However, it’s a crowning accomplishment to complete, especially on the hard difficulties. No one will bat an eye about you completing TnT Evilution, but Plutonia? You’re suddenly cool, especially if you’re on the higher difficulties or pistol starting. When you look further into it, the challenge is often artificial: picking up virtually any keycard instantly results in about 20 chaingunners and revenants spawning, and some rooms will teleport so many enemies into tight spaces out of nowhere that death is absolutely guaranteed. This rewards save scumming, which isn’t great practice, but it’s infinitely better than replaying entire levels again. Some challenge is genuinely inventive though, one map often praised is ‘Hunted’ where the player navigates tight corridors in a map populated *entirely* by archviles. It’s not as hard as you might think, but it’s a lonely, claustrophobic and tense map. Another level has you traverse a walkway with a Cyperdemon launching missiles from around 50 metres away, forcing you to run quick and dodgy enemies in your way. This is Plutonia at its best, and make the WAD worth playing.
A major gripe for me, that I’ve mentioned in passing, is how ugly Final DOOM looks. So many maps look exactly the same and use identical texturing, that you feel you’re simply seeing slight reworks to the same level over and over. When I returned to DOOM I it was a breath of fresh air, some relief that I’m finally seeing futuristic tech bases instead of green’ish brown stone, lava, water and white laboratory walls. I can’t stress how much this detracts from the WAD. I’m no DOOM expert, but was it really impossible to add in new textures? It would have made a world of difference.
Overall I’d recommend Final DOOM only to veterans looking for more content. I would not suggest this to a casual player, and even more experienced players should only really play this for Plutonia. Only play this if you’ve completed all the official DOOM levels previously, and you really want more content.
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 20:14
On top of that the content in The Ultimate Doom is optimized a lot better for modern system. You have more options, better visuals and better scaling to modern resolutions aswell.
It is a bit questionable why this is even available to buy. There is, objectively speaking, no reason to ever buy this as a standalone.
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 12:49
906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 19:01
(Tutorials online will most likely show the installation using Ultimate doom for the game but if you follow the same steps except for Final doom it will work the exact same.)
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 04:23
The Final Doom WADs are now available as free addons for the updated re-release of Doom II. There's no reason to buy this unless you really want to play Final Doom with a bunch of non-official custom mods.
That aside, it's worth trying if you're into classic Doom. TNT: Evilution is regarded as somewhat boring and just 'okay' by the community, but The Plutonia Experiment is infamous for its difficulty. Created in 1995, TNT was originally going to be a free mod, but Id Software decided to acquire and publish it as a paid product alongside another level set that Id contracted two of the modders to make. The other level set would be known as Plutonia, and since people had already gotten very good at Doom, Plutonia shows almost no mercy to players.
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 02:19
They conjured up this amalgamation of primordial chaos and hatred, this hodgepodge of incoherent insanity and torment, this 1:1 virtual recreation of actual Hell, and released it unto the mortal world.
And I love it. We love it. Everyone loves it. It's part of the DOOM franchise now, and we're never gonna forget it.
1355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 07:29
As for the actual content, TNT is mixed at best. There's some really good maps and really bad ones but most of it is just tedious to play. Plutonia however, is really good... if you don't torture yourself by doing pistol saveless runs like a crazy person. The aesthetics and scenery of many levels are very good, however, there are many maps and rooms where the game is just too cruel for my tastes.
Overall, I'd only really recommend this version of the game if you don't like the unity port or if you prefer dos or wanna use it as a shell to run a source port with custom wads.
1457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 04:12
One of my favorite levels to use cheat codes on is the secret level Go 2 It. I love putting on god mode and clipping and running throughout the monsters in the level to trigger in-fighting. Also because of the nature of the level, I get to see several of my two favorite Doom monsters: Arch-Vile and Cyberdemon.
1223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 21:51
Doom 2 is a golden classic, sitting on it's throne as one of the best video games of all time.
However, Final Doom (and by that I mean Plutonia) is just that little bit better. Instead of the SSG you have the RL and the BFG as your workhorse. There are enough energy cells and rockets to justify actually whipping out numberkey 5 and 7 pretty much every map. Good stuff really, blasting a teleporting horde with a barrage of green and red makes my whole day.
Levels are also impressive; The secrets, the jumps and the big maps are pretty good.
Also, this may be personal, but Doom 2 (on Ultra-Violence) is a bit too easy. Plutonia (on Ultra-Violence) plays just right.
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11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 03:00
WARNING: This version of Final DOOM is completely obsolete. There is no reason for this (a basic DOS-box version with absolute minimum features) to continue to exist on Steam. DO NOT BUY.
There is a far-superior version of Final DOOM (Including both the TNT and The Plutionia Experiment episodes) available on Steam by buying Doom 2: Hell on Earth (the version associated with Bethesda) and then, via Doom 2’s in-game menu, getting the completely free (and completely easy to use) official Final Doom episodes as add-ons for that game. Those free add-ons incorporate the graphical and control scheme improvements/updates made to the far-superior version of Doom 2: Hell on Earth.
So basically:
+This game works.
+Unlike the version of Doom 2 associated with Bethesda, for what it’s worth, you can play this version without the HUD (Heads-up-Display) being displayed. However, the relatively low graphical resolution, grainy graphics and bad framerate largely cancel this benefit out.
-This version of this game is completely obsolete.
-The resolution and controls of this version are particularly obsolete when compared to the free Final Doom add-ons for Doom 2: Hell on Earth. The game seems to be running in something which looks like low-graphics mode even though this game’s menu says it isn’t and the framerate is much, much worse in this version.
-This version runs within a clunky DOS-box program.
-Given that these Final DOOM episodes are easily available as free add-ons for Bethesda’s version of Doom 2: Hell on Earth which is also available on Steam (which is something you probably already own anyhow or are thinking about owning if you are interested in retro Doom games), it is hard to imagine a worse way to waste your money than buying this. By today’s standards, playing this obsolete version of Final DOOM really is hell on earth (at least if you try to play it without radically altering it with mods).
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 16:20
Stuff to Note: Since tnt is tough and plutonia is ball busting, I played through tnt twice and plutonia three times. My first playthrough of both of these was on Brutal Doom and my second playthrough was unmodded and on GZ Doom and my last playthrough of plutonia was on brutal doom. For tnt, both playthroughs were on UV and for plutonia the first two were on hurt me plenty and the last was UV. Also to not repeat my Doom II and DOOM review’s, this review will be a lot shorter and only really talk about the level design and combat. Ok, lets start the pain.
Final Doom was a community project given a retail price by ID. ID hired a few community map makers to make two 32 level episodes for Doom II: TNT Evilution and The Plutonia Experiment. They are both infamous for different reasons. TNT is known for its massive scale in levels and labyrinth designs. You will easily get lost in the levels size or be forced to fight multiple enemy's in wide open spaces. Plutonia is known to be used by masochists for sexual release because it is more painful and intense than any CBT method or electroshock torture. So now that we have gone over the basics, lets start with Tnt Evilution
TNT Evilution: The boring one
TNT has a decent understanding of Doom II’s monsters and how to properly utilize them in fights, it isn't as good as Plutonia, but its much better than Doom II, however ID definitely did better in the level design. Remember from my Doom II review how I really hated massive level’s, useless rooms in maps and massive dead spaces? Well TNT didn't learn from this and once you get past the first few maps you will begin to lose your sanity. It is so boring, so massive, so just anti fun. TNT has so many levels that just have hitscanners in easy to kill locations with poor level design and it just completely abandons the concept of a puzzle box in classic Doom levels. TNT is easily the worst classic Doom campaign, hands down without a doubt. You just wander looking for where to go in these massive halls and courtyards after you've killed everything and its just so boring. I legit nearly considered not reviewing Final Doom and skipping straight to Doom 64 because, TNT without Brutal Doom makes me hate myself. Even with Brutal Doom, the self loathing just shows. “Why am I playing this really really boring stupid campaign, when I could be playing the true reason why Final Doom is looked at seriously? The Plutonia Experiment.”
The Plutonia Experiment: Playing Plutonia is like being inside a wicker man -Civvie 11
This fucking campaign. For DOOM and Doom II, I played single segment runs for the levels. But for Plutonia? I had to start using save states when I got to Ghost Town in order to keep my sanity. Plutonia wears its difficulty like a badge of honor. It is ridiculous that ID left some of the blue balling traps in these levels. It is a slaughter that is unmatched by anything ID created. So its difficult for sure, but is this a good campaign? Yes I would argue that if your good at classic Doom and you can get past the ball busting nature, Plutonia is probably the best classic Doom campaign. It knows exactly how to use the monsters to the best of the levels ability. They know that Archviles, Chaingunners and Revenants are the most dangerous enemy's, but instead of only using them, they still use a healthy amount of other demons to make it fresh. Plutonia knows where to place each monster to best test the players skills in combat, resource management and enemy prioritization. Speaking of enemy placement, level design. Plutonia takes a unique approach to level design that none of the Doom games really tried up to this point. DOOM used small, puzzle box levels while sprinkling in enemy's and the occasional arena fight. Doom II tried bigger levels with a mix of spreading enemy's around and arena. TNT had the biggest levels that were structured like mazes and enemy's spread throughout. And then there's Plutonia. Plutonia’s level design used small scale levels for the form and mostly arena’s to dictate combat. The arenas themselves are extremely cruel and whoever designed some of these should be arrested for cruel and unusual punishments.
You would think that these levels would take hours to complete right? Well yes and no, it depends on if you use saves and how good you are. If you are skilled and doing a single segment run, most levels don't take longer than 10 minutes. If you aren't as skilled or going through Plutonia for the first time, some levels can take an hour or two to crack because of the brutal fights. In my opinion is actually one of Plutonias greatest strengths as a campaign. The small levels make the game more fun to blast through and slaughter everything
So overall, would I recommend Final Doom? If your looking to play for TNT Evilution, I sadly can’t. Its fun in the first few maps but after that it just turns sour. Plutonia on the other hand is so ridiculously difficult, so sadistic, that I love it. That feeling of punishment and being pushed to your limits is what makes Plutonia great. The fast paced levels, the fun and well understood combat is why Plutonia is my favorite official Doom II campaign. Buy Final Doom or else I will put you down with my awesome hitscan machine gun.
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17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 20:03
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5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 06:58
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27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 15:03
Just get Doom 2 instead, download both episodes from Add-Ons, and you're good to go.
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 13:31
In contrast, Plutonia's maps are almost consistently great with a few stinkers here and there. Almost all levels in that map set require strategy and active decision making. The levels, while extremely challenging thanks to the creators' fetish for adding a lot of ball busters in areas that are hard to maneuver around, still feel fair.
Overall, Final Doom is a neat package and I recommend that you buy it as part of the Doom Classic Complete bundle.
2693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 05:09
A little warning for new players: Don't try to play this at first, play everything of other official stuff before - Final Doom is hard, especially Plutonia!
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37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 16:54
7286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 19:43
1139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 14:26
Then we have Plutonia [strike] Excrement [/strike] Experiment. o.o' 500 Revenants and 1000 Chaingunners with few Arch-Viles and you pretty much get what this pack offers .
Still even with all F5, F9, F9, F9, F9, F9, F9, F9, F9, F9, F9, two steps, F9.. found enjoyment in it and well it's still DOOM.
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5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 19:54
Here is how every combat encounter in TNT goes:
1. Enter a level
2. Go through a door
3. See chaingunners and shotgunners on the other side of the map you can't hit until you get close and take massive damage
4. Repeat ad nauseum for 32 levels
Plutonia is a better experience overall but it's so dated and outclassed at this point by free community wads that you're better off just playing those. This certainly isn't worth 5 dollars.
1935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 10:16
There’s something to be said for games which can still render a swampy mess of moisture within your armpits at a basic level, something that DOOM shines at.
It was the best way to explain doom franchise.
I must add this too, Such a wonderful game.
3105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 18:42
I wish it would look a bit better (graphic quality) like Doom I and II from the BFG Edition or Doom 64. It is kind of hard to see 1 pixel from distance shooting at me or the invisible demons in dark areas.
781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 11:22
2 fan-made expansion packs for DOOM II, distributed by id Software.
Final DOOM is game 2.5 in the DOOM series, following DOOM II: Hell on Earth. It's not the last game. Final DOOM is comprised of two fan-made campaigns using DOOM II's engine: The Plutonia Experiment, and TNT Evilution.
While I do recommend Final DOOM, I only do so if you're a fan of how the classic DOOM games play, because it's more of that and it's more difficult. Final DOOM contains two episodes: The Plutonia Experiment, and TNT Evilution. The two episodes are completely different experiences, so I'll review them separately.
The Plutonia Experiment
Difficult, but creative map design.
The Plutonia Experiment is hard. Especially the beginning levels when you don't have a lot of weapons. On top of that, the developers thought it was hilarious to spam hitscan enemies like the Chaingunner all over the place. That being said, after the initial challenge I warmed up to the Plutonia Experiment as it went on, seeing it more as a series of creative challenges that were difficult but rewarding.
Overall Enjoyment:
3/5 — Good
TNT Evilution
More forgiving, more tedious.
On the opposite end of the spectrum is TNT Evilution. While it starts off much more welcoming than the Plutonia Experiment, the levels began to get longer and started to drag on. There were also lots of dimly-lit and wide-open map areas with plenty of confusing backtracking (which aren't very fun in the DOOM engine). I found myself getting burnt out and tired by the end. While it started off stronger than the Plutonia Experiment, it became much more tedious.
Overall Enjoyment:
2.5/5 — Okay
If you like the original DOOM games, then you should probably give Final DOOM a try, you might like it—especially if you want a difficult challenge.
Overall Enjoyment:
3/5 — Good
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6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 01:07
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 03:22
Besides that, Final Doom was pretty fun. It’s a lot tougher than Doom 1 & 2, but I had a good time for the most part.
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20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 23:33
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1378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 06:06
Retro Review
If someone makes a sequel or an expansion it should offer something different. Be it new weapons, enemies, heck even a storyline or something. This one doesn’t really offer anything.
Its just more of the same. More levels, around 60+ of these. The first few levels in the first episode do feel completely different than the others, mostly being very bright and having lots of outdoor environments that feature more plants.
That’s mostly the only new change, even the endboss is recycled. This wouldn’t be too bad as I would see this as a big map expansion. My problem is the size and amount of maps I outright hate. I personally prefer the first doom, solely because the map design in 2 while sometimes being really good, the bad maps outshine the game so hard when I’m looking frustrated for the next lever or door that has opened as these maps tend to be very confusing with teleporting all around.
Ontop of that they also added almost in every map some kind of ambush. You need to save every single area otherwise you will get all the time teleported or wall jumped by enemies which isn’t fun or tense after the 20th time. There isn’t anything new to see the only thing I might have noticed the maps feature a lot more verticality and that’s it. I feel like there should have been more as I feel exhausted playing 60 new maps that aren’t really new and just feel like (some good or bad) fan maps rather than a third game or a fully fledged expansion.
Apparently this one has the most complex story of them all, something you only could read up in the manual. Still always nice have some additional flair that doesn’t hinder the gameplay.
I feel like the game could have definitely been more. There are barely any new tracks if there are some and some of the earlier maps do look different than the rest. Still it ends up in the same map design as in 2 except twice as much maps.
I don’t really recommend this one unless you are a completionist. Its just a huge map pack where more than half of the maps make you run around in circles not knowing what to do and the other are rather short but fun. It’s a huge mixed bag and I feel like there are other doomesque games that have more worth to be play than this one.
1259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 02:00
1635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 03:52
850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 23:37
1158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 22:18
This is the original DOS release, and as such it uses DOSBox as that is Id's approved emulator. The out-of-box configs are usually awful. I really hate to sound so harsh but its true. There are a few things you'll need to tweak to get the original 'how it played on my 486 in 1996' feeling but it's so worth it if you want the OG vanilla experience. If not, you could go the route of a source port like GZDoom but that is entirely up to you. I hope this review helps someone else make an educated decision. Play hard and have a great day!
712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 20:30
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 19:02
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.20 20:41
4812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.20 00:14
Some people don't like this game, because is too hard, but for me is perfect, because I love challenges in video games.
And the best of all, this game has two wads inside, so it has 64 stages ❤️
1644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.19 15:04
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