• Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.
  • Field of Glory II: Screen zum Spiel Field of Glory II.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 12.10.2017
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Preis Update 18.09.23

Über das Spiel

Field of Glory II is a turn-based tactical game set during the Rise of Rome from 280 BC to 25 BC

The game that brought the fun and excitement of the tabletop experience to digital form is back. Developed by legendary designer Richard Bodley Scott in a completely new 3D engine, Field of Glory is ready to set new standards in computer wargaming.

Field of Glory II allows you to fight large or small battles for or against Rome, or between the other nations who are as yet unaware of the Roman threat, or what-if battles between nations that never actual came into conflict historically, but might have done if the course of history had been different.

Take command of a huge variety of armies employing vastly different tactical doctrines. Lead your chosen army and its named generals to victory in set-piece historical battles or "what-if" custom battle situations against an AI or human opponent.

Victory will require determination and tactical mastery!

  • Accurate simulation of Ancient battle in the last three centuries of the pre-Christian era.
  • 86 historically accurate units, built from fully animated 3D troop models, each with many variants. These allow Field of Glory II to represent the full range of troop-types and tactical doctrines that make this era one of the most interesting to wargamers and military historians. To name just a few, there are Roman legionaries before and after the reforms of Marius, Greek hoplite and Carthaginian African spearmen, Hellenistic pike phalanxes, thureophoroi spearmen and xystophoroi lancers, Gallic warbands, Skythian horse archers, Sarmatian lancers, Roman, Carthaginian, Greek and Gallic spear-armed cavalry, war elephants, Celtic and Indian chariots, scythed chariots, a wealth of light troops and many many more.
  • 12 Historical scenarios covering key engagements of the period on an epic scale. These include Bagradas 255 BC, Trebia 218 BC, Cannae 216 BC, Ilipa 206 BC, Zama 202 BC, Magnesia 190 BC, Pydna 168 BC, Chaironeia 86 BC, Tigranocerta 69 BC, Bibracte 58 BC, Carrhae 53 BC and Thapsus 46 BC. The player can play as either side.
  • Custom Battle system allows unlimited “what-if” scenarios using historically realistic armies from carefully researched army lists, on realistic computer generated terrain maps. Armies covered include Romans, Carthaginians, Hellenistic Kingdoms (Macedon, Seleucids, Ptolemaic Egypt etc.), Gauls, Ancient Britons, Galatians, Spanish, Numidians, Spartacus’s Slave Revolt, Thracians, Skythians, Sarmatians, Parthians, Indians and lots more.
  • Campaign mode allows you to rewrite history as you play through the battlefield careers of some of ancient history’s greatest generals, or war with any ancient nation against any other. Each victory increases the experience and elan of your core units. Quick to resolve strategic decisions allow you to go straight from one battle to the next without any delay.
  • Random map generator produces an infinite variety of historically realistic battlefield maps for custom battles and campaigns. Scenarios include open battle, pursuit, awaiting reinforcements, enemy awaiting reinforcements, flank march, rearguard action, advance guard, remove the head, and protect the baggage.
  • Classic turn-based, tile based gameplay.
  • Easy to use interface, hard to master gameplay.
  • Cohort-sized units. Battles can range from a few units to as many as 80 units per side.
  • Named generals who can influence combat and morale of units under their command.
  • Single player and multiplayer battle modes.
  • Effective AI makes sound tactical decisions.
  • 6 difficulty levels allow the challenge to increase as you develop your battlefield skills.
  • Numerous different unit organisations, combat capabilities and tactical doctrines allow full representation of tactical differences and developments through the period.
  • Mod friendly game system with built-in map editor.
  • Multiplayer mode allows historical scenarios and “what-if” scenarios to be played by two players using Slitherine’s easy to use PBEM server.


  • CPU: 2.0GHz or higher
  • GFX: 1 GB DirectX 9 Compatible Graphics Card
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
  • HD: 1541 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

175 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 18:20
Also das Spiel an sich macht schon Spass. Man spielt Schlachten der Antike nach. Ob als Cäsar oder Alexander der Große. Es gibt auch genug Karten so das nicht immer dasselbe Gelände alle 2 Runden aufploppt.
Jetzt zum negativen. Es gibt kein wirklichen Schwierigkeitsgrad. Man kann nur unterschiedlich viele Einheiten kaufen, je nach Schwierigkeit. Das Kampfsystem ist völlig komplett egal. Hatte das jetzt so oft gehabt das die gegnerische Kavallerie eine Anhöhe von 100 hochgeritten kommt und meine Speerträger Frontal dabei angriff und diese in die Flucht schlug obwohl meine Speerträger noch komplett war keinerlei Mali hatte. Oder das Indische Bogenschützen im Nahkampf im offenen Feld gegen reguläre Infanterieinheiten gewinnt (nicht einmal, da wäre ja nichts zu sagen, passierte von 30x, 18x in drei Schlachten). Dann genauso die sogenannten Kontrollzonen, eigene Seite darf nicht angreifen aber die gegnerische kann der eigenen Einheit in die Flanke fallen obwohl es die selben Einheiten auf beiden Seiten sind und die Situation exakt auf beiden Seiten gleich ist. Das Kampfsystem ist das größte Manko. Bei der Karte ist zu bemängeln das man meist keine wirkliche Taktik (wie den Gegner umgehen kann), liegt aber eher da dran das man meist nur in Unterzahl gegen die Ki spielen darf. Das RNG ist nur zugunsten der KI ausgelegt. Siehe Kavallerieeinheit vs Speerträger. Das nächste wieso können sich die Unterstützungseinheiten des Gegners in 95% vor meinen schnellen Kavallerieeinheiten retten (umgekehrter Fall ist 30% das sich meine max. 2 Runden retten kann bewor dann die Einheit fast sofort in die Flucht geschlagen wird)

Also wer viel Frust und ein RNG das klar die KI bevorzugt kann ich das Spiel nur empfehlen. Allen anderen rate ich davon hab.
370 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 16:55
Spielverhalten widerspricht allem was sinn macht.
Beispiele: Ich greife mit 2 berittenen schweren Einheiten eine ungeschützte Fernkampfeinheit von hinten an , welche sich gerade auch noch von vorne im Kampf befindet und erhalte mit meiner Reiterei große Verluste und werde in die Flucht gejagt. Lachhaft
2 Beispiel: ich stehe mit gepanzerten Speerträgern auf dem Hügel und werde von einer von unten angreifenden Einheit aus Schwertern mit leichter Rüstung zermürbt.
3 Beispiel: ich schlage eine Einheit in die Flucht und stelle ihr mit meinen Reitern nach und diese Flüchtenden zu Fuß hängen meine Reiterei ab und können sich wieder sammeln zum nächsten Angriff. Ich schaffe es nicht mal einen einzigen auf der Flucht aus zu schalten.
Es gibt noch mehr, aber schon mit den Gründen läßt sich keine Schlacht vernünftig planen.
Kampfsystem völliger Unsinn
19 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.19 18:48
This game is very enjoyable, and when compared to other games (e.g.total war games) the battles play out very realistically.
However I feel like this game could do with an Improvement;
You should have the OPTION( you shouldnt be forced to do so) to assign groups of several units and tell them what to do(move to position; attack cautiously; attack agressively; skirmish; figthing retreat; feigned retreat).
The order would be carried out by the ai ( there are games with these kinda system; the only one which comes to my mind being command ops 2)
This would both be more realistic and make the game lesss tedious: it is very tedious having to micromanage every single unit on every turn( except for in the beginning when u can move units in groups)
317 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
4823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.19 18:24
Field of Glory II erfüllt einen meiner innigsten Wünsche. Endlich ein Spiel was eine einzelne Schlacht im Altertum in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Hier geht es wie in einem Schachspiel Rundenweise darum, einzelne Einheiten über ein Schlachtfeld zu lenken, um mit Taktik und einer eigenen Strategie, eine große Schlacht zu gewinnen. Field of Glory II schließt dabei die Lücke zwischen den bekannten Spielen, die bildgewaltige Schlachten zeigen oder über viele Jahrhunderte hinweg zusteuernde Nationen in einem historischen Zeitalter. Es gibt hier keine Diplomatie, kein Handel, kene Rollenspielelemente, nichts aufzubauen, und auch keine grafischen bildgewaltigen Schlachten. Aber dafür eine Simulation von vielen zahlreichen und historischen Einzelschlachten, die es im Altertum mit bekannten Fraktionen einmal gegeben hat. Die Karte kann frei in alle Richtungen gedreht werden, und man kann nah an seine Einheiten heranzomen. Prallen feindliche Einheiten aufeinander, gibt es dazu gehörige Animationen in Bild und Ton. Field of Glory II ist wie ein Schlachtsimulator, da man zahlreiche Elemente vor Beginn einer Schlacht einstellen kann. Es gibt Kampagnen, historische Einzelgefechte und dazu von der Community zusätzliche herunterladbare Schlachten oder man erstellt einfach eine eigene.
Die Langzeitmotivation ist auf alle Fälle gegeben. Field of Glory II ist meiner Meinung nach auch Konkurrenzlos, da wie bereits oben erläutert, es gar nicht mit anderen großen Kampfspielen konkurriert, sondern sich eine eigene Nische herausgesucht hat, nämlich die eine einzelne Schlacht in den Vordergrund zu stellen, wie eben eine gute Schachpartie.
Hoffe auf weitere DLC´s zu diesem Spiel, weil es die Lust nach mehr, wie eine Schlacht abläuft weckt. Das man nach jeder Runde speichern kann, ist ein weiterer Pluspunkt, da einzelne Schlachten über Stunden andauern können je nachdem wie groß man sich die Schlacht im Vorfeld eingestellt hat.
Ich kann Field of Glory II jedem Strategieexperten und Liebhaber von Schlachten voll empfehlen.
112 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
9468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.17 10:48
Tollles Spiel; unbedingt eine Kaufempfehlung.
Eine deutliche Verbesserung gegenüber Pike&Sots, vor allem, was die Bedienbarkeit betrifft. Kurz gesagt:
- verschiedene Schwierigkeitsstufen machen es für jeden zugänglich
- viele SPielmodi von historisch bis generiert, von Einzelschlacht bis zur Kampagne
- sehr gutes Tutorial
- nach ca 30 MInuten ist man drin im Spiel und hat die Mechanik verstanden
- mehr Details zur game Mechanik im Handbuch
- Multiplayer ähnlich Schach, also Zug um Zug statt online
- Editor für eigene Kampagnen
- man kann Kampagnen der Community bereitstellen bzw. einfach herunterladen
- Grafik/Animationen und Sound sind so gewählt, daß man das Spiel gut bedienen kann
Es gibt auch deutsche youtuber (Steinwallen, ReviewgameX, Mr Moerp), die bereits die Demo angespielt haben.
Das Spiel ist kniffelig wie Schach, denn ein Zug kann eine Kettenreaktion auslösen - auf beiden Seiten.

Der Preis ist sehr fair für solch ein Spiel, sodaß man direkt jetzt zuschlagen kann und nicht auf einen Sale warten muß.
83 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
2878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.17 22:48
Schon vor dem Release habe ich mir alle vorhandenen Lets Plays bei Youtube angeschaut. (An dieser Stelle möchte ich einen besonderen Dank an Steinwallen aussprechen)
Jetzt, da ich das Spiel habe, ist meine Begeisterung weiter gewachsen.
In den Schlachten muss auf verschiedene Details wie Terrain, Rüstung, Bewaffnung und Erfahrung der Einheiten, mögliche Flankenangriffe oder Durchbrüche geachtet werden. Es ist nicht dieses stumpfe Stein-Schere-Papier Prinzip, wie in den meisten anderen Strategiespielen. Der Zugang ist aber trotzdem relativ leicht, wenn man bereit ist im (überschaubaren aber ausreichendem) Tutorial die Texte zu lesen!

Ich kann nur sagen: Wer solche Strategiespiele mag MUSS dieses Spiel einfach KAUFEN!
195 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 12:47
I was able to play and appreciate that there is a good game here. But I'm color blind. So when the battle starts and the armies are far apart - no issues. But once they get mangled together I can not determine which army is mine and which one is the enemies. Very frustration. Also makes it difficult to see the big picture. This game desperately needs a color blind option. I think (hard to tell with the color blindness) that the flags show you which army is which. Would prefer that the uniforms of the armies change two two completely different colors. If this option was added I think this would be a terrific game. Would also prefer more free campaigns when you make the purchase. The extra content (extra campaigns) are pricey.
784 Produkte im Account
635 Reviews
34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 15:41
Pretty happy with it, but I would NOT pay full price for this game.

On Steam, they're asking $100 for the game and all the DLC. It is NOT worth that. I'm very glad I got this in a bundle for $30.

Some things in the game are frustrating, but it's not bad. Definitely could use some QOL improvements.
207 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 11:49
Filed of Glory is a turn based computer version of an older table top wargame.

Essentially it allows the player to recreate battles from ancient history to the medieval period. Play is rather chess like in that the board is divided into squares and various types of units occupy each square. Units break down into three main categories of infantry, cavalry or ranged units (archers, skirmishers and even catapults). there are also leader units.

Gameplay is turn based on the I go -you go system. Unlike some other games, victory usually goes to the side that breaks the other armies morale by inflicting sufficient casualties.

Maps can be a bit basic but the unit design is colourful and attractive.

the game only really recreates battles or allows the player to create battles. There is a limited campaign function but nothing of the level of detail that equates to the Total War franchise. in some respects that is a negative as you cannot get the full empire building experience. However if you only want to fight out battles such as Cannae, Stamford Bridge or the like that may not worry you. There is a separate game by the developers that allows you to carry out an empire building experience and utilise FOG to play out the battles.

A word of warning FOG itself only covers the basic engine and a reasonable number of armies from periods of history. If you want say to run Viking armies or those of the Persian empire you will have to pay extra for the relevant DLC. On the plus side the battle builder allows the player to literally fight armies across the ages ie if you fancy having William The Conqueror square up against the armies of Alexander the game will accomodate you. Additionally, the game has an inbuilt facility to download user created games from the net. Further you can also create you own maps if you wish to deign your own battles from history

The game also allows P v P.

Other negative features include the campaign mode being very basic and the extra cost imposed by the DLC. Finally mastering the battles and tactics as to which units charge and which units can evade is not well explained in the manual and is more a matter of trial and error.

The game probably won't appeal to everyone as the battle gameplay is less flowing than Total War. The battle gameplay however is more complex than Total War.

55 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
52927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 16:14
Great game overall. Very historical sound.
193 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 21:57
It´s alright, not the best strategy game, but fun for a few hours, then it gets stale quickly because the maps all look the same and there is no different strategy to apply, every battle will play the same.

484 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 03:15
I can not recommend it.

Ok, I was thought it is with a campaign map, similiar to other games of Slitherine or Paradox or Total War.
Ok, some battles, started Cesar in Gallia.

But what is going one here?

Roman Legion, have Pila but dont can throw it?

and back to game mechanics. sure, chess is better, as it is chess.
roman maniple formation is senseless - fight in line is here better.

(horse) Archers or Spear Throwers can not fire above one single unit against the enemy?!
when they are to used or how??? they are cannon fodder.

my cavalry runs automatically behind fleeing units and is sourrounded by enemies?!

30 years ago I can expect such game mechanics, or better when I played Joan of Arc or Sword of the Samurai

sorry alt+F4 and unsinstall .... and wasted some bucks (bought as offer)

Play Rome Attila if you like, you can use pause button if you need it slow like in round based.

better idea @ slitherine: use the panzer corps engine for such a game, thank you

additional, this is not a table top like game, it uses only the name. this here is a farce of a table top game. almost crap.

I dont can understand the positive feedback. this is rip-off!

the only positive point is the unit graphic
385 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
8544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 02:42
Fun tabletop wargame, easy and convenient multiplayer
470 Produkte im Account
276 Reviews
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 20:24
Let me tell you
About Carthage...
216 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 16:51
As an old-time miniatures wargamer -- you know, the little lead figurines you paint and base and move about an actual table with terrain pieces -- this game feels like a homecoming.

In essence, Field of Glory I and II are miniatures wargaming, ported to PC.

Taken as such, it's an elegantly-perfect specimen of its kind, even if it doesn't equate *visually* to that flashier genre of pure-PC battle games like Total War. FoG isn't meant to, and doesn't need to.
122 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 21:37
First time playing and im hooked,great game and its not as complicated as it looks,i recommend you get this and all its dlc at the sale,money well spent,this game feels a bit like tetris strangely enough, when you link up chains of charges and flanks,excellent stuff.
191 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 12:02
Get it. If you were brought up before computer games existed, having to research, paint and spend hours to set up figures, trees and hills etc on a table to play for a couple of hours before you had to put everything away again despite not knowing who has won yet but there is no time to finish and your family needs the table to eat from - get it, get it, get it. Switch on, play, switch off - what's not to like? Anyone born before computer games does't know how lucky they are. This game to me is an excellent computer war game I can play alone without the pain of having to mix with pedant nerds and pretend I like them. Get it.
230 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 05:25
Very engaging and intense battle simulator - miniatures gaming on screen. Huge variety of options - mainly did the historical battles myself as a 'lesson'. Turns out I am not a military genius...
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 21:15
AI very challenging and at Deity level solo play is well worth a go. I just managed to beat the AI in a tough match as Carthaginians at Battle of Bagradas 59 to 60, what a buzz when the AI gives you a hard fight. Excellent game engine. Simple to play but extremely deep to understand and win.
54 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 00:44
The rules of the game are wildly inconsistent. The most annoying example of this is that cavalry cannot turn 180 degrees and move during the same turn. However, if you charge a cavalry unit with your own, they are able to both turn around completely, and outrun your cav. This makes literally no sense, and it leads to situations where you unit is completely stuck because if you try to turn them around to return them to battle, they can't get away from the enemy unit, because they will end up being charged in the rear.
83 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
10408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 21:59
Where do I start with this game?

It is a pretty fun game, but it's also frustrating at the same time for a number of reasons. So don't take the thumbs up as excusing some of the flaws the game has. But I guess I'll just list off some of the pros and cons the game has.

Interesting gameplay that isn't the Total War battles, but is still fun and strategic.
The battles do have a sense of scale to them.

Pro Cons (good and bad things)
The random maps can some times give you a great map to play to your strengths, but other times it can completely screw you over at times.

WAY TOO MANY factions, which you can't even mix and match because of time periods.
Many of the factions should just be a single factions that represents a culture, with more unique things about them
There are no massed light units, which makes the using of terrain rather difficult.
The RNG in the fighting can be rather dumb at times.

But those are just the main things I've seen with the game.

It can be a lot fun, but it is rather dumb at times. And I wish that they'd have done a little more with some things at times and let you play as any factions against each other.
148 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 16:38
Bye bye Total War it was nice knowing you
224 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 02:43
They really need a 'Meh' choice as I would recommend this, but not give it a glowing review. But I would err on the side of not recommend for this one.

I enjoy tabletop and turn based games. I got really excited about this at first, but it really just faded away in the nth battle that was pretty much exactly the same thing. I don't know, it just got horribly repetitive. I mean, there's not much in actual game play here. It's like an unfinished game. There's no campaigns, just battles tied together loosely by a paragraph or two and the odd choice every other battle.

I don't want another Hearts of Iron that takes a month to learn and love only if you enjoy micromanagement, but it'd be nice to have a tiny amount of city/empire or army building. There's some good fun to be had, but it fell flat pretty quickly. Using flank attacks, trying to outmaneuver the enemy, etc. are all fun, but get old when it is the only thing to do every battle.

If there was something at stake maybe I'd enjoy it more? I don't know. After a while, I'm just moving models around a board for some....reason.

46 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
8185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 00:22
I you ever played tabletop Ancient Miniatures you should buy this immediately
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 17:38
Best simulation of a tabletop war game I have ever played.
167 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
9141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 22:46
Great game developed from a great set of table top wargame rules.
185 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 20:40
Great game! What else can I say? FoG II is one of the best adaptations of a tabletop war game to a digital medium produced thus far.
49 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 18:15
It took me a while to get into this game but I'm glad I stuck with it. It's evident simplicity hides multiple layers of depth that even now after 100 hours of game play I am still uncovering more of. Recommended if you like strategy games where you have to observe, analyse and execute. There's nothing more satisfying than pulling off a successful flank attack that you've been patiently building up over several turns.
95 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 23:20
I picked up FOG2 and some DLC for it in the Steam sale. It was one of those games that I wasn't sure if id like it or not but I took a chance and im so glad I did. After watching a few YouTube videos and learning how to play it I absolutely love this game. Im a Total war series veteran but this is where the real war gaming is. There is great satisfaction in getting your strategy right and winning battles. The Ai is really good and im finding it a real challenge. I played with toy soldiers when I was a boy ,those Airfix ones and this is like a huge tabletop toy soldiers battle. The units look fantastic and there are so many factions to play with. Just a fantastic game I highly recommend it.
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
88328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 09:55
A great alternative to 25mm wargaming, would love more campaigns.
34 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 07:20
Man this Game is so good it makes me angry... There is so much potential here but it was left on the table either because they don't have the money or they have no interest to change the game but seriously if this game merged into one game with Empires it would be best strategy game on the market. You get these great tactical battles, yet you have no story behind it. You don't need a campaign map the scale of Total War to have good campaign maps. You can make a simplistic map as long as it's creative and not just some drawing of an 8 year old.

Anyway, short story short, Great game, could have been amazing
111 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 18:01
Highly discouraged for any battle involving either Pike phalanx or Lancers.
Highly recommended for everything else, especially Biblical period armies.

Pike phalanxes, instead of being a solid wall that slowly yet one-sidedly killed and pushed whatever's in front of them (ofc on unbroken terrain), here they are rather bipolar shock troops that will crush classic phalanxes in a few turns but will crumble spectacularly against very cost-effective impact foot spam to a degree that you'll wonder why Jews and Galatians didn't conquer the Diadochis already.

Cavalry in general have hard time outmaneuvering reserve infantries+their Zone of Control rule but it is not that frustrating because costs are somewhat balanced.
However, for expensive lancers, this forced players to use them in a very ahistorical yet cost effective way as per the game rule; Currently, the most effective way of using lancers is to use them as unassailable roadblocks against elite enemy infantries.
This is simply absurd.

Generals providing flat +50 PoA buff makes sense when there is a very high quality difference between bodyguard retinues and run o the mill grunts (i.e. Biblical period where generals and kings bring a personal heavy chariot and then some more) but this feels somewhat absurd when Hellenes and Romans took the center stage because essentially, this means that generals cheering soldiers up will all of a sudden make an average joe a veteran unit.
Generals do provide important maneuverability buff to units inside the command radius but you'll find placing them mainly for that 50 PoA advantage rather than command radius effects.
123 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
52123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 00:58
Great game. You really need to think a couple of moves ahead of your opponent. Get a feel for timing so your key troop movements come together at the right time.
31 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
28820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 13:45
Wargamers, fans of Total war, strategy lovers. Probably the best board wargame computer version.
Deep but accessible. 80% strategy + 20% luck.
Loving it.
110 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
15935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 14:26
It's a solid tactical wargame. Among turn based ones available today I'd say it's among the best for what it sets out to do.

- Well grounded in historical research, perhaps the best game on the market in this regard.
- Can be played in small battles or huge ones.
- Great range of historical armies, the DLCs are worthwhile to expand the game experience.
- Actual playable multiplayer and an active community.
- Base game has a good selection of scenarios, linked scenario campaigns and sandbox battles. On top of that the community has created multiple extensive scenarios and campaigns which you can simply download for free from inside the game.

- Graphics are simple, but at least there's a nice spread of different troopers, shiled emblems and basic animations.
- Sounds are ok, but not inspiring. However the sound design does give information about what is going on.
- The RNG coupled with the combat results computation can sometimes be a bit swingy which can sometimes create frustration. This is more of a problem in smaller battles, where single combat turns and morale checks have a proportionally bigger effect. The best way to learn the game is through medium sized battles at a lower difficulty. You can then crank up the volume or try your hand at smal battle precision tactics.
- The rules are _dense_ with a lot going on under the hood and can be hard to understand even if you look at the manual, so if you're into something more casual this might be a point against it. It's not that the rules are bad or overly complex, but there's a lot of detail here. This might actually be aplus depending on how you look at it. :)

Overall it's a good game that I've spent many happy hours with.
234 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
8776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 05:39
One of my favorite strategy games. I'm eager for another installment that focuses from 1080 to 1500.
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 21:41
Good table top game to troll though history.
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
409394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 19:56
Wargaming at its best!
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
166515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 16:51
Great strategy & historical war game
20 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
202835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 12:06
Not quite as good as the older hexagonal grid version, but still a good game for ancients and medieval
198 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 19:18
A bit repetitive. Wait for 15e discount before buying.
300 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
21931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 01:05
Great game, historically accurate, subtle strategies that become evident as you play. Very addictive, but take some time to read the rules.
Love this with Field of Glory Empires, my desert island two games. This and empires in my all time hall of fame.
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
35204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 21:51
A pretty good attempt at replicating the feel of a tabletop wargame.
51 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
11613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 07:04
I enjoy the game. But the lack of direct multiplayer (since 2017) prevents me from recommending it.
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
86679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.20 18:41
Longtime Miniature Wargame fan here - this game is GREAT! Love the option to do battles in FOG2.
63 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 06:50
Awesome little historical TT simulator, a must for any ancient military enthusiast. Awesome rules and value!!
292 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 12:52
A very addictive game that I cannot stop playing. The mechanics in the game is so satisfying when you stop and think and correctly anticipates your opponents moves a turn or two ahead. Sneak in a flank or rear charge utilizing terrain, troop quality, troop type, capabilities, etc. Watch a few Youtube videos from Dastactics and do a little reading on the Slitherine forums (or manual) to get a your bearings on the mechanics.

To the best of their ability the dev. team of this game strives and continually updates this game for balance and historic authenticity army-wise. If you are looking for some cool scenarios that resembles historic armies and battles with a challenging AI then I highly recommend this game for you.
2240 Produkte im Account
149 Reviews
5417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 10:58
After near 90 hours of play i can't believe i haven't reviewed... Buy it! ( nothing else to say on the matter )
114 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
47368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 20:39
brilliant game for those who have back problems. i cant thank you enough for this type of game. with lead its enjoyable but when you see the dead the routers and the battles its brilliantly done
471 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 10:14
With a limited number of hours played, I can only give my first impressions here, but they are very positive.

This is the second Byzantine Games strategy title I've tried - I'm previously a big fan of their game Warhammer 40000: Sanctus Reach. Also I liked the idea of a different take on historical warfare from the one found in the Total War titles.

This game does indeed give a very different and fun system for commanding historical battles. The turn-based gameplay gives time to plan out battle tactics, but at the same time there are strong elements of randomness in the resolution of combat and in the morale/unit cohesion system. War and battles from the general's perspective are dominated by uncertainty and chance, and this is simulated very well by the system found in this game. It rewards forethought of the potential disasters that may occur, as well as prompt responses to the developments on the battlefield. Capitalizing on chance opportunities and heading off disasters early are a major part of playing the game well. This is one of the big points of challenge when learning to play.

The other aspect of the game is its deep and complex mechanical ruleset. This is the other major challenge for a new player. Unit stats, different unit types, terrain types, generals, movement costs, charge mechanics etc are all reasonable but fairly intricate to the point that they become unintuitive even to someone familiar with ancient battle tactics. So even if you know how a solid sarissa phalanx would fight and defeat roman legionaries in open ground, it isn't always obvious what moves you need to make in order to make this happen. The complex mechanics aim to simulate real battles as well as possible, but there is still a gap there that needs to be overcome through learning and trial-and-error. So it does lead to an ongoing process where You need to find out how to use each unit type properly, and how to counter each of the threats you might face. It's a translation from what you already know about tactics to how to actually implement those tactics in the game. This process did initially put me off from the game completely as I found the gap between mechanics and classical battles to be too wide and thought the mechanics were too complicated and too restrictive. But with some more persistence later on, I was able to get a better grip on it. And in the long term it is enjoyable to keep on learning new things even after the tenth battle with the same army list.

I will mention that the realism gap does run through most of the game - it only attempts to simulate history up to a certain point. I played the Julius Caesar campaign and found none of the seven battles to be anything like the historical fact apart from the general climate they were fought in and the enemy faction they were fought against. It is a shame they did not bother to recreate famous battles like Alesia or Pharsalus more closely. On the other hand I did appreciate that you get to keep most of your units throughout the whole campaign, retaining veterancy status. You also get to name your units, which is very cool for your veteran legionaries.

Summing up, I recommend this to players with interest in history and a more random and restrictive gameplay system than the real-time full control system in Total War.
47 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 00:52
This game gets better the more you play it. Now playing my third (or fourth?) campaign straight, this time as Byzantine's Basil II against the Fatimids, Roman rebels and Bulgarians in the late 10th Century, I'm having a blast. The battles are a joy: tense, thrilling see-sawing affairs. I lost my first battle against the Fatimids, but reinforcements and a reconsideration of my tactics and army composition swung the remaining battles against them in my favour, though not without many anxious moments and some good fortune.

The campaign itself is straightforward. No dealing with economics, agents and politics a la Total War. You just get a screen with a brief historical narrative and are given a stark choice or two on army composition for your next opponent. It may seem too light a morsel for those who hunger for more grand strategy campaign management and sandbox play. For me, a fan of Total War, the campaign has always been merely a context generator for the tactical battles. I don't miss it to be honest. The most recent historical TWs have increased player interaction on the campaign map with some admirable advances in politics, economics, recruitment, character management and diplomacy. However, I just want to fight! And it seems the battles have not kept up with the campaign side of things, so I have looked elsewhere to, well, fight!

The battles here in FoG II follow tabletop rules, which can be a little obscure, though you have an option to enable in-depth descriptions and stats if you really want to get into the numbers. That's not my cup of tea as I prefer more basic information like armoured vs unarmoured, average vs superior, rough terrain vs open terrain, that sort of thing. The turn based system allows you to plan and respond in your own time, so you can fight battles in whatever way suits your play style whether in a freewheeling, intuitive manner or as a logical number cruncher. This realisation changed everything for me.

It took a little time for me to adjust to this game. I am an impatient gamer with little time for arcane stats and careful consideration of all available data. I leave that stuff at work. I thought I needed to bring my numbers game to the table (heh) to enjoy this. But you can adjust the difficulty in the menu at any time in the campaign and play how you wish. I play at middling levels, which with my play style pushes me to my limits without it becoming a chore. Once I got the basics down, like the effects of terrain and unit cohesion for example, I was able to get into the battles a lot more.

I lose at least one battle in every campaign and have come awfully close to losing a few others. It's just enough to challenge me and keep me hooked without the frustration of regularly losing or the grind of a cheating AI necessary in some other games. For players who crunch the numbers, the higher difficulties should provide sterner tests.

I highly recommend this game.
92 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 02:24
Great game. Despite the tabletop esthetics it really makes you feel like commanding an ancient army. Some people say it's hard, but that wasn't my experience at all on the default difficulty. If you find it too hard, read the manual, turn on detailed tooltips, pay attention to the terrain and flank, flank, flank.
103 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
16504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 17:59
plays like DBM OR DBA lots of fun great game if you like Historical

126 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 18:59
very cool tactical simulation, with a ton of depth. Troop type, terrain and training are all built. I love it so far
88 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 23:01
Absolutely fun. Reminds me of my youth and playing table top ancient battles. I am playing it in conjunction with FOG:Empires and they go together so well. Its an immensely engrossing and time absorbing fun experience.
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
68001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 23:59
If you've ever wanted to play tabletop miniatures but don't have the time or money to buy, paint and collect tons of little soldiers, this game is every bit as good. The graphics are superb, the army lists are always expanding and the play is very similar (if not better). I have purchased all the current DLC's and just recently acquired FOG Empires. I have recently passed 1000 hours of playing (I'm retired) and have played every epic battle at least once. I am going through the army lists and experimenting with various tactics and strategies. I think I might be good for another thousand hours before I exhaust my options or need to take a break.
49 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.19 11:58
My first impression of Field of Glory II was nostalgia, this is table-top war-gaming. It reminded me of my youth, before PCs! We would meet once a week and fight a battle with our hand painted troops. FOGII has a large number of historical battles in-built and a large number of 'campaigns', a series of battles. Plus you can create a random battle or campaign. Plus the community is creating further battles and campaigns that you can download.

I am a fan of Total War, but one frustration is the large battlefield area, on more than one occasion in Shogun I have spent a long time just trying to find my opponent. FOGII does not have this problem, your opponent is right in front of you! There is a time limit of 24 turns but if you reach that then either the 2 armies are too equally matched, or your a lousy general.

One aspect may seem strange, and that is the square grid pattern, this is a minor issue, live with it! Another aspect to watch is facing, sometimes it is worth moving 1 square at a time to ensure that your units end up facing the right way and do not expose a flank to attack. At other times the risk is worth it, especially if you manage to rout one of your enemy units. Unit moral and experience is very important, I have had units attacked in the flank or rear and they have just turned around and beat the crap out of the attacker. Sure they suffered casualties and and an organisation hit, but they were victorious because they were veterans with high morale and for the attackers it was their first battle, but don't count on this saving you every time, even veteran troops can be worn down and routed.

There are 3 aspects of FOGII which makes this game good IMHO. Firstly the game makes it clear that different troops have different characteristics and you need to respect that. Secondly missile troops can be very effective, some games just append them because missile troops existed. However if they had not been effective in real life commanders would not have used them. Thirdly, and this is really important, flank and rear attacks can be devastating, it is in the manual and you need to be aware of it and use it!

An example will illustrate my points. I played a battle between the early Romans and and an Italian army, this was an exported battle from FOG:Empires. My force was about half Legionaries (I couldn't afford any more) and half missile troops, foot and horse, the Italian army was just heavy and medium infantry. The terrain allowed me to sit on a large hill with a wood covering the lower ground on my left and a small copse on my right. As it turned out a small, but high hill, in the middle in front of my position caused the battle to become 2 battles. I anchored my left on my hill which meant that the Italians would have to attack uphill or look at my troops looking down on them, and the large wood would slow down any possible outflanking manoeuvre. So the right half is where all the action happened, firstly I put a few heavy infantry units in the copse, which was a bad mistake because heavy infantry do not like being in woods. However their sacrifice held up the Italians long enough to allow for victory. From the outset it was clear the Italians had a majority in numbers. This actually turned out to be a disadvantage for them, because the terrain prevented them from committing more than half their troops at a time, the rest had to sit and wait. This is where my missile troops proved their worth; the manual states that concentrating 2+ missile units onto one enemy unit is better than spreading the fire around. I concentrated 4 missile units against the sides and rear of 1 infantry unit and after the first round it was disorganised, by the third round it had routed. It helped that my troops were veterans and the Italians raw recruits. By repeatedly using my missile troops in this way against the rear of the Italian troops and a few heavy infantry units attacking frontally, the Italian left flank collapsed, and victory was mine.

Let's be clear on one thing though, heavy/medium infantry will win the war but if used correctly a number of missile/auxiliary units can make a real difference in a battle, and remember to engage the enemy frontally whilst moving units around to attack them in the flank and rear.
405 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.19 03:00
This game is a worse version of the great battles series from the 90's. My main issue is that its downright insulting for a Roman era war sim to penalize defensive strategies and this does exactly that. There are no defensive bonuses whatsoever for hoplites / spearmen / pikemen when absorbing an enemy charge. Which means any army revolving around those sort of units and defensive play will get slaughtered by shock troops with a charge bonus (those troops also have their charge bonus applied if they are the ones BEING CHARGED which is incredibly stupid). Unless you are playing barbarian warbands or romans you aren't going to win. Period. The idea that this bills its self as being any degree of historically accurate is a joke.

Update: I refunded this game and bought that old great battles series (3 game bundle, great battles of Alexander, Caesar, and Hannibal) on GOG instead for like 4 bucks. Can confirm it wasn't nostalgia goggles. The 90's games are infinitely superior.
383 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
7380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.19 21:13
I bought this game two years ago, started a tutorial battle, found it based on the same engine as Battle Academy and Pike&Shot, decided before the battle was over, not for me. Didn't like the game engine because of the squares and mouse interface which I did not feel comfortable with. Too many other games to play, so I ignored this title.

My mistake. Here it is two years later and I got the Ancient itch, so reinstalled and forced myself to go through all three of the tutorial battles. I'm such a narrow minded fool sometimes, this game is OUTSTANDING!!! The gaming engine is perfect for Ancient battles, and the game system itself delivers an awesome experience.

No matter what your first impression of the game is, you have to complete several battles and you will be hooked. Strategy is you command your army to force match-ups based on terrain, unit types, flanking, etc. that help push the odds to your favor. Which means the law of averages are working for you. But there is no guarantee that you will win, bad luck will happen and you will find yourself crying in dismay as something unexpected happens. Usually I hate randomness, but here it is lifted to an art that is extremely satisfying. Generally, things work out as expected, but something always surprises you, either leaving you screaming or being elated.

I would have rated this game as negative if based on my first peripheral play with it. I didn't give it time. Now it has become the best game I've ever purchased on Steam, and I have a boat load of them. Retired and at 63, I'm very jaded with PC games. Rarely have I got this excited about a game. DLCs are fantastic with hopefully more to come, and with the strategy game Field of Glory: Empires released allowing you to use this gem of a game to play out the army battles, I'm simply blown away with what the developers/producers have given us.

I'll give it well deserved recommend!!!
42 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.19 10:33
It's not total war for graphics, but the necessary thinking is otherwise more interesting.
446 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.19 21:10
Greatest tabletop wargame on PC
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88.14% 446 60
Release:12.10.2017 Genre: Rundenstrategie Entwickler: Byzantine Games Vertrieb: Slitherine Ltd. Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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