In this new update, version 0.0.47, our main focus has been to polish the synergy system and introduce several new synergies between your party members. For those unfamiliar, synergies are passive and active skills triggered by meeting specific conditions between your party members; thus, each selection of which hero to recruit or skill to unlock and upgrade will trigger different synergies to enhance your gameplay.
Accessing Synergy Screen
In this version, you can access the synergy screen in-game by pressing the default [f] key on your keyboard or [select] if using a controller. The screen displays the list of synergies you've discovered or yet to, which are active, and their requirements if previously discovered, helping you decide on which gameplay build you’d like to push to. Additional information will be introduced in the next update.

Settings Screen & Key Bindings
We have reshaped the Setting screen a bit, and now you are able to configure and change your key bindings.

In the next update, we will focus on polishing and balancing existing content along with minor additions.
Change Log | Version 0.0.47
New Additions
- New settings screen design.
- Ability to change key bindings added.
- New synergies UI - Press F while in game to open.
- 9 new synergies for heroes (including new skills).
Level: Ruins Of Eldrida
- Enemy density rebalanced - overall increased the amount of monsters during the stage and reduced it in the last phase.
General Bug Fixes
- Rebalance for equipment drops.
- Hot key indicator added to the synergy counter in the HUD.
- Bug fixes in the inventory UI.
- Bug fix with the visuals of some attacks.
- Increased the size of the language drop-down window.
We continue to welcome your feedback as we refine and enhance Fellowship experience. Stay tuned for more updates!