Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
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Über das Spiel

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon ist Angesiedelt auf einer bizarren Open World-Insel, wo das Böse allgegenwärtig ist. Willkommen in einer Vision der Zukunft aus Sicht der 80er. Wir schreiben das Jahr 2007 und Sie sind Sergeant Rex Colt, ein Mark IV Cyber Commando. Ihre Mission: Schnappen Sie sich das Mädchen, töten Sie die Bösewichte und retten Sie die Welt!
Erleben Sie alle Klischees einer nuklearen Zukunftsvision aus der Ära der der VHS-Kassetten, in der Cyborgs, Blutdrachen, Mutanten und Michael Biehn (Terminator, Aliens, Navy Seals) aufeinander treffen.

Sie sind Sergeant Rex Colt: ein Mark IV Cyber-Commando. Es ist das Jahr 2007 und die Erde ist seit dem Atomkrieg der 90er Jahre verwüstet. Der Ost-West-Konflikt tobt seit Generationen und nach einem desaströsen Jahrzehnt kämpft die Menschheit weiter um Fortschritte. Neue Wege zum Frieden müssen gefunden werden und die Cyborg-Armee der USA hat vielleicht eine Lösung: eine mächtige Biowaffe auf einer entlegenen Insel. Ihre Mission ist es, Informationen zu sammeln und herauszufinden, was zum Teufel dort vor sich geht.
- Ein affengeiler Cyber-Shooter: Es gibt nur einen, der es mit einer Armee von wild gewordenen Killer-Cyborgs, Metallhaien, mutierten Wissenschaftlern und bösartigen Blutdrachen, die Laserstrahlen aus ihren Augen verschießen, aufnehmen kann – und zwar Sie. Ihr Name ist Sergeant Rex Power Colt und Sie sind ein Mark IV Cyber-Commando. Sichern und laden Sie sieben vollständig anpassbare Lieblings-Killer-Implantate und nehmen Sie es mit dieser bizarren Open World-Insel des Bösen auf. Schalten Sie Ihre Gegner mit Ninja-Sternen, Schusswaffen oder dem guten alten Sprengstoff aus. Es ist Ihre Schlacht. Ihr Weg. Deren Pech.
- Schnappen Sie sich das Mädchen, töten Sie die Bösewichte und retten Sie die Welt: Als Sergeant Rex Colt sind Sie halb Mensch, halb Maschine, aber ein ganzer Amerikaner. Ein hochmoderner Mark IV Cyber-Commando mit einer Mission: Vergeltung. Sie müssen Ihren ehemaligen Kommandeur und sein Bataillon skrupelloser Killer-Cyborgs ausschalten, und Sie schrecken vor nichts zurück, um diesen Auftrag zu erfüllen.
- Ein Ritt auf jedem Klischee der VHS-Ära: Hollywoods Action-Ikone Michael Biehn (Terminator, Aliens und The Abyss) kehrt zurück in einer explosiven und düsteren 80er-Jahre SciFi-Zukunftsvision voller Cyborgs und Mutanten. Schalten Sie Ihren Videorekorder aus, stöpseln Sie Ihr Videospiel-Großraumcomputer ein und bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, den gesamten Nervenkitzel von Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon mit stereophoner Klangausgabe zu erleben.

- CPU: 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 / 3.00 GHz AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
- GFX: 512 MB DirectX 9.0c–compliant
- RAM: 2 GB
- Software: Windows XP (SP3) / Windows Vista (SP2) / Windows 7 (SP1) / Windows 8
- HD: 3 GB
- SFX: DirectX 9.0c–compliant
- DX: DirectX 9.0c
- Peripherie: Windows-compatible keyboard, mouse, optional controller
- MISC: Requires a UPlay account.
- LANG: Englisch, Niederländisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Spanisch
- CPU: 2.93 GHz Intel Core i3-530 / 3.10 GHz AMD Phenom II X2 550 or better
- GFX: 1024 MB DirectX 11–complaint or higher
- RAM: 4 GB
- Software: Windows XP (SP3) / Windows Vista (SP2) / Windows 7 (SP1) / Windows 8
- HD: 3 GB
- SFX: 5.1 surround sound
- DX: DirectX 11
- Peripherie: Windows-compatible keyboard, mouse, Xbox 360 Controller for Windows
- MISC: Requires a UPlay account.
- LANG: Englisch, Niederländisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 13:21
Nimmt sich nicht zu ernst und ist genau deswegen so witzig. Die Sprüche von den Charakteren, die Animationen, und teilweise die Missionen gepaart mit den Waffen die verrückte Modifikationen haben, macht das Spiel einfach Laune. Leider, leider nicht lange. Man hat die Story schnell durch und die Außenposten hat man auch schnell eingenommen. Nichtmal das sammeln aller Sammelobjekte dauert lange da man zu Fuß schneller unterwegs ist als mit Auto. Ca. 6 Stunden bis man sich fragt: Was mach ich jetzt.
Aber SUPER Spiel!
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 16:21
Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon ist ein actiongeladener Shooter, welcher von Ubisoft Montral entwickelt wurde.
Genau wie Far Cry 3 spielt auch der allein lauffähige Shooter Blood Dragon auf einer Insel. Hier enden aber die Gemeinsamkeiten, da das kunterbunte Blood Dragon eine abgedrehte 80's-Trash-Geschichte um wildgewordene Cyborgs erzählt. Die soll der Spieler in der Rolle von Sergeant Rex Power Colt (Michael Biehn) ausschalten.
+ Anspielungen auf Filme und Spiele der 80er Jahre
+ witzige Enzyklopädie
+ motivierendes Aufrüsten (Lasergeschosse, explosive Scharfschützenmunition)
+ famoser Synthesizer-Soundtrack, alberne One-Liner
+ taktische Action: leises oder explosives Ausschalten
+ Trading Cards
- Aktivitäten wiederholen sich
- teils viel zu einfach
- ausgesprochen kurze Geschichte
- öde Sammelgegenstände
Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon bietet dir ein Abenteuer in eine gelungene Zeitreise.Klare Kaufempfehlung.
Nicht Empfohlen
1534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 22:41
Nicht Empfohlen
59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 15:53
1197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 19:10
Nicht Empfohlen
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 21:52
Software which, it bears mentioning, doesn't get uninstalled when you uninstall the game that prompted this intrusion.
So. Even setting aside the fact that the borderline spyware in question - Ubisoft Connect - is a technical mess that has a remarkably high chance of randomly breaking down, prohibiting you from playing the game itself:
Shame on Ubisoft for including this anti-consumer garbage at all and shame on Steam for knowingly displaying inaccurate information on its product page.
727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 05:01
620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 13:52
Ubisoft connectivity is absolutely awful though. Constantly tries to connect to servers that aren't on. Also, if you don'tr get in a particular truck in one of the side missions (which there is no reason to do within said mission), you cannot 100% the game.
522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 18:45
As soon as I launched the game, I was greeted by flashy title screens, and menus full of character unlike some AAA games, radiating with unmatched vintage vibes, retro everything, so cheesy with a huge 90's action movie touch, full of macho humor and some of the lamest jokes, so bad that they're good, what a vibe.
I knew I would love the game when the first dialogue was a satire commentary about how modern games punch you with endless tutorial popups like a government website lusting for cookies.
The use of static comic-book-inspired cut scenes is the best I've seen ever since Max Payne 1.
God, the dialogue is so cringy and endearing at the same time, and don't get me started on how over the top the story is, a world-saving 7 missions long story with astronomical stakes that none of them end up mattering with hours of raw fun and entertainment.
641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 06:58
10/10. This is peak video gaming right here.
2879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 15:40
30566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 10:25
If u love sci-fi and retro style, just play it!
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is a posterior chapter of the original game Far Cry 3. This game is full of the style of sci-fi movies and games of the last century, and is a retro-style FPS open-world shooting game combined with the game Far Cry 3 system. Although I don't think it is an extremely extraordinary work, it is a simple but interesting experience.
If you love single-player games (yeah, this game has no online content at all!), don’t hate collecting elements, and don’t dislike some slightly vulgar jokes, this game is worth recommending. If you have nostalgic feelings, it’s even better!
The old-fashioned saving the world script and evil villains, exaggerated sci-fi settings, big monsters, bizarre environment renderings, and a lot of humorous spoofs (although some are relatively vulgar) all revealing a retro tribute. Even the cutscenes are exactly like the rough pixel images of medieval game consoles (of course, it can also be regarded as being lazy).
The system is basically a simplified + exaggerated version of Far Cry 3, but the melee streak is more enjoyable. The guns and ability of the protagonist cyborg soldiers are quite powerful.
Strengthened jumping ability, no falling damages and much HPs makes the game fast-paced. The early stage is a bit difficult. After the character upgrades and the modification of the guns, you can kill nearly almost a great many AIs easily, especially in the default difficulty, there is no difficulty in the whole process at all.
Collecting elements accounts for a lot of the content of this work, but because of the guide map and map markers, it actually only requires some patience. There is no need to add points for character upgrades, the number of branch commissions is scarce, and the firearms transformation parts are completely dependent on collecting and branch lines to unlock.
In short, this work is worth playing, but the content that is not too rich is just worth playing.
I fxxkin’ love this retro video game style!
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 11:18
235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 10:39
Nicht Empfohlen
1927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 21:05
Fun game, but without being able to save and having it freeze whenever you open the menu its laughable and considerably frustrating. When I check forums, this issue has been present for years. Please check the steam forums before you decide whether or not to purchase this game.
30132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 21:33
Also want to add that if you do get this game, make sure to end the farcry 3 blood dragon d3d11 process in task manager or you will end up with a ton of hours logged and making your friends think you have an unhealthy obsession with the game.
Nicht Empfohlen
1585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 13:07
492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 06:28
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 08:49
995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 22:26
Often tries too hard to be retro-80s.
Lacks even the minimal RPG development and crafting of regular Far Cry games.
Very short, not much side- or even main-story content.
Requires Ubisoft launcher.
You play a cyber-commando in a neon-drenched retro-future 80s Saturday morning cartoon Far Cry 3.
576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 09:46
930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 19:12
Nicht Empfohlen
654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 14:32
873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 17:26
The gameplay consists of clearing enemy bases usually by luring the titular blood dragons inside while watching and maintaining the power balance from nearby rooftops.
My only complaint is that the game is too dark which makes it difficult to see at times.
1391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 08:29
480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 02:36
Cyber Commando it up in here!
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is the best kind of standalone DLC; the kind that builds on the strengths of a solid base game to create a whole new experience, polished and shiny. Filled to the brim with satire and 80's action movie tropes, and covered in the glow of Tron, Blood Dragon is a witty, action packed and fast-paced take on the open-world adventure genre. Vastly different in theme from “normal” Far Cry titles, the game is definitely worth a second look from those who avoid the main series.
[quote]????????Blood Dragon works well with both keyboard/mouse and controller.????????[/quote]
Blood Dragon features smooth and precise movement and gunplay, solid first-person cover mechanics, and a high level of mobility. Though Blood Dragon retains the collectables, hunting and side-quests of the base game, they're streamlined significantly, and, more often than not, the subject of satirical comments from the protagonist. Side-quests, for example, are conveniently located, quickly completed and give significant rewards, and there's no crafting system to worry about. Unlock stuff, buy stuff, kill stuff.
In my 8 hour playtime, I not only found every collectable, hunted every animal and completed every side-quest, but actually enjoyed doing so. As someone who normally doesn't bother with all that optional stuff, that's really saying something.
Blood Dragon also carries over several vehicles from the base game, including cars, boats and hang gliders, but I found them to be largely unnecessary due to the relatively small world and the player's high movement speed; it's often faster and easier to simply sprint or swim to your destination.
This is where Blood Dragon is at its best; with a small but excellent variety of weapons and Far Cry 3's melee takedown and first-person cover mechanics, combat is fluid and satisfying. Particularly impressive is how the well the game handles the blending of different playstyles; one can go from a silent, stealthy approach to a tactical firefight from cover to a high-speed rampage in a single encounter. I took issue with only one aspect, which was that recovering from a melee swing and readying your weapon can take quite a while, so fluidity may be compromised when combining melee and a gun at close range.
I chose the highest difficulty when starting the game, and while fine at first, it soon grew to be rather easy as I got accustomed and better equipped. With a bow, shotgun, minigun, sniper rifle and more, plus grenades and other explosives, I never ran out of ammunition or options. Though I'd have liked a more challenging setting, I do appreciate that no playstyle or equipment becomes obsolete when upping the difficulty.
Enemy variety and composition is good, with a typical enemy force containing mostly grunts and a number of specialised units with heavier armour and more dangerous weapons. Besides the cyber-soldier forces, there are a number of potentially hostile animals, including cyber-sharks. Yep. Far more dangerous, though, are the “blood dragons” after which the game is named. Large, glowing, dinosaur-like creatures with a taste for human and cyborg, they can be baited into enemy forces to create quite the spectacle.
World Design:
Blood Dragon's open-world is a fairly small and dense one, with objectives always being a convenient distance away, and random encounters frequent. You can't go anywhere without bumping into enemies, allies or wildlife, and collectables are easy to find; one can easily run around collecting them at a rapid pace, cutting much of the monotony that may otherwise have been involved. Enemy bases feature good cover, lots of corners and some verticality, making them a lot of fun to fight in.
Blood Dragon's story embodies every 80's action movie trope the writers could squeeze in, and it's a ridiculous yet entertaining experience. Though clearly designed to be very cliché, the characters really aren't that bad, and the game manages to incorporate all of this in its narrative without it becoming too much, and bordering on cringey. The protagonist embodies this; he is a non-stop source of bad puns, one-liners and rude jokes, but doesn't come across as crude or unlikable.
All that said, however, going into Blood Dragon without an existing appreciation of the tacky material it celebrates may well provide a different experience. The game makes no attempt to apologise for what it is.
In addition to all the above, the game frequently pokes fun at video game tropes such as tutorials, collectables and loading screen hints. Expect to be greeted with “Hints on the loading screen will give you hints.” and similar, between the protagonist complaining about the pointlessness of gathering collectable VHS tapes. His comments do not, however, break the fourth wall, and are a lot less crudely delivered than, for example, those by the protagonist of Duke Nukem Forever.
[quote]This game was played with the following PC specs:
Intel i5-4440 3.10 GHz
GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER 4GB
1680x1050 resolution
Windows 10
Game installed on HDD[/quote]
The graphics of Far Cry 3 are somewhat dated now, but Blood Dragon masks much of the aging with its style-related visual effects. The filter placed over the camera, for example, is designed to make game look like it's being viewed on 80's TV, but simultaneously masks the finer details of the game's textures. The situation is similar with the lighting; as Blood Dragon's outside world is always fairly dark, the quality of the foliage is less apparent.
The only area in which the game's age really stood out to me was the reflections; there aren't many to speak of, and it's fairly noticeable when there are a lot of bright light sources around.
Regardless of the aging, Blood Dragon's visual style is fantastic, with much of it, including elements of the UI, resembling 80's movie visual effects. With Tron-style lighting abundant and laser beams flying, it's a wonderful aesthetic. The exaggerated and flashy animations of weapons and vibrant cyan blood of enemies make combat a visual treat, as well.
Using the specs listed above, the game ran at a consistent 90+ FPS on max settings.
Blood Dragon's soundtrack features a selection of very nice synthwave tracks that perfectly accompany the visual themes and action, and the sound effects and voice acting are of high quality. During combat, enemies, allies and the protagonist frequently utter humorous dialogue, which fits the satirical nature of the game, and adds to the overall experience.
I encountered no technical issues with the game itself, though Uplay's handling of achievements and sync is pretty spotty with this game.
Blood Dragon is an excellent game that revels in satire and excess, while being very self-aware and not straying over the boundaries. Condensing an open-world experience down into something that can be completed in less than 8 hours makes for a rather unique experience, and one that works quite well.
I recommend Blood Dragon to anyone who enjoys the themes it embodies, as well as a solid gameplay experience.
[url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37072886][quote]If you're looking for more quality reviews like this, follow our curator page, Devils in the Detail.
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 01:29
The game is filled to the brim with 80’s cringe, from dumb one-liners to countless action movie clichés and references you can’t help but love every second of.
The only problems I have with it are its small weapon variety and poor performance. The game will struggle to run at a consistent frame rate on DX11 mode even if you have a high-end PC and the last mission has so many explosions it is hard for any PC to keep up.
This is a game I very highly recommend for anyone who’s into action games. If you don’t headbang to its super cheesy credits theme, you’re probably not even human.
Nicht Empfohlen
74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 06:12
495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 01:57
9/10 : Some jokes haven't aged well but overall is still very fun.
1576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 20:38
351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 10:30
557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 17:43
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 04:03
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 16:37
424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 04:41
The plot is straightforward and predictable, but in fact very satisfying, thanks to the humorous lines and jokes which though sound kind of cheesy, work really well as being very 1980s. With cutscenes in the form of 1980s’ cartoons, 1980s’ music and neon all over the place, this game is one of the most stylish retro games.
Blood Dragon is reuse of Far Cry 3 materials, but it is much shorter. With all the strongholds taken and all the side and main quests finished, it only takes about seven hours. You can call it a mini clone, or a lite version of Fay Cry 3 as most mechanics are the same, with some complex contents like upgrade system and weapon customization cut and map and mission downscaled.
In terms of mechanics, there are several tiny differences like you move much faster or be able to survive high fall whereas Jason Brody in Far Cry 3 cannot even survive a two meters’ fall. There are also two differences I consider as major ones. One is Blood Dragon more encourages players to take a stealth approach, with the bow obviously being overpowered as a silent weapon with decent range and high damage, and also because enemies are dumb. Don’t know if being cyborgs is able to justify them being dumb as they don’t alert even you arrow kill one of them in front of another. Another difference is as I fired up Far Cry 3 for comparison, I found the shooting of Blood Dragon is not as good as Fay Cry 3 though they are supposed to feel the same. Far Cry 3 is not an A-class shooter in terms of how it feels but Blood Dragon just feels slightly worse as the accuracy is questionable despite after levelling up it improves a bit. I don’t know why it feels that way, probably because of vision, frame rate or something else, but it does exist.
I like this game, but there is one thing I dislike which is the graphics as everything is in dark and the vision is just bad. I do think people should take this into consideration before purchase because it may keep people away from playing it. Other than that, everything is fine. With its satisfying story and humor, I think Blood Dragon is a love song to the franchise’s fans and anyone like Far Cry should give it a try.
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 21:15
Now the game isn't particularly long. I played through the whole story and liberated all of the Garrisons in around 6 hours. There were still a bunch of collectibles that I did not unlock, but I had no real desire to go after them. The gameplay loop is fairly engaging, going to mission points and clearing out an area. Whether you have to be stealthy so that you can save a hostage, or you have to hunt down a specific animal, the game stays fairly enjoyable.
I bought this game for a little over $2. I would easily recommend it at that price point. Be warned that it still does launch through Uplay and not solely Steam. Also because of this, Family sharing is not supported. If you want a game with fun humor, an entertaining setting, and overall a good time, I can recommend this game.
1293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 17:33
This *is* the best Far Cry game, hands down.
Short & sweet, about 10 hours of playtime.
It's full of 80s / 90s references
Campy, cookie-cutter dialogue and characters that ooze 80s action movie nonsense
Unlike the later games, there aren't too many collectibles. Gathering them all won't feel like a chore
An amaaaaaazing synthwave OST (and I usually don't notice music in video games), so good I bought it
I got it on sale for about $5 during summer 2019 and at the time of writing these lines, it's priced even cheaper. Absolutely worth it if you're in the mood for a simple shooter game that doesn't take itself seriously.
[spoiler] Bonus points for making me feel like Ellen Ripley in Aliens [/spoiler]
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 08:39
I've read many of the negative reviews and they're just people who either don't like Uplay, don't like Far Cry 3; or didn't like the 80s stuff which is this entire expansion.
Blood Dragon is a love letter to the 80s and takes the generally very serious Far Cry situations and turns it into an epic over the top awesome fun filled adventure. It does have serious points which is really damn awesome! There's so many references that'll you be smiling the whole way through. The dialogue is just hilarious and well done. The gameplay is fast paced and more run and gun than stealth. If you wanted to show the 80s in a single form of media; I'd show this game as the shining example.
I just sat down and played through the entire game with all the collectibles in a little over 6 hours. I streamed this entire game for 6 hours straight and loved every second. I have ADHD and really not a ton of free time; but this game kept my attention and was worth the amount of time. I can't wait to play through it again in probably a few months.
If you want a slow paced down to Earth super serious experience; I don't recommend this since it's the opposite of that.
If you do decide the pick the game up let me tell you one thing that'll make your playthrough way better. You can literally just sprint anywhere, jump off any cliff, drop from the sky on a hang glider; and takedown like a mad cyborg commando with ease. Once I realized those things I had so much more fun! I literally would just hang glide over a base, drop down from the sky like a jacked up Terminator; and then proceed to kill everything with a shotgun. It just feels so damn satisfying.
1944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 20:55
PS: I don't know about you but the game really tickled my funny bone something fierce. What with all the cheese that the game was marinated in.
1065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 20:35
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 04:42
1052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 21:40
But it's not without its flaws. Here's a summary.
- FANTASTICLY hilarious writing, hitting all the right notes of cheesy dialogue and epic action, all within a PERFECT recreation of the 80's vision of the future!
- BEAUTIFUL art direction, from creatures, to locations, to weapons!
- KILLER soundtrack and sound design!
- Sargent Rex Power Colt!
- AMAZINGLY FUN gameplay, from the combat, to the movement, to game-breaking skills you unlock (such as no fall damage, or breathing underwater).
- Blood Dragons! They are probably the biggest change from the other FC games, as they're not only GIANT EPIC DINOSAURS, but they can work as a sweet gameplay mechanic, wiping out an entire outpost of enimies for you! Plus, they can be a huge threat to you as well, especially when there's multiple!
- INCREDIBLY short, which is expected from the price. But still, while there's 13 outposts you can liberate, and loads of collectables all around a fairly sizeable map, you'd expect there to be more than five story missions (counting the first hour tutorial).
- No wingsuit, which makes it a chore to have to find a hang-glider to fly through the map.
- Collectables. While they can give you stuff, including lore and weapon upgrades (if you collect enough), they are no fun to collect. You just run to the object, hold down a prompt, and you got it.
- No final boss. While the final mission is epic and fun, you never actually get to fight the main bad guy. It's all done in a cutscene. In fact, there's really no boss fights in the entire game. Understandable with it's length, but it would've been satisfying for each mission to end on some sort of boss, instead of just hordes.
- The map, while cool looking, is basically just a re-skin of the FC3 map, just smaller, which leaves a lot to be desired for there to be more cyber stuff than just some neon lights here and there. Also, everything kinda looks the same, making you constantly check your map and marked waypoints to figure out which direction was where.
- Fighting Blood Dragons become pointless after you fully level up, and unlock the achievements tied to them. All they give you is XP, which is unusable at level 30.
- Not any endgame content, other than a new weapon, and the freedom to kill whatever you see.
Despite it's jarring flaws, the positives are just too good that you feel SUPER happy that you're playing this treasure!
While the man behind Blood Dragon has left the team, and I wish him the best of luck, I DO hope that Ubisoft will work hard on a fully fledged sequel, with better open world content, longer campaign, and a satisfying conclusion, all in dedication to Dean Evan's MAGNIFICENT vision and creation of Blood Dragon!
PS: If you're looking for more in the story after beating it, Trials of the Blood Dragon is a Cannon sequel that opens up SO MUCH about the world and what happened after Blood Dragon! Check it out!
367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 17:40
- The over the top story
- The protagonist (Michael Biehn clearly had a lot of fun with Rex)
- The antagonist
- The overpowered weapons
- The VHS and neon visuals
- The music composed by Power Glove (oh god, it's so f*cking good: the guitar riffs, the obvious tribute to the Terminator etc.)
- The collectibles which are no longer only for achievements sake and unlock attachments for your weapons
The only problems I have is that the game is really short (around 7 hours to do everything 100% with achievements) and rather easy (even on Hard).
Ubi pls gief Blood Dragon 2 now, kthxbai.
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