• Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.
  • Farmer's Dynasty: Screen zum Spiel Farmer's Dynasty.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 14.12.2017
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Preis Update 13.01.25

Über das Spiel

FARMER‘S DYNASTY: RISE OF A DYNASTY bietet eine komplett neue Spielerfahrung durch die Kombination einer Lebenssimulation mit Rollenspielaspekten und einer klassischen Landwirtschaftssimulation.

Erinnerst du dich an die gute alte Zeit, als du deinen Großvater auf dem Bauernhof besucht hast? Nun bist du zurück auf deiner Farm. Die letzten Jahre hast du intensiv in der Großstadt gearbeitet, aber die guten alten Zeiten auf der Farm konntest du nie vergessen. Der Traum lebte immer in dir: Großvaters Farm wieder aufzubauen und deine eigene Dynastie zu gründen – lass den Traum Wirklichkeit werden!

  • Ein einzigartiger Mix aus Landwirtschafts-, Bau- und Lebenssimulation
  • Repariere, renoviere und erweitere deine Farm
  • Interagiere mit der umfangreichen offenen Welt und sammle Sozialpunkte
  • Erledige anspruchsvolle Quests in deinem Umfeld
  • Übernimm das Steuer von landwirtschaftlichen Maschinen und Traktoren


  • CPU: Intel Core2Duo / AMD X2, min. 2.2 GHz
  • GFX: DirectX 11 compatible GPU, min. 1.5GB dedicated VRAM (AMD Radeon HD 7000 series / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 500 series)
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, 10
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
  • CPU: Intel i5 / AMD X4, min. 2.8 GHz
  • GFX: DirectX 11 compatible GPU, min. 2GB dedicated VRAM (AMD R9 300 series / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 900 series)
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1741 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 12:34
crashes permanently
184 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 06:27
Ich wollte bereits nach einer Minute ein negatives Review schreiben, musste aber leider weitere 10 Minuten in diesem Spiel vergeuden, nur um euch die Zeit ersparen zu können.
Deshalb: Kauft es nicht. Unfertiger geht es nicht mehr. Wenn ich mich einen Tag hinsetzen und ein Spiel programmieren würde, sähe es wohl sehr ähnlich aus, wobei ich wenigstens hochwertige Assets verwenden würde...
262 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
3885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 08:46
Macht Spaß und bietet im Gegenzug zum LWS22 mehr Abwechslung. Ja Grafik ist bei den ganzen Farm Simulatoren so eine sparte für sich.
Farmer Dynasty macht aber deutlich mehr Spaß als LWS22.
97 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 11:07
Unfortunately feels like abandoned in the development process (little content in the game)
679 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
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8540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 14:59
Farmer´S Dynasty

Ist an sich eine Klasse Idee, dass man einen Landwirtschaftssimulator mit Story hat. Leider geht der Geschichte zu schnell der Gar aus sodass es sich zieht wie Kaugummi. Die Missionen sind auch immer das Gleiche, wie auch die Dialoge. Knallhart gesagt wer Langeweile hat und das Spiel irgendwo unter 5 Euro bekommt, kann sich die Zeit etwas vertreiben. Dennoch erwartet nicht zu viel, daher gibt es von mir leider keinen Daumen hoch. Dafür hätte mehr Tiefe im Game sein müssen. Potenzial war gegeben, aber das wurde nicht genutzt (Schade).
297 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
3069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 21:30
Ein schönes und ruhiges Spiel, bei dem man richtig runterkommen und entspannen kann und dabei sogar noch etwas über Landwirtschaft lernt.

Kann ich nur empfehlen
159 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 08:33
Farmer´s Dynasty verdient den Namen nicht, den es ist eher eine Farm Simulation. Man kann zwar heiraten und zwei unförmige, fast stumme Kinder bekommen, aber von einer Dynastie ist man weit entfernt.

- offene Karte mit einer Stadt, Dörfern, kleinen Bauernhöfen und Seen
- grafische Verbesserungen in der Beleuchtung und Effekten
- gute Start-Missionen für die ersten 10 h
- kleines Handelssystem mit Festivalmarkt, Bauernläden, Agrarmarkt und Einzelhändlern
- mittelgroßer Fuhrpark mit 4 Fahrzeughändlern
- simuliertes, farbenfrohes Wachstum der Feldfrüchte über Frühling, Sommer und Herbst
- Obstwiesen mit Apfelbäumen, Sammel von Pilzen und Beeren
- Viehhaltung mit Hühnern, kleinem Kuhstall, Enten und Gänse in der Scheune
- Renovieren und Bauarbeiten an Gebäuden möglich (Baumarkt mit Farben und Material)
- kleine Rollenspielelemente mit begrenzten Dialogen der vielen NPCs
- Heiraten und Kinder bekommen
- Angeln und verschiedene Drohnenrennen
- versteckte Schatzkisten
- Hund und Katze
- unterschiedliche Kochrezepte aus 3 verschiedenen Kochbüchern
- Schnellreise über Bushaltestellen oder Fahrzeuge
- Bienenstöcke mit Honigernte

- in der Luft hängende Bäume und Sträucher in einer teilweise kantigen Geländeoberfläche
- verbuggte Scheunentore und nicht ausschaltbare Lichtschalter
- deplazierte Hauselemente und Gegenstände
- in der Luft hängende Schienen und der Zug wurde aus Unfähigkeit aus dem Spiel genommen
- Bahnhöfe werden als öffentliche Orte mit Leuten angepriesen sind aber menschenleer
- die zweite kleine Stadt ist komplett menschenleer
- teilweise verbuggte Gewächshäuser mit sich auflösender Ernte
- Wegfindung der Fahrzeuge ist grauenhaft, sehr schlampig gesetzte Pfade mit üblen Unfällen an den Kreuzungen
- nerviger Soundbug bei den Motorgeräuschen der Fahrzeuge
- Plazierung der NPC in Hauswänden, in Tischen oder in einem anderen NPC
- NPC stecken in der Landschaft fest und bewegen sich über Monate nicht mehr, sehr ärgerlich wenn man sie treffen und suchen muss
- absolut langweiliges, sich ewig wiederholende Hol-und Bringmissionen, nur 3 Typen
- die Hühnerhaltung ist verbuggt, nach 2 Updates ist der Eierzählbug immer noch nicht behoben
- der Hahn hat keine eigene Stimme obwohl es im Trailer so dargestellt wird
- der Storch hat zwar eine schöne Animation kann aber nicht Klappern - kein Sound
- die Enten, Gänse und Tauben sind absolut still - Tauben völlig sinnlos da man sie fast nicht sieht und ja auch nicht hört!
- Bushaltestellen teilweise sinnfrei plaziert - der Eindruck das die Karte nie fertiggestellt wurde verdichtet sich
- es gibt auch keine Busse
- aufgezwungenes Kartoffel- und Rübensilo obwohl man das DLC nicht gekauft hat - das gehört in das DLC, wenn man es kauft, sehr viele Spielerbeschwerden, da teuer gekaufte Maschinen unwiederbringlich weg waren
- bitte nie alle Büsche auf dem Hof absägen, es entstehen hässliche LOD -Texturen dafür, sie gehen nie wieder weg und verschandeln den Hof - lasst die Natur da!
- die Karte wirkt unfertig, nur eine Tür der 4 Fahrzeughändler öffnet sich, leere Bereiche, leere Kuhställe
- als Kunstgriff um sich die Wintertexturen zu sparen gibt es keinen Winter und man springt vom September in den April
- sehr begrenzte, teilweise unfreiwillig komische Dialoge der NPCs - es gibt keine Miranda - LOL (da hätte man mehr Liebe und Aufmerksamkeit entwickeln können)

Ich spiele seit fast 460 h und mag das Spiel. Dennoch bekommt es eine negative Bewertung aufgrund der Ignoranz die über Jahre hinweg bekannten Fehler zu beheben und die Spieler mit einer oberflächlich hübschen Spielatmosphäre zum Kauf zu verleiten. Es ist den Preis von 29,99 € absolut nicht wert. Bei Bewusstsein der Schwächen und Stärken kann man es sich im Sale für knapp 15 € gönnen. Es hat sehr viel Potential, wenn man es nützen würde. Das Spiel ist aber angeblich fertig, bekommt keine DLC mit potentieller Schafzucht oder mehr Missionen. Man wartet auch vergeblich auf einen Bugfix.
Konsolenspieler wurden noch stärker benachteiligt, das sie für mehr Geld ein viel schlechtere und unvollständiges Spiel erhalten haben als PC-Spieler.

Ich kann das Spiel nur sehr bedingt empfehlen und nach Behebung der Fehler auch eine bessere Bewertung hinterlassen.
Schaut euch Let´s Plays auf YT an bevor ihr die Katze im Sack kauft :)!
24 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 12:38
ich hab langsam keine lust mehr. das spiel ist mir jetzt das zweite mal abgestürzt und die fortschritte natürlich weg. und das raubt die lust. jetzt kann ich meine felder wieder von vorn machen und das ist mit den vom spiel am anfang gegebenen maschinen echt lahm. sehr schade
- nein an meinem PC liegt es nicht. farmers dynasty ist das erste und einzige spiel das mir bis dato abgestürzt ist und ich habe wesentlich anspruchsvollere spiele installiert. vielleicht stolltet ihr mal an der stabilität ggf automatischem speichern arbeiten statt schon wieder ein neues projekt zu beginnen
57 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 10:41
Das Spiel spielt sich noch immer wie ein Early Acces.

Clipping an allen Ecken und Enden (selbst die Ränder der Straßen flackern unaufhörlich),
fehlende Tiefe der Hofarbeit(Warum kann ich keine Tiere züchten, füttern oder Pflegen???),
die komplette Überflüssigkeit der Hoftiere (die den ganzen Tag Kopfwackelnd an der selben stelle hocken und teils nichteinmal ton haben),
die komplett leeren Farmen und Läden,
die schlecht Synchronisierten Dialoge (das ist unter Morrowind Niveau),
die unterirdische Steuerung der Traktoren,
das schlechte Balancing des Wirtschaftssystem
und noch viele weitere Bugs, Macken und unfertige Elemente.
Selbst die interaktionen mit den NPCs sind einfach nur unangenehm.

Für 10€ vielleicht, aber das spiel ist keine 30€ Wert!
Warum werden kostenpflichtige DLCs rausgehauen, bevor das Spiel eigentlich fertig ist?
9 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 22:09
sehr gut kaput
103 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 19:47
Dieses Spiel ist leider seinen vollen Preis nicht wert. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt kann ich dieses Spiel nicht empfehlen. Die Dialoge in Deutsch sind alle die gleichen, es fehlt an Detail und Charakter. Es wirkt leider sehr lieblos. Wenn man auch ein tiefgründiges RPG abzielt ist das leider am Ziel vorbei. Die Animation der Personen ist immer gleich. Es wird nur sehr sporadisch bis gar nicht erklärt wie man Dinge machen muss Es wirkt leider als ob das Team an allen Ecken und Enden gespart hat und das Spiel einfach veröffentlich hat. Schade. Abwarten was die Zukunft bringt.
79 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 19:21
Ich kann dieses Spiel leider nicht empfehlen. Plastische Grafik, Langweilige NPC-interaktionen, unrundes Spielgefühl.
Für mein empfinden ist man hier an seinen eigenen Ansprüchen etwas verzweifelt. Das Spiel hat gute Ansätze, die (noch) nicht komplett umgesetzt sind/wurden.

Das kann Toplitz doch besser oder? (blickt zu Medieval Dynasty)
75 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 15:14
Ich finde Idee, die Umsetzung und das ganze Spielprinzip einfach cool. Es ist mal etwas anderes, etwas ruhiges und etwas zum Abschalten. Ich mag die Ego-Perspektive und das Gameplay. Ich kann es einfach nur jedem weiter empfehlen, der solche ruhigen Lebensimulatoren mag. Mir gefällt das Spiel jedenfalls sehr !!!
32 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 14:53
- NPC´s Dialoge fast immer gleich.
- Tätigkeiten ebenfalls immer gleich und dauern ewig.
- Schlecht erklärte oder nicht vorhandene Tutorials
- keine Minimap
- Super langsame Fortbewegung
- Außer daran wie man mit Mühe einen Acker bearbeitet, hat das Game keine Tiefe. z,B. Honig Sammeln - Es dropt einfach ein Glas Honig. Keine kaltschleuder , Ausrüstung oder andere Geräte. Ähnlich wie bei den wenigen Tieren. keine Fütterung nötig oder ausmisten, oder Trinknäpfe etc.
- Nach 15 Std. Fazit ultra Langweilig. Da haben andere Simulationen deutlich mehr zu bieten.

415 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 19:59
Das Spiel macht mir sehr viel Spaß, durch die gegen Fahren... Leuten helfen und dafür Ausrüstung kriegen oder Geld und Sozialpunkte. Oder einfach mal auf die Suche nach den Schatzkisten machen. Man muss schon etwas Zeit einplanen, wenn man am anderen Ende der Map einen Anhänger bekommt und man mit dem 23Kmh Start Trecker dahin gurken muss... aber es macht trotzdem Spaß.

Grafisch ist das Spiel nicht der Hammer aber für das Spiel an sich reicht es...

Es funktionier soweit alles...

PS: ist die Karre mal Stuck... man kann einen Abschlepper rufen ^^

70 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 12:09
Oh Gott, wie schrecklich ist das denn bitte?
Erinnert mich stark an die ganzen billigen Pferdespiele :(

Ich liebe den LS19 und dachte, dass man sich da mehr abgeguckt hat, als nur die Steuerung, aber dem ist nicht so.
Erwartet hatte ich nette Interaktionen mit Dorfbewohnern, meine Farm, die ich nach und nach aufbaue und eben eine richtige Dynastie aufbaue, aber weit gefehlt.
Die Synchro ist billig, genau wie die Animationen.
Die Steuerung ist grottig und absolut nicht zeitgemäß.

Man kann nichtmal zwischen den Geschlechtern wählen oder seine Figur anpassen.
Alles in allem also ein wirklich armseliges Spiel, was auch noch in den Augen wehtut.
84 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 10:09
Gutes Spiel für zwischendurch,fühlt sich an wie eine mischung aus Sims und Farming Simulator. Leider lassen die updates etwas auf sich warten
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 09:59
Finde es intressantes Farmer spiel
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 09:49
Mir hat Farmers Dynasty gut gefallen, habe es vorallem vorher bei nem Freund gespielt und die Möglichkeiten, die Fahrzeuge/Aufsätze durch Quests zu erhalten sind schon toll.
Das reparieren dauert etwas (was bei Reparaturen ja normal sind), wenn man dann jedoch das Endergebnis seiner Arbeit sieht, ists den Aufwand auf jedenfall wert.
Dass es neben Landwirtschaft und Reparaturen auch Minigames wie Pilze-Sammeln und Drohnen-Rennen sowie die Interaktionen mit den Bewohnern gibt, macht es auch schön abwechslungsreich.
Kann es nur jedem Empfehlen, der solche Art von Simulationen mag :)
76 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 10:05
Hallo, ja mir gefällt das Spielprinzip sehr gut. Währe noch super wenn es einen Multiplayer geben würde.
292 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 11:11
Hallo zusammen,

vorweg: Ich bin kein LWS-Spieler oder sonst irgendwas. Ich hab also keinen Vergleich zu anderen Produkten dieser Art.
Gleichzeitig ist damit aber auch schon der Rahmen für dieses Spiel abgedeckt. Es handelt sich eben um einen Farmsimulator, der nach eigenen Angaben den Fokus mehr auf den sozialen Aspekt legt und eine erhöhte Interaktion mit den Bewohnern der Spielwelt ermöglichen will.
Man startet in einem zerfallenen und verlassenen Bauernhof, den man erst einmal selbst wieder herrichten muss. Das geschieht indem man lange die Maus gedrückt hält. Und das sehr oft. Das ist zumindest noch beim eigenen Bauernhof ganz spassig, weil man auch was davon hat, wenn der Stall keine Löcher mehr im Dach hat o.ä.
Aber um seinen ersten Fuhrpark zusammen zubekommen (Traktor, Mähdrescher, Anhänger etc.) ist es notwendig, eine Vielzahl an langweiligen Aufträgen (riesige Felder grubbern, Häuser reparieren) zu erledigen für die man dann belohnt wird.
So kann man dann irgendwann sein bereits vorhandenes erntebereites Feld abernten und die Ernte entweder einlagern oder an verschiedenen Orten verkaufen. Zwar ist es möglich direkt die Wintersaat einzupflanzen, aber was dazu zählt und wann man das am besten macht - keine Ahnung.
Ansonsten verdient man Unsummen damit bei den Bewohnern und in Gewächshäusern Gemüse wie Paprika, Tomaten(!!!) oder Sonstiges zu besorgen, das kann man dann verarbeiten und für noch viel mehr Geld verkaufen. Vor allem, wenn im Herbst der Spezialmarkt ist und man einen Bonus auf Verkäufe gibt.
Oder man kauft sich eigene Tiere wie Kühe und Hühner und sammelt jeden Tag die Eier und die Milch und kann die dann ebenfalls verarbeiten und für viel Geld verkaufen.
Es gibt kleine Minispiele wie Pilze sammeln oder Drohnenflug, aber die sind auch eher wenig spaßig.
Den Sozialaspekt im Spiel fand ich wahnsinnig ätzend, weil die Gespräche einfach so schlecht sind, dass sie keinen Spaß machen. Wenn man es aber schafft und eine Frau lang genug anquatscht (wohl so jeden Tag ein halbes Jahr lang) dann kann man sie auch heiraten und sie hilft auf dem eigenen Bauernhof. Man soll auch Kinder bekommen können....

Aber so weit hab ich es nicht gespielt.
Ansonsten stört mich die Informationspolitik der Entwickler und dass gefühlt nicht auf Bugreports eingegangen wird und es lange Zeit keine Updates gab und gibt, weil lieber parallel an einem anderen Produkt entwickelt wird. Stattdessen wird nun aus dem Nichts ein DLC angekündigt. Dabei hab ich gerne absurde Sachen getestet und Bugs gemeldet, aber wenn man das Gefühl hat, es bringt überhaupt nichts, dann kann ich es auch sein lassen.

Dennoch muss ich sagen, die 40 Stunden, die ich gespielt habe, hatte ich schon irgendwie Spaß. Aber das lag bei mir eher dran, dass ich gerne Sachen ausprobiert habe. Wenn jemand auf Bauernhofspiele steht und vielleicht auch mit dem LWS Spaß hat, kann das vielleicht ein spannender Kauf sein. Ich würde es aber aufgrund des Entwicklerverhaltens nicht empfehlen.
27 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 11:03
hammer spiel finde es besser als Farming Simulator 19 da mann alles selbst aufbauen muss von klein auf alles reparieren muss um sich auch was zu verdienen
241 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.19 01:28
Im Juli 2019 drei Seiten an verschiedensten Problemen und Bugs zurückgemeldet.
Auf diese Rückmeldungen nur wenig verständnisvolle sondern eher ablehnende Antworten vom Entwickler erhalten.
Jetzt, Anfang Dezember 2019 keinen einzigen der Bugs abgestellt.

Aber Hauptsache Version 1.0 rausgedrückt.....
199 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.19 18:08
Hallo, leider kann ich das Spiel nicht wirklich empfehlen. Spiele gerne Farmspiele und habe z.b. beim LS17 knapp 1000 Stunden auf der Uhr. Die Grundidee hinter Farmer´s Dynasty ist SUPER, oft genug habe ich mir solche und ähnliche Features beim LS gewünscht, aber es ist einfach mies umgesetzt. Das Gefühl, den kleinen Hof zu erben, instandzusetzen, sich damit zu identifizieren ist vorhanden und sehr gut, nur reicht das?

Von gelegentlichen Bugs (Trecker versinkt im Boden, auf einmal Bäume auf dem Feld ect.) mal abgesehen, was echt gar nicht geht sind die NPC´s. So cool die Interkation und die Idee dahinter ist, wenn die NPC´s total sinnlos in Grüppchen irgendwo in der Pampa oder auf dem Markplatz stehen, erinnert das eher an Walking Dead als an Bewohner. Die Dialoge sind auch erbärmlich, da kommt bei mir keine Motivation auf mich näher mit diesen auf hipp getrimmten Zombies zu beschäftigen.

Auch wenn ich noch nicht so viele Stunden habe, habe ich schon recht viel Zeit auch auf der PS4 zugeschaut. Ich habe die Wahl, weiterzuzocken, nach und nach meinen Hof aufzuwerten (was auch Spass macht keine Frage) oder einzusehen, dass das im Grunde nichts ändert. Bin ich damit fertig, sehe ich da einfach keinen Sinn mehr drin, der landwirtschaftliche Aspekt (Maschinen, Hof erweitern, Wetter ect. ) ist bei anderen Spielen besser umgesetzt. Ob ich da jetzt noch 20-30 Stunden versenke bis alles fertig ist oder nicht, die Langeweile auf dieser Map ist absehbar.

Daher ziehe ich die Notbremse, vielleicht mal auf Updates warten, aber so wie es sich jetzt präsentiert fehlt da m.E. nach einfach die Motivation und zeitgemäße Umsetzung.

P.S. Wie ich sehe ist schon das nächste Spiel angekündigt, Lumberjack´s Dynasty. Was natürlich schon eine echte Dreistigkeit darstellt, nachdem das Spiel nach wie vor übel verbuggt ist, auf der PS4 (für 50 EUR!) sogar unspielbar. Wie wäre es zuerst mal dafür zu sorgen das zahlende Kunden das Produkt nutzen können?
446 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.19 19:45
Farmer's Dynasty ist ein schönes kleines Spiel. Ich habe es schon vor über 1 Jahr gekauft, als es noch im in der Beta war, mittlerweile gibt es die Finale Version.
Ob es nun die 30 Euro wert ist? Das muss jeder für sich entscheiden, ich hatte es für weniger Geld gekauft und bis zufrieden mit dem Spiel.
Er nun eine reine (vollwertige) Landwirtschaft-Simulation erwartet, der sollte sich besser bei ähnliche Produkte umschauen, denn die Erwartungen kann Farmer's Dynasty nicht erfüllen, will es auch nicht.
Farmer's Dynasty ist grundsätzlich ein Landwirtschaft Spiel, nur liegt der Hauptaugenmerk nicht auf das Nachbilden einer so genau wie mögliche Simulation. Auch merkt man dem Titel an, der Entwickler hatte nicht so viel Geld für die Entwicklung. Auch ist es ja ihr Erstlingswerk.
Farmer's Dynasty hat sich über die letzten zwei Jahre trotzdem gemausert und ist jetzt in einem Kaufbaren Zustand. Trotzdem eine Einschränkung, immer noch hat das Spiel Fehler und auch Design Schwächen. Mal schauen wie das nächste Werk vom Entwickler wird, ob sie aus ihren Fehler lernen werden?

In Farmer's Dynasty spielt man einen Charakter der einen runtergekommenen Hof geerbt hat. Der Hof hat keine Tiere, die Gebäude sind im schlechten Zustand, man hat kein Vieh und auch einen Pickup keinerlei Fahrzeuge und Geräte.
Die ersten Schritte im Spiel sollte das Umschauen und Besuchen der Nachbarschaft sein. Man findet bei den Nachbarn so manche Aufgaben (Missionen), wenn man der Nachbarschaft zur Hand geht, bekommt man kleine Belohnungen, zb Fahrzeuge. Auch steigert sich durch die von uns erbrachten Hilfsdienste das Verhältnis zu den Nachbarn und das hilft auch uns selber.

Das kann Farmer's Dynasty
Man kann Felder bewirtschaften, auch Tiere hast es zu verpflegen. Dann gibt es einen wichtigen Part und zwar das Handwerken. Ja, in Farmer's Dynasty muss man auch ein Handwerker sein, man muss selber die Gebäude Instand setzen. So kann man auch in begrenzten Umfang seinen Hof gestalten.
Es gibt Jahreszeiten, auch gutes und schlechtes Wetter.
Dann geht es auch noch um Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen, man kann so gar eine Familie gründen.
So gesehen ist Farmer's Dynasty eine Mischung zwischen House Flippers und dem Landwirtschaft Simulator.

Das kann Farmer's Dynasty nicht
Es ist keine Umfangreiche Simulation, alleine schon aus dem Grund das der verfügbare Fahrzeug- und Gerätepark sind eingeschränkt ist. Man bekommt einen Pickup, einen Kleinlaster, zwei Mähdrescher und um 5 Traktoren mit einigen Gerätschaften.
Schon daran sieht man das es keine Simulation ist und auch wohl nicht sein will, der Entwickler ging anders an sein Spiel ran und mit anderem Schwerpunkt. Was das Spiel nun nicht schlecht macht, nur halt anderes als man von einer Simulation erwartet.
Auch gibt es keinen Multiplayer, gerade dafür würde sich Farmer's Dynasty anbieten, nur hatte der Entwickler scheinbar dafür nicht das nötige Geld.

Würde ich Farmer's Dynasty heute erneut kaufen?
Ja, ich würde es wieder kaufen, denn ich habe bisher über 50 Stunden meinen Spaß gehabt.
Auch wenn mich nicht alles begeistert hat was Farmer's Dynasty bietet, ist es trotzdem ein gutes Spiel.
Grafik: 4 von 5 Punkte
Sound: 3 von 5 Punkte
Umsetzung: 4 von 5 Punkte
Inhalt: 3 von 5 Punkte
Fun: 5 von 5 Punkte (weil es mich die gesamte Spielzeit gut unterhalten hatte)

Gesamt Ergebnis: 4 von 5 Punkte (für Simulations Spieler dieses Ergebnis 2 von 5 Punkte)
217 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
18308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.19 09:04
Wer Landwirtschaft mag und Simulatoren spielt, kommt hier voll auf seine Kosten.Neben den üblichen Aufgaben eines Farmers hat man hier vieles anderes zu tun.Absolute Empfehlung und Daumen hoch
291 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.19 06:41
Ich hab bisher ca. 23 Spielstunden und habe es erst vor kurzem gekauft. Mir macht das Spiel großen Spaß. Ich bin ein Fan von Farmsimulationen, und spiele auch den LS gern. Auch wenn es hier sicher auch einige Macken gibt, gefällt mir gut, dass es doch so etwas wie eine Story gibt und nicht nur stumpf Felder bebauen und ernten um Geld zu verdienen. Ich hoffe das die Auswahl an Tieren noch größer wird.
623 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
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716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 02:26
Imagine a game that takes all the charm and creativity from things like My Time at Portia or House Flipper or Stardew Valley, and sucks all the nice things out of those games and them smashes the rest of the boring and tedious leftovers together and then explains NOTHING to the player and has a UI that is just plain bad. If you can successfully imagine all of those things at once, then you've already played this game.

The entire time I spent playing this game was spent waiting for it to get good or making me think of other games I'd rather play. This is not a good game.
186 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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3113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 18:08
This is a game is a unfinished buggy mess. Not to say you could not have fun with it, but just dont pay money for it. If you get it on a bundle or MAJORLY discounted, then go for it. You can have good time, and it has lot's of good ideas. But the start is super boring and repeating. Also, the graphics are quite bad most of the time, bugs will frustrate you, gameplay design will infuriate you, and since this game seems abandoned by the developer, fixes are not coming.

And, they have the darn manual, sorry official guide, as a 10€ DLC...
630 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
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756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 13:21
1st im not going to waste any more time on this game.

The game is Broken and the Devs will yell at you for pointing out a issue.

Not a friendly community here. And ZERO Updates, The game is abandon.

Last update was July 23 2020.

And as i said. Im not here to waste any more of my time or my $$$ on your game.

P.S when your community ask if we can fix some key binds. you dont go off being rude yelling at them, How your Busy making new games and you been sick.

Im done with my Review here.

This game is a 2/10

More with my You Tube Review next.
1124 Produkte im Account
176 Reviews
4302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 13:56
famersonly dotcom the game
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 03:04
I just got started with this game tonight and it's already crashed three separate times.
190 Produkte im Account
193 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 20:34
Tractor goes vroom

but frames goes kersplat

I'm unironically on the fence here.
411 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 00:06
I got this in a bundle. I thought this would be a rather neat game, but really- how did this ever get to DLC status? This game could be so good and yet it falls short. I loved the idea of having to fix up your ranch until really its just point and click and materials needed doesn't seem to matter at all. Its boring. Then there are supposed to be quests around the map except everyone is so annoyed and busy that they don't want to bother talking to you. You get a tractor but not told what to do with it. Its just very lacking, unfinished feeling and not rewarding.
277 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 18:15
I will try to be a brief as possible. This game has alot of pro's in that you have complete control of a farm and all it's aspects and i love that part if the game but the amount of effort and work you put into it 3 to 4 hours at least for your starter two fields just to get them up to harvesting is fine i play alot of fs 22 so used to that but unlike fs 22 there is no payoff for the amount you get with both your fields and other produce 500 a day then in two weeks game time only get 5 to 8k is bullshit for the mount of work you need to be put in. My other gripe is the 3 hours it takes to get your starting equipment if it was a tutorial that would be fine but it's not most of it is repairing buildings then when you get the seeder you have to plow over 2 f...... hectares which is bullshit so in the current state it is i cannot in good conscience reccomend this game wait for a deep sale.
61 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 18:19
Performance is absolutely horrendous. I can't even hit more than 1 frame every 2 seconds on min settings. Couldn't get past the first 2 minutes of the game (the 6.9 hours of playtime is from ArchiSteamFarm).
140 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
2227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 01:44
Very nice mix of farming and life simulation, If you like harvest moon or stardew valley you will also like this one. Would say that its even better than the Farming Simulator itself because of those RPG mechanics. Nice job!
479 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 20:25
Nice weather we are having aint it ...

Farmers sim but only having a single farm loop
Social sim but could only be borthered to make 4 interactions
mini quests but only made 4 types
Financial aspect is just a grind without any real reasoning for doing it.

I want to like the game i really do. but 14 hours in and there have been pretty much nothing to keep me.

Dialogs are boring
Bugs are common
interaction menues are missing.
instead of building deeper history or reason to earn money everything is just articially slow.

But worst of all is the game can't decide what it wants to be.
Do i wake up daily to feed my cat and milk my cows. or do i sleep 3 weeks and wait for my farms to grow (and somehow this is not effecting any of the day to day ... how are my chickens not dying of starvation).
Do i go around talking with the boring citizens and do shitty tasks, like ive actually been using my nail gun more than farming 14 hours in.
I am not sure what this game wants to be. but fun or interesting is not the answer.

its sad cause there is something here that could have been build into a meaningful game i could keep playing but no.
85 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 19:24
The game looks pretty bad. Even after setting to the best quality (at 1080p), the textures look too bland, low-res (720p or something), and blurry for a game released in 2019. The characters also look bad and the animations are pretty weird. Checked some YouTube videos to make sure it is not a system specific problem and they look as bad as mine. Also, you have to buy a separate DLC just to plant potatoes and beets(wtf?) and they remind you about the DLCs every time you try to quit the game. Not sure how the overall game-play is since I haven't played much (because it is painful to look at, let alone play it). The game looks like a 2010 game set at 720p. Now, I have to idle through this to get the trading cards :(. Fortunately, I got this bundled with the last month's humble choice bundle and that bundle had some other good games. So, if you are planning to get just this, I would suggest you to look for another farming sim which has a better visual quality.
495 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
5116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 03:06
It's hard for me to decide if I would recommend this game or not, even though it's obvious that I did play it for a long time. Here are my final thoughts after completing the game:

I liked the game overall, it was fun to plow, cultivate, sow, the whole nine yards. However, it is a very big grind to get enough money to upgrade your machinery. Due to the large amount of time it took for me to finally get the money, I was pretty burned out and didn't feel like playing anymore since a good 80 hours was spent me doing everything the hard way. I wish that the developers would have gave us an option to rent the better machinery, that way I could have enjoyed them from the very beginning. I think burn out would have still happened, but as it stands right now, I feel like it would have been more enjoyable if we were given that option.

I can understand the cost of things, but it just needs a little more balance. Overall, good game to watch a show to if you enjoy spending your time plowing fields. My wife could have been hotter, too. Very weird models.
98 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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3825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 19:05
I quit play all farming game, like this game when you need too buy DLC for Potatoes & Beets or Machines pack.Its farming game WTF, that need too bee in game in the first place from the beginning...
38 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 04:12
734 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
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357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 21:40
Some decent gameplay, but the technology is absolutely awful.

This game could have come out in the mid 2000s, and people would have criticized it for outdated graphics.

Everything is so blocky, and the way characters move and talk is super unrealistic.

Maybe for $10 this would be an ok purchase, but demanding $30 for this game is absurd.
26 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 20:08
Put f*caking autosave on this game, 6 hours of playing gone
366 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 22:13
game tells you almost nothing and expect you to just somehow know everything...
felt too random, too tedious, everything that got me stuck had me going to google, gave up
105 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
2362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 03:17
probably the most interesting farming game ive seen so far
129 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
1418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 15:39
Yes this game is great fun. And challenging. There's a lot to do and lots of choices as to what to focus on first. My only problem is that i have to save often as the game has crashed several times and i have lost some progress which was frustrating. Don't know how to fix that issue.
75 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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4086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 08:47
I love the idea behind this game. it saddens me to not be able to recommend this this game.

It has a feel good story and the graphics are nice. The tools and equipment in the game are fun to work with.

Here is where the problem starts. The story just abruptly stops once you get married and there is nothing else but the constant grind. The game becomes work and there is no pay off.

This product is unfinished, and until it is, I can not recommend it to anyone. such a shame.
31 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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5248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 12:04
good idea but you cant go any where as u earn money the cost of everything goes up so you can never get anything new, duck gesses eggs don't spawn. the relation ship thing seems not to work well. just a lot of things.
23 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 02:56
i ckeap finding bugs all the time
114 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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2811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 11:11
Dairy Cows do not eat straw! Too many other problems to list. Graphics look good but dialogue is terrible and the host of other problems with the game blows away any benefit from it looking nice. Purchase for $5 or less.
388 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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1708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 13:56
It's a lot of fun in the early stages, fixing up your farm and setting up your green house, etc.
However when you've reached the daily grind of milking the cows, picking up eggs in the, grinding away at the endless quest of getting a wife, waiting for crops to grow, the game falls flat.

Also it's so cheap to hire someone else to tend your fields that it'd be insane to do it yourself, this also means that there's no reason for you to save up for expensive machinery, which means there's no reason to save up money, which means there's no reason to expand your dynasty and no reason to play the game. I think instead the game should incentivize you to be the who's doing the work on the field, maybe the crops could grow faster or something and only way later could your maybe make your children work on your farm to help out or something.
Also the fields and the machinery is crazy expensive.
176 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
6461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 01:56
Very relaxing game. Much more about farm life vs just driving vehicles like some other titles. Is a little dated, but still very enjoyable.
457 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
3110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 19:42
The game is enjoyable. But there are a number of bugs that are annoying. The game takes some patience because money doesn't come that quickly in the beginning. The side quests are repetitive and the repair quests are broken. Lumberjack Dynasty has more quests but lacks the farming aspect.
384 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
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835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 11:07
1. So many bugs surprised the game even loads up..
2. Voice acting an animations of the NPC's feels like am watching Thunderbirds all over again.
3. Driving is terrible.
4. The overall look of the game is just awful.

The gameplay is ok. But the issues above are far too bad to keep me playing any longer then the 13hours I played it for
And that 13hours was, An hour here, An hour there. Trying to get into the game but it just didn't happen.
34 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 03:34
Love love love this game! Yeah, it has some problems. Yeah, the developer may not return to it, but if you enjoy open world games, farming, beautifying your property, and mindless driving, you will love this game. The characters and voice acting is pretty cheesy but I think the imperfections are worth ignoring for this gem. I only hope the developers continue to work on it.
340 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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2898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 13:39
I have now played it for 48 hours.
The game DOES have potential, BUT...
It has so many small bugs and annoying things that I can't recommend it.
Sound effects are really bad.
Volume can't go lower than about 20%, then it cuts off completely.
NPC voices sounds fake.
Machines have not all been named properly (especially the DLC ones).
Pricing on new machines don't make sense (2 different size trailers cost the same).
You can't see what is required to pull the different machines.
57 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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1462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 18:18
abandoned, betrayed.
622 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
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108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 20:01
Buggy, horrible voice acting, and terrible driving mechanics.
142 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 15:24
if you struggle to drive using keyboard, then don't bother with this, too much driving involved using the keyboard, nightmare to get anywhere spent more time stuck somewhere and couldn't get home, i've abandon my tractor on someone else's farm
353 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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1834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 16:11
Ill start off with saying, its not a bad game. But it might not be for you.

I have spent around 5 hours so far in the game. And most of my time has been riding a tractor to other peoples farms to get farm equiptment.

The quests to attain said equiptment are ok, go speak to person, repair a thing, gather a thing or plow field. But when the quest takes 5-10 mins. It takes me twice as long to travel there and back. In a slow ass tractor.

If you enjoy an open world, do everything yourself, with very few speed ups or shortcuts to the games processes. This is for you, it'll be fun and a relaxing experiance. If you are like me who does not want to slowly traverse the same road several times. Maybe the 5-10 mins to travel to each location may not be something you would enjoy.
94 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
2082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 12:32

- Unique fixing buildings and upgrade them feature.
- Realistic farming experiance , you can hire worker to do jobs on your fields, every field in a map is buyable.
- Greenhouse is another way to make good money, many greenhouses buyable in a map.
- Animals, hens good for selling egg dishes, cows good for manure.
- Many sims like elements (wife, child, pets).
- Fishing, mowing, bee hives, planting flowers.
- You can teleport to your vehicle for free, busstops for cheap transport around map.
- Many traders across map to buy vehicles, farming equipment, house building materials, seeds and animals.
- DLC Potatoes and Beets adds alot new in to game.

- Speaking with AI, their answers are pretty much same every time.
- Poor designed AI traffic.
- Farm is a bit small after buying big equipment.

87 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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1742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 03:00
Game hasn't gotten better with time. Great concepts that haven't been executed well. Not worth your time imo
167 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
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1427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 10:44
This game really lacks content, took 23 hours to finish it.
It is like FS 2019 without any balancing or progression ladder.
And the DLC's double the price but add nothing but a few machines, so you pay double for 5% more content in a game that is already barren, and have seriously zero impact on the game>

Go for Medievial Dynasty instead, which has way more content and hours of fun
167 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 23:26
This game is really fun if you like games like harvest moon or any game were you have to do farming quest it is a mix of harvest moon and house fliper way of playing
221 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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1468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 15:25
Game play takes way to long to buy new equipment. I have over 30 hrs of gameplay and still cant buy a new tractor or combine. Please update the game so that you dont need over 100hrs of game play to buy new equipment. Not everyone has endless hours to invest into games
43 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 14:44
If this was the creators first game I would understand but this is so cheezy. The NPC dialog is painful to listen to. Its not worth the price they ask. The lack of settings and customization is another major factor why this game cannot be recommended.
96 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 17:50
I Farm...
I Got Money...
I Married...
I m Done....

Minus :
- Need Some Explanation About The Vechile And Manchine
- Need Some AI Around The Farm

The Game Is Great, Thank You.
138 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 19:08
Great game and good graphics. You can spend hours here. I haven't played more probably because I don't like assignments. I want to do what I want to do, lol.
110 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 14:30
This game feels unfinished and buggy. The dialogue is slow and tedious, it takes ages to get anywhere. There are no benefits to choosing this game over any of the more popular farm sim games.
81 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 06:21
Kind of like watching paint dry. This game will keep you entertained for about 3 hours and then it gets redundant. Your neighbors hire you to do jobs for payment (old farm equipment or money) but the jobs are repetitious and boring. Plow a field then cultivate, then fertilize, then harvest, which are exactly the same motion except with a different piece of machinery each time,driving round and round, same tractor, towing something different, such a snoozefest. Not much content, dialogue with the NPCs are the same, and when you go into the store to buy merchandise, there isnt anyone there! They charged $30 dollars for this very empty game and then have the nerve to release DLCs and ask for more money when they should have been free! So disappointing!
382 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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4284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 19:38
It is best tractor simulator I have ever played...

Well, I have this title on watchlist for very long time and my main gripe is that game still feel like it did little progress and it is still Early access material.

The farming procedure from plow to harvest - it is amazing experience. Slow paced, relaxing, yet realistic - on other hand repetitive and tedious soon too. But other than that - there is lack of content or some real interactions with numerous NPC.. All characters are super generic and boring once you pass first game stage. That is the main issue - you can not really become part of community as it exists only on paper. Even wife and family are like random strangers.. the lack of interactions and variety is painful.

I would actually suggest grab it on sale and play it for the experience - but there are better farming titles - this one dont feel be complete at all and only additions coming in spare patches are cosmetic and even n form of paid DLC already - so I do not think it will ever change.
264 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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5938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 00:21
You don't finish the game properly and then you release DLC and charge for it??? Disgusting.
17 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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49408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 03:54
WOW if your going to have to pay every time you get around to putting something on the game ! wow so limited
190 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 06:33
I love this game, DeuceMS got me into this game but I will have to mention the poor console release but on top of this I recently bought this game over 2 years after the initial release of early access and however long after finished version release. FIX THE VOLUME yes I have dealt with game development and the volume settings are god awful. Please do not take this as a negative review, this is not a AAA title and is utterly amazing but I felt I needed to mention that something as simple as sound settings do need to be fixed a year ago.
23 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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51226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 22:41
Toplitz made this game and it is unfinished and never will be, They get your cash for unfinised games then move on to make more that they then abandon etc etc I will NEVER buy another of there games.
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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10411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 16:45
The game has needed an update for years now, developers gave up on it.
The townspeople have a horribly irriating voice scrypt, thay are constantly complaining, if you want to be brought down or made to feel inadaquit this is the game for you. Vehicles in this game appear from thin air become in your way and have no purpose other than watching your every move. The actual game is much more a repair and or contractor game than a farming game as most of the tractors and devices are made to frustrate you more than get the job done, when in perfect order fixed, washed, painted and full of fuel they still cant drive a straight line.
8 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 22:25
I can not recommend this company to anyone. fun games but released ea, unfinished. timelines not even close to being met and then release a new game and never finish the first game. no further updates or comment after the new game is released.
1085 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 16:31
Farmer's Dynasty is the first game this group has made and started off very rough and even buggy. I got it very early on and so expected there to be bugs. Since then they have greatly improved the game and are very responsive to gamer's reports about issues. The worst issue I had was when a floor in one of my buildings disappeared. Had to start a new game but was able to report it to the devs who responded quickly and since then I have never had it happen again.

In this game you take on the role of a relative of a decaying farmstead in a rather rundown county. You start by fixing up your farm and getting your first harvest underway. The first harvest is perhaps the most satisfying you will get!

You can meet and gain friendships with hundreds of NPC's around the county and even romance the women and marry and have kids. I always spend hours trying to find the prettiest one to marry which initially was nigh impossible since the models were so rough and the girls were all bald. They have since given them overhauls and hair.

After a while you can buy new machinery and tools and even more fields and greenhouses and build apiaries for bees and plant flowers. You can fish in the streams and participate in various events like drone races, fishing contests and mushroom hunts.

If you like games like farming simulator, stardew valley or the ever classic harvest moon but wondered what if these 3 games were made into one game then this is the game for you to try!

Highly accurate simulation of farming tools and fields
Massive map in which to grow and expand on
Ability to marry and have kids
Voice acting
Cows, chickens and ducks!!!!
A pet cat that wants fish and hunts mice for you.
Drone races!

A few bugs but nothing when you consider this is the first game in the dynasty series and how far it came. Nothing really game breaking anymore that i've seen.
Rough character models.
Inability to terraform.
Takes a while to get around the map.

If you want a farming RPG with good simulations then get this game. Looking forward to playing and reviewing their other Dynasty games.

Edited to add a picture: Enjoy my HOT PINK TRACTOR!
241 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 23:15
At the current price point, this game is not worth it. It was used as an experiment to build upon for other dynasty games, nothing more. Updates have pretty much stopped, the dialogue is atrocious, clunky movement and controls, and it is still so full of bugs. If the game gets a 50+% off sale it could be worth it, there's enough there to be fun for that price, but don't bother at full price.
370 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
6532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 21:33
This gets a super reluctant thumbs up from me. I'll try to explain why.The Good:It's a nice, relaxing game where you can just waste hours chilling and tending your farm. I love these sorts of games, my job is stressful and I enjoy just chilling when I get home. The ability to fix up your farm and your neighbor's farms is also nice. I also really enjoy being able to customize my farming equipment, painting them different colors, etc. And the fact they get dirty and need cleaned is a nice little touch. The map is expansive and feels much larger than it really is.The Bad:The animal and NPC animations are AWFUL. Just...atrocious. It's also very buggy, animals will appear and disappear, NPCs will float around. It's nothing game breaking but it does kill the immersion. Vehicles tend to keep rolling even after trying to stop them several times. The harvester absolutely despises hitching up to its attachments and I've ended up wasting 5-10 minutes just backing up and trying again over and over to line up juuuust right to pick it up.The nitpicky:This stuff isn't a game killer for me...but it'd be nice to customize your character a little. Even better if I could play a female. Like I said, not gonna ruin my experience but it would be nice. The Engineers Sight is handy, but having it outline apples and strawberries and mushrooms in...green? Really? Green will be easier to spot in green trees and green grass? That makes zero sense. Overall...it's not something I would recommend unless you really love those 'pretend to have a job' sorts of games that let you escape into a world where you aren't trapped in whatever job you're currently in. Also as a side note I'm pretty sure Steve in Fisherman's Wharf is a drug dealer. People keep asking me to bring them 'packages' from him and giving me 200+ euros for delivering them. It's a little suspicious if you ask me.
156 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 08:42
A novel idea of extending the farming genre that could have rocked but the whole experience of playing this is ruined by really clunky user controls.
Didn't try controller, but this game on PC is painful.
While a novel idea that suckered me into buying it, this is just a sad copy of a much better farming sim.
Really not worth the money, even if discounted.
4428 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 07:13
I wonder what is the back story of the town since i had to repair almost the entire town's building and there are only so much I can repair before I run out of buildings to repair. Also, i wonder why the NPCs only had the same few lines of dialogues every time i talk to them, it really feels too dry after a short period, but fortunately i could just skip the dialogues. During rainy day, it seems im the only person in the town, as i ran or drive around town and its completely empty. So, all i could do during rainy day is just fishing... weird.... Something bad must have happen in this town.

Nonetheless, making money is easy here and since I dont own many fields yet, i could simply hire workers to do the work on the fields as their pay could be offset through selling my cooking to the NPC. The food i get for cooking is from my own farm and animals or the food I bought from the NPC around the town, of course unless its raining, all the NPCs will disappear. Also, after i realize how small my trailer is, i got a new bigger trailer, as to save driving multiple trips to sell off my harvest and after which, i would buy new fields with my profits i made.

Driving control here is not bad. The ground though, is another matter as i feel like im playing mudrunner instead. It feels really wet all the time, like im driving on mud. At times, i feel my tractor is stuck, trying to reverse and it just digs even deeper into the ground.. Luckily, there is a 'tow' button i could use. Perhaps thats one of the reason i prefer to hire workers to plow instead of doing it myself.

Anyway, I personally hope there is a mod support for this game as it had so much potential, and imagine what the mod community could do to expand this game further. If this game is a sandbox game, that would even be better, since there is only so much you can do to renovate your farm.

I did enjoy this game for a short while and I wanted to try to get 100% achievement for this game, but when i saw one of it being having 1M social points, i doubt i can make it, because of how dry the dialogues are. I might play this game once in awhile. As of now, i would say try it if you haven't played a farm sim before. However if you played other farm simulator before this, i would suggest you skip this or only get it during sales.
95 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 22:35
so idk how this game got mostly positive reviews. The building repair is why i looked into this game but the rest of it is way below where itr should be for a game made now days.
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 17:34
LOVE this game. Bought it not long after it came out, and there has been bugs but the devs are always super fast to fix them and they are adding content to the game consistently which is awesome. If you like life sim/farming games then this game is a good game for you because I feel like its a good mash of the two, the only thing I wish I could do is hire farm hands to help till your fields as you purchase more, but maybe that's just a feature I haven't come across yet. But all in all I love this game!!
31 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 00:29
I have played this game through the first year and really want to love it. The idea is great, but the execution is horrible. There are so many bugs, it's almost unplayable. In an hour of play, I have to restart 2 or 3 times due to the bugs and they are too numerous to list here. Please fix this game! It has great potential and I want to give it a positive rating.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 07:10
After playing Farming Simulator 17 & 19 for the past few years, coming to play this game was to worst mistake I could every make. Controls are bad, and the graphics are nasty. I'm not sure I like anything about this game. Not worth the money spent on it.
539 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.20 08:02
Live out every man's dream of breaking your back to carve out a living from the land and raise an ungrateful family
397 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
18444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 15:55
I've never played a farming game before ( I played Farm Sim when it was in Alpha & found it mind numbingly BORING!!!) I like the game because it's IMHO kinda like the survival/crafting games I like so much (7 Days to Die is my favorite), you can't die but you do have to eat & sleep, having crops and livestock allows for this. A a lot of people call it a life simulator, the NPC's need to like you, you need to make/spend money to succeed. To me the plowing and repair building missions are boring & I don't even stop for mushrooms/strawberries/apples anymore, I get the apples at my house but that's it. Once you get a full hen house and a fishing rod you're all set!
175 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 12:49
Such a fun game. Active and social themes for this game. You can use your social points to reduce the cost of the farm equipment. you can buy more fields and as you get further into the game to unlock more content as you buy more fields. the mini quests and challenges are fun.
6 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 19:28
I don't know if I should recommend or not. The thing is, I'm very mixed about it but there are a few more things I like than dislike.

Accurately simulates a farmer's life. Mainly eat, sleep, milk cows, get eggs, interact, repeat.
Repairing buildings adds to the stuff you can do.
Decent graphics, definitely do not recommend using an internal GPU, game does not support it.
Comparing it to FS19, the equipment scaling is better, a 3 meter cultivator actually feels big, and not like a 2cm one.
Nice concept of inheriting a farm.

The main one is that you can only play on one map. What I mean by this is that you can only play on a (From what I see) a Polish style map. I would've loved to see another map that would be more difficult to play on, and be able to chose between them.
The prices seem overkill for certain crops.
People seem very, bland. Very waxy. Not the main focus of the game, but definitely an important one.
Not much to do after you buy every field on the map, all the equipment and have a wife and two kids.

Over all, a well made game with a couple of bugs here and there. But I can definitely say that it needs work. I really want to see what this game becomes in a year or two. Definitely worth a try in the future, but now, only if you want to. It'll definitely be one of the games that sits in my library patiently until I don't want to play American Truck Sim, Farming Simulator, Stormworks or Forza. Definitely my longest review but it's mainly to tell you about the main concept of the game in a more Pros vs. Cons way.
226 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 15:51
This game is sooooo bad, so buggy. I can't play it. I really tried. But voice acting, bugs, unplayable elements are just more than I can handle. It ruins all the fun.
Sadly... This is the first game I have put a negative review. But no.
198 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
1208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 09:09
good game but it may boring in sometime especially in construction and driving very long distance with old tractor. it spend too long time and boring activity in this game
243 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
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477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 15:45
The game is loaded with great ideas and good intentions, but the end result is boring and unpolished..
Definately not worth the steep price!

Get it at a 70+ % discount, and you'll have fun for a couple of days
384 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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3037 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 20:09
This game feels far from finished.
It tries alot of things but nothing is really catching you and leaves alot to be desired.

Social contacts are weak... silly interactions, boring quests, weird animations
Fixing your farm is a really nice idea, but it's pretty boring overall because it is basically just pressing LMB
Farming is really missing more machines
61 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 11:58
Feels like a very unfinished game. It's as if they made a list of cool things to include in a farm life sim, made a rough mock-up game as a demo and then just stopped working on it and released the demo as the final game. It' a shame. Something like this could be great if they saw it through to completion.
Nothing in the game is BROKEN mind you...but everything in the game is HALF BAKED and shallow especially the NPC's, towns, locations in the world, lack of variety in vehicles, crops to grow and building materials to customize your home and barns with.
I'd buy a game that did what this game promises and pretends to deliver. I can't recommend this though.
326 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 16:26

Year One. Since I inherited the farm.

Heading towards fall now. It's been a good year. Rex the stray dog just moved in he barks in the yard at the deer and boar wander into the yard. There are never any thieves here, for that mind no cops either. So I just leave the gates and the door open all the time. Being from the city it took a while to get used to it. But the people are friendly, but strange.

The People

Strange how? Well just for example there ain't no blondes. Did they all get up and leave? Were they made to feel unwelcome? Maybe they all bottle dye it, but I haven't asked people about it. Not been here long enough to pry. I just help folk out with odd jobs when I have the time and I generally do. I take them things they need, fix buildings which I pride myself on being a strong point, plow their fields.

I also deliver packages around the place like I am USPS. Mostly collecting stuff from some old man in the South and running it round the place. I get paid $200 a time mostly but the buses are good for getting about the place. I used to worry about it being something illegal in those there packages. I never opened them enough but people are very open about it. Maybe they are all a little touched and want to keep me busy, but who knows. I guess as I am the one that is running round the place for them I must fit right in.

The Lovely Sasha

I have been courting a young lady, Sasha on a farm nearby. Her folks are very proper. I can never take her out anywhere but she is okay with my turning up at 6:30am after I have collected the eggs and milked the cows, saying hi to her and sweet talking her, ignoring the rest of the family and driving away. I do this every other day and that seems to be the way around here. Drive by wooing.

The Farm

The farm is a beaut. On the side of a valley it's sweet and I am happy to live here for the rest of my days. Which is fortunate as there is some strange law in these parts that means I can't buy other farmhouses or houses to live in. The farmers will happily sell me their fields, but not a new home. Lucky it's kinda nice.

I started with two fields. Got them harvested and filled again with wheat. They will ripen and grow over winter. I have bought two more fields locally with money from selling tomatoes from the greenhouse and doing jobs for the people in these parts. I hope to buy another small one before fall comes.

I have done all the farming myself except for fertilizing. You would laugh to see my plow lines at the start but my turns at the end are getting real neat. The fertilizer I get them to air drop that in for speed and just cause it's cool. Kinda enjoy the farming part. Folks around were kind enough to give me the equipment I need as I did odd jobs for them. The equipment is poor quality, I reckon that bale cart came over with the settlers. But it works until I can buy more. At the moment I am spending money on fields as I am cash poor rather than time poor as that changes later on I can invest in more efficient equipment.

Still can't neatly reverse the tractor with the seeder on in to the seed stall if Sasha's life depended on it.

Decorating the old place

It was a bit of a wreck around here when I moved in but it cost me nothing to fix up and now I am spending a little of what I make on redecorating the house and doing the garden so the place is real nice for when Sasha makes me a happy man and agrees to me my wife. Though the way I hear argue with her sister on the farm sometimes makes me know she's not all sweetness and light all the time...
224 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 13:11
This game is a chore, but what do you expect for a farmer simulator. Farming is a hard and labor intensive job. This game represents that perfectly, still being a game. You wanna plough a field? This is your game. Honestly this is everything you'd need in a farmer sim.
46 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 12:14
Has a lot of potential, it is at the core, what I have expected from Giant Software by now..
If this was in early access, I'd recommended it and say give it time. If the devs are still hard at work on it, then I'll buy again in a year or so. But in it's current state, not worth the price.
38 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 04:40
They need to fix a few things in the game before it can get a better review. First and foremost is the camera when running. I am not a weak stomach person, but running in this game makes me feel sick after a little while. The camera doesn't sit still, it dynamically follows a certain point that moves with back, forth, side to side, and up and down while running. Fertilizer is a pain to get and is needed, everything takes forever to finish, and you don't make enough money of farming to get anywhere without playing for many many hours. I played for 11 hours on one save game and I am still using the free equipment and the starting fields.
154 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 21:37
Ok, let me just say this was a very good attempt to combine farm style simulation with more realistic everyday life on a farm. You do chores around your farm that simulate chores that you do on a farm. You have to take care of the animals, do maintenance, and of course farm. This is something that is fun, but you soon realize that there is a lot to do. Just ask a real farmer if they have enough hours in a day. However, there are drawbacks that keep this from been a great game. As others have talked about the zombie actions of the few people that are in this HUGE world. They have about 5 basic movements, 5 actions they do, and only limited dialogue. Also there is a lack of different equipment, building materials, and I won’t even talk about the furniture. I would recommend it even with all these things that need fixing if you could get for under $20. I hope the developer is working to correct these things because it could be that next great FS. One last thing, chickens doesn’t sound like geese with strep throat and earning money is more difficult with expense limited equipment so it needs more balance.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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22941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 18:10
This game is another example of guys who wanted to make quick cash from the gaming industry. Granted they had amazing ideas for the game and all the best ideas to develop it, but as with all good intentions the road was paved to hell. I started off LOVING this game, but as bugs developed and no one addressed my problems and more and more pretty stuff was added, I got more and more frustrated! I could write a book on the problems here, but suffice it to say that the amount of time it takes you to get rid of that first tractor is FRUSTRATING!! You will quite before that having to plow so many fields with that POS. The wife leaves you if you do not have 50,000 social points and you will not have a kid unless you are at 50,000. The weeds drive you crazy, the drone races and mushroom hunts are unrewarding. In my first play through the kid NEVER grew up?! Finally, the support is just not there. They developed a bunch of aesthetic stuff which was great but in the end too many bugs and very little support make this game a no buy. Updates are by the millenia if at all now. DO NOT get it, you will get as frustrated as I with that tractor and your wife pissing off!!
10 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 03:01
The translation of the game makes understanding the instructions difficult and confusing. It;s an interesting concept and for the past year or so, I kept trying to get into the game, but it takes too much time to do routine tasks, and makes the player loose focus: an hour to plow a field is not something I like doing--its too much like real life to be 'fun'. Because you have to plow the field to get to the next level, and get a machine you need to proceed with the game, it makes me want to cheat, or stop playing a boring game. The other NPC's look too weird to relate to--ugly is an unkind description, but they look too alien. Like pod-people.
112 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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5287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 22:53
Bought this in Early Access (~2018) and now i got the time to play it.
The farming part is okay until late game and everything else isn´t thought to the end.

You start with a inherited broken farm where all buildings urgently need repairs. So far it´s alright.
In the first few minutes this irritating thing will definitely jump right into your eyes:
Bad character models with unnatural animations and really ugly blur/bloom effects (effects are toggleable thankfully).

After a tour around your farm it´s time to fix all the broken ruins.
Hold LMB to fix. Simple but should be okay i guess.
Then you have to get your basic machinery which feels like it´s the main goal of the game because of the time you must invest.

The good things:

+ Upgrading/rebuilding and repairs
+ Lovely starting equipment
+ Gathering and other side activities
+ Have your own family
+ Some wildlife

The overall gameplay is uncomfortable:

- Camera movement is jittery/smoothless also cam collision is distracting (hope you´re not easily prone to nausea)
- Vehicle handling needs a bit too much motor action if you want to drive more accuratly even more when something is attached
- Vehicles are slipping around for while after stopping

- User Interface/Inventory is very basic
- Map markers are overlapping / When panning the map you might misclick a vehicle or field too easily

- Variety of missions given by NPCs is pure lackluster and sometimes illogical
(Ever wanted a plowing task on a field with growing fruits and get paid for it? Here you can)
- Social features are made without love / dialogues are uhm ... let´s say hilarious mkay?
- Gathering social points is a chore
- Unable to interact with NPCs as long as their animations hasn´t finished completely
- AI is awful (i´m looking at you Mister Trafficjam-Demoltionderby-Run-A-Field-In-Circles-Man)

- Partial z-fighting textures
- Performance wise it´s a bit stuttering even on good hardware / sometimes it crashes on ultra settings (tested on i7 8700 + GTX1660ti + 16GB DDR4)

- There is no endgame equipment / too small machinery for big fields

As a side note: Textures in general are looking good but the animals aren´t.

Running the farm is okay. You have to plow, cultivate, fertilize and seed your fields which can be bought anytime freely.
Saving some cash, buying new equipment/seeds and use your machines efficiently can be addicting. Hiring some helping hand is nice too.

The field textures doesn´t change much between cultivated/fertilized/seeded. This makes the current state of a field hard to see especially at night.
Side tasks like cooking, fishing, milking the cows, collecting eggs and upgrading is a greyzone.
Neither very good nor utterly bad because the more you can do the better but focusing on player interactions should have been a priority.

It is such a neat idea to build up your farm, looking for a wife, getting married and maybe see your virtual children growing up like your crops do but the subpar execution and overdone/unbalanced grind mostly ruins the satisfaction you might feel if you try to accomplish exactly this.

Unfortunately i can´t recommend it to someone else in this seemingly unfinished state and current price range.

So there is always a question left whilst playing through;
Socializing features. Shouldn´t that have been a core feature of your game?
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 19:13
I love this game. I feel like I could go buy a few hundred acres of land and start a farm :) The social interactions could use some beefing up. I would have liked not only having to rebuild my farm but making it stand out from other farms. Like buying and decorating with furniture. Different looking buildings that could be placed or built. Other types of live stock would be nice. All in all, it is a lot of fun and relaxing.
361 Produkte im Account
162 Reviews
542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 12:00
A couple of hours is more than enough time to see if you can get into this game. Toplitz Productions, is not a top notch publishing company in my book, but this game is a goody. It's similar to Farming Simulator, but with a few twists that makes it their own.

If you're more into interacting with NPC's, furnishing, or renovating your farm, then do some farming on a smaller scale, this just might be for you.

One of the things I like is more of a role-playing feature were you have to eat, and rest, but not too overbearing as some RPG's do. Two to Three times a day works just like in real life. In real life, I tend to skip breakfast, so lunch, and dinner does it for me. You'll also have to interact with other NPC's to gain social rep points. You can even marry, and have kids. Decorating/Furnishing your home, and renovating the entire farm to make it look like your dream farm is a nice treat as well. So the game is not just about farming. It's about the farmer too.

The woman you meet are pretty homely, and the men aren't any better. Some even speak hum-drum, but hey... it's just a game, and I can get over that. After all, we're not going to marry a cyber girl anyway. Are we?

It doesn't hurt to try it out for less than 2 hours, and if you don't like it, you can always refund it.

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63 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.20 23:39
I'm about 38 hours in. I love the game, well worth the purchase. I'm excited to see new updates to the game.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
69.25% 991 440
Release:14.12.2017 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: UMEO Studios Vertrieb: Toplitz Productions Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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