• Far Cry: Screen zum Shooter.
  • Far Cry: Screen zum Shooter.
  • Far Cry: Screen zum Shooter.
  • Far Cry: Screen zum Shooter.
  • Far Cry: Screen zum Shooter.
  • Far Cry: Screen zum Shooter.
  • Far Cry: Screen zum Shooter.
  • Far Cry: Screen zum Shooter.
  • Far Cry: Screen zum Shooter.
  • Far Cry: Screen zum Shooter.
  • Far Cry: Screen zum Shooter.
  • Far Cry: Screen zum Shooter.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 25.03.2004
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Preis Update 24.06.24
Far Cry
  • Plattform: PC
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Über das Spiel

Du bist Jack Carver, ein Mann mit mysteriöser Vergangenheit, der als Aussteiger seine eigene Boot-Charter-Firma betreibt. Du dachtest wirklich, du hättest alle Facetten, die der Süd-Pazifik anbietet, erlebt... aber nichts davon hat dich darauf vorbereitet, was du auf diesen Inseln entdecken wirst. Bis an die Zähne bewaffnete Söldner sind nur der Anfang dieses Höllentrips.

  • Wunderschöne tropische Inseln und beklemmende Bunkeranlagen bilden den Schauplatz für 20 gewaltige, nicht lineare Einzelspielermissionen - Entwickle komplexe Angriffstaktiken dank eines kompletten Arsenals an Nah- und Fernkampfwaffen sowie atemberaubenden steuerbaren Fahrzeugen - Kämpfe gegen ultra-intelligente Feinde, die sich deinem Verhalten anpassen und improvisieren
  • Erlebe eine neue Spieldimension im Online-Multiplayer-Modus mit neuen bahnbrechenden Innovationen wie Scharfschützen-Reflektionen oder der neuen Support-Einheit.

Enthält einen Echtzeit-Level-Editor. Kreiere spielend deine eigenen Maps, Missionen und Szenarien.


  • GFX: mind. 256 MB
  • RAM: 256 MB
  • Software: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP
  • HD: 4 GB
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0b kompatibel
  • CPU: P4 2 GHZ/AMD 2 GHZ
  • GFX: mind. 512 MB
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Software: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP
  • HD: 4 GB
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0b kompatibel

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

13 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 19:28
einfach ne Legende war mein erster shooter damals und empfehle es immer noch kuss
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 18:03
Super historisches, aber immer noch schönes Spiel!
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 19:45
Spiel startet nicht auf Windows 10
132 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 13:57
Hab noch nie so einen anstrengenden Shooter gespielt. Die Gegner können alle durch Wände schießen wie es scheint. Es war eine absolute Qual. Aber es hat trotzdem Spaß gemacht...7/10
713 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
2886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 12:57
Awesome Game =)
79 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 02:49
51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 12:56
Absoluter geiler, nicht unfairer Dreck auf den höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden
86 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 18:22
This game is just childhood memory. Awesome shooter with a great setting. If you didn't play it so far, do it!
7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 07:46
Good game so far.16 years since it has been released,but it´s well aged.Maybe a bit difficult sometimes,but where´s the fun without a bit keyboardsmashing?;-)
Definitely recommended.If you like older games,just buy it.It´s worth it.
60 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
7056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 22:29
127 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 17:36
For starters, native FOV is unplayable, but there are mods for that. Gameplay is tedious at best, facepalm frustrating at worst. Enemies spot you from far away so you have to wait until they come at you and/or take pot shots over and over. Expect lots of reloads especially against the monsters. Movement speed is SLOW. Got the game BITD and never finished it; no reason to do so today. Most fun were the ragdoll glitches and non-sequitur cut scenes.
130 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 15:03
I like eggs ????
170 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1046 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 13:42
Just finished this old game for the first time, and it's awesome. Tough, but awesome. And some weird physics and mechanics too, those make the game a challenge, but once you get used to it, it's alright.

Way ahead of its time.
227 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 09:04
This is a great game for its time, as it showcased the power of CryEngine. The story is nothing special but the gameplay feels fluid and engaging. I unfortunately couldn't complete the game because of a bug which wiped the save file due to which i could not continue. I had completed around 80% of the game and was really disappointed. I didn't want to play the game again from the beginning so I stopped playing. But still the game is good for what it offers and maybe one day I would play it again to see the ending.
69 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 22:14
doesnt have uplay
565 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 04:16
The first Far Cry can be a mixed bag depending on what you expect going into it. For starters, it’s vastly different from the other Far Cry games, with set levels to go through rather than an open world and a much more unforgiving difficulty.

Despite all of that, it fills its role as a perfectly suitable FPS. Given it was made by Crytek, the graphics look incredible for its time, and some of the levels are incredibly vast and open, meaning potentially multiple ways of confronting or avoiding enemies. Additionally, with some community patches and fixes, the AI appears to be refined and improved enough for the game to be difficulty, but still fun. Additionally, the weapons themselves are all satisfying enough to handle, making the combat fun, if not a bit repetitive near the end.

There are some drawbacks, though, particularly in the various bugs and glitches, as well as the frankly cookie-cutter story, stilted voice-acting, and generic cutscenes. As fun as it is to laugh sometimes at the general cheesiness of what’s going on, it’s also too predictable to actually get that invested into.

I’d still recommend Far Cry, given it’s an adequate shooter, if one is willing to apply some patches and forgive its steep difficulty. Future Far Cry games are definitive improvements to this one, but the first one is still a good enough FPS experience to enjoy.
47 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 02:49
This was by far the hardest Far Cry I have ever played, now don't get me wrong, I LOVE a challenge in games but some of the levels were borderline impossible, even on easy difficulty. The story line itself is average.
135 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 22:40
hard af
171 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 22:06
I've never hated and loved a game so much all at the same time.
4355 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
1212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 12:39
Preface: I have not played any other Far Cry games other than the Xbox 360 game Far Cry Predator prior to playing this. I always play series in order. As of this review, I dipped my foot into Far Cry 2 for a little over an hour and boy are the two games like night and day.

While the Far Cry series seems to be known for vast open world games where you slowly dismantle the regime of a dictator of some sort, the original is quite a bit different. The first entry in the series was not developed internally by Ubisoft like the more recent entries are. Instead, it was developed like Crytek and feels like a completely different game. If you've ever seen the movies Island of Dr. Moreau and Dr. No, this feels like a mash up between the two. You are a single guy taking on the entirety of these private special forces guarding the island of a mad scientist who is doing experiments that mutate animals and humans, all in the setting of a beautiful tropical island.

I have to say, the graphics on this are dated.... I have a 4k monitor and tried opening the game initially and the textures were just atrocious. I downloaded one of those AI upscaled texture packs which more than doubled the size of the game on the hard drive, but it was totally worth it. The game still seemed like the graphics were dated, but it was still beautiful. Since my graphics card and pc are far beyond what the original specs were for this game in 2004, everything ran smooth as butter, to the point that if you looked at trees in the distance while you were driving, there wasn't any fog and the engine seems to 'grow' the trees as you get closer to them.

This isn't to say the original Far Cry is an 'open world' game. It is very much a level-based game, with the game containing 20 levels (or chapters if you will). Each of them has a checkpoint entry in the menu so you can load up the start of any level, but the levels that aren't inside are pretty big and have open jungle areas where you can choose multiple paths to your destinations.

I think this is a series staple ,at least, from me playing the Xbox 360 Far Cry Predator and a brief foray into Far Cry 2 before starting this game, is that you are limited to carrying only 4 weapons at a time. A little annoying at first, but you get used to it. The nice thing is you can see the name of the weapon on the ground before you pick it up (unlike Far Cry 2, where I found out it only shows a crappy little silhouette of the gun, so you have no idea what you are picking up until you do it.)

It was a fun romp. As you see it took me about 20 hours to finish. This was after starting the game on realistic, struggling so hard to stealth it to the 2nd level, and then not being able to finish the mandatory combat section that I gave up playing on the hardest difficulty, then restarting on 'easy' because I really just wanted to play through the story (after all I have 7 of these to play through including primal), and found out there really isn't an 'easy' mode and I could still get killed by a single stray bullet, but I think enemies in the earlier game had a lot crappier AI than in the later game. I died a lot by the later game, even on 'easy'.

All in all it was a fun romp, but if you're looking for the open world that the later far cry games have, it isn't it, and its more scifi than realistic like the later entries in the series are. Its more got the feel of the side entries to the series like Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, or Far Cry 5: New Dawn (neither of which I played yet, but I am excited to get there eventually)
1338 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 18:46
130 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 02:55
Play this one first. It gives you a appreciation for the studio and their work. Pretty good story but a bit cheesy
107 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 20:10
Brilliant game, way ahead of its time!
54 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 19:14
Classic. The best.
166 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 15:55
Its hard to describe this game. On one hand really fun, but in the other, it is a frustrating mess.

The game starts of with a intro that I can only describe as a drug trip nightmare fever dream. The cut scenes in this game take 1 to a 100 to the next level. There is no time to think. The first half of the game plays across the tropical island chain, fighting mercenaries, the gun play is fun and you will quickly come to terms with the difficulty of the game. A few bullets can kill you, health does not regenerate and checkpoints are few and far between. I beat the game on challenging. The second half of the game takes the difficulty and spikes it up 10 times. With enemies that can one shot you, rocket spam, almost impossible vehicle sequences. Don't even get me started on the bosses...

Unlike the other games in the series this one is linear compared to open world. But the amount of glitches makes it frustrating, many times I could not move over a step and had to back away and jump. The AI can see you across the map, through walls, detect where you are aiming and where you are with out having visuals on you and shoot through scenery. Many times I had AI spawn right on top of me and instant kill me. I even figured out that facing away from the AI that has taken cover for a few seconds then turn back, will make the AI come out of cover and try and back shoot you. The AI cheats so damn hard. But even with all of this I managed to put 11 hours into this game in only 2 days. I clearly enjoyed the game and I would recommend it if you want to relive the good old days of first person shooters. When games actually required effort.
712 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 12:48
+ 80's muscle man humour.
+ Vehicles with guns! Need I say more.
+ World interaction (shooting chains, exploding fuel canisters).

- The enemy can see and shoot through opaque objects (grass, tree leaves etc). Frustrating.
- Multiple weapons use the same ammo.
526 Produkte im Account
138 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 07:30
Far Cry, as a franchise, has turned into its own monster that Ubisoft has been trying to establish as the definitive series of its genre, much like another series they own. Before that, though, the original game was already widely-known for its visual prowess and openness, and itself spawned a number of spin-offs. After playing through it, I wonder how it ever found that initial success.

Certainly, the most noticeable aspect of this game is the level design. The story is basically like an old Sci-Fi channel original movie, complete with the hammy dialogues, and an exotic locale that itself probably took up 90% of the budget, so you're damn sure they got their money's worth. Every type of location that could fit into the action/horror aesthetic of a tropical island chain is reflected here in the level design: sprawling paramilitary bases, maze-like underground stone temples, the wreckage of wayward ships, and so on. Each definitely feels unique, with different options, or lack thereof.

The levels are enormous, and often hide alternative paths and enemies in their nooks and crannies, but the punishing nature of the checkpoint system discourages exploration. Unlike the later games, which use open worlds that allow the player to revisit areas during downtime, this first entry uses a linear stage progression. In spite of the sheer size and openness of some of these levels, you're really just going from checkpoint to checkpoint along the absolute quickest and/or safest routes you can find, because of how damn easy it is to die in this game, and because these checkpoints are FAR from one another. There's often no reason to explore, not when the unknowns are usually as dangerous as the more obvious paths, and especially not when you're well past your previous checkpoint, forcing you to replay a large chunk of the level if you perish.

I feel like the obnoxiously long distances between checkpoints is a symptom of a larger problem. After all, the numeric sequel has these sorts of long dry spells, with rest locations and stores usually being safe, and everything else usually being dangerous, and you can often need to go for at least half an hour without saving. However, the sequel is also a bit more forgiving in its difficulty, not simply killing the player for being hit by anything harder than a stiff breeze, and is otherwise more grounded. The more reserved and realistic approach of 2 means fewer forced action set-pieces, more situations that feel believably rewarding of the player's paranoia, and fewer bugs affecting the gameplay from either of these angles.

There are so many bugs in Far Cry 1 that some hipster startup company will probably try to market it as a sustainable food source in the near future. There are so many bugs that I honestly can't tell what's a glitch, and what's working as intended. For example, it's realistic that certain types of barriers, such as those of fabric or wood, can be shot through. What's not believable is enemies knowing exactly where you are through these walls, and their thusly being able to hit you through them most of the time. Even accounting for the fact that the player can return the favor by firing through these surfaces as well, which is certainly helpful, it still comes off as skewed in the enemies' favor, as they don't seem to need to establish a realistic line of sight first.

Of course, that's just one of many examples of the boundless confusion contained within. Even beyond the obvious glitches, like a forklift phasing through the ceiling of an elevator, or ragdoll corpses that pathetically slide along even the faintest of slopes, there's a ton more here that I really can't be sure about.

Explosives come to be useless against non-vehicular opponents, as any visually-apparent body armor they have seems to negate most of the damage of explosions, to a downright ridiculous extent. Most late-game human enemies can be launched by grenades and rockets three or four times without dying, and can tank many direct hits from such weapons, too. What's stupid is that headshots are always effective, regardless of the weapon type. It's downright jarring to see some grunt in riot gear survive every rocket in my launcher's magazine, while his buddy in the exact same type of getup dies from a few submachine bullets to the head.

Similarly, the player will survive things that would seem quickly lethal, but will also expire to other, oddly specific things.
Vehicle still moving 1 MPH after you get out? It taps you, and you're dead.
Caught on the edge of an explosion? Well, you can do that another 4 or 5 times. No biggie.
Fell down from 10 feet? Now you're 6 feet under.
Drowning? What's that?

Typically, though, deaths are going to be due to the ridiculous damage from enemy bullets. My guess is that they hurt so much to make up for the inconsistency of their being nigh omniscient in some respects, and utterly brain-dead in others. For example, the stealth system just doesn't work. (I suppose that our protagonist never learned to take off his bright red shirt.)Enemies will notice and shoot at you from stupid distances, including through some objects, as I've already mentioned, so long as they have lines of sight. However, their lines of sight fail to account for the ever-so-slight angle of them hip-firing their weapons. So, basically, this can be cheesed. If they can *see* you, they will stand still and fire at you, even if you're at an angle that their guns won't hit, such as behind a ledge or a wall. Meanwhile, their heads or limbs are likely to be exposed, and you can take your time to reciprocate.

It really is wacky behavior. Sometimes, if you kill a boat's pilot, its gunner will sit there in the motionless vessel and simply wait for death. Sometimes, if you're standing at specific distances, enemies won't know whether to shoot you or go in for melee attacks, resulting in an awkward middle ground where they do neither and instead just kind of walk around slowly. That's how I beat the big boss at the volcano level, unloaded my shotgun in his face. I'd feel bad about having to do this kind of stuff to beat the game, but the truth is, part of me legitimately wonders if this was actually what I was supposed to do, considering how difficult it is to survive without these cheap tactics.

Especially on the harder difficulties, both the linear and open parts of this game are so punishingly, unavoidably difficult that they devolve into repetitive trial-and-error. When you finally beat that one bullshit part, where you get peppered by enemies hiding in the fog of the draw distance, or where you get mobbed by baddies who each require multiple headshots to bring down, it isn't because you implemented the strategies that you're apparently supposed to use. It's because you've memorized where everyone is, where they make their entrances, and how they'll move relative to your attacks. It's because of random chance that causes enemies to get stuck on the corners of walls and tables, turning them into sitting ducks.

Far Cry was an important conceptual step for games, but it's also waylaid by problems that don't just feel dated, but often also feel outright ignored in favor of its visuals and scale, which were nonetheless ambitious for the period. The game is frustrating, but as best I can tell, it's not the sort of intentional frustration that comes from believable challenge, or from clever execution that's specifically designed to make you mad in order to teach you a lesson. It's the frustration of an ultimately broken experience.
903 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 18:01
I went into this game without having played any of the other games in the series, and only with bias. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this was not just a the island escapade that the series is known for. In fact, the game seems to wear it's influences on it's sleeve. For anyone who likes the original Half Life, I feel like this is worth giving a shot. on a similar note, the difficulty of this is probably relational to that of Half Life, although this may be due to the auto-difficulty option I applied (which I added in the hopes of reducing the difficulty if I sucked, not even considering it would increase the difficulty also if I did too well). Overall the game has some aged sex appeal and may drag a bit but I think it's worth a shot.

A tip. The stealth in this game is kind of the opposite of what you expect. You do best by killing in cover, If you are stealthed and kill an enemy with a gun, they won't know where you are. But if one person sees you, basically everyone does.
84 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 10:22
Walaupun Graphic nya kayak jaman dulu , tapi story nya masih ok sih (cuman ga nyambung sama series nya fc 234) (kalo 5 nyambungnya ke fc new dawn)
166 Produkte im Account
188 Reviews
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 01:40
Good old days.
14 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 20:50
Very Challenging Mostly Because Of The Broken AI, The Story Starts Kind Of Dull But When You Get Further Into The Game It Gets Better And Becomes More Fun. 8/10
1940 Produkte im Account
174 Reviews
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 15:30
Far Cry is a classic game.
+Graphics(for its age the graphics are well maintained)
+Open World
+FPS Action

Far Cry is a very good game and it is still maintained, especially since it is the beautiful age of 17, in some places it can be seen that some textures are old but otherwise it really looks good and works well.

Otherwise, what I can say is a classic game that must be respected!

10/10 Must Play! Old but Good
57 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 05:51
game work without problem
553 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 08:57
Story : 10/10
The game story logic is good.
Graphics : 10/10
The graphics were great far from what I expected.
Musics : 10/10
The music is timely and great.
Details : 10/10
Details like flying and shooting in flight were great for me.
Game play : 10/10
For an old shooter game that can now be played.
Variety : 10/10
The variety of enemies and stages was good.
Characterization : 10/10
The game's character building are good.
Optimization : 10/10
Bug's : no bug
Note : In Windows 10, it is easy to play.
Overall score : 10/10
Not recommended, my reason is that it is very hard and tedious if you sit down and play badly now.
210 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
1245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 11:40
Requires about half a dozen unofficial patches to solve its many modern-system related issues, but is still a mostly fun ride from beginning to end.

Loses some of that one-man-army jungle hunter feeling in the later sections due to the mutants and the levels not really allowing a more free-form approach
3382 Produkte im Account
239 Reviews
553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 18:22
The only Far Cry i care about.

I remember reading about this title in the magazines and finally getting my hands on it in the mid 2000s. Still a great game!
30 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 19:44
Childhood game, i definitely recommend (passed in 11 hours)
111 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 02:39
Man back when they didn't hold your hand and everything wasn't mindless.
352 Produkte im Account
237 Reviews
251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 22:08
A far cry from today’s Far Cry.
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 22:52
The best multiplayer ever and is still alive. I spent on it 9000h. If u want to play multiplayer, you need to download LRv3 addon https://farcrylraddon.de/ and install on version 1.4 patch.
37 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
6545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 05:12
56 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 10:27
still holds up to this date
1164 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 11:36
A way different Far Cry game than the ones we are used to now.


+ Story
+ Graphics
+ Still playable
+ Very inovative at the time


- Difficutly
- AI


It took 17 years but I can finally play on max settings.

The Graphics are no longer breathtaking, but they sure as hell were back then.

Unlike the new Far Cry games, this one is way more sci-fi with mutants and monsters.

Surprisingly the game is after all these years still more than playable, movement feels similar to other games from the same era, like Counter-strike 1.6.

The AI and difficulty settings are a real pain, enemy soldiers are able to spot you from the other side of the map and mutants will kill you with 1 hit if you let them get close in higher difficulties.

Nothing like a guard tower with a rocket launcher spamming rockets at you beyond render distance.

Playtime: 5-6 hours

Achievements: None

Overall: 7/10

Additional notes

I had a lot of fun replaying this game, it hit the nostalgia real hard.
610 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 15:07

Breaking with Old Ideas

Far Cry, released in 2004, is an ambitious first-person shooter in the now renowned franchise owned by Ubisoft.
In an era of corridor shooters like Doom 3 and later Half-Life 2, Far Cry differentiates itself by using a massive outdoor tropical environment instead.
The game has a notable graphical fidelity for a game of 2004, the first instance of the “CryEngine” that would in turn become famous through the Crysis series of games.

The story lacks substance and shows a certain disregard for narrative focus in games. Which is an aspect aforementioned games like Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 were moving away from.
But where the story is lacking in complexity, Far Cry makes up for in its gameplay and unforgiving difficulty. You die after only a few shots and so there’s a huge reliance on finding tactical paths leading to vantage points or ambushes, getting in a few critical shots on the enemy before they see you.

Sadly as much as it wants to be innovative and forward thinking, the game doesn’t always play into its strengths. A lot of segments include the very same corridors that Far Cry was trying to move away from in the genre. The game is clearly not designed to work well with these closed spaces and so it becomes tedious and unfun, it genuinely would have been a better game had they never put these corridor segments in the game to begin with.

After a certain encounter the game's enemies change quite drastically and there’s open conflict between factions quite reminiscent of how later games tackled man vs nature in gameplay, letting both fight it out before approaching the enemy, and in instances it can be unpredictable in a tension-filled way.

Far Cry is a game trying to move away from the design tropes that restrained its genre, but was also severely stuck in those same tropes it was trying to move away from. It remains a unique experience that showed ambition towards what could become a truly great game had it not halted itself.
867 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 05:35
Good old one.
The AI is buggy as hell but can be fixed with some patches.
The game is worth trying. I remember how it scared me in childhood :') (dropped 17 years ago and didn't manage to beat the game 'till this moment)
218 Produkte im Account
469 Reviews
5013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 07:53
I played this as a kid and had my dad pass the missions where those monsters appeared because I was so scared of them, good ol' days.
1529 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 01:19
A good game for its time however OS's since XP this game has been diminished by the need to install 3rd party patches , with various results .

The game needs an official engine update or remake, in its current state it is unusable to the average person and is not worth the current asking price.
67 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 07:08
122 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 06:32
needs an update.
606 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 15:25
stay away unless you want to go through a LOT of troubleshooting to get this working half decently.
62 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 14:09
Well, I saw reviews saying the enemies can shoot through walls, and at first I thought it was bullshit, so I played through the game, and holy shit they actually do shoot through walls. My Playthrough was going good until I reached a specific part of the campaign, in which case I died 30+ Times due to the fact enemies were Wallhacking like the Bots in a TF2 Casual Match, and the fact that there was just too many enemies to do anything. So, I will say the game feels Playable until that certain point. I forgot what the area is called but its a big area with a shit ton of guys, looks kinda like a dam without the Wall Part of the dam, if you get what I'm talking about, but anyway, the game prior to that location is fine, if your a sadist then keep playing and see if you can get through it.
14 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 09:55
multumesc mult mi am strangulat copilu a doua oara cand ma jucam acest joc recomand cu incredere <3
10 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 19:53
Very good graphic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
3310 Produkte im Account
201 Reviews
82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 07:35
original Far Cry is not a bad game... it just without a community patch, the game would be so extraordinary hard due to broken stealth and AI jeeeeeeeez. . . . . . . .
755 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
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2079 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 07:23
I know it's an important game, I know the story is funny, and I know you can mod it to revert it back to a previous version where the enemy ai is fixed, but even with all that the game just could never grab me. I tried over and over and over to love his game and I just never could. Simply put Far Cry is one of the most frustrating games I've ever played in both the gameplay and the philosophical sense. I wanted to love this game, and it frustrates me that I never could.
95 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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3599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 19:01
For it's time, I guess it's ok, but there are many things that are annoying, like:
- Really strange physics (boats and helicopters move in very unnatural ways).
- Enemy bots can see (and shoot) you through opaque materials, like tent or hangar walls and foliage, which sucks big time.
- Dialogue is soooo bad!
- No save option between checkpoints with many extremely hard challenges which leads to having to replay whole large chunks every time you die, which is often. I shut down the game many times in frustration after having to replay the same scenario a dozen times or more. I'm actually writing this review during one of these cool-down periods. UUUUggghhh!!!
- Some weapons are inconsistent from target to target. For example, it's fairly easy to put a helicopter out of comission with the OICW's grenade launcher (one shot usually does it), as opposed to using bullets, which will consume clip after clip.. but it's almost ineffective against enemy infantry, unless you land a direct hit. Not to mention Fat Boy Trigens!
- Gun sway, especially with the rocket launcher, is downright stupid. IRL, gunsway will follow a more or less rythmical pattern (mostly due to the shooter's heartbeat), which make it possible to anticipate the gun's movement. Here, it's just random spasms
- Swimming... ok. Trash that whole pile of code and rewrite it, because it's ridiculous. Jack moves in water as if in a washing machine.
Anyway, it's still a fairly entertaining game to play, and it goes on for a looong time! Though I think it's a bit overpriced
449 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 00:19
The game aged really well. The UI feels bit dated - but the gameplay still feel excellent - engaging and offering various soluions to tactical puzzles. Strongly recommend, if you want to immerse yourself for hours and hours.
253 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 08:31
The game is fine. But stealth doesn't work. Enemies hear you when you are miles away.
Also their aim is broken.
Despite that I still enjoyed this game.
282 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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1268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 23:34
Far Cry 1 is a very hidden gem of a game from it's noticeable sequels, and this game is very graphically great during the good ol' Xbox Era if you max the settings on it. You play as Jack Carver, and basically your secret agent GF persuaded you to the archipelago where the good ol' mad scientist plans to do world domination and create a special type of creature with a toxic chemical and you have to prevent that from happening.

-Graphics, it really is a very presenting game from 2004
-Environments, I mean that's one eye catching thing about this game is the environment
-Very good fps mechanic

-The Voice Acting, I mean it's kind of cheesy in a way but it's pretty impressive
-Variety of guns is okay
-The Vehicles are very touchy
-Really Difficult for Normal Mode, don't do Realistic difficulty, you'll die in two shots
-Decent amount of Game time

-The Enemy AI is by far very broken, and like all reviews they say, the enemies can shoot through walls
-The PS3/X360 versions are way better and I wished they made an update with that game, I even 100%'d that one really well when it came out in 2014
-No such thing as Stealth, it's very buggy
-Those Helicopters suck, once your spotted your done

If you want to get this game to have a complete collection and are a huge fan of the Far Cry Series, I would highly recommend getting it when it's on Sale or just go get Far Cry: Classic on the PS3 or Xbox360, if you're curious to play it, they really fixed all of the bugs with this game, I wonder if their's a mod that has the Remake's Mechanics and make it work? Let me know about it, playing this game on Vanilla was absolutely sadistic. Please remember to press ` and type in 'save_game 1' you're really gonna need it for being a Glass Cannon.

5/10, it was nostalgic
48 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 08:44
It's okay... I guess.
25 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 14:46
When you meet the girl, dont let her trick you shes also dating the scitentist.
45 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 20:57
enemies can shoot through walls 10/10
128 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 13:13
What a load of shit.
190 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 07:11
If you're looking for a challenge, this is it. Even playing on EASY mode I had a surprisingly tough time getting through this game. For being made in 2004, the graphics still hold up somewhat and there are very minor bugs.

This game is mainly suited towards stealth, and this shows with how often the AI can pick you up from what seems like miles away.

There isn't much of a story aside from a guy named Jack Carver stumbles upon a tropical island and has to find out what's going on.

There are some things I dislike about the game aside from the at times, terrible AI. Enemies are able to shoot through tents for whatever reason, even if you aren't able to see them and the very little amount of stamina you are given. Want to jump? Well, you gotta wait for your Stamina bar to charge back up!

Also the multiplayer for this game shut down years ago, in case anyone was at all wanting to do that.

Overall for a game that started a massive series and that was made in 2004, I'd say it holds up to avid gamer's who are looking for a challenge. I would suggest to pick this game up on a sale when it's around $5 or less.
160 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 14:00
This is the first game in the series that brought us a wonderfull franchise,all tho it's linear compared to the sequels,but has very big open areas.
The enemy AI has super omega eagle visions and can easly spot you,but bushes are op to hide in,and you shot a guy and the other wouldn't notice,altrough this game is very challenging and and can be hard if not carefull,but still enjoyable and beatifull,a treasure to be left in the chest
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 00:37
this game is unbelievably unrealistic. the enemies can see and shoot you through tents bushes and alot of other objects you can't see through yourself, on top of that they will start shooting at you from so far away you can't even see them with a sniper zoomed too max! by far one of the worst games I have ever played.
115 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 23:37
Fun gameplay, amazing shooting & stealth mechanics, with a meh story.
98 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 16:52
Played this waaay back a few months after it released in 2004..

All I got to say is... treat it well, play it, and feel it like the 2004 game that it is and you'll have one good ride with it..
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 05:05
awesome game that isnt dated and still offers a challenge in 2021
42 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 06:02
Other than that this game was pretty fun. The story was pretty cool (I won't spoil anything) and the guns were fun to use.

80 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 11:48
Far Cry delivers an mediocre story with few memorable moments, its way too outdated, gameplay and graphic wise but it kept me entertained. The missions are linear and game is way too harsh because of bad AI. I only played this game because I wanted to see where the franchise started.
0 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 04:19
Good game. I didn't expect it to turn into a horror game a few levels in.
68 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 14:47
If you like a challenge and i mean CHALLENGE (which i don't, not to this extent) then you may like it. But its not like it requires a ton of skill, it requires a ton of time and patience. If you don't see someone at they take that time to shoot at you at mid-endgame levels then don't miss on medium difficulty keep in mind you either lose all your shield or you die have to restart and you better remember where he is this time a long side the other 15 guys that jump out of nowhere, plus the objectives are not straight forward at all i had to google walkthroughs for like 7 of the 20 missions in there. oh and not to mention leaves block your bullets, enemies have literally aimbot if your in a tent trust me don't go in a tent if there's anybody left, it's really unfair and t doesn't feel like a hard game it feels like the game just hates you. If you want to play this game I suggest you go on easy mode since i'm pretty sure you cant change once you've chose and download a god mode command for when the game really wants to put it in your bum.
377 Produkte im Account
194 Reviews
1251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 11:00
Aged? Definitely. Certainly worse than its triple A 2004 brethren (Halo 2, Half-life 2, Doom 3, etc.), but it's still a hell of a lot of fun and gets unfairly dismissed due to its cruel difficulty.

The Great:
++The game is brutally hard, with evil checkpoints, no quick-saving, huge damage outputs and awful enemy placements. And while it's often bullcrap, it's still a very enjoyable challenge most of the time. I'm proud to say that I finished this on its hardest difficulty because it really is a struggle.
++Combat is flawed, but it's still a hell of a lot of fun, and is quite unique. Your stance matters greatly thanks to recoil, weapon sway and weapon inaccuracy. Thermal vision is useful to spot enemies hiding in the dense jungle. Sneaking allows you to get the upper hand on the enemy. Different weapons have distinctly
different purposes. Headshots do significantly more damage. Listening out for footsteps can be crucial and leaning is an important aspect too. This and more amounts to engaging gameplay that keeps you on the edge.

The Good:
+Graphically the game is a mixed bag, but does for the most part look good. Outdoor environments are lush, but the low resolution textures and awfully low LOD does decrease the fidelity considerably, making detail and object pop-in much too close. In-door environments hold up much better with really solid
lighting that still looks good to this day.
+The protagonist is a jackass, but I love him nonetheless
+Missions are huge in size and pretty long in duration. They're linear, but still feel open and reward exploration. They're also pretty varied.
+The trigents aren't nearly as bad as they get discredit for, although I do understand where people are coming from. I personally enjoy fighting them and they serve as needed variety.
+For the first time in an FPS since Halo: Combat Evolved, vehicles fit naturally within the combat sandbox and control pretty well (although, admittedly, Halo did it way better)
+This is a really well lengthed game. Probably a bit too long, but still fun.
+Weapons feel powerful thanks to their diversity, decent audio, blood effects and ragdoll, even despite the emphasis on headshots making enemies tank body hits.
+The story's kind of lame and so are the characters, but I like how cheesy it is, and the uncommon cinematics are enjoyable to watch
+The pseudo-stealth system is handy and fun. It's not true stealth and isn't meant to be. It's about getting the upper-hand or keeping out of sight of enemies from miles away rather than bypassing sections undetected.
+Sound is a bit of a mixed bag too but is more good than it isn't. Laying on the ground being able to pinpoint slow moving footsteps before enemies come into view really adds to the tension and realism. The sound design does have plenty of issues, like overly noises atmospherics and low quality sound bites, but it's still solid.

The Okay/Not Too Big of a Deal:
-+The soundtrack is really good... but the issue is that it's so damn repetitive. The same tracks play over and over.
+-Voice acting is average, but it doesn't matter when the game doesn't take itself overly seriously
-+Auto-AI difficulty is silly. Don't use it.
+-AI is okay. Not bad, but not good either.

The Bad:
-Movement is clunky. Whether it's issues with proning, sluggish movement, an odd stamina bar, descoping and so on, it often gets in the way of fluid control. That being said, you can get the hang of it and learn to avoid these issues to an extent.
-Without unofficial patches, there are plenty of bugs that hamper the experience, such as AI being able to see and shoot through opaque but thin materials.
-Some enemies take entirely too many hits
-The ending is dreadful

The Horrible:
--There are parts of this game that are just pure pains in the asses, and I got tired of being sniped by snipers, boats and rockets from miles away

Sound: 6/10
Graphics: 6/10
Gameplay: 8.5/10
Content/Replayability: 6.5/10
Overall: 8/10

If you want something to really challenge you, then give this a shot. I personally have zero problems with checkpoints and actually prefer them, so the lack of quick saving isn't an issue for me. In-fact, the game wouldn't be nearly as good if relying on it. It's a test of skill and patience and it feels rewarding
to complete. This is easily my favourite game in the series, and is the only one I really care for.
373 Produkte im Account
177 Reviews
761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 19:11
Onestamente devo dichiarare di aver giocato a Far cry solo adesso ad aprile 2021 , avevo giocato al 2 ed al 3 ma il primo considerato uno dei migliori giochi mai usciti insieme ad Half life e doom che hanno rivoluzionato il mondo del gaming .

nei primi livelli mi è piaciuta la tipica ambientazione da far cry 3 caraibica , ma nei livelli nei laboratori mi sembrava una versione ridotta di Doom 3 e dead space ma mi son subito ricreduto nei livelli seguenti come in River e Catacombe che sono amazing, le armi come la desert deagle,M4 in particolare ma anche le altre,AG36,XM29 OICW,P90 hanno quell'effetto magic bullet dovuto al rinculo che fa sangue e crea dipendenza ( basta vedere le milioni di ore di gioco che le decine di milioni di giocatori nel mondo hanno fatto registrare su i vari counter strike)

la grafica è ancora gradevole nonostante tutti gli anni passati , ho preferito bloccare gli fps con il comando in console dato che stavo sopra i 700 frame rate al secondo.

Supporta pure il 21:9 o meglio si riesce a giocare tranquillamente a schermo intero senza bande nere laterali .

la difficoltà è elevata , bisogna procedere sempre piano stando seduto e facendo la ricognizione con il telimetro ed il visore notturno/termico.

certo A.I è veramente primitiva per non dire assente ma gli npc cercheranno molto spesso di attaccarti sui fianchi se procedi di velocità , perchè appena superi una porta o qualsiasi punti predisposto dai devs , gli npc vi riveleranno sia se siete nascosti nei cespugli e o non in linea visiva degli npc.

gli auto-save sono un pò un problema perchè sono improvvisi e potrebbero salvare anche mentre siete in volo con l'aliante mentre una barca vi sta sparando con un mitragliatore calibro °50

Il multyplayer naturalmente è morto non ci ho nemmeno provato a lanciarlo , considerando che anche il multyplayer di far cry 5 è già morto..

concludo che il primo Far cry è stato sicuramente una pietra miliare per gli open world fps , non obbligando il giocatore a seguire un percorso preciso e dando tutto il tempo per completare le missioni senza conteggi al rovescio e con pochi bug presenti e senza crash del gioco .

honestly I have to declare that I have played Far cry only now in April 2021, I had played 2 and 3 but the first considered one of the best games ever released together with Half life and doom that have revolutionized the gaming world.

in the first levels I liked the typical Caribbean setting from far cry 3, but in the levels in the workshops it seemed to me a reduced version of Doom 3 and dead space but I immediately changed my mind in the following levels as in River and Catacombs which are amazing, the weapons like the desert deagle, M4 in particular but also the others, AG36, XM29 OICW, P90 have that magic bullet effect due to the recoil that makes blood and is addictive (just see the millions of hours of play that the tens of millions of players in the world have registered on the various counter strikes)

the graphics are still nice despite all the past years, I preferred to block the fps with the command in console since I was above 700 frame rates per second.

It also supports 21: 9 or better you can play quietly in full screen without side black bands.

the difficulty is high, you must always proceed slowly while sitting and doing the reconnaissance with the telimeter and the night / thermal viewer.

sure AI is really primitive not to say absent but the npc will very often try to attack you on the hips if you go fast, because as soon as you pass a door or any point set by the devs, the npc will reveal to you whether you are hidden in the bushes and or offline visual of the npc.

auto-saves are a bit of a problem because they are sudden and could save even while you are flying with the glider while a boat is firing at you with a ° 50 caliber machine gun

The multiplayer of course is dead I didn't even try to launch it, considering that the multiplayer of far cry 5 is already dead ..

I conclude that the first Far cry was certainly a milestone for open world fps, not forcing the player to follow a precise path and giving all the time to complete the missions without backhand counts and with few bugs present and without crashing the game .

24 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 04:05
For 2004's standards, this is an incredible game. For 2021's standards, it's still an incredible game.
407 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 22:44
fun game 10/10 can't wait to play next one
79 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 04:04
very based game. the voice acting is to tier
72 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 00:08
Install some mods and its fun. although without them its kinda weird
5325 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 19:42
Still very enjoyable in 2021, I loved it
236 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 18:31
~ Difficulty ~

???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
???? Normal
☑️ Hard
???? Dark Souls


???? MS Paint
???? Bad
☑️ Meh
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
???? Good
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece


???? Bad
☑️ Not special
???? Good
???? Beautiful
???? Eargasm


???? Free
???? Underpriced
???? Perfect Price
☑️ Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money


☑️ You can run it on a microwave
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer


???? Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
☑️ Short (3 - 15 hours)
???? Average (15-50 hours)
???? Long (50-90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
???? No ending

~ FUN ~

???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
☑️ Actually pretty amusing
???? Ride of your life


???? Did it have one?
???? Very bad
☑️ Simple and Good
???? Perfect
???? Blows your mind


☑️ It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable


???? No
☑️ Wait for sale
???? Yes
251 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 23:42
really like this game. graphics are still great despite being 15 years old. unfortunately stealth is broken and enemies shoot through walls. rip
77 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 21:03
The last level gave me AIDS
87 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 06:59
was really fun, but the ai, no matter the difficulty, is really hard, like they have wallhacks... also got soft locked
427 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 02:04
Far Cry is first and foremost, a tech demo. It is truly visually impressive for a game made in 2004 and is the predecessor to Crysis. It is a semi open world that feels expansive and truly open when you are outside on the island, although the game has a habit of forcing you into tight corridors quite frequently. I downgraded my game to version 1.3, as version 1.4 changed a flag in the tent's materials. This means that enemies can see and shoot through them. I assume this was done by accident, but this was never fixed.

In regards to the technical side of things, this game is pretty bad. You will need to use a mod to get the game to run in 16:9 (or any aspect ratio up to 48:9) as the game locks itself to 4:3. With a base Horizontal Field of View of 90, There is no in-game slider or config file available that you can use to alter your FoV. The previously mentioned mod that unlocks the aspect ratio does allow you to increase FoV with it's own config file. Editing your FoV will not change the viewmodel. On a positive note, this game supports higher framerates natively and had no problem running at 240fps without any screen tearing. One slight problem I had was with the mouse sensitivity, the lowest value on the in-game slider was simply too high, however this can be edited in the game's config file. Doing this really amplified the problem with playing on lower sensitivity, as the menu cursor's sensitivity is out of sync and will move super slowly, it is a complete drag to get through menus.

Out of the big fps games to release in 2004 (for example Doom 3 and Half-life 2) the gameplay in Far Cry has aged the worst. This is primarily down to the AI and design of the game. You have a health bar that does not regenerate over time and enemies, even on normal difficulty will have no problem downing you in 4-6 shots. With the game being semi open world, you would imagine that you could sneak past enemies and use stealth to take down your opponents without giving them a chance to fight back, however this is far from the case. The AI will hear and see you from insane distances, and it doesn't matter if you're standing out in the open or prone in some tall grass, you will be seen no matter what. Not only is that an issue, the island's grass and bushes will conceal the enemy completely so the world design's works against you rather than with you. This leads to the most frustrating and tedious gameplay in a shooter I've ever experienced, you will have to move super slowly through levels and try to find certain shooting angles that limits your exposure to the enemy, however if one enemy gets close to you and is hidden in dense bushes or covered by grass, you are dead in a second and won't even see what killed you. If any game could use regenerating health, it is this one.
The AI in combat is super basic and has no self preservation, they will not move for cover, they will not interact with another and don't even search out foliage to conceal themselves in, they just happen to walk into the right spot at the right time while aimlessly charging at you.

The story, characters and voice acting are downright unintentionally hilarious. This is an early 2000's shooter, you can only expect the most cheesy and awful performances. Far Cry is no exception. One thing to note is it's rather difficult to hear character's when they do talk, especially a character called Doyle. The mixing is terrible and you will not be able to hear him half of the time. You probably aren't missing much as it's painfully generic plot and hilarious execution. Even the pre-rendered cutscenes, are downright bizarre and almost worth the pain of grinding through the gameplay to see them.

This game has not aged well and I do not recommend it for the modern player. However with that being said, there is this odd charm the game gives off. It has that early 2000's trash tier charm that had me hooked. While I really just wanted the game to end in the last few levels, I would be lying to myself if I said there was something about this game that didn't bring a smile to my face. I couldn't help but almost enjoy the terrible voice acting, atrocious gameplay and olden graphics.

1948 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 13:03
Annoying at first, but after 4 patches it's playable. Still very hard.
185 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 08:13
Brings Back School Memories
114 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 11:20
aged badly.
35 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 09:42
Game is good and hard monnnnnnnnnnnnke
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 01:57
It´s like Half Life on Hawaii
101 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 05:34
Okay but overrated and not fun
268 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 00:31
Maybe I'm just missing something, but holy shit I hated this game. The difficulty is just not satisfying at all. Like, how is multiple people being able to shoot you when you're behind a house with pinpoint accuracy in a game where you can only take a few bullets even remotely fun. It's worse when they can do so from about 50,000 light-years away. That's basically this whole game. Then there's the enemies with rocket launchers. There have times when I died from a rocket that I couldn't see coming, because it was A. shot from literally across the map. B. I was preoccupied with something else so I wasn't thinking to look around to make sure a rocket wasn't flying at me. and C. I couldn't hear it coming (refer back to A). Maybe it'd be better if Jack wasn't so sluggish to control. One of the worst examples of the unfair difficulty is when you're using the gun on a car that one of the other characters (couldn't bother to remember her name) is driving, so now you can't freely move, and you have to worry about the car also getting hit. I don't mind difficult games, but that's only if they have G O O D D E S I G N.

There's also no point in being able to freely explore the area since there's no submissions or optional objectives. It more or less just has more of what I described. This just makes it more confusing to navigate at times. Worst example of this is when I was following the the objective arrow, and I went down a path that lead to a destroyed bridge, and I was confused on where to go. The reason is because this path leading to nowhere was straight on the road I was driving down and I had no reason to question it because there were also enemies on that path. Maybe I would've saw the other path if the first-person view in vehicles wasn't so atrocious.

So yeah, this game is poopy garbage, skip to Far Cry 2 instead. If you want a game that's has a well designed difficulty play DOOM on Ultraviolence or literally any other game on the hard difficulty, because this ain't it.
20 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 01:51
131 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 17:42
As a person who has only played FC3 and 5 before, FC1 is very fun for a game that came out in 2004. Quite difficult even on easier difficulties, you will be dying a lot to a man with a rocket launcher who you can't even see, or from a few shots through the walls of tents from people outside who shouldn't be able to shoot you, but otherwise good game.
114 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 09:53
If you are looking for a more realistic retro first person shooter then look no further. This game makes you feel like you are actually in the action.
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 20:30
good game
348 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 10:45
Make sure you install the Unofficial Patch, then the game is fun!
328 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 20:49

Fight Your Way Through The Islands

Farcry is an action first person shooter with stealth elements. It’s more commonly known for the more modern installments that still keep part of the identity of this game within them.

You play as Jack Carver; an ex special forces US soldier who travelled with a lady called Valerie to an island just to end up stranded after some mercenaries decided to destroy their boat for trespassing. For surprise to Jack the surrounding areas are full of mercs doing god knows what in such a god forsaken place. Getting help from a guy called Doyle through some sort of PDA, it’s up to jack not only to survive and fight his way through this tropical areas but to find out what’s happening around this places and what happened to Valerie.

Although the game was released in 2004, when It comes down to visuals the game looks lovely up to this day and honestly breathtaking from time to time. The way that shadows of plants,and trees are cast upon the weapon that you’re holding is impressive up to this day and so is the scenery. Characters and the few animals that you’ll see look fine for the most part,maybe they’ll look a little bit weird during a cutscene but it’s something that can be forgiven. I'm sure that low end computers can run this high or max settings.

Audio and atmosphere are very well done ,combined that with the nice graphics this games can immerse you for the most part but I have to mentioned that the voice acting is kind of cheesy and it’ll probably make you laugh, so I guess that it can be a bonus to the experience depending on you.

Gameplay is very nice ,get your guns ,scout with binoculars, decide how you want to tackle the current situation,it grants you freedom of gameplay.

There’s also a decent amount of weapons and vehicles that you can use, you can carry up to 4 weapons and there’s 3 types of grenades and you also can throw rocks to bait and set up your opponents. The binoculars are important for scouting and tagging enemies , the tagging works by showing them in your sonar radar and also you’ll get heat vision goggles later on.

However, as many nice things that I have said about the game I have to mention one of the biggest problems if not the biggest is the difficulty. It can instantly change from level to level and from my understanding it can end up pissing you off even in normal difficulty. I played this game in “challenging” difficulty for the first time. The AI can shoot you through walls (and even see you), as well as they can spot you from far away; almost if not across some sections of the game(maybe it has something to do with jack’s red shirt). Apart of that some of the mercs can eat up to 3-4 head shots later in the game plus some have shields and very good armor. Headshots, tapping and bursting are a most. Plus this dudes can and will kill you very easily, some even carry rocket launchers (that they’ll shoot across the map),sniper rifles and good aim. The other problem is that although the game encourages stealth,enemies will just spot you no matter what in some ocassions, those detection bars (the ones near mini map/radar) will go up instantly and once someone spots you then that means everybody now see you. Don’t get me wrong, you can stealth but it can really feel broken and it renders the machete as useless. Another problem with this game are the Trigens , these guys can kill you even more easily than the humans. They can kill with lacerations; two hits and you’re done ,hell the big guys with the rocket arm can kill you with one punch. The little ones take half a mag to kill and the big guys a decent amount of ammo , the shotgun is very important against them and just go full auto with your rifles against these guys. Enemy positioning and type is honestly kind of cheap. Level design can be claustrophobic at times and it gets worse when you realize that you have to dodge rockets coming at you. The last levels or the last rooms are some of the most insane difficulty wise. Maybe the reason behind this was to make the game to take more time to beat. I honestly doubt that I will revisit this title because of the difficulty and how broken it can feel at times; it’s the biggest flaw and it can drive some people away and frustrate others. It was a challenge that at times it felt unbalanced. Lastly this game has checkpoints , if you die you’re going back to the last checkpoint, no quick saves here.

Can I recommend this? To be honest I wish steam had a neutral recommendation option. It’s kind of hard for me to recommend something that I know will make people pull their hair in some sort of anger or frustration. The thing is if you’re looking for some fun you will find it here I admit that, but if you expect to get it done without dying and restarting from the last checkpoint a lot then you’re in for a world of hurt. The difficulty you choose is up to you but keep in mind that it will still have some range of difficulty. I would say play this at least once if you’re into farcry games or if you’re into hardcore older games. It will challenge you in unfair ways sometimes but it is not impossible to beat.

Neutral recommendation.
211 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 03:25
Much better than what I expected. It's my understanding that Far Cry belongs to the three great games of 2004 along with Half Life 2 and Doom 3. Well I think this one is the most difficult (and I am playing on Medium) and maybe with the best AI. Enemies follow you across the map and shoot before you can even see them. There are also some scripted situations with great deal of surprise that I thoroughly enjoyed. Thumbs up from me.
65 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 17:22
A Game that can be fun at times with good combat and decent driving but what ruins it is the badly programmed, borderline retarded AI that have the most ridiculous aimbot and psychic abilities that enable them to see you from half a mile a way on the map and grant them the ability to see through walls and shoot you. This game was clearly meant to be stealth based like other Far cry games but it is physically impossible to even complete anything with stealth with the fucking ridiculous enemies with eyes on the backs of their heads and their inhuman hearing. The story is a good laugh due to the shit voice acting and the story being pretty ridiculous, but it's what Crytek were aiming for with this game which makes the story a bit less shitty. Visually this game still holds up and is definitely a better looking game than other games of this generation. Good combat, visuals and vehicle mechanics is what brings out the best in this game but despite this and the relatively decent story, the stupid ridiculous AI really fucks up the experience. But despite the AI the game can be pretty fun at times when your not being shot from a mile away or shot through a wall from a guy a mile a way and getting fucked from every possible angle from Trigens.
72 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 09:25
-clicking on heads is fun i guess
-pretty scenery and wide open levels

-stealth is unintuitive and often feels broken, either in your favor or against
-sensitivity gets lowered when you aim, and there's no way to modify how much it's lowered by
-enemies can suddenly become aimbots from a quarter mile away or shoot you through walls
-there really do be a huge difficulty spike in the late game. even on Medium difficulty it feels way too unfair, and having to cheese even the most basic of encounters is not fun.
-shallow plot with cheesy cutscenes and voice acting


post-completion edit: holy hell was this game a chore to complete. what I thought was the late game was actually just past the halfway point of it.

i still stand by my point about the difficulty spike, there are just so many points in the game where I was stuck for half an hour or more because the odds were stacked so unfairly -- honorable mentions go to the rail shooter section (impossible to aim at enemy vehicles before their machine guns chew up your health) and the final area in Volcano that forced me to hide in a corner to survive because there's zero cover and enemies with perfect aim everywhere.

the ending was also the biggest anti climax i've ever had the dissatisfaction of enduring
47 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 14:25
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G of course I never get bored of it after years I own it for myself.
166 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
16647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 19:57
best game ever...
68 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 15:36
Original fun FC style
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 14:42
I first played this game when I was 13yo, I bought it last year and played it again. Idk if it is bc it subconsciously reminds me of my childhood years but I just love the story, love the fps action 1 vs all in the islands, such an amazing game. I still play it at 23yo from time to time.
20 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 18:25
if only they made fps like this now. this game is a masterpiece
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3653 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 07:42
Nice Graphics
136 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 23:32
I used my binoculars to see if people were crying from far away. They were not :(
225 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 19:12
Have skipped this one in it's own time, though the scene was great.
Now in 2020 the scene and graphics are out dated, gameplay is linear and repetitive.

Still probably a must for the series.
239 Produkte im Account
147 Reviews
717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 04:38
+For 2004 game it has perfect ragdoll and physics
+Very long
+Half open world
+Great design of environment, places
+Gunplay is also good

-Spongy asf enemies, i always play games on hard mode, this one i played on expert (before the last one). There are some places and they are impossible to pass. Im not kidding (best example is you need to shoot with mounted gun when your mate is driving the car. Go and just play on expert if you dont believe me. No one can pass there and its not even the hardest mode)
-You are dying with 2-5 bullets but your enemies are not dying. From body they are simply tanks,more than 1 magazine to kill them. From head, with even ARs you need to hit 5-7 bullets. This is extremely annoying. The enemy AI is so powerful like they have auto-aim.
-Some issues are has to be fixed with unofficial patch because games latest version has unplayable issues like the enemies can see and shoot you through the tents. Also some water reflections and anisotropic is mess, but you can fix it by using guides and editing cfg file
-Story is meh

I wish i could say that game is really good, i played it like 12 years ago and now i grown up for games and can criticize their sides. Im a huge FC fan but this game has disappointed me so much with those spongy enemies. The game is still good and worth to play but its not amazing..

428 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 13:45
The original Far Cry is one of those games that's an absolute gem, but one that's been neglected. Thankfully it still runs on newer hardware but to get it playable you really need to tinker a bit with the LOD values and find a way to edit the excruciatingly cramped FOV with or without mods.

Other than that it really feels like a Half-Life clone, it's weird but still its own game. The combat feels very responsive but levels can sometimes drag on later in the game.
245 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 00:34
This aged VERY poorly. A few minutes in and enemies can see and fire through walls, with perfect accuracy at 50+ meters range. In general the bad and thoughtless level design combined with the piss poor AI just results in cheap and irritating gameplay with no trace of fun anywhere. This is tue for both the outdoor and indoor sections of the game.

In short; The game is really bad.
1068 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 21:26
Far Cry is a classic in first-person shooter history, and although it is several years old, it is still enjoyable in 2020.


The story is straightforward and with few surprises. The player slips into the role of the former elite soldier, Jack Carver, who organises boat trips for tourists in Micronesia. On a trip to an island with journalist Valerie Constantine, the boat is under fire from unknown soldiers and the player starts the game in a cave on the island. The first part of the game is mainly about the search for Valerie. Later on, the player uncovers the secrets of the island and stops some nasty activities.

But the quality of a shooter can certainly not be measured by his story. Let's quickly get to the...


The gameplay is where the game shows its strength and where you don't notice its age. The levels feel realistic and are often a multi-course tube system that leads to the objective in different ways.Doors can be unlocked with key cards and from time to time healthpacks, armour and weapons are lying around.

The levels vary greatly depending on whether they are inside or outside. Inside levels are often characterised by narrow corridors or wide halls and the gameplay is more straightforward.

In the extensive jungle areas there is a stealth system in addition to the shooter gameplay. The player can stalk through bushes and an indicator for volume tells you if he is noticable. In this way, opponents can often be surprised from creative positions and effectively flanked.

The opponents behave in a very varied way. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Somewhat weak is the fact that they come running through a door every now and then as if on a string of pearls, so that you can finish them off one after the other. Strong is that they sometimes look for cover or try to flank the player themselves.
The gun handling feels good and the hit indicators are clearly visible. The repertoire of weapons is varied. In large areas you use the zooming assault rifles or sniper rifles. In narrow bunkers the SMG or shotgun.

The game has a well noticeable but fair progress curve. It starts very easy and in the course of the game the intelligence, quality of the equipment and the quantity of the opponents increases significantly. I would describe the last three levels, even at normal difficulty level, as challenging to difficult.


In 2004 Far Cry was quite beautiful. It still looks the same today as it did then. :-)


I liked the sound. The music pumps in the action sequences and provides additional adrenalin. The weapons sound full. As long as the enemies are not yet involved in the fight they often talk to each other about what is happening on the island and so a nice environmental storytelling is created.


If you are a shooter fan and have not played Far Cry yet: Play it. It's a great representative of its guild if you can live with the fact that it looks a bit dated.
48 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 19:19
Fapped to Val when I was 12, would play again. 10/10 IGN.
3514 Produkte im Account
677 Reviews
2442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 00:02
This one was a hardware frier back in the old days...
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 17:27
good game yes
5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 09:17
Full of memories...
43 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 08:13
ai is kinda umm

but the game is ok
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 18:27
because of the great gameplay that I still enjoy, now in 2020
148 Produkte im Account
128 Reviews
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 02:33
342 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1039 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 20:35
did you see something?
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 15:59
It has been more than 7 years since last played it, I still remember I was getting scared by those jumping monsters :))
Just finished it, I have now seen why I was getting so frustrated when I was younger and kept dying. Aimbot on the Ai.. but to be fair, at least feels like a challenge. I loved it then, I still love it now. It will be one of the best games in my collection. I definately recommend it!!
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1020 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 21:58
Childhood Farcry. There has not been another one like this.
603 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 04:14

How did this mess spawn a franchise?

I've played a lot of shooters over the years - Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, early Doom and Quake titles, Far Cry 3, Just Cause 2 (not 1st person that one), Crysis 1 and 2, etc... so I feel I know what I'm talking about when I say this game is garbage.

At its core, it's a game about killing stuff. You start some place, get some gear, kill stuff.

Go to mountains. Kill stuff. After dying a lot.

Go in a building. Die a bit. Kill stuff.

Emerge from tunnels, kill stuff.

Go through a camp. Kill stuff. Maybe find a body armour that lasts more than a single foe. Die a bit.

I hope you notice the pattern.

Unlike other games, this is all there is. There's nothing comedic about it, like Goldeneye or Perfect Dark achieve. Enemies aren't funny, like in Quake, and there isn't anything to do on the side, like later titles in the series have. So that's all there is to the experience - killing. And you don't need a game for that - just go to America and do some shooting on the way home from grocery shopping, it's easy when you let everyone arm themselves with no laws or order to it.

The scenery is nothing worth looking at either. There's a brief cutscene where the CIA woman is having a bath in a pond under a waterfall but there's nothing much to see there either. I'd still prefer Tomb Raider 1 to be honest.

So with dorky macho B-grade voice-acting and rambo-ism and not much to look at except hard-fought and ultimately unrewarding piles of dead bodies with cliche weapons and huge and costly reload times with no silenced stealthy weapons AT ALL and lots of hard-to-see ambush cheap-death situations, you are going to hate yourself if you get this game, and wonder why you didn't spend your time on here playing something more fun.

So don't get it.
227 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 02:07
Literal Dogshit
176 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 19:52
Clunky gameplay and absurd tuning. Not enjoyable LOL.
132 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 16:48
Just a warning for anyone not used to playing brutally tough shooters like Serious Sam that this is very difficult, even more than those like CSGO and Half-Life! For the most part, the game isn't the challenging and it's open world/non-linear levels allows players to skip confrontations with enemies along with stealth tactics if need be. Don't be like me and other inexperienced people and expect this to be run and gun on-rails like Left 4 Dead or Call of Duty because that kind of gameplay attitude will come back to bite you.

Graphics are inconsistent, with some assets like post processing, character and weapon models, and overall geography being nice, but then draw distance, environmental textures, and dynamic shaders just sucking so hard. Also the FOV and widescreen looks very off, and instructions for specific controls aren't updated to whatever key binds you remap them to. So far, I think the plot is overly dramatic while the execution is a bit off but that's how most video games were until in recent years lol. Controls are also mixed with basic stuff like walking/running, crawling, and aiming being great, but then climbing, driving, and even shooting sometimes is so terrible.

Think you readers should just skip this game and get the later Far Cry games that expand greatly upon graphics, controls, story, and gameplay unless you want to be challenged. Even on easy difficulty, there's been incidents where I've died so many times I started to punch my laptop out of frustration. I'm still not done or close to being done but with my newfound knowledge, I'll make sure not to be frustrated to that extent again and just quit for awhile if I'm stuck. And being an old game, might have some issues with newer tech.
453 Produkte im Account
209 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 05:32
This steam version is garbage! Get the version on GOG! However the first half of the game is good! The second is full of the Trigen's who ruin the game with their presence. The multiplayer servers were shut down many years ago so this game is really not worth playing anymore unless you played it back then and love it.
71 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 16:39
Going through the Far Cry series for the first time, not a bad game considering how old it is, the AI hivemind was very off putting but other than that it was fun to play one of the classics.
128 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 04:34
Yes, this game is fun.
However, this game is VERY different from any other Far Cry game. It has the openess of the level design, but it is kinda wack in some ways.
Also the game is very, very, VERY hard. By far harder than any Dark Souls game. Trying to play this on Realism is like a nightmare.
But in the end, this game was very fun and satisfying to playthrough all the way, but keep in might ya gotta buckle yourself for one hell of a bumpy ride. Ya might rage a few times, but keep your cool and think about other ways to move around the area and use different weapons. Always use a silenced weapon and either crouch or lay down. Hope this review was kind helpful, and good luck in your endeavors!
165 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 21:05
better than fallout 76
330 Produkte im Account
180 Reviews
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 17:59
376 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 16:36
Old but old Gold!

This is actually the first time I have played this and I am really enjoying it so far. The controls are kind of ok and passable but what do you expect from a game made in 2004. The GFX won't blow you away but not too bad either.

It had been sitting in my 'Can I be bothered' game pile for a long time so I'm glad I decided to give it a go. I do recommend the game but only if it's on sale guys.
38 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 02:45
Would love to see a remake of Far Cry (2004) as it's such a great game
22 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 21:08
The game certainly hasn't aged well. Enemies tend to shoot through solid objects killing you, the level design is honestly atrocious simply because of where they put saves and certain enemies, especially the rocket launcher brute, who will easily soak up 15 shotgun rounds to the skull and live, who, at multiple times, be found in tight corridors where the only option is to fight him. Secondly there is no regen in this game, at all. The only way to heal is to find hp and armor across the map, and during the portions of the game when getting across the island is the only objective, its a little hard to find health and especially live when reloading only restores half hp and no armor. I feel with mods, specifically adding a quicksave option, a fix to the horrible ai, and maybe a health regen although I do feel that the no regen adds to the masochists charm of this game. But for an older game, its not that bad, just certainly not the best either. The gunplay is one of my favorite parts of this game, and my favorite part is being able to steal the enemies boat and then mowing all of them down with said boat. In conclusion, I have already died more times then I have in 30 hours of dark souls 2 and i have only played for 7 hours, making this the hardest game I have ever played, but it is certainly worth playing for 3 dollars.
71 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 21:14
This game is harder than any Dark Souls. Don't get fooled, easy is already the hardest difficulty, higher than that you just add unnecessary hours to your playthorugh. This game will eat you alive, showing no mercy.

I enjoyed it a lot.

153 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 13:31
This is actually a pretty fun game but there are some bugs that can't be overlooked. Namely that enemies can see and shoot you through certain walls making it so that you can be killed even when you think you are safe. Also, as a stealth game, melee does not work. Trying to melee someone 9/10 times misses and causes the enemy to be alerted and attack you instead.
1391 Produkte im Account
749 Reviews
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 01:12
Another awesome classic that started a long running series. Has a more linear approach to the levels than future titles so expect less freedom however there is still a fun story mode. Nice graphics for it's era and still looks decent today. It gets a bit buggy towards the end and plan on raging at the AI pretty often.
4206 Produkte im Account
286 Reviews
18661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 03:44
Far cry can be easily summed up this way...

Step on leaf = 1,000 elite soldiers, 3 Humvee’s and a UH 60 helicopter fitted with rocket launchers all bearing down on you.

For some reason version 1.4 uploaded to steam broke the AI so that they are nearly impossible to beat even on the easiest of settings. With this version, the AI can practically one shot you even with armour on, they are always alerted to your presence even from miles away even if your quieter than a mouse wearing moccasins and they can see and shoot you through walls, such as tents etc. While this more challenging mechanic has vexed many gamer's requiring them to up their dose of Prozac, others have taken up the challenge to show that even the near perfect AI can still be beaten even on the hardest difficulty that being 'realistic'.

To be successful in that above challenge you’re going to need to rely on grenades, flash bangs, know how to mark all your hidden targets with binoculars and be a legendary expert in carmageddon. Hiding in foliage is your best bet, luring the enemy out and taking them out. Also knowing how to avoid unnecessary conflict by experimenting with various pathing is also a must. But even with all the above, be prepared to rage quit, trashing your house and jumping up and down on your neighbours’ daffodil patch when it comes to some levels of the game like 'Volcano' where there is not really any place to hide.

‘Farcry’ was originally a 2004 FPS game made from ‘Cryengine’ software from a German company called ‘Crytek’ who then moved onto the ‘Crysis’ franchise. Seriously ‘Crytek’ what is it with you and your obsession with the word cry? You ‘Cry babies’…

There was actually a ‘far cry’ at the time of this games release for an FPS that broke conventional form of being closed in, linear and dark. No engines at that time could handle both open worlds and at the same time be rich in colour, with large viewing distance and high definition. CryEngine was first demonstrated back at a 1999 expo with a demo called X-Isle Dinosaur Island https://youtu.be/wUqK5sgzTE0 this was really pushing the envelope at the time. Crytek then soon after struck a deal with NVidia to roll out X-isle with all Nvidia Cards. With CryEngine now being the most demanding game engine on the market, it soon led Ubisoft into agreeing to make X-Isle into a full AAA title game. After a bit of tweaking with idea’s (from dinosaur and aliens to mercenaries) this X-Isle then eventually transitioned into the Farcry Classic known today and released 2004.

After Farcry’s release, Crytek in the same year, signed a deal with EA to start producing the Crysis series with an even more improved CryEngine that they were working on. Due to EA being a direct competitor to Ubisoft, the Farcry series from then on, was largely assigned over to Ubisoft Montreal and were commissioned to port ‘Farcry’ over for consoles. Unfortunately consoles though at this point in time were simply not powerful enough to handle the wide-open levels. So, the whole game was practically rewritten to suit. This included Farcry Instincts 2005 (a reworked version of Farcry Classic with an alternate universe story), it’s sequel Farcry Evolution 2006 (a short continuation from the reworked version) Farcry Predator 2006 (A HD version of the previous two for Xbox 360) Farcry Vengeance 2007 for Wii (A reworked edition of Evolution with 3 levels added and which have no characters in it that actually died in Farcry Classic, meaning that it is most likely a cannon continuation for that one) and Paradise Lost 2007 a terrible money grabbing arcade version of Farcry Instincts. There was also a Farcry German novel Gotterdammerung 2007 which apparently puts you in the mind of a Trigen and Farcry the movie 2008 ( a low budget B-grade movie directed by Uwe Boll which does away with Doyle and Trigen and replaced them with an uncle and genetically engineered soldiers that have skin tougher than Kevlar vests, meaning they can only be shot in the eyes and mouth).

The reason I mention the above, is that the events pictured within, all above have to have taken place in the year 2025, regardless of being alternate universes or not. This time line of events was cemented on the original license disk of Farcry. This means that the events pictured within, actually take place AFTER the nuclear holocaust, and AFTER the events depicted in Farcry 2 making that more a prequel. Still the problem is, with now three completely different versions of the original (movie included), which are as different as chalk and cheese. Which of the three should be considered original cannon and which one of the three stories should be considered as alternate universe? The answer to that question might lie with the 2014 release of 'Farcry Wild Expedition' which was an anniversary compendium which included 'Farcry Classic' in HD and NOT 'Farcry Instincts'. This means that the original cannon would be 'Farcry Classic' followed by 'Farcry Vengeance', and as stated before 'Farcry 2' a prequel and 'Farcry Instincts', 'Evolved' and 'Predator' all being alternate universe.

Story here revolves around Jack Carver who has retired from US Special Forces and taken up running Boat Charter tours around the South Pacific. He is hired by reporter Valerie Constantine to take her to an unchartered island in the Micronesia to supposedly study World War II ruins. While Val leaves on a jet ski to investigate, Jack remains onboard awaiting her return. However, a group of mercenaries show up and blow up Jacks boat with a missile attack. Jack manages to escape in the water and swims down to a nearby underwater set of caves.

Instead of following him down there, the mercenaries simply cave in the entry by throwing down some grenades. Lucky for Jack Carver the cavern system connects to an Old Japanese Fort and in that fort, conveniently positioned is an audio/visual PDA (presumably originally left there for a Val rendezvous) where someone called Doyle repurposes the PDA and states that he is on Jacks and Val’s side and wants to get them both out of there.

With Doyle’s inside intel he agrees to try and locate Val who has got herself kidnapped. Jack traverses several islands owned by a mad scientist named Krieger, a former geneticist to the Department of Defence, whose experiments were culled for being inhumane. After being terminated, Krieger continues as a private business owner, accumulates wealth and eventually buys several remote tropical islands in Micronesia and hires thousands of mercenaries who are all under the umbrella of Richard Crowe, a military colonel, in the hopes of protecting his research facilities and continuing his somewhat more unethical experiments.

Venturing forward we learn that Doyle himself is a CIA operative sent in undercover as a lab assistant to uncover the truth about these wild claims of banned experiments continuing and that Val was really a CIA operative sent in to discover the welfare status of Doyle after cyphered communication between them had stopped for a period. Val now captured and being interrogated by the mercenaries to discover who the mole is among their ranks, needs to be rescued or the jeopardy of Doyle’s covert access could be compromised and in turn making it more difficult, too impossible, for anyone to eventually escape.

However, like a Rambo dressed in a bright Hawaiian shirt which he takes off for no enemy, coupled with the players help, we eventually become successful in saving Val while witnessing the atrocities of megalomaniac Krieger, whose ultimate plan is to replace the entire human race with a race of super being mutants that are genetically engineered to obey his every whim and command as their leader.

There's much more to the series, but i'm limited by what I can write in reviews. Below is a sample from someone else...


180 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 12:48
Really crusty and frustrating. Even after installing bazzilion AI patches and gameplay fixes, this game is awful. The weapons are innacurate pieces of shit. Aiming down sights blocks your view. Physics are way too floaty. The soldiers have aimbot and can see through solid walls and ground. Even on lowest difficulty, getting through the first real area is near impossible, as you will just keep getting murdered by snipers standing way beyond the game's draw distance. The story is generic and the voice acting is on a Resident Evil 1 level. Saving and Loading is broken and you need to do it through console commands. I'd say this game aged like milk, but I don't see how something like this could have been considered good even back in 2004, considering Mafia came out 2 years before, GTA 3 was 3 years old, and Hitman Contracts came out the same year, all of which do things this game attempts vastly better. This is a shitty overpriced tech demo and I recommend you stay away from it.
68 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 01:12
Only recommended for Far Cry completionists and FPS fanatics. This game is INCREDIBLY tough... What makes it a chore is also poor writing and HORRIBLE voice acting. Luckily, the series got better after this entry. The environments are gorgeous for the time in which this game came out, though. It basically feels like a tech demo, not a game.
78 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 16:06
Skip straight to 2
104 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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1535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 01:16
(note i played this on normal) this a bad far cry game, simply do to the stealth being practically not there with the enemies hearing/seeing you when your behind 2 walls, and all them having sharpshooter aim and pretty much boss health (specially at the endgame) but with you doing way way less damage to them and take twice as much back if you don't have armor on. if you ever for some reason want to buy and play this game get it on sale tho i recommend you play the later games skip this one completely.
183 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 00:07
I really liked the part where the enemies could shoot you trough 4 walls and a tent
932 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 18:33
This is a very fun game! The difficulty at Normal is very challenging for me, but this make it so much more exciting to win! Recommend this gem.

If you are having issues with AI shooting through walls, check the guides section for AI fix.
209 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 18:20

A little big Dark Souls... I mean, Far Cry

An excellent classic that is worth playing, but this game is not for everyone, it is not for nothing that it is considered the most difficult of far cry, regardless of the level of difficulty you choose, this game will remain complicated, and that, depending on Of course, the person will be an excellent positive or negative.
However, the problem is not just the difficulty of the game itself, but its gameplay problems; I can quote here your Stealth system, which is just horrible, it is divided into two distinct lines, there are times when enemies will find out where you are, even if you are stealthed behind a house 1km away; and other times when they will approach you without knowing that someone is really there.

However, the first point I mentioned is the most frequent to see, making you need to incorporate Rambo most of the time, for some this is excellent, but there is another problem: the enemies that practically do not miss the shots, the high damage that quickly consumes your HP, and the accumulation of enemies that exists in the scenarios (this is when they do not activate the alarms, but as you will need to enter Rambo mode, the alarms will be more frequent).
And also due to the difficulty and not having a save game option, except for checkpoints at distant points, this will cause you to have to repeat the same place over and over again.

However, the game is still quite good, especially for Old Schools, or those who like a game with difficulty.
His soundtrack is very good, always used at the right times, and for me it was not nauseating. The scenery and the setting were just fantastic and immersive, the sound of the animals, the water ... everything was very neat, I remember while I was playing, I was evaluating the audio and the setting of the game several times.
Its chart for the least demanding is also good; for me who usually play very old games, it was excellent (even for the year of release).
The story is very short, and not very neat, but it has its salt, and with that it is acceptable. So, regardless of the problems it has, it is still an excellent game even in the current times, I recommend it and I am happy to have started this incredible franchise.
1501 Produkte im Account
277 Reviews
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12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.20 02:44
As is mentioned in other reviews, enemies can see you through tents, apparently due to some bug. Skip this unless you hear about it getting fixed, because this ia unplayable in its current state.
63 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 22:16
i cant recommend this game in its current state. as others have pointed out the 1.4 update for this game (the way it comes when you download it) has made the AI godlike. they can spot you across the map and see through walls. the enemies can also kill you in about 3 shots this way. the game is wayy to difficult with these bugs present. i was barely able to make it to the third level playing like this on easy before i gave up. i tried to install an unofficial patch that fixes this but then that broke the saving system. unless they release an official patch for this issue id probably stay way from buying this game
86 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 19:41
For anyone who knows the ai is godlike shooting through walls, downgrade to version 1.3, it is GOLD!
Thank god you can fix this at least! best game I've ever played in early 2000's, along with doom 3, half life 2, quake 4, FEAR...
This game was the teaser of the legendary crysis, with the cutting edge graphics that made literally every pc at that time a toy! I wish far cry had been continued by crytek!
197 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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1763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 08:35
Stealth mechanics is non existance. AI has pin point accuracy and superhuman hearing. It feels like I am fighting against some nanosuit soldier except they are not wearing any. Two shots can take you down even if you have full health and armour. Basically you have to avoid any damage because one round from the m4 is going to cut you in half. Good luck
2633 Produkte im Account
444 Reviews
459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 22:42
Far Cry is the game that started it all, without this we wouldn't battle crazy cults, deranged pirates and blood dragons.


You play as Jack Carver. Jack has been hired by woman named Val to take her to a remote island and after she sails off to the island on a jet ski, Jack's ship is blown up and he himself alongside Val is trapped on an island filled with dangerous soldiers and mutant soldiers named the Trigent. Goal is simple, save Val and take down Krieger who runs the show.

The plot in Far Cry is not great whatsoever, but it's enough motivation to keep you going. The writing is very bland and honestly you'll have trouble taking it seriously with how bad the voice acting is (especially Jack himself) and how there's bizarre scenes like after a shootout Val gets into her bikini to take a shower to deliver some exposition.

The characters are all flat as boards and I honestly didn't care for anyone, Jack especially. On the surface he's just a complete asshole who just spits out the stupidest lines of dialogue and he alone completely kills the tone of the game.


Far Cry rose from the ashes of a tech demo Crytek were working on and honestly the game still looks pretty damn good today. The environments are lush and pretty lively with birds flying around, the deep blue sea surrounding the islands, it's all good stuff.

But not everything from the graphics department aged as well as they would have liked. The character models are atrocious, especially in the CG cutscenes. The characters have really shiny skin, like they're made of plastic or are covered in gallons of oil. And their facial expressions are often pretty hilarious, especially some of the Trigent enemies.


The ambient sounds of Far Cry are probably the only thing that is notable from my experience, everything else is just bland. The score is ok at best, it constantly loops and most tracks are used over and over for most gunfights, so they get tiring pretty fast.

And of course the voice acting, which is absolutely horrendous. It's borderline hilarious how bad the voice acting is, even the characters that seem to try come of very dry and like they are about to fall asleep at the sound booth. But Jack's voice actor is just a whole new level of bad.


Unlike the other Far Cry games, the first entry is rather linear in it's design. While each level is big, how you approach each objective is basically the same, you can choose a different path to your goal, but the road leading to it will be the same, filled with enemies out for your blood.

The first half of the game is honestly really fun. Going around the island killing enemies, driving around with cars, boats and hang gliders is all really fun, but then the fun is quickly over when you encounter the Trigent. The Trigent are the mutants kept on the island and they are an absolute nightmare to deal with and honestly make the game a pain in the ass to finish.

Now I haven't mentioned yet, but Far Cry is hard, really, really hard. Even on the easy mode the game is absolutely unforgiving and most enemies will wipe you out in one or two hits. The first half of the game is difficult, but the human enemies are disposable with a few placed shots, but once the Trigent enter the scene the games difficulty enters overdrive mode. Most of Trigent enemies eat up entire magazines from a gun before they go down and they move fast and take you out in one or two hits. Also not to mention one type has a rocket launcher attachment and he shoots that rocket launcher like a machine gun so have fun dealing with that.

The game really shits the bed in the second half of the game and you start realizing the games faults here. Enemies are crazy accurate and they can shoot through walls, also they can spot you from seven million miles away and then the entire world knows where you are and rush to your location. You also have a silenced SMG as one of your gun options for a stealth route, but honestly the stealth doesn't work whatsoever, it's too unpredictable if a headshot will take someone out in a single bullet or not.


Far Cry has not aged well at all, but honestly the game still has it's merits. It's fun to gun down the human enemies in the first half of the game, but as soon as the Trigent get involved the game ends up being incredibly tedious. I have to give this game respect for starting one of my favorite franchises, but honestly this game is not that good. so if you want to get involved with Far Cry just skip straight to the sequels.

Final Rating:

+ Great looking environments
+ Gunplay is a lot of fun

- Game is insanely difficult
- Trigent
- Story sucks

If you liked this review please consider joining https://steamcommunity.com/groups/completingthebacklog and https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ImperialReviews
822 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 18:39
I pretty much grew up with Far Cry as a kid, and it's just as amazing as I remember. Only I'm not as scared to play it anymore, 'cause back in the day I used to crap a brick every time I saw a trigen.

Far Cry was revolutionary back when it came out. It laid the foundation for the modern FPS genre with gameplay consisting of open-worldish fast-paced combat and vehicular action, mixed with quite a compelling story. From a graphical point of view Far Cry is also outstanding. It looked beautiful then, it looks beautiful now. The CryEngine and its later versions to this day are my favorite graphics engines.

But boy is this game hard... There's only one weapon which allows a little bit of stealth, but even then chances are you'll get the whole enemy base up on their feet looking for you. Also, Far Cry originally only offers predefined checkpoint spots on each map to save your game, and often they are too far from one another, especially given how difficult the combat is. So to those who don't have all the time in the world to replay checkpoints over and over I suggest looking up how to save manually through the console at any point. Oh and Steam for some reason only offers v1.4 of the game, which introduced some very nasty bugs and discouraged new unaware players from playing Far Cry, so it's best if you downgrade from this version or apply an unofficial patch on top of it to fix the game up.

And once you do, dive right in - you'll see where the whole magnificent franchise originated. If you like FPS games in general, I'm pretty sure you'll love this. And yes, sometimes it can be a difficult b1tch to play, but I always find it worth pushing through.
281 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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2984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 03:50

This game is great. One of the best; in some ways, even better than Crysis. But the Steam version has a bug that renders foliage worthless for concealment, and allows enemies to see you through tents. This was caused by a post-release patch that the Gog.com version, thankfully, doesn't have.
19 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
11817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 21:50
the best FPS ever. i wish they could remaster this to hd.
159 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 11:13
I remember being so excited after buying this game in the box with the multiple CDs. The graphics, mechanics and the AI of the enemies are obviously dated but it's still a fun game. Maybe it's just nostalgia for me but I do recommend it.
106 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 05:01
Me being a fan of FPS shoot um ups and also exploration makes me a bit of a fan when it comes to the Farcry games. They all give you the choice of ether sneaking and capturing an enemy base with or without animals to provide support. Or go guns a blazing around the environment. Having villains provoking and poking you while you're trying not to get eatin by a shark.
This first of the first unfortunately doesn't provide any of those things.
The story is forgettably dumb that you're convince that a 2nd grader wrote it, the gameplay is have functional but filled with bugs that even if you cover yourself behind a structure wall that bullets well go through it anyway. The game tricks you into thinking you can sneak through the level, but enemy detection can easily pick you out like your holding a neon sign. I couldn't bare myself to beat it, although there are some things about it to admire it for being one of the first FPS games to have more of an exploration to it.
110 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 01:32
I started the first little mission to go to the camp and steal a vehicle and got spotted through a wall. Then the alarm was called and I went in a building and got shot through the building as well. Not spending any more time on it.
49 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 21:40
After finishing this game, I have nothing but hatred for it. It's railed my ass too many times. It's tortured me and sexually assaulted my soul. The bots can go fuck themselves and fuck this game
65 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 21:41
Having difficulties? Keep getting killed constantly? Try getting better at the game.
65 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 00:01
Best game. Best graphics I've seen ever. the demons turn me on so HAAAARRRRD.
when i shoot a guy dead. mmmm. tasty fresh
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
17787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 21:00
Good to see that this Steam version works just fine on Windows 10. The only thing needed is a Vysnc setting to control the excessively high FPS (around 500 I believe) and likely coil whine from your video card. To do this, press ` (top left on keyboard) to enter the inbuilt console, then enter g_maxfps 144 (or whatever your monitor's refresh rate is). This instantly stopped the coil whine on my GTX 1060 card. However, one has to repeat this operation every time one plays the game.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
45412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 22:39
165 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
3029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 09:51
First Far Cry is by far hardest game in the series. Fucking hell!
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77.92% 2573 729
Release:25.03.2004 Genre: Ego-Shooter Entwickler: Crytek Vertrieb: Ubisoft Engine: CryEngine Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: FarCry
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