• Far Cry 2: Map Ansicht aus dem Far Cry 2 Level Editor Contest Map Pack
  • Far Cry 2: Map Ansicht aus dem Far Cry 2 Level Editor Contest Map Pack
  • Far Cry 2: Map Ansicht aus dem Far Cry 2 Level Editor Contest Map Pack
  • Far Cry 2: Map Ansicht aus dem Far Cry 2 Level Editor Contest Map Pack
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Map Ansicht aus dem Far Cry 2 Level Editor Contest Map Pack
  • Far Cry 2: Map Ansicht aus dem Far Cry 2 Level Editor Contest Map Pack
  • Far Cry 2: Map Ansicht aus dem Far Cry 2 Level Editor Contest Map Pack
  • Far Cry 2: Map Ansicht aus dem Far Cry 2 Level Editor Contest Map Pack
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.
  • Far Cry 2: Screen aus dem Download-Pack.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 23.10.2008
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Preis Update 04.03.25

Über das Spiel

Far Cry 2 Ubisofts First-Person-Shooter der nächsten Generation entführt dich in die schönste und zugleich gefährlichste Region der Welt: Afrika! Mehr als nur eine optische und technologische Erweiterung. Far Cry2, der Nachfolger des preisgekrönten PC-Spiels, bietet ein noch nie dagewesenes Spielerlebnis.

Far Cry 2 Ubisofts First-Person-Shooter der nächsten Generation entführt dich in die schönste und zugleich gefährlichste Region der Welt: Afrika! Mehr als nur eine optische und technologische Erweiterung. Far Cry 2, der Nachfolger des preisgekrönten PC-Spiels, bietet ein noch nie dagewesenes Spielerlebnis. Eingekesselt zwischen zwei rivalisierenden Fraktionen im kriegsgezeichneten Afrika wirst du ausgesandt, um den „Schakal“ auszuschalten, eine zwielichtige Gestalt, die den Konflikt zwischen den Warlords wieder angefacht und dabei tausende von Menschenleben aufs Spiel gesetzt hat. Um deine Mission erfüllen zu können, musst du beide Fraktionen gegeneinander ausspielen, indem du ihre Schwächen entdeckst und ausnutzt. Die zahlenmäßige Überlegenheit und Feuerkraft des Gegners kannst du nur durch List, Überrumpelung, Täuschung und natürlich brutale Gewalt wettmachen.

Eingekesselt zwischen zwei rivalisierenden Fraktionen im kriegsgezeichneten Afrika wirst du ausgesandt, um den "Schakal" auszuschalten, eine zwielichtige Gestalt, die den Konflikt zwischen den Warlords wieder angefacht und dabei tausende von Menschenleben aufs Spiel gesetzt hat. Um deine Mission erfüllen zu können, musst du beide Fraktionen gegeneinander ausspielen, indem du ihre Schwächen entdeckst und ausnutzt. Die zahlenmäßige Überlegenheit und Feuerkraft des Gegners kannst du nur durch List, Überrumpelung, Täuschung und natürlich brutale Gewalt wettmachen.

  • Offene Welt: Ausgiebige künstlerische Studien während der Entwicklung in Kombination mit unserer Engine der nächsten Generation verschaffen dir die Möglichkeit, 50 km² nahtlos gerenderte afrikanische Landschaften zu erkunden. Noch nie hat ein Spiel so viel Bewegungsfreiheit geboten
  • Dunia Engine: Die Dunia-Engine wurde vom preisgekrönten Ubisoft-Entwicklungsteam in Montréal speziell für Far Cry 2 entwickelt. Sie bietet zerstörbare Umgebungen in unübertroffenem Realismus, atemberaubende Spezialeffekte, u.a. dynamische Feuersbrünste und Sturmeffekte, Tag-Nacht-Zyklen in Echtzeit, ein dynamisches Musiksystem, nicht-geskriptete Feind-KI und vieles mehr ...
  • Ein Echtzeit-Erlebnis: Ein Handlungsstrang in Echtzeit, körpereigene Heilkräfte und ein auf das Nötigste beschränktes Interface sind nur einige der Aspekte, die dich die Spannung im Angesicht barbarischer, das Leben Tausender Unschuldiger bedrohender Warlords hautnah erleben lassen
  • Wahl der Waffen: Um dich zu deinem Primärziel vorzukämpfen steht dir eine große Bandbreite an Waffen zur Verfügung. Stürze dich mit deinem MG kopfüber in den Kampf, schlage mit der Machete eine Schneise der Verwüstung oder töte lautlos mit dem Scharfschützengewehr. Wenn dir die Atmosphäre dann immer noch zu unterkühlt erscheint, zünde deinen Flammenwerfer und lass deine Feinde die verzehrende Macht des Feuers spüren
  • Online-Registrierung erforderlich!
  • Spiel und Handbuch auf Deutsch - Spiel in Englisch optional.


  • CPU: P4 3.2 GHz
  • GFX: NVIDIA 6800/ATI X1650
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • CPU: Dual Core
  • GFX: NVIDIA 8600 GTS/ATI X1900
  • RAM: 2 GB

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

804 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
3182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 21:17
100 % finished game No.57, had a lot of fun =)
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 13:27
Was die mechanics angeht ist das Spiel ganz angenehm. Man muss auch in betracht nehmen, dass es 2008 veröffentlicht wurde und deshalb nicht ganz Perfekt ist. Der Sound und die Grafiken sind für die Zeit sehr gut, was jedoch sehr störend ist, ist das es aus sich wiederholenden Missionen besteht (heißt alle Missionen sind gefühlt gleich) was mit der Zeit langweilig wird. Außerdem sind überall auf der Map Wachposten verteilt die dich angreifen wenn du in die nähe kommst. Die Gegner sind auch Allgemein sehr anhänglich, beispielsweise kannst du den Wachposten nur schwer aus dem Weg gehen ohne das du Schaden nimmst oder alle Gegner töten musst. Dadurch vergeht einem schnell die Lust weiterzuspielen.
5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 20:16
Ich finde, Far Cry 2 ist richtig richtig geil! ^^ ich empfehle es sehr weiter ^^ kein Fehlkauf ^^
715 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 17:47
Eigentlich der beste Far Cry Teil, jedoch auf Steam unspielbar.

Charaktere springen 10 Meter in die Luft oder schütteln ununterbrochen den Kopf. Dadurch brechen ständig die Gespräche ab und man kann Missionsgegenstände nicht aufnehmen.

Deswegen Finger weg von der Steam Version
185 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
1245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 22:22
84 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 18:41
Clonky, grindy Far Cry.
81 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 14:15

People are bugging around so its impossible to talk to them.
I cannot collect items etc..
135 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
1047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 21:52
Its the best Far Cry for one reason - It isnt like Far Cry
500 Produkte im Account
231 Reviews
2204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 04:28
Most Far Cry games make you feel like a superhero. This one makes you feel like a flea-bitten mercenary with a broken gun dying of malaria in the middle of Africa. You can see why it might be controversial amongst Far Cry fans.

Overall, I really like this game. You have to think carefully about how to get to your mission, since there’s no fast travel and you’ll need to go through a number of checkpoints. In fact, this is sometimes more challenging than the mission itself. You need regular medicine, but you get it for missions, which is easy. Your guns jam sometimes, but this isn’t a frequent occurrence if you buy your weapons.

There are some issues. The game is buggy. Graphics are dated. The enemy respawn rate is absurd. Towards the end you just want to get through it. As per Far Cry tradition, the vehicles handle like ass.

Far Cry 2 deserves a remake. It’s hard to imagine that happening, given how different the Far Cry series has become, but it would be nice.
10 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 06:20
10/10, no Uplay
22 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 15:03
good far cry 2
90 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 07:36
The gameplay and mechanics are amazing
269 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 19:32
Malaria? More like malarke- *instantly dies*
263 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 11:37
(G)old game

-RenderProfile_MaxFps 45 -GameProfile_SkipIntroMovies 1

Just add this under Properties>General of Far Cry 2 to skip intro and lock the game to 45 FPS so that game does not behave as if all npcs are on amphetamines and you will have the intended game experience.
1499 Produkte im Account
295 Reviews
487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 04:17
Its a weird game
Hostile to the player everything wants to kill you
The enemy ai is great but respawning is annoying
Its that kind of game if you like it you'll love it and if not you'll hate it
176 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
3290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 00:14
Excellent Malaria simulator, but if your hardware is too fast and you don't set a frame cap expect the physics to freak out. On a recent Dual Core laptop this runs fine, but if I switch to a fast enough gaming rig NPC's bounce 50 feet in the air repeatedly.

I strongly recommend high spec gameplay as it is hilarious, but if you wire a sack of potatoes together I can also strongly recommend the immersive experience.
59 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 20:20
This is the best Far Cry, Why?

5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 00:15
El juego esta bacan, de verdad comprenlo vale la pena
59 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 08:30
this game is so cool i wish africa was a real place
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 11:56
i like how the guns and things in the game are super realistic and for a game made in 2008 this is impressive!
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 16:59
If you find yourself mowing down local wildlife in the deepest, darkest recesses of Africa, It better be with the style and grace of the all new Jeep™ Liberty. Mercenaries & Hunters alike will also enjoy the functionality and power of the updated & improved Jeep™ Wrangler. With the brand new four select-able G.O.A.T modes, no animal is too big or too small.

yeah the game is fun.
165 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 00:13
this game was literally a tech demo and it's still the best far cry game
12 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 04:09
despite being made in 2008 still better than some games today.
26 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 04:20
50 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 01:31
This game is a product of an era in which Ubisoft had the balls to create something unique instead of a generic ass game. Sure, malaria is not well implemented and it was a bold decision, but at least they kept true to their vision. It's my favorite Far Cry and the most unique of the main titles.
124 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 17:07
ai & npcs are hecked to heck. i have to look away to talk to mission npcs, and all the normal ones really like fazing back and forth at lightspeed along the x-axis, or jumping up & down when on anything but a completely flat floor. in combat they talk constantly, everyone shoots on sight/hearing and forget my existence quite fast if they can't see me.
187 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 04:22
the game is literally broken as quests are bugged so I can't even start them. ubisoft shouldn't be allow to sell this game in this state espiscally since its been years and this game is still broken.
88 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 07:24
WARNING: Like most Ubisoft games that are 10 years or older you will need some fan patches. Ubisoft has a nasty habit of just dumping their stuff onto PC and then peacing out, especially with their older titles (Beyond Good and Evil, most Splinter Cell games, etc). This is a solid game, I have played it in the past, but there are some game breaking glitches that will need ironed out via fan patches.

If you're new to PC games a rule of thumb is to be careful with anything that dawns the Ubisoft logo as they have a history of bad PC ports, nickel and diming, and shutting down servers no matter how much time or money you have poured into the game. Also they treat their employees, especially females, like garbage so maybe don't buy their games at full price. Fingers crossed the new Splinter Cell wont play like a Ubisoft game and that they stop treated their employees like trash. Gross suits. That is all, enjoy Far Cry 2, it's a fun game.
16 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 23:28
Exellent far cry game nothing more nothing less
36 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 15:43
This game is full of BUGS... I cant even go trough first mission without seeing at least 1 bug and this one bug does not let me even go trough story further than 20min in to game!!!
584 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 18:17
My scores for this game
Story : 9/10
The story is about diamonds and the story was really good, but it should have been a longer story.
Graphics : 5/10
The game's graphics are very brownish and this made me tired of the first game
Musics : 10/10
Game menu songs and songs during the fight feel good, especially the menu song.
Details : 10/10
One of the details I did not see in any game was the bullet getting stuck in the gun and the bursting of the gun in the excellent detail.
Game play : 8/10
The details of the game made the dull gameplay to stuck the bullet continuously.
Variety : 6/10
The variety was very small. I expected it to be a cafe. Let's have fun, which was also in the map section.
Characterization : 8/10
In Africa, I expected to see more different faces, which I did not.
Optimization : 10/10
Bugs : i dont see.
Note : dont have auto save ,dont need connect Uplay
Description : After the farcry game, when I came to farcry2, I saw a lot of progress. The game is almost open to the world, and you can drive a car and get a map in hand, and having GPS cars gave me a good feeling when playing. It was the first farcry I enjoyed.
Overall score : 7.6/10
I recommended.
87 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
15562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 13:19
The best Far Cry ever. The best Ubisoft game ever. They don't make 'em like this anymore, sadly.
770 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 19:40
The only FC game that feels really realistic and has realistic gun play. I do not even mind that there is no customization and that the story is rough around the edges. The combat makes up for it. Highly recommend you give it a chance!
308 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 00:12
Blood Diamond the game or smth
78 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 02:24
Don't think this was ported to pc very well. was great on consoles but its very buggy. Npcs will hover and bounce. The mouse has trouble moving when using it to click items when paused or on the main screen and the music is very loud. There is no option to turn it down only to turn it off. Wish it worked but is just way too buggy.
75 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 20:55
It's a really good game, too bad it doesn't open.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 11:58
i lov malaria
40 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 05:06
171 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 00:59
Best Far Cry 2 game ever. Can't wait for Far Cry 2 II !
27 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 10:36
71 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 01:07
So good and immersive that I got malaria in real life
55 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 02:46
PSA: This is my opinion so anyone is free to take this with a grain of salt.

Let me start by saying the Jungle/African Theme was nice, and the scenery of the game was also good both enjoyable.
That's it, Those are the only 2 things i liked about the game.

I unfortunately did not enjoy playing this game, The entire time it like i was doing a chore rather than enjoying it.
Traveling, Was the most Boring thing about it. Going from Location A to B to accomplish the mission was so tedious, and annoying. It felt like most of my playing time/Experience was traveling and being stop every other minute because of some enemy on the road. Dont get me wrong it was fun at first but it got repetitive fast.

The story line was alright if i cared, but because of how annoying doing anything was i stop caring about the story line.

I did a handful of side missions because i like to fully complete some games when i enjoy them, stop doing those real fast because of the travel. (While there are buses to fast travel, they are so F* remote at times. I was glad when a mission was near one of them it saved so much travel time.

Looking for Diamond Cases while in it of itself its own poor hide and seek game that once again gets annoying fast, especially when there are over 200 cases to find. (Not sure if the game gives less diamonds per missions if on harder difficulty,i played on easy ((just to speed by the game after it got tedious on medium)), but i got to a point where i found my favorite guns and didn't care for diamonds had prob around 130 around the of the game.)

I think the Malaria was the thing that really grinned my gears. I got to a point where i genuinely didn't care about the game i just wanted to finish it to get it over with and running out of medicine was the most cumbersome thing in this game, because you have to drop everything and find more otherwise u die.

TLDR: If u wanna play a game where u travel for 60% of the game play be my guest.

PS. Feel free to comment or not frankly never touching this again, but im more than glad to have a different point of view from players who did enjoy this. Thanks for reading.
83 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 10:06
Cannot get past the loading screen, no matter what I do it just freezes at the loading screen. Game was working fine for my 10 hours playtime but now I suddenly have this bug. I would give this a negative review just because of this issue, but the game is legitimately really fun, so I'll just give a positive review.
696 Produkte im Account
118 Reviews
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 05:19
Got Malaria still had a good time
26 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 03:47
underrated game in the era of Africa, where you help free the people and immigrants escape the country from the wars
80 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 02:29

92 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
5672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 03:11
'My mission is simple - to kill 'The Jackal' - the bastard who armed both sides.'

Start brush fires to disrupt enemies and then get caught in the fire during combat. Use a multi-tool to tear out bullets or experience over forty other gruesome healing animations. Wound an enemy to lure his buddy out into the open and then take him out as well. Blood sprays. Explosions. Flames. Far Cry at it's finest.
773 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
3255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 10:37
Far Cry 2 is a successor (in name) to the critically-acclaimed Far Cry. Playing as a mercenary of your choice (a largely cosmetic function), you wade into a civil war in an unnamed African country and attempt to restore peace and balance to your surroundings.

Ubisoft Montreal really nailed a lot of aspects with this game. The world looks fantastic and feels alive (watch the wind rush through the long grass, and the wildlife moving around you), the gunplay is solid and feels quite realistic (bravo!), the environments are seamless (you do not often see a loading screen, unless you use a bus to quick travel), and the fire implementation deserves special mention: throwing a molotov into a dried field is a sure way to smoke out and confuse your enemies, and is still one of the better systems I have seen. The malaria mechanic, whilst sometimes irritating, adds a new aspect and is something you need to keep in mind, as you never know when it will flair up - a realistic interpretation of life in tropical Africa. The story is also well written and paced (even if it does take some time to get going), and the moral aspect is both surprising and appreciated. Those who see the name of a particular area later on will begin to understand where it is heading.

Far Cry 2 was also infamous for its issues and annoyances, some of which are:
  • The game crashes quite often (not nearly as bad as in the early days before patching, but still notable).
  • The outpost system is unbelievably frustrating (you can clear an outpost, and literally travel back through it two minutes later, only to find it fully populated once again).
  • Identifying where you are being shot from, as well as navigating the world, can become very irritating (yes, there is an element of realism here, but there also needs to be an element of enjoyment).
  • Phone calls become silent above a certain frame rate, as well as other mishaps if you don't restrict it.

While none of these are truly game breaking, and most can be worked around, they bear mentioning nonetheless. I used a combination of the below two guides to prepare for my playthrough (all credit to respective OPs):
I used Dylan's Far Cry 2 Realism Mod to deal with the outpost issues (even with this I found it annoying, it must be far worse left to default).

Far Cry 2 is not a must play like its predecessor, but it is still enjoyable for the most part and really captures the feel of its setting very well. One of the better open world FPS games I have played, with a moral aspect to it as well.

Played on Windows 10 Pro x64 - game has had issues since inception but experienced nothing major preventing me from progressing.
687 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2852 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 20:34
Great game but not for everyone. If your not a fan of an unforgiving open world game then maybe not your thing. There are definitely some growing pains if you want to play this game seeing as it is an older game and just has some bugs that need fixing. Not too difficult to work everything out. There are a couple of really good steam guides and a mod that will fix the jumping NPCs. Once I got going I really started to enjoy the game. Biggest issue people seem to have with this game is the stealth and the guard post enemies respawning like 2 minutes after you clear them out. People also complain about constantly being assaulted by enemies while trying to navigate the map but IMO that's just part of the 'unforgiving open world' I was talking about. Give it a shot and you might really enjoy the game. Probably one of the better Far Cry games all said and done.
339 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 11:26
Far Cry 2, contrary to the first installment, completely passed me by when it was released. I didn't have a machine powerful enough to run it at the time, and when I finally got one, I dismissed this game because of all the bad rep that it got. Did it deserve it? In my opinion, not really. Sure, it is somewhat of an aquired taste - if you're prone to dropping a game after an hour or two, then you'll probably bounce off of it. If you persevere though, and learn its rules, submerge yourself in its unwelcoming, desolate (yet beautiful) setting - you may fall in love with it. It's definitely not without flaws, in fact it's a REALLY rough diamond. Despite this, I spent 65 hours on this game, played it on the highest difficulty, and I think it was one of my best (and rewarding) gaming experiences. It's a mixed bag of great ideas that modern games could learn from and some questionable design choices that should never be replicated again. I still think the good triumphs over the bad.
Just do keep in mind that the voice acting is HORRIBLE and certainly not up to today's standards.
3011 Produkte im Account
611 Reviews
960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 11:21
Just as mean as it's predecessor.


In Far Cry 2 you pick one character to play as (has no impact on the story on who you choose) with the simple goal. You are tasked with travelling to a city named Pala located in Africa and killing an infamous arms dealer named The Jackal who has been supplying two warring factions, APR and UFLL. However as soon as you get there, you are infected with malaria and find yourself severely injured in a crossfire between the two factions. When you wake up you find yourself doing jobs for the factions all while trying to get to Jackal.

Story is basically non existent in Far Cry 2. It's a bunch of jobs strung together with very minor plot progression and every once in a while Jackal pops up to remind you that he still exists. Also the plot barely makes any sense as you're an ally to the factions, yet they try to backstab you every chance they get, not to mention you keep on doing those jobs for them regardless.


One of the biggest positives I can give Far Cry 2 is even after all these years, it's still quite the looker. I'm not the biggest fan of the color grading as everything looks incredibly washed out, which I guess was done to add on the hostile environments, but I still enjoyed the world and it's design. The deserts and the jungles are stunning to explore. Taking a raft down a river through a jungle looks absolutely amazing. Not to mention the crazy amount of detail, like fire going out of control and spreading and burning down everything around it, which is quite impressive.

The only thing that has not aged as gracefully are the character models. Most of them look fine enough, however most of the side NPC's look like they are wearing skinned faces as masks, not to mention them being constantly re-used from encounter to encounter.

Guns look pretty decent and there's a big variety to choose from, ranging from assault rifles, LMG's, SMG's, crossbows and other stuff. I especially loved walking into the warehouse to pick out my loadout and looking at the weapons hanging on the walls. Not to mention how many details are put into the animations on reloading them, especially when they jam.


Audio design is good for the most part. Guns all sounds meaty and pack quite the punch, especially the shotguns which pack quite the punch. It's satisfying to get up close to enemies and unload shells into them and hearing those shots land is really awesome.

Music on the other hand I found more annoying than anything else. I felt the tracks are incredibly generic and the fact that there's a bug that makes the music start playing as soon as you shoot a single shot got annoying quickly, because I sometimes didn't mean to shoot, but it wound up shooting anyways.


This is where Far Cry 2 is a mixed bag for me and where a lot of people will very likely disagree with me. The best way to describe Far Cry 2 is that it is incredibly oppressive and it will make you fight for your survival. First of all let's begin with the gameplay structure.

Just like future Far Cry games the game follows an open world structure. You take up a mission from one of the faction leaders, travel to a location and do what's required of you which ranges from destroying caches, killing someone or stealing something. However each mission has a side objective coming from your buddy which will make you go out of your way to do something extra before committing to the main mission. This grants you bonuses for your safe house, however these side objectives are an absolute hinderance instead of help, because on PC you have a quicksave option, which make the safe houses completely pointless.

This would not be a major problem, if the distances between objectives would not be so large. It feels like 40% of the game is driving from location to location and even with the quick travel system through the bus stations does not help whatsoever. Also not to mention you have to stop almost every other minute to fight off enemies pursuing you, who will not give up. No matter how fast you drive they will catch up to you and wreck your shit.

Also the sheer amount of enemy outposts will force you into a fight with them constantly. It's fun at first, but it becomes so incredibly tedious that you start begging God that the enemies did not respawn. That's another thing, that I have to mention, the outpost respawn rate. Unlike other Far Cry games where clearing an outpost meant that enemies did not spawn there and you had a safe haven, all it does in Far Cry 2 is mark what type of supplies that particular outpost has, ranging from ammo to medicine and explosives. Killing all enemies and coming back to that outpost 30 seconds later, will have all the enemies fully respawned and ready to wreck you.

The combat is fairly good however it requires a lot of strategic thinking on how you approach fights, because of the gun degrading mechanic. When you buy a gun from a vendor that gun is brand new, but over time it will degrade and become rusted and it will start frequently jamming and eventually the gun will fall apart. The guns the enemies have are often degraded so you have to keep track of your guns quality and if you need to go to a vendor and replace your weapon.

There's also a crazy amount of side content, like side missions and finding hidden diamond caches, but I found most of the side stuff more annoying so after I had my fill I just completely gave up and continued with the main story only.

Also the game is incredibly buggy, with some bugs able to soft lock the game forcing you restart from certain points. It required a lot of tinkering to avoid a lot of these bugs, that are mostly tied to your framerate, but overall it's not that bad.


I do not understand the hype this game whatsoever, cause this by far one of the weakest Far Cry games (albeit not as bad as a few of them). Tedious gameplay, awful traversal system and a bunch of other stuff make this game not worth it, considering the next game in the series is so much better. The high's of this game are not worth dealing with the lows and it just barely gets a pass from me, because I did enjoy the combat quite a bit.

Final Rating:

+ Great combat system
+ Impressive visuals

- Story is basically non-existent
- Traversal between missions is awful
- Enemies are constantly up your ass, even after wiping out their outposts
- Buggy

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169 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
4151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 23:07


the heart of darkness
103 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 22:25
Great game.
110 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 18:51
To be honest this is the better series than the new latest gen of far cry series.
259 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
5120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 11:12
I have such a love-hate relationship with this game, and for all the right and wrong reasons, so call me conflicted.

Playing through the first Far Cry, you come out with a very different impression than you do after finishing this one. The former is a linear fast-paced action shooter that makes you clear level by level before proceeding to the next one, on the contrary, Far Cry 2 takes place at a very untouched area in gaming, in a land of famine and sickness, thrown into the dusty wildlife like an animal and get forced to survive the non-ending shootings from left and right.

Far Cry 2 was the first step for the franchise as a genre-defining open-world experience, and even more so than its sequels, the game speaks of innovation, it introduces so much under so little that many game mechanics end up flying over your head until the very late of the game. It's an understatement to say that Far Cry 2 was a re-discovery of the open-world genre, a game very ambitious that was ahead of its time, perhaps limited only by the hardware of the time.

Navigating through the story was one confusing task, there is just so much to do in this game that it often feels like a grueling task, far from any sense of enjoyment, main quests, side quests, buddy quests, alternative quests and I could go on for some time listing all the different quests that the game assigns for you, and being a relatively old same doesn't help either. There are so many game crashes and quest bugs that can run your entire playthrough, so bear in mind that keeping all of the back-ups of your save is very necessary if you're aiming at a 100% completion playthrough. That, without mentioning the tiring +220 scattered diamonds and jackal/predecessor tapes scattered all over the map with no markers to help you find them but your only lead (your map and GPS). Also, can I point out how frequently the enemies spawn? For God's sake, you can never get from A to B without shooting 5 outposts, surviving 7 car chases, escaping a nuclear fall, overthrowing two governments and God forbid you might just have enough health and ammo for your next mission.

It was a shame that the game doesn't let you free-roam once the main quest is over, you're met with a credit scene at the end and then redirected to the main menu, meaning all the freedom you get is in between missions.

This is a game I loved playing but hated completing. Solid Far Cry game though.
43 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 22:47
its really fun but at the same time half of my hours on this game is just driving
41 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 04:05
Malaria Simulator (2008)
329 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 22:53
This game gets rid of the typical Ubisoft open world structure.
usually in an Ubisoft open world activities are limited to things such as:

-Looking for fast travel points/monuments.

-Looking for chests for completion.

-Occasional hunting.

-Small, easy to defeat enemy patrols.

This game uses its open world in a much smarter way:

-Chests full of currency/ammo are replaced with an occasional unmarked diamond.

-Enemies routinely use open paths with little cover. if you find one of these patrols, your best cover is a car.
(alternatively you can travel off road or by boat, both coming with their own risks).

-Weapons are always second hand, they are always low quality and break/jam routinely.

-Your character is forced to pour over multiple maps at a time, there is no world map whilst you're driving.

-Limited fast travel, you can only travel to/from bus stops.

Overall this game utilises its open world in a way like no other. Playing this game on harder difficulties makes me wonder why Ubisoft watered the Farcry franchise down so much.
73 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 20:48
far drive 2
183 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
6099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 19:28
Game consists of a series of skirmishes to accomplish missions. No crafting. Lots of weapons to choose from. Really creates an atmosphere of being in Africa.
80 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 18:01
malaria simulator
153 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 19:46
Review down below
I love this game but can't say it's flawless but I can forgive it because it's 13 years old :D
+ awesome fire physics
+ atmospheric
+ proto-Far Cry open world FPS
+ rewarding high difficulty
+ story (this sh*t is real, there's no sweet feel good story, just some war somewhere in Africa)
+ physical map (adds to immersion)
- monotony
- bit empty
- lack of fast travel
- the way the story is told (mute protagonist, journal, too fast dialogue lines)
- physical map (sometimes unhandy and there's no alternative)

Let's get the most obvious thing stated first: If you're a massive fan of Far Cry 3/4/5 for how many different activities and actions it offers, you might get disappointed with Far Cry 2; it might feel as if you're playing a tech demo rather than a full game.
If you're up for a challenge and wanna find out how good a 13 year old open-world FPS game engine can be, you're in for a treat. This game is a real gem for those who like punishment who would like to see how it is to be gun for hire in a war-torn African country. I think it's important to mention next that this game has a strange story that if you don't pay attention to you might not even notice that it's there. Seriously - because your character is mute, he expresses himself in a journal but if you don't go there you might never really understand his motives. Of course you can conjure up your own narration for our mute protagonist, you're free to do that. Still - even if you pay attention to the dialogues - which by the way are pretty well written - you might miss something important because almost all voice actors sound like they had a very limited time in the studio and had to go through their lines very quickly. They do sound good, just so damn fast. But if you do immerse yourself enough, you will discover a story about war and people's tendency to violence, seen though the eyes of a person who kills others for money. My meta-headcannon is that the creators really wanted to present this profession as it is: a tedious, dirty, lonely experience. In the end you might find yourself jumping into action and killing everyone not because you have to or they're in your way, but because you can and they were around. Are you any different, or are you like me - a psychopath that don't mind having to spend hours of gameplay-extending, monotonous tasks (like kill this or explode that, while trying to get from one place to another with a car that might break every time you pass an outposts and get attacked every time because enemies just keep respawning there and there's no fast travel point around you or your destination) all for a reward that is experiencing this unforgiving environment? :D
You're sick with malaria from the very start of the game and you need to supply yourself with pills or you'll die. A lot of people hate that feature but if you stay on top of that or you're a glutton for punishment, you shouldn't have a problem with that. But there's a lot of other ways to get punished.
Weapons that jam and break, no sneak/visibility indication (yes that means you can get sniped from half a mile away), barely any fast travel and probably the best fire physics I've ever seen in a shooter game - flames react to ever changing wind and you can even accidentally light up grass behind you if you shoot RPG crouched, and the Savannah burns fast. Your enemies actually keep track on your position once they notice you and they're relentless and always try to flank you. It is possible to hide or escape, but it's much harder than the usual 'must have been the wind' trope. In my opinion it makes much sense if you look for realism and it also feel very rewarding to learn how to use the environment to your advantage. By the way I am amazed by the amount of lines of the enemies during combat. They inform each other (and by extent you) of their actions and discuss if they should go search or stay on post, they taunt you, try to psych themselves up to face you... pretty cool for a 13 year old game.
You're given a very cool arsenal with some all-time classics as well as some more specialised weapons, like stealthy dart gun, flamethrower or grenade launcher as well as a freakin' mortar that can clear out outposts across the valleys.
Anyway, I don't know why I wrote so much, but here's the end part
thx for reading, peace! :)
131 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 11:21
171 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 20:49
The best far cry game in the series!
140 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 06:47
you go guerrilla warfare to find an arms dealer, by doing jobs for joseph kony and his rival joseph kony

what's not to love
144 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 11:27
this game makes me feel like doing war crimes in vr.
119 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 15:23
Awesome game, if you like newer FarCry games you may not like this one, but for me its my favorite. The Story is meh but the gameplay, graphics and mechanics are amazing. The newer games focused a bit too much on the narrative while the gameplay suffered.
And also it has one of the best realtime fire propagation systems in any game the next entries really toned it down.
37 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 23:42
played this on the hottest day of the year in the uk 2020 and felt like i was actually in some african country in the middle of some civil war
13 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 14:40
Malaria has never been so fun 11/10 would shoot poor people again
151 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 19:40
help i lost my epi-pen i need it i ate too much peanut butter
139 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 15:18
You can hear monkeys in the distance but can't play with them
112 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 20:07
It definitely took getting used to going from FC3 and FC4, but once you get used to it its very fun and satisfying to play a game with great realism and enemies that are able to help fallen friends and communicate with everyone. No pausing in the maps, licensed Jeeps, Unimog (can't remember if its actually licensed Mercedes) and a great atmosphere. Malaria sucks but you are able to keep it in check pretty well. Guns that jam or explode is a great touch to have. If you have only play FC3, FC4 or FC5 this is a very different game with the same basic gameplay they share across the game. The story isn't really anything that you would care about, the voice acting and the lines are weird and information is thrown at you very fast when characters talk. My only gripe was the constant enemy outposts that would always be there no matter what you did you can't get rid of them to drive without stopping every 2 minutes. At least no way I found.
74 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 18:24
Play it on hardcore.
35 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 04:11
i have aids
38 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 02:59
692 Produkte im Account
247 Reviews
2415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 09:51
What if it was your home?

War is my home.
1925 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
1209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 17:13
I first played the game almost a decade ago, on my XBox 360. The graphics looked superb for an open-world game then. It was one of the most immersive environments in a video game. Immersive and serious. (Among modern games, I will call the environment of Days Gone immersive.) I had completed half of Far Cry 2 then, I guess. And then I moved on to other games. The way enemies sometimes shoot you while looking in a different direction is absurd. The AI was crap, even for then. Enemies spawn back in outposts minutes after you clear them.
I started the game again now, in 2021. I know the limitations I mentioned are still there. Believe me though, I admire the atmosphere that this game offers. Once you forgive it for the crazier flaws (including those I mentioned above) and accept it with full heart, the ambience will start seeping in through your senses.

Things I thought as negatives ten years back suddenly made this game all the way more unique.
The fear that enemies might be lurking in any corner is rare in games (at least action games) nowadays. This game has it, added with the fact that a single unseen enemy might be fatal. That makes the game stand out to me.

If you have played The Witcher 3, Skyrim, The Division or any other modern action RPG, you know how helpless and useless you will feel if you have to face the mid-game boss (let alone the final boss) without any upgrades patched to your character. There is a Total Lack of RPG stats or any kind of skill tree. There are some purchasable upgrades you can add to your weapon. And there are some other small upgrades that allow you to carry more medikits or grenades. And all these can be achieved by doing side-missions. The best thing is - with some hardship, you can beat the complete game (if you have just above-average skill) without upgrading anything. I think the only side mission you may need is the one that gives you Malaria Medicine. Rest is optional.
Believe me, if you like shooters and have not played this game, you are missing something really good atmosphere, game design and driving (driving feels great in the atmosphere this game has to offer).

And don't think you have experienced Far Cry 2 gameplay by playing the successors (Far Cry 3, 4, 5 and New Dawn). They may have a lot of stuff to offer, but Far Cry 2 is still very much worth experiencing.

Play a 2008 game in 2021? Well, I think this game will have something unique to offer even in 2051, seeing the direction AAAs are moving towards.

Strongly Recommended!
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 17:58
67 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 23:41
⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠁ ????️ ⠄⢹⣿⡗⠄ ????️ ⢄⡀⣾⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿
49 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 13:32
best far cry in the franchise
321 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 23:20


It takes place in the year 2008 in a fictional African country during a civil war between the Alliance for Popular Resistance and the United Front for Liberation and Labour. You’re on an undercover mission to assassinate the key person Jackal, who is an arms dealer, who is supporting both sides to make a profit. However, as soon as you arrive you are greeted with malaria and thrown right into the shootout in the town. Fortunately, you managed to survive and the accomplishment of the mission is on the way.

Side activities

The story which itself is interesting is well complemented by a giant map with many activities like securing outposts, unlocking safe houses or finding suits with diamonds to use as currency to further buy new guns or upgrade them. Fortune edition also includes few side missions to do to unlock some cool stuff. You can also use buses to fast travel between the edges and the centre of the map. I would say, that there is a lot to do among completing the story.


The graphical side of the game has improved massively. It aged well and it still looks pleasant nowadays. The only drawback is that the developers of the game were trying to make the colours too much realistic in my opinion and it sometimes looks like a blend of green and brown in various shades. The hue saturation is especially unwanted in the middle of a fight in highly wooded areas where are enemies hard to find. It sometimes looked like the bullets were coming out of nowhere. This issue can be fixed nowadays with some mods, however, I wanted to play the game in the most vanilla state possible.

Attention to detail

The level of detail and thought that was put into Far Cry 2 is awesome, but can sometimes make you angry. The game was aimed towards realism so you will have to get used to having jammed up weapons in the middle of the fight or having to repair your car after crashing too much. Also, explosions are bigger and will have an impact on you even tho you are standing further from them. The waves from them can wave the trees or spread particles to the air. Spreading fire is also a thing so think twice before you lit up something on fire and then realise you have to go somewhere near the place.


  • more freedom and an open world
  • the sceneries are awesome and the overall look of the game is great.
  • wide variety of weapons and vehicles to shoot and transport with
  • things to do off the story


  • the saturation of the environment isn’t the best
  • some enemies were shooting through the walls
  • cannot play the game with more than 45fps, more while cause glitching NPCs


Far Cry 2 is a huge step in the right direction and a great successor of the original game. Even tho there are some minor issues the game is still amazing and is still enjoyable to play nowadays with an fps cap of 45 frames per second. It is ageing well, it still feels modern and playable. I definitely enjoyed the game and I recommend it. for the price, you get a really good deal to entertain for as long as 15 hours.

Disclaimer: This is a review based on the subjective opinion of an individual. You may not agree and have a different opinion about the reviewed subject.
57 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 18:20
it has many lags but still fun
164 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 08:45
wakaliwood irl
54 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 08:27
One of the most realistic FPSes I've played, with a minimal story, but good main missions. Side missions were really repetitive tho, and sometimes the game didn't make it very clear what you were supposed to be doing. The final mission and ending are amazing, so yeah buy the game
66 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 07:38
Far Cry 2 is not only the best Far Cry game of all time, but probably the best first-person open-world shooter in the past decade (at least what I've played). It combines the fast, addictive, satisfying combat of traditional FPS games with the exploration, progression, freedom, and relaxation that comes with the open-world subgenre. The pacing and overall gameplay loop of Far Cry 2 is amazing, and whatever you're doing will be somewhat enjoyable no matter who you are. Its weapon variety and balancing is brilliant. Almost every gun has a purpose and advantage over others, and are all fun to use and experiment with. Whether you want to stealthily take out guards with a silenced MP5 or pistol, wreak havoc (and manipulate the amazing fire system) with a flamethrower or a flare gun, go in full commando with an LMG and Spas shotgun. Until your gun jams. You're in Africa baby, and you don't always have an advantage over your oppressors. Your gun can jam or break, your enemies can sneak up on you, and you might have to replenish your valuable supply of Ebola medication. I can't say more than what anybody else who has played this game has already.

TL;DR Play it, it's like 15 dollars and you get roughly 90 hrs of open-world shooter gameplay that doesn't get stale.
52 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
17779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 23:52
113 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 15:51
Love the scenery and all the things you can do in this game , very interactive and interesting , too bad a lot of the newer games don't have what this game does .
258 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 14:45
DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE -----> SHOOT -----> DRIVE ----> FINALE
200 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
6539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 05:35
Very good, exploration, weapons jam, pure panic in combat when that happens.
29 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 03:34
Jamming weapon and malaria make this second best far cry series.....
28 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 02:27
Bought this game because i used to play it when i was a kid on my fathers Xbox. Now i just turned to an adult and I am replaying this game. I will warn you, the story is very bland, BUT this game is made for pure imagination. As a kid I imagined myself as a bad a** walking around with just a pistol and that is how i made my fun. This game to this day is revolutionary in my eyes. Every game wants to make your life perfect, that you can steal cars and get away easy, that nothing goes wrong in a gunfight with your weapons, you never get sick, etc. this game has weapon jams, malaria, instead of magically regenerating you have to pull out bullets in your wounds or bandage yourself, you can't just stand around and regenerate magically like Wolverine. The world, while not filled to the brim with every single thing to do, feels like it breaths and moves. It has just enough flatland, tree's and grass to give you a feeling of being in the jungle while having enough encounters to avoid you feeling like Tarzan among the animals. I urge you to play this game if you have imagination. People may call this game bare, empty, no story, too much hassles, not enough people or this and that, but if you have a good, strong imagination then the story in your head will be better then any other this game could have told. I see this game as as a step ahead of many games trying to be realistic, a game that allows you to make your own narrative because of its own weak one, a game that has uniqueness and brillance in its simplicity. If you are looking for a strong narrative with lots of explosions then go play far cry 3. If you are looking for endless story telling in your head, a good soundtrack, amazing, fun and unique gameplay look no further
388 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 09:17
Still the best FarCry ever made.
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 11:12
Best far cry I've played.
233 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 20:56
African Death Simulator

You instantly get malaria and you get straight into a gunfight between two militias

10/10 would allow mosquitos to sting me again
212 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
6763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 19:05


An introduction is necessary before you read this review
Far Cry 2 takes place in an unnamed African country suffering from the situation of a civil war which is being fueled by a powerful arms dealer known as the Jackal . The two opposing factions are called UFLL (United Front for Liberation and Labor) and APR (Alliance for popular resistance) fighting each other to take control of this unnamed African country. You are able to choose from about 5-6 playable characters while I haven't played as all of them I do know the ending and the challenges/tasks are all the same, whatever you choose in the end you are a contracted mercenary hired to kill The Jackal who is fueling all this war and to put a stop to the arms supply of this country. I guess that is enough for this section


First of all I want to mention that Far Cry 2's gameplay is very interesting in a sense that it supports versatility, you can either choose to be stealthy with a stealthy arsenal or go guns blazing with rocket and/or grenade launchers or any guns you prefer, the point is the game doesn't force you to adopt a particular playstyle and that is what I liked the most, however you also have to deal with an annoying malaria which requires you to look for medicine constantly but that is fun too depending on the fact that you enjoy engaging in fire fights, There are safehouses that you can unlock used to save games and/or collect supplies, briefcases containing diamonds that are used as currency for purchasing upgrades or weapons, guard posts to scout that contain supplies like different ammo types or first aid, for travelling you'll usually be driving around instead of walking on foot MOST of the time, and lastly I'd like to mention that you have to constantly watch your surroundings for a surprise encounter with any patrolling enemies because that tends to happen a lot and keeps you on edge further adding to the realism factor.The AI for this game is a bit buggy sometimes but that doesn't take the fun out of it, the glitches are rare and most of the time the AI will send you packing home quickly if you underestimate them. Just one more thing (Seriously), do stand around and observe the enemy AI from a distance using binoculars or through your scoped weapons you'll see how realistic the AI can be sometimes.

Game Mechanics

Now for the best part, You have 3 weapon slots to equip 3 weapons of different tiers you have a total of 6 weapons and those weapons are as follows
  • Machete
  • Primary Weapon
  • Secondary Weapon
  • Special Weapon
  • Grenades
  • Molotovs

These are the weapons that you can use in the game, There are a lot of weapons for every weapon type in this game and I'll make a table below to list them all to the best of my knowledge

Weapon Type
AK Primary Weapon
1911 Secondary Weapon
AR-16 Primary Weapon
AS50 Sniper Rifle Primary Weapon
Carl G Rocket Launcher Special Weapon
Craftsman Shotgun Secondary Weapon
Crossbow Special Weapon
Dart Rifle Special Weapon
Desert Eagle Secondary Weapon
Dragunov SVD Primary Weapon
FAL Paratrooper Primary Weapon
Flamethrower Special Weapon
Flare Pistol Secondary Weapon
G3KA4 Primary Weapon
Golden AK Primary Weapon
Homeland Primary Weapon
IED Secondary Weapon
M79 Secondary Weapon

and many many more weapons

Furthermore, you are equipped with a map and mini-binocular that allows you to scout ahead of your target area and also to detect diamonds in a radius of 40 meters from your location (you'll learn about this in game) and your choice of weapon arsenal determines your approach usually but you can do literally anything in this game the possibilities are endless stealthy, aggressive, defensive or a hybrid approach you can go for ANYTHING. That's all for this section

Modding / Addons

This section is for people who enjoy modding their games and I am one of them who likes to try mods but unfortunately there aren't a lot of mods for this game and I never got any of the mods working either but don't let that discourage you the game is still VERY MUCH FUN TO PLAY AND WORTH BUYING WITH A LOT OF REPLAY VALUE, furthermore the mods that do exist are also worth mentioning here such as these:



and if you want you can also checkout moddb list here: https://www.moddb.com/games/far-cry-2/mods#modsbrowse
That's all I have to say for this section


In this section I'll mention everything else that I could not cover above so lets get started
  • The game has a great physics implementation I remember when I first played this game on disk back in 2012-13 I was amazed at how great it was (keep in mind the game was released in 2008 more than a decade ago)
  • The game has great ambient music
  • Amazing soundtrack composition
  • The game is very well optimized and runs well even on ancient hardware if proper settings are used (I remember playing this on my old ATI Radeon HD 5450) on low-medium settings (the requirements aren't that demanding)

That's all for this section

Problems / Issues

  • Although only happened once but even then this wasn't a game breaking bug it is more of a funny moment but, I remember once in my playthrough the npcs created a clone of themselves once (heads up might be spoilers ahead)https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1540628399 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1540628463 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1540628524

Apart from just one issue I never encountered any problems
I guess that wraps this part up too


+Great gameplay
+Great soundtrack
+Great Ambience
+Realistic physics
+Great story
+Very well optimized
+Tons of weapons
+Lots of replay value
+Lots of playtime for the first walkthrough

Basically the best game you can buy for this price right now (Review is written during the winter sale 2020)
No problems or issues as far as I experienced this game.

Final Verdict

The game is very much worth the price in fact I'd buy it even if it was more expensive than this, This is one of the best games I've ever played and I keep coming back to it, I bought this back in 2015 (steam version) but I still keep playing it every now and then and also keep in mind the fact I played this game long ago too back in 2010 and also 2012-13 as well and maybe even 2014, in short I still didn't get enough and I keep coming back to this and will continue to do so in the future too

Rating: 10/10
Absolutely flawless (IN MY OPINION) and absolutely worth buying don't think further just go buy it
I hope I covered everything there is to know and I hope you enjoy your experience too
Thanks for reading!
68 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 12:08
O jogo é legal, só que as missões são extremamente repetitivas.
233 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 19:56
Got malaria and died. i love africa
422 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
1786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 06:16
You like drivin'? You like shootin'? You like killing the same 4 dudes at the same outpost 17,348 times? Like communicable disease transmitted by insects? Like those things in that order? You'll love this game.
52 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 05:54
1776 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 17:33
There's a lot to like about this game, but I have just gotten so tired of driving around the map and constantly getting shot at. There's no easy fast travel options so you're forced to drive through the same checkpoints over and over and getting your vehicle shot up. I can't do it any more.
72 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 02:57
I've been playing this game on and off for 10 years now (I own a retail copy).

I was there when the only multiplayer server suddenly disappeared.

P.S: Multiplayer is back! See this guide for more information: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1837673393

P.S.S: set launch options -RenderProfile_MaxFps 80 (this fixes the fps-related bugs that some people have negatively reviewed the game on).
104 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 19:32
Overall, this is a solid game. Story line is actually good, much like the first game. For its time, the open world concept is great. Due to the age of the game, I did encounter a couple of bugs which would not let me progress any further. This required me to reload a previous checkpoint and then try it again--so I was able to complete the game without much hassle. I suspect these bugs are due to the age of the game and the use of them on a modern system. I really enjoyed the game mechanics and how you actually have the power to choose what you are doing from time to time--even up to the very end. You can certainly just plow through the game if you wish, but there are many side missions if that is your style as well. If you can catch this game on sale, it is worth it and I strongly recommend playing this game.
228 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 20:23
If you're expecting a Far Cry game like FC3, FC4, or any of the later ones, forget about it. This game is a totally different experience, and might as well bear a different name.

And that game is out there to break you, just as the world in this game is out to break your character. You're stricken with malaria, with a rusted gun in your hands, in a deep, unforgiving jungle, in a war-torn country where everyone is at each other's throats. You've been tasked with only one mission - to kill an arms dealer called the Jackal. Sounds easy, right?

This game is realistic, immersive. No, not the mil-sim kind of realistic and immersive. Turn off the lights, don't listen to any music in the background, and don't talk to people on voice-calls as you play this. It's the concoction of immersion and story, the music and the visuals (which still hold up today!). You'll feel truly alone in a rainy jungle, with a rusted weapon in your hands, doing errands like some sort of pawn for genocidal warlords as you try to track down your target you came to kill to begin with. You will experience the sociopaths leading civil wars, the depressing downfall of a country, and a descent of man into a merciless animal - man reclaimed by the primal jungle itself.

The game doesn't really tell you all this, but in the right mindset, you will feel it. It's not a fun game, but it's one hell of an experience. It's not a story a game would dare to touch nowadays.

Gameplay is okay. As many people have noted, respawning checkpoints can be annoying. I agree with that. The game seems to be a bit unfinished, rushed out. People also complain about voice acting - that the voice actors read their lines in a rush. Sometimes that actually sounds fitting and natural in-game, but sometimes it's jarring. It's not a plus, or a minus. Guns jamming and malaria add to the challenge, and I think they're pretty positive additions. This game makes you work for your power fantasy.

All in all, if you're planning on immersing yourself in a dark room, and if you find intrigue in stories which deal with black and gray morality, and don't mind driving the tedious cycle of driving vehicles and assaulting guard posts, I can recommend you this game. It has an amazing story, but it's not in-your-face, as with other games. You have to look for it, and feel for it.

If you really want a game akin to the newer FC games, with unlockable attachments, perks, varied gameplay, this game isn't for you, so if you're buying this, you'll either be severely disappointed, or discover a new thing you never knew you wanted.
14 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 05:57
If I got past the intro cutscene without crashing, I think this game would be the most fun I've ever had. It sucks that I've been trying to get to a save point in the story but every single time it crashes right after the burning houses on the drive. 10/10, respect the intro but I don't want to watch it over and over again for an hour straight.
18 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 18:51
I've played it years ago and i can still agree that the game is amazing not for the graphics tho
38 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 18:17
I actually dont like this game because of the dreary missions and dialogues. Its very cheezy.
Other than than, the gameplay mechanics were pretty nice. Common for 2008 FPS titles. Clunky is the most commonly used word when playing. It's got nice open world, just annoyed by the enemies chasing you for no reason. And in the end, I couldn't care less about the ending or what. It's just an okay story.
28 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 20:51
Best game, ignore bad reviews. The only Far Cry game that really stands out
69 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 11:37
good game
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 23:41
I tried to download and play this as I never finished it on playstation. It was very buggy to say the least. NPCs were randomly jumping up and down, they frequently got stuck in conversational loops not allowing progression, amongst other things. Requested a refund.
32 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 19:08
This game is kind of overrated. The game does have cool stuff in it such as malaria,gun jamming, a handheld map,etc. But the game sputters in terms of game play. When you're driving to an objective you will have multiple combat encounters, usually vehicles with about 2-3 soldiers. Since you can't shoot while driving you have to get out of your car, kill the enemies, repair your car if you need to, get back into your car, and pull open your map, and this will happen many times in one trip. When you get to the actual mission area it isn't too much better, you basically kill some guys and leave. From what I've heard,seen, and experienced there isn't much of a story for the game either. You basically just run around doing side quests. One thing the game absolutely nails however, is aesthetics. The environments truly look vacant and overrun by nature. You're in a horrible part of Africa and the game wants to make sure you understand that. This game is no masterpiece but it's leagues better than Far cry New Dawn. Overall I'd give it a 6 or a 7 out of 10. I will read the comments by the way. Just as a side note this is my opinion, if you love this game don't let my stupid review change that.
161 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 04:44
Love blasting people with snipers and catching the forest on fire.
225 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 19:13
One of my old time favorites, still looks great in 2020.
The story is a bit slow but rewarding in the end!

PS: I recommend the Multi Fixer Launcher for this game for modern HW, the default settings via Steam is broken.
69 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 15:22
Can't believe this game is already 12 years old. Most realistic Far Cry ever.
18 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 07:37
Actually a realistic First Person Shooter/Adventure. Play on Infamous, if you want a challenge. I recommend it.
1403 Produkte im Account
886 Reviews
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 21:31
Super sweet action game and a solid entry in this long running series. The visuals still hold up fairly well and it's just as action packed as the other Far Cry games. Seems a bit more challenging than the newer entries and plenty of fun!
160 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
1153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 21:18
11 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 01:41
Really surprised this game came out so long ago they did a good job.
355 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 04:57
USE THIS: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1620638035
this game has the fov locked insultingly low, and this lets you fix that (among other things).

as for the review: it's bleak! i'm a simple girl: i like bleak things, and this one does it very well, so i like this game. the combat's pretty fun too. i like getting lost in the world. 10/10.
329 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 08:10
A fantastic game, despite all of its small bugs from being ported across to PC. I would LOVE to see a modern remake of this game, as long as its not a clone of the new-style of far cry games. I mean like a re-imagining of Far Cry as a whole.
975 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
4485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 05:56
There's nothing like this game, for layering emergent sandbox gameplay with a realistic and depressing African civil war setting. It's like Heart of Darkness and Lord of War and Blood Diamond all got together.
189 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 14:14
Its an underrated game of Farcry Franchise . A low specs users can run this game easily. this game has positive and negative points.

(+) Positive
1. Great optimization
2. Awesome Explosion Effect
3. Texture and Shadow Effect Natural
4. Natural Nature look ( So Real)
5. Good Story
6. Original Weapon Effect ( Like Jaming , Explodes , Firing ETC )
7. Visual Outstanding ( Considering as Old Games )

(-) Negative
1. Terrible Save Points ( No Auto Save )
2. Hard Fast Travel
3. Some Weapon Recoil High
4. Only 1 Self Healing Without Meds . So Careful.

That's It .
Verdict 7.5 / 10
234 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 15:19
Only Far Cry that matters.
148 Produkte im Account
128 Reviews
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 02:45
202 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 14:44
great grey-on-grey morality going on between the factions, great game world with lots of stuff to find, no real RPG elements apart from the malaria, the reputation and the weapon vendor unlockables.

a surprisingly realistic take on being a mercenary trapped in a civil war that has to continue because without it, the two warring factions would have no reason to exist and foreign mercenaries would be executed.

played this on X360 when i was a wee lad and the ending was disappointing, but if you're looking for africa truck simulator with a dash of malaria on the side you'll find no better game to scratch your itch.

the graphics hold up very well for a 2008 game, the sepia filter does not. use an ENB or ReShade (I prefer ReShade) to make the nights darker and the colors more vibrant.

I also recommend modding the game. on my current playthrough i'm using Dylan's Realism mod, installation is as simple as replacing 2 files in the game directory, and same goes for all other mods i've seen. Dylan's increases enemy respawn times, makes bullets deadlier (no more firing 10 rifle shots center mass into a shirtless militant) but also means you have to think more tactically about how to approach missions, since getting caught in a crossfire means you'll be downed in less than a second.
also, enemies see you from further away, which means you should invest in the sneaking suit asap.

(side note: i think the sneaking suit has been buffed a bit too much, apparently it's 4x as good as the vanilla version, and the vanilla version was already great).

still, in regard to realism mods, the gold mission has been lambasted a lot. shotgunners spawning in and killing you while you-re climbing a ladder, etc. i had no issues with the gold mission but the barge mission and the subsequent escape had a lot of hair-pulling moments.

my recommendation is to play it modded with reshade on infamous and tweak it to your liking.
I've read that RealMod has proper faction infighting, so i'll try that on my UFLL playthrough.
(also, Dylan's doesn't work with Far Cry 2 MultiFixer for some reason, which lets you change FOV and has a lot of other nice touches)

also you might want to play it twice with different characters (which determine your starting faction), since the missions you do (and the way you can subvert them) change a little.

as a final note, i think this is one of the few games that pulls off having a truly multicultural cast effortlessly. they all fit perfectly into the game world and have a legitimate reason to be there, with their own agendas and schemes. an ex-IRA member there, a haitian security expert here, a chinese smuggler-turned-informant, a former IDF soldier, etc. etc.

vanilla is a strong 6/10, modded is a definite 9/10. almost reminds me of some of the harder STALKER mods, sans the radiation and post-soviet misery.
21 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 08:19
81 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
3050 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 07:19
Is good
2694 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 17:02
What a chore this game is; constant (distance-based) enemy respawns, enemy snipers spotting you from ridiculous distances (and mortars are even worse - like explosive snipers), stealth extremely unplayable and all around boredom. Travelling is painful and not fun at all, and you must do it all the time doing missions that are very unimaginative and boil down to shoot everyone, then 1 interaction or objective kill. Very annoying sickness mechanic and so was gun jamming.
In 2020 it's not worth the time, use your life better. But if this didn't discourage you - disable bloom in graphics options - makes the game look much better (still Fallout 3-like bland, though)
344 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
2640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 07:54
The first perfect open world game. While dated by today's standards, a difficulty mod and mouse fixes have made this game a joy to play.
56 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 20:24
My 2nd favorite Far Cry game. I love this game so much for so many reasons. In my opinion, people often forget about this game a lot and that sort of upsets me. There are great details and touches in this game that people don't always see. Here are some examples of attention to detail in this game:


1. Overtime, if you use weapons for a long period of time they will break. 2. If you are almost dead and you use the heal button, an intense self-heal animation will play, and Ubisoft dropped that after this game. 3. Instead of a static map that you have to pause the game to open, you have an in-game map which is 1 of 2 ways of navigation. There are also signs around roads which highlight in the direction of your objective. 4. Currency system, instead of paper money you find diamonds which is kinda weird, but I think it's cool. 5. You meet friends along your way and you can make them 'Rescue Ready', which means if you die in combat your friend who is rescue ready can give you another chance at survival. 6. There is also quiet a variety of weapons which is always good, because one thing that disappointed me in Far Cry 3 was that there wasn't as many weapons as in Far Cry 2.

Anyway, I hope you buy this game with good intentions and I hope that this review will help with buying the game. Have fun :)
147 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 10:29
This game is absolutely incredible, and in my opinion the formula is superior to later entries. The blank slate of who we are allows us to paint a picture of our characters, their incentives for being in Africa chasing after the Jackal. I typically chose the Irishman.

The detail of the world blows me away. Basic little things that many modern games don't even think about like how wildlife responds to humans, gunshots attracting enemies from far away, the spread of wildfires caused by incendiary weapons and explosives. Just stuff you occasionally notice when sitting back letting the world go on without you.

Atmosphere is unparalleled, and between the heat haze, the endlessly dense jungle and the dreamy, dark music I can get lost in doing nothing but roaming the world, taking in the African sun.

Combat is on par with later games, even with less detail in the textures, animations and what have you it feels very smooth. Coming from somebody whose first major fore into the franchise was Far Cry 4. Each weapon has a strength and a weakness and performs the same from beginning to end game, encouraging you to seek out those weapons as soon as possible. By far my favorite combination was the Milkor 40mm, M79 launcher and Carl Gustaf. No threat was insurmountable.

Story-wise, I enjoyed it for the most part however I felt that there should have been more branching paths. I'll have to spoil it a little for you to understand, but honestly if you haven't delved into the plot of a game you're wanting to buy yet you really ought to consider your consumer strategy for vetting a product.


I would have preferred that the player character have the option to forsake the conflict of the African country by fleeing with the diamonds the Jackal needs along with your mercenary friends, an ending that you would have unlocked by doing every main quest from the options presented by the buddies you rescued. Whether or not you stocked up on enough malaria medicine from helping the Underground could determine whether you died on the plane or made it out to watch a TV showing the genocide of refugees from a safehouse with your friends.

Alternatively, I would have liked a plot option to redeem yourself to the faction you were working for, be they UFLL or APR, by recovering the diamonds and bringing them to the new faction bosses. The UFLL hates foreigners and would betray you, stringing you up and executing you and the rest of the mercenaries in public as a scapegoat. The APR would take you outside the country with a cut of diamonds, but at the cost of watching your friends die on television at the safehouse they would normally be located and failing your mission to kill the Jackal. Depending on whether or not you helped the Underground enough to get the needed malaria medicine prior to this point, you would die on the couch after turning off the TV.

Lastly, I think should you help the Underground perform 100 rescues you ought to be offered enough medicine to suppress your malarial symptoms for the duration of the conflict, reconcile with the Jackal and assassinate the leaders of both APR and UFLL with him. The two of you will sit down, talk about things and he will hand you multiple cases full of diamonds to split among your mercenary friends equal to the amount you would have been paid to kill him, and be granted secure passage outside of the country by a militia comprised of those you rescued. You'll all be at the same safehouse as in the previous endings watching the TV and seeing that the country has undergone a revolution by the militia, and that a statue of the Jackal is being erected in the city capital.


But, none of that happens. The ending remains the same no matter what and brings into question many of the player's choices prior. Regardless, the plot we got is pretty good and while it could have had more depth it suffices. This is a shooter, not an RPG. And a damn fun one.
210 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 14:51
Far Cry 2 | August 23, 2020 | [★★]

The game has a poor introduction, but once you get used to the navigation, It becomes the Far Cry game that you'd used to know. Guns have an excellent sound, Unfortunately the voice acting doesn't hold up to that quality which sometimes ruin the serious tone of the game and also make it hard for us to follow the story.

There are some things in this edition that becomes useless. The two most notable I could tell was; The safe house which exists to save your game. However, you could just save anywhere using the menu which cancels the purpose of unlocking them. The other one was liberating the outpost, Which doesn't make sense because the enemy still spawn there even after you clear it.

Overall the game became more and more frustrating once you advance, I hear a lot of details talk about this game, but those doesn't help to improve my campaign experience.
490 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
1636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 13:28
The BEST game for the series yet!
222 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
6144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 07:42
best game ever made, ever
82 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 21:22
shoot man get diamond buy gun with diamond shoot more men for diamond,..

me likey
57 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 01:52
Malaria simulator
46 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 22:21

Far Cry 2

The second game in the Far Cry line up. A unique and original perspective, which shows just how different the Far Cry games can be from each other? Or a swing n' a miss for the franchise as a whole? Let's get into it...

The Good

  • The Graphics

  • - Far Cry 2 is a significant step up in graphical terms compared to its predecessor. Although there is a three year gap between this first game and this game's release, the graphics are vastly upgrades. The terrain looks nice and full, compared to the original Far Cry 's block-like and cartoony look. The model textures of both yourself and other NPCs look great, while the flora and fauna of the world looks real enough that you are not broken from your immersion with a model that looks straight out of a lego set.

  • The Setting

  • - Far Cry 2 takes place in war-torn Africa. You traverse through muddy jungles and swamps, dusty plains, blistering deserts, and miles of farmland. What is unique about this is that the setting is so rarely used in games that it all seems new. Always a new area to explore or a new biome to learn. All areas even allow you to form combat tactics. From hiding in-between the jungle's vines and bushwacking your enemies, to hiding in the mountains and ridges sniping away your targets, the vast landscape allows for plenty of variation and sight-seeing.

  • The Weapons and Combat

  • - The original Far Cry did not have, um.... lets say good combat. It was honestly painful. This sequel brings a whole new heaping plate of weaponry and combat mechanics to the table. You have a plethora of weapons to choose from and/or buy from your arms dealer. You can choose what weapons you want and play according to your preferred playstyle. Want to snipe enemies from a mile away? Do it. Want to mow down a whole camp with grenades and an LMG. Go for it. Want to burn down the nearest enemy camp and scorch anyone or anything that moves. It's your life, pal.

  • The Voice-Acting

  • - Usually not a big review point, but Geez was the voice-acting in the first game bad. Now for the most part everyone actually sound like they point in even a little bit of effort. NO MORE ROBOT VOICE!

  • The Immersion

  • - This is a very important point for me. If I am to be honest, Far Cry 2 is the only Far Cry that doesn't feel like the rest of the games in the franchise. From this point foward (Far Cry 3, FC4, etc.) it all becomes very gaudy and repetitive. Far Cry 2 [/b] actually tries to fully immerse you into its world-scape. There are some many examples to cover that it is actually difficult. Enemies have their own chores and activities they do before they attack or see you. Cars can have mechanical problems that you have to get out, open the hood, and fix. Your gun can jam if it is a cheap, old piece and can spice up your fights. Heck, your character actually has malaria and must make sure to take his medicine other wise you will end up sick and dying. This is the only [i] Far Cry that feels like something more substantial than a Far Cry , if you catch my drift

  • The Story

  • - Unlike the first Far Cry , this addition has a fully encompassed story. With a great antagonist and a above average story, it ends up as a game where you can feel satisfied at the end of your journey. No lame fetch quests or meaningless loops through the map just do something that didn't matter anyway. Just good story-telling and an introspective look in on the war-torn plains of Africa

    The Bad

  • The Pacing

  • - Although not a major flaw, Far Cry 2 does drag a bit. The pacing can be fairly slow at times and for a player with a smaller attention span, it might not be enough to keep track of. Not an issue in my opinion, but perhaps other might not have as much patience

  • The Map System

  • - I'm sorry, but its just bad. Yeah its immersive because instead of the typical mini-map you actually have to use a paper map, and an GPS when driving, but half of the dang roads aren't on the map. Sometimes its hard to figure out where to go and it seems overly complex

    [h1] The Ugly

  • The Glitches

  • - Far Cry 2's fatal flaw is it's glitches. There aren't just a few small occurrences that are mildly inconveniencing, they can almost be game-breaking. The first and most noticeable is the bouncing glitch. All NPCs seem to be hopping up and down. Other than that some major issues are not being able to interact with quest givers or things to must interact with. ( Turning ON Vsync can fix some of these) The tutorial will actually break and not let you progress if you are too fast. Vehicles clip on invisible things. Enemies can see you through walls. Just some bad stuff


    Far Cry 2 is a great sequel and stands apart and in a separate category of its own when compared to the rest of it's franchise. It is an overall great and extremely immersive experience that allows the player to choose how they want to approach the world they've found themselves in. The Bad section of my review might seem like me grasping at straw because perhaps I am. This game is honesty great and if you're patient and willing to get your hands dirty learning the world, you can really have a great time, just watch for those glitches....
    83 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
    1752 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.07.20 02:40
    Super fun game. Totally my favorite in the Far Cry series.
    305 Produkte im Account
    14 Reviews
    1340 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.06.20 05:51
    Definitely worth it, not just one of the best Far Cry games, but one of the best Ubisoft games in general.
    425 Produkte im Account
    56 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    2263 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.06.20 00:35
    A very hard game to rate. Far Cry 2 is sort of a fever dream, in more ways than the malaria. This game was the first major open world game Ubisoft made, and it shows. This game is HUGE, to the point where it feels bigger than Far Cry 3. Nevertheless, this game is often empty and full of the most annoying mercenary outposts in video games. In a lot of ways Far Cry 2 had to be the middle child of the series; it's too open-ended to be like Far Cry 1, but too empty and unpolished to feel like 3.

    What really annoys me about Far Cry 2 is it is often realistic, but only in the most annoying ways it could possibly choose to be: guns break very fast and jam repeatedly, but you can't fix them. Your car smokes and blows up at the drop of a hat, but repairing it takes forever. You have to get medicine to fight off a malairia infection, but it's never relevant to the story. The missions feel realistic enough, but are often prescriptive and don't get the player invested. It really does make you feel like a mercenary doing a job, not someone playing a video game.

    The story of Far Cry 2 is the biggest part of the mixed bag that is this game: the Jackal is arguably the best antagonist of the Far Cry series (depends on how you like your villains), but he plays so little a role it doesn't feel like his morally gray words ever hit as hard as they should. The ending is fantastic, but it's stymied by the preceding 25 hours of gameplay.

    Overall I don't recommend Far Cry 2 AT FULL PRICE. If you like all the other Far Cry games and this is on sale, it's worth a playthrough, if only for the buddy system, which really should've been continued in later Far Cry titles. But at full price? There's just too many better options, even from Ubisoft's own catalogue.
    77 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    286 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.06.20 20:20
    What is Malaria?
    60 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    351 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.06.20 17:54
    Great game, loved it on the PS2, the steam version has game breaking bugs that do not allow you to progress, so for that reason I cannot recommend it.
    16 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    22446 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.05.20 00:21
    Played it for a bit, it’s alright
    99 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    2417 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.05.20 22:56
    It's a good game on it's own but not for everybody. This game is like a unbalanced ball stand over the edge and has it's pros and cons extremely. You may love it or hate it, there is no gray point. It's bad because it's hardcore; tough difficulty, unreliable guns (not just jams but also poor accuracy), bullseye shooter enemies, low body condition, no fast travel (only 4 places in a whole map and with a limited way) and respawning enemies with a reoccuring missions almost tastes like a dejavu. Buuutt it also has some nicest features like graphics are very nice even still today, realistic features and extreme details that even doesn't in latest FC games. Hardest difficulty will even challenge the best fps players and you won't feel like a rambo in africa but instead a regular guy who's trying to save his own ass by tricks and stealth. ONLY RECOMMENDED FOR EXPERT AND EXTREME PATIENT PLAYERS WHO'S LOOKING FOR A CHALLENGE IN A LOOONG RE-OCCURING JOURNEY.
    104 Produkte im Account
    80 Reviews
    696 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.05.20 20:21
    the only far cry game
    50 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    613 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.05.20 08:48
    stupid goddamn gun jammed on me mid fight
    23 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    288 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.05.20 02:46
    Far Cry 2 is BETTER than all the Far Cry games
    Far Cry 2 is a fun survival game
    162 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    1725 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.05.20 06:54
    The best Far Cry. Also among the best pre-2010 open world games.
    117 Produkte im Account
    34 Reviews
    14 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.05.20 16:38
    good good
    85 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    351 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.05.20 18:45
    Play with Redux mod and reshade on. Mwah
    63 Produkte im Account
    26 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    150 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.04.20 02:19
    this game is extremely boring. you're basically the only good guy on a huge map set in africa. it seems every single person you come across wants to kill you for no reason. the missions are really boring and repetitive. you go to a house. they tell you to kill someone. you need to go to the other side of the map. pass through checkpoints of bad guys that respawn after every 2 seconds. kill the target. rinse and repeat. the map is just one big area that seems like it was just the same small map just copied and pasted multiple times over. no real story. i played this for a few hours before just giving up. honestly not sure how anyone could like this game. it does run well though on modern machines unlike far cry 1 which had godlike ai.
    83 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    409 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.04.20 01:19
    Hot Death, Tragic Loss, Perfect Immersion:

    This experience is nothing but primal rage. raw frustration, and the type of fun that elicits suggestive noises from your bedroom. Far Cry 2 starts off with pleasant drive through the country side and a promise of beer. However, the happy little parasite in your body has other plans. No beer for you. ???? Instead, you wake up to Nietzsche quotes, gun fire, and men screaming like children. With barely a regard given to your fragile virtual life, the game mentions which way is up and bids you to crawl between explosions, bullets, bodies and questionable decor.

    The rest of the game is futility, chaos and hatred, incarnate. You will feel the heat, the struggle is real, and even the most Bob Ross of us may have to drop a few F-bombs with this title. Betrayal, greed, and unfair odds are the order of the day here. Each corner turned is either an opportunity or a death trap. On higher difficulties, do not expect to win a fight fairly. Fight dirty, be smart and run away to die horribly another day.

    I've been playing this game for nearly a decade now across multiple platforms. I still keep coming back to it. If you enjoy that rising feeling that comes before a tense fight, if you love the rush of trading bullets in a burning field, and if it really gets you off to cause a chain reaction of explosions, carnage and pretty lights, this game is for you. If that is you, and you've never played this soul crushing nightmare, I have some advice for you:


    Also, check out Far Cry 2 Redux. It's a mod that adds some nice changes to a multitude of things. The map, guns, difficulty, customizable gameplay, the works.
    50 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    358 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.04.20 08:47
    The world and the physic is well-made, graphic and gameplay maybe old and outdated, but the game's details is even better than the latest far cry at the moment ( far cry 5 ). Gun jam, tree and grass physics, buddy mechanics, dust, animation, etc... just so damn good and realistic. Ubisoft truly put ambitious and passion into this game, sadly, which they don't nowaday
    182 Produkte im Account
    103 Reviews
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    148 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.04.20 12:50
    Comparing this game to the beginning of the Far Cry series, its such visually unpleasing that I could not motivate my self to play it more than 2 hours. Everything looks so blurred and washed out that I have to concentrate to see enemies. The first part of the Far Cry Series was colorful and beautiful and comparing them ignoring they are 4 years a part from each other the textures are obviously better, but the coloring is just unbearable. Also comparing Far Cry 2 to games being released in the same year such as GTA IV, Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead it is not on the same production level. But gameplay wise Far Cry 2 made a huge leap forward compared to Far Cry 1, finally there is stuff to do apart from the main storyline.

    I would go as far as saying that Far Cry 2 is the worst Far Cry from a series of colorful games. Far Cry 1 had beautiful graphics and boring gameplay, Far Cry 2 has good gameplay and unpleasing graphics. Far Cry 3 than combined both and the series lived up to its full potential, so I would rather recommend you to play either Far Cry 1 to see where the series once started or Far Cry 3 to see it being perfected.

    85 / 100 Metascore
    5.9 / 10 User Score
    111 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    1309 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.04.20 20:13
    best one in the series, legit
    353 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    2227 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.04.20 13:50
    It's been said about Far Cry 2 that you either love it or you hate it, and that's true. The funny thing is, if you read reviews from both camps, they both cite the same features of the game as reasons why they love or hate the game. So each individual feature is either loved or hated. And because people naturally resist cognitive dissonance, if they hate most of the features, they'll find a reason to hate the rest. The opposite is true if they love most of the features.

    * The enemy population of outposts and bases that you just cleared respawn fairly quickly.
    * Every 10 minutes or so of game time, you have to take a pill to treat your malaria symptoms. You occasionally run out of pills and have to do a mission to get more.
    * Weapons degrade over time, and jam if they get too old.

    For instance, I really like the fact that the checkpoints respawn so quickly. It's probably my favorite feature of this game. The malaria pills mechanic, on the other hand, I could conceivably do without. But because I enjoy the rest of the game so much, I find a way to like having to take those pills. (As for the weapons jamming, yes this can happen in the game, but it is so easily avoided, I'm not sure why people complain about it so much.)

    It's all about the theme - the world of Far Cry 2 is dangerous. The country is a war zone. There are only a couple spots where you can safely walk around. On the rest of the map, you always need to be watching your back, as well as be aware of what's around the next turn. You need to plan your routes carefully. The stress of travel from one objective to the next is what makes the safe zones so precious. You learn to appreciate both because of the contrast.

    Far Cry 2 is very simple, compared to its successors. There are no over-the-top characters, like Far Cry 3's Vaas. There are no towers to climb to unlock parts of the map. There are no icons to clear, and only one collectible, which is the currency used to buy weapons and upgrades. You may not need to even worry about the collectibles, because you also receive the same currency for completing missions (I always pick them up because... hey, free money lying around). There is fast travel, but only between the four corners and center in each of the two areas, and there is no fast travel between the two areas. You could play through this game without using fast travel at all, because that's what the game is really about: getting from point A to point B, and surviving.

    The gameplay loop works like this: let's say you just got back into town (the safe zone) from your latest mission. You're beat up, low on ammo and health, but alive. First, you head to the weapon shop to spend your hard-earned money on a new weapon or an upgrade. Grab some health syringes while you're there. Then head next door (it's always next door) to the weapon warehouse to replace your weapons - once you've purchased a weapon once, you can always pick up a new one for free in the warehouse. That's how you avoid weapon jams: replace your weapons at the warehouse whenever you can (I also rely on the weapons mounted on vehicles quite a bit - they don't jam and have unlimited ammo). Next, look at your map. Now you have a choice - do you want an unpaid mission from one of your buddies, that will increase your relationship with them? Do you need to do a mission for the underground to get more malaria medicine? Do you just want to do an assassination mission for money? Or do you want to do one of the main story missions (also for money)? Go get your mission. Now you've got an objective - maybe 2, but you should always do the blue optional objectives. They're more fun!

    Now, you've got to plan out how you're going to get to your objective. Are you going to go by boat, which is a little bit safer, but might take a little longer? Or are you going to go by road, a more direct, and more dangerous, route? You'll probably plan a combination of both, and of course, no plan survives first contact with the enemy. The second area has much more open waterways, but they are also more dangerous, so it forces a different mindset. The second area isn't just a copy of the first.

    Once you've arrived at the base where your objective lies, do you go in guns blazing, or find a spot to snipe from before you go in and clean up the stragglers? Maybe you could rush in, complete your objective (blow something up, assassinate someone, or pick up an object), and rush back out with minimal engagement. One favorite thing to do is shoot the numerous explosive barrels and other volatiles around a base to start a fire, and just watch the whole place burn (the fire in this game spreads very satisfyingly).

    The story is largely irrelevant, the characters mostly forgettable. There are no cosmetics to worry about - the vehicles are all dusty and dirty, and your character is invisible and unheard. He or she might as well be Gordon Freeman. This game is really about the decisions above - how will you survive until the next mission, hopefully with a few extra diamonds in your pocket?

    The graphics are damn good for a game that was released in 2008. I can't get through this review without mentioning the map mechanic, which I wish was present in more games: when you want to look at the map, your character holds it in his or her hand. The game does not pause, and there is otherwise no HUD to look at (although all vehicles have a tiny GPS map on the dashboard) - just another way the game, and the world inside it, has no mercy on you.
    49 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    1129 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.03.20 14:19
    This is, hands down, the most unique game in the series. Like, it's so detailed! Even though FC2 is pretty dated, it manages to put out some stuff i wouldn't expect from a game of this age. Sure, jams are annoying, but exploring the map while driving to a quest area is pretty interesting, sometimes i'd stop by to look around to get some info about the game world.
    The buddies are awesome as well. A buddy only appears when you're badly hurt and saves your sorry ass, and he's actually good at shooting unlike some games. And rescuing them? Oh man, it's probably one of the only games, which allows to put your buddies out of their misery. Where else could you do that?
    I won't go over everything, but this game IS awesome. You won't like it, if you don't like exploration and experimenting with weapons and other items though. If you do like these things, you'd like Far Cry 2
    17 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    475 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.03.20 02:18
    Far Cry 2 is a game where weapons jam, fire spreads, and malaria kills... and yet I love it. The sequel to the middling original Far Cry is much more realistic with African civil wars, portrayed with a deep seriousness that Ubisoft usually trys to say away from. The game borrows much of its ideas from immersive sims, but still retains the combat of an action adventure. This works to great lengths in immersing the player in the situation and making all actions feel meaningful. One thing I do hate is how no matter how much I help them, both side of the conflict just seem to hate my character like he is their in-laws and its Thanksgiving. But I recommend Far Cry 2 to all gamers who have ever dreamed Stalker but not completely broken.
    348 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    921 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.03.20 02:10
    Many hours on ps3. I must say this game is awesome. The feeling of being alone, the realism, the way things catch fire, the enemy ai, the little details here and there: they all add up. If i could remake any game, this would be it. Also the fact that its a really small download size and runs on almost anything is a huge bonus. (you may need to limit the fps to 45 for some parts of the game on modern systems, physics can bug out sometimes) They truly dont make games like this anymore. i enjoy all the far crys but this one has quite a specific flavour, and its one that I love.
    76 Produkte im Account
    25 Reviews
    377 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.02.20 08:27
    I have no words for this game, go with the flow.
    72 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    1960 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.02.20 15:20
    259 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    1668 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.02.20 12:57
    This is the story of someone just driving around town and finding diamonds but jerks just keep appearing to bother them and guns just keep breaking and it really makes them want to go to a safehouse and have a nap.
    1504 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    7740 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.02.20 01:54
    Grand Theft Africa! I swear, you steal most cars in this game than you do in Grand Theft Auto. Oh, hey, I need to get to point B, let me just take this car. No need to hotwire, everyone leaves their keys in the cars. :)

    This is a great game. It really held up over the years. I played it in 2020. Once you can fix the FPS issue (put -RenderProfile_MaxFps 60 into launch options) the game runs great. Had no crashes in all the hours I played.

    There are really only two complaints that I would have about Far Cry 2. The first one is that the enemies respawn very quick, even in areas that you 'clear' like checkpoints. I thought they would stay gone after I cleared it, but nope, walk a little down the road and go back, and everything will have respawned. The second complaint that I had was that the GPS feature (highlighting signs to point you in the right direction) only really worked when you got close to your destination. If you were too far away you will have to have your map out to help direct you.

    The story was okay. I won't say it is my favorite Far Cry story, but it was okay. It was enough to drive this very combat heavy game. You will be fighting a lot in this game. I didn't try to really be stealthy at all, and I just went in guns blazing, and it was fine. There is enough cover in the game to take cover, heal up, and get back into the fight in all the areas.

    It was a really enjoyable game. Sure, I never really knew what weapon I was using because I don't know the shapes of weapons, but I figured out which weapon shape I liked. It really held up over the time, and the fire effects are pretty impressive even for 2020.
    348 Produkte im Account
    96 Reviews
    144 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.02.20 07:50
    Best Far Cry game
    Logo for Far Cry 2
    Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
    78.88% 5892 1578
    Release:23.10.2008 Genre: Ego-Shooter Entwickler: Ubisoft Vertrieb: Ubisoft Engine: Dunia Engine Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: FarCry
    Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop
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